State-of-Ascension-Report-31: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Still Opened.

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-31, November 22, 2011

Important Announcement: Your Initiation for Individual Ascension Took Place on November 22

by Georgi Stankov, November 22, 2011

Last night, November 22, 11 days after the opening of the stargate 11.11.11, I met with each one of you in the lucid dream state and initiated (ignited) you for your Individual Ascension. The procedure lasted throughout the whole night, while I was practically awake. At the same time my higher self urged me to immediately inform you on this significant event as soon as I get up.

As you may have experienced, since last Saturday there is a huge surge of energies which are more intensive and powerful than the ones released at 11.11.11. This is at least how I have experienced these energies in my physical body. They reached a peak on Monday when I had a severe headache the whole day, which did not hinder me however to answer all your emails, where I mentioned on several occasions this huge energetic build-up.

Last night, I was burning like a torch and my whole body emanated these extremely powerful energies all around and into the cosmos. The centre of radiation was my heart chakra. When I met with each one of you this last night, I radiated this huge energy from my heart chakra into your heart chakra. At the same time I informed each one of you that you have now reached the threshold of ascension and you can ascend anytime from now on when the appropriate moment has arrived. This will obviously depend on how quickly the events will unfold on the ground.

This was not a dream, but a major event in the dream state, in which all members of the PAT participated. The fact that my soul urged me all the time to immediately inform you and even dictated the content of this message and repeated it during the whole night, is a clear sign that something very important has happened in the higher realms and on earth. Another significant numerological sign is that this initiation took place 11 days after the stargate 11.11.11.

I am fairly confident that some of you will confirm this collective initiation for Ascension last night. It may not be that you remember our direct personal encounter, but that you have only received a similar message from your higher self. I will highly appreciate if you give me information on your experience during this last night. I personally believe that the high-speed train of Ascension and transformation of Gaia and humanity, as Ute put it in an email to me, has now gained momentum and nothing can stop it anymore.

Only yesterday I wrote to Marco Ragusa, a passionate member of the PAT, who runs an Italian website on Ascension and translates my articles in excellent Italian language the following:

“Dear Marco,

The current wave started on Saturday and it has peaked today. I have a very bad headache the whole day, which is a clear indication for the intensity of the wave. It is actually stronger than the 11.11.11 wave.

I am a very fine-tuned antennae for all kinds of astral waves and different energy qualities and I can discern them very well. As I also watch the stock exchange very carefully and have established an excellent correlation between these waves and the course of the indices, I knew, for instance on Sunday that they will begin to crash this week.

And today we have seen the first crash on the equity markets already. If it goes like this, we may experience an amazing week, similar to the second week in October 2008 when the whole Wall Street Investment Banking was wiped out. If not this week, the crash will come definitely during the next week. Then the financial system will totally collapse before Christmas as it is operating only on fraud. The economic collapse will follow suit and the many indebted countries such as Italy will also declare default, directly or indirectly, probably in the course of this year.

I personally believe that the train has gained momentum now and all events will speed up dramatically.”

As you see, we have another stipulation of events similar to the one when we connected the dots and opened the portals in October. I am eager to receive your comments and personal accounts on this last night. We are now like a living organism  where all our energies, and colours merge together to create a beautiful fire work that will ignite the whole planet.

November 21, 2011

hello Georgi,

I’ve been steadily reading your ascension reports after 11.11.11 and now that you speak of pole shift being imminent. I do wonder,have you considered that FORCING the issue of a pole shift,as Heaven has chosen to do as you claim, that is a direct violation of free will is it not?

It is after all a free will thing, if one is ready and willing to ascend or not. And FORCING ascension unto the masses is definitely breaching free will, meaning that creating a pole shift ON PURPOSE,to make humanity suffer and be in huge amounts of psychological and physical and emotional pain, is sinister. SOME people may find it liberating, the pole shift, however majority will not and it will be genocide and HEAVEN would never do such a thing, so whoever will do it, Is not heaven, I dare to say. because Heaven would never force ascension unto the masses. heaven would wait for as long as needed, so humanity ascends in their own speed. I’m pretty sure you will disagree with this, because you are firmly set on a pole shift…

Thank you for your response. While I do support your mission of assisting humanity, the method of disasters is not something I support and I renounce/denounce that method entirely as an unneeded source of suffering for the majority. Heaven would never force an issue.

Dear Valeri,

you have not read carefully my explanation on the magnetic pole shift and my article on it either. I am tired of repeating that the magnetic pole shift is a necessity and all souls who have incarnated at this time knew it and have given their permission. It had nothing to do with the free will, which a myth. Nobody has a free will. If  I had one, I would have ascended years ago. We all are puppets on a string and the master of the play is our soul.

If she has incarnated at this time to end her incarnation in a huge catastrophe, nothing can change this outcome. This is basic esoteric knowledge I am really wondering why I should repeat this simple stuff again and again. It is not the goal of this website to teach the readers the basics of esotericism, but to give them some additional on-line information on current events from an enlightened point of view. The esoteric basics one should learn by himself.

I am sorry for being so blunt, but I am really tired of repeating the same thing over and over again and find out that some readers do not get it. It is rather frustrating, don’t you think also?

In love and light
Dear George,

I’m sorry to have upset you, brother, that was not my intention. Please understand that I said what I said only because I dearly care for all humans and have seen my share of tears and looked deep within the eyes of people who had lost hope and faith that look in their eyes made me burst into tears myself and I wanted to embrace the person and do all I could to help him, however it was not in my power to do so. A person, especially a child with eyes, that have lost hope in this world, who have died within so to speak.

I do not want to see a ravaged land and is this really what it has come to? In order to ascend to heaven,one needs to suffer pains and sorrows unheard of first, while the PAT will neatly not stay for this and go to heaven early? I suppose since I speak this way I am not part of the PAT, because it seems all PAT members fully agree with the pole shift and the suffering it’ll cause.

