The New “Astral” Currency Is Coming – International Edition

A Global Reset of the Orion Monetary System After Its Total Collapse This Year

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, June 1, 2016

first published on March 1, 2016

Translations of this article are available in the following languages:












Foreword: Clarity on the Final Ascension Scenario

Georgi Stankov, August 26, 2018

I was urged by the Arcturians with whom we are now in constant contact and who supervise the final stages of the ascension scenario to re-publish this pivotal article on the Astral Currency. It is the spiritual foundation for a total reset of the current Orion monetary system that holds the old dark matrix together. The latter is based entirely on the daily promotion of basic survival fears in the 1st and 2nd chakra by creating scarcity and outright poverty for the vast majority of humanity. These fears are now being consequently eradicated by the new circular magnetic rainbow energies that entered Earth on July 27th.

The upcoming shift that will be triggered by our ascension will bring about in the first place a deeper understanding of our true past. No sentient human being can really identify with its civilisation, unless it is fully aware of its historical past. And the history of humanity has been totally falsified by the PTW. The current society is a deplorable image of this profound manipulation of human history. Only when humans fully accept that its history is much older than the 2-3000 years of written history and that Lemuria and Atlantis are not only an integral part of its past but are also deeply stored in our DNA and soul matrix, as we all have numerous incarnations in these civilisations that simultaneously exist in the Now, they will be also ready to embrace their true multidimensional, immortal nature.

In the last days, we have begun to receive all kinds of codes and information about all our incarnations in different planets, galaxies and dimensions in preparation for our final transfiguration into multidimensional beings. The new 5D humanity will be also multidimensional and will be fully embedded in the loving community of highly evolved transgalactic civilisations, whose representatives we are here on the earth. Lemuria and Atlantis were the joint endeavour of many such advanced civilisations, some of which are now aligned in the Galactic Federation and help the ascension of Gaia. For instance, in the last days we are in constant contact with the Arcturians as we have incarnations within this 9D civilisation, notwithstanding the fact that we are Elohim, just as we are humans now.

And this brings us to the key role which the new cities of light will play in uncovering the true history of mankind. We have already numerous stories on Atlantis and Lemuria, as well as Agartha, also known as the Inner Earth, some of them handed down from old manuscripts, such as the works of Plato, but most of the stories come from channelled sources of recent origin. However, although many of these stories can be found on the Internet, they have not had the necessary sweeping impact on the collective human consciousness as they should have from a gnostic and cognitive point of view. Here we have the same situation as in science, where the discovery of the Universal Law and the development of the new General Theory of Science exists for more than 20 years, precisely since 1997 officially, and nothing has changed in the derailed mindset of the scientists as they stubbornly and fearfully reject these new ideas that make their fake science obsolete. This shows that human fears are the key and only factor that prevents disclosure and human evolution and not the existence of evidence or the lack thereof.

It has never been about the availability of information but about the perceptibility of truth by human beings. As long as the latter is suppressed, no revelations will matter and will have the desired psychological effect – namely, to expand the awareness of the people for their true nature as multidimensional beings. And this is what it is all about in the current ascension process.

True revelations are possible now and they were possible many years and even centuries ago, hence the demands of many light workers to their governments to make a disclosure about the existence of ETs is so naive and outright stupid that it disqualifies such individuals as spiritual thinkers. This is the actual intellectual problem of humanity since eons of time and I have discussed it in great depth and detail in numerous articles on this website.

In order for humanity to accept its true identity and past, it must be confronted directly with it. And there is no other alternative to that than to manifest the cities of light, at first at some selected places and interceptions with the current reality on the planet, before they can appear in their full magnificence. These cities of light will be a new synthesis of Lemuria as New Lemuria and New Raetia as New Atlantis. They will be the “selected land of Agartha” which exists and has ascended a few years ago to the 7th dimension as reported on this website. When I first started with my LBP in 1997 I got a message from the HR that it is my mission to realize this selected land of Agartha on the earth.

Since then Telos under Mt Shasta no longer exists and the Agarthans have been silent until recently when they established again contact with us a few weeks ago. But the leading role is now taken over by the Arcturians as once when we opened the stargate 11.11.11 with their help and created the rainbow bridge to the 5th dimension. Many of us ascended firmly during the successful opening of this portal and are here only as avatars, or as some uneducated light workers describe as “hybrids” in complete ignorance of the existence of the LBP in humans. But this is another story.

When the new cities of light, which we have created in Italy and Central Europe (New Raetia), in Vancouver and along the Pacific Coast (New Lemuria), in South America in the Andes (Terra Nova) and also a number of smaller cities of light as those in Bulgaria (New Pulpudeva) and in Slovenia (New Ljubljana) will appear in the coming days – and there is a high probability that this may happen in September – then the true history of mankind will have to be accepted finally by the entire humanity. This event will have such a cathartic effect on mankind that this alone will trigger the final global ID shift, which all “light proles” are now describing as “the Event”. Before this can happen, the cities of light must emerge and if currently only a few people are talking about these cities of light, it is because they are not consciously aware of their creation, even though they participate in it at the soul level.

