State-of-Ascension-Report-53: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-53, January 14, 2012

January 12, 2012

Comments and Follow-Up on Shrivaka’s press release:

Oh Wow,

what input is being received. I feel so proud of PAT and I feel so proud of YOU. Couple of weeks ago in 3d, I had the feeling that disclosure (as some workers of the light call it) was not ET appearing in a big mothership, but exactly what we are doing now – with boldness confronting the old matrix with our truths and being OUT THERE EXPOSED, but loving every minute of it.

I’ve been active and sending out as much info now as I can, I’m enjoying it. I’m definitely using the press release template – genius – what a place to be, amongst so many bright stars. Thank you George.

Love and Light

January 12-13, 2012

Hi Georgi

Just a quick note to say hi and let you know that I am still around. Actually, I am in Egypt on a short vacation, worshipping the sun and swimming in the Red Sea. I did not get a chance to watch the video before it was taken down, unfortunately. But how interesting – I think my HS planned for me to come here to write and do other things around this full moon. I was working on a portal between the pyramids in meditation yesterday; I am not near the pyramids, however.

Since then I have been doing a lot of writing.As far as doing my part, my HS is urging me to write articles written in plain English (almost for children)  for people to get  a grasp on what they need to do to prepare for ascension and to help to motivate them to “turn inwards”.  Being a teacher, this suits me very well. I intend to publish the articles on my website until I get a better idea of how to progress with them.

I believe they are actually going to be speeches (I have always dreamed of public speaking) but they should also available in a written form and will make a nice progressive (didactic) collection.When the time is right, perhaps you could let your readers know so that they can direct others to these articles, written in plain English, and download them for free.  No mumbo jumbo. I will send you the link when I´ve uploaded a few of them. My intuition tells me they all need to be up by March the latest.

Congratulations on the press release! It is well written, apart from some spelling errors. I would like to edit it, but it might take me a few days to get around to it. It would affect our reputation if the letter were to be released with the errors that are in it. I will try to do it ASAP, or you could ask another native speaker if it is urgent. I could have it done by the weekend when I return to Germany.Godspeed, George

love Debra. (from Berlin)
Dear Debra,

nice to hear from you again from the warm and rather turbulent Egypt after the revolution was hijacked once again by the Reptilians in the military.Your intention to write for children sounds very plausible to me and there will be indeed a great demand for this kind of simple explanation as most of the children will ascend in Dec 2012 and they must be informed one way or the other.Your intuition that March will be the turning point coincides with my perception also. It may even begin earlier – in February, but the time for preparation is very short indeed.Please send your corrections on the release and I will implement them immediately, although our success will surely not depend on such trifles.

With love and light

Dear George
Please find the edited version attached as a word document (correction of the press release). If you cannot open a word document, I will send it to you in the body of the email, but formatting will be lost.
I have already begun many of the articles and “chapbooks”, so I hope it will not take too long to edit and revise them for publication. You can find the first one, called:“The Apocalypse of New and Different” 

They are not written for children but in language that even a child would understand, as I am often frustrated by many attempts by so-called New Age Gurus to write in silly language with many terms that make no sense to me and even put me off reading them. I dismiss them as a bunch of mumbo jumbo. I am writing for a different audience, not star seeds. It is my intention to publish very clear and straightforward texts for “people who have no idea of their soul intentions”, as my HS put it.I also wanted to quickly mention something about my experience of the LBP. Last summer I went through a very hard time with the sandwich eclipses in July. Physically my body was aching everywhere, at a cellular level I could feel changes and my skin was so sore to touch.

I was urged by my HS to give up wheat and dairy. Since July I have done so entirely (I use a hypnosis download to help me stay disciplined) and I must admit I have had much fewer symptoms. The cc headaches can be quite bad, but as for intestinal discomfort, emotional ups and downs, and body chills and aches, I feel my symptoms have improved drastically. Again, this was only my experience, but perhaps you could let the others know just in case it helps.If you need any other editing help (for English language texts), I am more than willing to help.

With very much love,


Dear Debra,

Congratulations! I always knew that you have a great creative potential and now you have finally bestowed yourself with the leisure time you need to make use of this inner potential. Your essay is very well written and so precise that one questions immediately why so many people still do not see this reality and change the course. This is of course the conundrum in which we now live and which becomes more acute each day.