And let me then say “limited free will” because in a world of duality we still have the freedom to choose what we do and say, whether we rape, kill, torture and insult,or we love, care, help and assist. It is a free will choice, based on our own choices and decisions. We are guided by our higher selves I agree…

Thank you again,
Dear Valeri,

As  I have pointed today in several emails to other members of the PAT, we have no influence on this event or how powerful it will occur. One can only guess about the death toll and destruction after the magnetic pole shift has occurred. I personally will be happy if it only affects the material structures and the death toll remains modest. In fact I always stress that this event will not affect our destinies as we will ascend before or at the occurrence of this event at the latest. We are not supposed to experience this catastrophic event which will lead to a split of the two earths, so that the part of humanity which is supposed to ascend will move to a higher dimension after the magnetic pole shift has taken place.

What I want to achieve with this discussion is a new awareness of the coming changes and that they will be huge, no matter how one sees the world now. For me the magnetic pole shift is a material symbol for the upcoming necessary radical transformation of mankind that will also reshape the physical earth.

What I wanted to stress in the first place is that these changes are now beginning to unfold and the magnetic pole shift is the least important event in my mind from an intellectual, spiritual and weltanschauungs’s point of view. For me the greatest changes must take place in the field of organized religions and science after the economic,  financial and political systems have collapsed on their own, with or without the help of the magnetic pole shift.

I only pledge for an acceleration of these events as the  time is running out. And this has already happened at this weekend when there was a second huge energy surge which was more powerful than the one at 11.11.11 according to my personal experience.

In love and light
November 21, 2011

Hi George!

I’m looking for that part in Your writings where You explain how the “reptilian” part of Our brain is being upgraded and repaired in criss-crosses.  Does that ring a bell?  I can’t seem to locate it so far…

Dear Holly,

I cannot answer precisely your question as the reptilian brain is only the hardware programme of our reptilian behaviour that is  stored in our DNA and lower chakras as self-preservation instincts. My personal guess is that when we receive our crystalline bodies upon Ascension we may not have that part of the brain at all and the question is thus eliminated.

In love and light

November 21, 2011

Hi George,

In regards to my last email I would like to point out that it be used as a last resort scenario if there is no other tangible way out of the dead lock situation.The higher realms should allow you and part of the PAT to ascend to come back to prove what humanity is capable of. And I would also like to ask why the higher realms cannot hijack the media outlets and tell humanity straight out, WAKE UP!!!
Would this be less fear basis than a pole shift???

Love and light, Mark

Dear Mark,

This is an excellent question. Why accusing us on earth of fear-mongering by depicting possible catastrophic scenarios and they themselves stay safe and warm in the higher realms and do nothing tangible? I know that you do not want personally anything bad to happen to mankind, just as I do, but we must be prepared for all eventualities and tell this to the people.

To George,

This is so true, I do not wish anything bad to happen to humanity or anybody. I smack my dog if she’s bad, 2 minutes later I find myself saying “I’m sorry if I hurt you but you must understand what you did was bad. I say it cause I never mean to hurt anything, but sometimes it must be done for the greater good of the situation, at the moment it feels like we will be spanked into place with this pole shift,

I fear that the higher realms are too intellectual for there own good and have been playing gods with us too long, if they have the technologies to stop meteors and move planets, suns and re-organize whole galaxies and solar systems, but cannot change simple mind and media aspects of a pitiful civilization as our selves, who can’t even wake our selves up, people ask for the Star Wars first contact situation, I’d certainly say HELLO and WELCOME as it would make everyone’s life more interesting instead of the same mundane going no where shit!!

They have the technology to stop everything for 15 minutes and say hey how you doing yes your elites and government powers are lying to you, its time you earn the truth cause there is change coming? I bet that would spark the change and interest needed to kick this whole thing off!!! Anyways sorry for venting but all these endless possibilities of what could be are staring them in the face and they can’t see,

Thanks for the shoulder George I’m gonna go meditate and go to bed, my mind is in overdrive about the whole thing and in some ways I envy the people that don’t know because they have there own destinies to worry about and not the whole worlds, I will concentrate on my personal ascension and leave this topic in the past as one should always look forward regardless what happens.

Thank you again.
Love and light,
Dear Mark,

There is only one important point you should not forget. They, our higher selves, know everything so precisely because we would not exist a single second without their coordination and regulation of our bodies, emotions and mind, make no mistake about it.

I have proofs that my higher self coordinates my movements/motions with such a precision that when she decides that I have to cut my finger for instance with a knife, I cut it exactly at the necessary place within millimeters because this place has to be cured. I do not want to go into details now and explain what has to be cured, but I have observed this incredible coordination more than three dozen times and it was each time perfect. I know what kind of precision is at work and it is awesome. We have as a whole no idea how precisely it all works because it is beyond our comprehension.

What we now do is more or less create our imperfect sub-reality in the firm conviction that we are powerful creator beings and no longer want to be pushed to and fro by higher forces. It is indeed a kind of creative rebellion against our higher selves as the first sign of becoming mature, if you will.

In love and light
November 21, 2011

Hi Georgi -I, too, was somewhat disappointed after 11-11-11. I spent most of that day in meditation with little or no feelings of any kind. My expectations of something big happening were not that high, as I had been disappointed many times previously with certain dates that had been given. I was not too upset as I thought that there still is a possibility for 12-21-12 with something unusual and wonderful happening.  But, I thought that if nothing happens on that date, I would just have to go about my business, as usual, and will just wait until my eventual passing to complete my ascension at that time. The way I look at it, its a win-win no matter how it goes for me (either thru death or ascension while still in the physical body).Lately, while in meditation, I get nothing – seems like there is an energy blockage of some kind going on. I don’t consciously have any experiences anymore. However, when I do get messages, they tend to come to me thru song lyrics. Last night upon retiring at bedtime, a song I have always liked just popped into my head. The song that kept playing over and over in my head was “No Time” by the Guess Who. (You can “google” the song for the lyrics).

