On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;
Report-81, March 28, 2012
Franz Marc, 1880-1916, Der Blaue Reiter, Munich, The Splitting Reality
March 27, 2012
Hello George,
My name is Marco, I live in the lower mainland of British Columbia. I am 23 years old with an amazing one year old son, my wife will be 27 in 2 weeks. I have been an avid reader of your site for the last 9 months, I apologize ahead of time for the lengthy email, but I am releasing a lot of built up tension from holding off contacting you for a long period of time until I found the time was right.
I would like to start by thanking you from the every aspect of my being for doing the mission you have set out to do. You have been to me in my most darkest fear driven moments the most important teacher I have ever had in this incarnation, despite the fact we have never met. I have done my best within the limited amount of time. I have to learn and understand as much as I can from your teachings, I have to point out that I do not fully understand the details of the Universal Law, but I have always found it to be truth and have always resonated with positive loving energy every time you help me to connect the dots that have been vastly spread apart from the current empirical scientific community.
I have never doubted you, the PAT, or the validity of your mission. When there was no ascension at 11.11.11, I never understood why so many people have lost faith and attacked you for not understanding the complex processes of the higher realms, even though I still may lose faith in myself sometimes, but I would never lose faith in the PAT and the mission.
I haven’t had a very difficult life like most of the crystalline children that have written you. The one part of my life that I would like to share with you is that I was born in Romania during September in 1988, right on the cusp of the revolution against the Ceausescu regime, although I was a newborn at the time, I’ve always felt the rebellious energy associated with anyone who has been involved in such experiences.
This would explain why I’ve never trusted the government or the medical system, I stopped seeking help from doctors 4 years before I even knew there was such a thing as the LBP. I feel that I’ve come here with a more developed light body because my symptoms have not been as severe as those of the indigo generation. Most recently I’ve felt powerful activity from the third eye chakras and from the top of my head, I’ve read in the reports that a few PAT members have been experiencing the same symptoms.
I will get to the main reason why I’ve contacted you, as I know you have a very busy schedule during these last months. I’ve always resonated with you and all the members of the PAT, I consider you all to be a second family, with you being the stern, intellectual, yet loving and understanding father, but I’ve always felt like I wouldn’t belong in the discussions and ascension reports because I don’t have dreams or visions like everyone else,
I actually don’t remember my dreams at all, that was one of the things I was hoping you may be able to help me understand. I do have certain visions of the ascending planet and the role I may play in the months leading up to mass ascension. In the last 6 months I’ve felt that my purpose here is to help as many people as I can after the pole shift occurs, whether I do this as an ascended master or not does not matter. I will be more than happy when I won’t need to spend my entire day working, so as to barely survive, and to use that time and energy doing something I enjoy. I’ve always found comfort in your advice that all we need to do right now is survive, and that our freedom is right around the corner, it truly helps me get through the tough financial situations.
There is so much more I want to say, but I will ask for one last piece of wisdom. My entire life my ego has been in full control. I’ve never done anything that qualifies me to end up on planet B, not even close, but I’ve had problems with honesty my entire life, mostly because I’ve wanted to avoid the consequences, but most recently because I want to avoid all the negative ego based fear patterns of everyone I interact with. I’ve changed a lot in the last year, but I still have a hard time with some ego based patterns, such as selfishness, and a very non-emotional attitude towards almost everyone I interact with. Do you have any methods or meditations that would help overcome ego based patterns? What would be the best way to establish a clear connection to ones higher self?
I’ve been noticing 11.11 occurring more frequently every day, often multiple times a day, most recently on the new car I’ve purchased on the odometer. I just don’t fully understand if the 11.11 represents, I’m on the right track or if my higher self is trying to get my attention and I’m just not understanding what it is I’m supposed to do or experience. Thank you for taking the time to read this, it means a lot to me, thank you again,
in light and love,
Marco Lazar
Dear Marco,
I am glad that you finally contact me, being such an avid reader of this website from the very beginning. Thank you very much for your appreciation of my work and for your commitment to the mission of the PAT.
I remember very well when Ceausescu was killed by the Romanian secret services in a clandestine coup in December 1989, as I was at the same time on a plane flying to Bulgaria, but the flight had to be diverted as the skies over Romania and Bulgaria were closed for the coup. It was a planned killing by the PTB to demonstrate a political change to the masses, but still to stay on power. The actual revolution in Romania took place much later in the 90s. So much about history.
