The Easiest and Quickest Way How to Read and Understand the Literature on the Universal Law
Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, September 25, 2019
This is a reference guide (vademecum) to the new Scientific Theory and Gnosis of the Universal Law (UL) for all my readers who do not have any scientific and physical background but cherish the desire to understand the true Nature of All-That-Is, which present-day science has fully failed to comprehend. That is why I call it “fake science“. This is indispensable knowledge for everyone who is on the spiritual pathway and has decided to ascend in this lifetime. As I have written on numerous occasions, the Theory of the UL is the Science of Ascension. There is no other scientific theory of ascension, either on this planet or in any other incarnation civilisation in this multiverse that has decided to ascend during the current universal shift. Please, engrave this truth with golden letters in your minds.
Everybody should internalize this truth to the fullest extent to develop the necessary inner motivation to study the Theory and Gnosis of the UL, as without this inner motivation that will always be supported by your soul you will not be able to acquire this precious knowledge, and may not be able to ascend. Even if you, for whatever reasons, do not understand the UL to the full extent, you must still accept and embrace it as the only valid knowledge you can acquire as a human being and try to do your best to implement it in other areas of human thought that interest you personally.
This is my advice to you – to the whole of humanity – at this auspicious time.
That being said, I will present below the didactically easiest and quickest way to start learning the UL from my perspective as the author of all texts on this subject. Of course, I am fully aware that there are numerous individuals who may choose a different, more specific approach that corresponds better to their personality structure, inclinations and intellectual abilities. As I am approaching here the vast majority of humans, who have no sound knowledge of physics and science, this recommendation excludes all scientists who may decide to choose a different approach, e.g., begin immediately reading Volume I (German) and Volume II (English) on the Physical and Mathematical Theory of the UL; these are full-fledged textbooks on physics for universities and other higher institutions of academic education.
The two volumes are structured in a similar way and contain more or less the same physical and mathematical elements. They are organized didactically in such a way that they can be read independently, i.e., one can begin with volume II without having read volume I. Volume I is sufficient to acquire the full knowledge of the new physics of the UL. Volume II contains, however, a large number of new advanced derivations (as mathematical equations) and applications of the UL. For instance, you can study the derivations of new fundamental natural constants that enable for the first time the integration of gravitation with the other three fundamental forces in the standard model, which is now abolished in the new theory of the UL. These theoretical breakthroughs, each one of them worth the meanwhile worthless Nobel Prize, are not part of Volume I.
These new derivations and applications of the UL convincingly reinforce the eternal truth that there is only one Law of Nature and that all questions which scientists may have about the physical world can be found in these two textbooks. Please study this Table which gives you at one glance the integration of all fundamental natural constants in physics and proves how all fundamental forces can be easily integrated. The inability of the standard model to integrate gravitation with the other three fundamental forces is the greatest deficiency of current physics and discredits it as true science.
And here I come to my first publication which I would like to recommend you to begin with:
By the way, all the titles of articles and textbooks I will give you in this vademecum can be found as links on the left column of this website.
This short article proves from a theoretical, philosophical, epistemological and methodological point of view why there can be only one law of Nature – the Universal Law, which I discovered in 1994 and developed into a new General Theory of all Sciences until 1997. In my opinion, this article should stand at the beginning of any textbook on science and should be studied and discussed at the latest in secondary grammar school, gymnasium and college, that is to say, as soon as young people begin studying science – natural and social – depending on the local school program.
When you have grasped the key message of this review on human science, it will be much easier for you to proceed with the lecture of the other texts as you now have the conviction that there can be only one law of nature and that present-day physics has got it completely wrong in this respect by claiming the existence of more than 100 distinct natural laws as anyone can easily check by studying any textbook of physics or just scroll through it.
When this battle for your mind is won, you can easily proceed with the popular introduction to the UL below, which I wrote in 1998 as part of the German Volume IV from the so-called Tetralogy of Science (four basic books /volumes I-IV on physics, mathematics (vol. I and II), bio-sciences (vol. III), and philosophy (vol. IV). I have now translated this introduction into English and have published it today on the eve of our ascension.
This is the next publication you should study very carefully. I have refrained from using any complicated mathematics and have restricted this presentation to the simplest equation in mathematics – the rule of three – which happens to be the Universal Equation of the Law.
If you have now fully grasped and internalized the basic tenets of the new Theory of the UL, you are well advised to begin studying the new Axiomatics of the UL, which contains the same knowledge as in these two articles, but in a more stringent and consistent theoretical manner:
The New Axiomatics of the Universal Law
This article is actually not very long and it contains all the knowledge you need to acquire in order to read and fully understand volumes I and II on physics and mathematics. The new Physical and Mathematical Axiomatics is the foundation of all knowledge on the UL. If you have fully internalized it, you can begin applying it to any area of human thought and you will immediately make great strides in understanding the Nature of All-That-Is – the world you live in.
From now on you begin to become an expert in the UL. The benefits of this intellectual achievement are innumerable and staggering. I have described this leap in awareness in the past as follows: “Imagine you have driven until now Fiat Uno and the next day to steer a Porsche or a Lamborghini. Your mind will begin to move all of a sudden with the speed of light and even beyond that and there will be no secret or mystery, which Nature may pose to you and you will not be able to solve at least from a theoretical point of view.” You will know what I mean by that when you have reached this level of knowledge of the UL and this is exactly what I experienced more than 25 years ago when I first discovered the UL and began to develop the General Theory of Science. This was the greatest adventure in my life – it will be the greatest adventure in the life of any human being and it depends only on you to bestow upon yourself this precious gift.
In case you find it difficult to understand this fundamental script because you are more interested in spiritual esoteric topics, you may skip it and go directly to my basic book on Human Gnosis:
New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind
In this book, I discuss the new Theory of the UL one more time in the context of present-day esoteric teachings, as you may know from the New Age scene, in a popular manner. However, I also include in this discussion science, philosophy and religion (all current major organized religions) to broaden the worldview of my readers, so that this book may be quite challenging to many of you.
These topics are not at all discussed by most modern esotericists (light workers, New Agers) as these people have no theoretical knowledge of science, philosophy, theology, teleology, and religions and do not have the intellectual aspirations to deal with such complex topics. One only needs to scrutinize the new esoteric literature in any specialized bookshop that comprises more than 20% of all the books currently published in order to convince oneself of this fact. The most obvious facts are likely to be most easily overlooked in the current End Time of gargantuan human deceptions and illusions.
