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The following is a list of all of the posts on this blog grouped by year and month.
You can use the search function in this website (left column, top) or in your browser (CTRL+F, STRG+F) to find keywords from the post titles that you are looking for, or just browse for topics of interest:
- 2024: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
- 2023: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
- 2022: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
- 2021: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
- 2020: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
- 2019: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
- 2018: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
- 2017: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
- 2016: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
- 2015: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
- 2014: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
- 2013: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
- 2012: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
- 2011: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
September 2024
- The Ultimate Ascension Scenario - Escalation of Confrontation Leading to Resolution Through Divine Intervention
- Guiding a Crystalline Child to Ascension
- Deepening the Ascension Scenario with a PAT Member from Czechia
- Continuation of Our Enlightened Discussion on the Ascension Scenario
August 2024
- The Science Of Creation: Enter The 5th Dimension Of New Earth in the Age of Aquarius
- Enlightened Discussion With PAT Member, Patrick Amoroso (USA), on the Final Stage of the Ascension Scenario
- The Elohim: The Science of Creation
July 2024
- Trump, the Antichrist - "Part of that force that always wills the evil and always creates the good" (Goethe, Faust)
- Trump, der Antichrist - "Ein Teil von jener Kraft, die stets das Böse will und stets das Gute schafft" (Goethe, Faust)
May 2024
- The Greatest Illusion: Love Doesn't Exist as New Agers Understand it and How This Illusion Leads to the Ultimate Ascension Scenario
- Die größte Illusion: Liebe gibt es nicht nach dem Verständnis der New Agers und wie diese Illusion zum ultimativen Aufstiegsszenario führt
- Ten Reasons Why the New Age Movement Has Declared Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy - New Version
- Zehn Gründe, warum die New Age Bewegung den intellektuellen und moralischen Bankrott erklärt hat - Neue Version
January 2024
- A Physical Model How to Explain the Imminent Manifestation of the New Earth and the Current Destruction of the Old 3D Matrix
- Ein physikalisches Modell zur Erklärung der bevorstehenden Manifestation der Neuen Erde und der derzeitigen Zerstörung der alten 3D-Matrix
November 2023
- How We Shall Transform the Old Orion Banking System and All Communication Means From the Quantum Field After Our Ascension and Thus Liberate Humanity
- Wie wir nach unserem Aufstieg das alte Orion Bankensystem und alle Kommunikationsmittel aus dem Quantenfeld transformieren und so die Menschheit befreien werden
- Как ще трансформираме старата банкова система на Орион и всички средства за комуникация от квантовото поле след нашето Възнесение и така ще освободим човечеството
- The Energetic Background of the Upcoming Global War in the Middle East Leading to Our Ascension
- Der energetische Hintergrund des bevorstehenden globalen Krieges im Nahen Osten, der zu unserem Aufstieg führt
February 2023
- Musings of an Existential, Transcendental and Spiritually Encompassing Comprehension ..... On Abortion
- Einstein's Dream Come True! A Bulgarian Scientist from Munich Discovers the World Equation (Weltformel)
- Сбъднатата мечта на Айнщайн! Български учен от Мюнхен откри Уравнението на Вселената (Weltformel)
August 2022
- Divine Constitution of the Universal Law For Ascending Humanity
- Божествената Kонституция на Универсалния закон за възнасящото се човечество
- Divine Constitution of the Universal Law For Ascending Humanity- 宇宙法则之神圣宪法
- Boží Ústava Univerzálního Zákona pro Vzestupující Lidstvo
- Constitution Divine de la Loi Universelle pour l'Humanité Ascendante
- Die göttliche Verfassung des Universalgesetzes für die aufsteigende Menschheit
- Costituzione divina della Legge Universale per l'umanità in ascesa
- Boska Konstytucja Prawa Uniwersalnego dla Wznoszącej się Ludzkości
- Constituição Divina da Lei Universal para a Humanidade Ascendente
- Божественная Конституция Универсального Закона Возвышающегося Человечества
- Constitución Divina de la Ley Universal para la Humanidad Ascendente
November 2021
- Pallas Athena Announces the Beginning of the New Era NOW
- Pallas Athena annuncia l'inizio della nuova era ORA
- Pallas Athene kündigt den Beginn der Neuen Ära JETZT an
- Humanity's Empty Insanity Has Reached the Saturation Point Leading to Total Transformation During the Shift
- Nová Gnóze – Evoluční Skok Lidstva
- Pallas Athene and the White Brotherhood of All Ascended Masters Congratulate Me on My Last 70th Birthday on the Old Earth and Announce My Ascension and the Shift in November
- Pallas Athena e la Fratellanza Bianca dei Maestri Ascesi si congratulano con me per il mio ultimo 70° compleanno sulla Vecchia Terra e annunciano la mia Ascensione e il mio Spostamento in novembre
- Pallas Athene und die Weiße Bruderschaft der Aufgestiegenen Meister gratulieren mir zu meinem letzten 70. Geburtstag auf der alten Erde und kündigen meinen Aufstieg und den Shift im November an
October 2021
- Pallas Athene: The Last Hot Phase of the Ascension
- Pallas Athene: l'ultima fase calda di Ascensione
- Pallas Athene: Die letzte heiße Phase des Aufstiegs
- Pallas Athene - Dearest Georgi, We are a well-rehearsed team and are now completing what was begun many ages ago: Since the beginning we have been in the service of the Source of all Being and you have brought yourself to this all-important point in your life to now complete the Ascension with your physical body
- Pallas Athene - Carissimo Georgi, siamo una squadra ben collaudata e stiamo completando ciò che è stato iniziato molti anni fa: Fin dall'inizio siamo stati al servizio della Sorgente di tutto l'Essere e tu ti sei portato a questo punto importantissimo della tua vita per completare ora l'Ascensione con il tuo corpo fisico.
- Pallas Athene - Liebster Georgi, wir sind ein eingespieltes Team und vollenden jetzt das, was vor vielen Zeitaltern begonnen wurde: Seit Anbeginn stehen wir im Dienst der Quelle allen Seins und Du hast dich an diesen alles entscheidenden Punkt deines Lebens gebracht, um jetzt mit deinem physischen Körper den Aufstieg zu vollziehen
- Offener Brief an Jahn Kassl und Danielle Gernandt
September 2021
- Pallas Athene: A Very Personal Message on the Present Transformation
- Pallas Athene: Eine ganz persönliche Botschaft zur jetzigen Transformation
- L'importanza di essere uno scienziato serio e un pensatore gnostico per ascendere
- Wie wichtig es ist, ein ernsthafter Wissenschaftler und gnostischer Denker zu sein, um aufsteigen zu können
- The Importance of Being Earnest Scientist and Gnostic Thinker in Order to Ascend
- How Far is the Countdown to Ascension?
- Quanto è avanzato il conto alla rovescia (il Countdown) per l'Ascensione?
- Wieweit ist der Countdown zum Aufstieg?
- Pallas Athena: The Countdown to Ascension Is on
- Pallas Athene: Il Countdown per l'Ascensione è iniziato
- Pallas Athene: Der Countdown zum Aufstieg läuft
- Pallas Athene: The Current Rollercoaster Ride to Ascension
- Pallas Athene: l'attuale corsa sulle montagne russe verso l'ascensione
- Pallas Athene: Die derzeitige Achterbahnfahrt zum Aufstieg
- Energetic Principles of the Ascension Test Runs in Selected Light Warriors Prior to the Shift
- Principi energetici dell'Ascensione Test Runs in selezionati Guerrieri della Luce poco prima dello Shift
- Energetische Prinzipien der Aufstiegstests (Ascension Test Runs) bei ausgewählten Lichtkriegern kurz vor dem Shift
August 2021
- The Healing and Study Centres of Light in Liguria, Italy
- Los Centros de la Luz de Sanación y Estudio en Liguria, Italia
- Центры Света исцеления и обучения в Лигурии, Италия
- Os Centros de Cura e Estudo de Luz na Ligúria, Itália
- Ośrodki Światła - Uzdrawiania i Badań w Ligurii we Włoszech
- I Centri della Luce di Guarigione e Studio in Liguria, Italia
- Die Lichtzentren für Heilung und Studium in Ligurien, Italien
- Les Centres de Guérison et d'Etudes de la Lumière en Ligurie, Italie
- De Genezings- en Studiecentra van Licht in Ligurië, Italië
- Léčivá a Studijní Centra Světla v Ligurii, Itálie
- 光之疗愈和学习中心 --- 利古里亚,意大利
- Лечебни и учебни центрове на светлината в Лигурия, Италия
- Endzeit Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen
- Endtime Observations and Experiences
- PAT's Time to Ignite the Supernova of Ascension
- Beware Of False Prophets
- Pallas Athena: In the Current Ascension Process, Mother Earth Changes Her Face Dramatically
- Pallas Athena: nell'attuale processo di ascensione, Madre Terra cambia drammaticamente il suo volto
- Pallas Athene: Im aktuellen Aufstiegsprozess ändert Mutter Erde ihr Gesicht dramatisch
- Come procedere legalmente per dimostrare che non c'è nessun Coronavirus e che l'isolamento è il più grande crimine contro l'umanità
- Wie man rechtlich vorgeht, um zu beweisen, dass es kein Coronavirus gibt und dass die Abriegelung das größte Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit ist
- How to Proceed Legally to Prove That There Is No Coronavirus and That the Lockdown is the Greatest Crime Against Humanity
July 2021
- Ten-Year-Jubilee of the Website "Stankov's Universal Law Press"
- l mio giro di prova dell'Ascensione allo Shift
- Mein Aufstiegs-Testlauf zum Shift
- My Ascension Test Run to the Shift
- PAT Energy Report on the Last Judgement Day of Humanity, July 12
- Die Weiße Bruderschaft und Hilarion kündigen meinen Aufstieg innerhalb der nächsten zwei Wochen an
- La Fratellanza Bianca e Hilarion annunciano la mia ascensione entro le prossime due settimane
- The White Brotherhood and Hilarion Announce My Ascension Within the Next Two Weeks
- A tutto vapore verso lo Shift
- Mit voller Kraft voraus in Richtung des Shifts
- Full Steam Ahead Towards the Shift
- Questa notte l'umanità è scesa in Purgatorio
- In dieser Nacht stieg die Menschheit ins Fegefeuer hinab
- This Night Humanity Descended into Purgatory
- Clarity of the Ascension Feelings
- Poseidon, the "Earth Shaker", Announces the Shift and the Terraforming Events
- Altre informazioni dal Consiglio Karmico sullo Shift e la nostra Ascensione
- Weitere Informationen des Karmischen Rates über den Shift und unseren Aufstieg
- Further Information From the Karmic Council on the Shift and Our Ascension
- Pallade Atena: Notizie dal Consiglio Karmico
- Pallas Athena: News from the Karmic Council
- Pallas Athene: Neuigkeiten aus dem Karmischen Rat
June 2021
- Hypnose-Sitzung: Saturn, die Fischmenschen, der blaue Stern Kachina und die Weiße Erde Tara
- Hypnosis Session: Saturn, the Fish People, the Blue Star Kachina, and White Earth Tara
- Pallas Athene - Come navigare con successo attraverso la turbolenza dello Shift attuale
- Pallas Athene - How to Navigate Through the Turbulences of the Current Shift
- Pallas Athene - Wie man erfolgreich durch die Turbulenzen des aktuellen Shifts navigiert
- Lady Portia del Consiglio Karmico parla dello Shift di Gaia al 4D e dell'ascesa di alcuni selezionati Guerrieri della Luce
- Lady Portia of the Karmic Council Speaks About Gaia's Shift to 4D and the Ascension of a Few Selected Light Warriors
- Lady Portia vom Karmischen Rat spricht über Gaias Shift zur 4D und den Aufstieg weniger ausgewählter Lichtkrieger
- Pallade Atena annuncia l'onda del cambiamento
- Pallas Athena Heralds the Wave of Change
- Pallas Athene kündigt die Welle der Veränderung an
May 2021
- Pallas Athene Announces My Imminent Ascension
- How the PAT Experiences the Shift
- Messaggio dell'Arcangelo Gabriele per il Servizio Luce di Pentecoste del 22 maggio 2021*
- Message from ARCHANGEL GABRIEL for the Pentecost Light Service on May 22, 2021*
- Botschaft von ERZENGEL GABRIEL zum Pfingst-Lichtdienst am 22. Mai 2021*
- The Self Liberation of the PAT and the Unsuffocating of the Soul
- An Interesting Prediction of the Shift for the End of May
- Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)*
- My Forecast of the Shift
- Le sofferenze del ragazzo Jonas* per il progresso dell'umanità
- The Sufferings of the Young Jonas* for the Ascension of Mankind
- Die Leiden des Jungen Jonas* für den Aufstieg der Menschheit
- PAT Energiebericht - Die Seelenkatharsis trifft die Menschheit mit voller Wucht
- PAT Energy Report - The Soul Catharsis Hits Humanity With Full Force
- Come l'uomo crea e si libera dei suoi cattivi maestri
- Wie der Mensch seine bösen Meister erschafft und loswird
- On How Humans Create Their Evil Masters and Get Rid of Them
- Sui sistemi giuridici e il diritto universale
- Über Rechtssysteme und universelles Recht
- About Legal Systems and Universal Law
- È tempo di un nuovo decreto SAP per porre fine al blocco
- Zeit für ein neues PAT-Dekret zur Beendigung des Lockdowns
- Time For a New PAT Decree to End the Lockdown
- Messaggio dell'amata MADRE MARIA per la festa della mamma 2021
- Message of the beloved MOTHER MARY for MOTHER'S DAY 2021
- Botschaft der geliebten MUTTER MARIA zum MUTTERTAG 2021
- La mia disperazione con l'umanità
- My Desperation With Humanity
- Visioni sulla mia missione dopo l'apertura del portale dell'ascensione 555
- Visions on My Mission After Opening the Ascension Portal 555
- Visionen über meine Mission nach dem Öffnen des Aufstiegsportals 555
- Starsoul
- Come mi sono mosso attraverso il portale 555
- Wie ich durch das 555-Portal gegangen bin
- How I Shifted Through the 555-Portal
- La mia visione della Nuova Terra
- Meine Vision für die neue Erde
- My Vision For the New Earth
- l portale 5.5.5 - Un appello alla vigilanza
- The Portal 5.5.5 - An Appeal to Vigilance
- Das Portal 5.5.5 - Ein Appell an die Wachsamkeit
- Opinions
- Clarification
- Chiarimento
- Klarstellung
- The Will of God
- La volontà di Dio
- Der Wille Gottes
- Lo Shift come lo vedo io
- Die Verschiebung, wie ich sie wahrnehme
- The Shift as I'm Seeing It
- PAT Report on the Shift
April 2021
- We Are in the Middle of the Shift
- Siamo nel mezzo dello Shift
- Wir sind in der Mitte des Shifts
- My Arduous Path to Ascension
- Il mio arduo cammino verso l'ascensione
- Mein beschwerlicher Weg zum Aufstieg
- La via da seguire è tua
- Der Weg nach vorn gehört Dir
- Come creiamo lo Shift in tempo reale
- How We Create the Shift in Real Time
- Wie wir den Shift in Echtzeit erschaffen
- Che tipo di reset finanziario aspettarsi nel 2021
- Welche Art von finanziellem Reset im Jahr 2021 zu erwarten ist
- Previsione di energia fino al Portale della Porta del Leone, 2021
- Energieprognose bis zum Löwentor-Portal 2021
- Das unentwirrbare Geflecht aus Lügen und Täuschungen um den Mythos der römischen Kabale von Jesus Christus, dem Erlöser
- Il consueto ritardo nello scenario dell'ascensione ci spinge verso linee temporali superiori molto più favorevoli
- Die übliche Verzögerung des Aufstiegsszenarios treibt uns zu viel höheren günstigen Zeitlinien
- La catarsi dell'anima del spostamento (shift) - La discesa delle anime umane
- Die Seelenkatharsis der Verschiebung (des Shift)- Der Abstieg der menschlichen Seelen
- Il quinto raggio: la fiamma verde della guarigione, della chiarezza della mente, della scienza e della manifestazione
- Der fünfte Strahl: Die grüne Flamme der Heilung, Klarheit des Geistes, Wissenschaft und Manifestation
- The Fifth Ray: The Green Flame of Healing, Clarity of Mind, Science and Manifestation
- Oggi ho attivato l'Onda della Verità della Fiamma Verde
- Heute habe ich die Welle der Wahrheit der Grünen Flamme aktiviert
- Today, I activated the Wave of Truth of the Green Flame
- Wie man neue Zeitlinien des Aufstiegs für die Menschheit schafft
- Come creare nuove linee temporali di ascensione per l'umanità
- La più spettacolare ascensione di SAP di questo multiverso nell'agosto 2014
- PATs spektakulärster Aufstieg in diesem Multiversum im August 2014
- Il Shift è avvenuto l'11 aprile 2021
- Der Shift erfolgte am 11. April 2021
- The Shift Happened on April 11, 2021
- Warum das PAT der Brennpunkt des Aufstiegs dieser Galaxie und des Universums ist
- Perché la SAP è il punto focale dell'ascensione di questa galassia e dell'universo
- Deutschland - Atlantis' böser Erbe des Verrats und des Betrugs
- Germania - L'eredità malvagia di Atlantis di tradimento e inganno
- Il percorso verso la libertà: come gli esseri umani cambieranno come sistemi energetici durante il prossimo spostamento (shift) globale
- Der Weg zur Freiheit: Wie sich die Menschen als energetische Systeme während des bevorstehenden globalen Schift (Verschiebung) verändern werden
- Der Shift - Der Weg zu Freiheit, Wohlstand und Unsterblichkeit
- Il Spostamento (The Shift) - Il cammino verso la libertà, la prosperità e l'immortalità
- The Shift - The Path to Freedom, Prosperity and Immortality
- Come creo lo spostamento (shift)
- Wie ich den Shift erschaffe
- How I Create the Shift
- Importanti promemoria negli attuali tempi finali di confusione totale da previsioni esoteriche contraddittorie
- Wichtige Mahnungen in der aktuellen Endzeit der totalen Verwirrung durch widersprüchliche esoterische Vorhersagen
- Important Reminders in the Current End Time of Total Confusion of Conflicting Esoteric Predictions
- Short Energy Update For April, 2021 - The Beginning of the End of the Old Order
March 2021
- An Important Personal Announcement
- A Spiritual Cosmogony Presented as a Mathematical System
- Anchoring the Light and the Word
- The New Biophysics of the Universal Law
- Why Is God a Mathematician ?
- How to Achieve the Breakthrough of the Universal Law
- The Elohim: The 12 Twin Flames Pairs of the PAT and Their Role in the Ascension 2021
- PAT Report - 2021: The Year of Ascension
- 2021 - The Year of Ascension
- PAT Report - The Arrival of the New 5D Earth at the New Moon Portal 12/13 March, 2021
- The Fulminant Evolution and Expansion of All New PAT Members on the Eve of the Shift
- Germany - Atlantis' Evil Heir of Treason and Betrayal
- What to Expect in the Next Few Days
- Stay True to Yourself, Resonate With Me and the PAT, and You Will Ascend into the Light - Part 2
- Stay True to Yourself, Resonate With Me and the PAT, and You Will Ascend into the Light - Part 1
- Massive Surge of Human Darkness on the Eve of the Shift and How to Overcome it - Individual PAT Strategies
- Deutschland – Das schmerzhafte Erwachen des schläfrigen Ungetüms
- Germany - The Painful Awakening of the Drowsy Behemoth
- We Are Here to Experience the Full Intensity of Our Feelings, Not to Tame or Avoid Them
- France - A Spiritual White Spot of Existentialist Agnosticism
- A New Website in Portuguese on the Crowdfunding of the 5D-7D Healing and Study Centres of Light in Italy based on the Universal Law of Nature
- A Light Warrior’s Call To An Awakening Humanity
- When Predictions Come True
February 2021
- How to Create the Desired Outcome
- Come Mario Draghi ha distrutto l'Italia
- Nieuwe Gnosis - De Evolutionaire Sprong van de Mensheid
- Energy Report: The Arcturians Confirm the Start of the Collective Soul Catharsis
- Challenging the Collective Human Insanity Under the Current Lockdown
- The Transcendental Comprehension of Time Within the Contextual Framework of The Universal Law
- Breaking News: The Activation of the Soul Catharsis in All Ascension Candidates Has Commenced
- What Kind of a Financial Reset to Expect in 2021
- How Mario Draghi Destroyed Italy
- Huge Schift - Massive Downloads of Source Energies on February 17/18, 2021
- Energy Forecast Till The Lion's Gate Portal, 2021
- Rapporto sull'energia per febbraio, previsioni per marzo 2021
- Energy Report For February, Outlook For March, 2021
- End Time Observations of a Light Warrior
- PAT Comments on the Christian Fraud Article
- L'inestricabile rete di bugie ed inganni attorno al mito di Gesù Cristo, il Salvatore della Cabala Romana
- The Inextricable Web of Lies and Deceptions Around the Roman Cabal's Myth of Jesus Christ, the Savior
- The Path Ahead Is Yours
January 2021
- A Consensus of Agreement
- The Usual Delay of the Ascension Scenario Propels Us to Much Higher Favourable Timelines
- What Comes After the Inauguration Charade?
- Trump Is a Walk-In of an Old Soul
- And the Best Is Yet to Come !
- Urgent Message to Trump and Old Humanity – Abolish the Fed or Die
- Insider View Versus Higher Dimensional Bird View
- Email to Robert Steele
- A Word of Utmost Clarity
- The Disgrace of the American Patriots
- Breaking News - The Tide Has Turned
- Energy Report - Massive Energy Wave From the Source Hits the Earth
- The End of the 3D-Drama Leads to the Shift and Our Ascension
- Follow-Up on Trump's Insurrection Act in the USA
- Breaking News: Trump Has Activated the Insurrection Act of 1807
- The Soul Catharsis of the Shift - The Descent of the Human Souls
- How to Create New Timelines of Ascension For Humanity
- Breaking News - Watch Alamo
- World Liberation Drive 2021 - Part 3
- The Great Awakening
- The Current Shift is Our Herculean Task
- The Final Phase: Resolution Through Escalation of Confrontation
- What Comes Next?
- La Grande Illusion*
- The Energetic Background of the Peaceful American Revolution – the PAT as the Creationary Hub of the New Worlds
- Retrospections and Prospections
- PAT's Most Spectacular Ascension of This Multiverse in August 2014
- Why the PAT is the Focal Point of Ascension of This Galaxy and Universe
- Quantum Manifestation in 2021
- World Liberation Drive 2021
- The Events Are Now Moving Fast and Furious
- Esoteric Tidbits
- Do You Feel the Shift?
December 2020
- The Stargate For the Shift Early 2021 Is Fully Opened
- The World Liberation Drive
- The Next Ten Days Of Massive Downloads of Source Energy Will Transform Humanity Forever
- The Arcturians: If You Can Feel the Solstice Energies Propelling You, Catapulting You Forward on Your Journey to the Fifth Dimension, Then You Deserve to Be in a Leadership Role.
- Urgent: A Massive Shift Happened This Night
- Urgent: The Shift Has Commenced
- Our Arrival as Ascended Masters During the Shift on December 21
- COVID-Spell is Mephisto's Evil Will
- Ode for the PAT
- The Irony of Destiny
November 2020
- The Mass Awakenings of December 2020 and the Need For New Role Models
- How the Old Matrix Is Now Crumbling Big Time
- The Pathway to Freedom: How Humans Will Change as Energetic Systems During the Upcoming Global Shift
- Determinanti del tempo del calendario dell'Ascensione
- Time Determinants of the Ascension Schedule
- Update on Our Ascension Scenario
- Adronis: 2021 - The Year of Transition & The Point of No Return
- La creazione del portale e del tempio dell'Ascensione a Sanremo
- How the US Election Tomorrow Will Affect Our Ascension Scenario
- The Creation of the Portal and Temple of Ascension in San Remo
October 2020
- How to Interpret Correctly the Complexity of the Ascension Process
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 34
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 33
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 32
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 31
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 30
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 29
- How We Prevented CERN to Destroy the Earth Once Again !
