State-of-Ascension-Report-30: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Still Opened.

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-30, November 19, 2011

A Very Important Summary on the Ongoing Ascension Scenario

by Ute and Georg, November 19, 2011

I would recommend all my readers to go to Ute’s website (see link below) and read her latest summary of our discussions and her insights concerning the ongoing Ascension scenario after 11.11.11.

Some of this information has been published in advance on this website, but there is a lot of new data that we have exchanged in German language and which Ute has now translated and summarized on her website. Thus she has taken the burden away from me to translate our correspondence for which I am very thankful.

Ute’s and mine insights are now overwhelmingly confirmed by most PAT members. I have published some of their emails in this report. This simultaneous chain reaction is very similar to the one we experienced when we connected the dots for the first time and started building our portals in preparation for the Opening of the stargate 11.11.11.

At that time we were so excited by this new opportunity that we did not look very carefully at the immense coordination work that was accomplished from the higher realms to help us prepare for this event and connect the dots between us – the members of the PAT. There was a divine purpose and a highly sophisticated plan behind the scene that made this mission possible.

Most of you wrote to me how you were coached by your higher self to find this website and were overwhelmed by the numerous serendipities and “harmless” coincidences that made our Noah’s Arc float through troubled waters without any friction and with a remarkable ease.

Now, this kind of clandestine coordination is no longer necessary because we are all connected. But we are at the threshold of yet another big event that will unfold very soon. It will be the magnetic pole shift that was postponed at 11.11.11.

We have discussed the reasons for this delay extensively during the last week on our Ascension Reports. Now we have entered a new phase.

The event 11.11.11 was actually divided in two half times with a small pause in between. We are now in this period. We have gone in the cabins and have made our critical assessment of the first half time and why we were not happy with the result. The overwhelming conclusion was that we need some more goals to score to be sure that we will win the championship.

The “golden goal” will be our Ascension in a simultaneous coordination with the magnetic pole shift, which will ultimately sweep away the old world order and destroy its material and ideal infrastructure. The human population will fall after this event in a kind of a collective coma, not a shock – a “shock” is a week description of what will happen after the pole shift.

Only we, the first ascended human masters, will be able to save humanity from this cataleptic state and show the people the blissful perspective of the new Earth and Humanity amidst havoc and massive death toll. By demonstrating the immortality of the human soul and the possibility to ascend and transcend the bleak reality of this catastrophic 3d-earth, we will quickly ignite the inner flame of many human beings and motivate them to go through all calamities towards their ultimate ascension in Dec 2012.

The human mind is rather lazy and full of inertia. The self- preservation instincts that were developed for homo sapiens to allow him adopt to the full separation from the Source and give him an illusory sense of security and stability have prohibited the earlier awakening of mankind and have led ultimately to the postponement of our Full Ascension.

These self-preservation instincts are now in a process of rapid transformation. They will no longer be needed in the 5th dimension and must be energetically deleted and substituted with new templates or keys. Unfortunately, in order to perform this radical energetic transformation of all outdated fear-based human templates at the cellular, genetic, and ethereal level, one needs some dramatic external events that will tear down the angst barriers of all humans and catapult them out of their comfort zone, where they will continue to deny any transcendental reality.

The powerful 11.11.11 energies that are now flooding earth and mankind through our physical vessels as conduits of light, have the purpose to destroy the current astral matrix of the old human society and to substitute it with a new matrix, based on love, discernment and mediality.

This can only be triggered by a powerful external event, One can no longer count on the gradual reformation of mankind and its social structures from within, through revolutions and upheavals. This possibility was indeed part of the divine plan for the End Times, but mankind has failed to achieve this objective because most human beings are still in a deep slumber and firmly in the grip of the dark ones, who now beam them from the 4th dimension as they had to leave 3d-earth after 11.11.11. But they have always exerted their most hideous negative influence on humans from the astral 4th-dimension.

The revolutionary alternative for mankind to awaken on his own has now totally failed and must be replaced by a catastrophic version. This decision was discussed extensively during the last week in the higher realms as you will read in my dialogue with Ute and now the decision has been taken to go on with the magnetic pole shift as soon as possible because any further delay is detrimental to the future of those humans  who have written down in their soul contracts the theoretical possibility to ascend by the end of 2012.

A this moment it is very important not to indulge in false moral considerations. The magnetic pole shift is an energetic necessity on the way to Ascension of Gaia and humanity to the 5th dimension. There is absolutely no possibility to avoid it.  It is only a matter of when it should occur.

Magnetism is part of the polarity of the 3d-reality. The new 11.11.11 energies have the purpose to eliminate this reality and substitute it with the Oneness of All-That-Is. This transformation is similar to changing the aggregate state of matter – for instance of water into vapour.

This phase transformation must be associated inevitably with a huge destruction of old structures. Just as the water molecules, which are electrically charged and aligned according to their positive and negative poles, must break these electromagnetic van der Waal`s forces when they evaporate and enter a state of seemingly chaotic disorder in the air known as Brown’s movement, so will also all human beings and society as a whole enter a new state of creative chaos after the magnetic pole shift.

This event will practically eliminate the magnetic polarity in the Gaia`s matrix, which is the energetic basis for all manifested darkness on this planet. It is very important to understand the importance of this physical phenomenon and why earth magnetism must be abolished in the process of Ascension. This is not a free lunch event.

This is also the point in time when we will appear and take the leadership of mankind as ascended human masters. We will be the ones, who will lay the foundations of the new loving society of mankind that will continue to unfold after mass ascension in Dec 2012 in the 5th dimension. Other civilisations may also help at a later date, but we are the ones who will  take the full responsibility for this cosmic transformation. That is why we are here.

If you are now disappointed, it is this inner knowledge about our glorious mission that has been postponed at 11.11.11 and makes us feel so unhappy. It is not so much the hard living conditions on earth, which you have surmounted with courage in the past, but your unrealized determination to finally step up on the plate and make a difference as ascended masters. And who should blame you for this impatience out of love and altruism for humanity? Only a blind one.

November 18, 2011

Dear Georgi,

here is the link to the published text on my blog:

The Elohim and the Ascension Plan for Earth and Humanity

So far nothing new has transpired. I only can say that the fact that I am released from my participation in the GF council and my responsibility for Gaia, is pointing to the fact, that firm decisions have been made and everything is running now its course, and that Gaia’s destiny is therefore confirmed and so our Ascension. Now everything is only a matter of time, and the uncertainty and dragged feeling about missing direction is over and everything is now on its way without delay.

That’s how I feel at this moment. I don’t know though about the next moment.


