Humanity’s Empty Insanity Has Reached the Saturation Point Leading to Total Transformation During the Shift

PAT’s Last Energy Report – November 17, 2021

Today I come out with a personal decree: We are children of the creator and as every child has an inheritance, our inheritance is Life, all existence.

November 16, 2021

Hi Georgi, how are you?

I’m translating on google because I can’t write everything in English today. I’m André from Brazil. Always communicating with you since 2011. Thank you very much for everything.

I hope you are, like me, at the height of divine and transformative energies. I can no longer live in a limited vibration, this human world no longer fits me. And so, today I wrote a decree and I wanted to send you to find out if you are resonating on that frequency, and of course, to receive an answer about what vibrates in you.

I’m putting into practice all my efforts to stay alive in this 3D reality, putting on the table everything I can put that keeps me alive, with the flame lit. And I will not regress. I can’t imagine the world without huge changes anymore and that’s the only thing that cheers me up, that’s the only thing that keeps me strong.

Thank you Georgi.

André Napoleão Napoles, Brazil


Lately, I’m in the flow of all or nothing.
I can’t see life going on without me re-creating all the concepts.
I can’t see things continuing as they are.
I can’t stop visualising a powerful transformation of everything.
And nothing energises me more than the will to change and transform everything.

I don’t feel excited about anything as it is.
For me, everything is dead.
For me, everything is asking for a new interpretation.
I don’t have the energy to keep anything going the way it was yesterday.
What I see is a new path, entirely moldable according to what I am able to create and shape.

I see Life as a blank book where the page is space-time and the pen is the photons that form the molecules of everything that exists.
I see myself as a painter of a picture, but the painting is each second of time. It is each cubic millimetre of space.

I feel myself navigating in an infinite ocean of possibilities and so I can only choose what I am really in resonance with.
I don’t accept limitations. Limitations leave me breathless.
I only see the impossible being possible.
I only see a perspective that makes me Unlimited and everything that wants to limit me is a barrier that I have to cross.

I see that I am the son of the Creator, and as every father leaves an inheritance, Life is my inheritance. All existence is my inheritance. I see that all are my brothers and heirs and I am happy, because all wealth and abundance is our right, our inheritance, and we will not lower our heads. We will not regress. The human mental world and its limited and frustrating ways mean nothing to me anymore.

I see man trying to obfuscate the Truth of our condition, through these frustrated organisations and I call out to all the firmly divine: either they accept me or I go away. Because I have accepted them and I see that this shit is not going to lead anywhere, and I am sick of seeing how man has conducted his power as a creator, given by our creator.

Let that be my last decree.

Let the inheritances be our divine grace. Let the limits and blockages be overcome by the certainty of our true condition. I do not accept halfway. It is either everything. Or it is nothing.


Ultimamente estou no fluxo do tudo ou nada.
Não consigo ver a vida continuando sem que eu re-crie todos os conceitos.
Não consigo ver as coisas continuando como estão.
Não consigo parar de visualizar uma poderosa transformação de tudo.
E nada mais me anima do que a vontade de mudar e transformar tudo.
Eu não sinto tesão em mais nada como está.
Para mim, tudo está morto.
Para mim, tudo está pedindo por uma nova interpretação.
Não tenho mais energia para manter nada funcionando como ontem.
O que eu vejo é um caminho novo, inteiramente moldável de acordo com o que eu sou capaz de criar e moldar.

Vejo a Vida como um livro em branco onde a página é o espaço-tempo e a caneta são os fótons que formam as moléculas de tudo que existe.
Me vejo como um pintor de um quadro. Mas o quadro é cada segundo do tempo. É cada milímetro cúbico do espaço.

Me sinto navegando num oceano infinito de possibilidades e por isso só posso escolher o que eu realmente estou em ressonância.
Não aceito o limitado. O limite me deixa sem ar.
Eu só vejo o impossível sendo possível.
Eu só vejo uma perspectiva que me torna Ilimitado e tudo que quer me limitar é uma barreira que eu tenho que transpor.