Now a few words to the scientific community. If you are a physicist and you have begun to develop doubts about the validity of your discipline, then your soul can be saved, but only if you are ready to make a dramatic U-turn and disregard everything you have learned so far. In this case, you must start studying volumes I and II from scratch once at school or during the first terms at the university. Your past physical education and qualification is your greatest disadvantage and the quicker you shed it off, the better for you. You only need to overcome your inner fears and your scientific ego that whispers you the lie that you are an expert on physical matters. You are not, you are even blinder than any layman because you have been conditioned in the wrong way during your long academic education.
But you have one major advantage and that is – you have studied the physical stuff and should know all the equations, which I present in my two textbooks on physics. As soon as you have grasped the new Axiomatics and the logic of the new space-time symbolism in the presentation of all physical quantities, you can very easily understand the new physical and mathematical theory of the UL.
Essentially, you must grasp at the deepest level of your consciousness – as a scientist and an incarnated human being – that energy = space-time has only two dimensions /constituents, space and time, so that all other units and quantities of the SI system can and must be abolished. Therefore, all physicists must also study my Propaedeutics of the UL, which discusses these basic theoretical issues in a very precise and easy manner. This book can be also read by all humans without any scientific, physical background but cherish the strong desire to understand the new Theory of the UL:
An Easy Propaedeutics Into the New Physical and Mathematical Science of the Universal Law – ebook
This holds true also for all mathematicians who have no knowledge on physics. However, they will have to study first the philosophy and epistemology of mathematics and understand deeply why it is a hermeneutic discipline of the human mind and has no external object of study and why numbers and all the mathematical theories of numbers have no value at all in the bigger context. Therefore, a careful study and understanding of the Foundation Crisis of Mathematics as discussed in my article The Universal Law of Nature is indispensable for your progress in the new Theory of the UL. Mathematicians must therefore also discard most of their knowledge and in particular their pernicious obsession with complicated equations, as this is a devilish trap of the human mind. Instead, they should learn to recognize the beautiful simplicity of all things, however, at the greatest possible level of mental abstraction.
The Theory of the UL is the ultimate holistic approach to All-That-Is and demands the highest level of human intellectual abstraction. What is most difficult in this respect is not the achievement of this highest level of abstraction but the ability to keep it constantly in any human thought and idea as an axiomatic application of the UL. This affords enormous discipline of correct human thinking to which very few people are currently capable.
In other words, Axiomatics should become the only modus operandi of human thinking, which now becomes unlimited and free of any inner contradictions and paradoxes. It is important to observe that currently, except for myself and a few other highly evolved spiritual human beings with whom I am in contact, there are no other humans – be they scientists, thinkers, experts, or philosophers – who are capable of this kind of consistently logical, axiomatic thinking all the time. One only needs to read the books of these people to come to this annihilating conclusion. That is why they all need to study the UL first in order to become impeccable thinkers. I have discussed this topic on numerous occasions, especially with respect to current agnostic alternative thinkers (e.g. see here).
From this point onward, you are on your own to decide which book and article you will read next as to deepen and widen your knowledge of the UL and its ubiquitous application in all aspects of life – human and extraterrestrial. I have written a lot of books on Human Gnosis which you may read at your discretion. At this place I want to stress that Human Gnosis is not different from the Theory of the UL, it simply transcends it to spiritual issues and thus inevitably includes human philosophy, theology, teleology, religions, history, economics, etc., you name it. There is no limit to the new Gnosis of the UL, just as there are no limitations to the application of the new Scientific Theory of the UL because it is the true reflection of All-That-Is.
This website is a seamless chronicle of the endeavour of the PAT (Planetary Ascension Team) to ascend Gaia and Humanity to the 5th dimension. This is what we experience these days and this currently “hidden” knowledge will become a common idea of the entire humanity very soon. At this point, at the latest, there will be a huge rush on my books on the UL and this discussion will become of greatest import.
I have structured my books and important articles in several categories and have presented them as links on the left column of my website so that they can be easily reached and then read as ebooks or articles for free.
This website is a highly interactive archive of my lifetime intellectual achievement and contains the vastest and most advanced knowledge current humanity has developed in its known and mainly unknown history. This fact must be stressed unequivocally at this place. If you decide to study diligently the UL, you only need to read all the articles and books on this website. If you need the factual background of encyclopedias and written sources as references in order to expand your knowledge, I have provided many relevant links in my books and articles, which you can use in the first place.
This highly interactive archive will allow you to cover any area of human knowledge and expand your mind beyond recognition. Eventually, you will develop the divine mind, about which we talk a lot and introduced energetically on this planet a year ago. The activation of the illumination yellow ray in September 2019 strongly supports the expansion of the human mind to the divine mind currently, on the eve of my ascension that will propel the level of collective illumination to unprecedented heights and will enable the shift of humanity to the 5th dimension.
According to my estimate, if you are a true intellectual and already bring vast theoretical knowledge from a conventional point of view, as well as the learned habit to navigate quickly in new areas of knowledge, which should be a virtue of any true intellectual, you will need roughly five years to comprehend and fully internalize the entire scope of my intellectual achievement and make it part of your individual mind and consciousness.
This is a rather short period of time given the fact that we are now entering a new era, where humans will become immortal. I am talking about those people who have decided to ascend in this lifetime and can only achieve this goal if they have internalized the new theory of the UL. In other words, you have to study the Theory of the UL if you want to become immortal. This is the greatest present you can give to yourselves and this is undoubtedly the greatest present I could bestow upon humanity.
And so be it!
A Brief Introduction to Basic Statements of the New Axiomatics of the Universal Law
Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, September 25, 2019
This popular introduction to the Theory of the Universal Law was written in 1998 as part of the German Volume IV: The Universal Law in the Mirror-Image of Philosophy, 166 pages, 1999 and translated into English by the author in September 2019.
Personality and worldview are always variables of geographic space and historical time – the space-time of social evolution. The latter is formed by collective ideas which have also produced the concept of philosophy. The destiny and character of the individual are shaped by such superior ideas, even if man, by virtue of his intention and his drive for action, has the possibility of significantly changing them. The philosophical quest of the occidental spirit, shaped by the eventful history of this continent, has always aimed at exploring the ultimate truth, from which men hoped for a better and higher life. Philosophy has always been understood as the source of Western civilization, even though philosophical thought is by no means alien to the great Asian cultures. The present demise of this “love of wisdom” says it all about the state of European and earthly civilization.
I have studied the Universal Law in mathematics, physics, the bio-sciences and not least economics down to the smallest detail. These Western sciences have attained, beyond the cultural differences, an astonishing validity when one considers the cognitive errors with which they have been and still are afflicted since their emergence. Perhaps this is the result of their historical development, which ran parallel to the history of the Occident. And this, God knows, is anything but free from errors.