November 18, 2011


Hello, hello. Here we are post 11 11 11…
So many commendations to you for embodying true integrity after the stargate and posting once again. I remember our brief exchange of emails prior to the 11 11 11.  I too was feeling something had changed. You said you wouldn’t dare intervene in my conversation with my soul, but now I understand that we were both coming to know the same thing in the end.
As the 11th came and went without my expectations to an ascension event, but rather another step in the ascension process, I felt incredible resolve to continue. I felt “magical”, pure energies and… a wee bit of personal disappointment. I actually felt quite proud of myself because I knew I had mastered my energy, so that bitterness and angst or sadness had no hold on me, despite my own fervent desires to ascend with my family.
Unlike you George, I am still experiencing a great deal of fatigue. I am so busy during sleep that I feel challenged to wake into my body with ease each morning. I find it quite challenging to be the inspired and active parent I need to be for my 4 kids. My husband and I press on though and take gratitude in our days together with our children, going for walks in our snowy forests nearby, and just BEing.
I do admit, that like Brewster, my soul and higher self have been making many commitments to me that have been diverted or changed and in lieu of that I asked that they drop a “little bread crumb” now and then to keep me feeling my enchantment, to create a little wonder for the child in my heart. This at least seems fair and of the energy of playfulness which we all need after so much hard work.
This is a long journey indeed.  In an effort to bolster our moods I thought I’d share what I remembered from my sleep last night. There was an EXTRAORDINARY meeting that took place.  We were all involved in networking, meeting, and collaborating.
All the people, we already network with in our lives, were a part of this too. It was a gathering of great macro/microcosmic importance and included both incarnated souls and other Beings. As I slipped from that dimensional space I heard a toast being raised with great enthusiasm  – “toast to all the ascended masters and to those BEcoming ascended masters!!!”
As I awoke, I felt this meeting had generated a huge amount of awareness of our current situation, and the highest levels of dedication and intention to Ascension for everyone.  It must have been a large investment of our energies because coming back into my body was doubly challenging! It was very, very uplifting and my thoughts wandered to it all day today. So, I toast to you all and your ascension and the great awakening of all the slumbering children of Earth!”
Brightest blessings from snowy northern Canada,
Dear Natasha,thank you very much for this very lively and uplifting account on your personal experience at 11.11.11. It is very precise and paradigmatic for the common experience of most of us. We have already discussed the various emotional aspects of it in the last several reports extensively.Your dream is the reality that is now unfolding in the higher dimensions and will soon materialize in our 3d-reality. I do not want to talk in detail now as I need myself a little bit more clarity, but I assume that a great and final decision was taken yesterday how to proceed with the divine plan for this planet after the higher realms were puzzled somewhat for a week or so, just as we were, after the opening of the stargate 11.11.11 did not lead to a full Ascension. They simply did not know how to proceed on earth.

Now there is more clarity that will emerge in the coming days, but essentially it goes back to the original plan of Full Ascension at 11.11.11, this time incrementally, but with huge steps. The second huge step was done last night and there will be some more to follow, until the pole shift comes and Gaia will fully ascend to the 4th and 5th dimensions.

I am sure that we will discuss this scenario in the coming days in greater detail and we will gain more glimpses into the complexity of the masterplan for Earth and humanity in the End Times. We cannot do anything more at this time.

In love and light

I was so excited to read your latest report as it confirmed what I have been made aware of in the last 24 hours since my email to you.
Let me explain: In the last week during one night of sleep I was being urged endlessly to apply EXTRAORDINARY consciousness to create a “highest choice” outcome for myself, my planet and humanity.  At the time, I didn’t understand the great importance to this urging.
Today, during a meditation I invoked my Divine Authority to decree my highest choices to All-That-Is. Immediately after my meditation I wrote my decree on several pages of my journal in BOLD CAPS. And do you know: It was-the-exact-same-thing that you had declared as your destiny statement in this last report, which I’ve just now read?
I read my decrees 3 times (for my trinity) with great enthusiasm and feeling. These are the energies of intention and they WILL manifest. Like you, I urge everyone to decree their intentions and to do it with volume, with intensity, with feeling, with specificity and present tense “Now” language. As I said these energies are what make our spoken/written language become conscious and creative.
1.   I require as much transparency as my human mind can comprehend during this ascension process.
2.   I see the energies on Earth now as that of a cresting wave, at the peak of its strength and velocity. I CHOOSE NOW IS THE TIME FOR ASCENSION TO HAPPEN FOR THE P.A.T.  AND OTHERS WHO ARE READY!!!
After this most invigorating decree I went for a hike in the forest where I found 4 soft grey feathers laying just beneath a scattering of snow. Each feather was tipped with a bold stripe of yellow. Confirmation of my will, decree received…smile.
And to support your idea of after-death ascension for souls, my husband received CLEAR direction/urgent reminder during a  meditation several weeks ago that he was to gather souls from lower astral realms as they will be disoriented and a bit lost in light of the pole-shift you now speak of. This reality is an outcome already in awareness.
I am in awareness of one of my multidimensional forms and as a Cosmic Mother to this incarnation experiment I can verify  that I AM in full agreement, as is my husband, with a pole shift now. I tend to each and every soul in this experiment and I have vast Love and Compassion for ALL and it my highest choice that a literal “line in the sand” be drawn and the shift take place.
I have NO FEARS for my children, for Earth.  In fact, as any Mother I carry the energy of Ferocious Love and I am COMPLETELY confident and in full Trust of the incredible gains that will be had by carrying out this plan and a decidedly beautiful outcome for ALL.
I am certain I can speak this Truth with my full authority as a time keeper as well. These outcomes are known to me and others (in awareness or not) and the energy of resonance never lies.  I, and my husband, Wayne are in full resonance with the plan being discussed on your website George.  We concur.
To all your readers George I say we consider this our Clarion Call, to ignite the warrior spirit in each one us, to engage our Divine Wills anew and CREATE our destinies as is befitting of so many Ascended Masters. Divine Will and Love shall cast out every shadow upon our glorious planet and within the heart of humanity!!George you often speak of your superhero admirations as a boy…now is our time to truly pull our “uniforms” from the closet and bring the grace of our skills to bear – CREATE!!!…yet again.
Much, much Love,
Natasha, Wayne and family

November 18,  2011

Hello Georgi,Marilyn Idle here. When I contact you I experience quite an interesting energy-field!I felt polarity shifts within me several days ago. I am fully well and experiencing huge amounts of new energy in my region. I am near a lake surrounded by mountains. Also have felt radiative or counter-energy “attempts” since 11/11/11.

