A Special Interview with the Arcturians: The Countdown has Begun!
The Ascension of Gaia and Humanity to the 4th and 5th Dimension at the Stargate 11.11.11. Pole Shift and Cataclysmic Events Will Only Affect 3d-Earth. By Dr. Suzanne Caroll , September 17, 2011 www.multidimensions.com Introduction and Energizer: Dr. Georgi Stankov www.stankovuniversallaw.com
Posted in Ascension
Tagged 4d earth, 5th dimension, Arcturians, Ascension, Christianity, End Times, first ascension wave, magnetic pole shift, multidimensional reality, New Earth, Orion/Reptilian empire, PAT, Pope Ratzinger, Proof of God, Second Coming of Christ, stargate 11.11.11, Suzanne Caroll, Universal Law
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