If you do not have any dreams this could mean that you are active in the dream state in such distant dimensions and parallel worlds that are difficult to translate in visual dreams on the earth and for that reason your soul does not want to bother you with such dreams. There is nothing peculiar about this. One can always have day visions or ask his soul for further information. You do not need to do anything special, but stay open and formulate precise questions. The less personal they are, the better the chance to get an answer as you already live your personality and actual know everything what will happen with you as you have told me – you will help other people in the End Times.
The continuous delays of the End Time scenario in the last several years have strongly challenged the faith of all of us and it is understandable when some people who are not so much involved in the LBP have their doubts if there will be any ascension and true change. I am glad that you have continued to believe in Ascension,which is the actual mission of the PAT, as this is the fate of humanity, while current life is just an illusion. You said that you have a one year old son. Are you married or just live together with your girl friend?
There is only kind of sincerity – in front of your soul. This is the most rare virtue on this planet and you will be surprised to find out how many people have never heard of this kind of sincerity, as they do not believe in the existence of the soul. What you describe as lack of sincerity, I would interpret as a protective mechanism against such people that are not able to be sincere in front of their soul and hence in front of all other people. There is nothing bad about this. If you meet a true sincere person, you will not be even able to use this protective mechanism, as the true soul sincerity of this person will disarm you. In fact, I have made the experience that too much sincerity and openness with people who are not able to be sincere has always led to complications and unpleasant situations and that is why you can keep your protection mechanism in association with such spiritually closed people.
In the 5th dimension, sincerity will be the basis of all communication and it will be impossible to hide any thoughts. This will be indeed a great challenge for many entities until they learn it. You can observe today how many “enlightened” people in the current light workers’ circus are unable to cope with sincere, open-minded attitudes and resort to complete blockages or irrational behaviour. This is all part of our protective strategy, which we, humans, have learned throughout our many unpleasant incarnations on this toxic planet and now must release in one or another way. As long as you stay open and sincere to your higher self you are on the right track.
With love and light
Dear George,
Thank you for your reply to my letter, you have answered many questions which I’ve had for a long time now. Your response has cleared indeed a lot mixed feelings and emotions I’ve had lately, thank you.
I’m currently living with my girl friend who is turning 27 in a week from now. We consider. each other husband and wife despite the fact that we’re not married through law, but through the bond that we have with each other and our son Marshall. The main reason we’re not married is our financial situation, I currently work everyday 10 to 12 hours a day for us to barely survive, which I have reached the an understanding with when I learned from the ascension reports and the experiences of other readers.
I’ve talked to my wife multiple times about the ascension process and why our lives are as difficult as they are right now, much like you and your daughters, we share many similar ideas and point of view on all issues except for ascension. She still suffers from post partum depression, I’ve done my best to try and explain that it’s only a matter of time before things start to change, but she has a fixed mental attitude that nothing is going to change and that we’re going to be broke and struggling to survive for the rest of our lives.
Our son has become the beacon of light in the lives of both our families, mostly my parents who are still struggling to survive in this economy. I knew shortly after he was born that he is Christ protected, and protects me and my family with his loving energy, this I have no doubt in my mind. He recently had a heart murmur that has gone away within the first week of March, coinciding with the information that was given in the AR during that time.
In one of your reports you had mentioned that meditation during this time could actually create the opposite desired effects. I have been doing om meditation during the day, which has helped me somewhat to clear my mind, but I still have trouble completely clearing my mind. I’ve attempted sitting meditation multiple times, but I can’t ever seem to completely clear my mind, and it becomes frustrating after a while and I give up. I wish to completely clear my mind so that I can establish a clear cut connection to my HS, so that I can operate solely from my HS without my ego constantly confusing and distracting me. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, I look forward to your response as it fills me with much joy and confirmation that I’m on the right track.
In light and love
Dear Marco,
Thank you for sharing some glimpses with me into your personal life, so that I can now better perceive the difficulties you are struggling with. Your son is a special child, also called adamantine children. They are born in the last several years and have long time ago finished with their incarnation cycle, but have come here one more time to help Gaia and humanity raise their light quotient. Most of them will return after ascension to the higher realms from where they come and will not stay on the new 5d-earth. I know such children and I can confirm what you say that they are angels in a human body.