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 28
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 27
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 26
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 25
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 24
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 23
- The Incredible Confusion Around Trump's Coronavirus-Treatment
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 22
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 21
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 20
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 19
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 18
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 17
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 16
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 15
September 2020
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 14
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 13
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 12
- Urgent Message: The Stock Markets Are Crashing
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 11
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 10
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 9
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 8
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 7
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 6
- The 5D Healing Centre of Light in Diano Marina Appears at the Equinox Portal, September 21, 2020
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 5
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 4
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 3
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods – Part 2
- Ascending Gaia as Logos Gods - Part 1
- Announcement: The Universal Law Is Present on Instagram
- How We Saved All Druids' Souls From Earthly Entrapment on September 13, 2020
- Timeless Messages From the Higher Realms
- Cutting Through the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
- On Intellectual Encephalomacia and the Structure of Fear of Spiritual Newcomers
- Timeless Messages From the Higher Realms
- Timeless Messages From the Higher Realms
- Timeless Messages From the Higher Realms
- Timeless Messages From the Higher Realms
- Why the Paradigm Shift Has to Come ASAP
- Timeless Messages From the Higher Realms
- Timeless Messages From the Higher Realms
- Timeless Messages From the Higher Realms
- Timeless Messages From the Higher Realms
- Timeless Messages From the Higher Realms
- We Opened New Portals For All the Major Humanoid Civilisations of the Galactic Federation
- Timeless Messages From the Higher Realms
- Timeless Messages From the Higher Realms
August 2020
- The Elohim: The Essence and Power of the Human Alchemical Reaction
- Magnetic Earth – Our New Home
- The Science of Shifting Into the New Magnetic Reality of 5D Earth
- The Galactic Federation: With Our Help the PAT Is in Full Control of the Planetary Ascension
- Follow-Up on the Shift August 15th - August 23rd, 2020
- The Shift, August 15th - 23th, 2020
- The Andromedans Are Entering the Scene
- The Coronavirus Scamdemic
- What Happened 7 Years Ago As a Template For August 2020
- What Happened 7 Years Ago As a Template For August 2020
- What Happened 7 Years Ago As a Template For August 2020
- What Happened 7 Years Ago As a Template For August 2020
- What Happened 7 Years Ago As a Template For August 2020
- The Best News Ever - Jerry is Alive ! Miracles Abound as in August 2013
- What Happened 7 Years Ago As a Template For August 2020
- What Happened 7 Years Ago As a Template For August 2020
- What Happened 7 Years Ago As a Template For August 2020
- What Happened 7 Years Ago As a Template For August 2020
- What Happened 7 Years Ago As a Template For August 2020
- The Arcturians Are Quick to Confirm My Interpretation
- What Happened 7 Years Ago As a Template For August 2020
- How to Interpet Correctly the Latest Message of the Arcturians
- A Historical Decree of the PAT For Immediate Divine Intervention
- Why We Had to Eliminate the Reptilians (Draco) From the Earth on June 10, 2020
- I.N.F.E.B. - Interdimensionaal Netwerk voor Financiële Energie Beloning
July 2020
- I.N.F.E.R. - Interdimensional Network for Financial Energy Remuneration
- Moving Towards The Shift
- The Central Sun Takes Central Stage - a Massive Build-Up Towards Lion's Gate
- How to Eliminate Dark Parasites From Your Fields
- Uobičajena zabluda lažne ljudske znanosti
- Use of Psychedelic Drugs - Pros and Cons
- Waarom er geen virussen zijn
- Vrije Foton Energie - Alle video's, uitgebreid script
- Poetic Intermezzo For the PAT Between Heavy-Duty Light Work
- The Biggest Scientific Fraud and Political Crime of All Times: No One Died of Coronavirus!
- The Full Moon Eclipse Portal on July 4th Was a Giant Leap in Our Ascension - Full Report
- The Full Moon Eclipse Portal on July 4th Was a Giant Leap in Our Ascension – Part 3
- The Full Moon Eclipse Portal on July 4th Was a Giant Leap in Our Ascension – Part 2
- The Full Moon Eclipse Portal on July 4th Was a Giant Leap in Our Ascension - Part 1
- Speculations on the Date of Rapture, Harvest, Second Coming of Christ... Our Ascension
- The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius Over the Healing Centre of Light in Italy
- Unification of Mankind Through the Holistic View of the Universal Law
June 2020
- The Activation of the Knee Chakra of Levitation
- Allowing the Release From the Old Matrix ~ Embracing the New Biome
- Perché non ci sono virus
- Saint Germain On Alchemy
- The Solstice Portal Explodes in Bursts of Magenta and Pink Light From the Central Sun
- The Emergence of the Healing Centre of Light in Diano Marina, Italy
- Warum es keine Viren in der Natur gibt
- Proč Viry Neexistují
- Why There Are No Viruses
- Archbishop Viganò Writes Open Letter to President Trump — Full Text
- Valse visies op Gezondheid en Ziekte
- The Sharp Focus of the Mind
- June 3rd, 2020 - The Lifting of the Veil
- How to Hold the Spiritual Highground in the Current End Time of Tribulations
May 2020
- The Tide Has Turned - The Coronavirus Scam is Officially Exposed
- Healing Miracles Happen Now
- Con le menzogne e le mezze verità l'umanità sta camminando a passi da gigante verso l'ascensione
- Prophetic Seth On Pandemics and Viruses - Jane Roberts
- With Lies and Half-Truths Humanity Is Striding Steadily Towards Ascension
- With Lies and Half-Truths Humanity Is Striding Steadily Towards Ascension
- The Elohim: This Cosmic Gateway Is Not Over
- Breaking News: We Have Just Opened The Cosmic Gateway to Freedom - May 9th, 2020
- Łatwa Propedeutyka do Nowej Fizycznej i Matematycznej Nauki Prawa Uniwersalnego
- The Power of Human Ideas... and Their Misuse
- Melchizedek Acknowledges the New Study and Spiritual Centres in Italy and Our Lightwork
- Il rapido collasso della matrice 3D
April 2020
- The Rapid Collapse of the 3D Matrix
- L’Approccio Dimensionale Superiore alla Truffa del Coronavirus
- Higher Dimensional Approach to the Coronavirus Scam
March 2020
- A Perfect Confirmation
- The Equinox Portal March 19th - Energy Report
- Perché il Coronavirus Spaventa Ora?
- Why the Coronavirus Scare Now?
- Ascension Logic
- The Ascension Has Entered the Final Phase
- The Light Warrior's Crucial Question
- Freie Photonenenergie - Alle Videos, erweitertes Skript
- Free Photon Energy - All Videos, Expanded Script
- Free Photon Energy – Video 4
February 2020
- On the Ascension Scenario - Q&A
- Countdown to Ascension
- Finally, a New PAT Energy Report After a Very Long Time
- The Scam With the Coronavirus Scare-Epidemic
- Energetic Qualities of the Current End Phase of Ascension
- Free Photon Energy - Video 3
- How to Be All-Inclusive and Ascend
- Free Photon Energy - Video 2
- For Whom the Bell Tolls
- Free Photon Energy - Video 1
- Vademecum do Naukowej Teorii i Wiedzy Prawa Uniwersalnego
- Being ''Human'' Is Everything - Video
- Der schnellste Weg zur Erschaffung deiner Timeline für den Aufstieg im Jahr 2020
January 2020
- The Quickest Way to Create Your Timeline of Ascension in 2020
- Uniwersalne Prawo Natury
- Living Visualization - Immediate Creation: Videos
- Nowa Transcendentalna Kosmologia Prawa Uniwersalnego
- What Do “Planck's Parameters of the Big Bang“ Really Mean?
- Why the "Big Bang" Is a Science Fiction
- The New Transcendental Cosmology of the Universal Law
- The Blindness of the Historical Sciences
- Virgin Birth - Human Symbolism of the Primordial Feminine Energies of Creation (Video)
December 2019
- Virgin Birth
- Die violette Flamme der Transformation - Wissenschaft und Alchemie
- The Violet Flame of Transformation - Science and Alchemy
- Das Portal der violetten Flamme des Einheits-Feld-Bewusstseins, 12. - 21. Dezember 2019
- The Violet Flame Portal of Unity Field Consciousness, December 12 - 21, 2019
- A Scientific and Gnostic Assessment of the Multiverse by a Light Warrior
- Realitas infinita, tertia pars - Boundless Reality, part III
November 2019
- Illusion: We Don't Perceive the World as It Is
- Die Erleuchtung von Dr. Carl Sagan - Eine gnostische Wiedererinnerung
- The Epiphany of Dr. Carl Sagan - A Gnostic Remembrance
- What is truth?
- Programm der Neuen Erde
- New Earth's Programme
- Evolutionary Leap Now - Will, Love, Intelligence
- Galileis berühmtes Experiment der Gravitation erfasst das Universalgesetz mit dem pythagoräischen Theorem
- Das Dilemma des Lichtkriegers am Vorabend des Aufstiegs
- The Quandary of a Light Warrior on the Eve of Ascension
October 2019
September 2019
- Der Beginn des lang erwarteten Finanzcrashs in der Endzeit unseres Aufstiegs
- The Beginning of the Long-Awaited Financial Crash in the End Time of Our Ascension
- Vademecum to the Scientific Theory and Gnosis of the Universal Law
- Vademecum zur wissenschaftlichen Theorie und Gnosis des Universalgesetzes
- Der Schleier des Vergessens ... die Menschheit erwacht
- The Veil of Forgetfulness.... Humanity Awakening
- Die Aktivierung des gelben Lichtstrahls der Erleuchtung am 5. September 2019
- Die Öffnung der Herz-, Hals- und Kronen-chakren der Menschheit im Juli, August und September 2019
- The Activation of the Yellow Ray of Illumination on September 5th, 2019
- The Opening of the Heart, Throat and Crown Chakras of Humanity in July, August and September, 2019
August 2019
- Grace and Gratitude
- Mundum sacrum facere or the Law of Sacrifice
- Das Himmelstor durchschreiten
- Transcending Heaven's Gate
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind at the Beginning of the 3rd Millennium - ebook
- Astral Dynamics of the Global Economic Crisis on the Eve of the Parousia
- Astrale Dynamik der Weltwirtschaftskrise am Vorabend der Parusie
- Psycho-Energetic Foundations of Human Intransigence
- Psycho-energetische Grundlagen der menschlichen Intransigenz
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind
- Neue Gnosis: Evolutionssprung der Menschheit
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind
- Neue Gnosis: Evolutionssprung der Menschheit
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind
- How the Trinity Created "The Fountain of Freedom"
- Die Elohim: Der "Brunnen der Freiheit" bringt die Balance der göttlich-femininen und männlichen Energien
- The Elohim: The "Fountain of Freedom" Brings Balance to the Divine Feminine and Masculine Energies
- Botschaft von St. Germain über den "Brunnen der Freiheit" am 25. Juli 2019
- Message From St. Germain on the "Fountain of Freedom" on July 25, 2019
- Die Installation des Göttlichen Herz-Chakra-Portals "Brunnen der Freiheit" am 25. Juli 2019 in Vancouver für Nordamerika
- The Installation of the Divine Heart Chakra Portal "The Fountain of Freedom" on July 25, 2019 in Vancouver for North America
- Erweiterung und weitere Aktivierungen des Göttlichen Herz-Chakra-Portals im Juni und Juli 2019
- Expansion and Further Activations of the Divine Heart Chakra Portal in June and July 2019
July 2019
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind
- Die Erschaffung des Göttlichen Herz-Chakra-Portals der dreifachen Flamme im Juni 2019 in Norditalien
- The Creation of the Divine Heart Chakra Portal of the Threefold Flame in June 2019 in Northern Italy
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind
- Ein Aufruf zum Bewusstsein!
- A Call To Consciousness!
- Meine Lichtarbeit in Florenz
- My Light Work in Florence
- IL mio lavoro di luce in Firenze
- Realitas infinita - Infinite Reality - Part II
- Gnostic Tradition of Western Philosophy -Ebook
- Prognostic Power of the New Gnosis
- Feelings and Human Cognition
- The Crisis of Philosophy
June 2019
- Nachrichten von der neuen 5D-Erde: Alle wissenschaftlichen Forschungsinstitute und Produktionsstätten für toxische und gefährliche 3D-Produkte sind abrupt zum Stillstand gekommen
- News From the New 5D Earth: All Scientific Research Institutes and Production Sites of Toxic and Dangerous 3D Products Have Come to a Grinding Halt
- Unsere glänzende Zukunft
- Our Bright Future
- The Light Body Process – Symptoms and Healing - Ebook
- The Fraud of Modern Science - Ebook
- Neoplatonism and Christianity - ebook
- Neoplatonism and Christianity - Full Book
- Neoplatonism and Christianity - Part 5
- Neoplatonism and Christianity - Part 4
- Neoplatonism and Christianity - Part 3
- Neoplatonism and Christianity - Part 2
- Neoplatonism and Christianity - Part 1
May 2019
- Een Makkelijke Propedeuse in de Nieuwe Fysische en Wiskundige Wetenschap van de Universele Wet
- Energiebericht für den Monat Mai 2019
- Energy Report For the Month of May 2019
- Amoras Lesungen zur Aufstiegs-Numerologie
- Amora's Ascended Numerology Readings
- Thoughts - Part I
- Gedanken - Teil I
- Practical Applications of Transcendental Biophysics
- Praktische Anwendungen der transzendentalen Biophysik
- Transcendental Biophysics as a Substitute for Religious Faith
- Transzendentale Biophysik als Ersatz für religiösen Glauben
- Gnostic Foundation of a Transcendental Medicine and Bio-Science
- Gnostische Grundlagen einer transzendentalen Medizin und Biowissenschaft
- False Views on Health and Disease
- Falsche Auffassungen zur Gesundheit und Krankheit
- Manifestus Aquarius - Spirituelles Manifest für das Wassermann Zeitalter
- Language as the Limit of Gnosis
- Die Sprache als Grenze der Gnosis
- Räder aus Licht und Leben: Die Schlüssel für den Zugang zum Feld des Einheitsbewusstseins
April 2019
- Wheels of Light and Life: The KEY to Access the Unity Consciousness Field
- Unsere galaktische Sonne richtet sich auf die große Zentralsonne aus und Plasma regiert
- Нашето Галактическо Слънце се съгласува с Голямото Централно Слънце и Царството на Плазмата
- Our Galactic Sun Aligns with the Great Central Sun and Plasma Reigns
- The Wheel of Light and Life
- Magnificent Wheel of Light and Life
- Mysterium Cygni - Das Geheimnis des Schwans als Symbol der Ich-Bin Präsenz, Video
- Avocatio per laborem - Occupational Therapy or Distraction Through Labor
- Bevorstehender ET-Kontakt mit dem PAT
- Imminent ETs Contact With the PAT
- Kurzer Energiebericht - Gaia's massiver Shift 24. bis 31. März 2019
- Short Energy Report - Gaia's Massive Shift March 24 -31, 2019
March 2019
- Concordia ex conflictione - Harmony Through Conflict
- Mehr zum menschlichen Konzept der Knappheit als wissenschaftlichem Betrug
- More on the Human Notion of Scarcity as a Scientific Fraud
- Realitas infinita - Unlimited Reality
- Der Mensch verändert sich vor unseren Augen rasch zu einer neuen energetischen Spezies und niemand bemerkt es
- Humans Are Changing Rapidly to a New Energetic Species in Front of Our Eyes and Nobody Notices It
- Ein Lichtkrieger der ersten und letzten Stunde erschafft eine persönliche Timeline, während er entlang eines Korridors der dunkelsten Energie reist, nur um in die ICH BIN Präsenz einzutauchen…
- Sai Babas Lichtkörperbotschaft
- Sai Baba's Light Body Message
- A Light Warrior of the First and Last Hour Creates a Personal Timeline While Traveling Along a Corridor of the Darkest Energy Only to Immerse in the I AM Presence...
February 2019
- Die Transfiguration in einen Lichtkörper hat begonnen
- The Transfiguration to a Light Body Has Begun
- Botschaft von den kristallinen Wesen des Lichts: Die fünf Flammen der aufgestiegenen Schöpfung - Das Rad von Licht und Leben!
- The Love of Truth in Reflection
- Message From The Crystalline Beings of Light: The Five Flames of Ascended Creation - The Wheel of Light and Life!
- Erleuchtete Diskussion des PAT über die Falsifikation von Wissenschaft und Religion
- Die größte Verschwörung der Dunklen aller Zeiten
- Ad Profundum
- Enlightened Discussion of the PAT on the Falsification of Science and Religion
- The Greatest Conspiracy of the Dark Ones of All Times
- Rückblick auf das Leben
- Eiliger Energiebericht - 8. Februar 2019
- Urgent Energy Report - February 8, 2019
- Die Unermesslichkeit dessen, wer du wirklich bist, wird offensichtlich
- Neuausrichtung, Erinnerung und Auferstehung
- Life Retrospection
- The Vastness of Who You Truly Are Becomes Strikingly Apparent
- Die Anamnese als Prozess der Erinnerung an die Ich-Bin-Präsenz
- Realignment, Remembering and Resurrection
- Transformatorische Dialektik der Menschheit zur multidimensionalen transgalaktischen Wesensart
January 2019
- To the PAT: I Need Urgently the Power of Your Light to Help the Suffering People of Venezuela and the World
- Trinitas conscientiae
- L'Anamnesi come processo di rimembranza della Presenza Io Sono
- Transformational Dialectics of Humanity to Multidimensional Transgalactic Species
- Die Quintessenz, die sich aus PAT's Übernahme der Verantwortung für die neue Menschheit ergibt
- Quintessence Emerging as the PAT Assumes Responsibility for the New Humanity
- Cadentia discordiae
- Das Finale des optimalen Aufstiegsszenarios - Teil I
- Welcome to the New World After the Full Moon Eclipse Portal of Ascension - January 21, 2019
- Finalizing the Optimal Ascension Scenario – Part II
- Finalizing the Optimal Ascension Scenario - Part I
- Ein Testlauf für den Shift
- A Practice Run for the Shift
- Stellenbeschreibung des PAT - Ihr seid die Überträger der höchsten Frequenzen von Quell-Energien auf der Erde
- Job Description of the PAT - You Are the Highest Frequency Conduits of Source Energy on Earth
- Die große Vereinigung - Seht die Welt erblühen!
December 2018
- The Great Unification – Watch the World Bloom!
- Den Schleier lüften - Der bevorstehende Shift von 4D zu 5D
- Lifting the Veil - The Impending Shift from 4D to 5D
- Collective Pulse Report: La raccolta dei frutti del vostro operato
- Kollektiver Impulsbericht: Ernte die Früchte deiner Anstrengungen
- Collective Pulse Report: Harvesting the Fruits of Your Labors
November 2018
- EinheitsBewusstSein - Das Ende der Trennung
- Hilarious! Sparrows from the Rooftops and Flying Pastors on Zip-Lines Herald Our Imminent Ascension
- Un Nuovo Paradigma Spirituale: Un Invito ad Abbracciare la nostra Vera Umanità
- Il Nostro Lavoro di Luce in Roma – Un Nuovo Paradigma Spirituale Crea l'Apertura
- Ein neues spirituelles Paradigma: Eine Einladung, unsere wahre Menschlichkeit anzunehmen
- A New Spiritual Paradigm: An Invitation to Embrace Our True Humanity
- Unsere Lichtarbeit in Rom - Ein neues spirituelles Paradigma erschafft die Öffnung
- Светлинната ни работа в Рим - нова духовна парадигма създава отварянето (пробива)
- Our Lightwork in Rome - A New Spiritual Paradigm Creates the Opening
- How Mind Devolution and Negative Soul Contracts Plunge Humanity into a Dark Quagmire
- China's Bumpy Road to Enlightenment
- Eine Botschaft von Allem-DAS-Ist für das PAT
- A Message From All-That-Is For the PAT
- Der Aufstieg ist hier und jetzt
- L'ascensione è Qui ed Ora - Ascension is Here and Now
- Gaia's grandioser magnetischer Shift am 29. Oktober 2018
- Gaia's Magnificent Magnetic Shift on October 29th, 2018
October 2018
- Ahnahmar aus Agartha: Euer italienisches Portal zu Shambala, Agartha und Neu-Rätien ist bereit
- Die Agarther: Der Aufstieg ist die energetische Anpassung an das Einheitsbewusstsein
- Ahnahmar From Agartha: Your Italian Portal to Shambala, Agartha and New Raetia is Ready
- The Agarthans: The Ascension is the Energetic Alignment with Unity Consciousness
- Die kognitiven Mängel der Wissenschaftler, die sie daran hindern, die Schönheit und Einfachheit der neuen Theorie des Universalgesetzes zu erfassen
- The Cognitive Deficiencies of the Scientists that Prevent Them From Grasping the Beauty and Simplicity of the New Theory of the Universal Law
- The Rainbow Ray Wheels of Consciousness - Revisited
- Der Magentastrahl der Heilung am Stargate 10.10.11 (2018)
- The Magenta Ray of Healing at the Stargate 10.10.11 (2018)
- Botschaft der kristallinen Wesen des Diamantlichts
- Messaggio degli Esseri Cristallini della luce diamante - Message From the Crystalline Beings of the Diamond Light
September 2018
- Who is Georgi Stankov? Ascension of Earth & a Portion of Humanity
- Open Letter to All Scientists on This Planet - Accept the Universal Law or Vanish
- Lettera Aperta a tutti gli Scienziati Italiani
- Offener Brief an alle deutschen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler
- Открытое письмо всем российским ученым - Open Letter to All Russian Scientists
- Отворено писмо до всички български учени - Open Letter to All Bulgarian Scientists
- Письмо Президенту России Владимиру Путину - Letter to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin
- Menschen der Schattenländer
- Zehn Gründe, warum die New Age Bewegung den intellektuellen und moralischen Bankrott erklärt hat - Vollständiger Artikel
- I Sentimenti come una gnosi personale
- Equinozio 2018: Il Portale della Mente Divina
- L'Arrivo della Mente Divina all'Equinozio 2018
- Eine öffentliches Referat für alle alternativen agnostischen, blinden Denker: "Wer hat auf diesem Planeten wirklich das Sagen?"
- People of the Shadowlands
- Special Announcement ! - Volume I on Physics Is Available as pdf
- Dieci ragioni per le quali il movimento New Age ha dichiarato fallimento intellettuale e morale - Articolo completo
- An Open Lecture to All Alternative Agnostic, Blind Thinkers: "Who Is Really in Charge of This Planet?"
- Gefühle als persönliche Gnosis
- Feelings as a Personal Gnosis
- Der Aufstieg als Selbsterkenntnis
- Tagundnachtgleiche 2018: Das Tor zum göttlichen Geist
- Die Ankunft des Göttlichen Geists an der Herbst-Äquinoktie 2018
- Breaking News: A Massive Ascension Wave Underway
- The Ascension as Self-Knowing
- Equinox 2018: The Gateway to the Divine Mind
- Cos'è l'amore
- The Arrival of the Divine Mind at Equinox 2018
- Какво е любов
- What's Love
- Die kosmischen Gesetze der Schöpfung und Zerstörung: Warum und wie die Weltwirtschaftsordnung 2011 zusammenbricht
August 2018
- Eine Botschaft der Familie der Weißen Drachen über unsere gegenwärtige Endphase des Aufstiegs
- A Message from the Family of the White Dragons About Our Current Final Phase of Ascension
- La Storia dell’Anima Giovane che Divenne Papa
- The Upward Battle of the UV Indigo Auracle with the Scientific Hydra
- Nowa Zintegrowana Fizyczna i Matematyczna Aksjomatyka Prawa Uniwersalnego
- La nuova moneta "Astrale" è in arrivo
- Die neue "Astral"-Währung kommt
- Новата валута „Астрал" пристига
- The New “Astral” Currency Is Coming – International Edition
- Introduzione alla Nistatina
- Le leggi cosmiche della Creazione e della Distruzione: Perché e Come l’Ordine Economico Mondiale crollerà nel 2011
- Der Fall der Berliner Mauer und des Eisernen Vorhangs im November 1989 - eine Vorlage für den Zusammenbruch der alten 3D-Realität
- The Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain in November 1989 – a Template For the Collapse of the Old 3D Reality
- The Story of the Young Soul Who Became a Pope
- Die Stadt des Lichts in Ljubljana, Slowenien
- The City of Light in Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Das Arkturianische-Andromedanische Raumschiff vollendet und verankert die Stadt des Lichts Neu Raetia in Norditalien
- Das Regenbogenportal
July 2018
- The Arcturian-Andromedan-Spaceship Is Finalizing and Anchoring the City of Light New Raetia in Northern Italy
- Aufstiegs Report: Sommersonnenwende und darüber hinaus
- The Rainbow Gateway
- Ascension Report: Summer Solstice and Beyond
- La Nuova Gnosi: Il Salto Evolutivo dell ‘umanita’
- Stankov's Universal Law Press Appears In Chinese
- Das Universalgesetz der Natur
- Die Ankunft des Heiligen Feuers
- The Arrival of the Sacred Fire
- La Legge Universale della Natura
- Aufstiegsmodelle - Diskussion, Ascension Models - Discussion
- Die mehrstufige Antriebsrakete als erklärendes physikalisches Modell des Aufstiegs
- Die universelle Rolle der energetischen Gradienten bei der Erschaffung von Allem-DAS-Ist
- Update zu den Energien des LKP
- Der endgültige Bau der Lichtstadt in Norditalien
- Introduction to Nystatin
- The Final Construction of the City of Light in Northern Italy
- Die korrekte Interpretation der klinischen Symptome des Lichtkörperprozesses
- Die Funktion der linken und rechten Gehirnhälfte im Lichtkörperprozess
- Nell'occhio dell'uragano dell'Ascensione
- Der Lichtkörperprozess in der Endzeit
- Im Auge des Aufstiegs-Hurrikans
- In the Eye of the Ascension Hurricane
- La Gnosi come un’esperienza personale - ebook, pdf
- La Gnosi come un'esperienza personale
June 2018
- Aggiornamento sulle energie del LBP
- Come interpretare correttamente i sintomi clinici del vostro Processo del Corpo di Luce
- La funzione del cervello sinistro e del cervello destro nel Processo del Corpo di Luce
- Processo del Corpo di Luce nei Tempi della Fine
- Meditation am Frühmorgen - 26. Juni 2018
- Meditazione Mattutina del 26/06/2018
- Die Matrix als einvernehmliche Realität
- Ein heiliges Land
- Breaking News: Die Nacht, als die Erde stillstand
- The Matrix as a Consensual Reality
- Breaking News: The Night When the Earth Stood Still
- Eine Botschaft vom Nachthimmel
- A Sacred Land
- A Message From the Night Sky
- Der große Glaubensabfall (Apostasie): Wie der christliche Formalismus die Menschheit von der Göttlichkeit im Inneren entfremdet hat
- La Rivoluzione italiana della luce
- Aufstiegsdynamik
- Ascension Dynamics
- Die Mutter aller Blasen
- Ausgangspunkt Italien - Neue Stadt des Lichts - Reinigung & Heilungsvorbereitungen
- Die italienische Revolution des Lichts
- Italy Grid Point ~ New City of Light ~ Cleansing & Healing Preparations
- The Italian Revolution of Light
May 2018
- Tonale Musik und das Konzept des Finalismus
- Die Rückkehr nach Eden!
