Neoplatonismus und Christentum

Grenzen und Möglichkeiten des menschlichen Denkens, das Ganze, den Urbegriff, und die Einzeldinge, die Phänomenologie des Seins, dialektisch zu erfassen

– Philosophische Studie

Neoplatonism and Christianity.

The Limits and Propensity of the Human Mind to Assess Dialectically All-That-Is, the Primary Term, and its Parts, the Phenomenology of Being

– Philosophic Study –

by Georgi Alexandrov Stankov

Copyright 2007, 169 pages, German Langauge

English Translation as Ebook (pdf)Neoplatonism and Christianity

Short Summary

This philosophical essay was in the planning for several years, before it could be finally written. The author spent many months reading the various historical sources in the former seminary library at the Freisinger Dome, which is one of the oldest libraries in Europe and contains more than 200 000 books on theology and philosophy since the early Middle Ages, even though the most precious books have been taken away by the Big Brother – the Munich State Library – some time ago. The Freisinger Dome Library was so famous in the past, that it even appears in one of the historical novels of the prominent Italian writer Umberto Eco, the author of the bestseller “In Nome della Rosa” (“In the Name of the Rose”), who is a great specialist of medieval history.

From this historical perspective, the current Freisinger Dome Library is an empty shell. During all the months, I spent in the beautiful baroque library hall, reading my sources on theology and the history of the Church, I was most of the time the only visitor there. The Freisinger seminary used to produce hundreds of Catholic priests every year, including the current Pope Ratzinger, but it is now closed for many years, and nobody seems to care about the spiritual treasures, which this famous library harbours.

This is a vivid symbol of the dwindling importance of the Christian faith and the deep crisis of Christianity in the End Times prior to Ascension.  Let us not forget that Christianity is first and foremost an Advent Church – the only purpose for its existence on earth is to prepare the people for the Second Coming of Christ, which is an allegory for the Ascension of humanity in the End Times. The present-day Church and organized Christianity have fundamentally failed to fulfill this divine duty.

Therefore, one can very well understand the lamentations of the current Pope Ratzinger about the decay of the Catholic church, which is embroiled in numerous pedophile scandals, the insidious policy of secrecy, and widespread corruption, even when he correctly attributes this decay to “il relativismo” of Modern Times.

Indeed, if Relativism is another word for the Multidimensionality of the 5th dimension, to which humanity and earth are heading in the current End Times, he might have anticipated some of the upcoming dramatic events, which will lead to the total collapse of the Church and organized Christianity in the remaining 16 months prior to Ascension in December 2012 and will honour him the privilege to be the last pope on this planet.

After all, what should one expect from such a secretive institution as the Vatican, if it is not even in the position to publish the whole text of the famous Fatima’s Third Prophecy about the imminent collapse of the Catholic church and organized Christianity in the course of this and next year,  but only selected excerpts that suit the cover-up policy of the Vatican?

The sole responsibility for this fraud lies on the present Pope, who was a prefect of the Faith Congregation at the time of the publication of Fatima’s Third Prophecy in 2000 and wrote a special theological interpretation of it. It clearly states that Fatima’s Third Prophecy deals with past events and has no relation to the future of the Church. Ratzinger’s flawed interpretation of Fatima’s Third Prophecy can be found on the official Vatican’s website on the Internet and discredits him as an honest man, which he probably may be, but only very deep in his heart and invisible to other people. This fraud will decisively contribute to his demise as a Pope very soon because such is the Divine Plan for this planet.

This introduction, beginning with the abysses of modern Christianity, leads us directly to the main topic of the current philosophical study: It deals with the early days of Christianity when the theological foundations of the Christian faith were laid down and the pristine teaching of Jesus Christ was distorted, manipulated, forged, or unconsciously misinterpreted on a massive scale.

However, this philosophical study is not an exploratory work on the history of these crimes in the name of a Christian God. It does not even deal with the original teaching of the alleged entity Jesus Christ, who was, in fact, a later myth created on behalf of Constantine, the Great, in the 4th century in order to strengthen his absolute power in the form of Caesaropapism.

This book is instead an academic study of the early Gnosis of Western civilisation, as it has evolved from classical Greek philosophy.