Your wife has a depression which is not related to the birth of your son, but is of a deeper origin, precisely, because she negates the coming ascension and positive aspects associated with this transformation. I am afraid that as long as she sticks to this old matrix that is no longer energetically supported, she will not overcome her current depressive state.
I personally believe that you will very soon stop working so hard and you may begin to consider the alternative of stopping working as soon as possible and leave your soul the further arrangement of your life. You will be surprised to find out how many new possibilities will be opened for you when you decide to make a clear cut, even against all pseudo-rational arguments on the part of your wife. Anyway, I am confident that within several months the whole situation will have dramatically changed for the better.
With love and light
March 27, 2012
Hi George,
I recently came upon your website earlier this year first coming upon your page about ascension symptoms and advising those going through such a thing to not trust the medical ‘industry’. I knew and know that in my heart, but symptoms had become pretty distressing for me, hence I was on the Internet searching from my heart looking for help/advise of some kind.
So I say a big thanks! I have subscribed to your email updates ever since and have been reading back-dated articles whenever I feel I need to. I recently read (as best as my non-scientific mind could) your ‘Evolutionary Leap of Manking’ book in English.
The reason I am writing today is I’m wondering if you have an article or information on your website explaining how the timeline split /Earth splits will work. By this I wonder if you have written scientifically about how this can happen? From my understanding/ heart, I believe it has something to do with ‘frequencies’ (electromagnetic?). I have understood for a while now that there are frequencies outside of our narrow bandwidth of human perception and there are vaster regions of frequencies where… well I can’t even imagine what goes on there, but from what I have read here and through other sources over the last few years…it is jam-packed. So I’m wondering if that all relates to how the timeline split for humanity on earth with happen.
In a very crude way (please excuse my lack of scientific terms and knowledge), will inhabitants of Earth A be in a different frequency range that inhabitants of Earth A/B and B won’t be able to perceive them. And in the same way, Earth A/B will be of a different frequency range to Earth B inhabitants and all that goes on in that realm – and so won’t be able to perceive Earth B. These are the methods I come to, drawing from the info I’ve read about 4D, 5D and how our frequencies are shifting in our bodies and becoming more crystalline.
I appreciate you’re a very busy person and must get lots of emails to address, so I really appreciate any time you spend on reading and possibly replying to me! Also if it’s any use to you, I’m 32 and came upon your site when I was in Berlin, I’m now in Budapest, just in case that helps with your site statistics or something!
Best wishes and thanks,
Dear Kate,
Thank you for your first email to me and I am glad to hear that you are regularly reading our reports and other articles. You have essentially correctly grasped the nature of All-That-Is which is based on different frequency levels. This knowledge is in the core of the new theory of the Universal Law and I discuss it all along. Especially in my articles under the Section “Ascension 2012” I use this concept to explain various aspects and phenomena.
The LBP is for instance an augmentation of the body frequencies. When a threshold is reached, the current carbon-based body is transformed to crystalline light body and one can ascend. A similar process now takes place with Gaia and with the sun. These celestial bodies augment their frequencies exponentially in the last months and when the threshold is reached, the higher frequency version of both will separate from the current 3d-one. The split is in this case a “frequency leap” or a gap that will separate the two frequency ranges (spectra).
It will be as if you have a radio receiver which only operates in the middle waves range and all of a sudden all middle waves channels start sending in the short waves spectrum and your radio will no longer receive them and you may think that they have stopped working. A similar thing will happen when the shift will come. The entities who remain on the earth B will continue to vibrate with their lower frequencies, while all other human beings who will ascend with the 5d-version of Gaia, including Nature and animals, will move to a much higher frequency spectrum and will no longer be perceived by the human beings on the remaining 3d-earth.
The ascended beings will be able to see this dense version, but as this will no longer bother them as they will not have an connection to it anymore, they will soon turn away and forget it as they will have to explore a lot on the new higher frequency 5d-earth. This is essentially the process of dimensional split, which is energetically a split of frequency ranges. I also use the word “octave” for spectrum in my publications.
With love and light
March 27, 2012
Dear George,
I have had a few unusual and energetic phenomena which I am drawn by my higher self to communicate, and see if these experiences have any congruency with you.
