AA Michael Announces the PAT Ascension at 12.12.12

by Debbie Visser, December 8,. 2012

HI Georgi

Just thought I’ll share this AA Michael channeling also referring to the 12 12 12 portal as the wayshowers’ ascension date.

Love and light
Dear Eugene,

thank you for sending me this very good channeling which succinctly describes the primary target of the impending transformation at 12.12.12 and until 12.21.12 – the expansion of human consciousness. I have stressed this specific transformation many times in the last days in opposition to the wrong belief of many light workers that it will be the heart (4th chakra) that will heave humanity to a higher dimension and not the mind.

This text also very well describes the role of the PAT as the true wayshowers of humanity and confirms one more time that we will ascend at 12.12.12 and lead the others to their mass ascension at 12.21:

“With the ascension portal opening on 12.12.12 there will be enormous amounts of energy released (obviously due to the detonation of the PAT supernova) that will help to lift your consciousness levels to new heights of awareness. This energy is designed to especially help those who are ready to ascend now and those who are to be the wayshowers for the next two ascension portals. Those that ascend on 12.12.12 will be the wayshowers for those who have lower levels of consciousness and those whose levels of awareness are too low to be wayshowers.

There is a great unanimity in the presentation of all channelled and other esoteric sources in these last days, which is a clear indication for me that this time everything is going according to plan and that there will be no delays anymore as in the past.

With love and light
Agreed. This channeling appears very precise and in-line with all we have discussed on the forum so far. Almost as if the channeling was meant to inform the PAT specifically.

Love and light
Dear Eugene,

Exactly. I will publish it today as a separate publication. This is what we observe with many channeling sources in these days – as if they channel specifically for the PAT. I have already published some of them in the last few days. There is for instance another German channel I have not published yet, who is mentioning in its three last messages in a row my imminent ascension as the first ascended master that is supported by a group of other ascended masters who will announce Disclosure first.

With love and light

Archangel Michael ~ Wayshowers have a special mission at this time
channeled by Debbie Visser, December 6, 2012

Greetings beloveds! I come to you once more this day through this beloved channel. She has agreed to continue channeling for me even though it makes her uncomfortable.

Today I would like to discuss the topic of how to raise your level of consciousness in time for the 12.21.12 Ascension portal. The raising of consciousness cannot be forced, nor can it be learned. It is something that comes naturally with time. The problem is dear ones that we are running out of timeThe higher you can raise your level of consciousness, the easier your Ascension will be (The motto of our website).

With the incoming energies the raising of your level of consciousness becomes one of the easiest things you can do in order to make your Ascension process an enjoyable one. I would like to take the time today to show you exactly how to do that.

Meditation is one of the most effective ways to raise your level of consciousness. With meditation you can access the highest part of your Self and he or she can help raise your consciousness level by helping you integrate the energies that are being released with each portal. These energies contain the light codes that are helping to raise the level of consciousness of every person on the planet at this time.

The Light Codes contain crucial information needed for raising your consciousness levels. The codes also help to awaken within you information forgotten or buried deep within your sub-conscious mind. This information, once it’s remembered, will raise your consciousness levels to heights that will astound you in a very short space of time.

Meditation is the key to accessing levels of consciousness once buried deep within your sub-conscious mind. You are a tri-part being consisting of mind, body and spirit. The spirit and mind always stay together. Only the body incarnates into a new vessel with each lifetime. Your mind therefore is a complete collection of all consciousness accumulated throughout your life in the higher realms and throughout all your lifetimes as an incarnated being.

All you need right now is contained in the different levels of your mind. Meditation unlocks these levels and allows the information that resonates with the light codes to be released into the conscious mind thereby raising your level of consciousness. The conscious mind is where your consciousness is contained. Once released into the conscious mind, consciousness raises new levels of awareness into the conscious mind. Awareness is knowing things you had previously forgotten. Awareness is the acknowledgement of something previously unknownAwareness is a state of heightened consciousness.

What I want to tell you now is that you can increase your consciousness by meditating and asking your High Self to help your body integrate the energies coming from the upcoming portals and from those energies that are coming in from the cosmos. These energies are highly potent energies that are designed to increase consciousness rapidly.

Please use these energies to increase your consciousness to a level which far exceeds that of the average human, so that when you time comes to go through the Ascension portals you will have an easier experience. These energies are designed to help you increase awareness over the next coming weeks in order that you may ascend easily.

It’s not to say that if you do not increase your awareness that you will not ascend easily. You will still ascend, but it will be of a different experience to what you can have with greater awareness. The ascension portals will use your awareness to gauge your consciousness and they will decide which level of ascension you are to be moved into.

With the ascension portal opening on 12.12.12 there will be enormous amounts of energy released that will help to lift your consciousness levels to new heights of awareness. This energy is designed to especially help those who are ready to ascend now and those who are to be the wayshowers for the next two ascension portals. Those that ascend on 12.12.12 will be the wayshowers for those who have lower levels of consciousness and those whose levels of awareness are too low to be wayshowers.

Do not be concerned if you are a wayshower or not, you will be ascending regardless. Wayshowers have a special mission at this time and are contractually bound to be wayshowers for this Ascension.

The Ascension process is an ongoing process in which wayshowers are contractually bound to be the leaders in the process. Wayshowers will be there for all who need help in this Ascension. If you deem yourself to be a wayshower then you probably are one and are contractually bound to help other people ascend. However don’t be concerned if you deem yourself a wayshower, your assignment will be given to you shortly.

Wayshowers will be there for those who need help in the Ascension process. They will be there to assist those who cannot help themselves reach the level of awareness needed to go through the portals. Please know that wayshowers are people especially chosen at this time and they are contractually bound to complete their mission as stated in their contract.

I will leave you today with the thought that if you consider yourself to be a wayshower then its imperative that you start to act as one. You can do this by helping people in your immediate circle of friends and family. You can show them how to increase their levels of awareness by increasing their consciousness. There are various ways and means to do this, meditation being the most effective method at this time.  I will leave you with this thought: Your ascension is guaranteed.

~ Thank you Michael

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