The theological background of Christianity as a religious teaching evolved at the same time as the transcendental gnostic teaching of the famous Ammonios Sakkas was rapidly spreading from Alexandria throughout the whole Roman Empire. It was a reminiscence of the ancient Egyptian Temple schools of mysteries, which educated evolved human entities on how to ascend individually.  It is not a coincidence that his two most prominent followers, Plotin and Origenes, became the founders of the two basic gnostic systems of spiritual knowledge of Western Civilisation:  Neo-Platonism of Plotin, the most sophisticated and congruent gnostic teaching of Western philosophy, and Christian theology as developed by Origenes in Alexandria in the 3rd century.

Let us not forget that before the Catholic Church became the official religion of the Roman Empire, early Christianity was initially flourishing in Alexandria and spread from there predominantly in the  Eastern part of the Roman Empire. This is the reason why many historians speak of the Alexandrian Church or the Alexandrian time of Christianity, which is considered to be the pristine Church of Christ. All theological interpreters of his teaching in the past, now referred to as the “Church Fathers” (Kirchenväter), were in their spiritual weltanschauung convinced Neo-Platonists.

This book proves that all basic theological ideas, which are at the core of present-day Christianity were borrowed or, most often, stolen from Neo-Platonism, as was the case with Hieronymus, who translated in Latin the teachings of Origenes and plagiarized them on many occasions.  All the Christian dogmas that are still valid today, including the Trinity Dogma, were originally Neoplatonic concepts. This is proven extensively in this book.

When the Catholic Church condemns today the early Christian heretics, as Pope Ratzinger has been doing on many occasions in his sermons in the Vatican in the last several years (which the author is following in the Italian language on TV), he always has in mind the early Gnostics, be they Arianer (followers of Arius and Arianism) or Monotheists, At the dawn of Christianity, many people enjoyed a direct contact to the Higher Self and All-That-Is, and channeling was a daily affair, just as it is in the current End Times.

The true religious feelings of the early Christians were not dumbed down as this is the case with most Christians today, as the present Catholic Church of the Elite was created only several centuries later by the Orion Empire of the Anunnaki, the Powers That Be with the help of Constantine.  At that time even the Gospels did not exist, but only Paul’s epistles. However, there were numerous gnostic books in circulation, which were widely read and discussed by the early Christians. These facts about the early, most crucial days of Christianity cannot be found in any official religious book on the history of the Church. Most of the gnostic books from that time were deliberately destroyed by setting the Alexandrian library and other places of spiritual life on fire in the 4th century.

The present philosophical essay considers these facts as historical background, as any diligent scientist would do in this case. However, it concentrates exclusively on the basic gnostic statements of Plotin and Origenes and analyses them from the point of view of the new Gnosis and General Theory of Science of the Universal Law.

Plotin was somebody, who one would define today as an Ascended Master in a physical vessel, as is the case with this author. He must have been deeply ashamed to be an incarnated human entity if one believes what his pupil and editor Porphyry is telling us about this great spiritual man in his preface to his master’s works. Plotin taught his gnostic ideas personally to selected enlightened followers and consented only at an advanced age to write them down. He did not, however, bother much about publishing them. This was the obligation of his most beloved and devoted student Porphyry, who edited them under the name “Enneads” (six books, each one of nine essays).

The Gnostic teaching of Plotin was defined as Neo-Platonism much later when the works of Plato and Aristotle were rediscovered in the late Dark Ages and early Renaissance and triggered the Italian “Rinascimento” –  the Rebirth of Ancient Greek Civilisation. Plotin spent most of his life near Rome and had a huge influence on the Roman politicians at that time.

Origenes remained in Alexandria and wrote numerous theological interpretations of early Christianity. His spiritual goal was to establish a synthesis between Late Platonism and the newly emerging interpretation of Al-That-Is in the teachings of the famous Apollonios of Tyana, whose biography contributed to the artificial and deliberate creation of the Christian myth of Jesus, Christ. The last name was borrowed from the Greek spiritual tradition to cover up the underpinning fraud in the establishment of organized Christianity and the Catholic Church.

Although Origenes is undoubtedly the most important theologian in the history of Christianity, from which all subsequent theologians have hugely profited, he was twice condemned as a heretic on two Synods and was killed by his political enemies. It is still a conundrum, why he is officially considered a Christian martyr, given the fact, that he has been officially condemned and expelled from the Church, and has never been rehabilitated since then.

