Personal Opinions – January 23, 2013

Letters to the Editor

“Men in Black”, Medvedev’s Revelations on the Davos Forum

Hi George,

Thank you for making me aware of the World Economic Forum in Davos and the Russian UFO documentary. I am yet to watch the documentary, however the issues described as “Global Risks” are interesting in themselves. I felt a sense of excitement reading your analysis and I don’t really have anything else to add as the elite’s agenda is blatantly clear and you have covered it thoroughly. I will have to do more reading before I comment on alien revelations at this forum, although the possibility of some sort of disclosure cannot be ignored.

I had to read your report in two sittings this morning with a gap of a few hours. After finishing I went directly to the WEF website to read further. Within a few minutes I had a Western Australian Police Air Wing helicopter hovering over my house. See attached photo that I took of it.

It was hovering and then circling for about ten minutes with my house being roughly the center of its orbit. It was hovering overhead when I first went outside and then started to circle when I returned with a compact digital camera to take some photos and video. It was so close that it woke up my baby and even motivated my wife to go outside to see what was going on. I ran inside a second time to grab a better camera with a zoom lens and then they quickly moved on, but still within the area for a few minutes more, then departed directly in the direction of where they are based.

As a rational and logical thinker, I will have to consider also that the timing and location of the helicopter was a coincidence and that they were in the area other reasons, although I found nothing in the news to explain their presence. Problem is, I don’t believe in coincidences anymore. The crew themselves would not have been told intimidate me in any instance as they would still need a plausible excuse to be overhead, although it would be very easy for superiors to make anything up “officially”. I will also add for the benefit of any additional readers in the future, some of my personal history to preempt any accusations of being a paranoid conspiracy theorist with no “real world” experience.

As many of us have had to do as part of our individual soul journeys, I quit my profession. For me it was the only choice, even though it was very very difficult. I ended my career at 37 years of age. I was an airline pilot. I was a captain and some of the first officers (co-pilots) I flew with were ex police and military. One of them was a special forces soldier, another a fast jet pilot, and another was incidentally a pilot for the WA Police Air Wing (same organisation), whom I have had many an interesting conversation on the flight deck. They are all nice guys. In my early 20s, I myself was in the Royal Australian Navy for three years as a pilot trainee.

George out of interest I also attached the WA Police logo which happens to be an inverted pentagram with a crown on top.

Two guesses who blatantly shows they own the WA Police.

It clearly shows who the WA Police actually protect and serve – the Crown corporation in the City of London and not the people of Western Australia. The other two pictures are just for background information to illustrate the significance of the inverted pentagram. Apparently in occult circles the pentagram represents the five elements (earth, air, fire, water and spirit). The elite either use it upright as a proxy for our subconscious to positively relate to something as in the case with the US military logo (i.e. the masses subconscious relates the military with good). The other way is to invert it and stick the point representing spirit into the ground and only have fire and earth exposed. Blatant satanic emblem.

Again this could all just be coincidence. Seem to be a lot of coincidences now days.

Warm regards

Dear Alex,

I also do not believe in any coincidences, but I wonder how they knew what you were doing precisely at that time. This means that they have a full real time control of your Internet activities and that they also closely follow my website, which is a well-established fact as it has been extensively documented by the Internet troll attacks for three consecutive months last year, before they abruptly stopped their harassment on Jan 1 this year.

With love and light

Dear George,

I watched yesterday night the whole video: MIB. Lots of comments without transcript, but all in all great documentary. My UFO contactee friend (Alejandro) usually goes to Russian videos as they reveal lots of stuff, like The Russian Naval Army from the North which stated that the Haiti earthquake was caused by USA’s HAARP technology. Anyway, the first part of the video made me remember my friend Alejandro who told me that Jesus was not conceived, but came to Earth as a 2 year old boy. We have been infiltrated all these millennia by different alien species/agendas and the genocide that the dark cabal elite has done with the help of some aliens species. BU!

Looking forward to changes/ascensions. Since last days of December til now I’m singing for Ascension and to the New Earth (A), it comes natural to sing for it.

I’ve also started the process of connecting within. I used to do it in the Andean deserts of Central and South Peru in radical and immediate ways – when I was younger – but now I’m developing a communion with me here in Lima city. Other than that, this month a young woman (30years) came for her Natal Chart; she felt the hit last New Year’s Eve, so I told her about the New Earth and how it was her destiny according to her Natal Chart (at least A/B, but definitely not Earth B for her). Looking forward to receive more of these clients. Yep!