Thank you very much for your effort to correct the press release from Shrivaka, but he has sent me yesterday his own revised final draft, which I immediately published on the website. I think that will do for now.I confirm that dairy is not always good for the LBP, but it is difficult to live without wheat products. My personal experience is that the pains from the LBP are always there, no matter what you do or eat.

I have given up any effort to try to influence the symptoms and consequences of the LBP.After a very intensive period of non-stop cc headaches since the begin of December. my body vibrates now with such inhuman high frequency intensity that I experience a real incompatibility with physical matter and it takes me 1-2 hours to suppress the vibrations after awakening in the morning as to survive somehow in this unfriendly environment. My spirit and emotions are very clear and calm – it is my body that revolts and rejects the 3d-reality and I suspect that the parts of my h.s. that have now entered the physical vessel feel rather uncomfortable in the dense reality on earth and I have to calm them down. It is a very peculiar situation, where the energetic incompatibility has reached an unprecedented peak.

I cannot avoid the inner conviction that it was not planned this way at the beginning, but we have now to stand for the rest of humanity as they will not achieve anything without us prolonging our soul contracts and staying on earth till final exhaustion. I do not see anything elevating in the current condition, but pure survival will.What is your next project?As you might have seen, I have started publishing the English translation of my first gnostic book “The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind” as a serial. I am now busy editing the initial Google translation by Joelle. I would not have made this effort by myself, but she has been very diligent in her translation, and it is a very good basis for me to correct it and make the final English version. The interesting thing is that I have written it 11-12 years ago and it is as actual as anything I write today. So I decided to publish it on my website as it addresses the End Times.Are you already back from Egypt to Germany?

With love and light
January 12, 2012

Hi George!

I tried to get onto and just now onto the galactic free press site, I did get in but there was a lot of trouble to do so. I checked with a friend and he said Google is trying to control many website, they even blocked completely the viewing of millions of sites I guess. Something to do with the SOPA law and probably some retarded repression agenda. Google’s pretence is that they are protecting us from scam/phishing sites. Google somehow tagged some sites and or even planted phishing viruses to make it appear that certain sites were scam sites and then blocked or delayed the connections…I’m not clear on the motives exactly, but its obviously a futile attempt to do something, since it mainly just an annoyance more than anything because we can ultimately get in with some perseverance. The sites themselves are actually functioning I guess, but somehow Google is interfering or preventing the connections in some cases… my friend thinks that Google will stop meddling soon because so many people are aware of this and are outraged. He suggests just repeatedly reloading the pages to get in. Like always, I guess these types of mind patterns are going to go out kicking, screaming and fighting with there last breath.

My best always



Dear Marco,

this was definitely a malicious attack on esoteric websites which tell the truth, as I had no access for a whole week to and yesterday the site was blocked in the USA and Australia also without giving any proper explanation, just a notice that it is closed. Today, 5 minutes after I published my last report-52 complaining about this mal-practice from Google (PTB) the website was suddenly released. It was a remarkable coincidence.

With love and light
Thank you George for the comments…and incidentally, yesterday I sent a version of the press release that you had posted with only some  minor elaboration and technical corrections to 4 mainstream newspapers and 3 alternative ones in the New York/New England area. No real questions or feedback came yet except one surprising comment from the New York Times, the assistant editor there said he was familiar with you and would review the press release with no further comments or commitment, but that’s a great sign that he was aware of you… it does feel good to be doing something proactive regardless of the outcome, even just from and energetic stand point. I suppose that’s where I was also going with the Lisa Renee thing, her presentation might be good for someone less aware that wanted to learn something quickly and concisely, just a good quick intro to get them on the path…My best,

Dear Marco,

This is a good sign that the penetration has commenced. It remains to be seen when the PTB will begin to feel the pain of their defloration and realize that they have lost their virginal anonymity. Anyway, there will be many different levels of enlightenment for various people and soon every half-awakened person will have to educate thousand sleeping entities.

In love and light
January 13, 2012

Dear George,

Shrivaka is to be commended for suggesting and writing a professional-level press release to disseminate your Ascension message and material.  Besides presenting a unified, well-written message from PAT members, star seeds, light workers, etc., it has just the right ‘hooks’ to be very thought-provoking, without getting into any “woo woo” ideas, which would be too far down the rabbit hole for most people.