This fact brings into focus the basic truth that the Christian faith is deeply rooted in crime, fraud, deception, infinite contradictions, obvious discrepancies, and huge paradoxes, which are indeed mind-boggling. This fact explains at the same time the huge success of Christianity among the masses in the past, as it amalgamates in a perfect way all human vices, which are part of the human condition on this rather toxic planet. The Church was, and still is, a perfect mirror-image of all atrocities, which humanity has committed on earth. While condemning the Church, one must be aware of the fact that he is also condemning humanity.

The theoretical approach to both thinkers in this book comes from the scientific definition of the Primary Term in the new physical and mathematical axiomatics of the Universal Law. As it has been shown in the latest English book “The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction..“, all human ideas in science, philosophy, religion, and everyday life can only be true, if they are axiomatically derived from the Primary Term of our consciousness. In this way, the Unity of all incarnated entities with All-That-Is is thoroughly observed in all verbal and written categorical systems of human knowledge, which depend entirely on human language as a medium.

Human language has the inherent propensity to reflect correctly the Nature and Unity of All-That-Is and to serve as an adequate medium of communication, upon which all true categorical systems of human knowledge currently dwell (in the absence of telepathic abilities in the broad human population). Such a categorical system (Aristotle) can only be true if it is arranged in an axiomatic manner and departs from the primary idea of All-That-Is.

This is actually the chief gnostic achievement of the new Theory of the Universal Law. The rest are concrete implementations of this theory for the various scientific disciplines and everyday life. Both philosophy and religion, have no other objective but to relay the transcendental Nature of All-That-Is to all incarnated human beings on earth in such a truthful and self-evident manner that they can grasp it within their restricted consciousness and emotional awareness, while they are still trapped in the physical vessel of the organic human body. Precisely at this fundamental, key gnostic endpoint, Western philosophy, science, theology, and all popular religions have totally failed on this planet. This is a leitmotif in all the books, published on this website.

When this methodological approach is applied to the Neo-Platonism of Plotin, it could be easily proven that most of his ideas and statements are absolutely correct from the point of view of the new Gnosis of the Universal Law. One major deficiency is that Plotin cannot develop a correct idea of the energetic background of All-That-Is from a scientific point of view. This is understandable when one considers the fact that at that time the concept of physics as a natural science did not exist, and the idea of energy as a physical phenomenon was not known, although the teaching of Heraclitus, being very popular in Antiquity, did introduce the notion of energy as “an eternal fire that ignites and extinguishes all the time in a measured way”, thus creating all objects and forms of the visible world.

The second deficiency of Neo-Platonism is that Plotin could not develop a correct idea of all parts of All-That-Is as U-sets that contain themselves and the Whole as an element. This idea was truly comprehended to its full extent by the author, who further elaborated it in mathematics and physics. With the help of this Gnostic tool, he eliminated the Foundation Crisis of Mathematics and integrated physics under the primary concept of Space-Time,

He proved in an irrevocable manner within the theory of physics that the 3D reality on earth, as it is perceived by the narrow human senses, has only two dimensions – space and time.  All current physical dimensions, which have been introduced in present-day physics through the SI system and mainly contribute to the profound semantic and cognitive confusion in this discipline, are thus eliminated once and for all. This radical eradication of redundant terminology in physics leads to an incredible simplification of the whole physical theory, as any competent reader can convince himself by reading  Volume I and Volume II on this website.

The final conclusion of this philosophical study is that the Gnostic teaching of Plotin, known as Neo-Platonism, is the most sophisticated and correct interpretation of All-That-Is in Western philosophy and most probably in the known world literature. It is definitely much more clear-cut and systematically organized than the whole shebang of current channelled or other literature of the New Age, except for some early channellings of Cosmic Awareness, which have been discussed in the book “The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction…

The gnostic writings of Origenes cannot match the brilliance of Plotin. His chief objective was to interpret Christian religion in the context of Neo-Platonism. Thus, he became the father of Christian Syncretism – the synthesis of early Christian teachings with ancient Greek philosophy. This synthesis of Origenes is authentic and well-intended. However, all subsequent interpretations and machinations, which have been committed upon this religion, have been entirely malignant, void of spirituality, and driven by the pure intention to oppress the future masses of Christian believers, as planned by the Powers That Be – the Anunnaki from the Orion Empire – and ruthlessly implemented for a long period of time, described as the Dark Ages in the history books.

