Ascension Update of the PAT – October 3, 2012

October 2-3, 2012

Hello George,

In coordination with your latest update, I can confirm that your information is accurate, and physical ascension has commenced. Last night during meditation I reached a very deep state of consciousness that was similar to the state I reached prior to my first OBE that occurred on Halloween of last year. I have only been able to reach such depth only a few times throughout the duration of my meditative practice, so I can say for sure that this was a special occasion, as the veil seemed extremely thin. 

After another hour or so upon reaching this deep state, while sitting Indian style, I laid down on my back, and entered a deep level of stasis, as if my body was strapped down to my bed, and I felt the most blissful, high frequency energy emanating all around me. With my third eye, I could see my portal extending from my solar plexus, and I watched as little balls of white light shot through it from the bottom up, like little cars speeding by on a race track. It was a delightful experience, and I was pleasantly surprised that it was occurring, as I had no prior warning, like all of a sudden the call was made, and it was time for the troops to evacuate the battlefield.

After reading your article this morning, I consulted my HS through divination for further confirmation, and received these three simple messages:

1. Your stasis was the before-effect of ascension.
2. Your portal was activated for the first wave of candidates.
3. You will ascend in the first wave right after you go to bed tonight.

This is the information I have received, and we shall see what happens tonight.

With love and light,
Dear Skyler,

this is indeed great news and I strongly hope for you that it will come true. If not it will be tomorrow, but definitely this week. This is a done deal now. Enjoy your flight through the dimensions.

With love and light

It brings me great pleasure to announce that today (October 2) at approximately 4:00 PM I ascended, then came back to Earth in a crystalline body. It was an out of body experience just as you had said, and exactly in the manner that had been described on your website. It felt very much like the splitting of a cell, and right before the final detachment of my old self from my body, my last telepathic words were, “Goodbye, Earth.” I was in a deep stasis like my experience last night, and it was the most orgasmic cosmic experience I’ve ever felt, absolute ecstasy.

I feel like a completely different person now, as if Skyler has been replaced with Skyler 2.0, or Apollo as I liked to nickname the higher aspect of myself before. It’s also like saying the old 3D ego-based part of me went home, and the new aspect of myself that has taken over is operating from 4D, and without the 23+ years of baggage and fear-based patterns that I had before. I am so delighted to have gone through this experience, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help.

I’m ready to finish the job that Skyler started now, and manifest the reality that we all wish to see come true.

With love and light,
Skyler 2.0, Apollo
October 3, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Your posting today  “Breaking News!! Physical Ascension has Commenced”  dispelled many mental and emotional concerns I had held inside even without my awareness.  I am also grateful for knowing that we are also cleansing dross of those we are assisting through the portals, as I have experienced so much pain and confusion since September 30th, pain and confusion that is not mine….

I could not get out of bed today, all day as I have had a severe headache, cough and flu-like symptoms. Surely this is over and done with?

I really hope that you continue to fly high, ecstatic in the knowing that you have succeeded in all matters with regard to this ascension cycle. You have done, and are doing everything with divine perfection and I honour you for this, always.

With love and light,

P.S.  I can confirm Eva’s understanding that individual starseeds have already ascended, as this came to me on October 1st as well. They are masters of light from isolated locations, dispersed worldwide. It is just the beginning of the ascension movement. It is starting slowly and will gather speed as optimal energetic conditions build.
October 3, 2012

Hello Georgi,

A few things happened lately and I want to share it with you as it may be a certain confirmation to you.

Today I read the 2 latest reports on your website (Physical Ascension Has Commenced and PAT Comments). In one of them you wrote that you remembered some dreams you had Oct 1st, where you were meeting lots of incarnated souls. Well, on the night of Sept 30 (going into Oct 1st) I had a dream about you. I never had a dream about you before despite my daily contact with your website in the past year and also thinking almost daily about ascension.