Thus, it is less likely to be ridiculed and/or dismissed entirely by major media or the public.Since Shrivaka says it is a ‘draft’, I would suggest inclusion of the word “ascension” at least once somewhere in the body of the text.  Right now, it appears only in one of your referenced links at the top.  I believe the use of that word is important, as it may be a trigger word in our subconscious mind.

I seem to recall reading something to that effect just a day or two ago, but can’t remember where.  “Ascension” certainly has very positive connotations that would help to offset the fear conveyed by mention of a magnetic pole shift. I respect whatever your decision is in this regard.Another thought is to include a sentence or two about the vitally important, wheat-from-the-chaff delineation that will be determined by ones’ spiritual preparation and orientation, as opposed to ones’ physical preparation or location that will guarantee nothing.

I suppose that is why all of the PTB disaster movies convey the importance of physical preparation and location, instead of spiritual preparation and orientation, i.e., to throw us off track.Again, aside from the free-will content in personal messages/emails to family, friends and relatives, I very much support the idea of a unified, professional message to major media.  A main objective here is maximum credibility, which quickly goes out the window with less-than-professional and/or disjointed letters to major media and professional organizations.

Dear Bill,

I will publish your recommendations to the press release of Shrivaka to be considered by all members of the PAT. This press release is only a draft and everybody can add his own information to it or stress additional aspects at his discretion. The advantage of our approach is that there is no silver bullet and everybody should follow his inner voice and act accordingly.I strongly favour the individual approach and restrain myself from giving any particular advices except to take it easy and do it with joy and a great portion of humour, as the chaos will soon be total. We must be the pillars of calm when the tempest starts.

With love and light

January 12, 2012

Dear George,

I am sorry to have bothered you with this “mind-jamming”  and unnecessary stuff in my last email. Sensing some of us being distracted or getting lazy must have urged your higher self to take the next step. I was so amazed! I have said the decree and now will begin first with translating Shrivaka’s Press Release, as I also think it is great. I think of addressing the radio and TV stations, too, large corporations and organizations with educational programs, like artistic/ music schools, libraries, theaters….

I will see what I come up with and will let you know. Thank you very much for initiating this common effort!

Love and light,
Joana (from Berlin)
Dear Joana,

Not at all! Your urged me to scrutinize Beckow’s blog and indeed you were right – they, all light workers, are now in a deep crisis of faith. I only could not publish your whole letter as my report was already full,  but I received some good responses from other readers that confirmed your impression on the light workers’ vanity fair.

This is a good idea – to translate the press release from Shrivaka and use it in Germany, I have already addressed Süddeutsche, FAZ, die Zeit, Spiegel (newspapers), ARD und BR (state TV), but also the Kanzleramt, Merkel. I have not get any response so far, but that is not the point: “Mensch denkt, Gott lenkt”. I assume that when the time is ripe, some people will come upon this information and there will be “a click” in their mind and they will begin to see the world with different eyes. We can only make an offer, but it is up to the people to accept it. And they will soon accept it, I promise you, at the latest when the rug is pulled away from under their feet.

With love and Light
January 12, 2012

Dear George,

First at all, I’m going to give you thanks for the effort with your work, this have been so useful in my research about the LBP symptoms, the only place when I found the rights answers to the process that I am living  for several years ago. I had a special experience in the 90s, after this, I always have been interested in this kind of topics, but only when I found your site I was able to find the right path. Many thanks from the bottom of my heart.

I’m not an expert in translations, but this one (press release in Spanish) could satisfying the need at the moment. Also I’m going to publish this in several magazines.

from my country, Colombia.
Dear Jomab,

Thank you very much for your email and for your appreciation of the Information on LBP on my website. I am glad to hear that this has helped you better understand the symptoms of your LBP. This is one of the main goals of this website – to give information on subjects which are normally not properly discussed in the light workers’ community.

I read your Spanish translation of the press release from Shrivaka and it sounds very good to my very poor Spanish. I think it is important that we should simply promote the idea of ascension and the “hows” are of less importance. The people will only start reading us when they are in big troubles, and this is gonna happen very soon.

With love and light
January 12, 2012

Hi George

I am responding to the “call to action”. I felt quite excited after reading the State-of-Ascension-Report-49 and felt it was indeed time to take the next step and responsibility in our evolution. It was inevitable looking at it now and yes I can get lazy; I need a kick-along from time to time.