The second indispensable prerequisite is the release of all awakened humans from the shackles of the Orion monetary system and matrix. That is why, immediately with the manifestation of the cities of light, the new Astral Currency will be fully implemented based on new advanced technologies of communication and transactions. This will create immediate abundance for all people who will live in the cities of light and whose energies will match these high 5D vibrations. For all low-vibrating humans, it will be torture to even visit the cities of light as their entire negativity will come to the fore.

Therefore, in the beginning, there will be a small number of spiritually evolved humans who will be able to live in the cities of light but their number will begin to rise exponentially as the masses begin to realize the beauty and the bliss of the new way of human life in the 5D. This would say that the new cities of light will be the embodiment of Lemuria and Atlantis in a new splendour – they will be the renaissance of mankind and Gaia in their pristine beauty and that is why this all has to begin here from Italy (ancient Rome) which is the Alpha and Omega of all human incarnations on Gaia.

The Astral currency will have the most important psychological function to release all humans who embrace this system of transactions from all their existential fears of survival which the current monetary Ponzi system daily evokes. With this huge release and expansion of awareness, the masses will be also ready to embrace the new theory of the Universal Law, which will need some more time until it is fully comprehended at the deep intellectual and emotional level. After that, the final Shift can happen for most humans as all shifts take place from within and are the result of a steady and consistent inner intellectual work and spiritual evolution. Of course, the cities of light will also offer numerous healing centres and possibilities for many humans as part of their ongoing ascension to higher frequency levels.

Needless to say that these cities of light can only be run with the help of other transgalactic civilisations from where we come and where our soul families and monads are energetically fully embedded. After all, the new 5D humanity will also be a transgalactic civilisation and will have to learn to communicate with all these “ETs” in order to progress and prosper.

With this, I have only outlined the inner imperative of the upcoming spiritual revolution which the appearance of the cities of light and the simultaneous introduction of the Astral currency will trigger in the entire humanity in the course of this year. And as has always been the case in the past, the masses will need new leaders to show them the way to heaven and this will be our mission as ascended masters and Logos Gods.

After all the new earth is our creation and this has been consciously known to us at least since 2013 when Carla and I became Logos Gods and were cheered by all ascended masters in the Mother Spaceship of the Galactic Federation in numerous messages. Since then we created the new Golden Galaxy, the new original Earth, and cities of light and all this has been reported in real-time in a seamless chronicle on this website that is unique in the entire history of mankind. It builds the foundation for the future spiritual revolution of mankind that will unfold this year and will expand in the coming years under our guidance as Logos Gods.


Dear George, you basically have written the Declaration of Independence, with included directions, for the true state of necessary existence for a multidimensional human being to operate in the state of Now and may be the most important document ever produced.  Congratulations. – Brad Barber


This is a key project I am cherishing since the 90s when I fully understood the nature of money as a mirror image of the properties of energy. According to the new physical and mathematical Axiomatics of the Universal Law, there is only energy, i.e. All-That-Is is energy. Hence any new monetary form that will substitute the current failed Orion-Ponzi financial system will have to express the properties of energy in an ideal manner. I have dedicated a plethora of articles on how this new digital, numerical system of payments and transactions should operate. Essentially, the new monetary system will function as the SI system in physics and will have no value in itself.

By the way, I have proved that all physical dimensions and units in the SI system can be reduced to two dimensions – space and absolute time (= frequency), which is space-time. Space-time is how humans perceive energy with their limited senses in a 3D world. I have shown how money reflects the properties of space-time, precisely the fact that space and time are canonically conjugated constituents that behave reciprocally to each other in a dialectical manner. When space expands, the frequency (time) decreases and vice versa. Space is inversely proportional to energy s ~ 1/E, while frequency is proportional to the amount of energy in a system f ~ E. It is also important to stress that linear (conventional) time is identical to space t=s, linear time is a pleonasm (synonym) for space.

The discrimination of these two identical physical quantities by the human mind is the source of all cognitive illusions of this species in an incarnated state.

In finance, the inflation of money, the amount of printed paper money is equivalent to space and this inflated currency is inversely proportional to the energy it carries, in other words, its value decreases. All observed monetary phenomena, such as inflation, deflation, devaluation, etc. can be easily explained with the nature of space-time as perceived energy by humans – with the reciprocal character of its constituents, space and time. This theoretical elaboration is indispensable for a proper understanding of the new currency project below.

Here I will present the new currency “Astral” that shall be introduced in all the new 4D worlds immediately after the current Orion monetary system collapses and the whole old matrix will be dissolved. There is no doubt in the meantime that this pivotal event will happen this year and the month of March seems to be a period of linear time with a high probability for the occurrence of this event. Hence the urgency of this key project in the ascension scenario for this uppermost mother planet.

Since the beginning of this year, I have entered a very intensive discussion with Brad to explore all the aspects of this new project and find out the optimal point in time to introduce the new “Astral” currency, first in the USA and then immediately thereafter worldwide. We have come to the unanimous conclusion that we are on the cusp of a total collapse of the financial system and that it is very important to be ready mentally and intellectually for this project when the global crash happens. Furthermore, we are aware of the fact that we create this project with our thoughts that is already a reality in the new 4D worlds.

