Personal Opinions – June 15, 2013

Letters to the Editor

Hi Georgi,

In response to your last post: The Energy Work With My Dual Soul Since May 22;

‘Our portal was then extended to the rest of Asia, which as you know does not harbour any members of the PAT, in particular not in China, but also not in Asian Russia.’

I have to remind you that I do live in Asia – I have for 11 years. I first lived in Taiwan, where my first full day there was greeted by the news of 9/11 on the the 12th (due to the time difference) – And where my LBP started to become much more active (if I may say).  I lived there for almost 2.5 years from September 11, 2001 to December of 2003. After that I lived in Shanghai, China for a year and experienced some of the worst cleansing that affected my body that rendered me almost useless for an entire year from November 2004 to October 2005 – and where I experienced the effects of the tsunami of December 2004. I currently reside in Hanoi, Vietnam, and have done so since leaving China in October of 2005, and experience the joys of cleansing here.

I believe that Aegil Santos also resides in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

There are couple of us here in Asia. I’m sure it’s not easy to keep track of where everyone lives.

In love and light,

Dear Laurie,

I know this and there are some more of you on the fringes of this huge continent – you in Vietnam, Aegil in Malaysia and another lady in the Philippines. What I wanted to show is that we have no members of the PAT in China, Russia, India and the whole Middle East (Arabia, Iran and Pakistan) with a total population of more than 3.5 billion people. This is a huge bulk of darkness that is extending on this continent and that is why I do not see much (if any) of this population to go to our upper 4D earth of 300 million inhabitants.

I think that you cover with your portal the area of former Lemuria together with some members of the PAT in Hawaii and less so the mainland of Asia with its unripe soul population as they have no chance of ascension, while the old timelines of Lemuria and Atlantis will be revived upon ascension. I will publish today a message from Metatron on this very important topic.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

Thank you for this explanation, this makes sense to me. Yes, there is a huge, enormous population on this continent almost two thirds of the world’s population here, and then also including Russia and the whole of the Middle East (approx. 4 billion living in Asia out of 6 billion world population).

It’s true, there is much darkness accumulated in these areas, where the light seems almost to have been extinguished. And yes, there is also a very, very unripe population – It’s frightening, I can attest to this from living and travelling for many years in Asia and also having spent time in the Middle East as well, some years ago. I have marvelled and become so very frustrated with this, that the only thing I can do is shake my head and throw my hands up in  amazement. It’s truly unbelievable the level that one deals with here and throughout the continent of Asia – I don’t mean this in a condescending way, but only in the sense that the higher intelligence seems to be non-existent more often than not. I’m not suggesting that I haven’t met some enlightened people, but I must be honest, the level to which much of the population has been dumbed down is significant. But, that is also a problem on the continent of North America as well – even though they claim to be more informed and have a higher standard of living.

Thank you for the information about the portals – I have to be honest, I would say that I know there is a portal here that I’m connected to, but I know very little about ‘how’ this works. It’s interesting to hear that the portal I’m connected to covers the area of former Lemuria – I’ve always felt a deep connection to this ancient civilisation.

In love and light,

Hi Georgi,

I just finished reading your explanations of your duties with your dual soul, Istanbul, and Munich. What a tremendous undertaking! I’m glad that you are back and feeling better today. I was reminded to make a donation because I was awakened at 1:11 AM for the last two days (yesterday); which was certainly angels at work. In fact, the angels who watch over the PAT make sure that we follow our soul-paths. They are especially watchful over the ‘warrior types’ (includes women, too), making sure that no one gets killed.

Becoming ‘invisible’ sometimes can be shocking at first, but when used extensively with the MOS can be wonderful for being in two or more places at once.  Saint Anthony of Padua often can assist in this. Becoming citizens of the Upper 4-Ds we are responsible for keeping a spiritual outlook to life, even with the problems of 3-D. You are very helpful with that; and I commend you.