So here’s the dream. I don’t remember where I was during the dream but you suddenly appeared and handed me a printed copy of a report you had just written. The report was a few pages stapled together and when I looked at the cover of the report, the dream became vivid (not as vivid though as other ascension dreams I had before but still more vivid than usual). ***PAUSE I just had an 11:11 occurrence on my computer clock!)*** OK back to the dream, the odd thing in the dream is that you handed me the report but you weren’t in front of me. It felt like I was communicating with you through telepathy but it felt also like you were there in front of me but you weren’t. Anyhow, I went through the pages of the report and there was a photo of you in the report. When I saw the picture I immediately told you that I intuitively knew how you looked like and it was exactly like on the picture in the report (you had a beard and you were wearing glasses on the picture). Then I found another picture in the report, it was a picture of you with your dad but your dad was younger than you on the picture. Then I woke up.

When thinking about the dream after I woke up I realized that it didn’t make sense to have you and your dad on the same picture and your dad being younger than you. Then it occurred to me, this could very well be possible in the simultaneity of the Now, but not possible in linear time. So it looks like this dream is stating that linear time is gone (or soon will be gone).

I find it also odd that you’ve commented in the Oct 2nd report that you met lots of incarnated souls in your dream at about that same moment (Oct 1st).

A few months ago I had also a dream about time, I forgot to mention it to you in my first very long email to you. That dream was short and to the point. Again I don’t know where I was in the dream but at one point I had an urge to look at my watch, then at that exact moment when I looked at my watch the dream became very vivid (the watch in my dream was the same watch I have in real life that I’ve been wearing for the past 15 years).

When I looked at my watch I couldn’t see what time it was because all the ink of the numbers had melted and the arrows too had melted. All I could see was black liquid inside my watch. Then I woke up.

Another confirmation of the end of linear time I guess….

A few days ago you posted a report with weather reports from different places around the world where PAT members are, and it was related to heavy rain falls. One of the weather reports was about Montreal Canada, where I live. I can tell you that rain was rather mild here during the week end. No deluge in sight…

Finally, for the past 2 or 3 days I’ve been feeling a different energy. I cannot put my finger on it but I can definitely feel that something is different than usual. I somehow feel an energy of renewal, an energy of positive change. I never had this deep feeling before.

Things really seems to be brewing Georgi. So may the smell of the Ascension Coffee wake us all up to the new reality. Not a decaffeinated reality but a de-Orion-nated one.

See you after the Cosmic Coffee “break”.

PS: Here is my take on the collapse of the old Matrix. Forget about the “wake up call”, the “pole shift” and the “ID split”. Might as well have a “banana split” while at it! The collapse of the Orion circus will start with the stock market crashing when the stock value of the world’s large corporations of clock and watch makers will suddenly plunge, at the exact moment when linear time will cease to exist!!!
Dear Nic,

thank you for your latest comprehensive energy report that confirms our common experiences. I just wrote an email to Carla, I think she lives in Vancouver, that I am now almost dematerialized and appear in the dreams of many PAT members. She also told me that I have established contact with her last night. Obviously we are now in a very close telepathic connection in preparation for our ascension which may happen any moment from now on.

I just received confirmation from other PAT members that in other parts of Canada, e.g. Toronto there were heavy rains on Sept 30 through today….

The abolition of linear time is the single most important event in the collapse of the old matrix that is based on linear time. This is the most limiting aspect of human cognition and not at all understood by all LW. The rest of humanity is not even aware of this cognitive problem. Indeed, everything will change when this limitation is eliminated. After that humanity will slowly begin  to create from the fulcrum of the simultaneity of the soul, from within, and this will change profoundly the laws of human existence.

The greatest obstacle for human evolution are not the dark forces and their elimination is not the main road to evolution. They could not have existed in the first place if linear time was not the main rule of the incarnation experiment on the earth. Our human brains actually create linear time with the retardation of the action potentials of the neurons at their synapses, which makes the hardware of our thinking apparatus – the brain – to work sequentially and very slowly. Unfortunately, this cognitive topic is virtually non-existent in the current esoteric discussion, although it is the primary source of most conceptual confusion in this weird circus and the main hindrance to spiritual evolution.