One night I awoke. I could barely walk (upon awakening) to go to the washroom. It felt like vertigo and like I was flying but couldn’t land. If it wasn’t so hard at the time to recover ( I had to go the the washroom) I couldn’t just watched myself and laughed and laughed. I willed my feet and body to sort things out and eventually I did! Now all is well for the most part but daily since then my body moves in waves and sometimes tips toward walls near the wiring and in other areas where there is granite and metal trim suggesting to me there are strong field changes either around, in my home or within me…

Today, near the lake, I felt a huge new field is being drawn to the earth, felt perceived in my heart and minds eye today (These abilities are newly being revealed to me). Thank you for your and your teams the hard work. I am very new to your writings/work but I am grateful for it, so I’m offering my input because though I’m new to some of this, I appreciate and value your cosmic and earth observations and your commitment. Thank you for your updates. I continue to use discernment. I agree with Ute’s letter today, with the idea that each person’s waves, soul’s choice/input that the mathematical re-calculations occur instantly and what happens next integrates into All that Is and this plane/world of creation. My intention: No matter what “energies” enter this world/plane my words and intent is in Pure Love and in the Infinite Love (that we are) to assist everyone to re-member and to know who they truly are (even while “on earth”) are also and never left “Infinite Love or Pure Love”. (whatever that might mean to them).

On a personal level multi-dimensional is escalating for me and the ability to perceive and navigate multi-levels more consciously. My personal perceptions are for your consideration and use if you think they are useful. There is either “a new dimension” over-filming earth, or me?, some other energy, people around me are very different today, after last week which was hard, difficult and painful. Today there is cheerfulness, humour and light-heartiness. Most welcome to me.That is the “good work” of “upliftment” of all those who care and a re in the centre of Infinite Pure Love Source, re-membering itself here/now. I do think that many today are re-membering who they are today, right now. But “its” never over, Life, Source, All that is, is all that is and respond to every new pulse or input with “mathematical” precision it all gets expressed, integrated, equated.

The result:
All Parts
The Whole
All Parts
Evolving Now as Parts and One…

Thank you!
Cheers, Love, love,

Dear Marylin,

Thank you very much for your comprehensive account of your energetic experience in the last days. It is typical for most of us and you only confirm how powerful the new 11.11.11 energies are after we opened the stargate and how they are now changing humanity and earth in a decisive manner.

Your perceptions are valid and we are now entering consciously the 4th and 5th dimensions and begin to become sovereign master creator beings with our thoughts and emotions. When we think and feel positively, we create immediately positive realities around us, no matter how small, and vice verse.

Continue please with your work on the ground and your fight against the Canadian  government, we need every personal contribution of rebellion against the establishment on this planet.

In love and light
November 18, 2011

Dear Georgi,

First of all, I appreciate your continued integrity and responsibility. Secondly, after reading your latest report, I have been thinking for a long while. The solution sounds good. I deeply felt that too many 3D soul incarnations have been attuned to the dark side. Sometimes, I feel very disappointed, but I do accept that it is what it is with the respect to the free will and unconditionally forgiveness to them because they don’t know what they did. Let’s look back the history moment, people were so unified when they were facing disaster. Maybe, it has to be a solution for these persistent unawakened human beings. In the meanwhile, I think that the awakened human beings and PAT members do deserve an opportunity to choose directly ascend to the higher dimension without experiencing death, disaster or etc. I am looking forward to the final decision from the Heaven.

November 18, 2011

Dear George,Last night in the dream state and I won’t go into detail, I was informed that the majority of humanity is still under the thumbs of the Dark ones. It was a very intense dream, and I was hit with a lot of dark energy to the point I was coughing up a black tar like substance in my dream. I transformed lots of dark energy on that one. Not pleasant, thought I was done doing that! What I’m getting is that something BIG has to happen or people AREN’T going to wake up. It is so evident when I look at people around me. It’s business as usual for them.Something’s got to give here and I don’t think anyone around me is going to wake up unless I appear in my full glory in a light body. I’m sorry if this comes across as a little terse. I’m very tired right now.

As always, Love and Blessings,

Dear Vicki,

you are only confirming my analysis of the current situation and that is why I pledge for a quick implementation of the magnetic pole shift to shake humanity.

November 18, 2011

Dear George,

As I did not hear from you after my last email, am I to realize you have gone to 5D? My inner being is calm although disappointed that I still remain here. Probably has to do with the contract I agreed upon before coming here.  It’s not negotiable!!  If I do not hear from this email, I will have my answer.  If there were a way I could use this computer for contact with 5D, it would make life here more bearable.

Joyfully, Claudette ^jj^
Dear Claudette,

you have only to go to my website and read my awkward explanations in my latest reports why nobody has ascended at 11.11.11 and why we all entered the “elite club of the disappointed ascended masters” and you will find out that you are still in a very good company.

In love and light

Dear George,
After viewing all the letters from others who were equally disappointed in finding themselves still in 3D I had a sense of relief.  It was like getting ready for a special party that you meticulously planned to attend and not being allowed to go.  Each letter depicted a soul sadness with yet a forgiving tone and a focus on a later departure.  Each one of us knows we have an exit. What has confused me is that I also thought we had free-will.  If that is the case, why am I not being allowed to use this free-will to return home early?
You mentioned several times that the GF failed.  Were you implying that they purposely allowed the dark cabal to keep us in the imaginary chains of fear? Why? The GF is a benevolent group with many star systems in their council.
Somehow I cannot foresee their collective reasoning to keep humanity in bondage. I just acquired the book written by David Wilcock, the Source Field Investigations, and as I have just begun reading it, I already discern the importance of energy. This is so complex even for the educated scientist, and yet so simple when we ponder how the magnetism of energy keeps the entire Universe humming.  Grasping the complexity of energy has eluded all scholars.
Living, breathing and Knowing it exists is all we truly have to believe.  For me this is the truth of who I Am.  Had I been taught about ‘energy’ at the moment of my arrival, it would have given my beginnings in this physical body a familiar remembrance.
Instead I was blindfolded with religion, primitive education, social nothingness and societal laws that enslaved as I aged.  Surely the GF knows how we have tried our entire lives to rise above this dreadful existence!
Mostly by self escape. This is why the majority of humans are in a coma of fear. For years I have read about the promises of the GF and others who have greater technology to return our earth to a clean environment.  At this point in time there is much disinformation via the Internet, books, video’s, and lectures to spin our heads totally around. This is all part of the dark forces to keep most on the fence, i.e., which way down the rabbit hole or take the red pill or the blue pill and so on.  Too much information can be more detrimental than no information. The channels that spew forth messages year after year have a cunning way of dangling that benevolent carrot to keep those who are on the fence teetering. This is the false reality that most awaken to every day.
When the two dates that were given for possible ascension, (10-28-11 & 11-11-11) many unaware thought it was a delusion. Those who believed were filled with euphoria and still are.  It stands to reason there would be mass disappointment when an outward ascension did not occur.  I say ‘outward’ because we did not know the linear time of the event. Since we live in duality and are moving out of this fixed state into another dimension, what or who will advise us and guide us toward this change?
If the GF ignored this timing and we are unaware of what it is comprised of, our only recourse is our H.S. and/or soul. This can only be attained through meditation or dreams.  Many, many, many have shared their dreams and meditative promptings about futuristic changes. Just as many have not been in sync with their revelations. This tells me that we are each on our own quest for the answers.  We are not a collective anything, we are ONE energy creating this ascension, individually, with the Divine intelligence flowing through our physicality, mind, soul and love as we swim back to the center of creation. (i.e., the sperm swimming toward the egg) In as many ways as there are people, our journey toward greatness is at our fingertips and we shall succeed. Looking forward to the reunion party that will find us roaring with laughter about this seminar in earth school.
Heart hugs, Claudette ^jj^

Dear Claudette,

First to Energy: Everything is energy and the nature of energy has not been understood by science, religion, common thinking and even by all esoteric schools. Forget Wilcock. He has no idea of energy as a physical entity.