In Love and Light,

Dear Henry,

thank you very much  for your comments. Let me just tell you that today is another energy peak (June 12) that is almost incredible. If it goes like this, I do not know how long they can keep me on the ground. Yesterday there was another huge shift with cc-wave and a severe headache for me and today we have pure energies from the source as if one million Volts flow through me without any resistance but still burning my skin. I hope to learn later on what has actually happened, but we are definitely on the upward spiral for another, this time hopefully, successful ascension attempt.

With love and light

Dear George

I am so grateful for your elucidation of the seven levels of 4D. It rang with a pure chime of piercing clarity and truth. I immediately “got it” and felt relief in a verbal definition of what things I was sensing. I have had an exhaustion that no amount of coffee can ameliorate. I have had profound physical jobs transmuting on May 25 and June 6 to 8th.

Despite my physical state, I slog through the day with a renewed joy of knowing we are on the homeward stretch. I am so grateful for the speed at which things become clear with the guidance your site offers.


Dear Marian,

I am happy to hear that my latest articles on the new seven parallel 4D earths scenario of ascension resonate with you. This is indeed what is now happening and the model I presented helps understand the current energetic situation. I was myself at loss end of May and the beginning of June and it took me a lot of contemplation and also the active support from the HR to find out what is actually ongoing. I feel that now the pieces of the mosaic fit together and we have a much clearer picture on the events. I also feel that we are now rapidly progressing towards our final goal – ascension.

With love and light

Hi Georgi,

thank you for all the recent messages… especially today. All of this makes sense to me and resonates, except I need clarification on this point.

In this way they continued to project an empty holographic mirror image of their incarnated personality in the other timelines, so that an overarching illusion of the continuation of the old 3d-order was created in all seven 4D timelines“.

Is there anyway to determine who is an empty holographic image and who is not? Will these empty holographic images at some time fully separate from the various 4d timelines? What is he main determinant that we are indeed consciously aware in the upper 4d timeline – minimal catastrophic events?

Thank you for your time, Georgi… a life line to truth

Dear Neil,

this is a very good question and other readers have also posed it. As language is imprecise, words do not always convey the exact energetic meaning. When I say “empty holographic images” I imply that the major focus of experience of the incarnated personality has already shifted to another timeline. The probable personality you meet in this reality is still a sentient being however of a limited scope. The best way to discern this is to see the eyes of the person as they are the window to his soul and to use your inner senses. There must be an immediate knowing as we are now fully linked to our HS and the veil has been lifted.

I assume that very soon, when big changes will commence at the societal level in our upper 4D timeline that many of these personalities will simply disappear from the scene and most of the people will not bother to ask where they have gone as is the case with Hillary Clinton now who has vanished for almost two months from the press coverage and nobody asks where she is, and this, notwithstanding the fact that she was considered to be the next candidate for a president. Human perception is very selective and limited, and the more so human memory.

But the big changes and the disappearance of the many probable personalities on this timeline will come when the collective mindset has fully accepted the new reality – the LBP, ascension, the existence of ascended masters etc.. in other words, the relevance of all the topics we now discus on this website. After that there will be no need for this camouflage anymore (I wrote this on June 12 and only later received Jahn’s latest message on Millions Mirror Images).

With love and light

Hello Georgi,

Have been kind of “awol” for a few months, and tonight I felt a pull to open your web site for today.  Wow!!!  So much new info to process – my eyes are bugging out of my head. Interestingly enough, we are mainly on the same page of info.

I love to read the emails from your readers, and one from Joe really resonated with me when he mentioned the Spanish movie about God and the devil playing cards on a train.

A few weeks ago, my guidance told me to “be ready when the train stops at the station.”  Naturally I knew I’d be ready.

On May 30 I was taken to hospital with a heart arrhythmia, and even though I tried to slow it down, nothing worked. I was told it wasn’t as bad as I thought, and I felt quite cheerful during the short time spent in hospital, and still do.