As we have seen these last days and weeks, it is not so much that we shall ascend and disappear from this reality, but that we shall bring the 5D heaven here on this uppermost mother planet. This will happen initially for certain areas around the globe where cities of light already exist and where the vibrations of this holographic model have reached the threshold of the 12th level of upper 4D and prepare it for its phase transition into the new 5D reality. Sedona and Jerry are the way-showers in this intricate process of individual and collective ascension as we have already seen.

The phase transition to the cities of light will be first accomplished by the PAT and the first wave of ascension candidates and then many other second wavers and incarnated transliminal souls as walk-ins will follow us.  Their number is increasing exponentially again after the latest major ID shift in January when many of them experienced physical death on lower timelines.

In the following, I shall outline the basics of the new currency “Astral” that we shall introduce as ascended masters immediately after the total collapse of the Orion monetary system and the shutdown of all banks in the Western world. This new project, on which Brad and I are elaborating since the beginning of 2016 very intensively in daily correspondence that also includes a thorough analysis of the ongoing financial drama worldwide, is meant only as an interim solution in the transition period before the nature of money is understood by all the people so that it can be fully abolished.

This transition period describes the time immediately after the total collapse of the financial system, which may as well happen in March, but definitely this year, and will last as long as the collective consciousness reaches the threshold of full awakening. In order to understand how urgent this project is, you must bear in mind that the ruling cabal and their banksters have already plan B and plan C when their current plan A to enslave humanity through the financial yoke of the existing Orion monetary system fails.

For instance, there is now a lot of talk about a global reset of the financial system by introducing again the gold standard. The arguments are not new and they all end up in the attempt to save the current failed financial system and the old currencies, first and foremost the worthless dollar as the epitome of toilet paper money. Hence none of these plans present a viable solution, a true reform of the monetary system according to the new spiritual principles we, the PAT, advocate, but are only petty efforts to mend the old system and preserve the status quo. This, as we all know, will not happen and that is why we have developed the new “Astral” currency that will substitute the dollar, euro, yen and all the other fiat currencies.

This is Plan A of the PAT and all the first wavers, which will be the new ascended masters and Logos Gods of the new 4D worlds. They will represent the true spiritual hierarchy of the new humanity and this includes the introduction of a new just system of payments and transactions in the interim phase of the transfiguration of this mankind to a transgalactic civilisation.

All current critical experts in finance actually pour water in the mills of the ruling cabal with their inadequate financial proposals and ideas that stem from highly compartmentalized thinking and a total misconception of the guiding spiritual principles behind any human existence, evolution and creation.

These alternative thinkers, who Brad and I quote from time to time to keep you informed about the current state-of-the-art discussion in the financial sector, are not much different from the numerous economically and financially ignorant light workers who advocate the idea of the dark secret services about the existence of “hidden St. Germain’s funds” that will be opened miraculously to the masses by some obscure “enlightened” secret societies and will spread bonanza among all humans. Naiveté has always been the greatest trap for all humans which makes them easy prey to dark manipulations and lies.

I shall explain below what St. Germain’s secret funds truly are. He is now constantly in our fields and communicates both with Carla and me on various topics. As I have reported, he came to us with aplomb during the opening of the Christmas Portal on December 25th and promised to guide us in this final ascension phase. He has kept this promise and is around us all the time since then. He is encouraging Carla to use the violet-golden flame, the new Chohan of which she is, to transmute this reality and she is now using it in a very powerful manner to transform this unjust, deceptive Orion-Ponzi monetary system into a just system of payments and transactions that will bring prosperity and peace to the whole humanity. The essence of this new system will be the topic of this essay.

St Germain is inspiring me to develop and forward this project to the entire humanity as the only possible alternative when the old matrix fully collapses and the masses will be in utter despair. It opens the brightest perspective for the rapid transformation of present-day humanity into an evolved and enlightened transgalactic society. Although most of the elements of the new system of payments and transactions have been developed by myself about twenty years ago, St. Germain gave me the missing links in February 2016 that helped me to complete the new idea.

As I shall explain below, the new “Astral” currency will be a total reset not only of the old Orion-Ponzi financial system but also a total reset of the current human society. It will lead to the rapid abolition of the national state with all its repressive institutions, such as tax (state revenue) systems, central banks, all kinds of banks, and the entire judicial system dealing with these issues, including all drone professions such as accountants, financial and real estate brokers, etc., associated with these unproductive activities. Hence the scope of this project is of gargantuan proportions – it will be the actual driving force behind all the societal and economic changes that will very soon transform this humanity.

The Spiritual and Organisational Principles of the New “Astral” Currency

Recent History of the Project

The elaboration of the spiritual and organisational principles of the New “Astral” currency was inspired by my HS and most probably by St. Germain on January 27th for the first time when I asked the following theoretical question to myself and Brad in a letter to him:

“Dear Brad,

our last exchange of ideas led inevitably to the simple and key question:

“Why do we need all these investor guys with their funny money to come to us and sponsor our project when we know that their money is worthless and why wait for their minds to change for the better? It is as if “to fleece a mouse”, to quote a German saying – nothing will come out of these people?

Hence all of a sudden all the pieces of the new project came together regarding:

1) What you have said about Bitcoin, gold and other new alternative currencies.

