My Personal Ascension Scenario as a Crystalline Child
by Cedric R., March 29, 2012, Copyright 2012 Anthony van Dyck, Two Dutch Brothers, 1638 Introduction By George Stankov You may remember that when I wrote for the first time about the destiny of the crystalline children, I … Continue reading
Posted in Ascension
Tagged 5th dimension - new earth, A-Day scenario, Agarthans, Ascension scenario, average frequency of humanity = light qoutient, balanced duality planet A/B, central sun energies, Christ protection, crystalline 144-grid, crystalline children, End Times scenario, February 26-2012 - decision day, GF, inter-dimensional split, Kali Yoga reincarnation cycle, LBP, magnetic pole reversal/shift, March 8-2012 - activation of the crystalline 144-grid, mass ascension on Dec 21-2012, mean frequency quotient of humanity, mean life expectancy on planet A/B, Orion education system, PAT members, planet A, Planet B, PTB, S-Day scenario, stargate 11.11.11
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