- La musica tonale e il concetto di finalità
- The Return to Eden!
- Energiebericht - Mai 2018
- Energy Report - May 2018
- La nuova Realtà Magnetica come base per l'Integrazione della Conoscenza Gnostica
- Die neue magnetische Realität als Basis für gnostische Wissensintegration
- Die Elohim: Die Demarkationslinie des Aufstiegs ist hier und jetzt zu überqueren. Wie wirst du dich entscheiden?
- Die Rückgewinnung alter Zivilisationen führt zur endgültigen Auflösung durch Offenbarung
- The New Magnetic Reality as a Basis for Gnostic Knowledge Integration
- Die Elohim und die Blauen Kristallinen Wesen des Lichts über den Aufstieg im April: Neue 5D-Erde in Norditalien erschaffen, vollständig im Unendlichkeitsfeld der Neuen Goldenen Galaxie verankert, die Ankunft der Neuen Sonne als Roter Riese am 13. April ist eine bahnbrechende Veränderung, massive Reinigung aller menschlichen Chakren und Integration von Seelenfragmenten
- The Elohim: The Demarcation Line of Ascension Is Here and Now to Cross Over. How Will You Decide?
- The Reclamation of Ancient Civilisations Leads to the Final Resolution Through Revelation
April 2018
February 2018
December 2017
- An Easy Propaedeutics Into the New Physical and Mathematical Science of the Universal Law – ebook
- Gnosis as a Personal Experience
- Open Letter to the President of China Xi Jinping - 致中国国家主席习近平的一封公开信
- Gnosis as a Personal Experience - Part 5
- Gnosis as a Personal Experience - Part 4
- Gnosis as a Personal Experience - Part 3
- Gnosis as a Personal Experience - Part 2
November 2017
October 2017
- My Ultimate Message to the Light Worker Community - Be Curious and Open to Enlightening Discussions If You Want to Ascend
- On Hawking and All Representatives of Modern Fake Science
- Good News For the PAT!
June 2017
May 2017
- The End of Einstein's Theory of Relativity - It Is Applied Statistics For the Space-Time of the Physical World
- The Space-Time Concept of the Special and General Theory of Relativity
- The Power of Creation
- The Concept of Relativity in Electromagnetism
- Space-Time Concept in Classical Physics
- Pitfalls in the Interpretation of Redshifts in Failed Present-Day Cosmology
- The Role of the CBR-Constant in Cosmology
- The Cosmological Outlook of Traditional Physics in the Light of the Universal Law
- Hubble's Law Is an Application of the Universal Law for the Visible Universe
- Energy Report of the PAT - May 15, 2017
- The "Big Bang" Is Yet to Come in the Empty Brain Cavities of the Cosmologists - Two PAT Opinions
- The Final Transmutation and Merging With the 5D and Higher Dimensions Has Commenced Full Force
- Modern Cosmology Revised in the Light of the Universal Law - a Critical Survey
- A Message to Lightworkers
- Energy Report of the PAT - May 12, 2017
- Living the Dream Amidst Energy-Induced Encephalomalacia of the Service-to-Self Entities
- When Dreams Come True
- On Spiritual Ignorance as the Source of All Evil Amidst the Long Dark Night of the Collective Human Soul
- Hymn of Endtime Transcendence
- Service-To-Others Is the Way to Unity Consciousness in 5D
- My Personal Experience with the Latest Timeline Shift on April 26th: Emotional Alchemy
- Living Daily the Multidimensionality of Ascension
- The Portrait of the Light Warrior as a Rock Climber
April 2017
- The Elohim: A New Matrix!
- Energy Report of the PAT - April 28, 2017
- Breaking News: The Earth Split Into Two Halves in a Massive and Dramatic ID Rift on April 26, 2017
- The Devolution of the Spiritual Mind or How Humanity was Dumbed-Down by the Cabal
- The Repetitive Monkey in Every Human
- Energy Report of the PAT - April 23, 2017
- "Save the World’! Global Marches for Science Rally Humanity in Support of the New Theory of the Universal Law
- Warning Signs of the Coming "Shock and Awe Wave" - an Energy Report
- War of Words
- How Immediate Karma Destroys the Old Matrix and Leads to Ascension
- The Divine Imprint of the PAT Member - A Recipe For Daily Crucifixion
- End Time Musings
- What is Going on in the World? - The People Begin to Awaken
- Trump Humiliated: Syria Shoots Down 34 of 59 US Cruise Missiles With Russian S-300 and S-400 Missiles
- The Situation Is Heating Up and the Collapse of the Matrix Is Imminent
- How Dr. Jekyll Trumps Mr. Hyde - End Time Paradoxes
- The Mechanism of Gravitation - for the First Time Explained
- Doppler Effect Is the Universal Proof for the Reciprocity of Space and Time
March 2017
- Why Space-Time = Energy Has Only Two Dimensions (Constituents) - Space and Time (Full Article)
- The Wave (Critical Mass for Positive Polarised Charge) March Equinox 2017
- Why Space-Time = Energy Has Only Two Dimensions (Constituents) – Space and Time (Part 5)
- Why Space-Time = Energy Has Only Two Dimensions (Constituents) – Space and Time (Part 4)
- Why Space-Time = Energy Has Only Two Dimensions (Constituents) - Space and Time (Part 3)
- Why Space-Time = Energy Has Only Two Dimensions (Constituents) - Space and Time (Part 2)
- Why Space-Time = Energy Has Only Two Dimensions (Constituents) - Space and Time (Part 1)
- Why the Pythagorean Theorem Is in the Core of the Current Geometric Presentation of Most Physical Laws
- Galilei’s Famous Experiment of Gravitation Assesses the Universal Law with the Pythagorean Theorem
- The Great Apostasy: How Christian Formalism Alienated Mankind From the Divinity Within
- Gnostische Grundlagen einer transzendentalen Medizin und Biowissenschaft
February 2017
- Urgent Message to Trump and Old Humanity - Abolish the Fed or Die
- Adamu: Die falsche politische Zweiteilung in links gegen rechts
- The Balancing Act of the PAT and the Dissipation of Highly Disequilibrium Systems in the End Time - A Case Study
- Why Trump Has No Chance to Succeed
- Return to the Garden of Eden, Fourth Density Shift on March Equinox 2017
- The False Political Dichotomy of Left Versus Right
- The Prophetic Character of the New Gnosis of the Universal Law
- PAT Report on the Transgalactic Shift - February 15, 2017
- Breaking News: This Night, February 14th, 2017, a Critical and Final Transgalactic Shift of Gaia Took Place
- The True Role of Russia in the End Time
- Ascension Through Dissociation From the Matrix and the Service-To-Self People
January 2017
- Faith Is the Key to Ascended Mastery
- Explanation About Announced Time Points of Ascension
- Lightships Hovering Over Our Heads - Huge Tension in the Air
- Goldman to Trump: Situation Assessment, Government Bail-ins, Precious Metals Threat: Systemic Collapse - Part I & II
- The Triumph of the PAT - The Birthing of New Earth
- Multidimensionality and Bilocation - How to Perceive Them?
- Ten Reasons Why the New Age Movement Has Declared Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy - Full Article
- American Culture, The Myth of The American Melting Pot
- The Arcturians: Preparing For First Contact
December 2016
- The Dialectics of Human Mind Devolution in the End Time
- Energy Report of the PAT - December 27, 2016
- Basic Scientific and Gnostic Ideas Revisited
- The Hyperboreans' Lecture: The Role and Function of the Blue Light of God's Divine Will That Flooded Gaia and Humanity During the Winter Solstice Portal of Ascension on December 21, 2016
- The Final ID Shift is in Full Sway - The Return of the Agarthans
- Breaking News - The US Electoral College Has Voted for Trump
- Images of the Source Wave of Diamond Light in the Microwave Bandwidth Are the Scientific Proof for the Coming ID Shift
- Energy Report - December 18, 2016
- Energy Report of the PAT - December 16, 2016
- Basic Scientific and Gnostic Ideas Revisited
- Open Letter to President-Elect Donald Trump
- Le leggi cosmiche della Creazione e della Distruzione: Perché e Come l'Ordine Economico Mondiale crollerà nel 2011
- PostScript
- The Beginning of the Final Ascension Shift Period on December 5th, 2016
- Is Janet Yellen Trying to Crash Stocks to Screw Trump?
November 2016
- Follow-Up of the First QHHT Session
- Another QHHT Session Confirming the Final ID Shift End of This Year
- Ascension Experience - QHHT Session of a Person Expanding into Higher Awareness
- Breaking News: How Powerfully We Influence Humanity with Our Leading Ideas
- Jumping on Ascension Timelines with Loving Kindness - A Travelogue From Paris
- Multidimensional Existence and the Art of Jumping Timelines
- Human Choices and Alternative Probabilities of the Financial Crash
- Why Even the Clearest Mind Is Skewed When It Is Agnostic
- The Inevitability of the Impending Financial Crash
- Im Wellengang
- The Great Wave
- Breaking News: The Tide Has Turned
- The ID Shifts Are Created By Ourselves Now
- Energy Report of the PAT - November 12, 2016
- The Statement of the Day
- The Energetic Background of the Peaceful American Revolution - the PAT as the Creationary Hub of the New Worlds
- Gnostic Clarification
- The Massive and Violent ID Shift That Birthed the New Ascended Earth in Early November
- The Sick Anatomy of the Republic's Real Politik - The History of False Flags of the Ruling Cabal
- Breaking News: The American Civil War Has Commenced - An Internal Coup Against the Clintons' Criminal Clan Has Begun on November 1, 2016
October 2016
- The Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain in November 1989 - a Template For the Collapse of the American Empire of Evil
- The Time of Revelations Has Arrived
- Breaking News: The Elohim Confirm the Arrival of the Proton Stream From the Central Sun via the Coronal Hole of Our Sun and the Flame of Resurrection on October 24th, 2016 Triggering the Long-Awaited Reset and the Time of Revelations
- The New Ascension Feel
- The Long American Tradition of Electoral Fraud Proven
- Situation Analysis
- Message from The Elohim - The Perfect Storm
September 2016
- The Role of the Three New World Spiritual Centres in the Final ID Shift - the Ultimate Template of the Ascension Scenario
- Die Rolle der drei neuen spirituellen Weltzentren im endgültigen ID Shift - die ultimative Vorlage für das Aufstiegsszenario
- The Creation of the Three Spiritual World Centres of Ascension - Part II
- The Creation of the Three Spiritual World Centres of Ascension - Part I
August 2016
July 2016
- Sailing to New Shores
- The Mother of All Bubbles
- It's Not Over Till the Fat (Crooked) Lady Sings
- Proofs of Immediate Creation
- Energy Report of the PAT - July 7, 2016
- Breaking News: Seventh Money Manager Puts Freeze on UK Property Fund
- Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi Slams Deutsche Bank As Europe's Most Insolvent Bank
- The Rubicon of Mr. Jerry R. James
- The Rapid Erosion of the Banking System
- The Audacity of a Blatantly Rigged System
- Latest Confirmation of an Electric Blackout Coming in July or August
- How to Imagine Life Beyond the 3D
- Kurz vorm Rubikon
- Reaching the Rubicon
- Breaking News: Jean Claude Juncker Just Admitted That He Takes Orders from Alien Masters
- How Planck's Time Resolves the Illusion of Linear Time
June 2016
- Marine Le Pen: After Brexit, the People’s Spring Is Inevitable
- Europe, A Haunted House
- Das Geisterhaus Europa
- From Brexit to Bankcrash
- An Open Letter to Pleiadian Starseeds
- An Open Letter to the Illuminati Bloodline Families
- Adamu on Brexit
- Canadian Sovereignty, The Free Trade Agreements and the “Money Mafia”: A Conversation with Paul Hellyer
- The Dark Cabal are Losing the Two Theatres of Political War in the UK and the USA
- Brexit Upends Global Markets as Stocks, Pound Plunge; Yen Soars
- Breaking News: Brexit Vote - Live Forecasts
- We Are Leaving. You Don't Need Us
- How the Cabal is Preparing the US Population for the Total Blackout of all Electric Grids and Electronic Networks This Summer With Mendacious Explanations
- Summer Solstice Megawave Leads to Increased Outages of the Electric Gird and Disruptions in Electronic Networks Worldwide
- Follow-Up Energy Report of the PAT - June 19, 2016
- Your Soul's Alignment with Divine Union
- The End of Economic Enslavement of Mankind. Free Photon Energy is Available for Everybody Now!
- Desperate Times, Prescient Measures
- Energy Report of the PAT - June 18, 2016
- The Electric Nature of Slavery and Racism and Their Elimination Through Divine Magnetism
- HS Announcement: Immaginazione è la Pontistella (Imagination is the Bridge to the Stars)
- Ascension Dementia Brings Surprising Results
- HS Durchsage 15. Juni 2016: брандмауэр (Brandmauer)
- HS Announcement on June 15th: брандмауэр (Firewall or One Helluva Blowjob)
- A Huge Electromagnetic Storm-Event Hit Gaia on June 14, 2016
- Immigration Economics: Illegal Aliens Are Our Bread and Butter
- Important Announcement of my HS: Bird on the Button
- It Begins: One European Bank Fails, Another One Needs An Urgent Cash Injection!
- How the Ruling US Cabal Create Havoc out of Desperation
- Frapture - The Unwinding of the "Money Fear" Chakra
- A Powerful Alchemical Reaction Cleansing the "Money Fear" Chakra
- End Time Scenario Explained
- A Message From the Whales
- Bliss Bubbles of Creation
- Ascension Wanderings
- La nouvelle monnaie "Astral" est à venir
- How the Dark Ruling Cabal Will be Now Easily Neutralized
- Message from the Elohim: The "Magnificent and Most Dramatic Event" on May 30, 2016 Was a Full Opening and Transition of Gaia and Humanity into Light
- Preliminary Report of the Elohim on the Most Dramatic Event in the History of Mankind on May 30, 16.00 PM Pacific Time
- De Nieuwe "Astral" Munteenheid Komt
- Why World War III Is a Figment of a Limited 3D Mind Even When Based on Sound Moral and Ethical Considerations
- The New “Astral” Currency Is Coming - International Edition
- Follow-Up on the Dramatic Event - May 30th
- 新“星芒”货币即将发布 - 国际版
May 2016
- Energy Report of the PAT - May 31, 2016
- Urgent - Something Dramatic is Happening at This Very Moment
- On Gnostic, Spiritual, Emotional and Intellectual Deficiencies of the Third Wave of Ascension Candidates and Why It Is So Difficult to Awaken and Educate Them
- Huge Coronal Holes in the Sun Triggered the Megashift May 15th - 24th
- The Elohim Discuss the Megashift May 15th – May 24th
- Follow-Up on the ID Megashift May 15th - May 24th
- The Sun Gate and Grand Climax of Humanity’s Ascension on 6.20.2016
- More on the Megashift May 15th - May 24th
- Energy Report of the PAT - May 24, 2016
- Short Energy Update - May 23, 2016
- Новая "Астральная" валюта уже в пути
- The Tortoise and the Synchronicity of All-That-Is
- Announcement
- Hyper Dimensional Borealis – The Asgard Alternative
- The Fed - the Greatest Theft on the Planet
- The Financial Conspirary of the Orion Banksters Leading to the NWO - A Review
- How Will the Collapse of the Orion Matrix Unfold in the End Time
- Wie Gestaltet sich der Zusammenbruch der Orion Matrix in der Endzeit
- The Success of the Astral Currency in the Transition Phase
- Der Erfolg der Astral -Währung in der Übergangsphase
- Energy Report of the PAT - May 13, 2016
- Die neue Währung "Astral" kommt
- Why Trump Is in Danger of Being Assassinated by the US Dark Establishment
- Energy Report of the PAT - May 11, 2016
- End Time Rambling Makes You Free
- Dreaming the Ascension Dream
- The Limits of Human Cognition Determine the Priorities of the Ascension Scenario
- They Will Have to Rewrite the Textbooks on Science
- The Hand That Bites Itself
- Intimate Experiences With Revolution Make a World of Difference in Thought
- Declaration of Independence
- Masters of the Multidimensional Chessboard
- Think Bold, Blow Up the Shackles of the Orion Matrix
- Putin's Speech in Front of the Young Souls Congress
- End Time Apocalypse or Ascension? - The Choice is Between Linear and Multidimensional Thinking
- Digital Currency and Related Scam Are the Last Futile Efforts of the Dark Cabal to Save their Lives
- When Will the Financial Collapse Occur?
- Short Energy Update
- Lehman Brothers Greets: The EU Banking System is a 46 Trillion Euro Ponzi-Scheme
- Energy Report of the PAT - May 3, 2016
- Musing on the Meaning of Incarnation Choices with Respect to Nationality, Language and History
- The Chicken Come Home to Roost
- The French Revolution Spreads to Germany
- Humanity Has Reached the Threshold of Unvarnished Truth
- Other Experts Confirm the Collapse of the Dollar and the US Financial Ponzi Scheme
- The Beginning of the French Revolution
April 2016
- Creating our Reality, our World, our Home
- PAT - Miners of Hearts of Gold
- Trump's Assault on the US Dark Elite
- M7.0 Earthquake Literally Shook the Entire Planet; Registered Throughout Entire USA!
- How the Higher Realms Cripple Dark 3D Technology in the End Time
- Energy Report of the PAT - April 29, 2016
- The Dollar is Dead
- Another Energy Peak on the Eve of the Mercury Retrograde April 28th
- Breaking News: Donald Trump's Historic Speach on His New Foreign Policy in Washington, DC
- Where Will the Financial Crash First Begin?
- How the US Government Fudges the Unemployment Statistics and Hides the Greatest Depression of All Time
- Revelation in Creation: The "US of Accounting Gimmicks" Goes Mainstream
- Debunking the Jewish Myth
- The Arcturians on Conspiracy
- Archangel Michael: Flame of Living Truth
- How Immediate Creation Works Better with Humour
- Energy Report of the PAT - April 25, 2016
- Hillary Clinton’s Speech to Goldman Sachs
- The Bridge of Peace
- Response to PAT's Personal Experiences
- Breaking News: Earth's "Magnetosphere" COLLAPSED in space TODAY for Two+ Hours!
- What Are the PAT's Personal Experiences with the LBP and Ascension Now?
- Practical Civil Disobedience
- Ascension's Signs and Dreams
- Vision von der erbärmlichen Lage der Politkabal
- The Noose Tightens Around Obama's Neck
- Income Disparity Is the Main Tool of the Ruling Cabal to Impose the NWO
- Bring the Facts to Bring About Change
- The European Cabal Are Wrapping up Their NWO Project for the EU
- Snorting Unity
- The Truth in the End Time is a Catch 22 for the Cabal
- NESARA-Type Money Reset Thrives on Human Stupidity and Hinders Awakening to Unity Consciousness
- The Upheaval of the Masses on the Eve of Ascension
- New Proofs for the Imminent Financial Apoptosis of the US Banking System
- Immediate Creation in the End Time
- Not only Are All Balance Sheets Rigged in the Empire of Evil - Its Presidential Race is Also Rigged
- The 12th Hour
- Reality Check of the US of Accounting Gimmicks
- Limits to Studying "History"
- Cognitive Dissonance in the US of Accounting Gimmicks
- La nueva moneda "Astral" está llegando
- The United States of Accounting Gimmicks
- End Time Scenario in the Historical Perspective
- The Elohim Invocation Works
- The Necessity of Having Conversations with True Masters
- The Elohim Invocation to Retract and Seal the Personal Fields Is Extremely Powerful
- The Elohim: The Nexus Point of Creation
- Energy Report of the PAT - April 3, 2016
- The Manifestation of the Cities of Light
- The Success of Our Latest ID Shift - An Energy Wave of Truth Engulfs Humanity
- The Elohim Confirm the Massive ID Shift on March 30, 2016
March 2016
- Energy Report of the PAT - March 31, 2016
- Breaking News: Massive ID Shift, Possible Nuclear Explosion on This Timeline Around 21.30 pm Pacific Time
- The Arcturians: Transmutation into Lightbody
- Ascension Now - How Real Dreams Substitute a Dreamy Reality
- The Arrival of the Mermaids
- Difficult Becomes the Life of the Prophet!
- The Feeling of Rapid Change in a Slow-Changing World
- Your Ascension/Evolution is About the Body And Gaia
- What Happened Around the Equinox/Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Portal
- Bank Apoptosis Due to Sudden Liquidity Death
- Why the Arabs Don’t Want Us in Syria
- The Real Economy and the Plight of the People is the Key to the Collapse of the Orion Matrix- Part 2
- The Real Economy and the Plight of the People is the Key to the Collapse of the Orion Matrix- Part 1
- The Black Knight
- Alex Jones Nobel Peace Prize Stunt: Obama Responsible For 1 Million Deaths Worldwide
- The Energetic Dynamics Behind the Establishment of Mental Clarity in the End Time
- Energy Report of the PAT - March 18, 2016
- Stairway to Insanity
- Why it Is so Important to Develop and Introduce the New "Astral" Currency
- Energy Report of the PAT - March 15, 2016
- Ascension Dissociation
- The GOP’s Last Debate — Fiscal Follies, Warmongers’ Jamboree, Amnesty For Janet
- My Experience of a World of Creation
- Breaking News: Volume IX of the "Journey of the Planetary Ascension Team" Is Available as Ebook
- Global Liquidity Collapses To 2008 Crisis Levels
- Breaking News: Japanese Government Bond Futures Are Crashing Again Today
- The Biggest Accounting Hoax Since Enron - How the Financial Collapse Will Occur
- Sudden Plunge In Japanese Government Bonds Triggers Circuit Breaker, Halts Market For 30 Seconds
- German Politician Willy Wimmer: 'It's Time We Cleaned Up This Mess in Germany'
- Přichází nová „Astrální“ měna
- The March 8th Portal Was Very Powerful
- Nowa waluta „Astral” nadchodzi
- Новата валута „Астрал" идва към нас
- The Panic of the US Elite in front of the Coming Insurrection of the Masses
- La nuova moneta "Astrale" è in arrivo
- The Arcturians: Meeting In Dreamtime
- My Real Dream
- Az új „Asztrál” fizetőeszköz színre lép
- Erzengel Gabriel: Ankündigung von Enthüllungen
- Energy Report of the PAT - March 4, 2016
- The New "Astral" Currency Is Coming
February 2016
- The War on Cash - A Model for a Global Financial Collapse
- The Surge in Gold and Silver Mine Stocks Is a Precursor for the Success of the new "Astral" Currency Based on Alchemical Gold
- How US Absurdistan Became US Bankruptistan
- Energy Report of the PAT - February 26, 2016
- Your Collective Self Sings the Song of Life
- The Last Throes of the Financial Ponzi-Scheme of the Banksters Cabal
- Archangel Gabriel - Disclosure Announcement
- Symptoms of Differences in Vibration
- The Stench of a Dying World
- The Mystery of the One Bank: its Owners?
- Knocking at Heaven's Door
- Und der Aufstieg schreitet zügig voran
- Short Financial Vade Mecum for the PAT Throughout February
- Imminent Ascension
- Breaking News: Jerry Has Almost Ascended
January 2016
- Important Announcement to the PAT
- Harnessing the Flow
- Forget the Stock Markets For a While, the Corporate and Governmental Bond Bubbles Have Already Imploded
- The Arcturians: Straight Talk on Ascension
- Economic Forecast for February 2016
- Ascension Dreams
- The Resurrection of the Giving Tree
- Breaking News: Apparent Detection via New Telescopes with Concave Lenses of Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities (ITE)
- United States of Corruption
- Energy Report of the PAT - January 27, 2016
- Message From the Elohim and St. Germain: Massive ID Shift and MPRs on January 23/24 Leading to the Physical Death of Billions of Transliminal Soul Fragments
- Breaking News: The New "X-Files" Series Is a Powerful Promoter of Global Revelations
- The Silencing of Jesus
- A Massive ID Shift on the Full Wolf Moon Portal January 23/24, 2016
- Putting the Bombs to Bed
- "SHEAR PANIC!" Bank Runs Have Begun in Italy!