I was very focused the other day in my home doing intense study, and felt a strong energy in the room; it was a curious energy, and certainly distracted me as I was trying to focus on the task at hand.
I felt observed; but there was a kindness to the energy. Then out of the corner of my eye I could see movement in the room; yet I’d look, and there was nothing there. Back to study I went, although the presence remained in the room. I could feel It wasn’t harmful, so I thought I’d leave whoever, in whatever dimension, to their task. Then a warm tingling feeling of love swept down my body from the top of my head, and I heard an internal voice sending greetings, and reminding me of the looming changes that are set to begin. I got an image in my mind of people from elsewhere, and I saw a picture of their ships stationed around the Earth. They were quite kindly, and reminded me of the nearing maelstrom of events. They asked if I was ready to help the people of Earth. I related how I am quite prepared and ready to spring into action. This answer satisfied them, and they told me to be ready when they would come physically; then they departed.
Constantly lately I am drawn to look up into the sky where I see ‘V’ shaped highly angular cloud formations.I hear with my internal senses a chuckle from a voice saying, “can you see us?”. There is a most playful, humorous feeling to it all…
Secondly; of late I was in my home and noticed a most distinct energetic phenomena which shook me in its intensity. I was walking around the house, and all of a sudden I felt what only can be described as a dimensional shock/quake. I felt the dimensions shake as I was walking. As I put my foot down as the shock commenced, it felt like I etherically fell out of my body,and my foot penetrated half way through the floor. This caused the most disorientating, out of body feeling. I felt physically and spiritually shocked as if I had experienced the after effect of an earth quake. I have NEVER felt a dimensional quake before, but I’m sure I did a few days ago. I had the idea that maybe a separation, or a change in the dimensions had occurred. I am writing this George, to see if you or anyone else, has had a similar experience.
A few days after this occurrence I experienced the most pure heart energies streaming into my body, which I’m drawn to create a new massive portal with, and broadcast near the border of Earth’s atmosphere/space. I know there are other members of the PAT involved in this; and I guess I’m just one capacitor in a series of many; charging up the atmosphere with high order love energetics. I feel the LBP has transformed us into conduits of higher dimensional love. Any wonder the LBP is such a intense process, especially when you are dealing with these amplified energetics, which would damage the human nervous system that had not had its biological and etheric systems upgraded.
The LBP can be a difficult process, but I can discern that it changes us, and we change everything. It is undertaken by the PAT, the most spiritually experienced beings from all corners of the galaxy and beyond; some of whom came from the future to the present, to help in such difficult circumstances. We came in asleep, and forgot who we were. What greater test to experienced spiritual beings than this: to come to a dark planet with so little light, and to somehow transcend all these obstacles and show how convincingly immutable the light is.
Well this is my developing understanding George. I’m not sure just yet how it flows outward and across dimensions, but I’m excited to know how it all will turn out – maybe this is the gift of ascension; I’m not sure… Well George, I hope it may shine the light in some way.
p.s. After I sent this George I have been asked to change the word “maelstrom” to “avalanche”, as the violence of the changes have been attenuated in the upcoming times. These changes are now of a cascading nature, from what I am made to understand. It has been a personal lesson for me that cascading changes are much better for the collective of this planet; although on other planets this has been achieved differently, as you have alluded to in previous posts. This as you say, it is surely due to the soul mix on this planet… This is my view, and maybe a personal timeline not shared by others of the PAT collective; as cosmic awareness elucidates.
Thank you again
Dear Craig,
These are extraordinary experiences, indeed. I had once a similar experience as your second one shortly before I discovered the Universal law in 1994. I was so strongly struck by an energy wave that I lost the ground under my feet and moved between the dimensions – in the space-void. At that time I was walking to my office and it took me sometime to recollect from the shock. However at that time I was not that much experienced in out-of-body-events and I interpreted it in scientific terms, which later helped me formulate the Universal Law.
I agree with you in your appreciation of the PAT and its mission, but the energies I experience every day are really inhuman and I can no longer enjoy them or be surprised. I only see how this carbon based body is no longer adopted to harbour them and is really bursting. It is very tedious, especially today.
The veil is thinning indeed and the sensations are no longer the usual 3d-stuff, but are getting more and more multidimensional.
