Message from the Elohim: The “Magnificent and Most Dramatic Event” on May 30, 2016 Was a Full Opening and Transition of Gaia and Humanity into Light

Carla Thompson, June 4, 2016

The Elohim confirm the culmination of the Planetary Ascension on May 30, 2016 – the final and irrevocable total opening of the closed holographic energetic system of Gaia and humanity to the light codes of the Source – as reported real time on our website:

“There has been a deep transition Into Light, a progression of magnificent proportion, a transition of cosmic breadth has taken hold of the reality of form! Here we speak not only of the anchoring of what is often referred to as a fifth dimensional reference but further the complete anchoring of many other-dimensional expressions.  You may understand these to be of eighth, ninth and beyond dimensional frequencies, and we reassure you, they are even beyond comprehension. For it is true the Creation is composed of infinite expressions and it is now our great joy to share with you, a magnificent event has brought life to the process of fusion of all expressions of form into the source of All-That-Is.”


A warm hello to everyone!

On Monday, May 30th, I was driving along a highway, caught up in slow traffic, when Georgi phoned me in a state of absolute exaltation.  He eagerly wanted to know if I had experienced the same profound energetic opening as he had.  I had felt some very expansive energy within my heart centre and around my body but as this happens anyway from time to time I felt that it was nothing special.  However after we had hung up I tuned in to the energies before me, in the surrounding countryside.  

I noticed first off the sun glowing in a spectacular fashion but after a few moments I realized that this glow did not come from the sun per se, but that there was an all pervasive soft golden-yellow light, pouring into everything it connected with.  It was as though everything before me emanated auras of beautiful buttery golden-yellow rays. It reminded me of the golden halos seen in early sacral paintings. After arriving home I didn’t think about it anymore, until today when the Elohim gave me a visual of how this transition manifested at the quantum level.

The strong visual I had today was of this same beautiful buttery-yellow and gold light interfacing directly with every atom at the elemental level of creation.  I was shown what I first thought were links in a chain, but after a time of reflection I realize they were showing me uppercase “U”s, laid on their sides, connecting permanently through an instant fusion process and I realized this action represented a perfect state of superconductivity.  Of course one can always draw the conclusion that they were showing me “U-sets” from the theory of the Universal Law!  (U-sets are per definition sets that contain themselves and the Whole (Source = All-That-Is) as an element. All open systems and levels of All-That-Is are U-sets.) As these U-sets connect, there is instantaneous conductivity.  

I hope you enjoy now this very beautiful message from the Elohim.

With love,



Elohim Message

There has been a deep transition Into The Light, a progression of magnificent proportion, a transition of cosmic breadth has taken hold of the reality of form!

Here we speak not only of the anchoring of what is often referred to as a fifth dimensional reference but further the complete anchoring of many other-dimensional expressions.  You may understand these to be of eighth, ninth and beyond dimensional frequencies, and we reassure you, they are even beyond comprehension.  

For it is true the Creation is composed of infinite expressions and it is now our great joy to share with you, a magnificent event has brought life to the process of fusion of all expressions of form into the source of All-That-Is.  The desire and intent of source light fusion to the expressions of form, has been in the making for a very long time, and has arisen in your understanding of the world in the years you describe as Ancient Lemurian times, in Egyptian times, in times of the Christ, and recently in the years 1800’s, 1930’s, 1960’s, 1987, 2000, 2011-2014, and now.  

For it is certain that Source of All-That-Is has had intention, desire and will to confront the depth of form, in a direct manner.  It is certain there have been many projections of Source energy into every expression of form, however, never before now has this process reached a level of saturation whereby there has been an instantaneous harmonization [ Monday, May 30th ].

The development of form has peaked in its infinite and perfect expression, and now it is time to return it to the light of creation, or another way of putting it, to return the light of creation to all expression of form within the creation.  

The event culminated in the instant coupling or fusion of source quantum field particles with the elementary particles of the atomic structure of matter which has previously throughout time been separated from source light. Source light energy is of a quantum nature, and quantum energy is highly organized information.  This event represents superconductivity where quantum particles couple up in a process of instantly dedicated attraction.

Throughout the times of distinct separation from the Source Field, little to no information has been able to flow into the field of form.  This beautiful harmonization expanded in an instant beauty and accorded the simultaneous exchange of sacred light information, information about the Source, the One, and the Whole.  Gaia and all expressions of form now have a fully open system of energetic exchange forever.  When we say “all” expressions we mean every single expression in form from the single-celled amoeba to the most complex multi-cellular expression in form within creation.

On the level of your body-mind-spirit energetic systems, there is now a complete interface between your own energetic systems and that of the source.  Here is where you now have access to all light code information flooding in from the source.  You have perhaps noticed a recent rise in physical, emotional and mental illness among your family and friends and this has been the result of prolonged pressurization of blocked energy within these systems over recent times.  Now that this re-set has manifested there shall be fulfilled healing for many, as light code information shall now flow freely, whereas once in ancient times, civilizations were closed to this light information and great separation arose through the lack of connection and an enhanced value was placed on destructive thought and action.  

It is of importance to know that within the human energetic systems, the more one embraces the negatively charged thoughts, and actions, the more one closes off to the exchange of source light energy.  It follows from here that as one closes off to source influence, the more destruction one experiences, not only within their bodies but even within their own lives.  Over time as one becomes more and more resonant with the lower vibrational energies that have arisen from the disconnection, the more one enjoys these energies, even to the point of being repelled by thoughts of openness, feelings of love, and communion and harmony with God-Source itself.  This is a challenging truth, indeed, as one cannot be easily reached once this dismal level of personal inauthenticity has been achieved.

It is also a fact that human belief systems are in and of themselves light code systems, and as such they carry within them the imperative to interact directly with light codes of source origin.  As separation was carried further and further afield in the worlds of form this sacred interaction was lost a long time ago.  Now that the restoration of connection has been put in place the ascension shall move along at a renewed pace.

We know this transition into the light has arisen from purely magnificent divine agency, the “Hand of God” is how some of you interpret it.  However you describe it, feel it, or know it, know that you are now fully embedded in an expanding reality of multiple expression, of infinite expansion and of divine creation.  All new expressions are fully anchored energetically into your reality of form and while you may not see or feel that which we share, you will soon come to understand these new overlays of realities either through direct awareness from heightened intuitive abilities in the waking state, or you shall be shown themes or understandings while in your dream state.  All information that comes to you is in divine order, it is brought forth for your evolution and for your own enjoyment within creation.   

We are the Elohim and share this with deep reverence and love for each one of you.  Hold the golden light yourselves within your own field of form and know that the ascension moves all of you forward now with renewed ease and grace.

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