If I only deal with Western philosophy in this book, I do so not only because as a European I am rooted in this tradition, but because I am not familiar with the great Asian schools of thought, even though I can now understand that they have internalized the essence of the Universal Law far better than Western philosophy, apart from a few remarkable exceptions. Thus, this treatise is by no means the result of cultural chauvinism, as one might think, but rather the admission of my own ignorance.
The methodological analysis carried out in connection with the discovery of the Universal Law showed that the basic concepts of all sciences have not been clarified. Physics does not know what is energy, mass and charge, and mathematics cannot epistemologically explain its basic concepts, such as continuum, number, probability set, point, line and area. This has led to the famous Foundation Crisis of Mathematics: Since Gödel’s theorem (1931) it has been known that this discipline cannot justify its raison d’être and validity with its own means. This realization stands in a peculiar contradiction to the fact that all exact natural sciences such as physics are based on mathematics. I recognized that all basic concepts of the sciences can be derived axiomatically from the Primary Term of human consciousness and explained epistemologically. From this, I succeeded in developing a unified theory of all sciences – a pantheory. The basis of this theory is the new Physical and Mathematical Axiomatics of the Universal Law. It consists of a few basic statements (axioms), which I will briefly introduce here.
The Primary Term
All natural sciences, including mathematics, are products of our consciousness – they are thought things. Thoughts can be axiomatized. The primary term of the new Axiomatics is “energy” or “space-time“. The primary axiom says: “Energy is space-time”. The primary term is Being. All other names and symbols that can be used for the primary term are equivalent. This includes consciousness. The primary axiom is called the “principle of last equivalence”:
Energy = space-time = universe = nature = the Whole = Being = consciousness = continuum = probability set = symbols = etc.
The primary term is a U-set: it is the set of all sets that contain themselves as an element. All physical terms and concepts, which adequately capture the phenomenology of Being, are U-sets. They are thought things that contain the Whole as an element: Consciousness is the set of all thoughts and is itself a thought: primary term = consciousness = U-set of all thoughts.
All sets that do not contain themselves as an element are N–sets. Such quantities do not belong to Being. All ideas that are N-sets are false epistemological concepts and must be removed from science and everyday thinking. The idea of a vacuum is such a N-set. According to common understanding in physics, a vacuum contains particles and matter – nothing contains something. Since energy is space-time, extension (perceived as the universe) is an energetic continuum – there are no gaps between the things that are nothing. Thus the vacuum as a concept is eliminated.
The primary term is a philosophical-logical category, which can also be grasped mathematically. Mathematics is known to be the extension of logic using mathematical symbols such as numbers and relation signs. Both disciplines have no external object of study. They are considered hermeneutic disciplines of correct thinking. According to the principle of last equivalence (consciousness equals energy), their object of study is: energy = space-time. This is the proof of existence of mathematics, which justifies its existence and eliminates its foundation crisis as an artifact.
Properties of space-time
The properties of space-time are: Closed character, infinity, continuity, inhomogeneity (discreteness) and constancy. They are connected U-sets and thus equivalent to the primary term. U-sets cannot be separated in reality but only in an abstract way in consciousness.
The properties of space-time are confirmed without any exception by all phenomena because every phenomenon that can be observed is a subset of the primary term and contains its essence as an element. The conservation of energy (1st law of thermodynamics) proves the unity of space-time, which can be imagined as a perpetuum mobile. Energy conservation can only be expressed by the equality between two different forms of energy. Such an equation, also called balance, implies the inhomogeneity and constancy of space-time.
The realization that photons and matter occur in constant discrete quantities, called quanta, forms the basis of quantum mechanics. The equivalence between energy in the sense of force and space-time in the sense of extension proves that space-time is a physical continuum. In mathematics, the continuum is seen as infinite. The infinity of space-time is a basic philosophical category that cannot be further defined. The simplest description of infinity from an anthropocentric point of view is that “space-time has no end and no beginning”. All mathematical definitions of infinity are thus secondary in nature and can be traced back to this first philosophical statement.
Space-time can be divided into infinitely many subsets that are thought things. But since they are U-sets, they always have a real correlate in the external physical world. The U-set of equivalent elements is defined as a level consisting of infinite systems: The proton level of space-time consists of infinitely many systems called protons, which have the same energy. The level and the system are thus abstract mathematical categories of our consciousness: there is no way to distinguish between the infinity of space-time and the infinity of human conceptualization.
All levels and systems are open – they exchange energy with each other. We also say: “they interact.” The openness of the systems is an aspect of the infinity of space-time. Only space-time, the primary term, is self-contained (closed character).
Symbolic Representation of the Primary Term
The energy conversion, also called energy exchange, is identical to the primary term according to the principle of the last equivalence. Space-time is in a constant transformation of energy. We can express the primary term symbolically as follows:
Primary Term = space-time = energy transformation = E
The symbol “E” can be replaced by any other symbol:
E = ∞ = 1 = E/E = 1/1 = ∞/∞ = 1/∞ = ∞/1 = etc.
Fundamental U-sets of Energy Conversion
The energy conversion between the levels is arbitrarily called “vertical energy exchange” and between the systems – “horizontal energy exchange”. The energy conversion is horizontal and vertical at the same time (U-sets). The primary event of energy conversion is called “action potential”. It is a constant amount of energy that has a specific magnitude for each level or system. The action potential is expressed by the symbol “EA“. The definition of an action potential, like that of systems and levels, is an arbitrary act of our consciousness. I call this ability the “mathematical degree of freedom of consciousness“. It embodies the infinity of space-time. Thus each system can also be defined as an action potential and vice versa. All physical events that we observe are action potentials, i.e. constant energy packets that are exchanged.
The quotient of converted energy E and action potential EA is defined as “absolute time” and expressed with the symbol “f “. This quantity is a U-set of space-time, the primary term; it is formed within mathematics (thought things). It is a dimensionless number belonging to the continuum. This quantity is not identical to the “conventional time” (t) known from everyday life. For this reason, we will from now on in the text simply call absolute time “time” and the concept of time we use in everyday life “conventional time”.
All physical quantities with which one describes nature are abstract U-sets of the primary term, which are defined within mathematics and introduced into experimental research by the measurement method. For this reason, it is not possible to separate their definition from their measurement method. Such quantities have no real existence outside human consciousness. This is true for all quantities such as mass, charge, etc. Mass, according to its conventional definition, is an energy relationship/ratio (quotient of two quantities of energy). Charge is a synonym for geometric area. This pleonasm could only be discovered within the framework of the new Axiomatics.
Space-time itself is free of human concepts – it exists without human conceptualization. But since all physical quantities are U-sets, there is always a real correlation in the external world. This epistemological approach corresponds to Kant’s principle of the a priori views of pure reason, according to which things have to behave, and is opposed to empiricism, which is prevalent in current experimental research (1).