With love and light
March 27, 2012
Dear George,
It has been some months since I last contacted you. I was hugely discouraged by the lack of ascension at 11.11.11, but I have never given up hope of these things happening one day and still read your postings. I do wish there was more evidence of major changes in the society we still have to deal with on this planet (how is the world economy still hanging on?!). One thing I cannot ignore are the powerful energies of recent weeks. I do find myself wondering why the higher energies leave me exhausted, and physically so unwell instead of uplifted to states of increasing love and bliss?
The last month I have experienced a throat virus/extreme tiredness that has affected me badly and I do think it is connected to the energies that have been coming in through March. I did get better 10 days ago only to relapse into the illness again earlier this week. I have struggled with my health since 1986 and despite huge progress over the years it has been an ongoing challenge to remain balanced in a physical body. I do hope this arduous process has been worthwhile – I do sometimes wonder! Are these ascension symptoms or more processing of the accumulated dross of humanity?
I have recently had 2 dreams I felt I should share. The first 5 days ago I recalled on waking that I was working under your direction to research paperwork/files/records pertaining to lots of light workers to see if they were awake/aware enough to ascend (or possibly to see if they were aligned with their contracted duties in this life time). I’d assume we were appraising the masses of sleeping light workers who have not awoken to their planned activities in the End Times. I do remember you looked very exasperated by this in the dream!
Then yesterday I woke up after dreaming I was in a very large supermarket. I was guided to ensure everyone in the supermarket was put into one of 3 lines – this wasn’t easy as some people resisted, but the task was done. Then large overhead screens were turned on and programs were shown to educate the masses on the lies that they have been fed to create their fear based reality. The opening scene showed Obama and it was explained that Obama was a puppet of a dark secret government. I believe the 3 lines people were forced into relates to the 3 Earth scenarios – Planet B, A/B, or A. How much these dreams are influenced by your website and how much they are actual work I’ve done at night as part of the PAT I can only guess, but they felt important.
I would be interested to know what your opinion is regarding Jupiter becoming a second Sun and when this might occur? Similarly I’d like your opinion on when we might see undeniable evidence of Nibiru if you subscribe to the theory this planet is due to pass Earth in the near future?
Keep up the great work!
Love & Blessings
Dear Ishvar,
I am happy to hear from you again and I was only recently wondering what you are doing these last days. Welcome back to our ongoing discussion.
I can only confirm your experience that the LBP is ongoing process and that there will be no end to it as long as we are here on the earth. In this sense it is impossible to separate the cleansing work we are doing on behalf of humanity and Gaia from the personal evolution – the increase in body frequencies – as this is a holistic process. The more dross we eliminate and transform into harmonic patterns, the higher the vibrations of our energy fields are augmented. We are now incorporating the finest energies from the Source with the lowest and most dense energy patterns of this toxic planet. We are thus building a kind of an energetic staircase through the dimensions, so that we can move after Ascension easily through them and show as avatars in any reality, even in the most dense one as earth B.
Crystalline body is not just the same all over – there are infinite grades and potentials that have to be conquered in a tedious transformation process, and we have already ascended very high. The fruits for our current tortures will be, however, riped only after the phase transition or final transformation of our bodies and ascension.
Your first dream does not seem to be a dream at all, but a dire reality. The second one is also very realistic. Of course they might have been tainted by our discussions but what is wrong about this. We are only discussing what we observe and this is the reality we must change. I have always made the best experience with forecasts when I depart from a clear and detailed analysis of the complete actual situation. Most forecasters make predictions without being able to assess their reality in a proper manner and then they wonder why they have no success with their prophecies. When you make a proper evaluation of the present reality you can more effectively change it and acquire a desired future effect as creation only happens in the Now.
The new three-earth-scenario is, to my opinion, the result of our collective analysis and unanimity that most of humanity is still in a deep slumber and cannot ascend to the 5th dimension, but has not deserved to end on the catastrophic earth B.
Can you imagine that such a prolonged effort to transform our carbon based bodies in the LBP will not eventually come to fruition? All-That-Is never invests so much energies in such petty organic bodies as ours, unless it has a purpose and takes care that this process will be successfully completed. So much fate one should have in Heaven, otherwise one is on the way to perdition. We are doomed to success, no matter what we currently think.