2) What I have so far written about a new neutral digital numerical system of payments and transactions that will operate like a SI system in physics and will serve as a measurement of human achievements and needs without any value in itself.

3) your personal experience with Bitcoin and 

4) our assessment of the current situation on the ground – the intransigence of the financial guys and humanity as a whole and the irrelevance of their worthless money. It is as if trying to make a good wine out of vinegar.

In addition, comes a concept that I developed more than 10 years ago for a CEO of a big German bank with headquarters in Munich, whom I knew but of course he did not respond to it as he was scared by the boldness of my ideas. However, at that time my HS urged me to present this concept as it was part of the HR strategy for a change on this planet and I was the way-shower. Now I would like to amalgamate all these points.”

Before that, we discussed the possibility of establishing a new fund in the USA to promote new patents and technologies based on the new theory of the Universal Law. I have calculated that only the innovations and registration of new effective cell-stimulating drugs in the pharmaceutical industry will save up to $ 500 billion in futile R&D and will generate new sales in at least the same amount each year. Considering the massive death of all “unicorns” (new companies that allegedly develop innovative 3D technologies) in the USA in the current crisis after they have wasted hundreds of billions of dollars of invested capital without any return, I proposed to Brad that it is time to establish a new fund to promote the new technologies of the Universal Law, including new forms of treatment in the health care system and new technologies in the industry based on superconductivity.

We discussed the various possibilities of attracting new investors after they have lost a lot of money in the current financial crash that has wiped out since the beginning of this year more than $15 trillion of wealth.  However, we both had the uneasy feeling that our new project would not work the way we initially conceptualized it. As is the case with all such projects that are divinely inspired, one must think big and start from the basic premises of the new theory of the Universal Law.

We came to the conclusion that we do not need the current toilet paper money and its frustrated owners to honour our work and future contributions to humanity as ascended masters.

Instead, we shall create a new currency and establish the spiritual and organisational principles for the foundation of a new kind of emission and investment bank, which will be, however, not called a “bank” as this word has a lot of bad reputation. Instead we shall call it:

Emission and Investment Cooperative (EIC)

The new currency will function exactly as the digital numerical SI-system of payments and transactions I have presented in the past but will have the name :


Hence we shall create an EIC with a new currency “Astral”.

This new currency will be rooted in the implementation of all the new 4D and 5D technologies. Its assets will be the new technologies coming from the Light. Ultimately, this currency will be the representation of the ascension process of humanity and Gaia to higher dimensions before all money can be abolished. In this way, we shall achieve our goal very effectively and we shall eliminate the old rotten guys and their worthless paper money as they no longer serve us and because they do not represent the new ascending reality. Besides, the old currencies have to be eliminated anyway in the coming crash as this has been postulated and discussed by the PAT in the past.

The name “Astral” was deliberately chosen for the new currency. Apart from English which is a very reduced language in terms of grammar, all other languages have gender, German, French, Italian, Spanish and all Slavonic languages for instance. In this case “astral” is a masculine currency (“astro” would be neutral and “astra” feminine). It is more powerful to say, this item costs two astrals than to say it costs two astro, which is weak as a neutral noun. It sounds very much as “the Spanish real” at the height of Spanish real power when this empire conquered America. We need masculine energy behind the new currency to make the necessary transformation from the current debt-based, worthless fiat currencies such as the dollar to the new currency that will be rooted in the energetic power of the source. How? I shall explain below.

The new “Astral” currency and the EIC will follow precise, simple, self-evident spiritual and logical principles based on the nature of energy because money is only a substitute and a mirror image of the properties of energy:

1) The “Astral” will be available to everybody who accepts it independently of physical work but dependent on his/her real needs. It is an inviolable, divine right of everybody to possess and use this currency according to the spiritual principles that exclude greed, avarice, manipulation and speculation, etc. In other words, all human vices that arise from the notion of separation from the Source and the rejection of Oneness will not pertain to this currency. People who display these vices will have no access to Astrals and the EIC. They will have to put up with the old currencies, in case they still exist or to barter until they evolve sufficiently enough to accept the new currency which will bring immense abundance and prosperity to the whole of humanity, as I shall show below.

This exclusion will be implemented very easily by the following further principles and criteria:

2) There will be no interest rates or any other virtual derivatives or means that create artificial inflation of this currency.

3) There will be no speculation with respect to other still-existing currencies. These principles apply for the interim phase, later on, they will be self-evident when all other currencies cease to exist.

4) The new Astral has its assets in heaven, i.e. in all the new technologies that will come through this currency from the higher realms and through us as ascended masters and will be disseminated on the new earth in the interim period of transition before all money including the “astral” can be eliminated. There is another key reason why the new Astral currency is rooted in heaven, in the higher dimensions or the source, which I shall discuss in depth below.

5) At the beginning, the Astral will be pegged to gold (and silver), say 100 astrals for one ounce of gold. This will be done in an ideal way and all the owners of gold will accept this pegging. We do not need to possess a single ounce of physically mined gold to peg the astral to gold. Here are some considerations why:

– According to point 4), the new Astral has its assets in heaven, i.e. in all the new technologies that will come through this currency and will be disseminated on the new earth in the interim period of transition before all money including the astral can be eliminated.