With love and light
October 3, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I wrote this email to let you know I am still on the ground. Though I am free of doubts and agree the energies have become harmonious lately. I resonate with everything that has been published on your site so far.

I have never imagined I could complete your 2 books. I agree with the 17 points of the vademecum of the universal law in Volume 2 (figure 5). That inspired me to create my personal vademecum about human nature, which I sent to you before you went to the Alps. That personal essay can help clear my doubts.

Since October started, I have been flooding my journal with thoughts lately, it seems to refine what I have written on my essay about compartmentalized thinking. I have no intention now to finalize drafts but I still write in my journal to erase any doubt and streamline my thinking. Plus I also shouted by crying like a girl on Sept 23 after another argument with my family. After that emotional release, I felt the energies are more comfortable and I think it must have helped in the rainbow bridge.

It seems at the moment of writing I have managed to clear all doubts and nothing left to clear and I can finally have faith on my HS.

love and light
Dear Aegil,

it is very important in these last days to preserve a clear mind and not being distracted by conflicting emotions which fluctuate high now due to the change of electromagnetism on the earth and the collapsing of the old matrix. Nobody is immune to these fluctuations as our emotional body is essentially electromagnetically driven and they have the potential to also affect the pure spirit – the Logos of human thinking.

In this case the new axiomatics or a vademecum of it is very helpful. This method can be also applied to daily affairs by clearly defining the basic tenets of human life and what really counts and by disregarding all other thoughts and emotional distractions. This affords of course a lot of self-discipline and strong personal will.

With love and light
October 3, 2012

Hi Georgi,

I know it has been a while but my spirit is very much in sync with the PAT these last few months. I am in a much better mood today than I have been in such a long while, as though the pressure has been relieved. All of the doors to the old matrix are no longer available to me and I do not care as I know I am holding the only open door that truly matters.

On Friday Sept 28, there was an amazing sunset, and the reddish color was much more intense than my little camera phone could capture. I have been watching the skies for a year and the signs of the magnetic pull are in full swing here, in Hawaii. The clouds are very similar to your magnetic update post and have been that way since Saturday/Sunday. While doing a little promo outside for my business on Saturday just before sunset, I noticed an amazing rainbow, full and shining. I took it as a sign or promise that what I have been waiting for will commence soon.

I had been wavering back and forth between harmonious feelings and anxiety/pressure as early as Monday night, Sept 24. Minor migraines, slight depression, unbearable pressure to make ends meet etc. My portal has been buzzing with activity and the feeling of an upward gravitational pull had increased since Thursday.

During last week when many were doubting our schedule, I was a bit perturbed when someone suggested our detonation would take place in Dec. 21. Which made no sense to me given how I had been feeling, as we were building the Rainbow bridge. Much of what we go though is non-linear based and much of it is created in the now. So why not NOW? I can only think of how quickly we, the PAT, have been able to accomplish in the time we have had. I am sure we didn’t intent to linger here for a year, but it is what it is.

I was so very grateful of your article on doubts and certainties. I enjoyed it very much and could not have agreed with you more. And as the hours and minutes go by, since Monday morning, I can’t shake the feeling we are done and are just awaiting our thresholds to be met. While meditating yesterday outside, Dorie’s words of “don’t analyze why you are still here,” because the moment I did, my answer was that the first wave had commenced and that I will be part of the last group. Which made sense considering the letter I was imaging writing to you, telling you Justin and my dogs had ascended before I had. They haven’t yet, and seeing as how the energetic conditions may have changed for Justin, as his LBP has been in full swing since Aug.13, we may depart at the same time or he may take my place, I am not sure and it doesn’t matter. Minor details. All I know is that I am grateful for him.