I had read your latest update yesterday via Ute’s writings and that may be what prompted me to hear that song. Who knows – but I think there is definitely a message there from by higher self. Thanks for your great work and for all you do. I consider myself as part of the “Team”.

Love and Light

Dear Diana,

thank you very much for your 11.11.11 account and for sharing with me your experiences afterwards. The song motif is telling a lot. We have now entered the “No-Time” of the higher dimensions and there is not much time left for all changes to come.

In love and light
November 21, 2011

Dear Georgi,

after reading your newest report (why is it that your website is mostly not available?) and allowing myself to sink into the essence, the core light of all that has been communicated by you and others, I feel the immensity of speed, which we all share, and in which now everything is unfolding. Until now we have been sitting in a suburb train, which stops every 5-10 minutes to allow people to come on board. And sometimes the train was stopped for good because it broke down and we had to board a new train.

But now we are sitting in a high speed interstate train of the newest galactic technology which does not stop until it reaches its destination. There is nothing which on its course upholds the process which has been agreed upon – in this multidimensional and colossal gathering lately.

This feeling of speed does not mean necessarily a certain 3-dimensional “time” in which things are to happen, it is more a higher dimensional “speed”, above the 3D world, in which things are now unfolding, after the green light is on. It is a glorious and most powerful energy and field of light, expanding  to new creations in the blink of an eye. We have already arrived, although at the same time we are dragging still  behind when looking into the old 3D world. The more we are participating collectively in this high dimensional speed with our heart’s vision, the quicker the new reality will appear, even before our eyes, like silhouettes are appearing through the fog when the first rays of the dawning sun are rising at the horizon.

Many blessings,
Dear Ute,

very well presented. I have no idea why my website is unavailable sometime, but there were attacks of the dark ones on it prior to 11.11.11. I hoped that they have stopped thereafter, but it still may be the case.

You are absolutely right, the speed of change is augmenting by the second, but it is an inner speed and it should not be measured now with the chronology of 3d-events as presented in the mass media, although there is also an ample stipulation of the intensity of the events even in the mass media.

This weekend  another very powerful surge of 11.11.11 energies took place, to my personal perception, even greater than at 11.11.11. From this to judge, I am expecting some visible crashes this week already.

I see our discussion and the one we are engaged on my website as a simple outlet of mental and emotional energies of the PAT members to synchronize our own world views and to prepare for the next huge shift, no matter how it will materialize on earth, where we will again be in the front line. I now favour the individual preparation for ascension in compliance with the global events. From now on there are no general guidelines and everybody must go his own individual way.

In love and light
Dear  Georgi,

yes, I had the same feeling of immense increase of energy the last days. Today I went into the town and noticed that something had fundamentally changed. Our desperate shout about the awakening of the masses has been heard!

It is as if now around everybody there is a new shine, a new freshness, something working on everybody! They still don’t know and they are sleeping in their cocoons, but there is a new power at work and it looks like as if the big awakening plan has set in motion. I am just so surprised about what I see. This kind of earlier desperation, that nothing so far has been changing, has just no foundation anymore.  Something Major is in the making.

Are you saying that you won’t continue with your website?

Dear Ute,

No I have not said this. I will continue with the website but with a slower pace in the future. It maybe that the people are changing rapidly under their skin. I even noticed this with my two daughters and my wife.

But much more is needed to come. I did expect some time-lag before the 11.11.11 energies begin to yield results.

November 21, 2011

Hi Georgi –

Thanks for another set of good, timely articles, and for the e-mails and replies you included with them.  I’ve processed my disappointment over not Ascending on 11-11-11 or shortly thereafter, and have been coping with my LBP pretty well.  My 3-D life is going quite well, and I’m experiencing a lot of synchronicity.

Initially I was taken aback when I read your article about the upcoming magnetic pole shift.  Before I learned about Ascension, I followed earth changes, Nibiru, and the impending pole shift closely for several years.  When I discovered your website and a related Ascension blog a few months ago, I shifted my focus to the Ascension Process, and lost interest in these things.  Over the last few months I’ve been hoping that our planetary Ascension would be relatively easy, and that I could do a lot to help people as they waken up to their Ascensions and related topics.  I was excited about this.

When I read your article, I was disappointed at first, and reflected on it later.  I realized that you are correct about the vast majority of people being too asleep to realize what’s going on.  There have been many times I’ve wanted to talk to others about Ascension, but haven’t because I realize that they are too asleep to even have a frame of reference for understanding it.  After I read your article, I realized it will take a major calamity like the pole shift to force most people to wake up.  I also realize that I will still be doing a lot to guide and help people when they go through this process, it just won’t be in the hearts-and-flowers way I had envisioned over the last few months.  A part of me still wishes that we could avoid the calamity that will come with the pole shift.  I also realize that it will trigger many exciting, positive changes that will eventually make things much better for everyone on the planet.  I’m looking forward to the latter.

Dear Tom,

as I have written several times today to other members of the PAT the magnetic pole shift is for me a material symbol for the coming change, about which I want to make my readers aware. I am fully aware of the fact that it will not affect the destinies of the members of the PAT as they will ascend and I, by no means, want people to die, unless this is in their soul contracts as I have pointed out on many occasions.

I simply make the people aware of the fact that the pole shift must come as part of ascension of Gaia and humanity. It is a physical necessity and has disappeared from the radar of many of us in the last days. I am just placing it again in the middle of their awareness. That’s all.

In love and light

November 21, 2011

Dear Georgi …
hope you are well. Do you have an idea of when this Pole Shift is likely to happen?



Dear Eric,

I have absolutely no idea and this is not my first priority. For me the magnetic pole shift simply symbolizes the coming change and our ascension as it will not affect our destinies in no way. When  I say that the magnetic pole shift must come soon, I simply imply that the changes must come soon.


