February 25, 2020
It has been a long time since I last published an energy report of the PAT but it is never too late to revive the beautiful old tradition and summon the ranks prior to the final push. I will report tomorrow one more time on the current energetic situation when I will publish an article by Patrick Amoroso and discuss in the Foreword the latest developments in the ascension process.
Here I leave the space to some PAT members to express their latest impressions on the state-of-the-art of the world on the eve of the big awakenings and massive changes, the driving force of which will be the ground crew of the PAT.
Lieber Georg,
Erst einmal ein herzliches Dankeschön an Euch für die wunderbaren Darreichungen im Video-Format ! Ich weiss Eure aufwendig gestalteten Informationsträger in Bild und Ton sehr zu schätzen ! Als eher visuell / intuitiv Orientierter freue ich mich über jedes Format, das den Zugang in die für mich durchaus nicht leicht nachzuvollziehende abstrakt wissenschaftliche Welt der UL erleichtert.
Dein letzter Beitrag ist ein zeitsynchrones Abbild dessen, was ich Hier und Jetzt in all seinen immensen Intensitätsschwankungen erlebe … gerade Deine Ausführungen zu den feurig auf- flammenden Aggressionswellen und der Aspekt des Undankes haben mich aufgrund des zuletzt Durchlebten schmunzeln lassen … zugleich graut es mir ehrlich gesagt vor den epischen Wogen, die nun weiter zu durchtauchen sind ! Und ich gebe Dir vollkommen recht – wir alle sind diesen ständig in neuer abgrundtiefer Dekadenz aufgeschäumten BS leid und nochmal leid.
Einen in violetter Flammschrift verfassten Gruss
English translation
Dear Georg,
First of all, a big thank you for the wonderful presentations in video format! I appreciate your elaborately designed information carriers in picture and sound! As a more visually / intuitively oriented person, I am happy about every format that facilitates access to the abstract scientific world of the UL, which is not easy for me to comprehend.
Your last contribution is a time-synchronized image of what I experience here and now in all its immense intensity variations … Your remarks about the fiery flaring up waves of aggression and the aspect of ingratitude made me smile because of what I experienced last time … at the same time, I honestly dread the epic waves that are now to be plunged further! And I completely agree with you – we are all tired and again tired of this constantly in new abysmal decadence foamed up BS.
A greeting written in violet flaming script
Lieber Tom,
ich danke dir herzlichst für diese sehr positive und bestätigende Rezension unserer Videos und neuesten Artikels. Mich graust es auch, wie sich die Menschen bereits jetzt verhalten, und sie werden sich noch viel schlimmer in der Zukunft benehmen, aber wir müssen durch, wenn wir weiter kommen wollen. Das kommt alles sehr schnell jetzt, Schlag auf Schlag.
Wir haben darauf viele Jahre gearbeitet und ist es an der Zeit, die Ernte nach Hause zu bringen.
Passe gut auf dich auf und trink Tee – alles wird sich jetzt wunderbar einrenken.
Liebe Grüße
English translation
Dear Tom,
thank you very much for this very positive and affirmative review of our videos and the latest article. I am also horrified by how people are already behaving and they will behave much worse in the future, but we have to get through this if we want to get further. It’s all coming up very quickly now, blow by blow.
We have worked on this for many years and it is time to bring the harvest home.
Take good care of yourself and drink tea (take it easy) – everything will work out wonderfully now.
Best regards
Danke Dir für Deine Antwort ! Ich weiss, daß Du Dich seit längeren bewußt mit Deinen ebenso geschätzten wie gnadenlos-messerscharfen politischen Analysen zurückhältst.
Angesichts der galoppierenden Taktung der Ereignisse und ihrer viralen Krönung durch das unsichtbare Gespenst aus der chinesischen Hexenküche allerdings wäre ich wohl nicht der Einzige, der an einem erhellenden ausführlicheren Essay aus Deiner Feder zu den Hintergründen des aktuellen Geschehens sehr interessiert wäre …
Wie auch immer – Ich hebe eine Tasse purpurfarbenen Hibiskus-Tee auf ein baldiges und fulminant erfolgreiches Ende der Mission
English translation
Thank you for your answer ! I know that you have been deliberately holding back with your equally appreciated and mercilessly razor-sharp political analyses for quite some time.
