The BIG EVENTS will begin with Full Moon on March 8, 2012; Remarkable Reliability in the Visions and Predictions of the PAT Members
by Georgi Stankov, March 5, 2012, Copyright 2012 Henry Matisse, The Ascension Circle of the PAT members, 1932-1933 The BIG EVENTS will begin with Full Moon on March 8, 2012 Since this website was opened in late August 2011, … Continue reading
Posted in Ascension
Tagged 2012 - decision day for the final End Time scenario, Anthony Kane, Anunnaki's magnetic grid of polarity, Arcturian alignment, Ascended Human Masters, ascension scenario 2012, central sun Alcyone, coefficient of light efficiency, cosmic law of energy optimization, crystalline 144-grid, energetic circle of Ascension of the PAT members, February 26, financial crash, holographic 3d-matrix, LBP, light quotient, magnetic pole shift/reversal, March 8-2012/Full Moon - Begin of the BIG EVENTS, members of the PAT, New Earth, Orion monetary system, photon belt, PTB, reliability of the visions and predictions of the PAT members, Robin's prophecy, Shinzhi Rumi's prophecy, splitting of the two timelines
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