The Universal Law is a Mathematical Equation
The primary term can be expressed according to the principle of the last equivalence as a mathematical equation, if one starts from the a priori definition of time:
E = EA f
This equation is called the “Universal Equation”. It captures the primary term by mathematical means. All conventional laws of physics are mathematical equations and thus U-sets of space-time. They contain the universal equation as an element. I prove that all known laws and their applications can be derived from the universal equation. For this reason, the universal equation is also called the “Universal Law”. Such equations have no real existence outside mathematics, i.e. outside human consciousness. They are nevertheless an adequate reflection of space-time. Therefore, mathematics is the only adequate (objective) representation of nature. For the same reason, physics is applied mathematics to inorganic matter. This knowledge leads to a remarkable simplification of our physical worldview.
Every mathematical equation, no matter how complex it may be, is an equation with the number “1”, which is identical to the primary term according to the principle of last equivalence, e.g. E/EA f=1. Thus, space-time is the origin of mathematics: All mathematical equations originate from the Universal Law. The number “1” has no special meaning: it can be replaced by any other number. However, since in physics, all units are given with the number “1”, this number has been established as the primary number with which all other quantities are compared. If the gravitational energy of a reference system is arbitrarily defined as “1 kilogram”, then the gravitational energy of another object can only be measured in comparison and given as a number, e.g. 5 kg. The mass is thus no immanent property of nature, but an abstract mathematical quantity, a thought thing, a mathematical convention. Mass is an energy relationship and thus a dimensionless number. The attribute “kilogram” is merely a reference to the reference system and can be replaced by any other word or need not be mentioned at all. This would not change the correctness of the mathematical result at all. This insight is very important because one can eliminate all SI units in the traditional physical formulas and represent them directly from the primary term of space-time. This new space-time symbolism leads to an unexpected simplification of physics.
Definition and Measurement Method of Physical Quantities
All physical quantities are abstract U-subsets of space-time. Their only definition and method of measurement is mathematics. They have no real existence outside mathematics. They are thought things. This simple fact cannot be repeated often enough. All physical quantities are defined according to the principle of circular argument and introduced into physics (see the definition of time above). The principle of the circular argument is the only operative and cognitive principle of mathematics and physics. It consists of two dialectical aspects:
1) Formation of equivalences, for example, of measurement units: All meters are the same all over the world;
2) Formation of relationships/ratios/quotients, e.g. measuring with standard units of measurement.
The circular argument is an application of the principle of last equivalence for the parts (U-subsets) of space-time. It starts from the Whole to capture the parts. The principle of the circular argument is a U-subset of the principle of last equivalence and contains the latter as an element. All mathematical equations, which contain physical quantities as U-subsets of space-time, are formed according to the principle of circular argument. They contain the primary term as an element. Since this is identical to the universal equation, they contain the universal equation as an element; strictly speaking, they are derivations of the universal equation. All known physical laws, which represent relations between different quantities and observables, are based on the principle of last equivalence and are formed according to the principle of circular argument. The principle of circular argument embodies the perception of the unity of space-time as an operative process of consciousness. It reveals the fundamental “tautology of Being”.
The cognitive misery of present-day physics lies in its inability to comprehend this insight. At present, all physical quantities, such as mass, charge, current, force, acceleration, etc. are not defined according to the principle of circular argument as the application of the principle of last equivalence, but according to the circulus vitiosus (vicious circle). The difference between the circular argument and the circulus vitiosus lies in the fact that the latter does not take the Whole into account. One does not think about the essence of the Whole, the primary term, and accepts its existence as given. From this arises the principal agnosticism of modern science, trimmed to research. It did not justify its basic concepts, but criminally neglected them – e.g. physics does not know what energy is (Feynman).
The epistemological approach of the new Axiomatics of the Universal Law is the opposite to the previous approach in physics. It starts from the essence of the primary term, clarifies it completely and consistently and proves that all physical concepts can be derived axiomatically from the primary term according to the principle of circular argument. This leads to a unified theory of physics and mathematics. However, since physics is the basis of all natural sciences, the application of the circular argument ultimately leads to the establishment of a general theory of all sciences – a pantheory.
Dimensions and Units of Space-Time
Physics consists of a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part contains the definition of the physical quantities. The empirical part contains the measurement (experiments) of these quantities by forming relationships/ratios with the arbitrarily chosen measurement units. Since these quantities are U-subsets of space-time, only energy relationships are measured in real terms. This fact has been overlooked by conventional physics because it is based on the mistaken belief that physical quantities are real properties of Being. In reality, all physical quantities are formed as thought things in mathematics and introduced into experiments by man through the use of mathematics as part of the SI system.
Note: All verifiable results of an experiment are of mathematical nature. However, space-time is free of concepts. For this reason, every experiment and every empirical result proves to be a tautology of the Universal Law. For the same reason, there is no experiment that violates and refutes the Universal Law. This realization forms the epistemological background of the new Axiomatics. At the same time, it shows the principal futility of trying to refute the Universal Law. The previous physics, on the other hand, failed to present an epistemological explanation of its terminology.
In physics, every quantity is conventionally expressed as a number with units of measurement. Behind each unit, there are one or more dimensions. The definition of each physical quantity cannot be separated from its method of measurement. A mathematical definition and the method of measurement form a dialectical unit. I leave it to the reader to work out this knowledge for himself on the basis of selected examples from a physics textbook.
Each definition of a unit is based on the energy measurement of a randomly selected real system of space-time. Let us take the two basic units, “meter” for the dimension “length” and “second” for the dimension “conventional time”. They are currently defined in a circle on the basis of an arbitrary system of photon space-time. The unit “meter” is defined by the wavelength of the basic photon h (Planck’s constant) with the energy E = h = EA f (universal equation), where the (absolute) time is selected by definition f = 1. The action potential is expressed in the new Axiomatics as follows (see below): EA=SP(A)[2d-space] f = λ2f = λ2, because f = 1. In this case, the wavelength of the basic photon is λ= 3×108 m, because the speed of light is measured c= λ f = 3×108 m/s. The wavelength of the basic photon is 3×108 m, because f = 1. The measurement unit “meter” is then defined in a circulus vitiosus as 1/3×108 of the wavelength of the basic photon (for further details see Volumes I and II).
You can immediately see the circular character of this definition – without the surrogate units, meters and seconds, there is no measurement of the speed of light, which is a mathematical observable of photon space-time (see below). Without the energy of the basic photon, which can be considered the elementary action potential of photon space-time, there is no precise definition and measurement of the units “meter” and “second”.