- Jihadi Update
- Feminine Energy in a Pant Suit
- Energy Report of the PAT - January 22, 2016
- Jitters in Davos
- The Crash of the Real Estate Market in Top Gear After Our Alchemical Reaction
- Confirmation of the Collapse of the Real Estate Market
- Mein Jihad
- A Powerful Alchemical Reaction to Crash and Transform the Real Estate Market Took Place on January 14th
- All the Ingredients for a Total Collapse of the Orion Economic Order in 2016 – Part II
- All the Ingredients for a Total Collapse of the Orion Economic Order in 2016 - Part I
- A Small Crash Course For All Awakening German (and Other) Pigdogs
- Message from the Elohim - The New Light of Creation and the Role of the Transliminal Souls
- Open Letter to Alex Jones
- The Bears Are Coming
- The Safety Dance - Breaking Through the Last Support Levels in the Charts
- Watch Alex Jones Channelled to Ecstasy by His New Transliminal Soul
- How the New Transliminal Souls Destroy Psychologically the Orion Matrix From Within
- Energy Report of the PAT - January 13, 2016
- The PAT Triggered an Avalanche of Confessions: Another Transliminal Soul and Walk-In in a Fed Central Bankster Commits to the Truth
- We Are In A Global Economic Collapse
- The Transliminal Soul of a Republican Virginia state Senator Speaks the Truth as a New Walk-In
- Our Manifestation of the Greatest Depression of All Time
- Economic Collapse Happening Now
- David Bowie - the Bankster Behind the Dark Magic Musician
- Kleines Einmaleins für alle erwachenden deutschen Michel (und Schweinehunde)
- Elohim Cleansing of the Light Warriors of the First and the Last Hour
- The Financial and Economic Crash in 2016
- My Wondrous Journey From New Zealand to Lemuria in Hawaii
- Urlaub in Dunkeldeutschland während der alchemischen Reaktion des PAT
- Energy Report of the PAT - January 7, 2016
- Zwischen Hölle und Himmel
- The Political Ramifications of the Massive Alchemical Reaction of the PAT on January 4th to Cleanse All Pigdogs' Souls in Germany and Worldwide
- Die Wahrheit hinter den angeblichen Kölner HBH Ereignissen am Silvesterabend
- Musing Over the German Character
- Meine Klarstellung ueber alle deutsche Schweinehunde
- Der Zivilisationszerfall der deutschen Zombie-Gesellschaft ist ein Zeichen des beginnenden Wandels
- Breaking News: The Financial Crash Has Commenced at the Beginning of 2016 as Predicted
- Energy Report of the PAT - January 4, 2016
- Brand-New Russian Documentary on the Rapid Collapse of the Orion Matrix
- Energetic and Tectonic Shifts After the Christmas Full Moon Portal
- The Nature of Transliminal Souls and Their Role as Walk-Ins in the Final Ascension
- Message from the Elohim - The Arrival of the Transliminal Souls
December 2015
- Ascension Highlights in 2015 - Annual Overview
- Ascension Highlights in 2015 – 4th Quarter
- Die Küken werden flügge
- The True Nature of the Eternal Light Warrior
- Energy Report of the PAT - December 29, 2015
- Why My "Saker Dream" Shouldn't Be Saker's Nightmare
- Inner Discourse
- Innerer Diskurs
- Follow-Up of the Christmas Full Moon Portal of the Now
- Breaking News: The Christmas Full Moon "Portal of the Now" Was the Last Fateful ID Shift of This Uppermost Mother Planet
- Christmas Absurdities in Americastan
- Ascension Highlights in 2015 – 3rd Quarter
- Correction Announcement
- The Saker Is Back and Asks What Comes Next?
- State-Of-the-Art Analysis of the Ascension Scenario on Christmas Eve
- Everything Is Falling Apart
- Ascension Highlights in 2015 – 2nd Quarter
- Birthing New Earth
- A Brilliant Confirmation of Our Economic Collapse Scenario
- Meet David Stockman - "I Am Not a Professional Writer, I Write Rants"
- Sell The Bonds, Sell The Stocks, Sell The House — Dread The Fed!
- Ascension Highlights in 2015 - 1st Quarter
- On Time Warps and Parallel Loops in the Multidimensional Simultaneity of the Ascension
- A Day of Truth For the Financial Markets
- Reflections and Conversations With My Higher Self
- The PAT Website - A Front Row Seat in the Greatest Freak Show of All Time
- "About God and the World" - An Inspiring Conversation With a Young Russian Artist and an Ascension Candidate
- Necessary Clarification on the Latest Energy Report
- The Energies of the Portal 12.12
- Breaking News: Massive Shift in Consciousness of the Masses on December 11, 2015
- Magnetism: The Nature of Your Reality – Message 7
- Sensation: The Saker Makes Great Strides
- Navigating Higher Dimensional Grids
- Energy Report of the PAT - December 10, 2015
- Jerry's Message to the Saker
- The Dialectics of Life: There Is Always Hope For Humanity
- Who Is Really in Charge of This Planet?
- Miracle - We Have Survived Another Year!
- The Empire of Evil's Roadmap to Perdition
- Many a Slip between a Cup and a Lip
- The Elohim Elucidate Further the Role of Twin Flames in the Ascension Process
- Creating the Collapse of the Orion Matrix in Real Time
- Pale Rider Heralds Apocalypse
- Energy Report of the PAT - December 1, 2015
November 2015
- The Arcturians: The Anchoring of the Golden White Light Seraphim Grid and the Unification of All Angelic Races
- Opening of the Left Brain Portal and Integration and Unification of All Soul Fragments in Second Wave Ascension Candidates on November 28, 2015
- How It All Began - The Harmonic Convergence in 1987
- Energy Report of the PAT - November 29, 2015, Part - II
- Energy Report of the PAT - November 28, 2015, Part - I
- Bottom of the Barrel
- Breaking News: Massive ID Splits, Numerous MPR and Nuclear Wars on Lower Separating Timelines
- Core Remembers, Rebirths, and Ignites its Divine Right to Exist – Everything Changes
- Energy Report of the PAT - November 25, 2015
- How to Create the Optimal Financial System in Your Reality
- This Could Be a Very Big Story of Revelations
- Energy Report of the PAT - November 23, 2015
- The Elohim on the Healing Meditation Through the Third Eye on November 20, 2015
- Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies Through Opening of the Third Eye
- The Insertion of the New Structures of Superconductivity
- The 11.21 Portal of Purification and Healing of the 3rd Eye - Energy Report
- How the US Debt Bubble Burst Amidst Reigning Insanity
- Superconductivity of Mind Leads to Superconductivity of Matter and Photon Space-Time
- Magnetism, Polarity and Superconductivity as the Basis of Creation – Message 6
- Energy Report of the PAT - November 16, 2015
- Chronicle of a Death Foretold
- The Birth of the New Logos Gods Revisited
- Energy Report of the PAT - November 15, 2015, Part II
- Energy Report of the PAT - November 14, 2015, Part I
- U.S. Dollar: The End of the Barbarous Relic
- The Edge of Infinity
- The Head of Janus of the 11.11 Portal
- Energy Report of the PAT - November 9, 2015
- Galactic/Cosmic Convergence Final Push
- The Future Probable Role of Canada in the Ascension Scenario
- The 11:11 Gateway of the Archangels
- The Arcturians: The 11.11 Portal Brings The Dropping of the Veils and Massive Influx of Walk-Ins
- 2015: Space Fraudyssey
- Breaking News: I Made It With Your Help. Thanks Guys!
- Urgent: Our PAT Brother Jon Roberts Needs Our Help - Make an Invocation with the Seven Sacred Flames!
- Canada Marches With Giant Steps Towards State Default
- Superconductivity is the Foundation of Unlimited Free Energy, Antigravity and Easy Bilocation
- The Perfection of All-That-Is through Universal Superconductivity of the Infinite Consciousness - Message 5
- The Helmet Comes Off
October 2015
- Energy Report of the PAT - October 31, 2015
- The Arcturians - Synchronization of Lighthouses, Rays and Flames Uniting
- The Elohim Confirm the Final and Total Ejection of All Dark Perpetrators' Soul Fragments From This Uppermost Mother Planet by the PAT
- Breaking News: All Criminal Soul Fragments Were Removed From This Earth on October 28th
- Dr. Wierdlove, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Holocaust
- The Elohim: The Last Supermoon Portal on October 26th/27th Marks the Transition of This Uppermost Mother Planet into the New Golden Galaxy
- What Went Wrong in the World After the Fall of the Iron Curtain
- Energy Report of the PAT - October 25, 2105
- The Arcturians: The Lighthouses are Fully Anchored - October 22, 2015
- Putin's Speech at the Valdai International Discussion Club - October 22, 2015
- Generators of Free Photon Energy Are Very Easy to Build
- A Helluva Ride for the Light Warriors of the First and Last Hour
- Clear Speak: M. T. Keshe Is a Fraudster and Sociopath and His Inventions are an Esoteric Scam
- The Science of Creation - Message 4
- A New Website With Excellent Popular-Scientific Messages From the Source on the Nature of Energy
- Energy Report of the PAT - October 20, 2015
- The Sweeping Defeat of the Dark Harper Clone Is Entirely the Success of the Few PAT Light Warriors in Canada
- A Bombshell Revelation That May Trigger the End of the Dark Criminal AAA-Cabal
- Breaking News - ID Megashift in the Last 48 Hours
- Immediate Confirmation of My End Time Scenario: Why the USA Cannot Start Two Wars Against Russia and China and Must Collapse
- The Most Probable End Time Scenario - an Intuitive Prediction
- The Pharmaceutical Genocide on Humanity Revisited
- Energy Report of the PAT - October 16, 2015
- Excellent Italian Translation of My First Book "New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind"
- Energy Report - October 13, 2015
- Significance or Insignificance of Current Alternative Reforms of the Orion Monetary System
- Russian Campaign in Syria Exposes Gas War Reality Behind “War on Terror"
- Letters To Humanity on the Eve of Our Ascension
- Energy Report of the PAT - October 9, 2015
- Breaking News: Major Ascension Test Run This Night
- An Open Letter to the Orion "Nobel Prize Committee"
- Breaking News: The French Revolution Has Commenced
- Further Evidence For Immediate Manifestation of Our Thought Forms
- Ascension Dynamics in Real Time - New Evidence
- Breaking News: Ukraine Has Officially Defaulted Today
- Ascension Dynamics in Real Time
- Clarity of Mind
- Message From the Elohim on the September 28th Portal
September 2015
- Short Energy Update on the Blood Moon Portal - September 27th/28th
- A Possible Spark Leading to a Global Financial Conflagration?
- September 23, 2015 - The Day Of "One-ment" Through Collapsing Linear Time. Strong Confirmation
- Collapsing Linear Time Through Delivering the 9/11 Codes of Ascension
- “This Is Only the Beginning"
- PAT's Journey to Heaven - Part II
- PAT's Journey to Heaven - Part I
- Cheers! It's Time to Ascend Now
- Energy Report of the PAT - September 20, 2015
- Personal Energy Report - September 19, 2015
- How I Met Dr. Georgi Stankov and Woke Up!
- Breaking News: Transdermal Magnesium Therapy
- Never Underestimate the Power of the PAT
- Magnesiumoil Is Very Effective for Muscle and Joint Pains in the LBP
- Opening Portals of Transmutation
- Sananda - “You Are Now Ready To Cross The Finish Line”
- On the Current Disgusting Human Condition and How to Transcend it Through Music
- The Rapid Awakening of the Second Wave of Ascension Candidates - Part II
- The Rapid Awakening of the Second Wave of Ascension Candidates
- Preparations For World War III - Russia Simulates International Conflict in ‘Biggest War Drills Since Cold War’
- Energy Report of the PAT - September 14, 2015
- Psychopaths and Sociopaths Are Ruling the USA
- The Elohim: With the Outburst of a Nuclear War in the Night of September 13, 2015 the Multidimensional Expansion of Gaia Reaches Its Maximal Impact
- The Tsunami of Luminous Light and the Return of the Divine Masculine Frequency
- Breaking News: A Most Devastating Nuclear War Happened This Night
- Energy Report of the PAT - September 13, 2015
- The Divine Symphony of the Planetary Ascension Team (PAT)
- Energy Report of the PAT - September 10, 2015
- Creating Multidimensional Thoughtforms
- The Bursting of the Bond-Stock Market-Dollar-Etc. Bubbles as a Domino Effect
- Breaking News: The Final Codes of Ascension Were Delivered This Night
- Energy Report of the PAT - September 5, 2015
- Captive Mentalities and The Chameleon Effect
- Energy Report of the PAT - September 4, 2015
- Breaking News: Huge ID Shift Today
- The Scylla and Charybdis - Real Estate Journal of an American Sheep
- Stock Markets Analysis - The Carnage and Pillage Continues Unabated on the First Day of September
- "The Black Swan" - Unpredictability is the Order of the Day as Vibration Raises
- The Bursting of the Four Apocalyptic Financial Bubbles and Their Role in the Ascension Scenario
- The Unwinding of the Fourth Apocalyptic Bubble - The Crash of the Real Estate Markets
August 2015
- August Review - September Outlook
- Musing Over the Final Collapse and Our Ascension
- Jim Willie Alert! The Global Financial War Is Now Full-Blown HOT!
- The Four Apocalyptic Bubbles of the Greatest Depression Revisited
- Singularity, a Reverie
- The Death of Paper Gold Triggers Ascension
- Chinese Revenge on the West for the Opium Wars - A Brutal Currency War Against the Dollar
- Santa Claus, Help! Another Glitch of Banksters' Computers
- More Proofs for Our Immediate Creation of the Crash
- The Greatest Depression of All Times Finally Hits Canada's Statistics
- What Do You Do When You Are the Cabal and Have Lost All Your Funny-Money? - You Abolish Cash!
- The Nearer the Crash, the Bigger the Computer "Glitches" in the Bank Sector
- The Ticket Home - the Biggest Market Correction of Lifetime
- The "Others", Coming Interactions, Alternate Earths
- Currency Manipulations and the Imminent Crash of the Dollar
- The Stock Markets Carnage Continues Unabated
- The Importance of Regular Sugar Consumption for the Maintenance of the Body in the LBP
- Balsam for Our Flayed Souls: The World’s Richest People Lost Another $124 Billion on Monday
- Marc Faber: The Global Economy Is Entering An Epic Slump
- What is Inflation
- The Ultimate Financial Crash - After Black Friday Comes Black Monday... and Then All the Black Days of the Week
- On the Power of Our Thoughts, Energy Protection and Living With Constant Expanding Awareness Between 3D and 5D
- Mother Earth Speaks on the Ascension
- Leaving This Earth or Persevere to the Last and Create New Realities?
- Weggehen von dieser Erde oder bis zuletzt ausharren und neue Realitäten erschaffen?
- Logos Gods Forever
- Harper's Many Skeletons in the Closet Are Haunting Him
- How We Create the Stock Market Crash in Real Time – A Follow-Up 2.0
- How We Create the Stock Market Crash in Real Time - A Follow-Up
- How We Create the Stock Market Crash in Real Time
- Charging the Ascension Scenario: Major 3D Events and Predictions for September
- Evidence That the MPR Is Impending on This Uppermost Mother Planet
- The Arcturians: The Ascension is Now
- Further Evidence for the Coming WW3: Putin Signs “September War” Order Authorizing Nuclear Attack On NATO Forces
- China BOMBSHELL: China and America Already at War: Tianjin Explosion Carried out by Pentagon Space Weapon in Retaliation for Yuan Currency Devaluation... Military Helicopters Now Patrolling Beijing
- Energy Report of the PAT - August 18, 2015
- The Greatest Depression of All Times Peaks - American Consumption in a Meltdown
- The Empire of Evil Is the United States of Atrocities
- Energy Report of the PAT - August 15, 2015
- A Historical Interview with Gorbachev
- A Necessary Clarification in the Jarring Cacophony of Financial Discusssions in the End Time
- Announcement on the PAT Facebook Group
- Energy Report of the PAT - August 11, 2015
- The Elohim: Your Magnificent Energy Work
- More on the Political Unguided Missile "Donald Trump" That Wreaks More Truth Than Havoc
- Energy Report of the PAT - August 8, 2015
- Unanimity in Action: Even Donald Trump Adopts Our Ideas
- Unanimity in Action: David Stockman Confirms the Crash I Have Just Predicted
- Aspects of the Coming Paradigm Shift
- Breaking News: A Massive Ascension Test Run Is Underway
- The Final Crisis Has Commenced
- How the Unanimity of Ideas and Intuitive Perceptions Shape the Ascension Process
- Energy Report of the PAT - August 3, 2015
- Short Energy Report - August 2, 2015
- The Big Unmasking of the Criminal US Cabal Has Commenced
- Non-Linear Channeling
- Five New Technologies Are Coming Soon
July 2015
- The Endless Hypocrisy of the Church
- A Recipe for a European Civil War
- Is the Medical-Pharmaceutical-Regulatory Cartel Assassinating Physicians?
- An Epitaph of the Western Type of Orion Order From an Agnostic Intellectual
- Beautiful New Age
- Lofer - the World Healing Centre of the Seven Sacred Flames
- Short Energy Update - July 27, 2015
- The Diadochi Fights Among the Dark Cabal Factions Are in Full Swing Prior to Our Ascension and Their Demise
- Chuck Norris Joins the Unanimity Club of Doomsday Prophets
- The Crash Is a Certainty and the Date Fairly Sure
- If I Can Finally Start to Understand the Beauty of the Law Then Anyone Can ...Really!
- Why It Was so Difficult to Introduce the New Theory of the Universal Law in the Past
- AA Metatron – Final Blood Moon - Key Holders
- Energy Update - July 19th, 2015
- Why Our Ascension and the Introduction of the Universal Law Must Happen This Summer
- The Economic Collapse Blog Has Issued A RED ALERT For The Last Six Months Of 2015
- The Pathology of the Powers-That-Were
- Unanimity of Perceptions and Opinions Heralds Our Ascension
- Greek Bailout Deal "a new Versailles Treaty"
- The Greek Catalyst of EU-Decomposition: Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes.
- Chronicle of a Death Foretold
- Decretos de gran alcance del PAT para acelerar la Ascensión
- Powerful Decrees of the PAT to Accelerate Ascension
- Germany Won’t Spare Greek Pain – It Has an Interest in Breaking Us
- End Time Is the Time for Humanity to Wash Dirty Laundry
- Heightened Sensations and Visions Amidst the Apocalypse of the Magnetic Pole Reversal
- Unanimity Before Ascension: My Advises Are Taken Seriously by More and More Politicians
- The State of War between Russia and the Empire of Evil Has Reached a New Ominous Level
- Angela Merkel: Under Her Tired Eyes Breaks the EU
- Opinion: Merkel Must End Devil's Pact with America
- The Birthing of New Lemuria in July and August
- More Info on the Rock Star Politician Yanis Varoufakis to Complete the Picture on the Greek Drama, which Is in the Centre of the End Time Scenario of Ascension
- How To Create the New Paradigm Shift - A Brand New Evidence
- How To Create the New Paradigm Shift
- My Vision on the Destruction of New York, the USA and Europe
- Breaking News: Varoufakis Announces His Resignation as Greek Finance Minister
- The Biggest Orion-Reptilian Banks Have Just Cornered the Commodity and Precious Metal Markets
- The Avalanche of Revelations That Prepares the Coming Paradigm Shift
- This Is Why The Euro Is Finished
- Europe's Attack on Greek Democracy
- Betrayal? Scandal? Scam! Goldman-Sachs Affiliated Company Counts the Ballots of the Greek Referendum on July 5th
- The US Ambassador Samantha Power Commits Felony in Front of the Congress and Must Go to Prison
- The Pathology of the NWO Explained by an Economic Hit Man
- The Joke of the End Time: "One Does Not Eavesdrop on Friends", Merkel
- Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras Statement to the Greek Nation
- Greek Intelligence Versus MSM Presstitute's Stupidity
- Ron Paul Confirms PAT's Unanimous Conclusion That a Global Financial Crash Is Imminent and Inevitable
- The Black Hole of the NWO of the Dark Cabal Is the White Hole of Our Ascension
- Breaking News: Massive "Beam Me Up, Scotie" Shift at the Onset of the Full Moon Portal
- Identitätskrise der Neuzeit
June 2015
- End Time Gallows Humor in Brussels Madhouse
- Endzeitlicher Galgenhumor im Brüssels Tollhaus
- The New Age of Political Sobriety
- Wall Street Journal's Latest Laughable Scare: A Russian-Dominated Bulgaria
- After Grexit Comes Frexit
- Ein Revolution bahnt sich in der deutschen Lügen-Presse an: Man erkennt endlich die Finanzdiktatur des Polit- und Banksters Kartells als Mittel zur Versklavung der Menschen und Errichtung der NWO
- Breaking News: The Dark Secret Services Are Spying on Our Emails Real Time as They Want to Know Our Prophecies When they Are Dead
- A Short Energy Update - June 29, 2015
- More on the Collapse of the Orion Matrix and the Ascension Scenario
- Der Koenig ist nackt: Die Demontage der herrschenden Kabalen hat begonnen
- How the Globalists Push the NWO Against the Dialectics of Ascension
- The Global War Is Coming Soon and so Does Our Ascension
- Energy Report of the PAT - June 26, 2015
- Technical Announcement
- St. Germain on the Deplorable Mental State of Humanity Prior to Ascension and How It Shall Be Changed
- Energy Report of the PAT - June 24, 2015
- Video: The Elohim on the Current State of Ascension - June 21, 2015
- The Function of the Pituitary Gland and the Pineal Gland in the Transmutation of the Physical Body during the LBP
- Ascension Dreams, Visions and Prophecies
- Il ritratto del guerriero della luce come leader Lemuriano
- Piotr's Gift to the PAT - a New "Log" Function for a Better Search and an Overview of the Information
- Short Message From the Elohim on the Current State of Ascension
- The Portrait of the Light Warrior as a Lemurian Leader
- Why Is the Greek Problem Bigger Than the Greek Debt?
- The Doldrums Before the Storm
- The Portrait of the Light Warrior as a Young Jazz Musician
- Escalation of War Propaganda Between the West and Russia Heralds Our Imminent Move to New Lemuria
- Who I AM and Where I AM
- Adama: The New Lemuria
- The Journey of the Planetary Ascension Team - Books
- A Short Energy Update - June 15, 2015
- The Questions of Philosophy and the Answer of the New Gnosis (continuation)
- Die Fragen der Philosophie und die Antwort der neuen Gnosis (Fortsetzung)
- Canada - A Country Founded on Crime
- The Difference Between Russians and American Citizen-Zombies
- A New Probability Alternative for the Upcoming Financial Crash
- How Immediate Creation Occurs
- My Dream Vision of New Lemuria
- Energy Report - June 11, 2015
- Rapid Ascension
- Ten Differences in Gurus and Captains
- Tao de Ponz - Ponzi Poetry, Volume I
- The Zombification of Western Politics Is Fully Supported by the American Citizen-Zombies
- The Zombification of Western Politics Prior to Our Ascension to New Lemuria
- The Portrait of the Light Warrior as a Guru
- Das Portrait des Lichtkriegers als Guru
- Economics Reflects Emotional and Mental State; Fear and Euphoria Create Lack and Abundance.
- First Comes Eggs Rationing in America and Then the Economic Collapse
- How Do We Move Forward From Here – Even More
- Energy Report of the PAT - June 7, 2015
- How a Cash Crash May Happen
- Capitalism is in the Deepest Sense-Crisis Since its Invention
- Putin"s Interview to the Italian newspaper Il Corriere della Sera
- Botschaft der Hyperborear über die Erstellung von 5D1 Neu Lemuria in der Nacht des 4. Juni 2015
- Message from the Hyperboreans on the Creation of 5D1 New Lemuria in the Night of June 4, 2015
- Breaking News: The Hyperboreans Confirm - The PAT Created the New 5D Platform for Individual Ascension in the Night of June 4th
- The Portrait of the Light Warrior as a Poet
- Energy Report of the PAT - June 3, 2015
- Increase in Interdimensional Interceptions of Past Timelines in the End Time of Ascension
- Agartha Has Ascended to 6D. Next Comes Our Ascension
- Slumbering Goes America Under
- The Scientific Fraud and the Answer of the General Theory of Biological Regulation of the Universal Law
- Another Massive ID Shift on May 31, 2015
- Massive Escalation Towards Global War Heralds the Coming ID Shift
May 2015
- Energy Report of the PAT - May 31, 2015
- The Questions of Philosophy and the Answer of the New Gnosis
- Die Fragen der Philosophie und die Antwort der neuen Gnosis
- The Crisis of Philosophy Before the Discovery of the Universal Law
- Die Krise der Philosophie vor der Entdeckung des Universalgesetzes
- Connecting to the Devas and the Unity Field - My Spiritual Journey
- Energy Report of the PAT - May 28, 2015
- Message from The Elohim: "The Reclamation of Lemuria"
- The Riddle Is Solved - What Happened Since May 19th
- Energy Report - May 22, 2015
- The Greatest Limitation: Linear Time
- On the Impending Global Glitch of the Internet and All Digital Technologies and Related Issues
- Energy Report of the PAT - May 20, 2015
- PRESIDENT - Putin's 15 years in power - EN Subtitles (VIDEO)
- Only One in 300 Humans May Ascend
- Urgent Preparation for the Emergency Case - Our Ascension
- Dringliche Vorbereitung für den Ernstfall - Unseren Aufstieg
- Breaking News - Our Ascension Portal Is Completed
- Energy Update - May 16, 2015
- Credit Markets Have Melted Overnight. Derivatives Are a $1 Quadrillion “Ticking Time Bomb”
- Yet Another Huge Diplomatic Victory For Russia
- The Prophecies of Peter Deunov for the End Time
- Reality Distorsions and Other End Time Perversions
- The Fifth Dimensional Perspective: Transcending Space and Time
- Breaking news! 2 Giant UFOs captured in pictures by NASA solar observatory - May 10, 2015
- Bombama, the Liar - Part II
- Reflections on the Current Ascension Scenario
- Embarrassment for Merkel: US Government Exposes the Helpless German Chancellor with Condescending Emails
- Why the PAT Is the Avantgarde of Humanity. How We Influence the People with Our Ideas
- Living in the Void
- Nikola Tesla – Everything is the Light
- An Apartment with a View of the Light City
- The Elections in Alberta - A Landslide Victory for the Light
- Energy Report of the PAT - May 5, 2015
- "Spirit, Spirit" - a New Song Dedicated to the PAT
- Die Elohim: Dies ist ein neuer Tag, ein neuer Tagesanbruch!
- The Elohim: This Is a New Day, a New Dawn !
- Energy Report of the PAT - May 3, 2015
- Breaking News: The Era of Conscious Bilocation Has Commenced !