Very glad to be enjoying your breaking news and updates, and emails from PAT members once again. Thank you for pulling all this info together, and for sharing it with us Georgi. I enjoy being part of this team in my small way. Any info I receive in future will be passed on to you.

Coreen Villemere

Dear Coreen,

I am glad you have connected to us again in these last auspicious days when there is much dramatics behind the ascension dynamics that has now encompassed  the whole humanity and of course Gaia. Although the process is individual, there is a common energetic background that is now only available to our group, while all other LW are in a state of total confusion and their messages give them no information as their minds are distracted with other trifle issues.

It is needless to add that this state cannot last for very long and that big events are now looming on the horizon even on this upper 4D earth as the old order must be abolished and this can only happen on the historic stage, at the societal level, even though ascension is an inner process in the first place. Please share any new information with us as we will all profit from it.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

Similar to you, also I had this night ( 13th ) an ascension dream. I was standing on a meadow next to a lake with my cousin (even though he was a small child unlike today) and we were looking at the water. Suddenly the water on the lake started to whirl and big multi-coloured bubbles came out from the whirl.

My immediate thought was: “This is it. It’s finally starting” and I was shivering from the expectation and anticipation of next events. After a while the bubbles started to grew and expand into multiple coloured hazes or fogs. It strongly resembled a rainbow. They moved from above the water and were spreading over the meadow at the height of somewhere under our knees.

As the hazes started to cover our feet my cousin, full of fear, wanted to run out of here but I was calming him down and urging him to stay and to not have fear. Once our feet were covered by the hazes, very pleasant and blissful feelings started to flow into us from bottom to up.

There the dream has ended.


Just quickly. My partner and I had very restless sleeps last night and I was having very abstract dreams of which I can’t recall, but I do know there was something to do with different frequencies and at one point was talking in my sleep about them. Not had a night like it for a long time, every time I woke up I’d be in pain. My partner has also felt a strong anger in his body all day.

OK, “over and out”

Good Morning George,

thank you for your updates – me too, I feel unrest and this morning we woke up in fog (outside) and it is still raining.

Since I wrote to you about my image of the Pilots, I remembered a dream very vividly: Two airplanes are starting exactly the same time. I am sitting and navigating in one, flying over mountains, and then all of a sudden this plane dropped away AND the other plane overtook smoothly. So I realized that we were connected from the beginning, no problem to switch to the other plane or vice versa.

By getting this vision so strong in my conscious perception, I feel, that this moment is very close. If I remember correctly, I had this dream about 8 months ago. In the creation of my individual ascension, I am watching, that the 18th is a key marker. So it was for me in December. Exactly 18 December I decided intuitively  to stay away from 3D, to go there only if absolutely necessary (for shopping…)  –   this was a clear information for me, I had to embody immediately.

And because of this correspondence I like to inform you about Werner Neuner (I got to know him, when we laid the “Venusblume” on a mountain in Vorarlberg). In his connection with the Venus-Energy, he is involved in healing the human relationship with the Earth. He informs us, that on the 18th of June we’ll enter the highest level of the Hunab Ku. Here is the excerpt about the date:

Silvia, Austria

Dear Silvia,

thank you for sharing your pilot vision of ascension with me. This is how it happens now. The information on June 18th is very interesting and we must now wait and see  if it will come true. But the time around the summer solstice was announced to be very powerful and it will be a great surprise if nothing tangible happens these days.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I know that you don’t appreciate David Wilcock highly, but it seems to me that he had to go recently through some sort of inner shift after December, 2012. In one of his articles published after that time he admits that after reading Law Of One series he treats this source of information…

Link to a full article:


Dear Marek,

it would have been very sad if people like Wilcockand Steve Beckow do not make the next step towards awakening after being beamed with such powerful energies by the PAT in the last months.


Dear Georgi,

if we’ll not ascend this weekend then our PAT members could spend remaining time reading works of some of the greatest authors of ancient Greece. I found this site publishing online for free the books from authors like:

Aeschylus, Homer, Horace, Aesop, Aristotle, … and big number of other well-known classics includingApollonius ( and his book “Argonautica” ).