The same applies to the definition and measurement method of conventional time. The time unit “second” is defined by the frequency fC of an arbitrarily chosen photon radiation of a cesium atom with the energy E = h fC and the speed of light c = λC fC. The definition of the “second” is therefore not possible without the circular introduction of the unit of length “meter”. Both units are introduced in a circle with respect to the energy/space-time of a photon system.
From this example, we can see that the original reference system for the basic dimensions, space (length) and conventional time t (or frequency, since f = 1/t), is the photon space-time. This simple fact of enormous cognitive relevance has so far remained hidden from physicists, although Einstein’s theory of relativity selects photon space-time and the speed of light as the reference system (in the Lorentz transformations) to measure the relativistic changes of space and time of the systems. For this reason, this reference system is maintained in the new Axiomatics. However, it can be replaced by any other reference system, since space-time is closed.
We can choose any real system as a reference system and compare the other systems with it by the principle of circular argument. This principal conclusion is illustrated by the fact that, before choosing photon space-time as the reference system, the Earth was taken as the reference system for space and time: 1 meter was defined as a fraction of the meridian through Paris and the second was defined as a fraction of the Earth’s rotation time around its axis. Since this reference system was not very accurate, it was replaced by the photon space-time. In principle, any reference system, e.g. the currently valid SI-system, which is a surrogate – an anthropocentric epi-phenomenon – can be replaced with any other system.
The new Axiomatics proves that space-time (Being) consists of only two dimensions, I speak of “constituents” – space and time. They are dialectically connected and form the unity of space-time. For this reason, the word “space-time” is preferred as a description of the primary term. From this, it follows that all other units of the SI system used in physics are derived directly from photon space-time and can thus be eliminated in the theoretical part of physics. They by no means extend our knowledge of the essence of space-time but rather conceal it. This can be illustrated by the units “Kilogram” kg for the dimension “mass” m and the unit “Coulomb” C for the dimension “Charge” Q. They are secondary dimensions and units, which one has formed from the two dimensions, space and time, within the framework of mathematics. They are U-subsets of space-time: the mass is an energy ratio: m = E1/E2= a dimensionless number (n) of the continuum and charge is a synonym for the area (area ratio/relationship) Q = A1/A2 = n [m2].
Physics can indeed be very simple if you approach it correctly. From this, one can conclude that all real space-time systems must have mass and charge. I was able to discover two new fundamental constants, the mass and charge of the basic photon h, and prove that all known constants can be derived from these two constants by applying the universal equation (see Table above, central square). In this context, I refer to the fact that conventional physics considers photons to be both “mass-less” and “free of charge”. One immediately recognizes the cognitive blindness of the current physical theory.
Motion/Movement is the Only Manifestation of Space-Time
Movement is the universal and only manifestation of space-time. Our consciousness perceives the energy transformation only as movement/motion. Movement is an immanent property of space-time and identical to it according to the principle of the last equivalence: primary term = movement. The universal physical observable (quantity) of motion that physics has chosen in mathematics is velocity v. For this only practical reason, this abstract mathematical quantity is chosen as the universal observable of space-time in the new Axiomatics. It could in principle be replaced by any other mathematical quantity that would be a U-subset of space-time. The advantages of velocity lie in its simple symbolic presentation, which makes it much easier to understand physics. Every symbolic system should be based above all on didactic aspects.
The speed is defined as the ratio (quotient) of the two dimensions, space (length, s) and conventional time (t), according to the principle of circular argument: v = s/t. Within Euclidean space, which was first introduced in classical mechanics by Newton and which is used as an abstract mathematical reference system, space can be represented as follows: length, s = [1d-space], area, A = [2d-space], volume, V = [3d-space], or space = [n-d-space], where n = continuum. The advantage of this symbolic representation is obvious: It is valid for every n-dimensional space, for multi-dimensional spaces of string theories and for fractal spaces (Hausdorff dimensions) of topology. These spaces increasingly find their way into modern physics. But also the four-dimensional Minkowski space of relativity theory can be described with it (3d-Euclidean space plus the time dimension). This can easily be proved.
Velocity consists of space and conventional time. Space is considered an extension. The extension is a fundamental property of Being and is identical to space-time according to the principle of last equivalence. The conventional time is given in the velocity as reciprocal value 1/t and can also be expressed as frequency f =1/t: v = s/t = s f. We already know this formula from the formula of the speed of light c = λ f, where s = λ = (wave)-length. It applies to all waves. But since matter has wave character according to the common understanding of physics (quantum mechanics), as this was first recognized by de Broglie in 1924, there is in principle no difference between the formula of the classical velocity v = s/t and that of the wave velocity v = λ f. They are merely mathematical variations of one and the same thing. Even this simple fact has not yet been correctly understood by physicists.
Frequency is a dimensionless number that indicates the number of periodically occurring events, in this case, waves, compared to a reference periodicity. As we have seen for the method of definition and measurement of conventional time, the frequency of an arbitrary photon radiation is chosen as the reference system. The conventional time is then the reciprocal value of this frequency. In mathematics, each quantity can also be consistently given as its reciprocal value without any change in the result or in the knowledge. Based on this simple consideration, conventional time can (and should) be consistently replaced by frequency in physics. The advantage is obvious. The frequency is a direct observable of the absolute time f = E/EA , which we have derived directly from the original term axiomatically, i.e. a priori. However, it is not the only physical observable of time. It can be proven that a number of other quantities such as temperature, magnetic field, etc. are also synonyms of time.
The frequency thus measures time, which is an abstract U-subset of space-time. The equivalence of the two terms is very easy to understand. Each wave in a medium can be regarded as an energy package with a definite constant energy value EA, which depends only on the wave amplitude (space). The amount of the converted energy E within a certain period depends only on the number (frequency) of the passing waves: E = EA f. We obtain the universal equation. The necessary indication of the observation period again confirms the ubiquitous validity of the principle of circular argument in the context of the consciousness-related perception of space-time. If there were no people to determine the observation period, the validity of the universal equation would not change. The energy conversion E only becomes infinite because the time f also becomes infinite. But infinity is an a priori property of space-time. Since man and his consciousness are systems of space-time, they contain his Being as an element. This circular argumentation (tautology), which represents the limit of every human knowledge forever (in all eternity), inevitably carries, as one can see, the properties of the primary term (2).