Big hug from South America

Dear Arloz,

Jesus is a myth and has never existed as a physical entity. It is based on the life of Apollonius of Tyana. But it has an energetic power as a myth on humanity. We have discussed this issue many times in the past. The rest is religious fraud.

Religions are based on the adolescence of false, external gods. Now we are back to the source, realizing that every human being is a creator god and need not delegate his power to other false gods. That’s all. This is what the PAT will embody very soon.


Dear Corey,

is it possible for you to publish my latest publication on Medvedev and Davos on your website as it is very important and should find a broad distribution?

With love and light


How synchronistic you would e-mail me.

I have not posted anything on my site despite so many interpersonal and external shifts – since December 20 with “The Ultimate Message of Ascension.”

I have been waiting for the right moment to begin publishing on my site again and it just came in the form of your e-mail.

My higher self directed me to begin “The Golden Rule” in January of 2011, where I post relevant information that resonated with me as I was going through the most intensive phase of the LBP…. If you follow the site in chronological order you will clearly find evidence of this as I originally posted on very earthly economic matters and it quickly spiraled upwards toward more esoteric and eventually PAT-related affairs. The site’s last post synchronistically was “The Ultimate Message of Ascension,” which is fitting since the PAT and others have had to come to terms with the dire energetic situation on earth since the fabled 12/21/2012 date.

I got a message last night from my higher self which revealed to me the reason I was directed to create the site – as an electronic portal for people to stumble upon the light body process and your work, as all publications taken in totality form a web of information that leads directly to the Universal Law Press, where one would find, if guided, the PAT and all relevant publications.

Please consider that this message from my HS was delivered last night and I had been meditating for some time now about when I would resume publishing. Then miraculously – your e-mail arrives in my inbox.

All is Well,

Hi George!

Your latest post thrilled me.. . this is EXACTLY why my recent sightings, which I reported, were so important to our imminent ascension… wow! When I read your post the message I received was “SHOWTIME”. . . This is it – the game changer. What was revealed to me, was that the reason we are having such difficulty with ascension is that the dark cabal has in fact changed the time lines. This violated all galactic laws. They have gone too far, this is why the off-worlders are now stepping in.  This is the final card, .once this is disclosed, it all changes. Their pathetic game on Earth is over. Fasten your seatbelts indeed, it’s showtime folks!

Love and Light,

Dear Fiona,

I am glad that you like my latest article. I was also thrilled when I found all these connections and facts and then the whole picture emerged very clearly in front of my eyes. I was in a kind of fever, till I finished it as I sensed that it has a very important message to deliver to humanity.


Yes, bravo! And deliver an important message to humanity you will! I saw an image of you standing on a red carpet with spotlights and cameras upon you. It is your time in the spotlight George.  We are all cheering you on…

Dear Fiona,

“From your beautiful lips into divine ears” to quote a Bulgarian saying.


The Latest Energy Peak January 22-23

Dear Georgi,

I believe, I just got some confirmation about your last energy update. As far as I remember, I’ve never had telepathic communication with you, until today.. I went for a walk to the sea today, because I felt a tremendous pressure within my body from Source energy, plus I felt several external energies ‘putting’ pressure on me. And as I was walking, I got connected to you. It became clear to me instantly that we were/are having the ‘same’ experience, and we were exchanging thoughts about it. The pressure lessened, when I finally tuned in to get some insides. More or less this is what I ‘picked up’. The pressure that I feel, comes from ‘ALL direction’/Dimensions now for my final transformation. I expect, it will be an intense battle, because I know the energies will keep the pressure on me for this transformation, but I also know that my 3d brain is going to put up a fight to maintain control. Anyhow, I feel that, this will be a final and most significant battle for me personally.

By next week I will see the outcome of this transformation. What I saw is that, somehow I’ll be ‘above’ this reality. Somehow I will be ‘removed’ from it /shift  to a higher dimension. Sorry, it’s hard to describe the mixture of feelings and images that came to me and my 3d brain is not helpful in this, at all.

Although I didn’t see that I’ll ascend all the way up to Source, I know, I’ll be glad to be out /above of this 3d reality. Anywhere, beyond 3d, it’s fine by me!!! So, it seems, the date you saw/heard, 21. to 28. is indeed significant and the energies are already manifesting and active. I can’t say that I’m looking forward to a week long battle, but I’ll just keep my focus on the outcome as much as I can… If more information will come to me, I’ll let you know.