My whole theory on the Universal Law is dedicated to energy and the nature of it. The Universal Law is the law of all energy interactions in All-That-Is.

Now to your second topic. The GF has not failed deliberately, they simply have not accomplished their duties, for which they took the responsibility, to the extent they promised for the End Times. They simply failed to awaken enough incarnated entities on the ground. This is nothing new and this is what has been happening for the last 13 000 years on this toxic planet since the Fall of Atlantis.

Everybody has the right to fail even the GF, But one must be honest enough to admit this failure. And this is precisely what all channels currently fail to do. Therefore I accuse them of ambivalence and lack of honesty and transparency.

I can accept, for instance that Sue Caroll hid herself when it became evident that her Arcturian source gave us wrong predictions on the Ascension process at 11.11.11 because she was erroneously afraid that we might blame her for this failure which is ridiculous – an unfortunate attitude, which to my mind is not compatible with the professional behaviour of an objective, capable of self-reflection psychologist –  but I have no understanding why the Arcturians continue to channel their trash to Sue and why she publishes it, instead of giving her readers and us a comprehensive explanation as to why the Full Ascension was postponed and only the light version of it carried out. This is how a true honest source should behave. The current practice of such channels as Sue’s Arcturians (there are many more Arcturian sources) is deliberate fraud.

If I were a channeler with a self-esteem – and I am not a channeler in the conventional sense because I have a  self-esteem – I would not have continued channeling this compromised source anymore as Sue does. It is as simple as that and here lies our free will as human beings – a third topic you have raised in your email.

Anyone of us has the right of free will to decide whether to do or accept something or not. If Sue for instance continues channeling the Arcturians, she is simply not making use of her divine right of free will to the full extent, but has succumbed to a higher authority and, last but not least, she has succumbed to her own ego in the desire to continue being accepted as a channeler. The ego is the ultimate cause to discard your free will on earth and not vice verse as it is erroneously believed in esoteric circles. This is one of the gravest misunderstandings of the current New Age movement.

In my opinion, Sue should have completely distanced herself from this source, which could have been very easy for her as she personally has always said that she will not ascend at 11.11.11. – and then start publishing only her own ideas on her website and not the current confusing mixture such as addressing us as ascended masters and later on as not truly ascended ones and all this kind of stupid shebang.

However, I have never seen or experienced a channeler, who has rebelled against his source because it has channeled him wrong information. This is a clear indication that most humans, and channelers in particular, are miles away from a true critical discernment and sovereign free will and prefer to succumb to external authorities – be they channeling sources or another external authority.

This is my contribution to the topics you have raised in the light of the current events.

In love and light
November 18, 2011

Dearest Georgi,

Since the intense energies of 11.11.11 I have experienced a deeper level of love and acceptance for myself. Increased confidence in my decision making and a calmness in my path. I know the world is changing a lot, as I am, appearances can be deceiving in this regard.

I send this to you as I have taken an interest in your tone in your recent reports. I too spent time angry/unnerved when ascension did not occur as envisioned, and was effectively postponed again. I felt frustrated too, but I do not understand how placing the blame on others helps matters? I hope you can enlighten me what purpose this serves.

I feel that we are in this together, and that as you change your outer reality reassembles to mirror this change back to yourself; is this not right in your view?  I too am tired of postponements, but is one more too much to bear if it means a better chance for a smoother transition?

I simply want a better understanding as to why you are telling people to ask for an immediate pole shift, are the masses prepared for it now? Does the death process allow for an easier ascension? If this is true what is the reason many have been striving to ascend while still in human form?

I am curious for your answers. I am not yet ready to “throw in the towel” as they say; however I also have a much younger body than many, and can somewhat understand how much harder it is to have been on this planet for decades more than I. It honestly amazes me actually how hard that has been and how brave everyone has been. I wish you a wonderful day and send you my love and my light.

Dear Vlad,

The magnetic pole shift is a necessity and it must happen. I only urge the higher realms to make it happen earlier as there is no need for postponement anymore. Second, because we are creator beings, we can now demand actively a change in the pace of developments on earth, especially when we express our emotional discontent with the current situation. How shall we make our souls understand us, if not through feelings when the soul can only express herself through feelings in the 3d-reality?

Just as the current rebellious energies of the masses are about to change the society and liberate it from its perennial enslavement, so do we with our rebellion against the current cosmic process of no events – we can very effectively accelerate the pace of the changes on earth. It is legitimate for us to demand to ascend now and help humanity on a much broader scale than just sit and wait for the benevolence of Heaven. This is not for what we have come on this planet and our opinion is now widely heard in the higher realms. We must only learn for the first time in this incarnation cycle to express our views firmly towards Heaven and without any hesitation. This is how the new reality is created now after 11.11.11. It is a new epoch and one needs to change his mind-set completely to adjust to the new energetic conditions of the higher realms, where we will create our reality as sovereign beings with a combination of emotions and mental intent.

In love and light
November 18, 2011

Hi Callista

Hope you are well, especially since our group expectations of 11 11 11 that turned out different as expected at the time.  My reason for writing is I saw you mentioned pains in the collar bone etc .

I have had this too. Your description was precise, even to the 3 fingers below the collar bone. Mine extends also to the left almost at the neck and this has now progressed to the right back of the neck, all on the right side. Its been there now for around a week. Never had this before.

Can you elaborate your understanding about this and possible reasons for this occurring. I also experienced anxiety type palpitations on the eve of the 10th and in one of my meditations on the 11th was a release meditation, although I have done so much release work the past 9 years, it appeared that this was release done by the energy fields of 11 11 11, but at the time couldn’t identify what release was taking place. These symptoms you describe are interesting to me and was hoping you could add your thoughts.