Hello again Georgi  …

Thanks for you reply. When you say ‘changes’…what changes do you specifically mean ? Sorry to be somewhat impatient, but many of us here have had enough of this crap reality and have been waiting forever and a day. When do we see an end of this dreadfully toxic planet and end to the evil controllers?

Dear Eric,

first of all I will be very happy if the economic and financial system begins to collapse visibly. This will change the social situation profoundly and also ours on earth.

Then I expect some more tangible revelations on the dark ones.

Third, I still believe that some of us will ascend very soon and make a difference. The magnetic pole shift is only the pacemaker in these events for me. It may come at the  end or in the middle of them. It is all very fluid and I wished, I could tell you more, but we must wait and see what will happen in the next days.

In love and light

November 21, 2011

Dear George,

Now that the decibels from the ´noises´ are fast disappearing (internal chatter, blame, accusation, etc.) – the dust has settled and all is virtually calm, I would love or rather can report from the premise of the heart – the divine center.

Below is my understanding of the end statement to the events surrounding our pending endeavor/mission – ascension in all its colors.

From all what I have gathered so far (reports from various quarters) and confirmed by the fact that my portal and tunnel are constantly surfacing for rehearsal tells me that the gates are now opened and whosoever fulfills the conditions/ready can make their way through. We may not be able to manipulate the scenario and timing for the simple reason that this is the sole prerogative of the divine as has been told by all the scriptures and styled the secrets of the kingdom (´´nobody knows the day or the hour, neither the angels/messengers not to talk of the son´´).

Throughout the history of life, events of a similar nature have surfaced and vanished – have repeated themselves in order that we can learn, grow and evolve by dancing to the divine play. The most recent I can recall is the famous curtain raiser of 14.10.2008 where the appearance of our ´galactic brothers´ was announced by some group of the confederation – the spiritual hierarchy.  The said pivotal revelation raised a lot of dust – there was an eclectic split in the confirmation of this event; there were the pros, the cons and some expressing neutrality. The message I gathered was that this dilemma ended up opening/sensitizing the world to the ET universe and this was later confirmed by multiple sittings we now see all over the place.

We should bear in mind that the learning/evolution cycle is eternal and involves all planes (the angels as well) – constant conscious effort is involved in the graduation from any rung of the ladder to the next higher position; all engaged and focused on the ultimate goal – Reconnection.

For no concerted reason should we think that the PAT mission did not yield fruits – was unsuccessful; the ramifications go beyond human comprehension; the heavens are blowing our trumpets. We are considered above as martyrs acting against all odds by moving the ascension process to this new working point. We are brave warriors – we are heroes and this is not the moment to relent our efforts; we can now only move forward. Looking at what transpired from a purely 3D limited perspective we may think that it was a fiasco; but this undertaking has moved humanity´s ascension as well as ascension consciousness higher on the ladder. PAT and Co. (star seeds, way showers, etc. from far and wide) has set the ball rolling, this was our invitation, this was our opportunity to contribute to this grand finale – this was our role at this juncture of the divine play. Let the follow up of our LBP be guided by ease and grace in order to bring this mission to a joyful completion. Let us conjure the big picture and let the veil of fear/doubt/forgetfulness thin away. And so it is !!!
November 21, 2011


According to reports, this event (the magnetic pole shift) has already been occurring since Jan11 at the rate of 40 miles/year or a little more than 4″/min. See: and

thank you for the information. I know this very well and this was the basis for my publication. But when the final reversal (flip-flop) of the poles takes place, which I define as “magnetic pole shift”,  there will be some havoc and massive movement of land masses.

November 21 , 2011

Dear George,

I hope you are doing well since I last emailed you pre-11.11.11. Thank you for your honesty and decision to keep posting the reports and responding to readers after 11.11.11. It has been very useful in helping comprehend and explain what happened after 11.11.11.

After reading Report-29 (18.11.11) and your discussion with Ute about the pole shift, it helped ‘connect the dots’ regarding a lucid dream that I had last week around 18.11.11. Also just to let you know about the synchronicity of this period of ‘no time’, I only read the report this morning (21.11.11) and did not know about the content of the report until today. Here is a description of the dream:

I was sitting in my apartment as usual for daily meditation. It was post 11.11.11 and the meditations involved anchoring the new energies into Mother Earth’s grid. I opened my eyes and looked out the glass doors, and then I saw a huge meteor land close by which destroyed some surrounding buildings. The entire sky went dark and the weather patterns started shifting and more meteors were falling and destroying more buildings. Instinctively I knew that the moon had somehow been removed and this was the cause of the destructive weather and triggered the pole shift. With all the chaos going on outside, I remained in meditation and maintained a sense of calm and balance to ‘hold the space’. In my heart I told Mother Earth I would remain with her until the end and was prepared to keep meditating and stay calm even if it meant 3D death. I had come to terms with the illusion of death, so dying was not such a big deal to me. Suddenly as a meteor was just about to hit my apartment, I felt an etheric presence around me and I was lifted to my bed where I felt I was ‘safe’ and protected from the chaos that was happening outside. Somehow I felt annoyed that I was lifted and protected because I felt I was abandoning Mother Earth and I wanted to go back and keep meditating. But the presence assured me that there was nothing else I could do or have done to assist Mother Earth and the event was of the ‘divine order’ and out of our control. So I knew my mission here was completed. Then I woke up.

Upon waking I felt emotionally neutral about the dream. This was highlighted by the fact that in the dream, I never felt any fear and maintained a sense of calm even though the 3D world was falling apart. It gave me an insight into how the pole shift/moon removal may occur and how each individual’s reaction determines their experience of the event: in fear or love, just as was explained in your article: The Magnetic Pole Shift is coming in this Fall as Part of Earth’s Ascension.