With love and light
March 27, 2012
Dear George,
Yesterday I read something that helps to confirm your theory that there must be a distinct and instantaneous separation of selfish, less-evolved Beings from the rest of us in order for Earth and Humanity to ascend. I don’t have a link because I don’t remember where I read it, but it concerns an observation made by an advanced race of Beings about the Human race. Having observed many, many evolving races, a reliable constant amongst them all was noted. That particular constant is the simple fact that for any given race, the level of spirituality, or lack thereof, is consistent within the entire race.
In other words, ALL of the members of a particular race were of the same nature, in stark contrast to the nature of Humans. Some Humans have a high degree of morality, spirituality, compassion, etc., while many others are exactly the opposite, which aptly describes the PTB.
Consequently, and echoing what you have similarly expressed many times, the rotten part of the apple must be completely cut away/removed, if there is to be any hope of salvaging the good part of the apple. Simple logic dictates that actual separation is the only option, and it only makes sense for this to be done clearly and swiftly when the time is right.
This method is distinctly and vastly different from the esoteric vanity fair crap, which espouses that we Humans will, over time (that we don’t have), some how free ourselves from the rotten part of the apple, all whilst remaining a part of it. Well, the logic for that method of extricating ourselves from this hell on Earth simply doesn’t hold up, as “The Rot” is engulfing us faster than we can ever hope to fight it. It might be a different story if everyone on the Planet was awake and fighting with all of their might, but they’re not and they never will be. Nothing less than Divine Intervention can help us now, and that calls for immediate manifestation of Earth B to house “The Rot”, before there is nothing left to salvage.
Furthermore, I would argue that such intervention is not “saving” us, a vanity fair tune we are quite tired of hearing from the worthless gurus. It is merely giving us the opportunity to save ourselves, i.e., to do our OWN work, on a level playing field. Thus, nothing is being “handed” to us, nor should it be.
Dear Bill,
with this elaboration you have anticipated my announced publication that will appear today. I would though like to read this source you refer to and if you can find the link, it will be great.
With love and light
Dear George,
We’re in luck! I say “luck” because I read for several hours online every single day, so I didn’t know where to even begin looking in my search.
Anyway, here is the link that so interestingly describes the Human Species. It gives a new understanding of the difficulty and complexity in dealing with Humans. We are a strange breed!
March 27, 2012
Hallo George,
I have been following with interest your interaction with Alfred Webre. Could you please explain what the word CAVEAT means or stands for?
Dear Joe,
“Caveat” means “warning” or “precaution” when something you write, publish or say may not be correct. It is a legal formality and actually does not mean anything at all, Caveat simply says:
“As a journalist I am telling you most probably crap, but I warn you that it is crap, so that you cannot make me responsible for this, when it comes out that it is indeed crap.”
Oh George,
then he does not have much confidence in what he is saying in the first place, so how does he expect others to eat up his stories? If the origin of the material he is posting is highly suspect, and he even admits it, why would anybody want to read his stuff?! Of course he probably did not post his comments that he addressed to you, onto his website hey.
There obviously seems to be systematic confusion tactics by the negative astral beings and they are likely influencing, if not controlling the majority of channelings that are being posted on all those esoteric websites.
I have sent warnings on some of the social websites, in the hope of waking up some “frustrated” members there, and actually found a few sharing my views. I believe that since last year, many frustrated readers have left those websites to continue with mundane life. Well, I hope more will find a home here with us George.
Love and Blessings,
March 27, 2012
Hello George,
It was a beautiful experience, especially when I could feel the right details fall into place. Now I see and feel the difference of prophecies and knowledge from other persons/sources. First to check with my feeling and intuition, if something is right and if it resonates with me. Then to write it down in my own words to feel it on a deep level if it’s my truth. Everybody can write something down, but make it your own with your whole being is another thing.
Thank you for your further explanations, I will process this and to look and feel it to make it my own. I like your directness and you critics, they are indeed constructive and I have learnt a lot from it these couple of weeks. It brought me to the next level. And it was funny to see the title above our mail conversation in report 79, it was indeed an educational activity.
Now I see the importance and reasons why events change all the time. It’s a long time for doing this job and I hope that you have enjoyed seeing this picture and living it despite of everything that you been through.
Wish you a lovely time and to see you someday, somewhere, someplace..
