by Georgi Stankov, November 22, 2013
The comet ISON is the new riddle of the astronomic society and the New Age movement. And it is an object of complete secretiveness on the part of NASA and the ruling cabal. The Internet is full of such information these days. I will however not digress and will instead make you aware of a new channeling below, which is highly inspiring and also gives you an inkling as to when the final triad of events – the MPR, the ID split and the ascension ofGaia and part of humanity – will occur.
Let me elaborate on this message and in particular on one crucial remarkable statement in the text:
“The comet that your earth scientists have labeled ISON, which is a clear and obvious clue to the adepts, is brightening and is now just moments away from either the end of its journey, or to emerge and begin another cycle. This will represent a shift in the linear timeline you are currently experiencing. Should the comet and your sun star merge, its energy will be projected through the solar disc and then transmitted to your solar system. If it emerges from around the sun, and begins a new cycle, it shall then make a close approach to earth, close enough to effect the planet and its inhabitants more than it has so far.
This is going to be a cosmic crossroads if you will. Some of you will be going to another timeline (lower catastrophic 4D hologram, note George), others will remain upon this one (upper 4D = balanced 4D earth), and still others will be going to realms, where there is no longer any chronicle of time (5D holograms of the New Earth), thus, there will be no timeline for them to continue upon. This will occur between the perihelion and perigee of the comet, many of you are starting to feel the shifting already”
As far as I am concerned (and I have a very good memory), I have never read such a precise statement in a channeling text so far, which is also highly informative from a physical point of view, so that I recommend you to read it very carefully. Hermes says in clear text that between November 28, when ISON will be closest to the sun (perihelion) and December 26, when the comet, if it survives its encounter with the sun, will be closest to the earth (perigee), all these three big events of Ascension will have occurred.
This is precisely what we have received as forecasts so far from all our sources. I have only yesterday received a very precise information from my HS that November 28 will be a crucial day, most probably the onset of the MPR on the surface of Gaia.
Today there is another cc-wave with a massive descent of source energy that peaks at this very moment and this also indicates the coming of the MPR. This afternoon in Bavaria I witnessed what I would interpret as a superposition of another 5D hologram on this earth, when the sky was really out-worldly for more than an hour and is still so as I look out of the window, very much like what Jahn described on November 20.
There are also personal dramatic developments in my life that also point to the urgency of this scenario. Only two days ago Björn Kurt made me aware of the fact that Thanksgiving is also on November 28 and that this day may render the appropriate psychological background for the unfolding of a veritable Armageddon in the USA on the lower 4D holograms. Simultaneously, we, the PAT, and some other light warriors of the first and last hour will simply move to a new 5D hologram or ascend to the Source. These scenarios have been discussed today in another article by myself.
I personally think that these indications are very significant and that they now build the time frame, within which all these big events will take place. After all, Jahn’s sources have repeatedly told us that we shall experience an auspicious fall this year and this is the time when this all must happen.
Sirian Archangel Hermes – November 21, 2013
Greetings fellow beings of light! I come to you now as we are approaching very closely in your linear timelines to a point of great celestial influences.
The comet that your earth scientists have labeled ISON, which is a clear and obvious clue to the adepts, is brightening and is now just moments away from either the end of its journey, or to emerge and begin another cycle. This will represent a shift in the linear timeline you are currently experiencing. Should the comet and your sun star merge, its energy will be projected through the solar disc and then transmitted to your solar system. If it emerges from around the sun, and begins a new cycle, it shall then make a close approach to earth, close enough to effect the planet and its inhabitants more than it has so far.
This is going to be a cosmic crossroads if you will. Some of you will be going to another timeline, others will remain upon this one, and still others will be going to realms where there is no longer any chronicle of time, thus, there will be no timeline for them to continue upon. This will occur between the perihelion and perigee of the comet, many of you are starting to feel the shifting already. The effects of such stellar environments are greatly ignored by your media and cabal, as they defy their current sciences and doctrines. For example, there are vast crystal caverns underground in your planet. These greatly affect your perceptions of both space and time. Stellar and cosmic events can alter these crystalline caverns under you, as above, so below.
I come to speak also of sacred geometry. The foundation of all spectrums of light, holograms and images. Even the most complex of holograms can be made simple by the use of sacred geometry. One must simply look at them in the most simple of ways. For example a fifth dimensional hypercube appears to be a very complex shape, however, to the adept, it is seen in all dimensions. The adept can see its foundation in 2 dimensions, which is but a square. This is a great clue as to how all is connected within the chrono-quantum transdimensional holosynthetic. Apply this to all you see and encounter, and you too, shall begin to see beyond the quantum veil. Quantum and Fractal are in fact, the same thing, one is simply measured in quantity, and the other in motion.
Many of the great mysteries of the multiverse are now being revealed. When one can affirm them, one begins to see how they were right in front of them the whole time. There are clues in everything you see and experience, in every moment. Discernment is the only variable. For an example I offer you my own archetype. In many of the chronicles of your world, the entity known as Hermes shares many qualities with other entities. The stance of as above, so below, the garment worn around the crown, the moon, the staff, these are all shared by humanoid hosts of the oversoul entity. Thoth for example, the moon upon his crown, known for his knowledge and wisdom. The sun, moon and earth environment is crucial to your every day experiences. When one looks up to the sun, they “feel”. When one looks up to the moon, they “think”, these are obvious examples of such clues being all around you. Think of the sun as a projector of white light, think of the moon as a prism to reflect the sunlight to the earth. The Buddha himself once declared, that three things cannot be hidden long, the sun, the moon, and the truth. Indeed, he was correct.
I come lastly with a message for all those who are feeling the shift. Your guides continue to walk with you, every choice and action you make, they are there, watching and documenting. It is common knowledge in quantum physics that matter changes upon observation. What is not yet well known however, is that when matter becomes aware that it is being observed, not only does it change its behavior, but it also changes the behavior of the observer. Meaning as you continue to make choices that raise your vibration and consciousness, your guides are also experiencing similar changes. This is fractal quantum entanglement becoming manifest.
The rainbow light codes continue to be broadcast full spectrum. Within them are the keys and tones that shall bring you closer to alignment with your greatest virtues. Remember to channel your discernment in fractal, quantum, multidimensional ways. Each color is also a tone, a key, a form, a frequency and a vibration. Everything, is also something else. Within you, is a multiverse all of its own, on a scale of micro, nano, and beyond. You house within you all of infinity, all that was, is, and ever will be, is now within you, and also without you, all around you. Which aspects will you choose to align with? This is the blessing given to humanity, free will to make these choices, and then live with them.
In infinite love, I am looking at you this way. Blessings in light!
There are three more messages which have just been posted that also address the role of ISON in the overall ascension process. This peak in published channelled information on this comet shows how important it is as a symbol of ascension and as a catalyst of this process.
However, we know that the basic work is done in the higher dimensions by creating the numerous 5D holograms, which are now descending upon this earth in preparation for our ascension. In this sense, the comet ISON is just a visual symbol of this process, notwithstanding the fact that it may trigger a huge explosion of the sun through the great central sun.
This explosion may very well be synchronized with the detonation of the PAT Supernova at the same time as to bring the necessary energy thrust to ascend Gaia firmly to the 5D and higher dimensions. That is why the date November 28 is of such pivotal character for us.