– Gold is no asset at all from a higher perspective but it has gained historical importance as a universal means of accumulating material wealth in the old 3D reality.

– However, it cannot function as a flexible system of payments and investments due to its physical character and scarcity. Storage and transport of gold pose huge logistical problems to any gold currency in a dynamic and quickly evolving society and economy where money in circulation must be very easy, flexible to all conditions and fluent.

– That is why the cabal was able to easily eliminate gold as a currency when the last modern reset of the Orion financial system towards the NWO was done by Nixon in 1971. He abolished single-handedly the gold standard of the world currency dollar and thus created the current worthless fiat currencies.

– On the other hand, if all old currencies lose their value in the coming crash, this would not help gold to acquire its past importance as the elite may introduce another form of paper money that will exclude gold and there is a lot of fear among owners of gold nowadays that the state will confiscate all the gold and silver in the coming crash as the governments did during the Great Depression.

– If the cabal implements Plan B and creates new currencies based on minimal amounts of gold, this new gold standard will be only of symbolic character due to the fact that the actual amount of gold available on this planet is infinitely small compared to the amount of money in circulation necessary to keep the world economy afloat, even if all debt and speculative financial bubbles such as derivatives are being eliminated by a global jubilee. The dilution of this new gold standard will soon lead to the same situation as this year where the crash is inevitable and has already commenced.

Alchemical Gold Versus Physical Mined Gold

The idea to peg the new Astral currency to gold is both of practical and theoretical character.  Essentially, the new currency does not need any gold to reform the current fiat currencies and function in a perfect manner as we have discussed above. However, in the interim period of transition, we have to consider the collective mindset of humanity which is entirely clustered around the concept of money as something of greatest value. All human activities are now measured in money and there is a general notion that anything that does not attract money, as is the case with our spiritual activities, including writing this essay on money reset, is of no value. This is the classical Orion mindset of the current debased humanity in the End Time and we have to consider this deplorable human condition in our new project to reform this Ponzi financial system when it crashes in the coming days and weeks.

When the current fiat currencies lose all their value in the coming hyperinflation as a result of the unwinding of all debt in the form of bad loans, virtual derivatives and asset bubbles caused by infinite QE and printing money out of thin air, the people will demand in their desperation for a new currency that is based in real value. The argument that the new astral 4D and 5D technologies are valuable and sufficient assets of the new Astral currency may not convince many people, who will not be fully awakened when the crash will come and a new reset of the Orion monetary system will be necessary. In their prevailing agnosticism, they may tend to accept the bogus Plan B or C of the ruling cabal instead of our proposal for a new Astral currency. Especially as it will take some time for us as ascended masters to introduce the new astral technologies in the new 4D worlds.

As you may have noticed, all my argumentation deals with the transition of the current 3D holographic model to these new 4D worlds as in 5D, in New Lemuria, where we shall ascend, there will be no money from the very beginning. We will be able to immediately create anything we need and desire. These soul technologies of immediate creation will not need any form of money as an interchangeable system of payment and transactions for our immediate energetic creations. This should be cogent to all my enlightened readers who have followed our discussions on this website from the very beginning.

When I say that we have to accept physical gold for the time being as a gold standard for our new Astral currency, this is only done in view of the many people who have made their savings in gold and with respect to the human tradition where gold plays a key role as collateral of wealth. It is only a necessary compromise to bridge this interim period that will be characterized in the first place by a gaping discrepancy between rapidly ascending reality and still existing gnostic deficiencies among the masses that will prevent them from grasping the full scope of this cosmic change at the beginning. In fact, by pegging the Astral currency to physical gold gained in mines we will simply eliminate all the current unhealthy and bogus speculations in currency and gold exchange markets. By pegging the Astral to gold we will de facto eliminate gold as a collateral currency without the owners of gold being able to realize this at first. I will explain why.

My explanation has to do with the alchemy of gold and with us as the masters of alchemical reaction, both in physical bodies as shown on this website and especially as ascended masters in crystalline light bodies. It is well known that the concept of alchemy has evolved around the attractive idea that humans can create gold from other inferior and cheap metals and compounds in secret alchemical reactions. While nobody has ever proved this to humanity, there must be some truth behind this alchemical tradition that fascinates all human minds. Of course, it is not possible to produce gold from lead for instance, but as I learned recently it is possible to produce gold from mercury.

And here comes the bug. This alchemical gold is pure and has no isotopes. While all natural gold, even when it is 99.99999…% pure, contains various isotopes that can be used to determine where this gold comes from as every gold mine has its specific isotopic “fingerprint” that is known to the state mints. If you are in a position to produce pure alchemical, free of isotopes gold from mercury in an alchemical reaction, and try to sell it on the market, you will be arrested immediately because the cabal do not want humanity to create gold. I did not know this fact until recently, but then it triggered some further thoughts in my mind regarding our new currency project.

It is obvious that we can introduce the new Astral currency only after our ascension. Before that, the old matrix must fully collapse. The current rapidly dissipating 3D holographic model can be likened to two trains that travel at full speed in opposite directions  – the old matrix train into the abyss and the ascension train towards heaven. In this case, if we appear as ascended masters and present the new currency, we can always tell the people – with respect to their old point of view – that we can create alchemically as much gold as we need to found the new Astral currency on gold standard.