- Short Energy Update - May 3, 2015
- May, a Month of Miracles - My Bilocation to the New 4D Worlds
- More on the Nature of "Loosh" Energies
- Mai, ein Monat der Wunder - Meine Bilokation in den neuen 4D Welten
- Miracles Abound - With a Little Help From the PAT
- On Frogs' Choirs and Multiple Lives on Parallel Timelines
- Merkel's Corrupt Government May Topple Down Over the Old and New Spy Scandal
April 2015
- The Fate of the World Rests in Your Hands
- The Perennial Cat and Mouse Game Comes to an End - Another Ascension Dream
- The Rise of Modern Pop Music Amidst Dark Spells
- Fascist American Censorship
- Saint Germain's neun Schritte des Erschaffens
- Ascension Dreams of the PAT
- The Arrival of Beautiful "Loosh"
- Another Legitimate Way of Effective Spiritual Work
- The Final Manuscript of Survival
- Energy Report of the PAT - April 26, 2015
- The CanAm Asshole Factory
- No Financial Collapse?
- Energy Onslaught Triggers Total Emotional and Mental Decomposition of Humans' Personalities
- The Portrait of the Light Warrior as a Musician
- The Decline and Fall of the United States
- Why the EU Elite Must Tremble
- What does Putin want?
- Open Diplomatic Speak of Lavrov in the End Time of Truth
- Energy Report of the PAT - Part II, April 21, 2015
- Energy Report of the PAT - Part I, April 21, 2015
- Why We Do not Need Any Prophets
- Damis (Timotheus) Speaks about Apollonius of Tyana, the Anointed Christ
- On Saint Germain's Alchemy of Creation
- Energy Report of the PAT - April 17, 2015
- Ascension Dreams and Dream Information
- How to Merge With the "I Am Presence" With a Scientific Certainty
- Energy Report of the PAT - April 15, 2015
- The Steep Pathway to a Light Warrior of the First and the Last Hour
- Full Disclosure
- Another Remarkable Portrait of a Light Warrior
- Energy Report of the PAT - April 14, 2014
- We Are not Children!
- Why This Website is Dedicated to a Free Discussion
- Warum diese Webseite einer freien Diskussion gewidmet ist
- Portrait of a Light Warrior - Back into Unity
- Continue Dreaming Ascension
- Wir sind doch keine Kinder !
- Dreaming Ascension
- Portrait of a Light Warrior as an Old Man
- The Portrait of the Light Warrior as a Young Man – II
- The Portrait of the Light Warrior as a Young Man - I
- What the Hell is Going On?
- Energy Report of the PAT - April 9, 2015
- Energy Update After the Blood Moon Portal - April 8, 2015
- Canada Under Nazi Censorship
- Acceleration of the Individual and Collective Ascension Process
- Beschleunigung des individuellen und kollektiven Auftiegsprozesses
- Multidimensional Aspects of Immediate Creation
- Functioning as "Creator Gods" and the Universal Laws of Creating Realities
- Dialectics - the Effective Technique That Egos Hate
- Breaking News - The American Civil War in March 2015
- The Middle East Mess Heralds the Imminent Collapse of the Orion Matrix This Month
- Explaining Dialectics One More Time
- Short Energy Update - April 1, 2015
- You Create Your New World of Abundance
- Ihr erschafft eure neue Welt der Fülle
March 2015
- A Message from The Elohim - A Time of Miracles
- What Caused the Power Outage in Holland
- Botschaft von Saint Germain: Wie wir die Rosa Flamme der Liebe anwenden können
- Truth Brings the Time of Miracles
- Energy Report of the PAT - March 29, 2015
- Message from Saint Germain: How to Use the Pink Flame of Love
- Massive ID Shift on March 26th /27th, 2015
- The Pinnacle of Lies - Suicide by Aircraft? Give me a Break !
- What's new?
- Was Neues ?
- Energy Report of the PAT - March 26, 2015
- Entering the New World
- Crimea, the Way Back Home - Full Russian Documentary with English Subtitles
- Follow the Trail Of Revelations
- How the New Iranian-Russian Technology "Magrav" Checkmate the US Navy
- No Nuclear Holocaust for the PAT
- The Magic of March 2015: Manifesting the New Dream
- Just Hours Away From Nuclear War, America Remains Asleep
- Energy Report of the PAT - March 21, 2015
- How It Is To Live as a Dissident In an Environment of Constant Denial
- Short Energy Update on the Eclipse-Equinox Portal - March 21, 2015
- Humanity on the Verge of a Nuclear WW3 or ID Shift and Full Revelation - A Historic Choice
- Server Transfer and Mirror Website
- Famous Quantum Physicist Admits to Having, "No Fucking Idea" of the Universe. It's Time for the New Theory of the Universal Law to Come.
- Serapis Bay: Join Me in Your Quest of the Role of the Ascension Flame
- The Elohim: Expansion Through Detachment
- How the Cabal-Psychopaths Demise Themselves From Power - A Case Study
- Immediate Creation Proven
- Reveal the Truth, Expose the Liars
- The Energies of the Equinox-Eclipse Portal
- Neocon's Blatant Speak of the US "Exceptional" Right of Aggression
- Ascension Through Constant Creation
- You Create Your World
- Ihr Erschafft Eure Welt
- Energy Report of the PAT - March 15, 2015
- Frantic Preparations for WW3 - The Ascension Day Is Coming Closer
- The Empire of Infinite Lies
- Why Canada is Bankrupt
- The Knight and the Troll
- One of the Biggest Lies of the Criminal US Government
- Neue massive astrale Angriffe der dunklen Archonten
- Embracing the LBP
- Das Goldene Kalb
- Energy Report of the PAT - March 11/12, 2015, Part II
- Energy Report of the PAT - March 11, 2015, Part I
- Has Russia Signed a Secret Military Alliance with France Against the USA ?
- End Time War Games and Their Revelation
- New Twin Website Immediately Available
- The Elohim: The Divine Badge of Courage
- Klärung der menschlichen Semantik
- Highlights of Human History - How Putin and the PAT Prevented the Establishment of the NWO
- The Rift Between Germany and the Empire of Evil Is Widening
- PULSER - Energy-Pulser, Destroyer, Vibration-Harmonizer
- The New Peak of Synchronicities
- Racism, DNA & Cosmic Law
- Clearing Human Semantics
- PULSER - Energie-Pulser-Zerstörer-Schwingungsharmonisierer
- Energy Report of the PAT - March 5, 2015
- Pull Away Your Attention From This World
- Entzieht dieser Welt Eure Aufmerksamkeit
- The Implications of Storing Data in DNA
- Personal Reflections
- We Are Pillars of Light
February 2015
- Energy Report of the PAT - February 24, 2015
- Breaking News: Killshot Averted by the PAT
- Warum eine klare Definition menschlicher Grundbegriffe augenblicklich die wichtigste intellektuelle Voraussetzung zum Aufstieg ist.
- Washington’s Loosening Grip on Ukraine and Europe Has ‘Russophobic Hack Pack’ Howling with Despair
- Manuscript of Survival - February 21, 2015
- The Inner Transformation Now
- Further Insights Into the Precipitous Downfall of the Reckless Cheating Western Cabal
- The U.S. Economy is Dead
- Cynical, Irresponsible Behaviour of Poroshenko, Merkel and Hollande at the Minsk Negotiations
- Greece And The Endgame Of The Neocolonial Model Of Exploitation
- The Energetic Dialectics of the End Time Scenario of Ascension
- Ukraine as a Case Study of Neo-Liberal Reform Fiasco
- Crazy End Time World
- Merkel in Moscow and Minsk: Der Spiegel Says Putin Has Won
- Second Major Victory of the Russian People
- The Ukrainian War Simply Explained
- A Short Energy Update - February 17, 2015
- The End of the Global Debt System Approaches
- On Inner Dark Dwellers, Ego, Mind and Spiritual Evolution Through LBP
- How to Become a Beacon of Truth
- Alternative and Probable Worlds in the End Time
- Energy Report of the PAT - February 14, 2015
- The German "Luegenpresse" (Liars' Press)
- Desperate Obama Is Killing the Messengers of Revelations
- More Revelations on the CIA Sponsored Snipers Responsible For the Maidan Massacre
- Play is Your Lesson Today… and Forevermore
- The West Is Changing Its Fraudulent Narrative on the Maidan Massacre by CIA Sponsored Snipers
- Energy Update - February 11, 2015
- Die "Kanzlerakte" - Merkels Hochverrat an die deutsche Verfassung
- The MSM Presstitutes Reveal Their Nature - Profound Stupidity
- On the Road to Mass Terror?
- Pig-Faced Western Insolence
- New Video Evidence of America’s Coup in Ukraine — and What it Means
- Announcement
- Latest Update on the Ukrainian War
- More Reasons For Hope
- Talks in Moscow - A Two Part Analysis
- Listening to Lavrov in Munich
- Viel Hoffnung fur die neuen Menschen von der Lichtstadt Raetia
- One More Independent Confirmation of the Pivotal Date February 11th
- You Are the Chosen Facilitators
- Soul Fragmentation
- How to Put The Pieces Together
- How the Psychopathology of the One Bank's Banksters Will Destroy the Orion Matrix
- OPEC Puppets and Canada Give Away Their Oil – Bullion Bulls Canada
- When Nightmares Come True
- Energy Report of the PAT - February 4, 2015
- Russian Disgust for the West - The Tipping Point in the End Time Scenario
- The Elohim: You Have Reached the Crowning Moment of Ascension Expansion
- Energy Report of the PAT - February 2, 2015
- Energiebericht des PAT - 2. February 2015 (In German)
- Energy Update - February 1st, 2015
- My Poetic Experience of Multi-dimensional Lifetimes, Deaths and Re-births
January 2015
- The Energies of Crucifixion
- Klarstellung zur Qualitat von Jahns Botschaften
- Energy Report of the PAT - January 30, 2015
- Remarkable! It Has Begun. The Dark Cabal Expose Themselves
- Ueber Hochmut, deutsche Gefühlswelt und andere Nebensächlichkeiten
- The Destructive Nature of the Cabal's Psychopathology
- The EU Anti-Russian Policy Is Falling Apart
- Zionists, Nazis and a Bit of History
- On Braco's Gazing and Other Spiritual Matters
- Announcement -Braco's Gazing Today
- Energy Report of the PAT - January 27, 2015
- The LBP Is a Catalyst of Truth
- Reflections on Relevant End Time Aspects
- Summit of Failure: How the EU Lost Russia over Ukraine
- NATO’s “Foreign Legions” Operating in East Ukraine.
- Ukraine Situation Report - 26th January, 2015
- Kremlin Changes Its Tone on the Ukrainian War. A Political Analysis of the End Time Scenario
- Quantum Excitement: A Detailed Update on the Energies
- The Stream of Truth From the Source
- The Dawn of the Epoch of Truth
- Mariupol, Donetsk, Frunza, Firing on The Civilian Population in East Ukraine. Poroshenko Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
- False Flag Attacks of the Kiev Nazi Regime Against Civilians in Eastern Ukraine
- The Egregious Impertinence of the Rich Dark Cabal
- The Big Events of Transformation Have Reached This Uppermost Mother Planet
- The Elohim Confirm the Nuclear Apocalypse on January 21, 2015
- The Dire State Of Our Nation (What You Won’t Hear From The Politicians)
- Bombama, the Liar
- Energy Report of the PAT - January 23, 2015
- How I use the Seven Sacred Flames of Creation. Wie ich die sieben heiligen Flammen der Schoepfung anwende
- The Astrological "Nuclear Axis" on January 21, 2015
- Energy Report of the PAT - January 22, 2015
- Die Sieben Heiligen Flammen der Schöpfung - Zusammenfassung
- The Seven Sacred Flames of Creation - Overview
- Urgent Energy Update - January 21, 2015
- Energy Report of the PAT - January 21, 2015
- The Poems of Dianne Robbins
- Die Sieben Heiligen Flammen
- The Seven Sacred Flames
- A Breakthrough of the Truth
- Breaking News: The Sacred Violet, Emerald Green and White Flames Create an Image of the New Ascended Master - The Return of the Christ Consciousness
- Die Elohim: Die Heiligen Flammen der Schöpfung - Teil II
- The Elohim: The Sacred Flames of Creation – Part II
- Breaking News: The Charlie Hebdo Hoax Exposed
- Die Elohim: Die Heiligen Flammen der Schöpfung - Teil I
- The Elohim: The Sacred Flames of Creation - Part I
- The NSA Cyber War on Humanity
- Chronicle of the Collapse of the Orion Monetary System
- The Shallow Lies of the Ruling Western Cabal-Clones
- Who Are the Real Cabal Monsters We Now Eliminate? - A not so New Revelation for Slumbering Humanity
- An Enlightened American View
- The Multidimensional Character of Human History Revisited
- The Default of the Central Banks
- Energy Report of the PAT - January 15, 2015
- The Antagonism of the World Powers Is Approaching its Apogee
- Wir sind in das Neue Zeitalter der sofortigen Schöpfung eingetreten
- We Have Entered the New Age of Immediate Creation
- French Police Commissioner Suicided After Attempting To Issue Murder Warrant Against President Obama
- Energy Report of the PAT - January 13, 2015, Part II
- Energy Report of the PAT - January 13, 2015, Part I
- We Have Entered the New Age of Immediate Creation
- Urgent Energy Update - January 12, 2015
- Who Are the Real Terrorists? - The Dark Ruling Cabal in the West
- Short Energy Update - January 11, 2015
- External Reality Check: The Ascension Scenario of the PAT for This Timeline Is Beautifully Unfolding
- America of the NWO - How the US Government Enslaves its Citizens
- The Collapse of the Empire of Evil - External Reality Check
- How the Lightwork of the PAT Changed This World for the Better
- The Imperial Collapse Playbook
- What is Color?
- The Elohim on The Mega-Shift of January 3-5, 2015 and the Proper Use of Source Flames
- The Universal Role of Energetic Gradients in the Creation of All-That-Is.
- Energy Update - January 7, 2015
- The Mega-Shift in the Evening of January 3rd and the Night of January 4rd, 2014
- Scrutiny of All Human Relationships
- Energy Report of the PAT - January 4, 2015
- Energiereport des PAT - 4. Dezember 2015 (in Deutsch)
- TRUE PAT - Warriors of the First and Last Hour
- The Great Purification
- Why the USA Is Bankrupt - Obama Doubles the US Debt in 6 Years
- Clarification on Pluto's Alignment and Gravitation
- Urgent Energy Update: Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness
- The “Cancer Stage of Capitalism”: The Ten-Point Global Paradigm Revolution
- Happy New Year, Georgi... and the US Banks Are Crashing
- Neujahrs Explosion der großen Zentralsonne Alcyone
- New Year's Explosion of the Great Central Sun Alcyone
- Asia and the Larger Picture
December 2014
- My Outlook for the Year 2015
- Energy Report of the PAT - December 30, 2014
- The End of the US of Atrocities - Who Says the Americans Aren't Zombies?
- HS Message - The Dweller Within the Master's Temple
- Go There and Love - On Account of Money
- State of the World at the End of 2014
- Transformation Instead of Revolution
- Christmas Time and Miracles Abound
- HS Message - The Solstice Fires of Ascension: A Message for the Masters
- Merry Christmas and Swift Ascension
- The Loop Is Getting Tighter Around the Necks of the Western Cabal Liars
- Meet The Pilot Who Shot Down Malaysian Boeing MH-17 – Vladislav Voloshin: “The Plane Was In the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time”
- Russia, China Mock “Divide and Rule”: The American “Empire of Chaos”
- The Elohim: These Are the Days of the Revelations
- NO Sympathy For the Devil !!!
- The Western Criminal Cabal Is Horrified by a New Russian Anti-Nazi Law
- How Quickly the Tide Has Turned !
- And the Truth Comes Out
- New Revelations on Old Crimes of the Dark Western Cabal
- My Steep Pathway to Ascension
- Separation of the Worlds: While We Ascend the US Dark Cabal and Their Stooges Prepare for Doomsday
- Trigger to Ascension
- Videos Of Revelations
- Short Energy Update - December 22, 2014
- My 1999-Forecast of the Collapse of the World Economic Order in the End Times
- Is US-NATO Preparing to Wage War on Russia?
- Unanimity of Opinions Heralds the Coming Crash
- The Total Mental Disarray of Obama and the Western AAA
- Most Powerful Transformation Has Begun!
- (PAT/Planetary Ascension Team) 行星揚升團隊詔令,以加快金融制度和獵戶座矩陣的崩潰
- Le décret du PAT (Equipe Planetaire d’Ascension) pour le Crash Financier et le collapse du système monétaire de la matrixe d’Orion
- The Logos Regents
- Un Decreto del PAT para acelerar la crisis financiera y el colapso de la Matriz de Orión
- A Decree of the PAT to Accelerate the Financial Crash and the Collapse of the Orion Matrix - In Hungarian Language
- Financial Update for the PAT - December 17, 2014
- Zarządzenie PAT w celu przyspieszenia krachu finansowego i upadku Matriksa Oriona
- Dekret (Beschluss) des PAT, um den Finanzcrash und damit den endgültigen Zusammenbruch der Orion Matrix zu beschleunigen
- The Mortal Cry of the Crumbling Orion
- Un Decreto della PAT per Accelerare il Crollo Finanziario e il Collasso della Matrice Orion
- A Decree of the PAT to Accelerate the Financial Crash and the Collapse of the Orion Matrix
- Another Competent Opinion on the Financial Crash
- Crash and Burn
- When Prophecies Come True - The Stock Markets Crash This Week
- Paul Craig Roberts Confirms All Our Assessments
- Reality Check for the Dark AAA
- On the Cabal's Loss of Realistic Perception
- Putin's Isolation - Never Heard of It?
- Das Manuskript des Überlebens vom 11.12.2014 - Kurze Aktualisierung # 76
- Be Prepared for Huge Changes by the End of This Year
- Energy Report of the PAT - December 12, 2014
- The Portal 12.12
- More on the Coming WW3
- Another Valid View in a Multidimensional World
- Creation as an Ongoing Fulfillment of Our Predictions
- How Immediate Creation Works: A Huge Victory for the Alternative Dutch Media
- The Experts Agree: US / NATO Preparations For WW3 Are in Full Swing
- The United States of Atrocities - Why The Empire of Evil Will Be Destroyed
- The Insane Logic of the NWO Protagonists is the Fuel For Our Ascension
- Another Hit of Vlad Putin Against the Anglo-American Axis of Evil
- Putin Stuns Obama and Euro-Leaders with Surprise Gas Deal
- Breaking News to "One Step Away From WW3… and the Appearance of the Agarthans"
- Germany Fuels WW3 - Part 2
- Germany Fuels WW3 - Part 1
- One Step Away From WW3... and the Appearance of the Agarthans
- Energy Update of the PAT - December 8, 2014
- Breaking News!!! Der Agarther Hochrat des Lichts kam zu uns heute
- Wow, What a Day! From Hell to Heaven - My Personal ID Shift
- The Most Important Message from the Agarthans: We Are Coming !
- Breaking News!!! The Agarthan High Council of Light Came to Us Today
- Breaking News: The Agarthans Visit Us
- Short Energy Update - December 5, 2014
- Putin: ‘Remember Lessons we Taught Hitler: Top 10 Quotes from Putin’s State of Nation Address
- Obama - the American Hitler
- World in Balance
- World Events Coalesce - The Divine Dialectics Behind the Current Escalation to a Global War
- The World War Is Coming Closer: Tomorrow the US Congress Will Vote to Go to War With Russia
- A Short Energy Update - December 2, 2014
- To Serve Life
- November Was a Full Success
November 2014
- Gold-Initiative in Switzerland Gets a NO
- How Russia Crashes the US Economy and Accelerates Our Ascension Scenario
- The Crash of the Dollar - Easily Explained One More Time
- Programmed Sudden Death of the Orion Monetary System
- Grandmaster Putin's Golden Trap
- More From Bill Holter on the Crash of the Rigged Gold and Silver Markets
- The New Political Speak of Truth Gains Momentum
- Genocide and the Thanksgiving Myth
- The Most Shameful Episode in Canadian History
- Final Transmutation of Earth
- Expect A Respite in the Coming Days Before the Next ID Shift Will Come
- Frontbericht vom Kampf mit den dunklen Mächten
- The Peak of Insanity Heralds Our Ascension
- Energy Update of the PAT - November 26, 2014
- My "Golden Rule" With Gold and Money
- Why the Orion Monetary System of Debt Must Collapse
- The Looming Financial Crash - The Plot Thickens
- A Major International Monetary Crisis is Looming
- The New World
- Energy Update of the PAT - November 24, 2014
- Short Announcement
- Serendipities in a Waning World of Mind Control
- The End of Waiting - Initiation into the Now-Consciousness
- The Essence of the New Logos Gods - You!
- The Portal of Truth - Obama, the Liar
- Canada, USA and Ukraine Are Nazi States
- The Heinous Western Cabal Exposed by Lavrov
- Energy Report - November 21, 2014
- The Catcher in the Rye Redux
- The Elohim Explain the Portal of Truth, November 11-21, 2014
- The Western Dark Ruling Cabal Are Shitting in Their Pants - The Crash Is Coming
- With Love From the World Healing Centre Lofer in the 5D City of Light Raetia
- The Ongoing Ascension Portal of Truth - November 11 - 21, 2014
- Putin”s Interview with German National TV, ARD in Brisbane - Part 2
- The Ascension Pangs of "The Catcher in the Rye"
- How Jim Carrey "The Liar" Became a Truth-Teller
- Putin"s Interview with German National TV, ARD in Brisbane - Part 1
- The New Energy Quality of Truth: How the Cloned Pinchers and Heel Biters of the Western Cabal behave in Front of the Russian Bear
- A Very Short Energy Update - November 15, 2014
- Breaking News: US Navy Flees In Terror As Russian Warships Near Australia
- Russia Wins the Electronic Warfare Against the USA
- How It May Begin
- How the Equity Markets Will Crash - Chart-Technical Analysis
- I Am Making All Things New
- The Incredible Light Work of the PAT Warrior as Logos God and Guardian of the New Golden Galaxy
- Lame Duck out of the Silk Road Caravan
- The Great Wave of Financial Collapse is Coming
- The Elohim: Restitution of the Angelic Realm on Gaia
- The Great Wave
- Short Energy Update - November 9, 2014
- Putin's Epic Battle Against the Dark Western Cabal to Save "Russia's Soul"
- Greetings From AA Michael's Sanctuary in the Rocky Mountains
- Mandate for This World
- Energy Update of the PAT - November 5, 2014
- Short Energy Update - November 4, 2014
- Processing the Dark Fallout After the Activation of the Second Wave of Ascension Candidates by the PAT
- The Creation of Nation States and Constitution to Deter You From Your Core Truth
- The Visit to the Radiant Rose Academy - October 29th, 2014
- Message From Asun, Ascended Master, on October 30, 2014
- "All Saints' Day" Is My Birthday and Holiday Day
October 2014
- Energy Report of the PAT - October 31, 2014
- Ten Reasons Why the New Age Movement Has Declared Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy - Full Article
- Ebola - Supernova - Bovis-Units
- Escalation of Chaotic Nodes and the Dismantling of 3-D Reality
- Renovation in Full Progress
- Ebola - Supernova - Boviseinheiten
- Energy Update - October 30, 2014
- Ten Reasons Why the New Age Movement Has Declared Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy – Part 8
- Ebola is a Big Lie
- Ten Reasons Why the New Age Movement Has Declared Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy – Part 7
- Kathryn E. May Stops Channeling
- On Edith Bramley's Vision (1893), Jesus, Apollonius of Tyana, and Absolute Time in the Universal Equation
- Ten Reasons Why the New Age Movement Has Declared Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy – Part 6
- Whom Does Obama Serve ?
- Ten Reasons Why the New Age Movement Has Declared Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy – Part 5
- New Rules or a Game without Rules: “We Need a New Global Consensus of Responsible Powers”
- Ten Reasons Why the New Age Movement Has Declared Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy – Part 4
- The U-Turn
- Energy Update of the PAT - October 23, 2014
- Are You Still Alive?
- Days of Truth
- Ten Reasons Why the New Age Movement Has Declared Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy – Part 3
- Energy Update of the PAT - October 22, 2014
- Ten Reasons Why the New Age Movement Has Declared Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy – Part 2
- The Shift Portal to Higher Consciousness on October 25, 2014
- Discernment for the Channeller
- Ten Reasons Why the New Age Movement Has Declared Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy - Part 1
- The Elohim: The Light Warriors Are Doing a Magnificent Cleansing Job in Preparation for the Shift Portal on October 23, 2014
- Short Energy Update - October 19, 2014
- The Shift Portal of New Moon and Solar Eclipse on October 23, 2014
- Obama Misrepresents the Russian Economy
- The New Plain Speak of Russian Politicians at the Time of Revelations
- The Psycho-Mental Dynamics Behind the Coming Revelations and the Expansion of Human Consciousness
- Sacred Geometry of the New Human Race
- Short Energy Update - October 15, 2014
- The Elohim on the New Human Template
- Energy Update of the PAT - October 14, 2014
- The Creation of the New Human Race
- The 6D Fleet on the Qualities of the New Human Template
- The Seeding of the New Human Race Happened
- Short Energy Update - October 11, 2014
- The Seeding of the New Human Race Will Take Place This Weekend
- Energy Update of the PAT - October 8, 2014
- The Time of Truth and Revelations
- The New Human Race
- American World War III - Now a Common Impression
- Anfang vom Ende - Gespräch mit Sananda
- Beginning of the End - Conversation with Sananda
- One and Two
- Seligpreisung
- The Beatitudes
- A Hymn for the Universal Light-Warrior
- Das Himmelreich ist in Euch - Teil II
- The Kingdom of Heaven is within You - Part II
- The Elohim - The Temple of Healing in Lofer, Austria
- Energy Report of the PAT - October 1, 2014
- The Soul Age Model of the New Gnosis
- Das Himmelreich ist in euch - Teil I
- The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You - Part I
September 2014
- The West's Ignorance of Ukraine Atrocities is an Outrage
- Auftreten als Schöpfergott
- Appearance as Creator God
- From Knowledge to Certitude
- Energy Update of the PAT - September 28, 2014
- Center Planet of Ascension
- Why the USA and the Bomber Obama Will Fail With Their New War in the Middle East
- Think Big Because You Are Creator Gods
- The Lies and Deceit of President Barack Obama
- The Demise of the Dark Criminal Cabal Has Commenced
- Dark Esoteric Subversion in the End Time
- The Healing Temple in Lofer - My Vision
- Energy Update - September 24, 2014
- Spiel der Kräfte
- Interplay of Forces
- Obama - The Bomber
- How the Law of Energy Optimisation Resolves All Human Paradoxes and Contradictions
- The Peak of Human Insanity Is Reached
- How the Dark Western Cabal Lost Their Undeclared WW3 in Ukraine
- Bilocation and Movements Through Timelines
- Become Aware of Your Power - and Stop Creeping!
