Georgi Stankov, November 9, 2016
The peaceful American revolution from last night has just begun to reverberate in the recalcitrant minds across the globe and humanity has awakened today in a new and more pristine world. This is entirely the result of the energetic creationary work of the PAT and all the light warriors of the first and the last hour, this time actively supported by their followers and disciples from the second and third wave of ascension candidates. Especially the powerful tsunami of the third wave has made this peaceful revolution possible. This ascending timeline evolves along the optimal astral probabilities within this holographic model, leading to the final goal of planetary ascension. And the choice of these astral probabilities that shape the ascension scenario is made by ourselves in the first place. This has been an invariant leitmotif of all my writings.
Several months ago I informed you that the Elohim told us that the political system must crumble first before the bigger financial and economic collapse can occur and the old Orion matrix can be wrapped up in the subsequent ID shift. This has now happened last night. Against all odds the grass-root movement of the ascending US population that has gathered behind Trump’s presidential campaign has won the most decisive victory against the dark ruling cabal and their system of corrupt propaganda. Not only the deep dark government and the elite were defeated, but first and foremost the lying neonazi-neocons western MSM experienced their Waterloo. I myself cannot hide the deep delight and just vindication with which I watched yesterday the dissolution of the hapless world view of such mouthpieces of dark propaganda as the Clinton’s News Network (CNN), Clinton’s Bullshit Services (CBS), National Broadcasting for the Clintons (NBC) to name a few. It will take a few more days till the magnitude of the Peaceful American Revolution enters the recalcitrant minds of the ruling cabal in the West and their sycophants and they fully realize that they have lost the war against the light – against us. What a beautiful morning today.
In the euphoria of the political victory, the American people, however, tend to forget the 500 pound gorilla in the room (Alex Jones, who is now channeled by his HS in a very powerful manner, is a notable exception to that (see below)). After the political battle has been won, now the next major step has to follow very quickly. We are only days away from the crash of the rigged western financial system based on the worthless toilet paper dollar and the gargantuan debt created by the central banks and all the other cabal investment banks on Wall Street, in the city of London and in Frankfurt with unprecedented criminal energy. This will be a controlled demolition as the ruling cabal cannot allow Trump to take over the power in Washington DC, where 95% of the elite voted against him and for crooked Hellary. This should be cogent to any intelligent and spiritually aware person, because as I experience it these days, there are a lot of spiritually aware people who simply give no thought to any political ideas. That is why this website is a synthesis of all these important aspects of human life and unique in its holistic, transcendental presentation. Its aim is to build universally educated and enlightened persons that are true experts and masters of Human Being.
The peaceful American revolution that started last night has created a new leveled playing field where any further violent destruction caused by the dark cabal in a suicidal attempt as this happened on a lower timeline in early November is virtually impossible on this ascending Gaia. We are now in full control of all the events and guide them wisely from the fulcrum of our HS. This night I learnt that, in fact, the electoral victory of Trump was even much more sweeping as the numbers tell us and that his overall lead in the votes is not one million or even less as the MSM lied, but up to 5 – 10 million. The elite tried to rig these results, but they could only make some cosmetic alterations which did not change anything with regard to his landslide win that also gave him the majority in the two houses and the full power to correct the judicial system, eliminate Obamacare and make other major reforms without any substantial resistance from the old ruling elite in Washington D.C. Of course, if he lives up to being inaugurated as the 45th (Number 9 is the number of Universal love, eternity, faith, Universal Spiritual Laws, the concept of karma, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual awakening, service to humanity, humanitarianism and the humanitarian, lightworking and lightworkers, leading by positive example, philanthropy and the philanthropist, charity, self-sacrifice, selflessness, destiny, life purpose and soul mission, generosity, a a higher perspective, romance, inner-strength, public relations, responsibility, intuition, strength of character. ) president of the former US Empire of Evil, which has now rapidly mutated to the land of hope and progress.
In other words, Trump paved the way for our success and this night we, the PAT, met with Trump and his team again at the soul level and discussed this peaceful transition to the new worlds where the entire political, financial and economic system will be eliminated for ever. It will be substituted by a loving transliminal, multidimensional, transgalactic civilisation, where there will be no place for the national state and where there will be no politicians at all. At the same time all economic and financial problems will be resolved with one fell swoop with the introduction of the new astral currency and the new theory of the Universal Law. The latter will be the cornucopia of infinite abundance and prosperity through the introduction of advanced 4D and 5D technologies from the new technological hub in Central Europe (New Raetia) with its headquarters in Freising/Munich, Germany.