Normally I would be uncomfortable sharing this information as it has a tendency to be ‘doom and gloom’, but it is just one of the possible scenarios/timelines which may occur to help ‘wake’ people up and fulfil their soul contracts. As they say ‘You can’t make an omelette if you don’t break some eggs.’ Some websites talk about being in an external ‘safe place’ or underground at the time of the pole shift or even stockpiling food/medical supplies. This thinking is directed at the ego and tends to propagate fear. It is also how I would have reacted before I reconnected with my inner guidance. My feeling is that there is nothing you can do and no one is safe from this event unless they can go inside and maintain an aura of stillness and peace throughout. Our reaction to this event will be the ultimate test to determine whether we have completely finished with our 3D illusion.

In the dream I was not afraid at all and felt safe throughout the turmoil and in the end I was protected. So whatever happens from now on ‘good/bad’ could you let everyone know there is nothing to fear, know that you are loved and protected and that will be your reality. After all we are all ‘sovereign powerful creator beings’, as you put it!

Some souls need these traumatic events to occur in order to evolve and I have much gratitude, respect and love for everyone in the path they choose back to source. Here is a quote from Richard Bach, who is the author of a book called Jonathan Livingston Seagull: ‘Unconditional love, on the surface, looks the same as indifference’.

Take care and blessings of love and light!
Dear Martin,

Thank you for sharing this lucid dream with me. What strikes me most is that you were lifted before the meteor hit you, which is to me a clear indication that we will ascend before or at the latest at the occurrence of the magnetic pole shift. For me this event is not so much a material event, but a symbol for the dramatic change that we are waiting to come on earth, as this event will not affect our destinies. I only put so much attention on it to relay the necessity of huge changes and that it can no longer go like this – “a non-event time”.

Some people are scared by this vision and seek refuge in moral indignation and raise arguments such as the free will of man and the like. But it has nothing to do with free will, which is more of a human myth. It has to do with the soul contract for the End Times and all souls knew what they should experience in advance when they incarnated at this time.

All souls in heaven asked for permission to incarnate at this time on earth as they knew that it would be the most important time in their whole incarnation cycle and only the best ones (the most prepared souls) were chosen. This was their free will, the rest is destiny.

In love and light
November 21, 2011

Dear George,

I read your last message and fully agree with the twofold plan and as it is unfolding. I am one that feels every bit of it all the way and I am very confident that things will work out very soon. My body too is more than ready.

I know for years from conversations in the dream state that I am one that sits at some of the Councils. 2 days ago I asked before going to bed for some details to remember after waking up in the morning. Last night I was in a complicated meeting. Don’t know most of the facts, besides, that at the end of the meeting I was told that I will have the leadership of some group because of my expertise and will be rewarded in a good way. I was also told that I will have to start my job very soon and to be ready for it in one week of time.

Just wanted to inform you of this and how it fits in what you just published in your last message.

Best Regards,
Dear Rob,

this is very important information. It is like a puzzle when the pieces come together and one can see the whole picture all of a sudden. The feeling of urgency you mentioned is shared by most of the members of the PAT. I hope that it will come true that you will soon start with your new mission.

In love and light
November 21, 2011

Dear Georgi

Your fellow light worker here.

Will anything happen this year? Or do we really have to wait until the end of next year? Is it a matter of days, weeks or months? I must say I was very disappointed that nothing did happen on 11.11.11, but I feel that nothing is the same as it was. It seems that we have not finished our missions yet. I have visions of paradise, maybe Atlantis. I wonder if lived there as you did? I hope all of humanity could live in a new “Atlantis” or paradise. I know that the spirit world is really the “paradise”, but can’t there be paradise on earth? I just can’t wait our return to innocence.

Dear Richard,

this a very good question. I also hope that the visible changes will begin this year as the 11.11.11 energies are very powerful and have already destroyed the astral matrix of the current material world, so that I am expecting it to begin to crumble anytime soon. I also expect the magnetic pole shift to come and change this planet dramatically. It is all in the making.

I do believe that we are about to experience huge changes also in the living conditions for the better after that, which will prepare humanity for mass ascension in Dec 2012. And I am very optimistic that these huge changes can only occur, if we ascend and appear as ascended masters in front of humanity and become its leaders. This is my itinerary for the near future.

In love and light
November 21 ,2011

Dear Georgi,If you have the time, please could you explain why the Moon (“an artificial satellite placed by the Anunnaki in orbit to create dark negative energies”) was ever allowed to be put into orbit in the first instance? Surely this kind of interference is prohibited on some level?Thanks in advance,
Dear Simon,

I can only tell you that the Anunnaki were allowed for this period of 13 000 years to be the full controllers on this planet. The decision to put the moon as a satellite to the earth was part of the overall plan to increase the density of the 3d-space-time on earth, so that the incarnated souls could experience the maximal separation from the source. This was part of the incarnation experiment on this planet. The question “Why” makes actually no sense in this context – it was just an experiment. Now this experiment is reversed and the souls are going back home and the separation will be soon eliminated. Hence the moon must go.

In love and light
November 21, 2011

Dear Georgi,

this is interesting material. I heard that the North Pole had shifted about 17 degrees somewhat south east into Russia, before. But the material in this video looks more than just this 17 degrees.  It shows a sun set being instead in the West in North North West. Have a look at these video.

Perhaps the slow and stepwise pole shift continues? I am also wondering whether 11.11.11 was a time when a major movement of earth orbit happened. I have heard before that a slow movement of poles was an option, instead of a sudden and all at once one.

There is also photo material that speaks of the moon’s orbit change of 90% and I have also attached a pdf document, a paper from Cornell University regarding  the moons changed orbit.

What do you think?

Dear Ute,

it is very difficult for me to make a judgement on this evidence. It s known for years that the magnetic North pole is moving south to Siberia. In this case the compass is showing this change and the sun set must have also changed relative to the magnetic North pole.  But the physical poles are still at the same place and I see everyday the sunset from my window and I have not noticed any significant change so far.