Eu vejo que sou filho do Criador, e como todo pai deixa uma herança, a Vida é minha herança. Toda existência é minha herança. Vejo que todos são meus irmãos e herdeiros e fico feliz, porque toda riqueza e abundância é nosso direito, nossa herança, e não iremos abaixar a cabeça. Não iremos regredir. O mundo mental humano e seus caminhos limitados e frustrantes não significam mais nada para mim. Vejo o homem tentando ofuscar a Verdade da nossa condição, através dessas organizações frustadas e eu emito para todo o firmemente divino: ou eles me aceitam ou eu vou embora. Porque eu já aceitei eles e vi que essa merda não vai levar a lugar nenhum, e estou farto de ver como o homem conduziu seu poder de criador, dado ao nosso criador. Que esse seja meu último decreto. Que as heranças sejam nossa graça divina. Que os limites e os bloqueios sejam vencidos pela certeza da nossa verdadeira condição. Eu não aceito meio termo. Ou é tudo. Ou é nada.


November 16, 2021

Dear Georgi,

it seems that a lot of people are now going through severe LBP episodes prior to the Shift. My both parents were/are sick and my mother’s seat of the soul is being activated with the usual bronchitis. One can only hope that this is the final push before the Shift can finally come as the situation is so dire and unbearable.

Of course, the idiotic, good-for-nothing puppets in the (Czech) government used this to impose even more restrictions and are now mulling mandatory vaccinations. The rest of vaxxed sheeple agrees in unison. Obviously, this won’t happen under any circumstances, but it only shows how desperate they are and they will drink their bitter cup, after which they will pay. And pay they will.

I had a brief chat with some of the people I know and it’s beyond me how these people are supposed to be illuminated in the near future as they’re so encrusted and encapsulated in their own cowardice and stupidity, which has no limits on this planet. This is now so blatantly obvious and even despite me being a silent observer, I’m simply at a loss for words.

Stupidity on this planet has risen exponentially, almost to infinity. 

On the brighter side, I experienced several moments in the previous days where the impression of Ascension being on our doorstep was unmistakable. The indicators are all there and surely, the next days will be very turbulent and intense.

I hope you’re well, much love to you.

Kind regards,

Pepé, Czechia


Dear Pepé,

just before I received your email, I had a conversation exactly about the peaking human insanity and that we have reached the final saturation point for the shift to come. I still firmly believe in the statement of Pallas Athene that we shall ascend this month and all current energetic events point to this nexus point.

Pallas Athene and the White Brotherhood of All Ascended Masters Congratulate Me on My Last 70th Birthday on the Old Earth and Announce My Ascension and the Shift in November

Hence we must continue to be patient and know firmly what will come this and next month.

With love and light



November 16, 2021

Energiebericht 11 / 2021 – Alexander Grämer

Hallo Georgi,

ich wollte dir schon mehrmals wieder ein paar Mails schreiben, doch jedes Mal wenn ich fast daran war, gab es ein PAT-Bericht und ein anderer Alexander aus Bayern kam mir zuvor und berichtete ähnliche / sich stark mit meinen Wahrnehmungen deckende Berichte (Zufall? Ich glaube kaum.). Die letzten Wochen oder Monate waren wie ein Geburtskanal, jetzt geht es mir seit ein, zwei Wochen wieder etwas besser.

Nachdem immer alles auf die Spitze getrieben werden muss und wir inzwischen über das Ende der Fahnenstange hinaus noch oben einen Handstand machen, muss das ganze Spektakel nun endlich zu einer Resolution kommen. Du hast schon öfter geschrieben, dass unvorbereitete Egos und duckmäusrige Spießbürger unter den Informationswellen und Aufdeckungen an ihren inneren kognitiven Dissonanzen regelrecht verrückt (entrückt?) werden. Ich denke, es ist nun an der Zeit dafür. Sei es über die derzeit verfügbaren Medien oder über die Erscheinung der aufgestiegenen Meister und anderen höherschwingenden Lichtwesen. Die Zeit ist reif und ich habe die Schnauze gestrichen voll.

Ich persönlich sitze nun in einem Kaff im Schwabenland und es ist ekelerregend, wie hier den Volkspeinigern gehuldigt und der Impfidiotismus befeuert wird. Ich hoffe auf ein baldiges und unblutiges Ende. Dafür sehe ich im Moment keine andere logische Schlussfolgerung als die Vollendung des Aufstiegs. Ich denke, du siehst das genauso.

Mit Licht und Liebe

Alexander, Deutschland


Energy Report 11 / 2021 – Alexander Grämer

Hello Georgi,

I wanted to write you a few emails again several times, but every time I was almost at it, there was a PAT report and another Alexander from Bavaria beat me to it and reported similar / strongly coinciding with my perceptions (coincidence? I hardly think so.). The last weeks or months were like a birth canal, now I’ve been feeling a bit better for a week or two.