I have not started my contribution yet but will do so soon as I have been quite busy with work enjoying a series of early starts – 03:30am to 0430am wake ups, which render myself to a fog like state afterwards. It has given me time however ponder how to approach this endeavour. I also considered a letter to our largest newspaper as a starting point though was quickly shown that is was not the optimum course of action through reading some of the editor’s recent thoughts on the world.

After some more contemplating over the last few days I now know what I am going to do. I will inform you in more detail once I definitively start however I will say that it was an intuitive notion, almost too simple and potentially far reaching to believe. We will see.

My wife’s pregnancy is going well and we are having a little girl. She is now spending money on baby things faster than I can make it and I love seeing her so happy. She has found she can communicate with the baby telepathically also. Just a kick response to questions but still beautiful.

Talk soon and warm regards

Alex (Perth, Australia)
Dear Alex,

This is great that your wife can communicate with your daughter. I remember that my wife had blue and red hematoms on the belly from the kicks of my two daughters when they were in the last two months of the pregnancy. I can hope that the kicks of your daughter are harmless in comparison. Please follow your intuition even if it is against all odds as it is the right choice. This is how I also operate and the results are good most of the time.

With love and light
January 12, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I wanted to let you know that I wrote my own version of informative letter in Latvian and I am sending it out to several local newspapers in Riga and some Saima (senate) representatives. My friends will try to publish shorter version in small town newspaper. Like you mentioned before, I am not looking for certain results or response from receivers, just sending out strong intention with information source for people to educate themselves or at least trigger thought process regarding current and upcoming events. 

After reading Alexander’s post regarding moon I wanted to say that I did experience the same view of double rainbow on November 10, 2011. I have never seen this phenomena before and it was beautiful. It lasted for 45 minutes. Because it did happen in the evening of November 10th (right before 11.11.11.) I thought that was a great “sign” that grand changes are upon us. At that time I did not mention it because we all got distracted with the post 11.11.11. discussion.

I wanted to ask you a medical (possibly LBP related) question: For a long time I have been experiencing sudden shivers or I call them “shakers”. I would describe them as strong energy waves that makes my body shiver for short time. Lately they are accompanied with fever. I don’t have cold or flu or any other symptoms to make me believe that I am sick .I can feel that heat is rising in my solar plexus and if I check my temperature it goes to 38C. Symptoms come and go usually around the same time after 7pm and one or two hours later they are gone. I am used to “shakers” but why now temperature is raising? I never thought of elevated temperature as part as LBP. Any ideas?

with love,

Dear Sanita,

The shivers you experience are normal and part of the LBP. They may occur with fever or not depending on the organism and stage. I personally do not have any fever for the last 5-7 years, but I used to have it before that. This is not at all disturbing as fever is regulated by the hypothalamus and the pineal gland (hypophysis-hypothalamus axis) and when the crown chakra is energized it is rather normal to have short increases in body temperature.

Women seem to be more responsive to this effect, which is not a bad thing, as fever is always a regulative mechanism.If you are interested in further explanation on the mechanism of fever, I have written an article long time ago when I was still active in the school medicine, which you can find below. It was widely read at that time because the second author Adam which I took as to publish the article was the Head (Dean) of the Munich university and well know at that time:

Treatment of fever in childhood

It is a good idea to popularize the idea of ascension in Latvia. I also do this in Bulgaria, although this country is a real black box – you can put anything inside and nothing comes out.

With love and light
January 12, 2012

Dear Dr. Stankov,

Thank you for outstanding work, courage and teaching. I like your bold approach when it comes to delivering of knowledge, concepts or wisdom. I also have to admit, that you have a big balls and you not afraid of using them, what is rare quality people posses now days.Today I listen Unicus radio, talk show with Alex Collier as a guest. I’m surprised, nobody ever mentioned his name on your website. In the last 17 years Alex provided a lot of valid information, beside he is teaching of taking responsibility for ourselves as a human race and as individual and so on…On this talk show (see link and watch 40 min mark)

Alex said that earth is expanding on equator in the Pacific Ocean. GF making a great effort to hold this  “crack” together, otherwise we would have a great devastation in this part of the world.Logical explanation will be that we are running on borrowed time. When GF cannot hold it together any more, or when they decide to let it go, earth changes will begin.It is also logical, this will happen shortly after earth magnetic shift and split of two timelines. What they are waiting for? I only assume. They waiting humanity to wake up. Therefore our collective firm decision to make the DECREE and support it with solid action could not came in better time.This lead me to believe, our children may well learn in the future schools that in the Last Days On Earth, Initiative of a single man and handful believers, changed destiny of many.I also sent letter to the host Robert Stanley and Alex Collier. I offer myself to be guest on his talk show discussing upcoming changes and ascension. Furthermore I copy and paste letter Shrivaka wrote.