Dear Eva,

I felt this same pressure also around midday (Jan 22) and then I went with the dogs walking in the fields, as we had sun for the first day since long time. Although it was very cold, it was nice to be in the nature. Then I relaxed somewhat and this must have been the point in time when you have established contact with me telepathically.

There is no doubt that we are on a steep upward spiral and that we can expect something big to happen any time from now on. Although my gut feeling tells me that the events will commence first next month. But the major preparatory work was done in January.

If you read my latest article on Davos and Medvedev, I have the feeling today, while writing this article, that the events are now stipulating also at the external, political level, which is a clear sign for the urgency, we all now poignantly feel.

With love and light


As far as I can remember, I only felt the big energy downloads at or right after the 11.11.11 and the 1.13.13. Maybe a little more in between, but that is quite vague for me. The 11.11.11 had a more vicious and sharp feeling, while the 2013 one had a more pressure like feeling.

Starting today (Jan 22) I feel buildup of headache (frontal lobe this time), a bit shaky and dizziness. Its accelerating, as latest Gaiaportal mentions too.


Dear Dennis,

it seems so, and my HS has informed me that it will be a very tense week with some major events, hopefully also on the surface and not as usually behind the veil.


Dear Georgi,

Last night was energetically very strong for me. I had spent most of the day on the couch not feeling well and with a bad headache. As I lay in bed to sleep, the usual hum in the ears changed to a stronger, louder, rhythmic almost metallic sound as my body started vibrating and trembling from inside. It felt as if the energy originated from an area from behind my heart chakra, deep within and encompassed my entire body. I actually felt like this was it, that I was going to dematerialize or something. My third eye chakra started flickering like a strobe light, as it sometimes does and I saw ancient symbols and mandalas streaming towards me. I felt a click as if something fell into place or connected. I don’t know if that was me connecting to the nexus point of source. But what amazed me was that I suddenly heard a clear beautiful voice speak inside my head and it had a simple and clear message to deliver. It said “Mass ascension is imminent“! I truly felt like this was the actual event and responded saying “I am ready to leave”.


Dear Pinakini,

this is great news and I can only hope from the bottom of my heart that it is true. But I also sense the urgency and high intensity of the incoming waves and the strong intuition that we are on the cusp of something big.

Let us expect the best, which is ascension.

With love and light

Hi Georgi,

Sharing the latest Gaia Portal message from Jan 22nd:

Access to 5D grids has been expanded to allow more Gaia earth personnel to connect to instructions from Galactic Source. Telepathic communications from Source, via 5D pathways, is now available to an expanded base of humanity. This eases restrictions on upward movement for Gaia and permits accelerated evolution on all levels, 3D, 4D, 5D.

I think this is the link up that happened for me last night. The clear message I got last night had felt like an instruction.


Dear Pinakini,

this must have definitely been the case and this night Jan 23, 02.00 am) we have another powerful energy pulse from the source that has brought us nearer to the 5th dimension.


Hi Georgi,

I can confirm that I was also hit by an energy wave last night (Jan 22) around 6-7pm UK time. I felt extreme agitation, with my heart running, like I was on drugs. And extreme fatigue.

This morning I still feel jittery. I can also confirm the increased body aches and pains. I have told my rheumatoid consultant I am no longer taking his prescribed drugs. He wants me to have an ultrasound to check if I have inflammation in my joints, if this is the case then he wants me to start with Methotrexate, as he fear mongers that my joints will be damaged. Now is the time for our ascension as I am so done with all this continuing rubbish.

Thanks for posting the “Men in Black” link, I found it interesting. Along with watching The Green Zone last night, it will be interesting to watch the disclosure happening soon (I hope).

Thanks again for your efforts for the PAT. In love and light.


Dear Helen,

thank you for this validation of the latest energy surge.

Methotrexate is probably the most poisonous drug currently available on the market and it is usually used in leukemia patients to kill all leukocytes and devastate the own immune system. Its use in rheumatoid diseases is not even allowed by the registration authorities, but is used by the doctors in their deliberate effort to kill as many patients as they can (iatrogenic Orion-type genocide) One must be mad to take this drug.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I’m just sitting here relaxing at home, everything was shut down today due to the snow and freezing temps. In the meantime, I decided to reread your “New Gnosis…”

Reading through Serial 6, was an excellent companion to where we find ourselves right now. It discusses the stages of the soul, and where those levels will conclude during this time of ascension. Also helpful to review was where you mentioned the story of Jesus, and his healing through divine grace, and what a testimonial it was for the masses bearing witness at the time. Now this is being repeated again by us, to conclusion…very cool!

