Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Kant. Philosophische Quellen als Hintergrund zur neuen Pantheorie und Gnosis des Universalgesetzes

– Philosophische Studie –

Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Kant
Philosophic Sources as Background to the New Pantheory and Gnosis of the Universal Law

– Philosophic Study –

by Georgi Alexandrov Stankov

Copyright 2007, 324 pages, German Language

Short Summary

This philosophical book begins with the central gnostic problem of modern science, which emerged at the beginning of the 20th century – the Foundation Crisis of Mathematics. This topic is specially covered in the scientific publication “The Universal Law of Nature“, originally written for Wikipedia.

This fundamental theoretical problem dominated the scientific dispute in Europe for almost half a century. After WW2, the problem was still vivid in the minds of most pre-war scientists, at least in Germany. North America and Great Britain did not participate in the dispute from the very beginning. Both cultural regions were so intoxicated by the empirical doctrine, which was a further narrower application of English Empiricism in the field of science and research, that they were immune to this discussion and did not even perceive the existence of such a problem.

Even in the 70s, the awareness of this fundamental unresolved problem of science still existed, as the author confirms by quoting a special essay on this topic, published in 1974 in the German Mayers Encyclopedia. After that this problem disappeared from the radar of all scientists, so that today one cannot find a single theoretician, who has even heard of this problem, not to say, is aware of it at the theoretical level.

This is the actual “Fall from Grace” of present-day empirical science. It is the chief theoretical source of its total agnosticism with respect to the Nature of All-That-Is. This critics is a leitmotif in all books of the author, published on this website.

From a scientific point of view, one can sustain that this failure of all scientists to comprehend the scope of the ongoing Foundation Crisis of mathematics and to make an effort to solve it, is their greatest intellectual crime in front of humanity.

This fact will surge in the course of this and next year on the surface of the collective consciousness of mankind, after the author has ascended and has demonstrated the immortal, transcendental Nature of human existence. This evidence will be substantiated by further waves of Ascension prior to the Mass Ascension of humanity and earth in December 2012.

These apocalyptic events of cosmic proportions will convincingly demonstrate to all people why science has failed to grasp the Nature of All-That-Is and thus could not foresee the process of Ascension, which is ongoing since the first harmonic convergence took place in 1987 and has accelerated dramatically after the opening of the gate portal 10.10.10 last year.

Many unpleasant questions will be posed to the baffled scientists as to why they have failed to discern these events and inform humanity in due time. Some of the reasons will be found in their total, though not always visible, manipulation by the Powers That Be on this planet , the Anunnaki and the Reptilians from the Orion/Reptilian Empire, who have been pulling the strings of human civilisation and science from the 4th dimension since eons of time. This aspect has been covered by the author in his last book “The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction..

In this book, he commits himself to the tedious intellectual effort to show in detail, why all philosophers and theoreticians have failed to establish a congruent and logical weltanschauung in the past, which would have enabled them to discern the true Nature of human existence and of All-That-Is, to which humanity will be heading in the coming months. The book thus anticipates and furnishes the ultimate explanation for this total disaster of science – be it philosophy or experimental research.

This revelation will lead to the greatest crisis of science that is rooted in the unresolved Foundation Crisis of mathematics, which has been known to the human race for almost 80 years. One could explain this ignorance and the lack of intellectual responsibility of human scientists with the dumbing down practice of the aliens from the Orion Empire, who have had full control of this planet for the last somewhat 10 000 years. But this explanation is much too simple.

The truth of the matter is that many incarnated entities have come to earth at these historical End Times exactly with the aim of discerning some transcendental scientific truths that will lead them beyond the hallucinatory perception of the 3d-reality, which is currently the only object of study of present-day empirical science. Purely for this reason, they have planned prior to this incarnation in their soul contracts to choose the profession of a scientist or a researcher.

It is not a coincidence that the number of scientists currently living on Earth exceeds by far and large the number of all scientists, who have ever lived on this planet in the past. Many incarnated souls have chosen the path of the scientist in this particular incarnation in the End Times, in the hope that they will be able to overcome the labyrinth of firmly established scientific lies and blunders, and will find their way back to the Source, as this has been accomplished by the author in a paradigmatic way in the field of Science and Gnosis in his last incarnation as a human soul.

The upcoming crisis of science will be an integral part of the much greater crisis of human civilisation, which has already begun with the financial crisis in this August and will explode in the fall of 2011, affecting all aspects of human existence. It is very important to state clearly at this place that there is not a single aspect or structure of the current social, political, economic, financial, and, least but not last, scientific life of earth that will survive the upcoming sweeping events, which will transform the narrow-minded human species to multidimensional, transgalactic entities with the incredible creative power that humble human beings have attributed in the past to the particular Gods of their religions.