With my creative imagination I contacted and had meetings with Bhumibol Adulyadej the King of Thailand. I introduced him to idea to announce ascension and how should Thai citizens prepare for, on public TV. This will make Thailand the first country to publicly make such an announcement. I personally expecting disclosure come first from Asian countries or even RussiaIn the current situation about 80% of Thai citizens will ascend in Dec. 2012. Those are my observations; As most Thais did not sold their souls under the heavy pressure of western society. Thai, as a nation have opened (read, still have open) hart and they still have moral and ethical values, as their western counterpart has mostly lost them.

With love and light

Boyd Kraigher (Thailand)
Dear Boyd,

Thank you very much for your appreciation of our work and for the information you have given me. I must admit that I do not know much about Alex Collier, but I will check in Internet.The role of the PAT is actually in the higher dimensions and our efforts here on earth are more of symbolic importance, but these symbolic actions are indispensable to push the greater events in the right direction, just as your encounter with the King in the higher dimension must have had some impact.Humanity must now learn to gestalt its social life and destiny with its thoughts and ideas and not through irrational doing. This is the most difficult part to learn in the near future.

With love and light

PS: Dear Boyd, it is not a question of not being afraid to use my “big balls”, but I am afraid that with age I am using my “big balls” less and less, especially for what they were initially designed.
January 12, 2012

Dear Georgi.

I hope you and your family having a fine day and feeling well.

Today I am gonna send a translation of Shrivaka’s press release which is excellent, to the tabloid papers in Sweden and Norway, as “aftonbladet” and “afonposten” among others. This will be the second time that they hear from me.

After that I`m gonna make princess Märtha Louise of the royal house of Norway, (maybe you have heard of her – she has an angel school or something, somewhat like that and is looked upon as a joke), and make her aware of Princess Kaoru Nakamaru’s speech and introduce the Universal Law to her. Maybe she finds inspiration,who knows?

Then I will inform the Swedish royals as well.

But after that I gonna send the letter below to the Royal Swedish Academy of sciences. This first letter I thought, is gonna be short and precise as to catch their interest. I have translated it for you to make a comment on it below the Swedish text, as I`m not sure that I got it right. I really want them to press that hyperlink!!!

In love&light.

January 12, 2012

Dear George,

I found this blog post and video, thought you’d be interested.

I’ve been laying down foundations to get the message out in a larger, more interactive way. I am very excited about it and I will let you know as that proceeds; at this point it’s still in development. I know time is of the essence, and I feel the current getting stronger–many more are being pulled into the flow now. the truth is becoming difficult to ignore.

All is proceeding beautifully, from where I stand.

Peace, Ben
Dear Ben,

I saw this video today and it is a further confirmation that the events are proceeding as planned.Last night I observed the moon with my powerful binocular between 4.00 and 5.00 a.m. and saw three moons in a row for almost one hour. With this binocular I have no astigmatism anymore. I have an attic window with an overview of a large part of the sky and I live in the countryside and have few lights around me, so that I can excellently observe the sky.

In addition, we had a very clear cold Bavarian night below zero and  the visibility was perfect.The  two additional moons were reflections. The middle one was brighter and one could distinguish the whole moon picture on it. The other reflection was much more pale. The row of the moons pointed towards the sun dawn (south-east). The distance between the real moon and the two reflections was about the radius of the moon, so that the three discs were very clearly to see. The real moon was very bright and its contours were crystal clear.

The same was true for the two reflections, which seemed to be very real, similar to the picture I recently published with the two moons.It was obvious that these two moon reflections were created by a bifocal light source – the two suns – that create this clear-cut reflections. The previous night I could not see these reflections, but I did my observation an hour earlier. At sun dawn around 8.00 a.m. the two reflections had disappeared and the moon disc was alone and still beautiful to see.My interpretation of this phenomenon is that the moon reflects the sun light from the two suns and this creates a number of different optical phenomenon, depending on the place and time of observation.