Dear Erik,
I like very much all kinds of diagrams, yours also, and I have made a lot of them in the past when I worked as a scientist. This kind of exercises and efforts help a lot for the proper understanding, but few people make this effort nowadays.
With love and light
March 27, 2012
Je suis lecteur assidu de vos articles, ainsi d’ailleurs que de ceux de plusieurs autres écrivains issus du ‘New-age’. Et celà car je suis en quête d’informations sur le timing des phases à venir de l’ascension bien sûr – je suis impatient comme beaucoup le sont.
Je dois avouer que ce concert d’informations non concordantes (voir contradictoires) me fait m’éloigner progressivement de cette démarche de recherche. Et ce brouha-ha me devient insupportable. Comment savoir si tel ou tel autre est ou n’est pas de ces ‘faux prophètes’ que nous savons être nombreux en cette époque? Je crois que je vais revenir à la situation antérieure ou je me contentais de m’informer des FAITS sans chercher à savoir le COMMENT et le QUAND celà se produira. Cette affaire d’ascension de Gaia et de ses locataires humains est prioritairement l’affaire des hiérarques célestes et même Divin et ma foi en leur plan pour nous est inébranlable.
Personnellement j’ai suivi les enseignement élémentaires de l’ordre Rosicricien (AMORC) tout comme je suis étudiant au CRIMSON-CIRCLE depuis 1999 jusquen 2009 avec le maître ascensionné TOBIAS et aujourd’hui avec le maître ADAMUS ( St Germain); J’ai dévoré à trois reprises ‘Le Livre D’urantia’ que je ne cesse de consulter fréquemment…et j’ai aussi quelques autre sources intéressantes. Je ne me reconnais pas du tout comme membre de la PAT et ne comprends pas vraiment l’intérêt de votre site qui pour moi vous permet seulement de vous flagorner mutuellemnet tout en vous admirant le nombril. Je suis ce qui est appelé un ‘SHAUMBRA’ c’est à dire pour vous sans doute l’un des ces ‘travailleurs de lumière’ que vous ne portez pas bien haut dans votre estime. Qu’à celà ne tienne car moi je vous porte dans mon coeur , le reste c’est votre affaire.
Alors je me demande seulement si vous avez connaissance de tous ces travaux qui sont diffusés (par d’autre moyens que la canalisation ou par ceux que vous utilisez) et qui sont pour moi mes références incontestables. A titre d’illustration je vous joins une diffusion récente (que vous connaissez sans doute) et sur laquelle vous pourriez peut-être faire vos commentaires si vous y trouvez des élément utiles pour votre lectorat. Excusez la critique contenue dans mon présent texte…je pense que c’est en réaction à vos attaques incessantes contre nous ‘les phares de lumière’ Bien à vous dans la Vérité, la Beauté, la Bonté.
Bernard Remond
Dear Bernard Remond,
Thank you for your email. I can imagine that you do not feel affiliated to the PAT, considering your background as you have presented it in your email. There is nothing bad about this. The PAT members are the most evolved human beings on earth and I can imagine that many “smaller bearers” of the light may not have achieved this high level of vibration and may feel uncomfortable with our discussions. There is place for everybody in this universe and everybody is doing his mission according to his personal soul abilities.
For instance, only recently a member of the PAT, Joana from Berlin, who was also a long standing member of the Rosicrucian order decided to leave this order because of its narrow-mindedness and because she found that they interpret ascension much more dogmatic than we do and that she has much more profited from our free discussions than from visiting the expensive courses of this order.
But if you come to the conclusion that you do not profit from our discussions in the same manner as Joana for instance, you are simply not at the level of our LBP-evolution and indeed you are better sheltered in a narrow-minded society as the Rosicrucian order or better dealt with the other sources you have listed in your email, which I know very well and do not appreciate much.
There is a Bulgarian saying for this situation:
“Each frog in its own pond”
With love and light
March 27, 2012
Hi George,
thank you for your consistent explanations on your latest publishing. You mention that we will continue to see “them” (the dark ones), but they won’t be able to see us. This has been consistent with my experience in the past, particularly in the United States, where not only I was invisible to some individuals, but the energetic difference dynamic was intense and pronounced. As I went through that myself, I had no idea of what was really happening and until sorting things out for myself, I believed that there was a problem with me: however, after repeatedly checking in with my faculties and doing many “resets” I realized that I was perfectly fine and in good health. This was, by the way, a difficult and painful process, part of which has been on going since 2003 and 2004 to this day, but less pronounced and manageable.