Link to the site:


Dear Marek,

this is an excellent link. In fact, I was asked today by Sarah about some sources to Ancient Greek literature and philosophy, so I can now send her this link.


Dear Georgi,

just wanted to send a big cyber hug of gratitude your way. My, my, have you been busy up in the Alps! what amazing experiences you have had with your dual-soul. I am so grateful your extrapolation and for putting it all in the larger context of history, which is oh-so-important for many of our US – centric minds, as you pointed out. Now I understand better why I went to the Alps last winter, to near the area where you discovered the Universal Law. Interesting how the soul always knows where to go, even if our puny little human organism has no idea. I’ve wanted to say/comment so much on all you’ve said lately but haven’t yet found the words.

Suffice to say I’m roaring to ascend and feel more ready than ever. I feel always now surrounded by pleasant people (even if not yet awakened, they are at least kind, good, just, fair, soft-hearted and bright). June 7-8 was indeed unbelievably heavy this weekend. I wanted to write and ask you what happened but now it all makes sense. Leo, who is, by his own description, regularly like a chicken, waking with the dawn, can barely bring himself out of bed in the mornings, always needing to fall back into sleep. My dreams are also very intense lately, and I don’t remember a lot except that they feel complex and like I am going to other places that daily consciousness cannot fathom.

Wanted to ask you really quickly though, I know it may be hopefully very soon irrelevant, but in case we don’t ascend this weekend, which I fully hope we do, since you were mentioning so much about the Greeks and I’ve constantly and long wanted to ready about the Neo-Platonists, is there just one book you might recommend on this subject???? After encountering you the first year 2011, I went out and bought Plotinus’ Enneads, only to somehow lose them, to my great annoyance. If there is one good translation in English or at least one good book you could recommend on the ancient enlightened civilization or philosophy of the gnostic Greeks, please let me know.

Again, I hope none of it is necessary but in the meantime, if there is a meantime, I’d like to read this material. I’m so glad you mentioned how much you know about the Byzantines. I’m always puzzled when in museums and in Italy when they mention Byzantium, but say so little about that kingdom. So little is obviously known. I know this knowledge may be irrelevant now, but I surely would have liked to know more as you do about it in this lifetime.

Anyway, onwards, and by the way I really hope you don’t need your Bulgarian incarnations this time ( though good to know your soul covers all bases, so to speak) , because I was surprised to read your soul thinks you may not survive this incarnation? (that paragraph really jumped out at me in your article). I assume that’s just a small possibility and you fully expect to ascend?

Anyway, goodnight and I hope you ascend as soon as possible and that we follow quickly. Somehow I don’t feel this weekend is “it” but I will be ecstatic if it is.

Much love and light and a big hug of gratitude,

Dear Sarah,

thank you very much for your insightful comments. To answer your question on Neoplatonism. There is not a single competent book I could recommend you on this greatest gnostic teaching in the Western world and that is why I decided to write my gnostic-historical book on “Neoplatonism and Christianity” which we had no time to fully translate with Henry Clymer, but still managed to publish four sequels:

If you go below you will also find a link to the Enneads of Plotin on the Internet:

It is all there on our website and you do not need anything more on this subject.

I know that Byzantine is deliberately ignored in Western historiography as this will challenge all national histories of the Western empires which are fabrications to serve their imperial needs and their over-boarding nationalism. This is a long story /historical complex that I could have discussed with pleasure at another point in time but now our eyes are fixed onto the coming ascension. I personally do not believe that it will start this weekend, but some other big events leading to it may commence very soon.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

Thank you very much for your reply. I thought you’d say that and thanks for the link to Plotinus’ Enneads. I will make use of it. And of course what has been published so far with Neoplatonism and Christianity some of which I’ve read and will be happy to reread. Like Carla, I realize that a lot of your messages and the channeled messages are coded and it’s good to reread them and take more wisdom from them each time.