As always love and light and blessings
South Africa
Dear Eugene

How wonderful to hear from you again and I am glad you are well and back  into the swing of things! There is much work to be done and it sounds like you are well into the thick of it. Yes, I am still having the activity below the collar-bone area and I am  convinced it is the opening of chakras which have lain dormant for a very long time. We are now receiving the energy from the Central Sun, Alcyone, and this is causing a quickening in our DNA and the energy is causing dormant chakras to fire up so that we can integrate more light. I am also experiencing the feeling that the top of my head is missing and my crown chakra is powering mightily upwards. It is accompanied by a dull headache^and sometimes painful sinuses. My jaws and ears and throat are also uncomfortable, and my ears are often ringing – I know this happens when a  light code is being downloaded. Palpitations are also a symptom of energy from the Central Sun entering the heart chakra – on 11.11.11 I experienced a widening of the heart chakra in my back so that it is now the same size as it is in front. Since that opening my palpitations have reduced significantly.

Yes I know that it is disheartening to continually be experienced the LBP  – I have been doing this for over 15 years – but we must remember that many  light workers are not doing this work for some reason and we have to take up the slack. (There had better be a jolly good reward at the end of this for  s or there will be some very strong emotions allowed to express themselves!) It is not always possible to consciously understand the releases taking place and many times they are not your issues anyway – we are transmuting energies continually from the masses so that Gaia can continue her ascent unhindered by too much negative energy.

You are doing a wonderful job my dear Brother and I encourage you and hold you in my thoughts
Dear Callista and Eugene,

Here is my additional contribution to this topic. The 11.11.11 energies affect primarily two human chakras: the 4th heart chakra as already discussed on our website and felt by many of us and the 5th intellectual chakra, which binds to the thyroid gland.

The new energies are loving energies based on critical discernment and they will, for the first time in the history of this planet, unite the heart based emotionality with a new form of spiritual intellectuality in the human body in a global and all encompassing manner.

The pains below the clavicula (collar bone) are due to the expansion of  the thyroid gland. The pains in the back come mostly from the huge energies that flood from the left brain portal and lead to rigidity of the neck muscles.

The palpitations are due to the stimulation of the thyroid gland function which produces a higher level of T3 and T4 (thyroid hormones) which cause such palpitations of the heart. It is similar to the symptoms by hyperthyreosis (over-production of the thyroid gland).

Please send a copy to Eugene
Dear George,

Thank you for your contribution to this discussion.  My understanding is that the 11.11.11 energies affect more than two chakras – the human body has many chakras.I feel this in my intuition and it is not something I have studied or learned.  In an effort to clarify this, I searched the Internet this morning and found this website which confirms my thoughts.

The two chakras which Eugene and I am feeling are illustrated on this chart as the 14th chakra of Peace and the 15th of Forgiveness. This chart illustrates 32 chakras points and these are the ones which I feel are beginning to open up.  Of course some of them we have been aware of for years but others are just now being awakened by the Central Sun.

However, I am aware that there are many more chakras in our system. Here is another website I have just found which I will be looking at in depth today as it seems to have some interesting information regarding the light body.

Your comments are appreciated before I send this message to Eugene.
love and light from Callista
Dear Callista,

one can made infinite subdivisions of the energetic centres of the human body, but I doubt if this is wise and will not contribute to more confusion. I have decided to stay by the 7 basic body chakras, which are sufficient to explain all the symptoms one suffers during the LBP.

The current 11.11.11 energies do affect our whole body, but they preferably stimulate the 4th and 5th chakras and this is what will emerge in the next days in the collective human behaviour.

Until now the esoteric paradigm was “unconditional love”. This was a meaningless term, but had a practical function as it does not demand for a critical discernment by the incarnated entity. as the higher realms could not expect this kind of achievement from most human beings at this stage of evolution. The cry for unconditional love was a useful simplification for the humans to begin loving anything for the first time in their life, without departing from their prejudices and wrong beliefs in the first place. It was a slogan and not a reality, but an useful slogan pointing to the right direction.

Now we have entered the second most important phase after 11.11.11, when our mental abilities are highly stimulated. The 5th chakra is the intellectual centre of homo sapiensand it is its turn now to be developed. This explains the stimulation of the thyroid gland and the pains you have experienced after 11.11.11. As the heart centre of unconditional love was also stimulated at the same time, we experience now a mixture of intellectual energies floating upon the powerful stream of love that is pouring from our heart chakra in a rather palpable physical manner as many of you have confirmed in these last days.

At the social level, this new energetic state of the human bodies, chakras and fields will manifest itself as a more critical discernment, based on love which is expressed for the first time with open eyes to the failures and defaults of ourselves and that of other people. We will begin to be more critical because we now love deeper and with an understanding, and we will not hesitate to express this even when we know that we may hurt the ego of other people.

We will begin to comprehend that it is necessary sometimes to pull the rug away from under the feet of our beloved ones in order for them to evolve and progress – that is to say, to awaken and be able to ascend. Nobody will ascend in Dec 2012 without painful experiences and revelations of his own dark sides. We have all gone through this process. Now it is the turn of the masses to go through this same painful process of loving and critical purification.

I will even go as far as to predict that the new energies will end the collective mental pattern of the current New Age movement and will introduce a more intellectual and critical tone in the discussions. That is to say, the wheat will be now definitely separated from the chuff and all the false prophets will be much more easily exposed by their own deeds and words.

This may even happen with me, but as I already had my Waterloo at 11.11.11, from now on it can only get better and better.

In love and light
November 18, 2011

Dear George

Nice to have you back on your website. I have to admit I am puzzled although fully supportive of you. I did e-mail Suzanne and say that I felt we were still suppressed in some way and she e-mailed that the Orions and Greys were kicked off the planet in I think she said 1994. This does not resonate with me at all – I know that we are suppressed!

I think on 11.11.11 I hoped that we would either ascend, ascend and come back to assist others or the suppression would be lift and we would have access to our true potential.  For me nothing happened. I have not given up but I don’t accept that there has been a major shift. I am just sharing not expecting you to hold or the answers. I still see sort of black strands and 3 black orbs as well as the orbs of light. I have to say though that I am now wary of the channellings from say the Arcturians it is definitely not how they said and I really tried I was even prepared to die if necessary and I don’t accept if I don’t feel anything that somehow I did not try enough or advance enough!

Please continue with what you do if you feel able as your mix of spirituality, science and honesty is something that I have not come across up until I saw your website.

In love and light
Dear Maria,

thank you for your email. The Greys and the Reptilians were still there until 11.11.11 and in November I received personally more that 10 emails from them and their human minions with very subversive stuff. Now they have completely disappeared after the stargate 11.11.11 is opened.