In view of the galloping pace of events and their viral culmination by the invisible ghost from the Chinese witch’s kitchen, however, I would probably not be the only one who would be very interested in an enlightening, detailed essay from your pen on the background of current events …
Anyway – I raise a cup of purple hibiscus tea to a soon and brilliantly successful end of the mission
Lieber Tom,
du kannst dich glücklich schätzen, dass Patrick mich gestern genau wegen des selben Thema um Stellungnahme bat und hier ist, was ich für ihn geschrieben habe:
The Scam With the Coronavirus Scare-Epidemics
English translation
Dear Tom,
you’re lucky that Patrick asked me for my opinion yesterday on exactly the same subject and here is what I wrote for him (and published today):
The Scam With the Coronavirus Scare-Epidemics
Eine schöne Fügung, dass Patrick dasselbe Anliegen hatte – ganz herzlichen Dank für Deine beigefügte Expertise, ich weiß das sehr zu schätzen!
Hochinteressant, was Du als Fachmann zum Thema zu sagen hast, es deckt sich weitgehend mit der Analyse des Ex CIA Mannes Robert David Steele.
Sei froh, Georg, daß Du Deutschland verlassen hast – die Menschen hier sind mittlerweile wieder an einem Punkt wahnhaften Imbezilismus und hündischen Obrigkeitsgehorsams angelangt, der jeder Beschreibung spottet und ernsthaft als echter kollektiver Irrsinn bezeichnet werden muss.
Es ist durchaus nicht leicht, sich inmitten dieser Masse lobotomierter Cretins auf die lichtvollen Aspekte zu fokussieren, was ja erklärtes Ziel der Kabale ist, die alles daran setzt, inmitten des inszenierte Chaos unbemerkt die Schlusssteine in ihrem Tempelbau zu setzen …
Umso mehr freue ich mich auf Deinen mitgesendeten link.
Sei gegrüsst
English translation
It was a nice coincidence that Patrick had the same concern – thank you very much for your expertise, I appreciate it very much!
Very interesting, what you as an expert have to say on this topic, it largely coincides with the analysis of the ex CIA man Robert David Steele.
Be glad, Georg, that you have left Germany – the people here have now reached a point of delusional imbecility and canine obedience to authority that defies description and must seriously be called true collective insanity.
It is not at all easy to focus on the light aspects in the midst of this mass of lobotomized cretins, which is the declared goal of the cabal, which does everything it can to set the keystones in its temple building in the midst of the staged chaos, unnoticed …
All the more I am looking forward to your sent link.
Beloved Georgi,
thank you again for your light warrior’s words. Yes, we stand alone, being a clear mirror for humanity projecting its dross onto us. Being incarnated God in strength, resistance, emotional stability, and mental clarity – all these aspects of Love, so surprising for New Age energy touching only upper suns and kisses and ignoring lower serpents and monsters.
Our ascension is imminent, just around the cosmic corner. Since August 2018 I am sure to know, that All-that-Is/mother/father God finally feels the suffering and low vibrations of humankind, as until then, it was only known. We as PAT could provide such feedback exactly thanks to our daily crucifixions. And thus, I stay calm, keep my vibe high, although it could mean, I will stay alone in between many.
Let us stay in sacred silence, keeping our energy high and holding a sword of truth until the end of this cosmic experiment.
With all my loving regards to you and your beloveds,
Iva, Brno, CZ, (the new city of light)
Having just read your latest disquisition, I stand corrected by your admonition to PAT members not to get too easily mired in the theatrics of daily events. Immediately thereafter I checked the FB Universal Law of Nature site where Pepe’ linked your new article to the members’ attention. I offered a brief commentary to wit:
Patrick Amoroso If one reads this latest disquisition by Dr. Stankov with keen insight and allows its full transcendental comprehension to be realized as PAT members are only able to do, one can verily appreciate the axiomatic rationality contained therein. We owe nothing to this debased 3D consciousness with its rules of proper protocols and sensitivities which are the standards of division inherent in a paradigm of human frailties and expectations. This is not a harsh appraisal but a highly evolved spiritual account of the selflessness of the PAT in its deliverance of the human condition and as incarnates from an elevated dimension in the greatest act of LOVE ever witnessed throughout creation. Ponder…
I will further reflect on your wise counsel here and plan to expand upon it.
With love and light,
Dear Georgi,
Pepe just responded to my brief commentary. He has come a long way in his understandings these last few years to wit :
Pepé Fleischman To be a Light Warrior is rewarding as it is devastating, with the latter being mostly predominant. Of all the myriad of souls, we get to do the job. It’s perhaps the most daunting task to be ever undertaken in this multiverse. One literally has to have balls of the purest light to come here. Just this should make one beyond proud.
Luckily, the impending doom of this epitome of idiocy has never been closer. It’s imperative that we should focus all its might on the New Earth which will be heaven manifested beyond our wildest fantasies as Gaia – the crown jewel of the universe shall reclaim her rightful place and coherence shall reign!