We’re going to the Risnjak mountains today, about an hour north and inland from Rijeka. Will be glad to walk and get out of the city which is starting to belatedly (b/c of all the rain) bake in the hot sun.

I wish you a beautiful day.

love, and light,

Dear George,

Thought you might enjoy this photo of a storm over Arcadia, Greece NE May 26th, 2013
What synchronicity this photo coming my way.

Boy did my stomach get queasy on that last energy adjustment, really bad for about 5 hours. Onward and Upward, Captain.


Dear Georgi,

I just had to share this comment with you. My mother, who turned 83 on the 13th of June, said something that blew me away. She is not aware of Ascension per say but extremely steeped in “Bible” knowledge of the separation of the wheat from the tares story.

She said, “don’t forget, there is another earth underneath this one and we might just disappear any minute”. She said this after we discussed her flu symptoms and how several members of the family have been sick for months.

These members are also devout people who follow the religion of the Jehovah Witnesses. But I communicate with them several times a week by forwarding some of your articles and other articles that I feel will resonate with them. They often have discussions about them and my Mom will tell me about when we are speaking on the phone (she lives with them in another city).

She was eager to talk about the NSA scandal. It appears that this subject matter was a big discussion piece in their home. I have known about this since the early 80’s so I did not react to the story. My family has always thought that I was crazy when I told them that every email, voice mail, and text is recorded. Even the cable boxes have two-way transmitters that allow them to hear what’s going on in your home when they wish.  (Courtesy of Mr. Clinton)

But the reactions and things being said are very interesting. Ascension soon……we might disappear any minute now!

Much love, light, joy and peace to ALL,

Dear Charlotte,

this is a very interesting stuff and I am sure that many people now awake rapidly. But one must also bear in mind that about 80-85% of all humans on this planet are empty mirror images and have no soul, so that they do no understand anything and will soon disappear from this reality as this has been confirmed one more time by Jahn’s latest message from Sananda. It may appear that many people show regression in their ideas now. But most probably we will not have to deal with such bio-robots in the remaining short time on this earth as this is no longer part of our experience.



Thank you for the awesome posts this week, they are so helpful and thought provoking. This most recent post from Jahn was very accurate. I have been meeting with people who have ” no porch light on and no one answers the door when you ring their doorbell”. The empty house is a perfect analogy for these soulless ones. It is like having a conversation with a cartoon character; frustrating, but comical at the same time.

An interesting side-note: I was watching NBC news this week and the announcer stopped talking in mid sentence; he paused, looked distracted  and then stuttered out several nonsensical words. He then went on talking as if nothing had happened. It looked like someone had shut down his operating system for a few moments and then reanimated him.

The energies the past few days have been unrelenting and seem to run from one side of my body to the other; all arriving as quickly as they leave. The upside is that I am feeling so  joyful. I am like a giddy little kid; expectant with lots of nervous energy. It is a WONDERFUL feeling.

Please pass on to Bertha how much I enjoyed her songs. They gave me goosebumps!

Love and light,

Dear Sheryl,

I am glad that you like the latest message from Jahn, which indeed validates your experience with other empty, soulless people these days. I was very happy that he sent me this contribution that highlights one more time this important issue, which is in the core of a proper understanding of what is happening now with Gaia and humanity. It affords a great effort of abstract gnostic thinking beyond the box.

I will forward your email to Bertha.

With love and light

Hi George,

I hope I’m not bothering you with a stupid question but I was wondering when you contact your higher self and get messages, do you actually hear a voice or is it a knowing? I have been trying to learn to do this for about two years now. I do see auras and see things and sometimes I hear a voice, but just one word or I hear music. Is this just a gift you have or can anyone do this? I am just getting really frustrated, I really want to have contact and get messages like you and the other PAT do.