If you read my last reports I discuss this event in detail and many members of the PAT have also presented their version. It is a complex event with many different facets, but altogether the prevailing evaluation of it is positive. There is however a lot of disappointment as many of us expected to leave earth for ever in this form, but this was postponed for a later date. Now it is up to the individual to decide how to approach this event.

I must admit that the energies after the portal was opened are immense. My body is burning and bursting and I am used to high frequency vibrations and inhuman energy intensities since 1999. But my current state exceeds anything known to me in the past. If I gauge this new energy wave from my personal energy field, I am inclined to expect very soon a series of crashes in finance and politics which will trigger on their part other huge changes.

The energetic matrix that is supporting the current illusion on earth has already collapsed and disappeared and the corresponding material systems will also crumble very soon after a certain time- lag. The new changes can only be introduced on earth if there will be some ascended masters who will lead humanity to new horizons. From this I conclude that very soon there will be many individual ascensions. From now on everybody is only responsible for himself as Gaia has already ascended with the help of the PAT.

In love and light
Dear George

I just read your latest report which was most informative. I feel that the positive to be taken from 11.11.11 is that we are all still supporting you and each other in this difficult time. Oddly I offered to go and explain what it was like to be here yesterday to the GF or Arcturians or whoever but as I have said before unfortunately I have no knowledge of dreams; what is true however is that I seem to need to sleep a lot and I am normally very motivated, driven even.

I had made up my mind to try and get a job if we did not ascend but although I have applied for some I cannot see it happening. I think that if nothing happens soon for myself it is like a living death, despair and frustration in equal measures (sorry to be so negative).  I had read a few months ago as written by Ute that there had been an agreement that if people were not awake or did not choose the dark would be able to take them or words to that effect. The thing is when people are not given a proper informed choice have been conditioned from birth this is not acceptable to me. I am at a loss as to how to proceed as even my own partner meets any attempt to wake him up with hostility (although not quite as badly maybe because I don’t try as hard) and sense your and other members of PAT’s frustration. Suppressed as we are we can do little and I can only hope that we do ascend and come back with a full toolkit as it were to help others. As you say as were are here in the 3D we can only maintain full attention and anticipation for so long. One thing that the date did do for me speaking personally was to enable me to focus and eliminate fear, fear of the unknown, as well as to heal some old energies from the past.

Thank you for continuing with your reports.

In love and light
Dear Maria,

Although I am very happy that almost all my readers and all members of the PAT support me, this has never been my goal. It is not about me, but about an idea – individual Ascension – and then about you. For me Ascension is not a self-proclaimed gratification for well-done, hard job on the ground, but a means to truly unfold our mission on earth to awaken humanity and prepare it for mass Ascension.

If I now feel a sense of powerlessness, it is precisely because I would love to throw myself in the battle in full force and contribute to the collapse of the old world order. But at present this is not possible and I, like all of you, have to display the utmost patience and wait for the glorious moment when we will present ourselves as ascended masters in front of humanity and change the course of the events on this planet for ever.

In love and light
November 18, 2011


First of all I want to thank you for your web site. Since early October I have been awed and enthralled by the information you have gathered here. I have to say I had no idea what a wild ride I was in for. It resonated with me like nothing I have read for a long time. Finally, some of the dots were connecting and I felt like I have been on a runaway train ever since. I did not know what to expect on 11-11, so I was open for just about anything. And I did have an unusual event, as you will read below. But after reading your post following 11-11, I was surprised at your reaction.

I don’t understand your comments regarding emotion. In your post you were railing against your higher self and practically pounding on the door of the portals. I am not asking because I wish to be judgmental, I am genuinely curious. I certainly understand your analogy of Atlas, your frustration and anger; you have been working towards this end for a long time. But can you tell me how does the use of emotion achieve positive results? I understand it when you are talking about love but what about anger? Please elaborate on this concept.

“What most light workers do not grasp is that emotions can achieve a lot when they are strong enough and the intensity is focused. You can even use wrath or other “negative” feelings and achieve great positive results in your life, especially when it is not personal and does not affect other people.”

And finally, since the summer of 2010 I have been hearing a humming sound coming from the earth. I started hearing it in my backyard in an area where I sensed a lei line crossing. I started calling it Gala’s heartbeat. It was a very soft low tone that emanated from that area. This summer the area began to expand and I could hear it in our home as well as in our yard. The rhythmic sound was louder but the beat remained the same. On 11-10-11 the beat changed and it went into double time, the sound became much louder, it can make my ears ring and if I listen for too long I break into a sweat. Are these light emanations from Gaia? The energies/frequencies are now running so high I can feel the beat throbbing in the walls of our home.

Dear Sheryl,

thank you very much for your email and for telling me that you have profited from my website. I hope it will stay so.

Now straight to your questions on emotions. This is indeed a huge topic, which I have discussed on 2000 pages in my five books on Gnosis in German and you should not expect me to tackle it in this email fully.

Your reaction shows clearly how much you have been influenced by the wrong ideas of the New Age, which has no idea what emotions really are from an energetic point of view. To eradicate all the wrong concepts on emotions will be tantamount to the cleansing of the Eugian’s stables in the Greek mythology by Heracles, if you happen to know the old Greek myths.

Would you be surprised, if I tell you that love is wrath and wrath is love? It is the  most fundamental error of all light workers to believe that it is possible to make a clear distinction between good and bad feelings. This  is simply another wrong manifestation of human duality. Just as there are no “light workers” as this presupposes that all other people are “dark”. This is preposterous – but you all use this term and never bother how dualistic it is per se.You as a light worker have as much dark sides as most other people, but you may have some more light – this is the only difference between you and the “dark sleeping masses”.

If you love and believe that you have no negative feelings at the same time, while experiencing something you describe as “love” you have not analysed your psyche properly or you must live in an illusion.

All emotions are frequency wave patterns or systems and they overlap and superimpose and built the Whole of our emotional body. It is not possible to separate them in any way,

Love is comparable to the white light of the visible spectrum – it is a mixture of all colours as there is no such thing as white light. Read your textbooks on physics or make a search in Wikipedia on this issue.

Now suppose that the red colour is wrath. In this case without a red colour you will never have a white colour and subsequently without a wrath you will not have true love, but a caricature of it.

I hope that you now begin to understand from this small example how wrong all concepts on emotions among light-dark workers are, because they have never bothered to discern the true energetic nature of emotions. They are simply not interested in true scientific knowledge and thus carry unwittingly a lot of darkness in their wrong ideas which they project onto the dark reality around them and intensify it unconsciously.

In love and light
Thank you for response.Sorry to belabor this question but I want to make sure I am understanding you. Energetically emotions are neither good or bad/light or dark, they are just energy. Once they are labeled as such, we are viewing them from a dualistic vantage point. But the stronger and more focused the emotion/energy is – it increases its intensity or power?  Is this correct?