- Wendepunkt der Raumzeit
- Turning Point of Space-Time
- PAT-Report - September 20, 2014
- Einfassung des Planeten in Licht
- Framing of the Planet in Light
- Short Energy Update - September 19, 2014
- Who Is Jesus, Who Is Sananda, Apollonius of Tyana, Christ and Sanat Kumara? A Gnostic Disquisition
- How the Light Workers Failed to Ascend
- Sinn allen Lebens - Teil II
- Meaning of All Life - Part II
- Echo aus der Raumzeit
- Echo from Space-Time
- What is Going On?
- Typische Merkmale am Zeitenende
- Typical Attributes of End Time
- What is God?
- The Time of Revelations - a Clarification
- The Russian View of the World
- Short Energy Update - September 12, 2014
- Übertragung universeller göttlicher Attribute
- Transfer of Universal Divine Attributes
- Sinn allen Lebens - Teil I
- Meaning of all Life - Part I
- Das Aussäen der Goldenen Galaxie
- Fackelträger des Triumphs
- Torchbearers of Triumph
- The Seeding of the Golden Galaxy
- Super Function of the Planet
- A Huge Success for the Light
- The Military Defeat of the Kiev's Nazi Junta by Russian Patriots
- Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest - Scientifically Proven
- Tag der Tage
- The Day of Days
- Energy Update - September 5, 2014
- Erwarten des Aufstiegs
- In Expectation of Ascension
- War Escalation
- The Ukrainian Crisis Is the Pinnacle of a Long-Lasting US Hegemonial Foreign Policy Based on Crimes on Humanity
- PAT Report - September 3, 2014
- The Creator Gods' Energetic Work – Changing Reality
- Energy Update - September 2, 2014
- How USA and UK Orion-Reptilian Banks Sponsor Nazi Regimes
- How My Articles Change the World
- Uplift yourself!
August 2014
- International Brigades Fight in Eastern Ukraine
- And the Avalanche of Revelations Goes On
- Fabricated “Russian Invasion”: Big Lies Risk Confrontation with Russia
- World of Lies
- Latest News on the Ukraine Conflict
- In the Ocean of God’s Grace - Part II
- The Escalation of the Ukraine Conflict Heralds the Final Countdown
- The Treatment of AIDS in the New 4D Worlds
- In the Ocean of God’s Grace - Part I
- Short Energy Update - August 27, 2014
- The Peak of American Insanity is the Tipping Point for Our Ascension
- Truth About the Ascension
- Weight of the Last Days
- Actual Ascension Potentials - Conversation with Babaji
- Short Medical Report
- The Elohim: Our Deepest Gratitude For the Work Performed By All Light Workers the World Over
- I Experienced First Hand the MPR on Lower Timelines on August 1st and 2nd
- Energy Update - August 3, 2014
- An Amazing Archive of the PAT Created by Erik Westhovens
- Spiritual Truth of End Time - Part II
- Spiritual Truth of the End Time - Part I
July 2014
- My Infinite Gratitude Goes to the PAT
- Unser Aufstieg kommt mit meiner Operation in München
- Our Ascension Comes With my Surgery in Munich
- Elijah Prophesies Nr. 49 - 65 For All 4D Worlds Until the Year 3000
- Elija Prophezeiungen Nr. 49 - 65 für alle 4D-Welten bis zum Jahr 3000
- World of Miracles - Conversation with Babaji
- Announcement
- MH17 Verdict: Real Evidence Points to US-Kiev Cover-up of Failed “False Flag”
- The Threshold of Confrontation Between Light and Darkness is Reached
- The Introduction of the New Theory of the Universal Law Has Commenced - A New Invocation
- Energy-Update, July 25, 2014: Creating from the Fulcrum of Your I Am Presence
- Energy Update of the PAT - July 23, 2014
- Super Function of the Planet
- Energy Update, July 22, 2014 - Huge Ascension Shift
- The Washington Liars Are Back-Peddling One Day After Our Invocation
- Heritage of Mankind
- The United States of Lawlessness and Terrorism
- Transfer of new Vibration Patterns
- New Evidence That the US and EU Sponsored Nazi Putsch Regime in Kiev Shot Down the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17
- A Most Beautiful Dream
- Our Regular Visits to the Spaceships of the GF
- Who Shot Down the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 17 Over Ukraine?
- The Splitting of the New Galaxy Has Begun
- The Seed Reaps
- The Longing for My Soul - A Personal Journey
- The Nature of Transformation
- St Germain: "Carla, You are a Chohan of the Violet-Gold Flame!"
- How Our Ascension End of May 2014 Was Postponed One More Time
- Human Beings Becoming Gods
- The Hardships of the Light Warriors of the First and Last Hours
- Real Time Karma Redemption - What Does it Mean?
- Final Alignment of Planetary Ascension
- Our Timeline Travels as Logos-Gods
- The Elohim Confirm the Massive Cleansing of all 4D Earth Holograms from Dark Pecuniary Patterns such as Avarice, Greed and Manipulation in the Night of June 29th, 2014
- Invocation for Ascension
- Sananda - The Ascension Scenario
- New Guardians of a New Galaxy
- Why All Conventionally Thinking, Critical Experts on World Politics Such as the Brilliant Thinker Paul Craig Roberts Fail to Capture the Whole Truth About the Political Events in the End Time
- Warum alle konventionell denkenden, kritischen Experte zur Weltpolitik wie der brillante Denker Paul Craig Roberts versagen, die ganze Wahrheit über das politische Geschehen in der Endzeit zu erfassen
- Announcement on the New Theory of the Universal Law
June 2014
May 2014
January 2014
November 2013
- Waagschale des Schöpfers
- The Scales of the Creator
- The Detonation of the PAT Supernova Is Coming
- Angel Wings Carry You Into the Light
- Engelflügel tragen dich ins Licht
- Ascension Seems a Done Deal
- Einschwingungen auf die 5. Dimension
- Attunements to the 5th Dimension
- Urgent Announcement - November 24, 2013
- My Heart Leaps With Joy
- Ascension Message and Vision of a Crystalline Child
- Luxus des Himmels
- Luxury of Heaven
- Why Now? Esa's Satellite Swarm Launch to Map Earth's Magnetism
- The Comet ISON Is a Catalyst of Ascension
- Tragweite des Aufstiegs
- Scope of Ascension
- Sensational! On November 20th the First 5D-Hologram was Laid Upon This Earth
- Sensational! On November 20th the First 5D-Hologram was Laid Upon This Earth
- Gaias Liebe zu den Menschen
- Gaia's Love For Humans
- How the PAT Anticipates the Impending Ascension and the MPR
- GaiaPortal's Latest Message Announces the Impending MPR
- Verklärung der Erde
- Transfiguration of the Earth
- Der Polsprung ereignet sich
- This is It: The Magnetic Pole Shift Occurs Now
- GaiaPortal's Latest Message is the Ultimate Message of Ascension
- Alles kehrt sich um
- Everything Is Reversed
- Zeit des Lichts
- Time of the light
- The PAT Confirms Huge Fluctuations of the Earth's Magnetic Field Before Its Imminent Pole Reversal
- The Magnetic Pole Reversal Is Peaking in the Earth's Core During This Full Moon
- Der Grosse Knall
- The Big Bang
- Life - Part II
- Life - Part I
- The PAT Confirms: The Magnetic North Pole Has Moved 20° to the East on the Compass
- November 13, 2013 - an Auspicious Day When the Pineal Gland Charka of Humanity was Opened to the Divinity of All-That-Is
- Aufstiegs-Opus in Vollendung, Teil II
- Ascension Opus in Perfection, Part II
- Aufstiegs-Opus in Vollendung, Teil I
- Ascension Opus in Perfection, Part I
- Breaking News: The Magnetic Pole Reversal Can be Measured Now!
- Jenseits menschlicher Konzepte
- Beyond Human Concepts
- Sturz der Titanen
- The Fall of the Titans
- Es ist nie zu spät!
- It's Never Too Late!
- Endlich!!! Die Elohim bestätigen in einer überraschenden Nachricht, dass sich der magnetische Polsprung zwei Wochen nach der Eröffnung des Megaportals vom 11.11. zwischen dem 23.–25. November ereignen wird.
- Große Säuberungswelle
- Big Cleansing Wave
- Finally!!! The Elohim Confirm in a Surprising Message: The MPR is Progressing Smoothly after the Opening of the Megaportal 11.11 and Will Occur in Two Weeks on November 23-25
- Das Ende unserer Erden-Mission
- Trust is the Code Word
- Vertrauen ist das Codewort
- Short Energy Update - November 12, 2013
- Ascension Vision
- The End of Our Earthly Mission
- Opening of the Ascension Gates
- Öffnung der Aufstiegstore
- Breaking News: The Superportal of Ascension Was Opened on November 9, 2013
- The Collapse of the Worldwide Criminal Fed System of Fiat, Toilet Paper Money
- Desperate Attacks
- Verzweifelte Angriffe
- The American New World Order of Proctology
- Orion Detoxification
- Weihnachten im Zeichen des Antichristen - Anno 2013
- Christmas in the Sign of the Antichrist - Anno 2013
- Brave Mia Marie Pope, a Childhood Friend & Classmate Of Barack Obama Speaks Out: "The Foreign Student Obama Was a Pathological Liar, Homosexual Pervert and a Cocaine Addict Who Kills His Lovers"
- Die große Revolution
- The Great Revolution
- Umwälzungen erreichen diese Zeitleiste
- Upheavals Reach This Timeline
- Energy Update - November 5, 2013
- Finally! Obama Admits: "I Am Really Good At Killing People"
- Jahns Kommentar zum philosophischen Essay von Georgi Stankov "Psycho-energetische Grundlagen der menschlichen Intransigenz"
- Neue Dimensionen
- New Dimensions
- The Rise of Putin's Russia and The Collapse of the US Orion Empire: A Prelude to the Cosmic Revolution of the PAT This Fall
- Psycho-energetische Grundlagen der menschlichen Intransigenz
- Ein riesiges Schöpfungs-Portal öffnet sich zwischen Allerheiligen (1. November) und Sonnenfinsternis (3. November)
- Lichtkörper Update
- Light Body Update
- A Huge Creationary Portal Opens Between All Saints Day (Nov 1) and Solar Eclipse (Nov 3)
October 2013
- Eine persönliche Botschaft von den Elohim: Der Aufstieg geht unvermindert weiter.
- A Personal Message From the Elohim: Ascension Continues Unabated
- Kosmische Lichtglocke
- Cosmic Light Bell Jar
- Energy Update - October 30, 2013
- Die Ankunft der inkarnierten Engel
- The Arrival of the Incarnated Angels
- Urgent Energy Update - October 28, 2013
- Entering the Simultaneous Multidimensionality of Creation
- The Cities of Light
- Energy Update - Energy Peak October 23-25, 2013
- Obama's Genocide on the American People. More Than 4 Million Americans Have Been Disappeared by the Criminal Obama Administration in the Last 5 Years
- Der Beginn der individuellen Aufstiege
- The Beginning of Individual Ascensions
- Tag des Lichts
- Day of Light
- Seelentransfer einzelner Staatenlenker
- Soul Transfer in Individual State Leaders
- On the Latest Developments in the Ascension Scenario
- Der große Sprung
- The Great Leap
- Bemerkenswerte Synchronizität: Die Blauen 5D-Codes der Leere
- Be Alert, the Grand Event Is Very Close
- Sealing of the Aura
- Versiegelung der Aura
- Energy Update - October 19, 2013
- Der MPS hat am 11. Oktober die 12. Ebene der 4D Erde getroffen, um einen Atomkrieg zu vermeiden. Unser Aufstieg steht unmittelbar bevor.
- The U.S. Queer Club
- Das Monster Obama befiehlt Atom-Angriff auf die USA am 8. Oktober unter falscher Flagge, um Dritten Weltkrieg anzufangen
- Brand New: After the Spree Killer Obama Assassinates His Lover Miriam Carey, He Orders CIA To Disappear His “Love Child”
- Widersteht dem Teufel
- Resist the Devil
- Stunde der Erleuchtung
- Hour of Enlightenment
- Gaia Ascension Assured
- The Principles of Successful Creation
- The Dialectics of the Battle Between Light and Dark Prior to Ascension
- Brücke zwischen den Welten. Sagt Nein!
- Bridge Between the Worlds. Say No!
- The Monster Obama Orders Nuclear Attack on the USA on October 8 as False Flag to Start WW3
- Aufstieg wird leichter
- Ascension Will Become Easier
- Die Elohim: Der magnetische Polsprung (MPS) fand am 11. Oktober 2013 auf der 12. Ebene der 4D Erde statt. Als nächstes kommt der Aufstieg.
- The Elohim: The Magnetic Pole Reversal (MPR) Took Place on October 11, 2013 on the Last 12th Level of 4D Earth. Next Comes Ascension.
- The MPR Hit 12th Level of 4D Earth on October 11 to Avoid a Nuclear War. Our Ascension Is Imminent.
- How Teleportation Will Change Your World -Part I
- My Vision of the Coming MPR and the End Time Drama
- The New Earth of Truth: American Sodom and Gomorrah
- You Will Withdraw Your Energy From the System
- The End Game
- Epochale Umwandlungen
- Imminent Epic Transformations of Gaia
- Jahns Traum über die letzte epische Schlacht
- Jahn's Dream on the Last Epic Battle
- Letzte epische Schlacht
- Last Epic Battle
- Erleuchtung und Aufstieg
- Enlightenment and Ascension
- Ankunft des Tigers
- Arrival of the Tiger
- Kosmische Pause
- Cosmic Break
- Die Frohe Botschaft vom Aufstieg
- The Good News of Ascension
- Remarkable Synchronicity
- The 5D Blue Codes of the Void
September 2013
- Die letzten Nebel - Teil II
- The Last Fogs - Part II
- Wie die Lichtkrieger die letzte epische Schlacht für die Menschheit gegen die dunklen Archonten gewannen
- How the Light Warriors Won the Last Epic Battle for Humanity Against the Dark Archons
- Die letzten Nebel
- The Last Fogs
- Chronology of Energetics and Channellings During the Equinox Portal
- Passing Through the Equinox Portal as Personal Experience
- Energy Update of the PAT - September 28, 2013
- Even Soccer Match Result
- Zusammenfassung der energetischen Ereignisse während des Sonnenwende-Portals
- Summary of the Energetic Events During the Equinox Portal
- Kapitäne des Aufstiegs
- Captains of Ascension
- A Message From Adama
- Be Vigilant: Dark UFO Sightings on the Rise Prior to Our Ascension
- Wie sich der letzte globale Krieg der Menschheit höchstwahrscheinlich nächste Woche ereignen wird
- Unter falscher Flagge
- Under False Flag
- Urgent Energy Update - September 22, 2013
- How the Last Global War of Humanity Will Most Likely Unfold Next Week
- Urgent Enegry Update - September 21, 2013: Fasten Your Seatbelts, the Ascension Roller Coaster Has Just Commenced
- Eine Oktave tiefer
- On a Lower Octave
- Ihr müsst wissen
- You Must Know
- Die letzte Aufstiegssequenz ist bereits eingeleitet
- The Final Sequence of Ascension Is Already Initiated
- Urgent Energy Update - Begin of the Final Ascension Surge
- Es ist soweit
- It's Time
- Carla wird als Erste aufsteigen. Globaler Krieg auf dem Weg. Detonation der PAT Supernova zu Beginn des Krieges um Herbstanfang.
- Lebende Tote
- Living Dead
- GaiaPortal Confirms Ascension in September
- Pathetic Last Ditch Effort of the Dark Cabal to Prevent Ascension: HAARP-Attack From Munich Airport on My Portal
- The Inability of the War-Monger Obama-Clone to Communicate With the American People
- Die letzte Sequenz
- The Last Sequence
- Carla Will Ascend First. Global War Is on its Way. Detonation of the PAT Supernova at the Onset of the War Around Equinox.
- Urgent Energy Update - September 18, 2013
- Carlas vollständiger Bericht über ihre ersten zwei Besuche in der Inneren Erde von Agartha am 13. und 14. September 2013
- Der Hades
- The Hades
- Die Lichtkrieger haben die Schwerter gesenkt
- Götterdämmerung
- Twilight of the Gods
- April's HS: Use Your Divine Communion With Prime Creator to Create Consciously Your Ascension NOW!
- Why the Dark Cabal on Power Desperately Need a Global War
- Carla's Full Report on Her Two First Visits to the Inner Earth of Agartha on September 13th and 14th, 2013
- Toröffnungen zum Aufstieg
- Doorways to Ascension
- Sensation!!! Carla Has Visited Today the Inner Earth Agartha
- You Are a Coward - I Do Not Know You!
- Das ist feige - Ich kenne dich nicht!
- Humanity From the Perspective of a Non-Corporeal Being
- 5D Design
- 5D Design
- A Chronicle of the Ascension Events from August 12 to September 12, 2013 – Part III
- More than a Decade After 9/11, Obama and the US Dark Cabal Openly Embrace al-Qaeda
- A Plea for Caution From Russia
- A Chronicle of the Ascension Events from August 12 to September 12, 2013 – Part II
- Urgent Breaking News!!! The Elohim: The Final MPR Has Been Triggered Today and Will Manifest Imminently on the 11th and 12th Levels of 4D
- Abstieg der Menschheit - Teil II
- Descent of Mankind - Part II
- Abstieg der Menschheit - Teil I
- Descent of Mankind - Part I
- A Chronicle of the Ascension Events from August 12 to September 12, 2013 - Part I
- PAT's Divine Communion With the Prime Creator
- The (Farcical) Emperor is Naked
- Warum die Sonntag's Revoluzzer und New Age Esoteriker im Westen nach dem Aufstieg auf den 4D Erden der NWO schmoren werden
- Why the Sunday Revolutionaries and New Age Gurus in the West Will Swelter on the 4D Earths of the NWO After Our Ascension
- The Elohim: The Grand Alignment of Ascension is Successful
- How the Tides in Politics Turn Toward the Light With Each New MPR
- Announcement of a New Ebook
- Neuausrichtung des Aufstiegs
- Realignment of Ascension
- Urgent Energy Update: The MPR Has Hit the 9th and 10th level of 4D on August 7th and Will Manifest Any Moment in Our Timelines
- Schnitt Gottes
- God's Cut
- Energy Update - September 6, 2013
- Follow -Up of the US Fraud With Sarin Proofs From Syria
- The Propulsion Multistage Rocket as an Explanatory Physical Model of Ascension
- Rescue Squad on 4D / 8th Level
- Abholkommando auf 4D/8. Ebene
- The "Crooked Nose" Cameron a True Heir of the War Criminal Winston Churchill
- Letzte Einzelheiten zum Aufstiegsszenario
- Final Details of the Ascension Scenario
- Final Light Work at 5D
- Congratulations to the PAT - We Have Made It!
- Kerry's Scientific Fraud with His Alleged Proofs of the Use of Sarin in Syria
- Who Will Blink First?
- Urgent Energy Update: Expect a Huge Energy Shift in the Next 24-48 Hours
- Wenn die Kacke im September am Dampfen ist
- Die Elohime: Die letzten Details des Aufstiegs. Wie Carla und ich die PAT-Supernova und die erste Aufstiegswelle auslösen werden.
- Die syrische Krise hat sich zu einer Tragikomödie dritten Grades für Obama entwickelt
- LICHT - Teil III
- Light - Part III
August 2013
- The Syrian Crisis Has Evolved to a Third Grade Tragi-Comedy Show for Obama
- Der Endkampf tobt
- The Final Battle Rages
- Jede Eventualität
- For Each Eventuality
- The Elohim Confirm: Carla's Pioneer Mission to Expose the False Synthetic 4D Worlds of the Dark Lords Paved the Way to Full Ascension of Humanity
- Message From AA Michael: Carla's Journey on August 28th to the False Synthetic 4D Worlds Created by the Dark Lords to Trap Ascension Candidates has Paved the Way for the Detonation of the PAT and Our Full Ascension.
- April's HS: The Ignition of the PAT Supernova Took Place on August 28/29. Full Ascension and MPR /ID Split in 7 to 10 Days
- Why do the USA and UK not Care About Facts and Are so Eager to Bomb Syria?
- The Double Standards of US "Moral Obsenity"
- Last Evening I helped George to Ignite the PAT Supernova
- Breaking Astral News: Message From My HS
- The Hard Questions Which the West Does Not Dare to Pose
- Syria: Another Western War Crime In The Making
- The Blood-Thirsty Frenzy of the Bellicose Western Cabal
- The USA and the West Are Preparing Fervently For a Criminal War Against Syria Without the Need of Any Proofs
- Media Censorship: The USA and GB Delete Revealing Articles on the Internet on Their Crimes Against Humanity
- CIA Admits Role in 1953 Iranian Coup
- Why Obama and the US Government in Cahoots with GB are the Biggest Terrorists of All Times and a Menace to Humanity
- Reset: 5D Uploaded
- Reset: 5D Hochgeladen
- When the Shit Will Hit the Fan in September
- Heiliger Dienst
- Sacred Service
- Seid
- Be
- Higher Self Confirms the Beginning of Ascension: "The Time of Final Action Has Arrived!"
- The Exodus Has Begun
- The Confidential Memo at the Heart of the Global Financial Crisis
- Gordischer Knoten
- Gordian Knot
- Mass Arrival of the Light
- Massenanzug des Lichts
- Pardon and Forgive
- Verzeiht und vergebt
- The Peak In Energy Intensity Points Out to The Final Countdown of Ascension
- Why and How All Light Workers Are Kept Ignorant and Stupid by Their Channeling Sources
- Aufstieg ist Feinarbeit
- Ascension Is a Fine-Tuned Affair
- Kapitän und Navigator
- Captain and Navigator
- The Elohim: The Final Details of Ascension. How Carla and I Shall Trigger the PAT Supernova and First Wave of Ascension
- Adama von Telos zu Carla: Alle aufgestiegenen Meister beglückwünschten dich als das erste inkarnierte menschliche Wesen in der Kristallstadt of Telos
- Die Elohime zu Carlas Aufstieg
- Das Licht bleibt
- The Light Will Remain
- Besuche auf 5D - Kristallstadt der Liebe
- Visits to 5D - Crystal City of Love
- 5D- Aufstieg beschleunigt
- 5D-Ascension Is Accelerating
- The Elohim: Not Every Astral Journey is Ascension Through Transfiguration of the Entire Physical Body at the Subatomic, Quantum Level
- Adama von Telos bespricht das neue 12 Chakren-System
- Kennzeichen des Aufstiegs
- Adama of Telos Discusses the New 12 Chakra System
- Markers Of Ascension
- Adama of Telos to Carla: All Ascended Masters Cheered You as the First Incarnated Human Being to the Crystal City of Telos
- The Elohim On Carla's Ascension
- Aprils HS: Carla dient nicht nur als Bote und Öffner, sondern auch als "Prototyp" des Aufstiegs und der Umwandlung des PAT
- Der Obama-Klon weitet das Ermorden unschuldiger amerikanischer Personen aus
- Die Chronik des Carlas Aufstiegs auf die 5D-Erde - des ersten völligen Aufstiegs eines menschlichen Wesens im physischen Körper - in Echtzeit
- Bahnbrechende Neuigkeiten!! Eilmeldung!! Der Aufstieg hat begonnen!!!
- April's HS: Carla Has Not Only Served as a Messenger and Opener, But Also as the “Prototype” of Ascension and Transfiguration for the PAT
- A Chronicle of Carla's Ascension to the 5D Earth - the First Full Ascension of a Human Being in Physical Vessel - in Real Time
- Breaking News!!! Urgent Announcement!!! Ascension Has Started!!!
- Erde 4D/ 7. Ebene versiegelt
- Earth 4D/ 7th Level Sealed
- Die Elohim: Wer sind die ersten Öffner der 5. Dimension für die Menschheit?
- Bahnbrechende Neuigkeiten!! Die Detonation der PAT-Supernova kommt vor dem MPR. Keine Katastrophen für die aufsteigende Menschheit. Die Zeit der Wunder ist angekommen
- Geld
- Money
- The Elohim-Stankov Lecture on Mathematical Symbolism in Science and the Detonation of the PAT Supernova
- Breaking News!!! How the PAT Initiated the MPR on the 7th Level of the Upper 4D Earth
- A Chronicle of the Most Dramatic Last Four Days Before Our Ascension
- April's HS Confirms the MPR on the 7th Level of the Upper 4D earth on August 11, 2013. This is a Huge Step Towards the Detonation of the PAT Supernova
- Energy Update of the PAT - August 12, 2013
- Breaking News !!! The Elohim Confirm: The Magnetic Pole Reversal Has Begun on the 7th Level of the Upper 4D Earth on August 11th, 2013. The PAT Supernova Must Come Next!