However, I watch the moon also and I do have the feeling that something has changed with it, but I cannot prove it definitely. The question is, if the changes are so obvious that so many people write and make videos, why the official authorities make no comments whatsoever? This is pure conspiracy.

November 20, 2011

Hi Georgi and All PAT Team,I have been traveling for the passed 10 days or so and have not been able to do more than glance at the updates. I came to Hawaii with my husband to meet my younger son who has been stationed for the past year in Okinawa in the Army. It has been a most precious visit and much to my great delight, I found that my son (29) is much more awake than I had thought and as a second-wave “broadcaster” he is in a perfect place to influence his fellow soldiers with his bright beingness.I thought my feelings of “unsettledness” had their roots in that fact of traveling. However, after reading the latest post, I realize that intuitively, I am feeling the “regrouping” of the forces of Light in the efforts to find the right strategy to move forward. It was interesting that while here, the fire alarm system malfunctioned and we were awakened to the most horrific sound I ever hope to hear in my life. We evacuated the hotel with many other guests to find that it was a false alarm. We did not know that at the time and what impressed me is the way we all took care of one another to make sure we got out safely and efficiently.

I thought at the time that this was a true “wake up call” and practice run for chaotic times ahead. I must say that travelling at this time in history is for me more work than pleasure and I look forward to returning to my home base and taking up my “post”, although I am always on duty anywhere I go. Still, I find myself longing for the comfort and safety of the familiar. If I had not had the Divine Appointment with my son, I would not have ventured away from home at this time.

I will endeavor to keep my balance for the duration of my journey, knowing that we are all in the same “boat” so to speak and we are all paddling together to move this boat forward in the most efficacious manner.

Blessings and Aloha to all. Alia

Dear Allia,

thank you very much for your journey account to Hawaii  and your encounter with your son. I am happy to hear that you are pleased with him and his spiritual development. This is the most important thing these days as only open consciousness is the Jacob’s ladder to Heaven in these End Times and all kind of fake material securities are only false flags leading humanity to perdition.

What I mean is that we as parents must be happy when we see our children grow as conscious persons so that we need not worry about their future, knowing that they will find their way to happiness and that we need not carry the burden of awakening them at any price thus fighting the social hydra of denial, which may have infected their young minds. This is the worst situation for a star seed-parent.

I also try not to travel as this is very exhausting for me. Our  energies are no longer compatible with the environment and we, star seeds, get really depleted when we change the home place as our energies have to intermingle with the new environment much strongly and this can be very exhausting indeed.

But I am glad to hear that your strenuous journey was compensated by your happy reunion with your son.

Yes we are now adjusting our positions and developing new ideas as to what will come next. It is also very important to stay alert.

Wish you all the best!

In love and light
November 20, 2011

Dear George

I wonder if you have ever watched this documentary/full movie called moon rising by Jose Escamilla. Its on you tube about the cover up by NASA/ and all governments knowledge of civilisation on the moon and ancient structures etc, and much more on hidden technology. It has many good pictures though, the film style can be annoying but content is interesting.

What would be your take on this and why has not earth bound scientists/UFO enthusiasts got more involved in its exposure. Are they also deliberately covering up to enhance their own careers, or am I being naive.These are the things I don’t get. Here is a link. I’m sure you are aware of it. I was sent this link through wordpress, I never search the Internet, I only get stuff sent that is relevant to my current awareness. I don’t know if this is for a reason or a coincidence, I feel these informations and pictures, technologies will be revealed soon as if against humanity to control again sleeping masses. I know we don’t have to worry about old world controllers, as Gaia is protected now.

I feel the connection drawing ever closer now, We are all away every night on higher dimensional duties ( aren’t we) after all this is what we’re here to do, I would appreciate your guidance/feelings on bringing the 2 worlds together, I feel in my heart it’s coming ever closer, our GF are whispering this in my ear all the time.

I believe we are creating the possibility of this with our intention to free humanity and that’s what we are mastering, and that is when we will reveal heaven on earth. My heart is dedicated to this purpose.

Love and light George


Dear Bernice,

I am loading now this video and I will see it later on. It is indeed a very interesting question why there is so little expose and revelations from scientists’ circles about what is going on behind the scene and I have no water-proof explanation either.

What I have learned from my experience with scientists in my career is that they are much more indoctrinated than the priests in Christianity with respect to their scientific dogmas. Those who are personally involved in joint ventures with the Orion/Reptilian Empire are either proud of this as they see themselves as part of the Elite and look with a contempt upon the other human beings and see no necessity to inform them whatsoever as this is part of the oppressive system from which they profit, or if they have consciousness, they are afraid of being killed, which is what happens as soon as they change the ranks.

This is much more common than normally known, even among esoteric circles, but these people are fairly aware of the danger and keep silent, come what may. This is the reason why revelations in this situation can only be made by outsiders based on second hand information so that this information can never be verified. This was the problem for instance of Alfred Webre ( with whom I worked for a while and this is their Achilles` heel. They can be easily classified as “conspiracy men” and discredited as is the case with Ventura and David Icke.

In love and light
Dear Bernice,

please see this video which explains my answer above in more depth. Unfortunately, it is the German translation and I cannot find the full English version, but only trailers of it.


THhrive – What on earth will it take (deutsch)
November 20, 2011

Hello Georgi,

After reading those words in Report-29:

” Now I am preparing the next clandestine coup of cosmic proportions. Read carefully my next reports. ”

After many readings of your report-29, I had suddenly a CLICK in my mind. Please don’t answer if you have not the time. Nevertheless, here is my interpretation:

1. Started in Atlantis, where you and others (PAT) have decided that a fall like Atlantis, should never happen again in near future.