I was making it a point to “identify” myself to such individuals, knowing and being urged by unexplainable inside forces that I had to “bring” them into my reality. This was incomprehensible for my rational mind, but I did it anyway, I did not care. My instinctive understanding was that I was part of “another” reality bubble, another world, where I was the sole inhabitant; I had created that world, but it didn’t make sense that I be in it all alone. I needed “others” in it and so, for a few years, I went through this process “assimilating” a lot in my world. I made sure that I “programmed” them into recruiting others themselves, not excluding the possibility that I was acting in that manner on behalf of someone else for myself. It was the only logical thing to do, creating – if I was alone -, and propagating – if I wasn’t -, a consuming network of destroying the dark and consuming for the new.
Obviously, divergent parts of this consuming network have been connecting to each other, up to the present, through your website and others’. It is irrelevant to explore the mechanics, it can be proven and traced back, should someone wishes to do so: what matters are the results.
Therefore, I can confirm that what you say holds true, with regards to and from my own personal experience and perception. Obviously, no absolute truth exists within one individual alone, consciously and that he/she is aware of, and that is why we are having these exchanges and rapports. Such knowledge is in the process of fitting more and more into within each individual as we raise our vibrations in what you describe as the LBP. Logically, from the above, it is evident that the splitting of the earths has been ongoing. It seems that what you describe is only the culmination of this process reaching critical mass.
Another understanding of mine, relative to this subject, on which I would like your confirmation and/or thoughts is that traveling between these realities, the different earths as is commonly referred to here, is achieved through “gates.” Sometimes they appear as simple as conventional doors where one enters a room but also enters the other reality, let’s say A.
As simple as the act of forcefully and willingly passing, let’s say, through the supermarket door of Whole foods in West Los Angeles. The world of the supermarket is A and the world of the parking lot left behind is B. After executing the task at hand, shopping, having coffee or what have you, the B world has meanwhile been transformed into an A reality (mechanics known to me but irrelevant to this discussion). The prerequisite is that the individual “forgets” for one tiny fraction the B world as he/she is absorbed into let’s say reading a coffee label or talking to the guy selling fish.
The B reality no longer exists, it does physically as it appears the same, but energetically and existentially it doesn’t. The individual will for example exit the supermarket, enter his/her car and go wherever needs to go existing solely in A world.
Conversely, these realities are projections of the vibration of the individual onto matter but the result is the same. I am only narrating this through one methodology using “gates.” The reverse can also be true, passing and traveling from A to B to complete certain tasks, like bringing others into an A model, setting conceptual weapons of (self-)destruction into/for B or whatever else needs to be done as called by the individual’s understanding and/or calling from HS.
Of course, these doors, don’t need to be supermarket doors, nor do they need to be doors at all. They can be invisible, they are any delineations of space (using a 3D methodology). They can be as simple as a group of people in a back yard where joining a certain group or conversation, or just moving oneself there, transports the individual in the intended (and sometimes not intended but commanded from a higher purpose) direction.
They can be “the other side of the street”, “the other side of the car” ad infinitum. Higher perception of the individual when traversed consciously, or higher/automatic necessitation through experience and circumstance when commanded from HS/above are processes of this. (Delusions and mind tricks are often present, as there is a lot of interference being run on this process from mal-intending forces.)
In my experience, a prerequisite for this process is the active participation for this traversing for others: to create and/or hold open if already in operation, the portal for another(s). This requires clarity but most importantly unconditional love and self-sacrifice and the knowing and the belief that the restoration of the sacrifice is imminent due to the Laws of the Universe. I believe that this is the aspect of this process, the free traveling between/among worlds/realities/earths/other terras that the religions and their offshoots (secret orders ad nauseum – literally making you throw up) have hijacked up until recently….
In gratitude and in light,
March 27, 2012
Dear George,
I so thoroughly enjoyed reading “An Open Word” today. Please pass my comments along to the author! What a woman!
On days like today when I am pondering my own situation and financial condition, posts like these help me keep my balance. It also helps me to remember that throughout my own personal ordeals, God has always provided for me, every step of the way.
Thank you both! Beautiful!