This morning Oct 2 as I slept, I kept hearing “Pau”, an actual Hawaiian word, meaning finished or done. It was as though I was a “ticket” checker or supervisor and letting more pass through my door. How exciting. While reading your breaking news about physical ascension, I could not help but feel like it was Christmas eve, eagerly awaiting to open my presents! I told Justin last night, “We have no idea what’s awaiting for us, but I am so excited!”

So this is me, reaching out to you Captain, in this form, to update you, to let you know that I am ready to heave this planet and all related cosmic processes to full completion. So we may finally get some real work to commence. I am the catalyst for the Golden Age. A crystalline child who was foolish/courageous enough to engage willingly in the dark, in order to spark a brighter flame for the spirit of humanity and Gaia. I have been preparing myself for a new job, a new way of communicating, I hope it will pay off soon!

with love and light,
Hope to meet/see you soon.
Dear Joelle,

I am very happy to hear from you again and only a couple of days ago I was very intensively thinking about you and what you are doing as you were silent for a while.

It is very comforting to hear that you are all right, notwithstanding all the mental, emotional and other challenges associated with our dissociation from matter and gradual ascension.

Thank you also for your emphatic email and your dedication to your mission as a crystalline child and a PAT member.

Let us hope that this week all our dreams will come true and we will have a huge party in the higher realms before our real mission as ascended masters begins.

With love and light
October 3, 2012

Dear Georgi,

your recent article is perfect in the sense of providing complete and logical explanation of our role here, all of those waitings and delays. It all makes such a sense now.

Only for one thing in my life I feel “somewhat” pity – it’s my bad memory. How many times I wished to have the same perfect memory as you, or my wife, have. She can easily remember what I told her years and years ago on some insignificant occasion and what shirt I had put on.

After you’ve reminded us in the article about the basic fact that we are openers and that we’ll leave as the last ones, I finally understood. If I remembered this basic information previously I wouldn’t have at all to go through all these doubts in the last few days of Sep.

Now I remember that long before there even was a PAT team I’ve read articles and memories of some people that brought information from their past lives (in the last days of Atlantis) that there were such beings that were opening / closing ascension portals. At that time I didn’t know that I’m one of them – but I wished to be.

Thank you for bringing this most important fact back from our oblivion – we were so fascinated ( nearly obsessed ) with the idea to leave this place as early as possible that we forgot what our real purpose here is.

I was always telling my wife and family that I’ll leave first, before them. Now I think that they’ll leave through my portal into 5D before me and that I’ll leave with you as one of the last ones here.

Love you all,
Dear Marek,

good memory can be a blessing and a curse at the same time, if one remembers every shit that other people have said. Fortunately most people have a very short memory and this makes their life on this toxic planet much more easier than when one has a long memory. But this is a completely different topic and highly superfluous at the same time as we will very soon leave this reality and will never be in touch with it anymore. Not even in our memories.

But the basics of the ascension process within the PAT are important to understand the current schedule. I knew it and therefore I was not at all disturbed by the small delays which are logical now when we eliminate de facto linear time. What I always kept in mind was that all big collapses happen around October 10 (portal 10.10)  being the result of a prolonged process during the summer and in the course of the whole year. The fall of the Berlin wall was at that time, the financial crash in 2008 also. I knew that we must be gone at least a couple of days before this pivotal day when the shit will begin to hit the fan. Our HS promised us to ascend before these events. This solves the equation.

With love and light
October 3, 2012

Hi George

I just read the Breaking News!

I was expecting to see people disappearing/ascending last week, at least September, but I saw none. So yesterday October 1st I decided to throw my Tarot -I have the Alister Crowley’s Tarot Deck – which I usually do only for reading clients. Anyway, I asked about the situation/Ascension for this first week of October and I got The Hierophant!!!! Which in this Tarot Deck means Spiritual Highest Transformation. I was very doubtful but I had not asked my tarot for Ascension. Anyway, I decided to collect two more cards to elaborate more and I got a definitely Yes. And today I just read your Breaking News post and I have to celebrate :D

Indeed I felt a deep peace last September (first days) like all was already done and settled for this to happen. And now my tarot and your Breaking News. It’s happening mate!!!