With love and light
January 12, 2012

Dear George,

I am overwhelmed with Shrivaka`s template, it looks spot on – very inspiring/gorgeous. However, I would like to highlight the meaning/ origin of the theme – The End Time:It is now unequivocal that we are currently moving through the final days of our third dimensional experience on planet Earth. There will be a brief period on this pivotal date where time will stop and the Earth will not move – a period of timelessness with time presently collapsing on itself resulting to the interlocking of the third and the fifth dimensional realm and will create a temporary end of time. This timeless period according to scientists corresponds to the turning point of the crossover moment of the shift of the earth`s magnetic poles.

As we integrate more Light flow within, through, and around us and the Earth, the reference points that we have come to know ourselves by are all changing – our cycles and rhythms are beginning to align in a singular coherent flow of conscious ness bringing us closer and closer to the present Time. Although the internal sensation is that time is going faster, we are actually losing time; time is not going faster, rather, it is collapsing into a single moment of Present Time, NOW.And Bernard`s mail tells us that our echoes are reaching far and wide – what a beauty, how wonderful. Btw, he is losing sight of the fact that they are conscious as well as unconscious elements of the PAT group.Moon Cycles: It is interesting to mention here that I no longer read planetary updates relating to these celestial bodies for they psychologically knock me off – I become apprehensive. Nevertheless, I don`t need anyone to tell me its full or new moon or … for my sleep is systematically interrupted all night during these days.

L&L divsy.
January 13, 2012

Dear Giorgio,

I decided to translate in Italian the Chapter 17 of your book “Cosmic laws of creation….”, titled:

The Light Body Process (LBP) Eliminates Separation by Establishing the Conditions of Constructive Interference with the Higher Realms”.

Ideally I would like to translate all the book, but I start with this chapter as I think it is very good at the moment. I worked as a translator in conferences from English to Italian for various years, and I’m very good in writing Italian language, as all my professors recognized at the university. Also, your book is very well written and quite complex, and I imagine that the average Italian (Italians are very poor in English usually) is not able to read it and understand properly. I just need a clarification: what do you mean by “U-sets”…the phrase was: “…described as bodies. They are U-sets that contain themselves as an element”.

Thank you, Alberto
Dear Alberto,

I congratulate you to this effort and you must know that you can always publish your Italian translation with the help of Marco Ragusa on his Italian blog, where some other publications of mine have already been issued.Now to your question. The concept of U-sets is in the core of both of my theory of the Universal Law and modern mathematics since B. Russell described them first at the beginning of the 20. century.U-set is a set that contains itself and the Whole, which is in fact energy, as an element. The element is thus energy – all systems are energetic systems. There is nothing else, and the Whole = All-That-Is is also an energetic U-set.

Russell first found out that all human thoughts are U-sets. Each thought knows that it is a thought and thus contains itself as an element. The total of all thoughts can be defined as “human consciousness” and it is in fact also a thought, hence it contains itself and all its parts, being also thoughts, as an element. This also proves that all thoughts are energetic systems. This is denied by current science.

What the concept of U-sets actually conveys is that there is no separation and that all systems interrelate with all other systems, in fact, they are superimposed wave systems, and thus connected with the Whole= All-That-Is.

This may sound self-evident, but exactly this fundamental fact has been neglected currently by present-day empirical science and has led to its failure to comprehend the nature of Energy = All-That-Is. This is the chief reason why science rejects what is currently ongoing on earth from a astral energetic point of view.

I have just started with the publication of my first book “The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind”  in English on my website as a serial. Joelle from Hawaii has translated it with the help of Google translate and has helped me thus a lot to make the final English draft. There, I also address the concept of the U-set. It comes today in chapter 1.

I hope that I have helped you with this fundamental concept, which solves not only all problems of physics and science, but also the ongoing fundamental crisis of mathematics that persists since Gödel proved its inconsistency as a hermeneutic system in 1931. You are now entering the basic epistemological problems of modern science that are not even discussed in the best universities worldwide, as these problems are considered impossible to be solved.