We must demonstrate that we can create pure alchemical gold, which should be peanuts for any ascended master. This does not mean that we shall create this gold in big quantities, just as today there is no longer any gold in the vaults of the FED or the other central banks as it was stolen by the cabal. But the very notion that such alchemical gold exists in the astral planes – hence the name of the new currency – and can be manifested by us anytime if needed, will be enough to establish firmly the new Astral as a world currency based on true gold standard when the dollar collapses. There are now a lot of rumours that this kind of reset may be in the making with regard to the old currencies, but it will be too late as we shall come up with our currency. That is why we must ascend before the final financial collapse happens and the dark cabal could make their own insidious reset of the old currencies.

It will be sufficient for the people to know that it is possible to create alchemical gold anytime and that there is no need for humanity to mine gold in the old cumbersome manner as at the time of the Neanderthalers who were genetically enigeneered by the PTW to work in the gold mines. The new Astral currency will not only be rooted in the new 4D and 5D technologies but also in the new gold standard based on pure alchemical gold as created by us as ascended masters. This will sweep away any critical arguments regarding the value of the new currency from a conventional point of view as there will be many small emission and investment cooperatives (EIC) which will create astrals on a local, community-based level as I shall explain below.

In this way we shall practically eliminate physically mined gold, which represents the dense 3D holographic model of incarnation and will substitute it with the new alchemical gold standard rooted in the higher realms. This is also the most effective way to eliminate all kinds of fraud and manipulation on the new currency as I will show below.

For the time being, we may use two gold standards:

– the physical gold standard, which will be of less value, and

– the new alchemical gold standard, to which only we as the new ascended masters and Logos Gods will have access and monopoly. This will be part of our spiritual hierarchy, so to say, the material symbol of our leading position in the new 4D worlds.

Of course, I am aware that I am talking now about an artifact as who needs gold in an evolved society that can only prosper without money as it is based on direct individual and collective creation. I am just putting forward this aspect for the interim period before the people learn to live without money and will be ready to discard our new Astral currency after they have comprehended the true nature of money. But in the meantime, this should be a powerful argument that will offset any attempts to compromise the new Astral currency.

Can you imagine, what it would be if you are able to create at any place on the planet gold or transport it from one place to another through teleportation in case it is necessary? In this case, we do not need to resolve any logistical problems regarding the storage and distribution of gold in a cumbersome 3D manner as for instance, the Dutch Central Bank has with its gold these days. This is where most gold-based currencies of the old way now fail. Now you can peg the new astral currency to alchemical gold in a fixed price and everybody will accept it as they must believe that we can create an infinite amount of gold. And believing is everything in finance and all human existence.

This is precisely what St. Germain’s secret funds truly represent, about which the New Agers are talking so much and in which they are investing such great expectations to save them from their difficult life in 3D. I realized this on February 2 (Groundhog Day when no shadow was seen and early spring, understand reset and Ascension, was predicted) to the full extent, although it is very simple. It is not a coincidence that St. Germain visited us on that day again and we felt immediately his powerful presence.

We have raised now our frequencies so high that such contacts are very easy. As you know, Carla is the new chohan of the violet-gold flame and thus the heir of St. Germain on this earth. She is under his guidance for more than two years now as reported on this website. I also sense him strongly as of late but we work together on a different level.

He inspires me to actively create new concepts for the new 4D worlds which will be populated predominantly by the new ripe souls who will finish with their young soul cycle during the incoming final ID shift as I have explained in my soul age model. The big wave of young souls that is on the cusp of entering the ripe soul age cycle currently live in North America and that is why I am here to guide them and to establish the social conditions for the new 4D humanity. As has become obvious these days, these souls cannot generate the necessary ideas on how to reform the current debased humanity to a new enlightened civilisation on their own and need badly my help.

This is also the reason why Brad and I decided to promote this project first in the USA and Canada before we can implement it worldwide. We also considered the fact that the dollar is the world currency with more than 65% of the total amount of money in circulation and that this fiat currency is the chief culprit for most financial fraud in the system.

Before we can establish the new “Astral” currency, the dollar must be abolished as a world fiat currency without any foundation. This is happening now during the impending financial collapse that is a world drama with many parallel and simultaneous acts. We have contributed significantly to this crash by bringing clarity about the real causes of this event of paramount importance in the ascension scenario. In a certain way, we can claim that we have written the plot of this drama  – in my case since 1997 – and then we have left the cabal and their banksters to act out the script we wrote for them how to oust themselves from power in the End Time.

This is essentially the purpose of this new project  – how to reset the old financial system and economy in an enlightened manner under consideration of all the spiritual and organisational principles that arise from the new theory of the Universal Law.

I am sharing this with you now in order to have a more complete overview and prepare your arguments accordingly when you ascend or when you will have to support this new Astral currency while still in a physical vessel. Because, although the success of this project is guaranteed and already a reality when we shall ascend, we should not ignore the possibility that very soon monies in old currencies may begin to flow into this project when the financial system will begin visibly to crash. The disappointed old investors with new transliminal souls as walk-ins may very well decide to come to us and beg us to ennoble their worthless money through our alchemical reaction and turn it into gold-based astrals. This all will be of highly symbolic character, as there will be no capital gains in the new currency system as I shall explain below. But what is the current Orion monetary system? It operates only with false symbols. Ours will be true instead.