A huge asset of Origenes’ theology is his interpretation of the End Times, which is very precise and surprisingly far-sighted. His description of the “spiritual bodies” of the ascended human beings, which he borrows from Paul’s epistles, is identical to the current term “crystalline light bodies”, which the ascended human beings will acquire after mass Ascension on December 21, 2012 (The light warriors of the first and the last hour, belonging to the Planetary Ascension Team, the PAT, the captain of which this author is, did ascend during this stargate 12,21.12, which this group of advanced souls opened. However, as humanity was still deeply asleep, they collectively decided to return to their human bodies on the 3D earth and stay until most of humanity awakens, which is currently the case. Since then this tiny group of ascended masters lives simultaneously in 5D and higher dimensions as well as here on this 3D, actually 4D earth.)

The concept of Mass Ascension of humanity as planned for the current End Times is also elucidated by this great seer 1800 years ago in his famous “Four Books About the First Things“(peri archon tomoi 4). This prophetic gnostic achievement of Origenes is not at all comprehended by the numerous theologians and historians, who have studied the works of this great Neo-Platonist after his death during the long dark epoch of Christianity. Today, it is very difficult to find an expert on the theology of Origenes.

After the two famous Gnostic thinkers of the past are presented in this book, the early history of Christianity is discussed in a concise form with respect to the establishment of the Church dogmas during the synodal time (the time of the Christian councils). The disastrous Trinitary Dispute (Trinitätsstreit) – the prolonged and savage battle between Arianer (supporter of Arius and Arianism) and supporters of the Trinity dogma, which bitterly divided and devastated early Christianity for many centuries, initially in the Eastern Roman Empire and later on throughout whole Europe – is elucidated from the gnostic point of view of the Universal Law.

The Universal Law was defined at that time as Logos. as first reported by Heraclitus. This concept was central in the formulation of all Christian dogmas. John’s Gospel begins for instance with the Logos, meaning the Universal Law – “At the beginning was the Universal Law” – and not the word of the Bible, as it has been forged by the clergy and dubious translators of the Bible later on.  By the way, this gospel was not written by John, but this is another huge theme of Christian fraud, which cannot be discussed in this place.

The book ends with a theoretical discussion of the two timelines of earth and human civilisation in the current End Times – a further separation from All-That-Is, from the Source, and eventual annihilation of both, planet and human civilisation, or an emphatic embracement of the primordial idea of the Oneness of All-That-Is and its parts, a spiritual attitude, which inevitably leads to Ascension in the 5th dimension, because such is God’s Grace for this planet and humanity in these days (see Ascension 2012-The Ongoing Scenario).

This philosophical study establishes a new standard in the scientific exploration of past religious teachings and scripts, based on the immaculate Theory and Gnosis of the Universal Law – the Logos of All-That-Is, This theory will be implemented by future scientists in the 5th dimension, where it will become the foundation of a new Theory of Ascension.













Jede Weltanschauung, sei sie individueller oder kollektiver Art, mündet in eine Phi­lo­sophie und umgekehrt, auch in sol­chen Fällen, in denen die Philosophie offen­kun­dig mit Gering­­schät­zung und Verachtung bedacht wird, wie man zur Zeit allge­genwärtig beobachten kann. Denn auch eine totale Ableh­nung der Philo­sophie kann den trans­zen­denten, geistig-philo­so­phi­schen Rah­men, in dem sich die menschliche Exis­tenz auf der Erde entfaltet, nicht eliminieren, genauso wenig wie das indi­vi­duelle Ego die Existenz und die allum­fassende All­macht der Seele nicht wegschaffen kann, möge es sie noch so hart­näckig leug­nen.