The present book is a modest but extremely valuable, contribution to this awakening of humanity in the glorious End Times prior to Ascension in the 5th dimension. This event has been announced by all authors of the New Testament in one or another way, and there have been numerous other prophecies in the past.

The Author discusses in his book “Neoplatonism and Christianity” that Origenes, the father of Christian theology, has known about these future events 1800 years earlier and has elaborated them extensively in his famous “Four Books About the First Things”. Therefore, humanity should not lament, when the apocalyptic events begin to unfold in the fall of this year, and total confusion will hold mankind firm in its grip and will rapidly spread around the globe.

The Higher Realms of Cosmic Providence that shape the destiny of this planet and human civilisation have always given notice in advance to human beings on future pivotal events, even when they did not want to see or hear, as Jesus lamented 2000 years ago. Therefore, the only thing, all human beings must do in the current End Times, is to begin to use their ears to hear, and their eyes to see.

The current book is also full of such prophetic statements about the End Times in the field of philosophy, where the event of Ascension can be tackled on a more abstract level so that it loses its fearful character. On the other hand, the author is fully aware of the fact that this book will only be fully comprehended by a few philosophers on the Old Continent, as the thinkers, he is critically assessing in his treatise, are virtually unknown in the New World and in other parts of this planet.

Even in Europe, it is a rarity to find somebody, who is truly competent in philosophic matters and has a profound knowledge of the works of the most prominent thinkers of Western civilisation. Therefore, the academic objective of the author was not to write a bestseller on philosophy, as this is practically impossible under the current deplorable conditions on this planet, but to prepare the ground for true philosophical, transcendental thinking, which will fully unfold after Ascension in the 5th dimension.

At this level, the capacity of the human brain will be extended from the current 8-10 to 50 and more percent, and such abstract philosophical disquisitions as presented in this book will no longer be considered a boring torture of narrow human minds, but a highly esteemed spiritual activity, as this must have been the case with Socrates’ pupils in Antiquity, if one reads Plato’s dialogues from this perspective.

Therefore, let us throw a quick glimpse into the content of this book, although it is practically impossible to write short summaries of philosophical books. One either reads them from beginning to end or keeps silent on philosophical matters. If this rule would have been diligently observed in the past, most of the cacophony in Western philosophy could have been spared to ignorant humanity, and this discipline would not have suffered its deepest crisis in the present times, which are the End Times.


The first great thinker, discussed by the author, is Descartes. He is the founder of modern science, known at that time as Cartesianism. Very little is left of this school of thought in the present times because much of it has impregnated numerous other ideas and concepts and can be hardly traced back to Descartes.

He was a staunch advocate of the axiomatic, mathematical method in science and philosophy and was dreaming of creating a universal science of mathematics, which he called mathesis universalis. However, contrary to most mathematicians after him, he wanted this mathematical method to be firmly rooted in human intuition, which is the level, at which the soul communicates with the incarnated entity.

The last attempt to root mathematics in human intuition was made during the famous Foundation Dispute on Mathematics (Grundlagenstreit der Mathematik) in the first half of the 20th century when a group of Dutch mathematicians around Brouwer tried to solve the Foundation Crisis of Mathematics by means of human intuition. Although this approach was absolutely correct, it was considered so radical by other mathematicians at that time, that it was brutally suppressed – first and foremost, by Hilbert, who fought a fierce, and, on many occasions, rather nasty battle against the Dutch intuitionists. This is an important chapter in the history of mathematics and theoretical science, which is completely forgotten nowadays.

The author elaborates on all the gnostic assets of Descartes’ philosophy from the point of view of the new General Theory of the Universal Law and goes in his interpretation beyond the initial intent of this ingenious thinker. He comes to the conclusion that it has been a privilege and great luck for Western science to have commenced with such a clear mind, although his intellectual heritage has been grossly neglected by all thinkers and theoreticians in the following four centuries. Today, it is virtually impossible to find a single specialist on Descartes, who can assess his works from a scientific point of view and go beyond current agnostic empiricism.

The Cartesian “Proof of God” cogito, ergo sum -, which departs from the Primary Term of human consciousness, is elucidated for the first time in the history of philosophy from an axiomatic and mathematical point of view. This elaboration is a highlight of the book.

The next philosopher to be discussed is Spinoza. His classical work “Ethico Ordine Geometrico Demonstrata” (Ethics Presented According to the Geometric Method) is analysed from the point of view of the physical and mathematical axiomatics of the Universal Law.

In the past, mathematics, respectively geometry, was considered to be the peak of exact science. This tradition can be traced back to Euclid, who influenced with his Geometry all subsequent ancient philosophers, including Plato and Aristotle. Since then, any philosopher with a modicum of logical thinking knew that the only way to develop a true categorical system of human Gnosis, which is what philosophy is all about, is to stick to the axiomatic method as first introduced by Euclid in his Geometry.