- Ascension Schedule
- Ihr habt nichts begriffen
- You Have Not Understood Anything
- Wer steigt auf?
- Who Will Ascend?
- Haben die Katastrophen auf der 7. Ebene der oberen 4D-Erde bereits begonnen?
- My Interdimensional Experience of the MPR
- The Elohim: Who Are the First Openers of the 5th Dimension for Humanity?
- The Upper 4D Earth Will Experience Six Different Catastrophic Scenarios With a Diminishing Gradation From the 7th to the 12th Levels
- The Domino Effect: The Sudden Death (Collapse) of the Orion Matrix "Is Just Around the Corner"
- Have the Catastrophes Already Begun on the 7th level of the Upper 4D Earth?
- Die Hallen von Agartha
- The Halls of Agartha
- The US Bank System in a Free Fall: JP Morgan, the Chief Bank of the US-Orion-Reptilian Cabal under Criminal Investigation. Why Now?
- Energy Update - August 9, 2013
- What is Real and What is Illusion?
- On Punctuation and the Lack of Any Scientific and Philosophic Make-Up of the New Age Movement
- Breaking News!!! The Detonation of the PAT Supernova Comes Before the MPR. No Catastrophes for the Ascending Humanity. The Time of Miracles Has Arrived
- Breaking News!!! The Miracles of the New 5D Earth Have Already Commenced
- The Elohim: The Third and Final Harmonic Convergence of Ascension Has Commenced Today, August 8, 2013
- Warum ich Papst Franziskus für einen Blender halte.
- What is Real and What is Illusion?
- What is Real and What is Illusion?
- Perverted New Age Logic
- Der weltweite Finanz-Crash gewinnt an Fahrt. Obama und die US-Regierung entledigen sich 10 Billionen USD Verbindlichkeiten gegenüber dem Rest der Welt.
- Energy Update of the PAT - August 7, 2013
- The Victory
- Der Sieg
- Das Ereignis
- The Event
- The Worldwide Financial Crash Gains Momentum. Obama and the US Government Dump Down 10 Trillion USD Liabilities to the Rest of the World.
- Breaking News: Urgent Announcement on Ascension
- Personal Opinions - August 6, 2013
- Germany Prepares for the Big Catastrophe on the A-Day
- Raumzeit Stücke
- Space-Time Pieces
- Announcement from our Heavenly Father: You are on the Verge of Change Getting Visible Finally.
- The Mechanism of Hidden Ownership Behind the Domino Effect of the Impending Worldwide Bank Crash
- Energy Update of the PAT - August 5, 2013
- The Feast
- Liberation and Ascension - Part I
- Befreiung und Aufstieg -Teil I
- The Worldwide Bank Crash has Commenced
- The Threshold of Ascension: Multidimensional Thinking Versus Linear Thinking
- Snowden’s Father Calls Out Obama On Nuremberg Crimes
- Update on the Evil Doers in Power
- Ziel in Reichweite
- Finish Line in Sight
- The Time Is Ripe
- Die Zeit ist reif
- Personal Opinions - August 2, 2013
- The Elohim: The Quantum Physics of the Magnetic Pole Reversal
- My Personal Heartfelt Greetings of Love to the PAT
- On the Purity of Esoteric Sources, NESARA and Other Issues
- Herbst 2013 Verkündigung
- Autumn 2013 Announcement
July 2013
- A Must Lecture For All PAT Members
- Energy Update of the PAT - 31 July 2013
- The PAT Member Anthony Kane Needs Our Help
- Warum ich Papst Franziskus für einen Blender halte.
- The Obama-Clone Expands His Murders of Innocent American People
- Almighty Lightsaber
- MPR-Dream
- The Universe Has a Strange Sense of Humour
- Energy Update of the PAT - July 29, 2013
- Angelika's Visions of the PAT Supernova
- Befreiung und Aufstieg -Teil II
- Liberation and Ascension - Part II
- Personal Opinions - July 28, 2013
- About Rampant Female Energies and Human Tradition of Rejection in the New Age and Why They Hinder Ascension
- We Have Made It!!! The PAT Supernova Will Trigger the MPR at the Peak of the Lion's Gate
- Energy Update of the PAT - July 26, 2013
- Gesichter der Liebe
- Faces of Love
- Breaking Astral News: It is Happening - the MPR Is Coming! The Elohim: The event, the Magnetic Pole Reversal, shall commence upon your upper timelines... It shall cause great upheaval and disarray throughout all of Humanity.
- Ten Signs That You Are Getting in Touch With Your Multidimensional Self
- Urgent Announcement
- Gullibility Travels
- Gefangene der Matrix -Teil II
- Prisoners of the Matrix - Part II
- Energy Update of the PAT - July 24, 2013
- Breaking News: Ascension is Now Coming on the Upper 4D Earth. The Elohim Confirm: Worst Cabal-Made Catastrophes and MPR on all higher 4D earths on July 23, 2013
- Energy Update of the PAT - July 23, 2013
- Urgent Energy Update - July 23, 2013
- Gefangene der Matrix - Teil I
- Prisoners of the Matrix - Part I
- The Discovery of a New Element
- Disquisition on Spirituality and Human Personality
- In the 13th and Final Star of David /Merkabah Alignment, July 22nd - August 25th the Collapse of the Orion Matrix and Our Ascension Will Occur
- Urgent Energy Update - July 21, 2013
- The Elohim: The ID Split Between the Three Lower 4D Earths and the Higher 4D Earths Has Already Taken Place
- Energy Update - July 21, 2013
- Personal Opinions - July 20, 2013
- A Conversation with a Young Channeller From Switzerland
- It Is Done
- Es ist getan
- The Chronicle of the Two Most Dramatic, Destiny-Forming Weeks of Humankind - July 3-17, 2013
- Taube Ohren - Teil II
- Deaf Ears - Part II
- Quo Vadis America: Obama's Dictatorship Expands as Carter Declares US Democracy Dead
- Energy Update of the PAT - July 18, 2013
- Deaf Ears -Part I
- Taube Ohren - Teil I
- Elohim Message on the HAARP-Induced Mega-Earthquake on the Lower Three 4D Earths
- HAARP-Induced Mega-Earthquakes May be the Last Act of Evil of Obama and the Dark US Cabal Before They Leave Our Reality and Go to Hell, thus Fueling Our Ascension to Paradise
- Personal Opinions - July 16, 2013
- The Power of Validation - First Comes the Inferno and Then Our Ascension
- Stunde Null - Teil III
- Zero Time - Part III
- Stunde Null - Teil I und II
- Zero Time - Part I & II
- Flug in die Freiheit
- Flight to Freedom
- The "Statement of the Year" - Why the New Age Movement Failed Colossally!
- Obama's Next Major Crime On Humanity In His Attempt to Establish the NWO
- Energy Update - July 14, 2013
- How the Final Act of Evil of the Dark Cabal Is Prepared
- New Studies: ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Sane; Government Dupes Crazy, Hostile
- Personal Opinions - July 12, 2013
- What Will Come Next ?
- Energy Update of the PAT - July 10, 2013
- The Elohim: There Has Been a Unification of the Whole. New Decisions Today (July 9) Create the Underpinnings of World Change. They Shall Trigger Events That Will Be Likened to a Cascading Domino Set.
- Urgent Energy Update - July 9, 2013
- How the Catastrophic 4D-Timeline of the USA Celebrates the Independence Day
- Höhenluft - Nichts für hässliche, seelenlose Menschen
- High Altitude Air - Not for Ugly, Soulless People
- Dimensionen des Lebens - Teil II
- Dimensions of Life - Part II
- Who are the Bulgarian Protesters? - The Late Indigo and New Crystalline Generation
- Rediscovering Multidimensionality
- Dimensionen des Lebens - Teil I
- Dimensions of Life - Part I
- Where Are the Autodidacts?
- Energy Update of the PAT - July 7, 2013
- The Elohim Confirm: Members of the PAT Will Bi-Locate Soon
- Personal Opinions - July 6, 2013
- My Visions on Bi-Location
- Proton Versus Photon
- The Elohim: The Current Proton Waves from the Central Arcturus Sun are the Creative Life Force of All Holographic Realities in All-That-Is
- A Thankyou for Georgi
- Why Snowden is a Hero and Webster Tarpley is an Agent Provocateur of the Dark Secret Services
- Energy Update - July 4, 2013
- The Snowden Case - A Mirror Image of Human Debasement
- The Essence of the Today's Wave - July 3, 2013
- My Friend: The Hard Choice Between No Money and True Spirituality
- Schwingungsfelder verlassen!
- Leave the Vibrational Fields!
- Avatare - Teil II
- Avatars - Part II
June 2013
- Personal Opinions - June 30, 2013
- My Ascension Vision
- My Apocalyptic Vision of the Magnetic Pole Reversal
- Avatare - Teil I
- Avatars - Part I
- Why The “Lightworker” Movement And It’s Marketing Schemes Don’t Move Me.
- Final Detachments Prior to Ascension
- On the Latest Phases of Ascension
- Personal Opinions - June 28, 2013
- Emergency
- Emergency
- Energy Update of the PAT - June 27, 2013
- Blinde Passagiere - Stimmungsbild des Aufstiegs IV
- Stowaways - Emotional Image IV
- Es Ereignet Sich - Stimmungsbild des Aufstiegs III
- It Is Happening - Emotional Image III
- Aufmerksamer, unbeteiligter Beobachter auf dem Weg zum Aufstieg
- Personal Energy Update - June 26, 2013
- The Elohim: You Are Experiencing Today (June 24, 2013) the Biggest Shift to Higher Dimensions Since the Beginning of the Ascension Process
- Time to Say Farewell - Emotional Image of Ascension V
- Zeit des Abschieds - Stimmungsbild des Aufstiegs V
- Engel des Wandels - Stimmungsbild des Aufstiegs II. Warum die vielen Verzögerungen im Aufstiegszenario.
- Angels of Change - Emotional Image of Ascension II: Why the Many Delays in the Ascension Scenario.
- Update From April's HS
- Energy Update of the PAT - June 23, 2013
- My Mantra: I Am God, I Am Sovereign, I Am Free
- In This Moment!
- Urgent Energy Update: The Three Day Event Has Commenced - June 22, 2013, 15.00 p.m GMT
- Its Time, Let’s go – Message from God
- There Is Only One Battle on Earth - For and Within the Human Mind
- Stabile Lichtportale
- Stable Light Portals
- The Lonely Path of a Crystalline Child
- Live Now!
- The Problems of the Crystalline Generation
- Dualism and Oneness in Hinduism and Modern New Age Esotericism
- Have a Respite - Detach Fully From This Reality in the Next Days!
- Personal Opinions - June 20, 2013
- Urgent Energy Update - The Separation Begins Now in This Moment
- Die Licht und Liebe-Illusion: Die Esoterik-Szene hat großflächig versagt!
- The Light and Love Illusion: Why the Esoteric Scene Has Failed on Both Ends
- PAT Responses to Anthony
- Message from the Elohim: A True Evolutionary Leap of Upper 4D Earth Will Arrive After Summer Solstice and Will Last for Three Days
- Dreaming Between the Dimensions
- My Personal Choice - 4D or 5D?
- Verankerung der Ebenen
- Anchoring of the Levels
- Personal Opinions - June 17, 2013
- Moment der Weltentrennung
- Moment of Separation of the Worlds
- A Milestone in the Finalization of the Ascension Process for Gaia and Humanity Has Been Reached This Night, June 16, 2013
- Creative Vision for 5D-Earth
- Urgent Energy Update - Major Ascension Shift This Night, June 16, 2013
- 4D-Endszenario
- 4D-Final Scenario
- Contemplations on Probable Ascension Scenarios
- On Chemtrails on the Upper 4D Earth
- Personal Opinions - June 15, 2013
- The Revelations Are Coming on the Upper 4D
- Millionen Spiegelbilder
- Millions Mirror Images
- How to Create the Optimal Timeline of Ascension
- The Last Call
- Urgent Update - June 13, 2013
- Generally Speaking, This Is the Shift
- Ascension This Weekend?
- Energy Update - June 13, 2013
- Renaissance of the Golden Age - Rediscovering Joy
- The Energy Work With My Dual Soul Since May 22
- Energy Update of the PAT - June 11, 2013
- Das Heilige Spiel
- The Divine Game
- A Simple Multi-Dimensional Model of Ascension
- Breaking News - It's Happening Now
- Energy Update of the PAT - June 6, 2013
- Why the MPR (Huge Catastrophic Event) Announced for End of March Was Postponed in the Very Last Minute
- Advokaten des Lichts
- Advocates of Light
- Entladungen
- Discharges
- Energy Update of the PAT - June 3, 2013
- The Pennies From Heaven Announce the Coming of Nibiru and Our Ascension
- How Did Things Change For Me in May 2013
- Rettung der 4D-Erde
- Rescue of the 4D Earth
- Im Auge des Zyklons - Teil II
- In the Eye of the Hurricane - Part II
- Energy Update - June 1, 2013
- Has The Final Wave Leading to Ascension Already Commenced?
- Im Auge des Zyklons - Teil I
- In the Eye of the Hurricane - Part I
May 2013
- The Summer of Discontent Has Commenced
- You Are in the Final Preparation for the New Planet Earth A/B
- 3D-Planet der Hunde
- 3D Planet of the Dogs
- Rezept der Zeit
- Recipe of Time
- Evacuation of Humanity
- Evakuierung der Menschheit
- Ankunft der Vögel
- The Arrival of the Birds
- Elohim's Three Messages: The Final Separation from 3D Is Complete
- Burning Questions - Part II: Conversation with Jesus Sananda
- Stay Away From This Blog
- Important Announcement
- Dynamik des Aufstiegs
- The Dynamics of Ascension
- Sensation! New Change in the Ascension Scenario. First Comes Ascension of the PAT and Then the Catastrophic Events
- Personal Opinions - May 20, 2013
- The Elohim Confirm the Beginning of Ascension
- Entrückung der Menschheit: Der Aufstieg begann am 18. Mai 2013
- The Rapture of Humanity: Ascension Has Already Started on May 18, 2013
- Urgent Announcement: Ascension Has Commenced on May 18, 2013
- Erden 3D, 4D, 5D
- Earths 3D, 4D, 5D
- The Crimes Against Humanity of my Reptilian Uncle
- Personal Opinions - May 18, 2013
- Spontaneous, Miraculous Healing Is Only a Matter of Correct Psycho-Mental Attitude
- Ankunft auf 5D
- Arrival on 5D
- Energy Update - May 17, 2013
- We Must be Indeed on the Cusp of Consciousness Singularity = Ascension
- The Interim Phase of Quantum Computers in the 4th and 5th Dimension
- Alle Neuaufgestiegenen Meister sind ab sofort geschützt durch 144 000 Lichtkrieger auf 3D-und 4D Erde
- Wir warten nicht!
- Das Leben auf der 3D-Erde
- Jahns Traumbotschaften und die Rolle des PAT in der historischen Perspektive
- Precursor Event to Ascension This Weekend (May 17 -20) Followed Closely by the Detonation of the PAT Supernova
- Energy Update - May 16, 2013
- Jahn's Dream Messages and the role of the PAT in the Historical Perspective
- Personal Opinions - May 15, 2013
- Seven X Seven Generations Pillage and Carnage on Earth B Before the First Ascended Master Will Incarnate
- How True - The Daily Hell of the PAT
- The Alchemy of Creation: Transmutation of Consciousness
- We Will Not Wait
- Energy Update of the PAT - May 14, 2013
- Wichtig! Der letzte Fahrplan für die großen Ereignisse im Mai und Juni
- All New Ascended Human Masters Are From Now on Protected by 144 000 Light Warriors on 3D and 4D Earth
- The Dialectics of Becoming a PAT Member: How my Soul Pulled Away the Orion Rug From Under My Feet
- Björn Kurt's Wonderful and Prophetic Film on the Celestial "Waters of Life"
- Die Dialektik des Aufstiegs
- Life on 3D-Earth
- Dorie's HS: "It's a Dog Eats Dog World." How the Dark US Cabal Create Their Hell-Earth B
- Life on 4D-Earth
- Personal Opinions - May 10, 2013
- The Exodus From 3d-Earth Has Already Commenced
- My Trip Down the Rabbit Hole Started in the Pharmaceutical Industry
- Life on 5D-Earth
- Urgent! The Final Itinerary of the Big Events in May and June
- Why the Hippie Movement Failed, Where The PAT Prevailed
- "You Are the Chosen Ones. You Are the Fail Safe of the HR". Why the PAT Are so Very Special
- The Dialectics of Ascension
- The Psychopathic Merry-Go-Round of the US Orion Cabal is Finally Coming to an End
- I Am Ready! Prayer to Call Upon Ascension
- Energy Update - May 8, 2013
- Conspicuous Silence. The Cabal in the West Is Running Out of Options
- The Countdown. A Plea for the Messenger
- Personal Opinions - May 6, 2013
- The April Compression (Squeeze). The Bleeding Limitations of Physical Existence
- Personal Opinions - May 5, 2013
- Wake Up, Americans!
- A New Message from Jahn J Kassl on the Imminent Ascension of Mankind
- The False Flag Wars of the USA. The Long-Arm of the CIA-Al Qaeda Terror Connection
- Personal Opinions - May 4, 2013
- Why the Stupidity of the American People is a Crime Against Humanity
- The Cabal's Tragedy has Commenced: Obama Officially Declares Labour Day (May 1) as the "Day of Slavery" for All US Citizens
- Energy Update - May 2, 2013
- April's HS Confirms: Big Events Will Peak in May. Detonation of the PAT Supernova Scheduled for Early June
- Humanity is on the Cusp of Most Dramatic Events of Cosmic Proportion
April 2013
- My answer to a Young Man Trapped in Spiritual Self-Aggrandisement
- The Rules of Channeling
- Personal Opinions - April 29, 2013
- Our Last Decree Has Become a Trendsetter
- Living Without Any Control
- Blissful Life after Ascension
- The Flavour of Adventure and Reward: Why the PAT Chose to be a Midwife of Mass Ascension on the Densest Planet in This Universe
- The Elohim: Strong Quantum Compaction Affects Your Emotional Fields in the Last 48 Hours in Preparation for the ID Split and the Magnetic Pole Reversal (MPR)
- Energy Update of the PAT - April 27, 2013
- How the American Society Fell by the Wayside. A Historical Survey
- The Ultimate Proof Why The Magnetic Pole Reversal Must Come
- Personal Opinions - April 26, 2013
- The Abyss Between Subjective Perceptions and Consensual 3d-Reality
- The Importance of Being Honest
- How Mind Control Leads To Magnetic Pole Reversal First
- A Clarification of the Clarification
- A Latvian Psychic Confirms the Impending PAT Supernova and the Magnetic Pole Reversal
- Urgent Energy Update - April 25, 2013
- Energy Update of the PAT - April 24, 2013
- Clarification
- Why the Magnetic Pole Reversal Must Come
- Personal Opinions - April 23, 2013
- How Ascension Feels
- Energy Update of the PAT - April 22, 2013
- How It All Began... and Will End: A Short History of Ascension
- The Historical Importance of April's Latest Message
- On Human Emotions
- The Chronicle of a Death Foretold. The Irony to Be a Paid Internet Troll
- GaiaPortal Message -April 20, 2013
- April 18, 2013 Was The Most Auspicious Day In the History of Mankind When the PAT Decided on The Magnetic Pole Shift as the Only Possible Scenario to End This Earthly Drama
- Personal Opinions - April 20, 2013
- The Elohim on the PAT Supernova and the Magnetic Pole Reversal
- The Discussion - April 18, 2013
- While You have Ascended, You Will Still Have to Cleanse a Lot Prior to Ascension
- The Elohim on The State of Ascension
- What Am I to Do Now That Ascension Has Not Yet Occurred?
- The Tipping Point of Mass Awakening Is Reached
- Energy Update of the PAT- April 17, 2013
- The Elohim: Further Evolution Shall Arise With Sudden Explosion
- My Personal Energy Update Brilliantly Confirmed by GaiaPortal
- The Earth is Trembling Prior to the ID Split
- The FBI’s History of Supplying Live Explosives to “Terror Suspects”
- Darkness is on the Retreat - ASANA MAHATARI
- When the Shit Begins to Hit the Fan, the ID Split is Coming
- Urgent Energy Update - April 16, 2013
- What Other Sources Tell Us About the Impending Ascension
- How Many Proofs do the United States of Amnesia Need That They Are Ruled by a Mass Murderer?
- GaiaPortal Message - April 14, 2013. My Interpretation
- Personal Opinions - April 14, 2013
- The Incredible Accuracy of My Energy Wave Forecasts
- Our Analysis of the Current Energetic Situation
- The Sphinx Speaks How to Make Real Change Happen
- The Explosion of the Divine Mind of an Ascended Master
- Urgent Energy Update - April 12, 2013
- The Latest Golden-Yellow Waves Bring the Divine Mind to the PAT Who Are the Human Representatives of the Monad of Christ Consciousness
- Step Away; Embrace, What Is New
- This Is the Truth, Ma 'Ahna'h Ma
- Urgent - A Monster Source Wave!
- Why the Soul/HS is the Ultimate Master of the 3d-Charade
- Energy Update of the PAT - April 11, 2013
- Personal Opinions - April 10, 2013
- Energy Update of the PAT - April 9, 2013
- Final Overhaul of Our CNS Before Becoming MOS-Beings
- The Elohim: You Are Undergoing Massive Transformation of Your CNS Prior to Ascension
- In Search of the Nymph Elysa
- Energy Update of the PAT - April 8, 2013
- The Light-Years-Distance Between an Esoteric Ego and an Honest, Axiomatic Mind
- Energy Update of the PAT - April 7, 2013
- On the Eternal Themes of Love, Sin and Virtue, Surrender to the Divine, and Final Redemption through Ascension
- How to Be Victorious "With a Little Help From My Soul"
- Personal Opinions - April 6, 2013
- Urgent Energy Update - April 6, 2013
- Forget All Your Sorrows - Enjoy Your Ascension Now!
- You Are Still in the Final Induction Surge 3/31 From the Source. Nothing Is "Wrong" or "Amiss", All Is Playing Out Spectacularly in the Current No-Time!
- Energy Update of the PAT - April 4, 2013
- The Perfect Synchronicity of My Mother's Messages with the Ongoing Mission of the PAT
- Energy Update of the PAT - April 3, 2013
- George's Visitations as a Light Gestalt Around the Globe
- The Final Defeat of the Dark Cabal by the PAT on the Cusp of Our Ascension
- Urgent Energy Update - April 2, 2013
- Energy Update- April 1, 2013
- How Visible Will Be the PAT After Ascension
March 2013
- GaiaPortal Message - March 31, 2013
- April's HS: "You Are Beginning to Reach the Peak in This Final Process of Ascension
- New Message From the Elohim: All PAT Members Will Ascend - Hold Onto the Joy and the Wonder Within.
- Dorie's HS: The Energies Are Now in Perfect Alignment, Detonation Is Occurring Right Now, All Members of the PAT Will Dematerialize at the Same Time.
- Urgent Energy Update - March 31, 2013
- The Elohim Confirm: The ID Split is Now Upon You! More About Its Physics
- Skyler's New Film Just on Time "The Journey Home"
- Why the Orion Monetary System is in Its Mortal Throes
- Ascension - What is the Point? It's All About Fun.
- Why the PAT Should not Occupy "Jesus Christ Superstar" After Ascension
- The Physics of Ascension
- The Launch Sequence for the Detonation of the PAT Supernova Has Commenced
- A Passage to New 5d-India
- After the Three Days of Darkness We Have Entered Paradise
- Energy Update of the PAT - March 29, 2013
- The Elohim and AAM: "You Have Just Gone Through the "Three Days of Darkness"
- Wounded Saviors
- This is the Final Stretch!
- The Last Energy Wave of Ascension Has Just Commenced - March 28, 14.00 GMT
- How the Impending Financial Crash and Economic Collapse Will Take Place Next Month
- The Quiet Before the Storm Breaks Loose.... Doubt Killed More Dreams Than Failure Ever Would!
- Energy Update of the PAT - March 27, 2013
- GaiaPortal Announces the Beginning of Ascension This Week
- Energy Update of the PAT - March 26, 2013
- Congratulations! You Can Finally Take That Big Sigh of Relief Now. The Weight of the World Has Finally Been Lifted Off Your Shoulders.
- CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!! You Are Incredible, Multi-Faceted Diamonds of Beauty, Reflecting All 12 Rays in Their Absolute Vibrancy and Brilliance.
- The Cleansing, Healing and Alignment with the Upper Dimensions of Gaia and Humanity. A Report From the Rocky Mountains.
- The Wisdom of the Crystalline Child
- Feeling the Pulse of Humanity Prior to Ascension
- Update on the Latest Wave - March 24, 2013. A New Message From the Elohim
- Most Beautiful and Amazing Love Story on the Eve of Ascension
- Why the US dark Cabal Committed Genocide on the Mayan People
- Energy Update of the PAT Prior to Ascension - March 23, 2013
- Enjoy the Final Helter-Skelter if You Can!
