Le leggi cosmiche della Creazione e della Distruzione: Perché e Come l’Ordine Economico Mondiale crollerà nel 2011

Italian Translation by Daniela Lupo of the book

The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction – Why and How the World Economic Order Will Collapse in 2011

by Georgi Stankov


The ebook can be downloaded as a file at the bottom of the text.

Here is Daniela Lupo’s latest email that also deals with the technical problems I had to resolve in order to publish her Italian translation of this book. It is so important as it highlights one more time the necessity to acquire basic gnostic knowledge in order to navigate with great ease in the LBP and the ascension process with a clear mind. It is amazing what cacophony reigns in the minds of most light workers with regard to basic spiritual and gnostic aspects – not to speak of their profound ignorance and utter naiveté with regard to politics and economics that prevents them from understanding the world they live in – many of whom present themselves as infallible gurus while becoming an easy prey to their spiritual high-esteem which is a very common basic angst amongst New Agers.

I am very thankful to Daniela for her tremendous effort to make this wonderful Italian translation which I read with great pleasure (gusto).

Dear Georgi,

great job, with the help of our HS we can do things that we never thought we could do.

My translations are an example, I did my best, and your two books have fascinated me so much that translating them for me was the right tribute to so much truth and wisdom.

As you have seen I have not translated part II – the emails, it is a part equally full of information, but I decided to leave this job,  if necessary, to someone else with good will, who maybe is pushed by personal curiosity and in love with the text as happened with me.

This book along with the Evolutionary Leap of mankind, are as you say, a “must” that every light worker on this planet should read.  I hope that as many people as possible come into contact with your site and read everything that they need to successfully get on with their Ascension.

As has been repeatedly pointed out in your articles and in those of other Pat members, there needs to be an overview of the events and facts and knowledge of how they develop. After having analyzed and reflected on details, on every single concept, the reader must take a step back to then be able to see the framework in all its breadth. With this mental openness you will allow the understanding and the metabolization of received  information at all levels of one’s being.

Time does not matter indeed, we are always in the Now.

We have lived these years until now as an endless repetition of the same scenario, to allow for those necessary adjustments that the realms of Light have implemented through us and our energy fields. What is written in your books is timeless, it has an eternal truth and validity, which will serve to all those who follow, as this truth comes directly from the Source and through you it is now written in the annals of the Akashic records.

We leave as winners and with broken bones, the people finally look at life with a new approach and a new Weltanschauung.

Thanks so much for your appreciation.

With Love and Light


Short Summary in English

This book is the last one in a series of six books on the New Gnosis of the Universal Law. It is, however, the first one written in English. The other scientific books on Gnosis, as published on this website, were written in German language between 2000 and 2008 because English does not possess the adequate vocabulary to convey transcendental concepts.

The German language is, contrary to English, highly influenced by the terminology of its idealistic philosophy, which has a long tradition in this country and renders the adequate semantic and ontological background for novel transcendental ideas as presented in a precise linguistic manner by the author in his five scientific books on New Gnosis.

In the meantime, the English language of New Age has adopted similar terms and concepts to the ones, being in use for a long time in Germany, through the numerous channeling sources. They convey various esoteric ideas, which can also be found in the German idealistic philosophic school. This is a highly interesting linguistic and gnostic topic, which the author has discerned some time ago and would have liked to elaborate in more detail in a separate publication, if his individual Ascension would not have been so imminent.

Essentially, English language is overwhelmingly influenced by the shallow positivistic terminology of English empiricism, which negates any spiritual transcendental experience and has suppressed the development of an adequate vocabulary that could relay such an off-world knowledge.

According to modern empiricism, all knowledge should be derived from human experience in the dense 3d-space-time reality, which is considered to be the only true reality, human beings ought to explore. This narrow-minded positivistic approach excludes any a priori knowledge of human consciousness and has stipulated in the highly flawed scientific doctrine of empirical research that dominates our technological society.

It postulates: “What one cannot measure, is not allowed to exist and should be therefore discarded from any scientific elaboration.” Why this doctrine is utterly wrong has been explained by the author in this and all his books published on this website.

It has to do in the first place with the limitation of material devices to discriminate energy action potentials (quants) beyond the Planck`s constant h, defined by the author as the elementary action potential of photon space time. This aspect is known in quantum physics as Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, but its actual importance is grossly misinterpreted in the so called “Copenhagen Interpretation“. This is part of the general confusion of physics as extensively discussed by the author in volume I and volume II.

