Jesus Sananda
channeled by Jahn J Kassl, June 1, 2013
first published in English on June 2, 2013
Translated by Georgi Stankov
Beloved children of men,
I have taken the “scepter of knowledge” from our beloved brother ASANA MAHATARI and we enter the era of miracles, in which new paths for all people open up, in which the divine fullness will pour down over humanity in a never before seen abundance, with unprecedented intensity, in a light flux from the primary source of all being which cannot be affected by anything or anyone.
I am Jesus Sananda, the guardian of the earth, who has opened the door wide to the light, which has already been passed by many tried and true light warriors (PAT members) these days.
This time gives you everything, so also you must give this time all – everything that was born eons of time ago as intention, divine creative power and love, born within yourselves, when you decided to embark on the Earth’s project and savor it completely.
Today I have been instructed by the Creator to announce to you the following Good News:
In a renewed act of grace by the Creator, a time window has been created to avert the approaching and devastating events on 4D. This was possible because since the sky is clear and the air clean (no chemtrail manipulations more! Note JJK), which was made possible by the ascension of the earths to 4D and 5D, since then an unexpectedly large number of people on 4D have awakened.
If this process continues in this radical way, then the assumption is justified that the disaster scenarios on 4D, that were intended to help humanity to achieve their growth can be decisively mitigated. Therefore, the Creator created more 4D earths, so that those people who really aspire to an experience full of suffering, will obtain this environment and those, who still want to “play” on earth, however in search of completion remote from any suffering, will also find a suitable environment.
This means that by the grace of God, the cards are shuffled anew and many new things are possible, which seemed impossible only a few days ago. This means for all new Ascended Masters, who are still on this earth and have directly linked their life missions to the ascension of the earth, that their individual ascensions are indefinitely postponed.
Those realized masters (this applies to the PAT), who have fully met their tasks on earth and are invited to break into the infinity of creation, remain exempt, unless they use their free choice and give their consent to once again draw their traces in the sand of this earth, so that they can bring their light and love – all their strength – on the spot and on 4D. These decisions are made differently from soul to soul, and every decision is honored beyond measure.
For the people on 4D, this means a new opportunity to relatively safely ascend to 5D at a later time. Regarding the level of 3D, here all decisions have been made and this dense planet goes back deep into the darkness, and begins a new cycle of turmoil – the events to this destination are already underway.
In summary, this means:
Rescue of the 4D Earth by the creation of new holograms, so that many people will have over long distances tempered experiences of suffering, before they finally arrive on 5D. The “direct hologram”, that is, the new 4D hologram that is exactly this earth which has emerged from the 3D, on which I, JESUS THE CHRIST, did not die on the crucifix, corresponds to the hologram, on which the events are mitigated. All people, who want to further act in suffering, will gather on the planets newly created by the Creator.
This means that overall, a great migration is imminent. Yet you take little evidence now to this event, but as soon as the first major “disasters” that will happen on 3D penetrate your consciousness, it will become clear what is described here: Saving the Earth 4D, and the time window for this will close in the coming weeks.
Without announcing a specific day, this process will be given no longer than 90 days to unfold. I am the guardian of this world, an overarching and guiding force for this earth, with the love for our brothers and sisters this new grace of the Creator has been made possible. It is a time of great wonders and a time in which no one will be forgotten … unless a person chooses an unambiguous path through barren desert landscapes.
We have an exciting month before us and an exciting time already behind us, we are in the time when facts are created. The new sky was the beginning of many events, which will now follow and which I have come to you to reveal.
It’s me who loves you. I am the one who is the love and life. Have confidence and always do the prayer of devotion in your hearts:
O Lord, I put my life in your hands.
O Lord, I am one with you, I am what I am.
I am
Jesus Sananda
Dear George,
I have seen that the first part of the message “In the Eye of the Hurricane” is published on your site – thanks.
Today I have received an incredibly touching message (intense tingling in the head and body) from Jesus Sananda telling us that a new portal has been opened again for all those, who will stay on 4D and that this gate will be used now. First, a feeling grew in myself: “they will start from the beginning again” after I read this channelled message with daily consciousness as a human being, but then I felt great joy, for many people on the 4D plane have certainly the potential to ascend directly to 5D or at least after a long period of time without experiencing great suffering.
I was thinking very much about you, waiting impatiently for your ascension every hour – and this not just as of today or only once. Will everything be delayed one more time?
The work is done, and yet there is still to do – I begin to befriend myself with this apparent contradiction and I integrate this more and more…
With these words I send you love, strength and joy,
Dear Jahn,
I have actually known this information, you have now received from Sananda, since May 18th, as I wrote in my last energy report and especially in my reply to Björn published today in Part II of the final message of Asama Mahatari (see letter below), before I received your letter:
It was clear that in the last days all the attention of the higher realms was directed towards the 4D earth and how big the harvest of rescued souls will be. At the beginning it did not appear to be good and, as Asama Mahatari has reported, even greater disasters were initially planned. This shows how fluid the whole ascension scenario is and how often it is changed. We have to put up with this fact.
Then I entered a very intense energetic period, actually since May 18th and again on May 24/35 that continues to this day. Right now, these immense energies from the source, have caused the worst possible broncho-pneumonitis as if my lungs are being cut with a razor blade with every breath. Previously, I had an acute pharyngitis, which by the way, also paralysed my whole family in preparation for their ascension.
Such massive waves from the source I’ve only had at the opening of the Lion’s Gate in July/August 2012 and of course during the opening of the three portals 11.11.12 and 12.12.12 and 21.12.12, when it was about the ascension of Gaia and humanity. This time I was again massively involved as several holographic models were established in the last week and they had to be separated. I feel the fears of the masses very intensively, as I have reported. So I know in a very physical way, what is going on out there, as all these energies flow through my body and field and allow no other interpretation.
So much on the background of Sananda’s message.
However, the higher realms are always working with several parallel models of the earth, so I do not think that this constitutes a new decision, but that only the decision was made, that this 4D earth, on which we are now, should be, by and large, spared from huge disasters because more people are suddenly waking up than originally hoped. Whenever such successes are achieved, our ascension has been delayed, as was the case in February and March.
In this case, as I understand it and get it from my soul, there will be no large first wave of ascension in June as planned in early April. To this decision contributes the fact that at Wesak (full moon on May 24/25) the 3D earth was separated from 4D and 5D and a new firmament was built (no more chemtrails).
This is the only delay that I perceive now. These people (the new Ascended Masters) will then ascend after this window of 90 days is closed in September / October together with the masses. This has always been in the planning as we know it since March.
Our group, the PAT, must though ascend very soon, because we are needed to trigger the pole shift and the final ID split. This is also confirmed by Sananda in his message:
“Those realized masters (this applies to the PAT), who have fully met their tasks on earth and are invited to break into the infinity of creation, remain exempt, unless they use their free choice and give their consent to once again draw their traces in the sand of this earth, so that they can bring their light and love – all their strength – on the spot and on 4D. These decisions are made differently from soul to soul, and every decision is honored beyond measure.”
The reason for this is that the disasters and the migration of many people need to start in June:
“This means that overall, a great migration is imminent. Yet you take little evidence now to this event, but as soon as the first major “disasters” that will happen on 3D penetrate your consciousness, it will become clear what is described here: Saving the Earth 4D, and the time window for this will close in the coming weeks.”
I have tried to interpret the message in detail, so that I may impart to you my view of the situation, which hopefully will help you in receiving further messages that will have to deal inevitably with the ascension scenario.
I thank you from my heart for your tireless work as a heavenly reporter and know that my readers appreciate your posts very high and follow them with great interest and excitement.