Nieuwe Gnosis – De Evolutionaire Sprong van de Mensheid

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, February 24, 2021

Dutch Translation of the book:

New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind

Vertaald door: P.B.A. Verburgt 

I am immensely grateful to Pieternel (Nel Verburgt) for translating this foundational work on the New Gnosis of the Universal Law into Dutch. This is what she wrote to me when she sent her translation:

“Dear Georgi,

Enclosed please find the complete Dutch translation of your e-book:  “New Gnosis, the Evolutionary Leap of Mankind” :

In Dutch:

Nieuwe Gnosis – De Evolutionaire Sprong van de Mensheid.

I am deeply grateful for the knowledge you presented to us with this book and it gave me not only the huge satisfaction to be able and have the time to translate it but it answered many of my questions, and this was also very uplifting. By now, I have absorbed the whole book and I will proceed with translating some of your recent articles.

I am so happy and grateful for the spectacular recent developments and I am looking forward to your worldwide appearance.

With love,

Pieternel Verburgt”


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