2. Start elaborating actions on how to get out of the Higher Realm authority and getting complete FREEDOM from them in our soul-contract.

3. In upcoming lives, start Studying all true Universal laws related to science, religion, finance and all important knowledge needed to maintain a very high level of cosmic Freedom.

4. Participating with Ute in meetings related to end Times scenarios.

5. Remember the responsibilities of every participants and study of how everything work at the Highest Level.

6. At the Ends Times, start actions by grouping the PAT members and activate the 11-11-11 and demonstrate your power.

7. Knowing how bad the Higher Realm is driving the Ends Times, identify the problem of not fulfilling theirs responsibilities of the Ends Time. Say it loud and clear.

8. For that reason, negotiate an exit for the group and get complete freedom to start on your own COSMIC GROUP INC. (joke) with your own Scenario. Here, you are the only one who know what will be the responsibilities and services offered to the cosmic community. I really don’t know ???

If you have time, tell me if this story of mine is close to your “clandestine coup of cosmic proportions” I know that it is not a “Coup d’État”.

Can you tell me if my interpretation is close to that or not?  If yes, you will have to be very carefully to introduce your project to every members of the PAT. But I know your talent and you will succeed. If no, I will wait your next reports about this clandestine coup of cosmic proportions. Remember that I have already agreed with you long time ago. Your project is my project.

Dear Marcel,

you are pretty close to my strategy. Simply speaking, I act as a CEO who wants to promote the corporate identity of his group, in this case of the PAT, as there are many agendas in the higher realms and not all of them are helpful to us. Our revolt against the current no-event strategy of the higher realms is a vital component that they should consider in their future plans as they are more dependent on us, the ascended masters still in physical vessels, than we on them.

In love and light
November 20 ,2011

Dear George,

Thank you for your tireless work regarding the website. It means a lot! It is a pleasant experience to feel united in the sense of being part of this special community, and therefore, to feel connected. I feel privileged and I am very delighted to share the same vision. Thanks for sharing new emails, insights and personal messages!

I’ve just read your response to Ute, which contains a very powerful message and the three statements. I spoke those statements out loud right away. Despite me enjoying to live in the NOW and in total surrender to my soul, which helps enormously in getting through the day, I share your vision regarding the necessity of the occurrence of serious changes. If we are to make it to global Ascension at the end of 2012, NOW would be a very good time for things to really start happening. It’s time to rock the boot.

When I was just a kid (5 yrs), I was already very aware of my particular role regarding the End Times. I knew exactly why I was on Earth, in this body and in this time, and what I had to do. After a relatively long period of regaining my multidimensional SELF and higher consciousness, my true potential and Mastership, I’m all set now and ready to roll.

As an AM within a vessel, I feel pretty useless by now, because I’ve still not been able to help and teach the people to the fullest of my capacity. They really don’t care and they really don’t listen. Don’t get me wrong though, because if that’s what they want, then I am at peace with that decision. However, I would not be of any use anymore in this reality. Still, I firmly believe that the masses are simply not aware of their decision, let alone of an alternative choice to make.

I understand that ‘time’ is irrelevant, since it doesn’t exist, but having to be patient forever and having to cope with constant, ever- returning delays, is starting to become more and more challenging.

In love and in light,
Dear Bernd,

Thank you very much for your contribution to our ongoing discussion that has the purpose to clear our concepts as to what should be done next. I fully agree with your perception and in my report of today, which is very important, I discuss the inevitability of the magnetic pole shift from a physical point of view, so that Gaia and humanity can ascend. I have to free this event from false moral considerations as some readers now utter.

In love and light
November 20, 2011

Dear Georgi,

I found your website a month ago and wanted to reach out then, but couldn’t find the words to express how I am feeling. I greatly appreciate your work and the connecting of the dots. I sit with complete joy that I am not alone.

When I read Ute’s last blog article today I knew I had to reach out to you both as I feel I was also in those ascension meetings in the higher realms. I stopped everything 2 months ago to prepare more fully for ascension and I too also realized the first week of November that the ascension was called off. After days of near panic attacks, while my higher self was in what felt like meetings in the higher realms, I feel I was on the side of calling it off. Humanity isn’t ready and I believe fear would have taken over. I feel like you that we are still deciding what to do now.

I have spent years transmuting energy for Gaia and shortly after 11.11.11 I have been disconnected from her and freed from that role. I can now more easily connect with my higher self, my truth and knowing. This new energy is intense and wonderful.

For what it’s worth I do not agree as of now with the pole shift for the same reasons Ute has stated. I am all for staying with humanity and making it a graceful, smooth transition. I know this is hard, 3D has been almost unbearable for me as I’ve taken on so much dense energies to transmute, but I know it is worth it. Maybe at a later point I will vote for the pole shifts.

I agree with you that the focus should be upgrading science to the truth of the new Universal Law and abolishing organized religion. Until the masses can get out of the mind control of their religion, I am afraid they cannot wake up. This is the first step.

Would love to hear your thoughts and if you have any confirmation if I am with PAT or involved somewhere. So much love I can hardly handle it,

Angie Cazier
Dear Angie,

Thank you very much for your email and for your thoughts and confirmation of our assessments of  the current situation. You are addressing many issues which I have discussed in my latest report  as of today. I would appreciate if you read it very carefully as you will find most of the answers to your questions there.

For instance why the magnetic pole shift is a necessity and without it there will be no full Ascension of Gaia and humanity. It is time now to free ourselves from the outdated human morality in terms of life and death, as it should be cogent to everybody that we are all immortal souls and physical death is only a transition to a more expanded consciousness. When this approach becomes the foundation of our weltanschauung, we can easily understand the necessity of some dramatic events and free ourselves from wrong emotional attachments.