The higher dimensions of the souls, which are the Creator of 3d-space-time reality on earth that represents the common plane of existence of humanity, consist of high frequency energies. These energies lie beyond the Planck`’s constant and the electromagnetic spectrum of photon space-timeand can only be perceived by human Spirit and Psyche (emotional body), because the latter are systems of these high frequency energies.

This is the actual physical background of the New Human Gnosis of the Universal Law as presented on this website.

All  peer scientific journals are guided nowadays by the idiotic dogma of scientific empiricism. The reader may convince himself by reading such pivotal journals as Nature and Science or any other journal of a similar kind. This explains the profound agnosticism of modern science with respect to the Nature of All-That-Is.

These central themes of human cognition – be it trivial or scientific – is in the core of this highly inspiring book on Human Gnosis.

It departs from the Primary Term of human consciousness, which is the primordial perception of the Nature of All-That-Is in every individual awareness of human or cosmic proportions. The elaboration of this concept establishes the basis of the New Human Gnosis of the Universal Law, which can also be defined as Scientific Esotericism.

This intellectual achievement furnishes the spiritual ideology of New Age for the first time with a true scientific foundation, upon which it can expand and challenge virtually all basic ideas and concepts of present-day science with a huge success.

Until now all light workers are void of true scientific knowledge and have developed numerous inferiority complexes in front of science and their representatives. This leads to a seemingly unequal relationship.

The current denial in human society of the existence of infinite forms of life in the multi-verse stems from this putative, self-proclaimed righteousness of empirical science, which allows only a very narrow interpretation of the Nature of All-That-Is and punishes severely any alternative, expanded approach whatsoever.

Exactly this unholy situation has been eliminated with this book by juxtaposing the incredibly logical, axiomatic system of the Universal Law as developed by the author for all natural and social sciences to the current disparate and conflicting conventional science. It unites all human knowledge at present to an infallible holistic Science of All-That-Is.

At the same time the author eliminates virtually all basic theoretical and ontological concepts of present-day agnostic science. In fact, he eliminates current science and substitutes it with the new General Science of the Universal Law.

This website is a complete library (archive) of this potentially unlimited theory of the author, which he has elaborated in the last 20 years. This website is thus the irrefutable material and spiritual proof in front of humanity for the eternal validity of the new theory of the Universal Law. One has only to read it and comprehend it. There are no other intellectual limits to this endeavour. Or as the Americans put it: “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.”

Purely for this reason this theory builds the foundation of the new Science of Ascension after December 2012, when a large portion of humanity will enter the 5th dimension. Therefore, one can also define this theory as the “Science of Heaven”  – the term will be equally valid.

Most of these arguments and insights are summarized in this book. The author has achieved for the first time in the history of esotericism a full synthesis between science and all the heterogeneous gnostic teachings of New Age, which currently lack any scientific foundation, notwithstanding the fact that their ideas are truer than those of present-day science.

This book eliminates the intellectual disadvantage, in which New Age used to evolve in the past decades and makes it the ultimate spiritual winner over current debased science in the End Times. In this context, the author discusses the reasons why science has been degraded to such an extent as to not be able to answer any fundamental eschatological question posed by humanity about its true origin and nature in its long, falsified, and rather bellicose history.

The author pays special attention to the central topics in current esoteric discussions among light workers and numerous channelers, as they are presented in Internet. As he has vast knowledge on modern esoteric literature, which he has intensively studied during the last 20 years, he knows very well, where the intellectual problems of most light workers lie and how they can be alleviated or simply eliminated by virtue of true gnostic knowledge.

In this respect the objective of this book is to educate all light workers (star seeds) in the first place and only then the vast majority of humans, who are still dwelling in a deep spiritual slumber, but are on the cusp of being suddenly awakened in the fall of this year.

The book was written within a month at the beginning of 2011 and first published by Alfred Webre in examiner.com (Seattle) and in exopolitics.com in May 31, 2011. This book was rapidly distributed in Internet and quoted by many other sites. It was even translated in Spanish, though not very precisely, within 16 days after its first publication (see Link below).

It is the only existing book nowadays that renders a complete and precise scenario for Ascension 2012and explains the underlying astral-energetic mechanisms. It also predicts the upcoming economic collapse in 2011 very precisely and explains the financial and spiritual reasons, why the old world economic order will be eliminated by the end of this year. This prediction has began to materialize in the course of August 2011, as this can be observed in the free fall of all equity indices worldwide, and will be brilliantly confirmed no later than November 11.