Kind Regards from Peru
Dear Arloz,

I am happy to hear that your tarot confirms our ascension schedule. While there has never been any doubt about the final outcome, It was indeed a time poker when first ascension will happen due to the many twists and delays in the original scenario.

Now there is no time left for further delays. the higher dimensions have squeezed human linear time to the utmost and have trespassed all divinely set deadlines for the End Times to achieve a better result. I hope that the result will be as good as their prolonged delays at our expense.

With love and light
Hey George

I forgot to add in my mail that since first weeks of September I’ve been watching on clocks 11:11 or 1:11 or some other triple numbers. (That’s usual for me in car’s plate numbers). Interesting thing, though, happen last week. Now I’m watching 11:12 or sometimes I move my eyes unconsciously to a clock to watch 11:11 turning into 11:12. And for me that’s an indication that… We Are Moving Forward!!! I have also these words from Obama stick in my mind “We are not going backwards, we’re moving forward!” (I’m not Republican, nor Democratic neither any of those agendas, by the way. HA!)

Spring days from Peru
Dear Arloz,

since the opening of the stargate 11.11.11 we were all the time under the auspices of the energy 11.11. Now we are moving to the last segment of the End times where these energies evolve to the 12.12 energies of ascension. This could be an explanation why you are now seeing more often the number 12.

October 2, 2012


First off I want to once again thank you and the PAT for everything you have done. And also to thank you for keeping up with the website. For me it has really helped to keep my spirits and energy high. I wanted to share with you some messages received by my brother in the last few weeks.

On September 23, 2012 – While reading the newspaper at 5:32pm, he gets a buzz of energy and hears the soft female voice, “Attention galactic starseeds. Prepare for transmission from the Galactic Federation.” Then a few minutes later, the strong male voice said this.

Starseeds of Earth. Ascension is occurring on many multidimensional levels. The galactic transformation wave has caused many systems to begin ascending. Earth will be the first third dimensional system to ascend in the galaxy. Your portals are about to be hit with tremendous energy that will be undeniable to those around you. Be ready, for you will not know or have warning when this will happen. Standby for more information.”

Then on September 24, 2012 he hears the strong male voice say,

Starseeds of Earth. Galactic transformations are occurring at an increasing rate. The energetic conditions are changing rapidly. This is beginning to manifest in your realm of reality. Hang on to your inner light as the changes occur.”

Finally, last night at 6:44 pm CST, he first hears the female voice “Attention galactic starseeds. Stand by for transmissions from Galactic Federation”.  Then the male voice says:

“Starseeds of Earth. Troubling times are coming to your planet. The galactic transformation is about to break forth. Time and your experience of time as you know it are about to change forever.”

We have all felt like things were stagnant this past week and admittedly my brother and I began to have our doubts but again, when faced with these doubts, we would refer to our journal and see all that has happened the past year with our entire family and knew that these doubts were useless.

The last two nights, and especially last night, he has woken up drenching in sweat and so hot. After my brother received the message yesterday evening, he immediately felt like some heavy weight was being lifted even though the outer circumstances had not changed. Also, he is continuing to lose weight despite the fact he is eating normally. He feels so disconnected from what is going on around him and for the last 3-4 days, his gut feels like it is swirling. Finally, the pull from the dark (fleshly lusts) side and inner light side (spirit) is getting so strong and the swings between the two so wide it is scary.

I too can confirm the disconnectedness that he is feeling – all around me people are already making plans for the holidays and I cannot bring myself to participate in the discussions or planning. Normally this time of year brings me great joy and this is my favorite time of year and I very much enjoy planning for the holidays but not this year.

