Important Announcement! To all Readers of this website!

I am happy to announce today, January 30, 2012, that we have finished with the data transfer from the old website server to a new, more powerful one. From now on, I will publish only on the new website. This smooth transfer was only possible because of the hard work done by Chris in the last several months, programming the new website and transferring the huge database. 

The old website will be still available to you under:

but will no longer be updated in the future. 

The reason for this move is that the capacity of the old server was exhausted and the system could no longer properly function. For instance, in the last several days it was not possible to have a direct access to old publications in “Astral Breaking News”. The only possibility was to use the “search” function on top, by writing, for instance, “ascension report-2” or “serial-1”.

The new program is much quicker and has a number of advantages compared to the old one that we intend to exploit for the benefit of our readers.  

We have tried to organize this transfer as smoothly as possible, but it may take 24 hours before this change is implemented by all Internet providers and  search machines.  

We have not edited and finalized yet all previous articles and reports, as this kind of final editing takes a great amount of time. In particular, we still need to reactivate many of the links in these publications, which have to be done manually. But all texts are now available to you. 

An immediate advantage of the new system is that you can now find all articles not only under the rubric “Ascension 2012” and “Economic Collapse 2011”, but also under “Breaking Astra News”. This will facilitate the search for a particular article on our website. Otherwise, we have preserved the old design wherever possible.

Please enjoy our new website!

With love and light

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