In love and light

November 20, 2011

Dear Georgi,

Thank you for your thoughtful reply (see report-30). I better understand what you meant now and actually had this vividly demonstrated to me yesterday soon after emailing you. I was rereading the reports to better understand them and realizing that very much my own fear was getting in the way. Reading with a clear head helped me better see how serious this issue is. And why we cannot wait around and continue to play our old roles. As this realization was expanding within I soon experienced a direct physical manifestation of it in the form of an interaction with my friend. I’d rather not go into the details, but it was a great experience.

I became very tired and when I got home I was feeling both angry and frustrated. I had very interesting dreams and am feeling refreshed although still somewhat jaded. I am ready to move on; my attempts to try to tough it out and stay the course is really me biting off more than I can chew. Thank you for your continued help. I will be expressing my own emotions about what I want personally so it may merge with the collective timeline. I am ready to claim my sovereignty.

In love and light,


Dear Vlad,

What we should also bear in mind are some simple basic facts that currently go under in the chaos of the channeled esoteric literature in Internet,

Earth has already ascended, respectively, will ascend irrevocably very soon and merge with its already existing blueprint in the 5th dimension, which is populated with other human souls who are waiting for their incarnated soul-mates from the earth surface. I hope you have seen the video of this Christian on New Earth in my last report. His description was very vivid, though his narrow beliefs.

The battle now is waged for the incarnated souls on earth. It is a real stalemate since 1997 and none of the sides has won a major victory. The result was perennial delays and a series of non-events on the ground.

For instance it was originally planned that I will ascend in 2009 at the latest and popularize the new theory on this earth, thus destroying the intellectual structure of the old empirical science of the Orion system, but this did not happen as mankind was still in a deep slumber. All plans of the forces of light for the End Times could not be realized. The only thing they managed was to block the counter-plans of the dark ones to enslave humanity and establish the New World Order. It is a real stalemate. I can go on and give you numerous examples and facts for this situation. You can also read my essay “Why the many delays in the End Time scenario”.

Now the situation can be described in a very simple manner:

Those souls on earth who come from the higher realms will return back home by the end of 2012. Most of them will not awaken during their stay on earth and will have to reincarnate a little bit later on the New Earth in the lower second level of the 5th dimension, where there will be still some kind of physicality. The other part of them will awaken in the course of the next year and will directly ascend to the New Earth. Their number will be obviously lower than the one planned by the forces of light.

About one third of humanity will end its incarnation through death experience as planned for the End Times and return back from where they have come – 4th and lower 5th dimensions. Most of them will die during the magnetic pole shift. The date of its occurrence will only depend on the precise calibration of infinite energetic data with respect to the fraction of potentially ascending souls, so that they may survive and evolve after this event.

About 1/8 to to 1/4 of the human population will not even realize what has happened as after the magnetic pole shift there will be a definite split of the two earths and they will simply awaken on a catastrophic earth. They will be the future slaves of the Orion /Reptilian empire which will continue to reign on this catastrophic 3d-earth. They have given their consent already and many of them are simple clones of this system with a very rudimentary soul component.

You can also read my soul age model in my book “Cosmic Laws…” for further information on the soul distribution on earth because it is the demographic basis for analysing the current situation.

Given this background the decision that now has to be made is simply when the magnetic pole shift should take place as after that there will be a definite split  of the two earths, which has already begun after 11.11.11 and is now gaining momentum. It is a simple optimization exercise and beyond our human comprehension.

But we can make a big difference if we express our collective opinion in a firm and  united manner. This presupposes however that we are well informed about what is going on currently on earth. The discussion we are carrying out on this website has the objective to highlight these issues, so that everybody can make his own decision from an enlightened position.

Finally, Heaven has to make a decision when we shall ascend – 1) prior to the magnetic pole shift or 2) with the magnetic pole shift. I personally favour the first alternative, but even then the time of ascension will have to correlate with the time of the magnetic pole shift. Therefore – the sooner, the better.

In love and light
November 20, 2011

Dear George,

I feel it’s imperative to add a wee story to remember our great capabilities as Cosmic Beings. The Dark Ones are Oppressors to be sure. They yield fear, hate and separation as the malevolent forces upon our planet. These forces are as destructive as every ocean together in a great boiling mass of dark, stormy waves crashing upon our shores.  Humanity shrinks at this wrath.

And yet….and yet…as we remember our Divinity, our Source, our All-Encompassing Love we see the scale change suddenly.  Our scope broadens until we BEcome this galaxy, this universe, the Infinite cosmos. Light gathers in us in greater and greater resonance.  We feel FULL.  We feel EMPOWERED in Love. Our glance shifts, our awareness moves once again to the churning oceans and malevolent forces upon Earth and we now see that they are but the tiniest drop in a puddle…a mere ripple across its surface.

NOW we feel our magnificence, our Divine Authority, our Infinite Love…our will to Create. We Create with all the innocence and purity of our child’s heart.  We create experience as a terrific game by our infinite imaginations, the power of our thought, of our consciousness.

We NOW remember that ALL that we create is born of the Perfect Whole and there is no failure.

What we choose to create in these End Times will be unrivalled in its beauty. I charge each one of you to KNOW and FEEL your AUTHORITY and PLAY as a child. Use your heart’s mind to unleash a torrent of empowered imagery and Love upon this Earth and in the heart’s and minds of humanity. Gaia grounds our Fierce Love throughout her matrix, she Raises up to meet us in our effort of Heart. She glows as a brilliant ember in our galaxy’s great metamorphic Fire. Turn the energy of the Dark Ones’ weapons upon themselves.  See “matter” remembering it’s origins… every cell, every molecule, every atom of dense matter, vibrating intense Light and Love. Any intention set by the Dark Ones is transmuted instantly. We take in the Dark Forces and bend them to our Divine Will, to the Authority of Our Love. AND WE DO IT WITH INCREDIBLE EASE!! This is the Divine Balance of masculine and feminine energies, of Heart and Mind.


In Brilliant Love,
Natasha, Wayne and family

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