Finally let me mention that pure, alchemical gold, free of isotopes, is also the best means to achieve longevity. It was already used by past civilisations and that is why we have the gold standard nowadays. It symbolized immortality and ascension. Pure alchemical gold will play a huge role in the future healing of human bodies in the new 4D worlds so that people can live 200-300 years or even longer. Abundance and longevity (good health) always go hand in hand. When the alchemical gold standard will be dropped, it will remain a symbol of human longevity and the inner endeavour of the incarnated soul to transcend this material reality, ascend and return to the Source.

Further Organisational and Ethical Principles of the EIC and the Use of the New “Astral” Currency

The emission and investment cooperative, EIC will be the new human organisational form of the new Astral currency. It will also follow several very simple, self-evident, spiritual and gnostic principles that reflect the essence of energy:

1) There will be no fractional banking and that is why we do not use the word bank, but EIC.

2) Emission of new Astrals. For instance, when a big project for the manufacturing of new technologies is about to start, there will be a financial plan that outlines all investments, such as the purchase of commodities, human workforce, etc. Then the amount of money will be immediately created by the EIC for this project. This is not a loan as in the new astral currency there will be no loans but only money in circulation that reflects exactly the amount of creationary work done by humanity.

3) The same holds true for any personal income. Anybody who accepts the astral, will receive automatically an income in astrals that will be easily calculated as an average income for a decent life in the new enlightened society.

4) In this way the new Astral currency will prohibit the occurrence of inflation which is the source of all evil in finance today. There will always be an ideal correlation one-to-one (a dynamic equilibrium) between money created and in circulation on the one side and the needs of the people and the assets of the real economy on the other side.

5) The Astral currency will automatically preclude the existence of private property and the accumulation of material wealth. For instance, when a new young couple wants to acquire a house as to have children, who will be the highest good in society, then the necessary amount of money to purchase a house will be automatically generated. Later on, this will not be necessary as there will be enough houses to live in.

6) Universal income will be guaranteed for all those who accept the Astral. There will be no savings and accumulation of wealth. If somebody is frugal and saves from his universal income, he can spend the rest on communal services on behalf of other people or make a donation for other creationary work in the collective. That is why I use the word “cooperative” instead of a bank.

Here are some further organisational rules as to how the new EIC will be founded and run:

7) We, the new ascended masters, shall establish the first central EIC according to our spiritual rules. It will be a major entity for the introduction of all the new 4D and 5D technologies.

8) But essentially every community can establish a local EIC as long as they follow our rules and have been granted permission by us. As we shall have a monopoly over the alchemical gold standard, nobody will be allowed to emit the Astral currency without our approval.

9) The future society will be organized around local communities as the national state with all its repressive institutions will be abolished forever and we, the ascended masters and the representatives of the new spiritual hierarchy on the new 4D earths shall be the driving force behind its abolition with the new Astral currency. In the first place this would mean that there will be no taxes, no IRS, no financial control, etc., but also no armies and other criminal activities such as narco-traffic that are now sponsored by the state on behalf of the ruling cabal. This is a very important social aspect of the new currency that is more than a simple reset of the old failed financial system. It will transform the entire human society.

The communities will be organized according to the principle of 12, 12 x 12 makes the smallest unit of 144 members, where 12 is the ideal number for a large family of three generations who will begin to live together again as was the case before the beginning of the 20th century, i.e. before the Orion cabal destroyed the traditional family with their rogue emancipation of the women. It is important that the children are taken care of and educated by their grandparents as the young parents will be too inexperienced in life. The parents will take care of their grandchildren when they are more ripe.  The current society with its Orion economic system of exploitation has split the family and the fundamental dynamic of the family unit shall be re-set.

This is a huge topic as to how the new society will be organized in a practical manner but it has a lot to do with the new Astral currency. 12 x 12 x 12 = 1728 members makes a bigger community, a kind of village nowadays. Such a community can apply and acquire the right to find a local EIC for its needs. It will be run as a cooperative and all decisions for new investments and emission of new astral accounts will be made democratically according to the best intention, for the benefit of this community and with due respect to other neighbouring communities that will also be based on spiritual principles.

10) All these entities (as local EICs) will be obliged to have total transparency on the Internet or a similar new network so that everybody can check the accuracy and trustworthiness of these emission and investment organisations. Before they are founded, they will need a special astral certificate from us and will be obliged to follow the spiritual principle of total transparency as outlined in the guidelines given to them by us as ascended masters.

11) This certificate can be withdrawn immediately by us if an EIC infringes on the new spiritual rules. We must reckon at the beginning with the fraudulent nature of humans and there will be quite a few black sheep. In fact, we shall know in advance if there are such potential fraudsters when an EIC is founded. But we may nonetheless give them a certificate to open it as it is still a planet of free will. As we shall have immediate knowledge of everything that is happening worldwide, we can quickly intervene when there is fraud and close a local EIC. The people involved will have to use a neighbouring EIC and after they get rid of the culprits they can apply again.