After everything always has to be taken to extremes and we are meanwhile still doing a handstand above the end of the flagpole (a German saying about reaching the absolute end), the whole spectacle must now finally come to a resolution. You’ve written before that unprepared egos and duck-mouthed philistines are going downright crazy (delirious?) under the waves of information and revelations on their inner cognitive dissonances. I think the time is now. Be it via the currently available media or via the appearance of the ascended masters and other higher vibrational light beings. The time is ripe and I am fed up.

Personally, I am now sitting in a backwater in Swabia and it is disgusting how the people’s whiners are being worshipped here and how vaccination idiocy is being fuelled. I hope for a quick and bloodless end. For that, I see no other logical conclusion at the moment than the completion of the Ascension. I think you see it the same way.

With light and love

Alexander, Germany


Lieber Alexander,

es ist gut von dir wieder zu hören. Ich teile voll und ganz deine Einschätzung  der Lage. Wir haben den Sättigungspunkt erreicht. Darin bin ich nicht allein, alle Leute, mit denen ich im Kontakt stehe, sehen es genau so. Ich glaube nach wie vor fest an die Aussage von Pallas Athene, dass der Shift und mein Aufstieg im November stattfinden. Alles deutet darauf hin. Daher haben wir maximal 2 Wochen, um diese bahnbrechenden Ereignisse zu erleben. Da wir es bis hierher geschafft und überlebt haben, werden wir auch diese wenigen Tagen irgendwie überwinden, aber ich gebe zu, es ist nicht einfach.

Also lasse es dir gut gehen, so gut wie es eben im Schwabenland möglich ist, und denke nur daran, was du im Dezember auf der neuen Erde alles machen wirst.

Alles Liebe



Dear Alexander,

It is good to hear from you again. I fully share your assessment of the situation. We have reached the saturation point. I am not alone in this, all the people I am in contact with are seeing it exactly the same way. I still firmly believe in Pallas Athena’s statement that the shift and my ascension will take place in November. Everything points to this. Therefore, we have a maximum of 2 weeks to experience these seminal events. Since we have made it this far and survived, we will somehow overcome these few days too, but I admit it is not easy.

So let yourself be well, as well as you can be in Swabia, and just think about all the things you will be doing on the new earth in December.

All love



Lieber Georg,

Unser Lichtdienst heute (am 13. November) hatte eine ganz besondere Qualität. Wir haben immer noch Gäste, aber ich wollte dir kurz sagen, dass ich wieder die Vision von deinem Aufstieg gesehen habe, genau so wie schon einmal.

Alles Liebe

Gabriele & Michael


Dear George,

Our light service today (on November 13) had a very special quality. We still have guests, but I wanted to tell you briefly that I saw the vision of your ascension again, just as I did once before.

All love

Gabriele & Michael


Liebe Gabriele, Lieber Michael,

es freut mich ungemein, dass du erneut eine Vision von meinem Aufstieg gehabt hast. Die Zeit drängt, wenn ich in diesem Monat aufsteigen muss, wie Pallas Athene uns versichert hat. Wir haben keinen Grund ihre Aussage anzuzweifeln, ganz im Gegenteil….

Ich freue mich, dass der Lichtdienst ein voller Erfolg war… Ich wünsche euch einen wonnigen Sonntag voller Vorfreude auf die neue Erde.

Alles Liebe



Dear Gabriele, Dear Michael,

I am immensely pleased that you have had another vision of my ascension. Time is pressing if I must ascend this month, as Pallas Athena has assured us. We have no reason to doubt her statement, quite the contrary….

I am happy to hear that the light service was a resounding success…. I wish you a blissful Sunday full of anticipation for the new earth.

All love



Lieber Georg,

Danke für deine Zuversicht bzgl. deines Aufstiegs, die ich in vollem Umfang teile, auch aufgrund der erneuten Vision deines Aufstiegs, die ich während der Meditation im Lichtdienst erhielt. Die Präsenz von Pallas Athene war während des 3-stündigen Lichtdienstes sehr stark und mir kamen wiederholt die Tränen und ich hatte das Gefühl, mein Herz zerspringt vor Liebe und Dankbarkeit.