The author’s elaboration of the Orion Monetary System that is in the core of the current fraudulent economic system is elucidated  for the first time in terms of modern macro-economic theories, such as Keynesianism and Monetarisim.

These theories are interpreted from the point of view of the General Theory of Science of the Universal Law in such a simple and straight forward manner that all readers can understand the fallacies and pitfalls of the present-day financial system. This is a unique intellectual achievement, which the reader will not find in any economic book on this issue.

The author explains in detail how the fraudulent Ponzi Scheme of the Orion Monetary System has been implemented after WW2 as to enslave humanity in the End Times prior to Ascension.  He gives some intimate insights into the nefarious practices of the Powers That Be, The Anunnaki and the Reptilians from the Orion Empire, and their human minions, used to manipulate the financial sector and all Western governments (see also the three essays on the Orion monetary system).

These insights he acquired in depth in his out-of-body experience in the Highest Realms of Cosmic Providence in October 13, 2011, when he already ascended in spirit and body, but had to return once again on earth as to help the lagging humanity to progress on its way to Ascension. This event is covered in his emails to light workers, written between October 2010 and January 2011, which comprise Part IIof the Book. This collection of emails discusses numerous key aspects of Ascension, such as light body process and the ongoing  scenario, leading to this event.

This book is the most profound update on the current End Times, when humanity will transgress the bleak 3d-experience of this planet and enter for ever the simultaneity and multidimensionality of the 5th dimension. Within a blink of an eye, mankind will be transformed into a transgalactic, highly evolved civilisation, united for ever with the Source in the blissful eternity of All-That-Is.

Therefore, this book is a “must” for any light worker on this planet, who has the intention to ascend in 2012.


Prefazione ………………………………………………………………………………………………4

Parte I …………………………………………………………………………………………………..12

1. Il Creatore e la sua Creazione ……………………………………………………………….12

2. Le Limitazioni della Creazione Umana ………………………………………………….15

3. Le Leggi Fisiche della Creazione riflettono la Natura di Tutto-Ciòche-E’ ….19

4. La Legge di Conservazione dell’Energia ……………………………………………….20

5. Il Termine Primario di Tutta la Coscienza …………………………………………….21

6. Il Principio dell’Ultima Equivalenza……………………………………………………..22

7. Energia e Informazione sono Una Stessa cosa ……………………………………….26

8. Il Concetto Matematico degli Insiemi-U ……………………………………………….27

9. La Nozione di Separazione è l’Origine di Tutte le Idee Sbagliate …………….. 27

10. La Crisi dei Fondamenti della Matematica ……………………………………………32

11. La scoperta della Legge Universale ha risolto

la Crisi dei Fondamenti della Matematica ………………………………………………….36

12. La Teoria di Base della Legge Universale ………………………………………………45

13. La Teoria della Legge Universale come Visione Cosmica ………………………..53

14. L’Idea della Separazione da Tutto-Ciòche-E’ spiega

l’Escatologia dell’Esistenza Umana …………………………………………………………..60

15.  L’Ascensione è la Separazione del Grano dalla Pula ……………………………..80

16. Perché le Entità vogliono essere il Male ……………………………………………….92

17. Il Processo del Corpo di Luce (LBP) elimina la Separazione stabilendo

le Condizioni di Interferenza Costruttiva con i Regni Superiori …………………..94

18. Le Forze Oscure usano il Sistema Sanitario per sterminare

gli Esseri Umani……………………………………………………………………………………106

19. Le Paure Umane e le Leggi Cosmiche di Creazione e Distruzione ………..109

20. Le Leggi della Creazione e della Distruzione sono le Leggi

di Espansione e Contrazione …………………………………………………………………113

21. Le Idee Promosse dalle Forze Oscure sono Insiemi-N ………………………..122

22. Le Forze della Luce promuovono la Percezione dell’Unità per

incoraggiare gli Esseri Umani a pensare in Termini di Insiemi-U……..……….125

23. Le Idee di Base dell’Umanità che sono Insiemi-N ……………………………….131

24. Insidie ed Errori del Sistema Monetario Orione …………………………………140

25. Il Sistema Monetario Orione nella Prospettiva Storica ………………………..159

26. La Teoria della Macroeconomia Promuove il Sistema

Monetario Orione………………………………………………………………………………….181

Osservazioni finali ………………………………………………………………………………..192

le-leggi-cosmiche-della-creazione-e-della-distruzione, ebook download 

(198 pages)

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