I will present your appraisal with an added commentary both on the PAT FB Closed group UL page and my own personal FB page which is being reviewed very frequently these last 24 hours after I posted this account for the last time. This audience is inclusive of PAT members worldwide and also many friends, acquaintances, astronomy colleagues who are now being quite receptive to wit (will be published as a separate article tomorrow, George) …
Dear Patrick,
excellent presentation. I will publish it tomorrow as a separate article with this latest message from the Arcturians which heralds big changes and awakenings to happen very soon as we have created the necessary timelines with our light work.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
Thank you for your kind words of appreciation. Otfried visited this same commentary on my personal FB site a little while ago and replied: ” Right On “! It is early AM once again and I just awoke due to a rather disruptive dream instance. There was something you mentioned to me in your reply to my question concerning your medical opinion concerning the coronavirus and it confirmed what I have surmised these last few weeks. Let me explain. In your opening paragraph, you stated,
“The Chinese need this scare as their government is part of the world cabal and the other cabal in Europe and North America also need it now desperately.”
For some time now when I have observed the Chinese government’s response to this situation, something in my consciousness triggered a realization that such an overwhelming and Orwellian response dictated something more than just a need to address this virus. I remember thinking that Xi’s government must be beholding to the same criminal cabal as the west, but dismissed it as I wished to believe that China in its practice to Quote Xi is ” Socialism with Chinese characteristics” were in fact a progressive regime doing good things. But the Chinese are entrapped in the same scenario as they are following the same measures of the west in terms of increasing their military posture and entrenched in the world of the cabal-controlled international finance.
Your insightful statement simply confirmed what my intuition had already told me. Again, synchronicity abounds within the PAT.
And so it goes.
With love and light,
Dear Patrick,
indeed, your intuition is spot on, and it is significant that Trump recently said at a press conference that he is in constant contact with Xi about this fake epidemic and that he is up to date but did not sound particularly worried, as if everything was OK. I knew immediately that there is a much deeper conspiracy that Trump cannot truly hide as he is very vocal – he is a real babbler. Then comes Hong Kong and with the clamping down on so many Chinese cities Hong Kong is the next and the revolt will be killed. Actually I haven’t heard anything about it in the last weeks, so it may have died already.
It is important to know that Rothschild and the other US cabal were sending all the US patents for free to the Soviet Union during the Cold war to help them stabilize their communist regime as this was the prototype of the NWO they wanted. There were quite a lot of articles on this topic several years ago on the Internet but I can’t find them now. I would even say that 5 to 10 years ago, there were far more high-quality reports of deep revelations of the cabal sinister crimes than now and also more understanding among the critical alternative thinkers. I do not know what happened to them and hope they are still alive as there are so many dissidents who are killed in the USA all the time, it is mind-boggling. Think only of the infamous Killary list of victims of this mafia family.
The same happened with China after Nixon rapprochement. The US cabal exported all the major industry to China – the cheap production prices was a cheap excuse. They wanted to deindustrialize the USA and thus eliminate the middle class. That is why Bannon is so anti-Chinese but he also hides the primary cause. The US cabal has always wanted to establish the same dictatorship in the USA as in China and did not care about their huge trade deficit and a crumbling economy, which is now not even a third world country industry. It has adopted the Canadian model and this country is 4th world country – after total deindustrialization and the surge of former 3rd world countries as China, South Korea and even Russia to new power, the whole North American industry has gone down the rabbit hole.
This was the platform of Trump to win the election if you may remember – he was talking all the time about crumbling airports, highways, bridges and infrastructure, mass unemployment 25-30 % and how he will make America great again. I wonder how he managed to lower the employment percentage 10 times to the current rigged statistics of 3% in 3 years. He must have created at least 100 million new jobs while at the same time sending away all aliens from the country. It is a conundrum that mass poverty grows unabated in the USA, while the national debt skyrocketed under Trump, more so than under Obama and he doubled the entire USA debt collected in more than a century in 8 years. We live in a crazy world, where the craziest of all calls his opponent “crazy Burnie” (Sanders). Arsonists all over the place.
It is time to take the reins in our hands and harness the Beast. Let us start with Italy first, then Central Europe and in Vancouver, where the second city of light must manifest very soon. You always wanted to live there – now you are welcome. Do the surgery, recover and you will be ready in time. It will happen this year.
With love and light
Dear George and Carla.
With greetings from Russia. A huge Gratitude for everything that you post on the Site. These are my native energies. I look forward to each new Message. I am with you with all my Soul and with Love.
С уважением,
Елена Перевалова
Dear Elena,
thank you so much for your feedback and support. Keep the good work doing. Russia is a big country and there are only a few light warriors there to spread the light the Russians so badly need.
With love and light