If we now represent the speed in the new space-time symbolism, we achieve a very simple mathematical presentation that unmistakably shows that it can be derived axiomatically from the primary term:
v = [1d-space] × f = [1d-space] × [time] = [1d-space-time] =
E = Primary Term
The new definition of speed is: the product of one-dimensional space and time is called “one-dimensional space-time”. It is a U-subset of space-time, which is formed within the framework of mathematics. This quantity has no real existence but always finds a real correlate in the physical world. Since we can also assign the number “1” to the primary term according to the principle of last equivalence, one can introduce infinitely many geometrical dimensions within mathematics, with which one can represent space-time. These different dimensional representations of space-time are equivalent according to this principle:
E = EA f =v = [1d-space-time]= [3d-space-time] (Minkowski space)
= vn = [n-d-space-time] = constant = 1
Reciprocity of Space and Time
The above equation reveals the fundamental property of space-time, namely the reciprocity of its constituents, space and time. This is the fundamentally new realization of the present Axiomatics. Even if this knowledge is already the basis of the theory of relativity, neither Einstein nor any other physicist after him has correctly understood it. This is the most serious omission of modern physics (3). We say:
The two constituents of the primary term, space and time, are dialectically connected, canonically-conjugated reciprocal quantities. They cannot be separated from each other (U-sets) and form the unit of space-time (4).
If space increases, time decreases and vice versa. But since according to the universal equation E = EA f the energy conversion E is proportional to time f, because the action potential is constant: E ≈ f, because EA = const., it follows that energy and space also behave reciprocally:
E = EA f ≈ f = 1/ [space]
The reciprocity of energy and space is a fundamental property of space-time that is fully confirmed by all physical phenomena. The greatest energy, nuclear energy, is found in the smallest space of nuclei, the weakest energy, gravitation, is in the largest spatial systems such as suns, planets, solar systems, galaxies, etc. But even within gravitation, the reverse behavior of energy and space is ubiquitously valid. The white dwarfs represent the smallest space configuration of a star, but their gravitational potential is incomparably greater than that of red giant stars, another large star configuration. The black holes represent a spatial singularity, but have the greatest gravitational potential, which also attracts light so strongly that they are invisible – hence the name. The list of examples can be continued indefinitely. The theory of relativity reflects this simple fact, but without interpreting it correctly.
Applications of the Recognition of the Reciprocity of Space and Time
Space-time is the only reality within human perception. For this single sufficient reason, it must be concluded that in physics only space and time or space-time relationships can be formed according to the principle of circular argument. All natural constants found in physics so far are such constant relationships/ratios. The existence of natural constants is the most fundamental and all-encompassing proof that space-time is closed and constant in itself – this constancy of the Whole is manifested by all parts as an element because they are U-subsets of space-time. This realization also leads to a significant simplification of our physical worldview.
The seeming mathematical complexity found in physics today is therefore not a necessity of nature but has been introduced by the scientists themselves, more precisely, as a result of their errors of thought. It is dispensable – rather, this complexity should be banished once and for all from physics and the natural sciences. This is the primary didactic, pedagogical, or if you like, the cognitive goal of the new physical-mathematical Axiomatics. While the natural sciences have so far sought their salvation in the artificial complexity of thought formation, the secret of nature has remained hidden. The reason is very simple: For fear of the supposed subjectivity of human thought, scientists have completely excluded the role of consciousness from their considerations, despite the overwhelming evidence that all sciences are thought structures, i.e. categorical systems.
For this reason, the new axiomatic begins with the primary term of human consciousness. It is the beginning and the limit of all knowledge – forever!
The realization of the reciprocity between space and time, or space and energy, leads to three further applications, which I summarize as basic axioms or operative axioms. These axioms are mental variations of space-time reciprocity and merely have the task of describing certain physical phenomena and their previous interpretation more accurately and comprehensibly for physicists than before. They are therefore U-subsets of the original knowledge of the reciprocal behavior of the two constituents.
The first axiom is called the “axiom for the conservation of action potentials”. It is another stringent interpretation of the first thermodynamic law of the conservation of energy as it was originally formulated by Mayer. It says:
The action potential EA1 of a system or level is completely transformed into the action potential EA2 of another system or level and vice versa:
EA1 = EA2
All known conservation laws of physics, such as the conservation of mass, impulses, charge, baryon number, etc. are summarized in this axiom. The reason has been mentioned several times: The preservation of physical quantities reflects the preservation of energy due to its closed character because these quantities are abstract mathematical quantities and thus only U-subsets of space-time.
The second basic axiom is a variation of the first. It is introduced to illustrate how all known physical laws were formulated within human consciousness. This axiom embodies, so to speak, the “archetype” of all intuitive thoughts in mathematics, of which there are quite a few in the literature; it makes this archetype of the mathematical subconscious conscious for the first time. With this axiom, one can subject physics and its representatives to a quasi “deep Freudian analysis” in order to understand where they have switched off consciousness and thus obstructed themselves on the path to a deeper knowledge of the existence of the Universal Law. This exercise is very instructive and recommendable because it helps to erase the wrong way of thinking from the past peu á peu (bit by bit). Learning is an adaptation in the first place. This operative axiom is called “the axiom of reducibility”. It says:
Every energy exchange in space-time can be seen as an interaction between two entities (systems) because all parts of space-time are U-sets and contain themselves as elements. Each interaction results in a new entity, whose energy can be represented in mathematics as the product of space-time/energy of the two interacting entities:
E = E1×E2 = E1E2
Even if this axiom may seem self-explanatory, it conceals far-reaching insights that physicists have not yet been able to comprehend. These can be illustrated by the definition of the momentum p = mv in classical mechanics and the energy in Einstein’s famous equation of mass-energy equivalence E = mc2. We start with the momentum. Let’s take an object with the mass m. The symbol “m” is as arbitrary as the term “mass”. One can choose the symbol “m” as a symbol for the object at rest (rest mass). In this case, this symbol corresponds to the energy of the object at rest m = E1. If an interaction with this object takes place, e.g. a gravitational attraction, then the object moves. We can consider this movement as another entity. In physics, it is usually captured by the velocity v, which is a one-dimensional observable of space-time. In this case, we can set the velocity for the energy of this entity v=E2.
It should be noted that all these assignments of symbols take place within mathematics and are therefore “thought things”. The same applies, as already mentioned, to any physical quantity such as mass or velocity. According to the axiom of reducibility, the total energy of the moving object can now be represented as the product of the energies of the two entities defined above:
E = E1E2 = mv = SP(A)[1d-space-time] = momentum = p
We get the classical definition of the momentum p = mv, which can now be represented very simply in the new space-time symbolism: p=SP(A)[1d-space-time]. In this case, for m the equivalent symbol SP(A) = probability set = n = continuum is chosen. This is a convention of the new Axiomatics. According to the principle of last equivalence, both the probability set SP(A) and the continuum are equivalent to the primary term. Since mass is by definition an energy relationship and thus a dimensional number n, it can be also considered as probability P of the set SP(A). In mathematics the probability set is defined as P(A) – the probability of the event A. It is another symbolic presentation of the continuum of all numbers. We additionally use the sign “S” for “structural complexity” to show that our probability set refers to the structural complexity of space-time (the existence of spatial forms), whereas the set P(A) is an abstract mathematical term without a real correlation. This designation is exclusively didactic and can be dropped as well.