Dear Sheryl,

Absolutely. I am surprised how quickly you have grasped the nature of human emotions. It is very important to let the energy and emotions flow through your body and fields, instead of suppressing them in the wrong belief that they are bad emotions. Thus you only harm yourself as these emotions are then stored in your DNA and you will have much greater problems to release them afterwards.

As soon as “negative”  or aggressive emotions are released without a malignant intend, you do not harm anybody and cleanse yourself very effectively. One should not be afraid of his emotions and should express them honestly and with their full intensity.

In love and light
November 18, 2011

Greetings Captain,Thank you for keeping Us together, star seeds & members of PAT. I was so pleased to hear from you after the event.As I read your reports and others’. My experience has been most similar. I feel as though I am starting afresh, with new insights and even more Heart energy.

As we walk though this world, I just know that We are making such a difference in staying, for now. The light we now carry is even more charged. I see it people’s faces. Even in low energy places. And I now have the courage and the strength to be able to help more people caught in fear. And more discernment on where to Be, and how to Be.

My connections to my Higher Self and ET buddies is changing in some way, I’ve yet to discover, but they are there, working on something. At night I dream and much is going on. I have seen myself, with a brilliant jewel of green, violet and amber swirling colors,shining in the middle of my forehead.

I have certainly ascended spiritually and it feels on going. A new beginning here for now, with new things and events and people showing up .Perhaps we will still ascend in body. My guides, higher self, sends songs that make me believe so. A old spiritual song, ” I’ll fly away” was on my lips this last week. An old Styx song on the radio playing,”Come Sail Away.” I feel the strong energy they send this message with. Mostly this e-mail is to check in and give the Captain, a salute.

Peace and Blessing
to All !
Anita in Missouri

Dear Anita,

Thank you very much for this most optimistic and refreshing email after our collective disappointment lasted for a short period of time, which we however managed to transmute into a positive event in the meantime.

I am glad to hear that you are very confident in your place now in the society and in your important role to play – awakening and enlightening the sleeping masses. This will be the next huge mission we must accomplish.

Therefore, I still believe firmly that many of us will  ascend individually as soon as our function as amplifiers of this powerful 11,.11.11 energy is accomplished. We will be of greater help to humanity as ascended masters in crystalline light bodies than in the current carbon based bodies.The next days will reveal how the End Time scenario will unfold until Dec 2012.

In love and light
November 19, 2011

Hi George,

I was looking for ways to enhance my meditations and found this website. I was not sure if you have seen it.

I have been listening to a 528 Hz Alpha Binary Beat for the last day or two now and my chest feels very warm. It radiates from my shoulders to the bottom of my chin.

I am still in a moment of emptiness but that’s OK because I am more aware that I am changing. I used to fight being empty but now I am learning to just BE. I also feel as though my words can no longer express my energies. I really enjoyed reading your take on emotions with Brewster. I am extremely emotion and passionate when I speak, as it is always from the heart. Even when I am angry. But I am becoming much more detached, as you say. This morning I was in an “upset” feeling toward Justin and I step back a moment and realized that what I was expressing was not correctly relayed. It felt more or less like a energy out burst, not intended to go anywhere but out of my body. I don’t think I need to act upon any of my energetic out bursts at this time, as I am much more mute now. I use to feel bad about being a recluse sometimes, as I was told it was not a “healthy” thing to be. But I feel like I have thrown out the manual and replace it with something newer.

Everyday, I find myself worrying less about “when” things will happen, as I can hear myself reply,”when they are ready to happen.” Is that what people mean by speaking to their higher selves? I get confused since much of what I experience is within my body. Thanks to your work the world makes much more sense the more I think in terms of energy, frequency and vibrations…weird that I read this today: In 1942 Nikola Tesla said to Bergestersser “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. from the website I mentioned above.

It is OK that I feel like I don’t want to connect with anyone right now…right? I feel like I do not want to disturb this time of transformation for me. When I ask myself…do I reach out into the public, as Blade has been busy with the OWS protests here and has found a small group of awakened ones and have been meditating together and sharing with one another. As fun as it sounds, I am not all to excited to want to join in. I have pondered going but there is not a huge urge to want to go, let alone DO anything. I just want to be…

Anyhow thank you,
Dear Joelle,

thank you for your email. You should indeed follow your inner voice and if you feel that you should be on your own and avoid the company of other people, just do it and do not have any bad feelings about it. You are absolutely right – it is all about energies, frequencies and vibrational patterns and nothing else, and when one has understood this truth to the full extent, one has left the realm of duality of good and bad, of dark and light, and has entered the Oneness.

Most of the New Age concepts are still stuck in this kind of duality, the very term “light workers” implies that the others are dark workers, but none of them are aware of this duality.

Inner emptiness is the most creative time when the old patterns are deleted in the body and you can decide which new patterns could now enter your energetic fields. Try to be open to all sides and be perceptive to vital impulses that may be very beneficial to you in the long run. Stay flexible but deeply rooted in the inner immovable space, where your Ka-energy flows around your spine, In fact, the Ka- energy has no space and place, but this is how you can merge with this energy in your meditation. You can do it also anytime when you communicate with other people and you feel that there are some kind of emotional or mental disturbances. From this fulcrum you can cope and communicate much better and easily with the outer world.

In love and light
November 18, 2011

Dear George,

Here we go with some more echoes from the universe to kindle our flames/light write the next template:


I will start with humor like George just mentioned that it would henceforth become our new beacon. I told my H.S. I will no longer paint on their canvas because of what transpired in the heavens. Nevertheless, the nudging was persistent hence I had to relay and save my sleep.

Two months ago I had a severe belly laugh because one fellow traveler said he had taken too much so far and that the day he finds himself in the higher realms, he will smack his HS – give her a good spanking for letting him go through all these tribulations. And now I start to think that he was not too far off – not too much of a nasty fellow lol.

The message I´m trying to relay here is that the unseens are saying that so many elements were involved in the present ´delay´ of our ascension as we may want to call it. I am hearing that we were a little too complaisant – not only the fact that the light quotient was below the threshold but that ALL of us still have LBP issues (I visited a couple of light worker sites/forums and was deeply shocked at the amount of clearing that is still in progress); at the moment of ascension we were suppose to have completely cleared our field as well as slates – integrated our new etheric bodies. This is the utility/reason for this process inevitable to physical ascension. We have been told over and over again by all the scribes that the LBP is near conclusion/very close/almost there and yet we don´t understand that it is just a ploy to encourage and keep us going – in order not to give up/surrender midway  – for the final scenario/timing is triggered by the boss.

So there we are in this mystery of a drama where even the higher-ups are still gasping for speech.

In The Light – divsy.