I can’t wait to continue on through the material. I just wanted to thank you again for writing it, and I’m so glad I listened to the promptings of HS to reread this material as it has never been so relevant as this very moment as we stand on this most wondrous precipice.

I also forwarded this material on to Rob, as I know he’ll find it an excellent read too.

Much love and light,

Dear April,

I am happy that you have time and the inner calmness to read again this book. It is indeed the quintessence of what we are now living through and it is surprising that I wrote it 12 years ago. It is as relevant today, and even more so, than when I wrote it first inspired by my HS,  not knowing when this will be realized. But even I did not expect that it will take so long at that time.

Let us hope that Rob will also like it. I am sure that these books will gain importance, the more we approach the moment of ascension and even more so after that, as they deal with the core of human evolution the way it takes place in the inner realm of the soul. It is pure metaphysics based on sound physics. Now I must stop with my own praise, “which stinks” as the Germans use to say.

Read my latest investigative article on Davos and Medvedev. I think that I have come to some vital clues about events that may determine the near future of mankind.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

Just read your energetic update and man oh man, are the waves REALLY coming in. Feeling better today but yesterday had an overabundance of energy in my field that made it really difficult to be stuck indoors. I will send you a more involved note later but just briefly wanted to let you know that I heard back from Rob already on your “New Gnosis…” material.

He actually forwarded that material on to Bruce as well, saying “Here is some more helpful information from April on Stankov’s work.” I’m guessing Rob hasn’t yet had a chance to really read it, but probably just skimmed it before sending it on. I’ll keep you posted if I hear anything more. My guess is that it’ll take some time for them to become familiar enough with your work and/or read through it all and digest it.

On a side note, I’m excited to see if the World Economic Forum in Davos does in fact create some ripples. It’s about time. Should be an interesting day. Will write again soon (as I am able).

Much love and light,

Dear April,

it was another energy peak /source impulse and it was expected and announced in advance, so that we cannot say, we were caught by surprise. But it’s always a challenge when the wave sweeps over your body and field. This is what most people don’t realize, what a tremendous energetic work we are doing to save their asses and that of Gaia.

I do not personally believe that your bosses will respond overwhelmingly to my writings as they will be simply overwhelmed and smashed by the depth and scope of my theory. Although I have based my books on the mainstream of Western knowledge and philosophical tradition, let us be frank – most contemporaries have no idea of this tradition. And it will stay so even after ascension.

You should  not worry much about the response of your bosses, as it is irrelevant – you have done your best. You have informed them and now it is their turn to make the best of it. You will not need them very soon, but they will need you badly if they want to save their asses. They are now on the cusp of grasping this blatant truth.

With love and light

Hi George,

today, like a flash in my mind, i received the impulse to send this message:

Two years ago I met this project. They showed me the possibility a new culture for humanity, with a resource-based economy, just great! Please check this banner, I will send you the link:


They show the paradigms of this new culture. These videos are made by the team in 2012 Venus Project:

I am a member of the global movement activist pro Venus Project and by the way, we will be active this year.

I await your reply!

André Napoles

Dear André,

this project goes in the right direction, but it addresses the developments on the current earth A/B and less so on the ascended earth A where direct creation through imagination will be possible rather soon. And even on the earth A/B there will be soon new 4d-technologies that will surpass the objectives of this project.


Hi Georgi,

I was wondering if you can teach me how to use healing powers? I thought about making use of it since it might help people or environments around me such as grass, trees, or animals along with self-healing ability in a more faster rate. I know that it might take some time to manifest, but even so, I still want to learn how to use it property in the 3D realm.

have a nice life,

Dear Henry,

healing is much more easy and simple than you think. Your hands (palms) are very powerful centres of energy and when you lay them on a place on the human body, where there are pains (or injury) you will exert a healing effect automatically. You simply have to relax during the healing procedure and let the energy flow from the source through your body and hands into the organ or part of the body you are treating.

You should not have any expectations that you are a healer, but simply allow to be a conduit of these healing energies. In this case you will not exhaust yourself. Otherwise you will be giving your personal ka-energy to the patient and this is a kind of vampirism that does not serve.

You must first check whether the person wants to be healed or not in this way and if he/she has reservations, then you should not do it. You can also treat animals in the same way and if you have pains, say in the 3rd chakra, stomach and liver, due to cleansing waves, you should only put your hands on that segment of the abdomen and you will see that within several minutes your pains will improve or even disappear. You must only try it in a playful way and see what results will come out.

With love and light

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