Rachel Smith

Dear Rachel,

I do not channel in the usual way as other mediums do. I get ideas and solutions to questions when I ask my HS or deal with a problem. This happens most of the time spontaneously as an immediate knowing  The actual channelling is more like a stream of consciousness when I start writing. Simply my thoughts begin to flow very quickly and most of the time it looks like automatic writing. But I always preserve the full control over what I am writing even though I get the sentences ready made most of the time from my HS. There is also a lot of training in this endeavour, as I write every day since 1992 and have written more that 15 books until now and numerous publications, so that the funnel to my HS is widely open and constantly “lubricated”.

This stream of consciousness is independent of the language in which I write as I write in three languages. Hence this stream of consciousness is not limited to a particular language but to the ability to develop verbal ideas which must be learnt. It was not always so at the beginning. The more you write, the better you get in tapping into the knowledge of your HS.

My advice to you will be to start writing anything you feel important for you and not bother if you are channeling or not. Very soon you will notice that your ideas and thoughts are carried by your soul and begin to flow much more fluently. It is a matter of fact that 99% of all channelings never exceed the knowledge of the incarnated personality as a medium and most of the messages stay well below this limit.

Hence channeling almost never expands human knowledge. But when one begins to deal with certain gnostic problems and starts to expand his knowledge by first eliminating old thought and gestalt patterns, then all of a sudden one gets a lot information beyond this reality.

But the ability to make a synthesis of these pieces of knowledge is the actual glue that keeps the bigger picture whole and alive. And precisely in this area all channellers, I know, do not bother to make any real progress and that is why all channelling message worldwide are of very little factual value.

For instance the last message from Jahn was only possible because I urged him before that to read my multi-dimensional model on ascension. Then he was able to get a specific message that confirms this topic. Had he not read my article, he would have never been able to channel this particular message.

The limit in channeling is always determined by the intellectual horizon of the medium. Therefore, one should first begin expanding his personal intellectual potential and then he/she will be rewarded for this effort with more information from the HS, no matter how it comes to the personality – as automatic writing, speaking in trance or as packages of ideas and visions of immediate knowing.

With love and light

Thank you so much for taking time to answer, that was very helpful. I think I will practice writing, I have been told that before. Have a great weekend.


My George,

I just wanted to say hello in the old fashion way. Thinking and thanking you and the PAT every single day. I feel you all closer than before. Your energy even more fused to mine. I think that’s why I haven’t felt like writing you lately.

As you said it, I feel like moving through various frequency layers and dimensions. But still stuck in this holographic reproduction.

Last year I was so sure is was going to be my last birthday in this dense reality. And here I am. Well, at least it is not the same 3D Earth.

In numerology I’m the number 9 (1+5+6+1+9+7+7= 72= 7+2= 36 = 3+6= 9). I like what it symbolizes:finalization. Completion.

Today is a number 9: 1+5+6+2+1+3= 18 = 1+8= 9

I am 36 now: 3+6= 9

I hope this means anything. I always hope for the best.

I’m listening to “The Last Call” by Bertha.

Love you!

Dear Moni,

I am happy to hear from you again and of course I congratulate you to your birthday, although I would have preferred to do this in the higher dimensions under different, much better circumstances.

I am very poor on numerology, but you have presented your case perfectly and I can only hope that it works out your way…..

Wish you all the best during the last few days on this earth. I wished I were as young as you.

With love


Seems the collapse of the dollar might be at hand my Elliot analysis on usd/jpy sincerely,


Dear David,

this is correct. – George

Glimpses into my Analysis of the Indices of the Major Stock Exchanges /Equity Markets

Dow Jones (10 years chart)

Dow Jones and S&P in comparison (10 years) as an example of the artificial synchronicity of all major indices that are rigged by empty selling of the few big banks:

Nasdaq composite

DAX (Germany)

Please observe the chart crash (trough level) in late 2008 / early 2009 on the 10-year charts after the bank crash in October 2008 as to get an impression of what will happen very soon. This time irreversibly. I want you to get a feeling for the markets and the major indices when you envision the events around the coming revelations which will most probably commence with a crash of the financial markets (stock exchange, currencies, etc.)


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