Dear divsy,

I not only fully agree with your assessment but I have to add some more. Only yesterday I wrote to Callista the following which is the precise contribution to the discussion you have just opened, so that I will copy this part of my email to her:

“Dear Callista, if there is one certainty in these days it is that we can no longer carry on in the same old way. Massive changes must happen very soon and they will affect everything and everybody, including our ascension.

I have no understanding for the fluffy stuff that some of the light workers  chew – we are not ready for ascension, we must still release our darkness and the like – I am fed up with this stuff and I have decided not to publish it anymore on this website. They simply do not realize that in an year from now on about 2 -3 billion people will ascend to the 5th dimension and none of them has ever heard anything about ascension. Of course everybody could have ascended at 11.11.11, if it was part of the game. It has nothing to do with the individual. This is yet another expression of inferiority complexes of humans forged by the dark ones for eons of time.

There are essentially two forms of ascension for these End Times:

1) through the LBP as we have performed it, which is a new technology and has never been implemented before. Therefore, they are testing us now to the last possible challenge, to see how it works under stress conditions before they begin to use it in other galaxies and planets on a broader scale. We are experimental hamsters of Heaven and nothing else.

2) through “Christ Benediction”, i.e. you can simply disappear and your physical body is dissolved and you appear in the 5th dimension in your light body, which belongs to you all the time.

Jesus never went through the LBP to ascend as we do, because he did not have the personal attributes and knowledge as a mortal being to do so. Our achievement is much greater than that of Christ and Buddha together, but if I mention this, I will be probably crucified.

This has not been understood at all in the esoteric circles, but I do not want to engage in these last days in another theoretical dispute on this issue. So I keep silent.

Dear divsy, now it is your turn to “put your mustard to the sandwich” (a German saying).

In love and light


Your X-ray of the status quo is spot on – ingenious:

–    That we henceforth need to adopt a new template.

– That this is a ´New Technology´ – we are just guinea pigs manipulated by the spiritual hierarchy without caring about our happiness (I have heard several times before that this universe was set aside as an arena for duality experiments).

–  That ascension is the reserved domain of the boss and can be simply acquired through grace.

After going to press yesterday my mind revved high gear hence ended up opening a can of worms:

–   When I hear the word complaisant, I start wondering where we went wrong or rather what we overlooked –did not accomplish; the predicament looks otherwise and I start to wonder if the spiritual hierarchy have/master the big picture and how will close to 2 billion souls ascend in the next wave (I am avoiding calendars for I was whitewashed before because it is a unique domain) when they have no idea of the LBP.

–    I was made to understand that the expression – ´delayed ascension´ is a misnomer, meaning that the process is self adjusting and everything is progressing guided by this complex algorithm in place; all the more reason why SURRENDER should be our only refuge.

More to follow if you so desire and by the way, I can´t find the password to pick up the sandwich in order to spray the mustard lol.


November 19, 2011

Dear GeorgeThis morning I woke up with a firm conviction that now is the time to make our own decisions on how this situation should progress, and not be tied any longer to the vagaries of the GF or whatever.  I am convinced the GF is in some disarray because of trivial rivalries between the various groups.  I think a lot of our work in the past few days has been trying to convince them to take some sort of positive action. This was confirmed to me this morning after I read the latest Report 29 (how appropriate that is 2+9 = an 11).I am in complete agreement with Ute and your stance on this matter.

I am so fed up to the back teeth with this whole stagnant situation that I will willingly release myself from this clay vessel if that is what is needed. However, it was my intention to ascend with full consciousness within a light body form and that is what I am demanding from my Soul. I have worked hard and long to awaken humanity and prepare my light body. I have lived in a state of compromised health and subsequent borderline economic conditions. I am not complaining about this past environment because I believed it was a necessary condition BUT IT CANNOT CONTINUE.

I am as cross as two sticks. I am at a point in my life where I am throwing up my hands and saying WHAT MORE AM I EXPECTED TO DO?  No-one is listening to us! Maybe this whole scenario is designed to make us stand fully in our power and dictate our own terms – after all, we are here on the ground and we are the best authorities to assess the situation.

Desperate times require desperate measures. How much more desperate does it need to become before action is taken?

In love and light and determination

Dear Callista,

This is precisely what I also feel, and Ute has sent me an email today with an identical content, unfortunately in German, but you can use your Google translate.

That is why I now proclaim that everybody has the right from now on to make his own decision when to ascend and under what circumstances he wants to ascend, and I fully support this attitude. We are all sovereign powerful creator beings and we no longer need anybody, not even our higher selves, as we have already begun to be our higher selves, to tell us what to do and how long we should wait.

Maybe this revolt against our higher selves is what they expect from us in this phase as the final hurdle prior to ascension? Dialectics pure!

In love and light
November 19, 2011

Dear George
I have made a decision. Based on my strong commitment that I always had from an early age to use my gift for the purpose of ALL humanity. I can no longer do this. As of 2 days ago I knew that I cannot awaken one more human heart that did not want to awaken and leave what I now refer to as the Matrix.I call it this because addressing most of these idiots they can relate more to a Hollywood blockbuster ideal than listen to me. I have told my galactic family and all those I love dearly in the higher realms. I now protect the PAT, I will also give time and compassion to light workers but the un-awake humans as now are on their own, as far as I am concerned. I stated this in no uncertain terms loud and clear to the higher realms earlier today. Nothing and no-one else has made me do this, I just know WE the PAT have to start making strong demands to force a commitment from the universe. I did not do this lightly, trust me George, I know how much power we have now, its beyond belief. A room full of reptile beings withered by my look yesterday, they fear me now, where ever I go. Then I pissed off to bed for a couple of hours (never sworn so much in years).
Can’t say it’s the greatest feeling I’ve ever had, but its necessary. I cannot stand by and wait and watch the Old World swallow Us whole. Sorry to swear but bollocks to that. I love you all PAT – WE should ALL KNOW now what WE have to do. Thank you for being there for us.
Love, light and a great pair of balls

Bernice Romain – London
Dear Bernice,

I am so happy that you express so firmly your personal decision to rebel against the current situation and demand loudly for a feasible change from your higher self. This is what more and more members of the PAT realize these days as necessary and are now reacting in the same way.

It is also my conviction that we as a collective are so powerful now after we have enabled the opening of the stargate 11.11.11 – without us Heaven would have been powerless and nothing would have ever happened on earth – that we can now impose our assessment of the situation on the ground and make a vital decision on the future destiny of the whole humanity.

When we want a radical change, and this can only be our ascension, we demand this on behalf of humanity. We can only help the sleeping masses if we appear on earth as ascended masters and demonstrate the immortality of the soul and the transcendence of human existence. The current stalemate is intolerable and does not help anybody.

I am fairly confident that our rebellion against the current situation will be the catalyst that will transform the events for the better very soon.

In love and light

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