With love and light
January 13, 2012

Hi Georgi,

I would appreciate your opinion on a matter that I have been contemplating. I have recently been asked if I want to learn Reiki from a Reiki Master. As I understand, Reiki healing is just being the channel for allowing divine energy to flow through to the person needing healing. I was told that as I learned the process, all negative energies would be removed and my 3rd eye would open as to allow the divine energy to flow. Georgi, I feel at times that this might be a good idea, but I also feel that if I resonate with your writings, there may be no reason to go through with it. I would appreciate your input on this Georgi and Thank You for your time.

Love & Light

Dear Theresa,

This is bullshit. They tell you this to have you as a student and pay money to them to learn something you possess as a natural ability. The whole reiki concept is a fraud. I heal with my hands for 15 years with great success and I can assure you that you do not need any teaching, but only the right attitude:You should only heal if you have the consent of your patient and you should not expect immediate results as you are only the conduit and  not the healer. If you observe these two rules strictly you will never deplete your healing energy as it comes from the higher realms.

Second, reiki is not there to cleanse your fields. This is the purpose of your LBP. Start immediately healing and you will be better than all your reiki teachers. Ask them how many patients  they have healed by a medical proven outcome. The answer will be – none! I know these guys very well. Forget them and trust yourself.

With love and light
Thank You Georgi for your prompt reply.

I was glad when we met these people as they were like minded, but after I got to know them a little better, it’s all a business to them. They are opening a healing center in my city and plan to have several “healers”. I had liked the fact that they want to empower people, but soon realized they are in to make money.  It wasn’t sincere as I had thought.  I told the girls that we are staying away..

Love & Light
This is the right decision. Start healing among your relatives and friends as to gain your own experience but also try to find out their mental and emotional blockages as to better help them. Your soul will lead you.With love and light
January 13, 2012

Hello George,

Here is my latest post

There will come a time when you realize that you really do create your own reality. Your words, thoughts, actions, and emotions all create the world around you. You have always been in charge, it is simply fear that has caused you to forget the truth. The time has come to claim your sovereignty. You no longer need external forces to tell you how to think and live your life. You are the master of your domain, and no longer will you give your power away to other beings and ideals that do not serve your interests.

The current monetary system is antiquated and inefficient, and no longer will you allow yourself to be a victim of this corrupt power structure. It is time to look past the illusion of fear, and step into your power as a multidimensional sovereign creator being. Allow your heart to guide your path, and let go of the belief system that forces you to think that you must work and earn money to survive. Focus your energy only into the activities that enliven your soul, and remove all negative energy patterns from your system.When you find yourself in worry or doubt, remember that you are creating those feelings.

When you are able to detach yourself from the mentality of needing to be in control, you will find true freedom, and the obstacles that block your path will simply fade away. Linear time is merely a construct of the intellectual mind, and when you fully grasp the concept that you are the master of your reality, you will be able to live in the moment free from obligation and judgment.

The time is now to shift your consciousness away from fear and into the higher frequency of love. It is impossible to fail in a world that is your own creation, as the end result will always be the outcome that you intended to create. It is only external fear-based factor s that manipulate your perception of the creation process. Everything that happens in third dimensional reality is exactly what is necessary for you to progress in your development, and when you let go of trying to fulfill certain expectations, you will find life to be much more enjoyable and satisfying.

In love and light,
January 13, 2012

Dear George,

Something strange happened today. Very recently an Iranian nuclear scientist was assassinated. Our public news channel, which normally tries to appear very unbiased but always “forgets” to mention a lot of important information, talked about how Israel and the USA are possibly behind the attack(s). It looks like they are slowly losing their grip on the media.Also, I met someone who I had never seen before. Because of the situation we were able to have a long conversation of a few hours.

This person had no knowledge of any of the information posted on your web site. I decided to give her some of this information, and she instantly accepted all of it without any doubt, and she is now a reader of your site. It was truly amazing to see how she accepted the information that contrasts so much against her previous ideas so quickly. I also think that people are starting to notice more how different/stronger energies surround the members of the PAT. People give me strange looks. When talking or discussing certain issues they tend to agree with me too quickly. As if they subconsciously see me as a guide.

Dear Daniel,

This is indeed a huge change for the better. I have unfortunately not that much communication with other people apart from my family and the family circle and I cannot make this experience as you, but I believe at once what you are telling me. It can’t be otherwise – when the blockages of human amnesia are starting to be deleted, many people almost automatically switch off their old restricted thinking and open for new ideas. This makes me confident that one year will be sufficient to prepare humanity for mass ascension. I was sceptical for a long time and I still have some reservations, which will rather discard as soon as possible.