The axiom of reducibility can be applied to all known laws of physics. We choose Einstein’s equation because it claims a universal position among the laws – it is believed to prove the equivalence between energy and mass. However, since mass as an energy relationship (quotient) is an abstract dimensionless quantity and thus a U-subset of space-time, this famous equivalence turns out on closer examination to be a pleonasm, which is generally regarded as the greatest sin in science.
In classical mechanics, the conservation law of momentum is derived from the elastic collision. There is of course no such collision as there is always friction and loss of thermal energy – it is an abstraction of human consciousness that intuitively captures the closed character of space-time as a kind of perpetuum mobile and transfers this property to the parts. Behind the law of conservation of momentum lies the axiom of reducibility. Let us consider two systems with the energies E1 and E2 as momentum E1 = p1 = m1v1 and E2 = p2 = m2v2, which interact with each other (elastic collision). In this case, the energy E of the resulting system can be represented by the axiom of reducibility:
E = E1×E2 =p1×p2 = m1v1× m2v2 = mv2= SP(A)[2d-space-time],
where m=m1m2 and v2=v1v2, e.g. v2 =2×8 =16=42. , where v1=2 and v2=8. From this we obtain the new space-time representations of the universal equation
E = EA f = mv2 = SP(A)[2d space time]
and the action potential
E = SP(A)[2d-space] f
If we apply the theorem of conservation of momentum, which we have seen is an application of the axiom of reducibility, to two moving objects whose interaction is perceived as an elastic collision, we obtain a two-dimensional representation of the energy of the resulting system containing the square of velocity. This presentation of the universal equation is unconsciously chosen by physicists in many conventional laws. This becomes clear when one represents the laws in the new space-time symbolism. Since mathematics and the new Axiomatics are commutative (transitive) systems, i.e. they are equivalent axiomatic systems, one can express the laws in the old as well as in the new way of writing and calculating with them without changing the final result. However, the advantage of the new presentation cannot be overlooked. Instead of the many conventional quantities, which lead to considerable confusion and prevent the learning of the physical formulas, there are now only two quantities (dimensions, constituents) – space and time – which can be expressed as numbers of the continuum. Their values form constant dimensionless relations (absolute constants).
The two-dimensional presentation of energy in physics thus has no deep meaning, but results from the predominant geometric representation of momentum or velocity as lines (vectors). As a rule, the three-dimensional Euclidean space is reduced to a two-dimensional coordinate system because it can be drawn much more easily on a sheet of paper. In the beginning, we proved that the number of dimensions with which space-time is represented within the framework of geometric formalism is irrelevant since according to the principle of last equivalence all n-dimensional presentations are equal. In the new Axiomatics, I chose the two-dimensional representation of space-time as a formula that is equivalent to the universal equation, because it greatly simplifies the derivation of the traditional formulas of physical laws from the universal equation. Didactics also plays a central role in this decision.
If we now apply this representation of the universal equation to the photon space-time, we only have to replace the symbol of velocity v with that of the speed of light c: c = v and we get the much acclaimed Einstein equation:
E = SP(A)[2d-space-time] = mv2 = mc2,
of which one still does not know how he derived it and which is therefore praised as the result of his “ingenious intuition”. However, the universal character of this equation can be explained very simply by the fact that photon space-time has been chosen as the initial reference system in physics – we have seen that this is the case with both the SI system and the theory of relativity. Here the photon space-time is defined as energy, whereas the energy of matter is represented as mass, i.e. as an energy relationship/ratio. The statement that mass equals energy is thus another pleonastic paraphrase of the axiom for the conservation of action potentials.
Einstein’s equation thus covers the energy exchange between matter and photon space-time. This vertical energy exchange is central to the understanding of physics, especially for the clarification of the gravitational mechanism, which is still unknown today. This energy exchange can be described in detail for the first time in the new Axiomatics, whereby a number of new fundamental constants have been discovered (see Volume II). Considering that the last fundamental constants were discovered more than 70 years ago, the advantages of the new Axiomatics become obvious.
The third basic axiom was introduced exclusively to facilitate the dynamic view of open space-time systems that are in constant energy conversion. In this context, it should be emphasized that the previous view of nature in physics is exclusively static. The static view of things is a consequence of the application of mathematics as the only method of definition and measurement of physical quantities. This aspect is explained below. The third basic axiom states:
Any system, which is in a dynamic energy exchange with space-time can be reduced to two levels (entities) whose energy gradients behave reciprocally. These gradients are also called long-range correlations.
With this axiom as a paradigm for the dynamic behavior of all open systems (there are no others – the closed systems introduced in physics are pure abstractions), both the regulation of the cell and the human organism as well as the regulation of the economy at the micro- and macro-level can be consistently explained and described kinematically for the first time. This leads to a general theory of biological and social regulation. Individual aspects of this theory are discussed in the following chapters on the history of philosophy.
The New Concept of “Structural Complexity, Ks”
The modern physical worldview is based on the concept of the wave-particle dualism. Mistakenly, this dualism is seen as a property of space-time. In reality, it is merely the dynamic-static view of nature, with the waves representing the dynamic worldview and the particles the static. In reality, space-time is in a constant transformation, so that all systems are always in motion. The transformation of this dynamics into statics takes place in our consciousness with the aid of mathematics. The mathematical representation of nature is static through and through. The reason for this is that one can only measure space or time if one of the two constituents is arrested (stopped) artificially, i.e. by a mathematical regulation in the head. Since the two constituents behave reciprocally to each other and form a unit, one constituent is always regarded as constant if the other one is artificially arrested. This mathematical trick is based on the application of the primary number “1”.
We will illustrate this by using the universal equation from above. If the number “1” is assigned to the time f, then a geometric surface is obtained from the square of velocity within the framework of mathematical formalism:
E = EA f = SP(A)[2d-space-time] = SP(A)[2d-space] f 2,
if f = SP(A) = 1, then
E = Ks = SP(A)[2d-space] = area = structural complexity
The last equation shows how one can obtain a static geometric quantity, in this case a surface, from the universal equation of energy, which includes velocity as the universal quantity of motion, by arresting time f, i.e. by assigning it the number “1”. The concept of structural complexity includes all geometric representations because they are equivalent. As a rule, Ks is identical to the surface, because this quantity is most frequently used in physics. Many quantities turn out to be pleonasms of the surface, e.g. charge, magnetic moment, etc. Their units are then synonyms for “1 meter square”. Also, this realization leads to a significant simplification of our physical world view.