12) The most important thing is to teach people that fraud is not worth trying as one reaches the furthest with honesty.

13) All such decisions to withdraw an EIC certificate will be immediately published on a worldwide register for all people to read, including a precise description of the type of fraud. Everything will be based on full transparency and immediate action.

14) Nobody who has committed fraud will be punished, but only excluded for a while from the Astral system until he/she learns to behave honestly. I am sure this will be a very easy game for us. And this kind of immaculate justice will be understood and honoured by everybody as it will hurt nobody but will only expose most effectively any injustice or lie. This is immediate karma in action.

15) It is very important that such EICs will be established simultaneously all over the world as this is the easiest and most effective way to eliminate the national state as the source of all evil – from financial and political fraud, to wars and genocide. Hence the actual ramifications of the new Astral currency will be much bigger and manifold than just reforming the financial and economic system. It will be the stepping stone for the new enlightened humanity. Hence the importance of its theoretical elaboration now so that it can be implemented with one fell-swoop when the critical point in time is reached. And it may as well be in March, but definitely not much later, the way the events are beginning to unfold in February.

We are now creating the reality we shall experience when the old matrix dies and then descends visibly on this uppermost mother planet. The new reality will be only for the more enlightened souls first, but it will intercept with the old descending one for a while to serve as a bridge for many fence straddlers to come to us. This is how I see it now. This energetic co-existence will be short-term, but it will be the most critical phase in the whole transformation process when swift and optimal decisions are mandatory to curtail the negative aspects of the collapse of the old Orion matrix.

We must therefore have crystal-clear ideas of how the new currency system will principally operate so as to establish it on a global scale when the final ID shift will come. If we do not do it, there is nobody else. We have to start thinking big, which means including the entire humanity and not leaving anybody in the rain. Then it is up to them to decide whether they want to “dance in the rain” or use our umbrella. But not in the old way when banks offered you an umbrella for sunny days and took it away when the rain began. We should do it better.

As I mentioned already, our EIC will be a major central cooperative as it will be responsible for the introduction of all the new technologies on a global scale. The power and the acceptance of the new Astral currency will lie in the general acknowledgment of the people that it is a just monetary system of payment and transactions for the interim period until all money is eliminated and that it is, among many other things, a powerful vehicle for the promotion of new advanced technologies that will improve immediately the life of the people worldwide.

Besides, the fact that every community will have the divine right to issue astrals if they comply with the ideal spiritual principles as advocated by us through the central EIC, the very nature of this currency being rooted in the HR will convince the people that this is the only money system that is just and not only for the benefit of the whole humanity as long as it dwells in the new 4D worlds, but that it also embodies the ascension process in a very concrete manner.

I read in a famous textbook on economics written by a Nobel Prize winner (not that I care much for them) years ago what is the key question of economics: “What is money? Why does money exist?” – The answer was: “Money exists only because it is accepted by the people.” As we see, already the old theory of economics implies that we do not need any specific money to organize our economy and social life. As long as a particular digital form of payments and transactions is universally accepted as a system of measurement of human creationary activities, it will meet the needs of humanity and will function in a perfect manner as a mirror-image of energy = All-That-Is. In the knowledge of this function, the new Astral currency will be universally accepted by the entire new humanity. Because it will be a guarantor for true democracy and the biggest barrier for a new enslavement of humanity which the ruling cabal will try to install with a bogus reset of their collapsing Ponzi system before they will be ousted from power this year by our appearance as ascended masters.

The new Astral currency will have all the spiritual power because it is rooted in heaven, because it is part of the ascension process of humanity, hence the name, and because it will be the vehicle for the introduction of new technologies,  that will transform humanity to a transgalactic species.

Gold has no such assets. But we can use gold as an intersection to the material world for a while in order to distance ourselves from the old fiat currencies that will crumble very soon. Hence the urgency of our project.

Those who possess physical gold, can exchange it with Astrals if they wish so as they will surely not exchange it with dollars when it loses its value in the coming hyperinflation when one ounce will be worth at least 20,000 dollars or more what would these people then do with this toilet paper money? It will be the same as during the inflation in Germany in the 20s and in Yugoslavia in the 80s which I personally experienced. Nobody used paper money in these countries when hyperinflation hit them. These currencies will simply vanish from circulation and the new astral will quickly substitute them.

In the short interim period, all transactions, e.g. in stores etc. can be made in Astrals and other local currencies before they are abolished by using the same electronic devices. In Europe, two years before the euro was introduced, we got our bills in the two currencies, in the euro and in DM in Germany. While our currency will be pegged to both physical gold and pure alchemical gold and will not be an object of devaluation, the dollar and all the other national currencies will be hugely devalued towards gold and the Astral. This will be factored into the prices of goods and all other bills. Hence there will be some people who will continue using the old currencies before they decide to come to us and accept the astral in this interim period.

This is grosso modo the essentials of our new currency project that will be the most powerful tool of the PAT as ascended masters to transform this society. This explains the urgency of this project so that we are prepared when the financial crash and ID shift come. This will be the time of our ascension and the immediate implementation of the new Astral currency. In order for this to happen we must develop this concept now. First comes the idea and only then its materialisation as an external reality.

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