Today, if a philosopher declares that he has the intention to write a book on ethics from the point of view of Geometry or, say, Stochastic, he will be considered insane by his peers, and there is a great probability that he may end in an asylum. At the time of Descartes and Spinoza, Geometry was the “etalon” – the absolute unit of reference – of all true science. This aspect is not at all comprehended in current shallow modern philosophy.

Exactly this endeavour of Spinoza to present human ethics according to the geometric method, became his gnostic Waterloo. Why? Because he was not aware of the concept of Axiomatics – the derivation of all axioms and statements from one primary axiom, the validity of which is self-evident, in a logical manner that excludes any contradictions, inconsistencies, and paradoxes. This is what Axiomatics is all about, as first employed by Euclid in his Geometry and later on proclaimed as the only true scientific method by Plato and Aristotle.

As these ancient thinkers exerted a huge influence on all subsequent Western philosophers, until English empiricism emerged on the scene and spoiled profoundly human scientific thinking, this axiomatic ideal was inherent to all philosophical efforts to acquire true knowledge on the Nature of All-That-Is.

The initial concepts and ideas, which Spinoza introduces at the beginning of his Ethics, are not at all defined, and this ambiguity opens an abyss of arbitrary interpretations. As he subsequently derives all his further statements and axioms from these first terms, at least in an optical manner, he actually augments the confusion, which he has already introduced at the beginning with his unclear first definitions.

Spinoza’s Ethics is thus paradigmatic for all human efforts in the past to put philosophy on a sound scientific ground while having at the same time no idea of true science. We shall observe the same philosopher’s fiasco later on with Kant.

The author rejects the whole Ethics of Spinoza outright because this thinker has failed to understand the axiomatic, geometric method, which he has borrowed from Euclid. Nonetheless, this philosophical treatise contains some valuable ideas, especially with respect to human affectations (emotions).

Next comes the Monadology of Leibniz. This last universal thinker of Western civilisation, before this author appeared on the scientific scene, is of greater importance to science than to philosophy, simply because he developed the infinitesimal calculus and contributed decisively to the mathematization of science in the following three centuries, first and foremost, of physics.

Leibniz’ Monadology is considered a cornerstone of Western philosophy. This opinion is not shared by the author, who proves extensively why this work is trash. One has to read his book in order to follow his arguments in detail, as the Monadology is discussed in its original French version, The first German translation, which circulates for many years in academic circles, is a free interpretation of the original text and should be discarded as wrong and confusing.

Finally comes Kant, who is the nightmare, not only of all German “Neo-Kantianers”, but also of all philosophers, who have succumbed to the irrational impulse of studying German Idealistic school. The author remembers a Japanese professor of philosophy in Heidelberg, who was completely lost in his studies on Kant, and how his overwhelmed, convoluted Japanese mind virtually collapsed and disintegrated in front of Kant’s alleged authority, instead of exploring the reasons, why this most revered European thinker has failed on virtually any topic, upon which he has touched with his pedantic feather.

The “Kritik der reinen Vernunft” (The Critics of Pure Consciousness) is considered to be the peer work of Kant’s philosophy and is thus at the centre of the critical reassessment of this philosopher in the present book. The approach of dismantling Kant is similar to that of Spinoza.

The author analyses the basic concepts of the Critics in its introduction, from which Kant derives all his subsequent ideas for his “Transcendental Elementary Study”. The difficulty lies in the fact that Kant is constantly changing the connotations of his basic terms and introduces such an incredible eclecticism in his statements – he is like a dog chasing his tail –  that it is no wonder, why most readers give up reading this voluminous work very soon.

If they are academicians and do not want to admit that they have not understood Kant, they usually declare him a genius. The few honest readers are usually not that well-established in academic circles and their critical opinion is usually disregarded or not even heard. This is the classical method of creating fake authorities in science on this rather toxic planet, where toxicity piles huge in human science.

A study of Kant`s influence, for instance, in the form of Neo-Kantianism, which has ravaged the minds of generations of German students in social sciences for almost two centuries, can reveal much of the intellectual sado-masochism, not only of the Germans, for which they are famous but of most human beings on this planet. This pathological trait has transmuted the “Science of Earthans” into a permanent joke for all other evolved civilisations in the solar universes, who have come in contact with this debased civilisation, as this will be soon revealed after Disclosure and First Contact in the End Times.

The author cannot negate the fact that he is also not free of such kind of intellectual sado-masochism, otherwise, he would not have undertaken the huge mental effort to renounce the achievements of the most prominent thinkers of Western Philosophy, with the notable exception of Descartes, in such a comprehensive book, knowing that they will soon be forgotten after Ascension in the 5th dimension, although the current situation on earth is not much different.