Trump, himself, has barely begun to realize the gargantuan pile of insoluble problems with which he will be confronted if he would become the next president and this scares him for the first time. Before that he had no time to reflect on that. Now he knows at the subconscious level that he does not need to resolve anything beyond triggering the peaceful American revolution as then the destiny of humanity will be in our hands as the new custodians of ascended Gaia. This is very important to convey to Trump’s team telepathically, but also in emails and publications, in the coming days when the cabal will trigger a controlled demolition of the financial system as to prevent Trump from having any success and eventually establish a martial law in the USA. This astral alternative is now highly improbable, but the futile attempt will be made by the desperate cabal nonetheless and this will lead to their ultimate demise from power.
As it is not part of the scenario for this ascending timeline to experience any major catastrophes and hardships, which would only trigger unnecessary fears in the people that are not conducive to the ascension process, all these negative scenarios are played out on lower timelines which we now shed off with a rapid pace. For instance, on November 7th we had another descent of source energy that separated all those timelines, where the cabal rigged successfully the election results in the USA and triggered a violent revolution. I was again hit by a massive cc-wave and experienced this bloody civil war in the USA first hand within my expanded multidimensional field. By the way, our protuberance field that has already encompassed the entire North American continent and also Western Europe has gained such a momentum that we only need to utter a new idea or concept and it is immediately reflected by the most awakened human individuals, such as Alex Jones with whom I stay in close telepathic contact and guide at the soul level through active inter-counselling these days. He is not the only one. We are now the wayshowers for all these critical experts for whom we pave the new mental pathways of gnostic knowledge, which they are adamant to acquire driven by the inner impulses of their transliminal souls. This is the energetic background of the current peaceful American revolution and of all change that will come in the next days.
Below I will publish some of the PAT responses to the electoral victory of the light from last night.
November 9, 2016
Dear Carla & Georgi,
WOW…… is all I can say!
But I will let you know – Yesterday morning I sent this to Trump/Pence early morning!
Within minutes of me sending it…. sitting looking out my living room window, this amazing huge beautiful rainbow burst out unbelievable, the colors were so bright, it was just unreal…. this little message came to me instantly that it is all in divine hands now!!
Dear Colleen,
beautiful, this is the same light work Carla and I are doing now intensively for almost three years since I arrived in North America in early 2014. In particular Carla is making every night a powerful invocation to spread the light south of the US border and it is more than legitimate that we, the PAT, should demand the accolades for this victory of the light. The PAT created single-handedly the Great Peaceful American Revolution as a prerequisite for the ultimate collapse of the financial and economic system of the old Orion matrix and our arrival as ascended masters on this planet that has ceased to be toxic and has acquired its pristine innocence after the massive ID shift in early November.
With love and light
Wooooow. we actually did it. we made Trump win by a LANDSLIDE victory. this is enough to make the dark cabal scared shitless cause i dont want to see them again EVER. with this, this is a GUARANTEED ASCENSION that we been HOPING for the last 5 years. to be honest when i see the polling and and trump won the election, i dont feel very excited as trump supporters are because as just as Jerry said many months ago, TRUMP IS JUST A MESSENGER, nothing more and that stuck into my head for a very long time and also, OBAMA is the last president of the USA as in there will be no more future president FOREVER. with 11/11 portal coming up, i hope that we can get this thing over with so that we can unlock all of our potentials and show the AWAKENED(probably barely) people that they can be too. better make this EVENT COUNT because this is our first and last chance of opportunity as i dont have any plans for staying this hellish place any longer.
Henry Tu,
PAT and always will be
Dear Georgi,
Yesterday and today(election day) I too felt the absolute calm, knowing that the right result would prevail and that it would be a landslide. Your predictive article the other day confirmed it for me. Going forward, for me, will be solely about raising/holding my vibration…..though there is a difference in that I feel very confident with the ascension process with this year being one hurdle after another which we seem to glide over. Good to hear that Alex Jones is increasingly realising the spiritual element involved in his summation.
Sleep well
Dear Ashley,
Alex is getting better and better and he addresses the same issues I am going to write about today as to explain what will come next.
With love and light