Since many observables in physics are geometric quantities, the concept of structural complexity is introduced as the set of all geometric quantities. It embodies the static worldview in physics. Every description of the outer forms is static. This includes all descriptive characterizations of nature, which are predominant in medicine and the bio-sciences. All geometric presentations such as vectors, surfaces, volumes and surface integrals must also be added to Ks. The primary term of space-time E, on the other hand, embodies the dynamic worldview of physics. The universal equation E = EA f stands for this view of things.
The Incredible Simplification of the New Axiomatics of the Universal Law
The simplification of the new theory of the UL can be brilliantly illustrated by the following table which contains the most common physical quantities used in physics to describe the external physical world. All these quantities are currently considered by all physicists to belong to matter as its intrinsic qualities. Thus they erroneously believe that these magnitudes have a real existence in the physical world.
In fact, all these quantities were defined in an abstract mathematical way in the heads of the physicists over a period of several centuries during which physics evolved as a natural science from scattered experiments and the subsequent efforts of physicists to present these results in a stringent, verifiable mathematical manner. In this way, their results could be easily reproduced by other scientists so that their validity could be proven independently. This exact reproduction of physical results obtained in experiments has created the reputation of physics as the most exact human natural science.
In fact, the unprocessed use of a variety of abstract mathematical variables and symbols in order to describe nature, which were then interpreted as immanent (inherent) properties of matter was the fundamental epistemological blunder of all physicists that has led to the current unnecessary and unyielding mathematical complexity in this discipline. The latter has veiled and obscured the simplicity of the Nature of Energy= All-That-Is = Primary Term of Human Consciousness, from which an infinite diversity of forms can be created.
Please observe the middle column in the table below that contains the conventional formulas of these common quantities in physics and then the right column that contains the same formulas and equations presented in the new space-time symbolism. One can calculate with the conventional equations, which are rather complex and confusing, or with the same equations in their new symbolic space-time presentation and acquire the same (identical) mathematical results.
The reason for that is that the new physical and mathematical Axiomatics of the UL has adopted the formalistic principle of inner consistency and lack of contradiction as propagated first by Hilbert in mathematics, which is, in essence, the only true Axiomatics of Human Thinking, so that the new space-time symbolism is a commutative, equivalent mathematical system to the old very complicated conventional mathematical system used in physics today.
The advantage of the new space-time symbolism in physics lies in the basic cognitive truth that humans can perceive energy only as space-time due to their limited senses. In a second step, they divide space-time in space and time by arresting one constituent artificially in the mind in order to measure them as allegedly separate entities in the external world. In mathematics, this is expressed by assigning either space or time the number 1, and thus assuming that it is constant and does not change.
This is a highly artificial and flawed procedure as space-time is unity and its two constituents are intrinsically linked (canonically conjugated as one says in mathematics) and behave reciprocally. This fundamental and ample fact of human reality perceived by all humans as space-time, where all scientific exploration today takes place as applied empiricism, has remained totally unrecognized by all physicists until I resolved this fundamental gnostic blunder of all scientists in 1994 and introduced the new space-time symbolism in physics and science. This insight has led to a very easy unification of all physical disciplines under the Universal Law of Nature:
The Law of Evolution
One can now start from the structural complexity and derive the universal equation for this static quantity: E = Ks f 2, therefore Ks= E/f 2. If one introduces the conventional time t instead of the time f, then one obtains the Law of Evolution as a derivation of the Universal Law:
Ks = Et2
The law of evolution says:
The structural complexity is proportional to the converted energy and grows with the square of conventional time, i.e. exponentially.
This law should not be overestimated, but merely seen as a different, static representation of things. Nevertheless, it applies without any exception to all phenomena, because it is a derivation of the Universal Law. With the help of the law of evolution, one can very precisely describe the economic development of mankind, which can also be described as evolution.
These are the basic statements of the new physical Axiomatics, which are fully confirmed by the phenomenology of Being and lead to a unification of physics. We will encounter these basic ideas again and again in the various philosophical schools of Western Civilisation. The aim of this treatise is to prove that the perception of the Universal Law has always been at the centre of all abstract human thought.
1. This argumentation is done from the agnostic point of view of modern science and deliberately excludes the fundamental truth that our reality is the product of our thoughts as creator beings both at the soul level, where this holographic 3D-reality is created and at the ego-mind level, where personal ideas and emotions create the individual subjective reality, which the incarnated personality wants to experience as destiny. In this introduction, I wanted to keep things simple and only to point out that scientists can only observe in the external world what they project onto it with their thoughts in a priori manner and why explorative empiricism that dominates the worldview of modern science is the falsest idea of all.
2. Experience has shown that this abstract level of argumentation of the new Axiomatics poses the greatest difficulties for the conventionally trained, philosophically inexperienced physicist. The only possibility for them to rethink, i.e. to start thinking correctly, is to forget everything they have learned so far. They must then, like small children, begin to memorize and internalize the new Axiomatics. Since the theory is very simple and concise, it should be a very short learning process. After that, the knowledge acquired in physics and the natural sciences will fit seamlessly and without any contradiction into the new Axiomatics. This approach requires only self-discipline in thinking and the psychological overcoming of the inner resistance, i.e. one cannot avoid admitting that one has thought wrongly in physics in a fundamental way up to now. The advantages of such an admission for the participants can be illustrated with a current example from the collapse of communism. Those communists below the party nomenclature who immediately rejected the communist dogma and adopted the principles of the market economy became the greatest and most successful capitalists in an instant, even if they were somewhat downgraded by the Western competition and dismissed as “corrupt red mafiosi”, which is also true, but it misses the psychological point. This phenomenon can be observed without exception in all former socialist countries and all these so-called “oligarchs” were actually closely connected to the criminal cabal in the West. But even the transformation of the Germans from convinced Nazis to diligent democrats has only brought them advantages. The same will apply to physicists once they have understood that physics is merely applied mathematics for inanimate nature. The realization that the representatives of applied mathematics will be the better physicists in the future will cause the necessary suffering that will pressure physics to change fundamentally as a science. These examples illustrate that anyone can take control of his destiny and change his life from the ground up. Those who do not succeed in this feat will inevitably fall by the wayside as the “eternally yesterday’s”. They will be the losers of space-time evolution at the societal level.
3. If one had understood the reciprocity of space and time about 100 years ago, physics would have taken a different course and mankind would, most probably, have been spared the atomic holocaust of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Damocles sword of the Cold War, as well as events like Chernobyl. The two world wars were also due to the failure to recognize the essence of space-time.
4. This realization is so simple in itself that to this day I am not in a position to find a satisfactory explanation as to why mankind did not come to it earlier. This book is an attempt to give a partial answer to this question.