Es war der 99. Lichtdienst seit 2003, wir waren 21 Teilnehmer. Wir alle haben gespürt, dass es ganz besonders war. Ein Freund, der Michael vor fast 34 Jahren für seine spirituelle Ausrichtung ‘geweckt’ hat, brachte es auf den Punkt als er sagte: ‘Michael, das war der wichtigste Lichtdienst von den 99’. Wir hatten auch die Vorahnung, dass es der letzte dieser Art sei und haben keinen neuen Termin angesetzt, wie wir es gewöhnlich tun…

Die Sehnsucht nach Veränderung ist in vielen Menschen riesengroß.

Möge sich der Aufstieg in diesem Monat für alle sichtbar JETZT manifestieren.

Sei gesegnet auf deinem Weg und alles Liebe

Gabriele & Michael


Dear George,

Thank you for your confidence regarding your Ascension, which I fully share, also due to the renewed vision of your Ascension that I received during the meditation in the Light Service. The presence of Pallas Athena was very strong during the 3-hour light service and I had tears repeatedly and felt my heart bursting with love and gratitude.

It was the 99th light service since 2003, we were 21 participants. We all felt it was very special. A friend who ‘awakened’ Michael to his spiritual direction almost 34 years ago summed it up when he said, ‘Michael, this was the most important Light Service of the 99’. We also had a premonition that it would be the last of its kind and did not reschedule as we usually do…

The longing for change is huge in many people.

May the Ascension manifest NOW this month for all to see.

Be blessed on your path and all love

Gabriele & Michael


Liebe Gabriele, Lieber Michael,

vielen herzlichen Dank für euren sehr liebevollen Brief. Die Wahrnehmung der Teilnehmer an eurem Lichtdienst ist der beste Beweis, dass wir kurz vor dem Shift stehen. Das Leben ist sehr surreal geworden, absolut leer, wir fühlen nichts mehr und befinden uns im Warteraum, fertig zu gehen.

Heute haben wir auf einmal sehr schlechtes Wetter, hier ist alles grau, es regnet und es ist kalt geworden. In Turin hat sehr viel geschneit und die Menschen überrascht. Es schneit auch hier in den Maritim Alpen, nördlich von uns und die Luft ist auf einmal sehr kalt geworden, alles wirkt irgendwie unwirklich.

Wir sind in der Mitte vom November und haben maximal nur noch 2 Wochen, um die Vorhersage von Pallas Athene zu erleben. Das ist wahrlich die Endzeit und es sieht so aus vom Fenster. Egal, was passiert, es wird perfekt und sehr elegant sein und die Verwunderung unter den Menschen wird unbeschreiblich sein.

Genießt diese letzten Tage der Ruhe und freut euch auf die neue Erde.

Alles Liebe



Dear Gabriele and Michael,

Thank you very much for your very loving letter. The perception of the participants in your light service is the best proof that we are on the verge of the shift. Life has become very surreal, absolutely empty, we feel nothing and are in the waiting room, ready to go.

Today we suddenly have very bad weather, everything is grey here, it is raining and it has become cold. In Turin, it snowed a lot and surprised the people. It is also snowing here in the Maritim Alps, north of us, and the air has suddenly become very cold, everything seems somehow unreal.

We are in the middle of November and have a maximum of only 2 weeks left to experience the forecast of Pallas Athene. This is truly the end time and it looks that way from the window. No matter what happens, it will be perfect and very elegant and the amazement among the people will be indescribable.

Enjoy these last days of peace and look forward to the new earth.

All love



Lieber Georg,

Ich habe vorhin den neuen Energiebericht gelesen, es war schön zu lesen, dass es vielen momentan genauso geht wie mir und gleichzeitig waren auch positive Erlebnisse darunter. Ich fühle seit einer Woche so viel Dunkelheit, negative Energien und Schwere, es ist einfach unerträglich. Die Dummheit der Masse der Menschen nimmt gefühlt immer mehr zu, man denkt dies wäre gar nicht mehr möglich. Mein HS hat mir den Impuls gegeben, dass diese extremen negativen Energien das Katapult für den Shift sind. Wir müssen wohl noch etwas geduldig sein und hoffen, dass im November der Shift sich manifestiert.

Liebe Grüße

Alex, Deutschland


Dear George,

I have just read the new energy report, it was nice to read that many people are feeling the same way as me at the moment and at the same time there were also positive experiences among them. I have been feeling so much darkness, negative energies and heaviness for a week now, it is simply unbearable. The stupidity of the masses of people is increasing more and more, one thinks this is no longer possible. My HS has given me the insight that these extreme negative energies are the catapult for the shift. We have to be patient and hope that the shift will manifest in November.

Kind regards
Alex, Germany

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