This morning when I awoke I could feel that there was something different, lighter. While on my morning walk with my dogs it was cloudy with a light rain. However when I looked up to the moon it was hidden behind the clouds but after staring at it for a few moments the clouds began to part so that I could get a glimpse of it. After reading today’s posts that physical ascension has begun the excitement that I feel is comparable to that of a child the night before Christmas.  I shall continue to hold this excitement until the very end, which I hope will be soon for me and my family.

With much Love and Light,
Dear Christy,

thank you for this latest energy update which coalesces with our collective experience as a group. In the last days the synchronistic waves are the rule which points to an imminent countdown.

I fully agree with the message that when the linear time collapses this will be the greatest and most profound change in human perception that will alter for ever the rules of the game. Even for me it is impossible to imagine how it is to have awareness beyond linear time, although I have tackled and solved the problem with linear time in physics more radically than any other scientist. But it s one thing to solve it theoretically, quite a different one to live it.

Anyway, this week we will be much more clever in the higher dimensions.

With love and light
October 3, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I had another extreme wave of energy hit me, which actually started Sunday afternoon (September 30). By mid-afternoon yesterday, I was so physically sick and exhausted I had to lay down before I fell down! I went to sleep and dreamed I was at your house Georgi, walking around looking for you. I found you sitting at the computer, but when I went up to you, your body was just sitting there like an empty shell. (I hugged that empty shell anyway!) So, knowing that you were out and about I started looking for you again. I saw so many people in your house (portal) and Beings that I have never seen before! I even looked at them with curiosity for a while!

So, after I was done “snooping”, I started looking for you elsewhere and found you out in space. We were both looking down at the Earth, and in that moment we saw huge flashes of white light just above the atmosphere. I looked at you and said, “That’s us, Georgi! We are so beautiful!”

You and I remained there, out in space, watching as the Lights continued to “burst”. For the first time since this whole process began so many months ago, I finally felt the CERTAINTY of our ascension. And today, even though I still feel the LBP moving through my body with such intensity, I have a feeling of excitement I haven’t had in a very long time! It REALLY is happening Georgi!

With much love and light,
Dear Dorie,

your are welcome in my house, but  I do not believe that you mean the house where I now live, but the heavenly one. I also share your enthusiasm since yesterday afternoon and now I know for sure that our hours to stay on this earth in physical vessel are numbered.

You have raised a very interesting topic with your dream on which I would like to elaborate. Only yesterday I was thinking that I will be the last one from the PAT to leave the earth and then as the key holder will ignite the whole cosmic spectacle – the ID split and the magnetic pole reversal, while the GF will provide the firework for the PAT supernova with their pyrotechnic know-how.

This led me in turn to the idea that I will not catapult myself immediately to the source after my body transformation and going through the portal, but will instead stay for a while in proximity to the earth and watch from above this unique spectacle. I would not like to miss it even for the bliss of the source, which will come a little bit later. Now if we assume that you will also be one of the last PAT members to leave earth, it is quite logical that you will accompany me in being kibitzer (Jewish for spectator) spirits of this cosmic spectacle with me. Sounds very good to me – an incredible perspective that will become reality this week. Think about this!

With love and light

I’m in Georgi! I’d love nothing more than to bekibitzer! After what I saw in my dream, I wouldn’t miss it for the world, or for even Source!

Dear Dorie,

the advantage of being a multi-dimensional being is that you may enjoy the spectacle, while you also merge with the Source. It is difficult for me to imagine this splitting now, but theoretically it is possible. Hence it is not “either or” but “as well as”.


I will be there AS WELL! I knew I was forgetting something! Geeze, I can’t wait to be done with 3d mind once and for all! LOL!

October 2, 2012

Hello Dr. Stankov:

While reading today’s report I felt the urgency to write you. It is being a lot of time since my last email, but I was reading every day the website just in silence. I hope that the ascension process just started as everything shows in that way.