With love and light

Archangel Michael about Internet:


Dear beloved Souls residing on Earth,

I A.M. Archangel Michael and I come to you this time, to speak of something very popular and “modern”: The Inter- Net.

In most of the previous Times on Earth, there has never been yet such a Way of Communicating internationally, or exchanging Information. The Internet is a product of a growing Connection between all People of the Planet, and shows that everyone deep inside has always been interested in “getting to know” the other Cultures and Countries God created on Earth.

One of the most important things for which the Internet can be used today, in the spiritual Sense, is to use it to talk about and share SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE. Let us be clear here, for I do see you from here very clearly:

Mainstream Media, News and Outlets will not, at least not yet, be honest to you. In fact, in Mainstream’s Ways, things are being manipulated and “formed” to look like Truth and then sold like a Product to make MONEY and create POWER OVER OTHERS. It’s a whole system, which needs to be reformed and cleansed, and before that can happen, sometimes it has to be torn down first, if it is not changed to the Fairness toward all of God’s People by the Ones who dominate these types of Information Outlets. And trust me, we are with you in this, do not give up and keep the Faith! You are all strong, individual Beings made in Heaven, and with a bit of Patience all things will come to change very soon, in visible Ways which the whole Planet won’t be able to deny no more.

Now, we have specific Pages and Communities on the Internet, where People help each other, share a common interest or love of something, or post channeled Messages by us, the Archangels, and many more beloved Beings. Not always is it really our Message, but this too is part of free Will: Whoever wants to speak in our Name, or God’s Name, can do so and DOES SO since thousands of Years, but will then at some point have to take the Responsibility for it, if not permitted by us and not 100% clean/true.

All of this is no issue at all, and most of the time when someone thinks of us, we ARE THERE. This is how fast it can go. It is not necessary to CALL us, you can just THINK about my Name, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, or my Energy if you felt me before, this is how you CALL someone on the spiritual Realms.

If you analyze what I explained now deeper, you will come to realize and see the connections, the reasons WHY these few place so much Darkness and Negativity in Mainstream Media: They want to focus your SPIRIT on Darkness, because this is how they look at their own Mirror and at the World they reside in- in negative, competing, stealing and obsessed ways.

If you now, on the other hand, try to imagine what Impact would happen on Earth, if all the Mainstream Media changed to a nicer format, and placed and showed Good Products or People full of Hope, Love, Compassion, Honesty, if you would get used to come home, turn on your TV and see the most beautiful Images and Fantasies made with Entertainment Technology, how relaxed would you feel, positive, comfortable and later sleep well remembering these beautiful Images?

It is known clearly to your Science, that Images and also Sound have an impact on the Psyche.

The Internet has grown now to something, which is more free than TV and Mainstream Media Outlets. Anyone and everyone can share Knowledge and even Sounds, Drawings, Videos self-made from the Heart, little Films, write a Blog or Articles. This is a wonderful Possibility and the way I myself am using right this moment, to connect with you all, who are interested by free Will in my Words.

In the last couple Days and Weeks, many spiritual Sites are being “attacked” on this Internet. These few who managed over the Years to gain more and more Control over Mainstream Media, Newspapers, Book Publishers, TV and also the Music Industry, simply are worried their “Fakeness” might get revealed- their Strategy does not even work without censoring. You cannot make anyone believe a Lie, if you don’t make sure they don’t hear the Truth about this Lie, or else they wont’ believe you anyways!

Yet no matter what, I recommend that you keep up your positive Vibes, focus on all which is Beauty and Light and Love, and keep holding our Hands. And the spiritual Helpers of you, which take down Messages from us, they will keep doing so and keep making new Internet Communities, one after the other, when one Platform gets attacked technically or censored.

This is the Way of Truth, it cannot be broken nor stopped. This is my Way, for I A.M. ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and I care deeply about all of you, Mother Nature, Justice and especially Honesty and Truth. I send forth my Blue Fire Light to Planet Earth, and I will keep sending my Healing, together with all the Heavens, until we reach the Beginning of a new Era by Dec 2012.

I love you, more than your human words could ever express.

Archangel Michael 777

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