Denn das Ego kann nur aus der leben­spendenden Kraft der See­le heraus existieren und seinen Unfug auf der Erde trei­ben. Die Seele verfügt also über die Allmacht, dem Ego zu erlau­ben, ihre Existenz zu leug­nen – frei­lich nur bis zu einem ge­wis­sen Grade, daher der Sinn und Zweck kar­mischer Er­fah­­run­gen, die stets von der schicksalhaft lenkenden Über­macht der Seele kundtun und den Lebenslauf der inkarnierten Per­sön­lich­keit im Sinne des über­geor­d­neten seeli­schen Plans gestalten.

Dies ist die letztendliche Dichotomie, auf der das Inkarna­tions­­expe­­riment der Seelen auf diesem Planeten beruht: Der Mensch ist ein ungebro­che­ner Teil des Ganzen und fühlt sich dennoch allein und einsam in sei­nem abgetrennten Körper. Dieses existentielle Gefühl des Getrenntseins mündet in vie­le falsche Auf­fas­sungen und Glaubenssätze, welche die mensch­liche An­scha­uung nachhaltig for­men. Zugleich ist die inkar­nier­te Persönlichkeit ein ständiger Sucher nach der ener­­­geti­schen Ganzheit der Astralbereiche, aus der sie gekommen ist. Diese Ganzheit kann im Körper nur sehr selten und unvoll­kom­­men in kurzen Augenblicken der Eks­ta­se er­fah­ren werden.

Ich habe diesem Thema einen breiten Raum in meinen an­de­ren gnos­­ti­schen Schriften gewidmet. Ich werde in dieser Stu­die nun zeigen, dass diese Er­kenntnis ein Leit­motiv der antiken Philosophie und insbesondere des Neoplato­nis­mus ist.

Die Frag­men­tierung der Seele als irdische Persönlichkeit wird durch eine Amnesie über die ursächliche Exis­tenz und Ein­heit des Allganzen erreicht und bringt diese Di­cho­­tomie des Lebens hervor, die wie ein Fluidum alle Phänomene der sichtbaren, mate­riellen Welt durchdringt und bedingt.

So lange der Mensch diese Dichotomie irr­tüm­licherweise als einen end­gültigen Zustand des Getrenntseins in allen As­pek­ten seiner irdischen Existenz erlebt und in diversen wissen­­schaft­lichen Irrlehren wie bei­spiels­­weise in der Evolutions­doktrin, einem biolo­gischen und sozialen Darwi­nis­mus, in dem auch die rücksichtslose Konkur­renz unter den Menschen zum regu­lie­­renden Natur­­­prinzip der Wirtschaftstätigkeit erho­ben wird, mit der Au­to­­­rität einer unum­stöß­lichen Wahrheit festschreibt, ist er nicht in der La­ge, das We­sen des Gan­zen wahrzuneh­men, geschweige denn, zu interpretieren.

Also leugnet der mo­der­ne, agnostische Mensch die Exis­tenz der Seele und der Seelenwelten, der 7F-Schöp­fungs­berei­che, aus denen das ir­di­sche Leben sekundär entsteht. Gleichzeitig er­kennt der Mensch nicht, dass er durch seine subjektiven, sel­ten einmal objek­tiven Ideen, Ge­danken, Überzeugungen und Glau­­bens­sätze, und die mit ihnen verbundenen Ge­füh­le und Ängste ein autarker Schöpfer des eigenen Schicksals und der gesell­schaft­lichen Strukturen ist, und über das energeti­sche Potential verfügt, diese auf eine un­­end­lich viel­fältige Wei­se kreativ zu gestalten.

Kurzum erkennt der moderne Mensch die Priorität der pla­to­nischen Ideen vor den sichtbaren Phänomenen der se­kun­dä­ren, drei­di­­mensionalen Welt nicht und verfällt einem heil­lo­sen De­ter­minis­mus, der von einem umtriebigen, ziellosen Em­pi­ris­mus­zwang begleitet wird. Hierin liegt die gnos­ti­­sche, bezie­­­hungs­­weise philo­sophi­sche Grenze der menschlichen Er­kennt­­nis. Da alle Prob­leme, mit de­nen sich die inkarnierte Per­sön­lich­keit während ihrer kurzen Ver­weil­dauer auf der Erde ausein­ander­setzen muss, aus­schließlich aus dieser spiri­tuel­len Unwis­senheit her­rüh­ren, ist dieser Agnostizismus des moder­nen Menschen zugleich die Urquelle aller Übel dieser Welt.


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