Die kartesianischen Regeln der Erkenntnis
Erkenntnistheoretische Verirrungen der abendländischen Wissenschaft
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Die neue Allgemeine Theorie und Gnosis des Universal­ge­set­zes entspringen der Mitte der abendländischen Philosophie und Wis­sen­­­schaft, inso­fern die letzte noch in der Lage ist, eine Ver­bin­dung zu ihrem philosophischen Ursprung herzu­stel­len. In der zwei­­ten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts wurde die Ver­bin­dung der empi­ri­schen Wis­senschaft zur Philosophie jedoch gänzlich aufge­ho­ben. Diese Trennung vollzog sich nach dem 2. Weltkrieg als die theo­retischen Implika­tio­nen aus der Grund­lagen­krise der Ma­the­­matik sehr unvollstän­dig und wider­sprüch­­­lich in die Grund­­­la­gen­­for­schung umge­setzt wurden. Seit dieser Zeit befindet sich die Wissenschaft in einem heillosen, gnostischen Durchein­ander, aus dem es schein­bar kein Entrinnen mehr gibt. Dieser Umstand er­klärt zweierlei:

1)  Warum die Wis­sen­schaf­ten die erkenntnistheoretische Sack­gas­se, in der sie sich befinden, beharrlich igno­rieren: Auf­grund ihrer Angststruktur blenden junge Seelen, d.h. die Wis­sen­­schaft­ler, alle Prob­le­me ab, die sie nicht lösen kön­nen, und wei­­gern sich darüber nachzuden­ken oder auch nur zu dis­ku­tie­ren.

2)  Warum die neue Theorie des Universalgesetzes, trotz ihrer Ein­fach­heit und der voll­ständigen, widerspruchsfreien In­te­gra­­­tion aller anerkannten, konventionellen Teil­wis­­sen­­schaf­­­ten, von ihren Ver­tre­tern ignoriert oder vehement ab­ge­­lehnt wird.

Ich werde in dieser Untersuchung eine kleine Auswahl der bedeutendsten philoso­phi­schen Quellen vorstellen, welche die un­ge­bro­­­­chene, organische Verbindung der neu­en Pan­theorie des Uni­ver­­sal­gesetzes zum abendländischen philo­sophisch-theo­­reti­schen Den­ken onto­logisch und historisch un­ter­­mauern und be­leuch­­ten. Damit set­ze ich die Be­weis­führung fort, die ich in der Tetralogie, ins­be­sondere im Band 4 „Das Univer­sal­gesetz im Spiegelbild der Philosophie“, und in den gnos­tischen Schrif­ten, „Neue Gnosis: Evolu­tions­sprung der Menschheit zu Be­ginn des 3. Mille­n­niums“, „Gnostische Tra­dition der abend­län­di­schen Phi­loso­phie“ und „Neo­pla­tonis­mus und Christen­tum: Grenzen und Mög­­lichkeiten des mensch­lichen Den­kens, das Ganze, den Urbegriff, und die Einzel­din­ge, die Phäno­­meno­logie des Seins, dialek­tisch zu erfas­sen“ auf eine um­fassende Wei­se vorgetragen habe.

Bevor ich mit der Abhandlung beginne, muss ich vorab klar und un­miss­­ver­ständlich hervorheben, dass die von mir er­brachte theo­re­tische Leistung infol­ge der Entdeckung des Uni­ver­­sal­ge­set­zes weder von der Philosophie noch von der moder­nen em­pi­­ri­schen Wissen­schaft auch annähernd erreicht wurde, obwohl viele Denker und For­scher zu allen Zeiten in einzelnen Ansätzen und Gedanken­gän­gen eine intui­tiv-kor­rek­te Vorah­nung von die­ser poten­tiellen Mög­lichkeit des abstrakten, for­schen­­den Geistes ge­habt ha­ben. Die neue Pan­theo­rie des Univer­sal­ge­set­zes ist somit die größte intellek­tuelle Er­rungen­schaft in der Geschichte der Mensch­­heit: Man muss sie nur verstehen und wür­di­gen kön­nen. Diese Feststellung ist keine An­ma­ßung ver­gleichbar der kant­­schen in der „Kritik der reinen Ver­nunft“[1], son­dern eine nüch­terne, un­widerlegbare Tatsache (siehe auch Anhang).

[1]„Ich erkühne mich zu sagen, dass nicht eine einzige metaphysische Aufgabe sein müsse, die hier nicht aufgelöst oder zu deren Auflösung nicht wenigstens der Schlüssel dargereicht worden“.

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