Personally I don’t have a connection with my higher self, but I resonate with everything that is discussed in the website. Humanity needs to ascend because the current way of life on this toxic planet is no longer sustainable. For me it is a daily nightmare going to work and interacting with people that only think about material possessions (young souls), especially here in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, where all this banksters from New York have they summer houses with yachts. I just feel the bad aura of these entities, while driving to my work in a hospital.

Well, one of the things that since many time ago I wanted to ask you just as a favour. I don’t remember if I told you that I came from Cuba, I am a rafter, I left my country in a small boat and arrived to USA after many attempts, thinking to find freedom in this country and just realizing that here I found another form of slavery, as cruel as the one in Cuba under the communism, but I never forgot my countryland and continued suffering for the people there. I was a dissident as you and suffered prison for that reason.

I just want to ask you after your ascension if you or any of the PAT members can return to that island and appears in front of the Cuban people the same way that you will appear in front of the Vatican to show my country the real way to heaven and finish forever the oppression that the Castro family maintains over my country for almost 54 years. I hope that I also can ascend soon, but I know that it all depends in my soul contract. I hope that all PAT members can ascend now and finish with this nightmare on this planet. By the way, my birthday is October 4, if you all ascend on this day, will be a gift for me on my birthday.

Love and light for you and all PAT members.
Pedro from Miami.
Dear Pedro,

October 4, is perfect day for us to ascend and my feeling is that we must be gone at the latest on October 5 as to appear around October10 when the shit will hit the fan.

It is absolutely no problem for me to appear in Cuba as ascended master and I will do it with great pleasure as I always wanted to visit this island, but not under these circumstances. But you forget that when the ID split will come, the dark tyrants will simply stay on the catastrophic earth B and the rest of humanity which is planned to ascend will move to the balanced earth A/B, where life will be a paradise compared to the current life on this toxic planet.

From that point of view, we will not even need to liberate your countrymen as they will be free by divine dispensation and may even not remember that they have lived under Castro for so long, as they will have/enjoy a partial amnesia about all bad experiences in the past. This will be necessary for them in order to adopt quickly to the completely new way of life on this planet with much more advanced 4d-technology. Now imagine that this all will happen this month. Reason for a jubilee.

With love and light
October 2, 2012

Hello Georgi.

Thanks for the Breaking News Update today, October 2. It sounds so true and right. Even though I am eager to get out of this nothingness that my days have become, I don´t want to leave before I have done what I came for. And I have also always felt like I am not to be one of the first to go.

I had a dream a long time ago that everybody left in UFOs, while I was buying cat food. And I didn´t even have a cat. When they left, they said «someone has to stay behind and feed the cat» The cat must represent the first wave ascenders or the portals. The food is energy. And as I didn´t have a cat, I am doing this for someone else.

Lately I am hearing that sentence often – in between the ascension music that pops up.
“Someone has to stay and feed the cat”. It did not seem right that I should feed the cat all the way to December, since I am so ready to go now, but this latest update gives a golden balance. I can easily stay a few more days when I know it´s only a few more days. Days and nights are a blur now anyways.

Thanks for keeping morale high. It´s impressive and uplifting to read your high energy replies and statements when my own appearance is a blob on the floor and couldn´t inspire a bug.

Meanwhile I´ll be feeding the cat with love and light

Dear Eldbjorg,

thank you for your lucid letter and I can assure you that I have a cat and now she eats so much that she “mjauhs” all day long and bothers me. I think that the cats will also ascend with us. Mine only eats and sleeps these days.

I think that ascension as an outcome is beyond any question for you but you must know when you have chosen this event to happen for you.  It may be now or on the balanced earth A/B a little bit later, as from now on the season of ascension is opened till the end of the year when there will be mass ascension. In this sense everything is perfect, especially when we leave the dark cargo on the catastrophic earth B after the ID split.

With love and light

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