- HS Instructions for Our Final Preparation for Ascension
- Urgent Energy Update - March 22, 2013
- The Troika (IMF, ECB, EU) Bank Robbery of the Cypriots is the First Major Step in the "Obama Masterplan" developed by the US-Cabal and Orion Banksters to Rob the American and EU-Peoples in the End Times
- Energy Update of the PAT - March 22, 2013
- More on This Night Energy Surge
- Personal Opinions - March 21, 2013
- Energy Update - March 21, 2013
- How The EU Bank Robbery of the Greek Cypriots Will Lead to a Global Financial Crash Next Month After the Detonation of the PAT Supernova
- The Hopi Prophecy About the Detonation of the PAT Supernova on March 31, 2013
- Victory for Aniko and the PAT over the Dark Orion System of Jurisdiction
- Are They Talking About the Detonation of the PAT Supernova Tomorrow?
- Personal Opinions - March 19, 2013
- The US of Barbaria. The Amazing and Terrifying Odyssey of a Chrystalline Child in the American Gulag of Orion
- How Many Proofs Do the US and GB Justice Systems Need to Persecute Blair and Bush for War Crimes and Genocide on Humanity?
- The Unity Thought Field of the PAT Must Help
- Urgent Energy Update
- GaiaPortal Messages - March 17
- Personal Opinions - March 18, 2013
- Amazing Message Announces the Detonation of the PAT Supernova
- The Supernova of Ascension is the Culmination of PAT's Heroic Efforts to Save Humanity
- Gaia Is in Her Final Labour of Birthing the PAT Supernova
- Obama is Worse than Bush in Favoring the Super-Elite, Bailing out the Banks and Protecting Financial Criminals
- Ten Years After the Invasion: America Destroyed Iraq, War Crimes Remain Unacknowledged and Unpunished
- The Crimes of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio in the Argentina’s “Dirty War”
- Jaw-Dropping Crimes of the Big Banks
- The Doomsday Scenarios of the Vatican and the Dark Ruling Cabal on the Eve of the Detonation of the PAT Supernova
- The PAT Unity Field of Divine Authority is the Cohesive Thought Field of Messianic Light and Energy around the Earth that Triggers Ascension
- Personal Opinions - March 15, 2013
- How to Prepare Mentally and Emotionally for the Coming Shift
- A Simple and Succinct Cosmogony of Human Spirit as Unlimited Source of Creation
- High-Esteem Precedes the Fall: The Black Pope and the Jesuits Take Full Control Over Vatican
- Testing the Energetic Pulse of Humanity Prior to the Detonation of the PAT Supernova
- Energy Update - March 14, 2013
- Why the Mainstream Media Must be Abolished After PAT Ascension This Month
- Why Humanity Needs the Vision of Ascension as Embodied in the PAT
- Vivisection of the Energetic Situation on the Eve of the PAT Supernova
- Energy Update of the PAT - March 12, 2013
- The People Are Beginning to Dream of the PAT Supernova in March
- The PAT Supernova Is the Christian "Pentacostal Miracle" Prophesying the Descent of the Holy Spirit (Christed Source Energy) in Human Flesh
- Spectacular Details on the Impending PAT Supernova Ascension Scenario
- I Am Back Again!
- The Bulgarian Example: How to Topple Down Corrupt Governments
- The Essence of the Impending Collapse: Almost Every Third American Without a Job
- The Final Mass Ascension May Extend Till Autumn
- A Full Fledged PAT Ascension Supernova and ID Split Around the End of March: PAT Ascended Masters Walking on This Earth From April Till June
- My Ascension Dream - A Visit to New Earth
- The Elohim Confirm: Further Advancements Are Created Following the Brilliantly Conducted "Rite of Passage" (the Last Decree) by Your Divine Director
- Why Georgi's Latest Decree Was an Absolute Necessity. It Has Accelerated the PAT Supernova of Ascension Scenario.
- More on My Last Decree
- My Last Decree
- Announcement
- Urgent Energy Update - March 3, 2013, 17.00 p.m. GMT
- The Higher Realms Are Playing out Their Ascension Scenario as a Grand Slam in Bridge
- On the Latest Source Waves and the Ascension Scenario
- Ascension is Infinite Expansion of Our Light Body Fields
- The Orion Fraud with The Jewish Race as the "Chosen People"
- Humanity Is Aligning With the Divine Authority of the PAT
February 2013
- Personal Opinions - February 28, 2013
- How the PAT Implements the Law of One on the Earth as Divine Authority
- There Are no Delays, no Holding Back, All Finalizations Complete, and There Is Nothing More for You to Do Prior to Ascension
- Personal Opinions - February 27, 2013
- The Final PAT's Decree of Oneness Prior to Ascension
- My Interpretation of the Latest GaiaPortal's Messages
- Personal Opinions - February 26, 2013
- La vita umana è tutta un desiderio di cose belle verso cui tendo senza che questi desideri si realizzino mai pienamente
- The Perfect Scenario for my Ascension
- The Worldwide Genocide on Millions of Children by the Vatican and the Church is Finally Exposed.
- Pope, Queen and Canadian Prime Minister found Guilty of Crimes against Humanity and Sentenced to Twenty Five Year Prison Terms
- The Collapse of the Old Matrix. Italian Elections February 24/25, 2013. The Next Two Most Powerful Italian Politicians Will be a Former Communist and a Comedian
- Energy Update of the PAT - February 25, 2013
- Energy Update and the Elohim Message
- April's Latest Update: After the Source Waves and the Elimination of the Survival Fears in Humanity
- Dorie's Latest Message: All Events Are Now Lined up and Will Take Place in a Very Rapid Manner. We Do not Anticipate Any Further Delays. It Is Time For the First Domino to Fall
- How the Higher Realms Effectively Paralyse the US Military Prior to Our Ascension
- PAT Validation of the Final Source Wave of Ascension Feb 22-23, 2013, Part - I.
- Validation of My Latest Energy Update by GaiaPortal
- The Final Source Wave of Ascension on Feb 22/23, 2013
- For Your Attunement to the Coming Disclosure After the PAT Ascension
- Logical, Axiomatic Thinking Always Leads to Quantum Cohesiveness
- A Vision of my Future Mission as Ascended Master
- Personal Opinions - February 21, 2013
- Why I will Appear as Ascended Master First in Bulgaria
- The Elohim Confirm: Your Ascension Has Arrived and Nothing Can Stop it Anymore
- The PAT is Ready for Ascension This Weekend
- An Example to Follow: The Bulgarian Revolution Will Trigger the Domino Effect in Europe and Worldwide
- Personal Opinions - February 20, 2013
- The Anatomy of the Madness of the Dark Orion US- Elite
- Something Is Definitely Happening Now
- A Massive Ascension Test Run Has Started Today, Feb 19, at 9.00 a.m. GMT
- Personal Opinions - February 18, 2013
- Urgent Energy Update - February 17, 2013
- A Concrete Example How the Truth Will Be Revealed After Our Ascension
- Personal Opinions - February 17, 2013
- Urgent Announcement
- The Creative Powers of the PAT Leading to Ascension
- Ascension Update - February 16, 2013
- Mission London
- Energy Update - February 15, 2013
- PAT Ascension is the Substitution of the Current Orion Matrix of Humanity with the Creative Matrix of the Collective Consciousness of the PAT
- Personal Opinions - February 13, 2013
- Yesterday, February 12, PAT Was Finally Released From its Cleansing Activities. First Ascension Wave Bigger Than Expected. No Complications in Sight.
- Why Pope Ratzinger Had to Resign. My Personal Thoughts
- The Story of the Young Soul That Became a Pope
- The Ascension Path for All Lightworkers Has Been Opened This Night, Feb 12, 2013
- Personal Opinions - February 12, 2013
- Anita Opened the Door for PAT Ascension Beginning this Week
- The Programs of Hive Mentality of the Masses have Been Disconnected and Cleansing is Complete. First Ascensions of the PAT Are Due This Week
- One of My Key Prophecies in the Ascension Scenario is Fulfilled: Pope Ratzinger Resigns
- Urgent Energy Update - February 10, 2013
- More on Anita's Ascension
- How to Cope With the Latest Fear Waves
- Peace that Passeth Understanding
- On Anita's Ascension in Spirit
- Personal Opinions - February 9, 2013
- Anita Has Ascended in Spirit
- The Clash of Mentalities on the Ascension Issue
- Joe's Latest Message
- More on the Ascension Scenario
- Announcement
- Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens
- The Mainstream Media Are Coming Increasingly Under Pressure for Hiding the Truth
- Mass Ascension Candidates Are Making EXCELLENT Progress. First Ascensions of PAT Next Week More Than Certain!
- Personal Opinions - February 6, 2013
- Obama's Heinous Plans for Catastrophic Earth B Are Unrealistic
- The Revelations on Obama's "Kill List" of US-Citizens Widen
- Personal Opinions - February 5, 2013
- Obama's Secret Assassins
- Why the Dress Rehearsal for Mass Ascension was a Full Success Last Week
- Individual Destiny and Parallel Realities
- It's All About Ascension
- How the PAT uses the Inner-Soul Dynamics to Change the Collective Mindset
- Forget Dante's Inferno. I Descended in Real Hell
- PAT Ascension Is Imminent
- The Crucifixion of the PAT Prior to Ascension
- The PAT Is Ahead of Its Schedule in Preparation For Ascension
- Praying for Anita
- Further Confirmation For Our Ascension in February
- Ascension Poem
January 2013
- Personal Opinions - January 31, 2013
- Why the PAT Will Ascend As First Group in February
- Personal Opinions - January 29, 2013
- First PAT Ascension in February. PAT Supernova, ID Split and Mass Ascension in March
- Personal Opinions - January 26, 2013
- Ascension Report From Mt. Shasta
- My Clarity on the PAT Mission After Connecting to the Source
- My Multidimensional Stream of Consciousness
- The Strange Dichotomy Between the PAT and the Rest of the LW Community
- Personal Opinions - January 25, 2013
- This Week's Cleansing Tsunami
- No Illness Is Contagious
- Medvedev's Official Disclosure on Aliens on Dec 7 Is Confirmed
- Jon Robert's New Website on "Antiquity Unveiled" and Apollonius of Tyana, The Anointed Christ, whose Spiritual Heirs We, the PAT members Are in the Current End Time of Ascension
- Personal Opinions - January 23, 2013
- Energy Update -January 23, 2013
- Should We Expect Stunning Revelations On Aliens on the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland Beginning January 23, 2013?
- The First Reasonable Explanation From an External Source Why Ascension Failed on Dec 21, 2012
- Personal Opinions - January 21, 2013
- The Entire PAT is Very Close to Being Fully Linked at the Nexus Point to Source. Georgi's and Other PAT Members' Ascension is Imminent.
- Personal Opinions - January 18, 2013
- Personal Opinions - January 17, 2013
- Jerry's Update
- My Optimal Scenario for Quickest Ascension
- Energy Evaluation of the Portal 1.13.13 and Beyond
- Personal Opinions -January 15, 2013
- My Disappointment with the Predictions of Cosmic Awareness
- Addiction to Channeling is a Severe Mental Disorder and a Hindrance to Spiritual Evolution
- The Acceleration of Linear Time in the End Times and the Current Fraud of the Authorities with the Clocks
- The Novel Energetic Dynamics Behind the Portal 1.13.13
- Energy Update on 1.13.13
- Personal Opinions - January 12, 2013
- To be a PAT Member is to Live at the Cutting Edge of Human Experience. Response to the Divsy Saga
- A Decree of Ascension - January 11, 2013
- About the Interim Time
- Why All Impending Revelations Need a True Spiritual Understanding
- Personal Opinions-January 11, 2012
- The Essence of Ascension
- Personal Opinions -January 9, 2012
- The Sobering Reality of My Astral Encounters
- The Difference Between True Spirituality and Spiritual Sabotage
- Energy Update -January 8, 2012
- Thank You All!
- PAT Prayers and Energetic Support for Anita and Jerry
- Personal Opinions -January 6, 2012
- Request for Meditation and Support
- Further Confirmation of the Ascension Test Run by the PAT on Jan 2-3 and the Energy Surge since New Year
- A Quiz of Discernment for the PAT
- Where are the Internet Trolls? Did the ID Split Occur on January 2-3?
- Reflections on My Discourse with Charlotte
- On Jesus Myth, LBP Ascension Technology and Radical Earth's Changes
- PAT Confirmation of the New Ascension Test Run on January 2-3
- My Astral Journey and Work During the Last Ascension Test Run of the PAT on Jan 2-3
- Personal Opinions - January 3, 2012
- New Ascension Test Run for the PAT on January 3
- The Great Deception
December 2012
- New Year 2013 - New Perspectives
- Personal Opinions - December 30, 2012
- Personal Opinions - December 29, 2012
- The Naked Truth
- The Time of True Change Has Commenced. My Current Massive Incentive That Will Topple Down the Most Dark Citadel of the Old Orion Matrix - the Present-Day Failed Empirical Science.
- Stankov's Titanic (Atlas) Efforts and the Elohim Activation of the Unity Consciousness Grid on December 23
- Announcement
- The Ultimate Ascension Message
- Why Michael Jackson is a Light Being
- Ascension through the Vortex of Dec 21 is the Unification of All Multi-Dimensional Aspects of Our Higher Selves
- And The Truth Shall Set You Free! How the US Satanists Stage Mass Shootings on Innocent Children to Promote Their Dark Agenda and Intimidate the Innocent US Citizens
- Michael Jackson's Interdimensional War Against the Power-That-Be
- We Will Detonate the PAT Supernova on Friday!
- Examining the Profile of a Mass Murderer
- Ascension Euphoria
- The Woes of a Drone Operator Are Not The Woes of His Commander-in-Chief Obama Who has Given Him the Order To Kill Children
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post - December 18, 2012
- Introductory Conversation With a Newcomer
- Energy Update -December 17, 2012
- The United States of Barbaria Compared to Civilized Countries - Killing Statistics
- The Manuscript of Survival 239 -You Are Already in the Birth Canal to New Earth and Love
- The Anglo-Saxon Banksters -The Worst Criminals of Humanity Are Protected by Obama
- Dulce et Decorum - The Eternal Orion Soldier
- Some Clear Words
- Questions to the Reptilian British Royal Family and the British Ruling Cabal Concerning the Death (Murder ?) of the Nurse
- From King Leopold's Genocide in Congo to Christian Satanism. Reflections on the Crimes of my Reptilian Family
- How to Discern a PAT Member From a Light Worker
- The Crimes of the US-Government on PAT Members
- Channelled Message No. 295 on Ascension 12.21
- GaiaPortal: Rapidly Growing Momentum for the Light…
- German Court: CIA Abducted and Tortured German Citizen
- 16 Years of U.S. Genocide in Congo
- Chemtrails Are the Cabal's Massive Genocide on Humanity
- Revelation Potpourri
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- How to Fight Prison "America" Prior to Ascension
- The Next Cold-Blooded Murder In Association with the Reptilian British Royal Family
- The Naked Facts About Ascension - From Juliano (The Group of Forty)
- How the Royal British Family of Bloody Reptilians Murdered Diana and Covered-Up this Capital Crime
- Eureka! This Is It!
- The Beginning of the Revelations
- Catastrophic USA on the Way to Barbaric Earth B
- Obdurate Washington
- More Than Thirty Top U.S. Officials Guilty of War Crimes
- A True Hero Against the Perversion of the American Legal System
- What Comes After 12.12.12 - Message From the Elohims
- Archangel Michael Message on 12.12.12 and PAT Ascension
- April's Last Message Prior To Ascension
- AA Michael "Message of Incredible Significance at This Time" - PAT Ascension Tomorrow
- Manuscript of survival No. 236
- It Took More Than a Year, But Ute Finally Got It - The Ultimate Proof for the Current Expansion of Human Consciousness at 12.12.12
- The Sacrifice and the Glory of the PAT
- How the Lies of the Obama's Administration on US Unemployment Rates Helped Him Win the Elections
- An American Tragedy
- It Is Time For A Spiritual Treasure Hunt
- Former US President Jimmy Carter Accuses Obama of Mass Murder
- Why All Earthly and Excarnated Prophets are Well-Advised to Line Up Behind the Consistency of the World View of the PAT
- Tne New Quest for Truth Prior to the Stargate 12.12.12
- Assimilating Your Physical Bodies With the Higher Dimensional Frequencies ~ Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael
- PAT Energy Update - December 8, 2012
- AA Michael Announces the PAT Ascension at 12.12.12
- Daniel's Vision of Ascension Day
- Short Energy Update - December 7, 2012
- How the USA Is Becoming A Full-Fledged Dictatorship
- US-UK Sponsored Genocide Against Iraq 1990-2012. Killed 3.3 Million, Including 750,000 Children
- How SaLuSa Changes Its Message in Accordance with PAT Ideas
- Joe's Latest Message on the Ascension Scenario
- The Scam of the US Cabal on 9/11 and the Two Criminal Wars
- The Paranoia of the Elite in Front of the Looming Dec 21, 2012
- Energy Update - December 6, 2012
- Propaganda, Lies and Manipulations of the US-Mainstream Media
- September 11, 2001: The US-Crimes of War Committed “In the Name of 9/11″
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post - December 5, 2012
- The Fears of the Masses about Dec 21 are Encroaching the US-Elite
- The Physics of Ascension
- The Beginning of the Sociopathic Revelations of the Elite Concerning Their End
- Why Archons and Their Dark Human Minions Are no Match for the PAT as Ascended Masters
- The American Sociopathocracy
- Dreams and Visions of PAT Members on the Ascension Scenario
- A Festival of Light Commences - The Council of Nine
- For Your Inspiration Prior To Ascension
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post - December 2, 2012
- The United States of Barbaria
- The US Choice - Plunging off the Ascension Cliff or the Fiscal Cliff
- The Rats are Leaving the Sinking Ship
November 2012
- Evo Morales From Bolivia Is the First Head of State who Officially Acknowledges December 21, 2012 as the Day of Ascension and the Beginning of the New Age
- On Remote Viewing, George Kavasillas, Proof of God, Theory of Everything and the Only True Science - That of The Universal Law
- Energy Update of the PAT- November 30, 2012
- The Immortality of the Personality Versus the Transience of the Biological Body
- My Final Retrospection
- Why Obama is a Mass Murderer
- The Importance of Today's Lunar Eclipse for the Ascension Scenario
- The Pinnacle of My Ascension Visions
- The Balance Sheet of Ascension
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post - November 26, 2012
- How To Play The Game of Illusion as a Human Master
- Intuitive Visions on the Final Ascension Scenario
- How to Achieve Certainty in Uncertain Times
- Final Threshold of Mass Ascension Achieved
- The Courage and the Spiritual Generosity of the PAT
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- The Power of Human Imagination
- The Pathological Psychology of the Internet Troll
- PAT Assessments of the Ascension Scenario – PART II, November 19. 2012
- On Human Intuition, Axiomatic Thinking and Other Related Issues
- PAT Assessments of the Ascension Scenario - PART I, November 18. 2012
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post -November 17, 2012
- Four Billion Humans Will Die In December. Magnetic Pole Reversal, ID Split and Mass Ascension Will Occur Simultaneously Around the Last Portal 12.12.12
- Reflections and Analysis
- Energy Report of the PAT After the Sun Eclipse Portal November 13/14
- Is This Source Talking About Our Ascension and a Possible Lean ID Split?
- Ascension Transmissions
- The Gods Must Be Crazy! Reflections on Religions, Science and Us as Ascended Masters
- A Crash Course for a New PAT Member
- PAT Experience With the Transforming Energies of the Stargate 11.11
- Our Children are Routinely Targeted by Drug Companies, Pedophiles and Corporations
- How To Become Ascended Master
- The Manuscript of Survival No. 222
- Interim Energy Report Prior to the Official Opening of the Portal 11.11 at 11.11 GMT Today
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- The Only Role of Every PAT Ascended Master Is To Be Truly Himself
- The Difference Between Ascended Masters in 3d-Bodies and New Agers in "Fluffy-Wuffy" 5d-Illusions
- The Importance of Dorie's Message for Our Quick Ascension
- My Veto as a Captain of the PAT
- The Plight of the Ascension Playwright
- The Premature Dross Vomiting of the Masses Hinders PAT Ascension
- The Massive Electoral Fraud Orchestrated by the US-Cabal Has Commenced
- Me and My Higher Self on Our Ongoing Battle with Archons and Human Darkness
- On Karma and Soul Growth
- The Likely Outcome of the US-Elections
- On Light Thresholds, Mass Awakening and Other Variables of Ascension
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post-November 5, 2012
- Further Confirmation for PAT's Ultimate Victory over the Dark Ones
- My Personal Experience as a Crystalline Star Seed with the Slumbering Masses
- Garrett's Message on Ascension
- Energy Update of the PAT Prior to Ascension
- Sandy's Aftermath and the Indomitable Spirit of the PAT
- Ascension as a Personal Endeavour
- Ascension in the Perspective
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
October 2012
- The Defeat of the Dark Ones is The Fuel for Our Ascension
- The Dark Ones are Fully Defeated - Next Destination is My and PAT's Ascension
- Further Elaborations on the New Unity Field of the PAT
- The Establishment of the Unity Field of the PAT and Its Connection to Godhead. Personal Experiences of PAT Members
- The Energetic Background of PAT's Last Ascension Phase
- PAT Energy Update - October 27, 2012
- Personal Energy Update
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- New Important Developments on the PAT Ascension
- The Revelations Have Commenced
- Why the Collapse of the Orion Matrix is Inevitable. A Case Study
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- The Multi-Dimensional Nature of Astral Probability Alternatives and How They Affect the End Time Scenario
- The Final Act has Commenced
- Dramatic Changes in the End Time Scenario. Ascension and Immediate Return of the PAT as "Supermen" and Savior of Humanity. Light Version of the PAT Supernova. First Comes the Collapse and Then the ID Split and the Magnetic Pole Reversal
- The Collective Telepathic Mind of the PAT
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- A Medical Chat Among Colleagues on the Psychopathic Symptoms of Cosmic Awareness and its Human Crew
- The Disgrace of Cosmic Awareness and Its Human Minions. The Naked Facts
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- Latest Update on the PAT Ascension-October 18, 2012
- The PAT is the Driving Force Behind all Human Ascension and Revelations
- Ascension Dreams and Sensations
- I l carattere multidimensionale della storia umana
- The Multidimensional Character of Human History
- PAT Comments on the State of Ascension, Part II
- PAT Comments on the State of Ascension, Part I
- Between Heaven and Earth
- Urgent Energy Update
- Energy Update - October 11, 2012
- HS Check-In 10-9-2012
- All Passengers on Board Ready for Ascension
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- The Galactic Federation Has Failed Again. The PAT Must Save Humanity One More Time
- Cardinal Numbers and the Timing of Our Ascension
- Ascension Energy Update - October 6, 2012
- The Harmonics of the PAT Ascension
- Ascension of the PAT has Commenced
- Ascension Update of the PAT - October 3, 2012
- The Hard Energetic Work of the PAT Member as Undercover Elohim
- PAT Comments on the Beginning of Our Physical Ascension
- Breaking News!!! Physical Ascension has Commenced
- Magnetic Activity Report-September 30, 2012
September 2012
- Ascension Signal Given !
- Ascension Weather Report - September 29, 2012
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- Doubts and Certainty in the Ascension Process
- Ascension Vision
- The Divine Sexual
- You Are Very Much Physically Ascending Now
- Energy Update - September 27
- Important Announcement
- In the Name of the PAT
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- The Explosion of Mind of a Hungarian Crystalline Child (17)
- My Final Ascension Dream and Reflections
- The Strength of My Soul is My Strength
- The Dark Cosmic Awareness and its Human Morons
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- Ascension Music for the PAT
- Coincidence or Prophecy?
- The Bottom Is Reached - Next Comes Our Ascension
- Energy Update - September 23, 2012
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- Urgent Energy Update - Sept 21, 2012. A New Powerful Wave Has Just Commenced
- The Final Countdown. Energy Update - September 19, 2012
- Last Decree of Ascension - September 16, 2012
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- Our Biological Bodies are Powerful Electromagnetic Bio-Systems
- How I Envision My Personal Ascension and Official Appearance of the PAT as Ascended Masters
- The Week of Our Ascension - September 17-23. The Crystalline Children Are the Real Heroes
- How I Envision Our Personal PAT Ascension and Official Appearance as Ascended Masters
- How I Envision Our Ascension and Official Appearance as Ascended Masters
- PAT's Official Appearance as Ascended Masters in Front of Humanity Will Be "The Much Discussed and Anticipated "Disclosure" Event"
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- How I Envision Our Personal PAT Ascension and Official Appearance as Ascended Masters
- How I Envision my Personal Ascension and Official Appearance as Ascended Master
- PAT is God's Spark That Will Ignite the Supernova of Ascension and the Wake Up Call for the Masses
- CA Explains Why it Failed to Awaken the CAC Group and How the PAT Saved Humanity
- How I Envision my Personal Ascension and Official Appearance as Ascended Master
- Optimization of the Energetic Cocktail of Ascension
- Latest Update from Dorie's HS: The ID Split is Like a Cell Division
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- Come La Legge Cosmica dell’Ottimizazione d’Energia determina la Tempistica della Nostra Ascensione?
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- PAT Mission Accomplished! Start Envisioning Your Preferred Way of Ascension
- From a PhiloPATh to a PAThophil*
- How The Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization Determines the Time of Our Ascension?
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- Der Sündenfall der New Age Bewegung
- More on the Latest Ascension Scenario. A Conversation with April and Her HS
- A Conversation with Rob on the Acquisition of True Knowledge During Ascension
- Strategic Considerations Behind the Ascension Scenario
- The Fall From Grace of the New Age Movement
- L'abisso dell’ignoranza e la scala della conoscenza
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- The PAT is the Adamic Template of the New Humanity. PAT Ascension Before the Wake-Up Call Now a Realistic Probability
- Strategic Considerations Behind the Last PAT Decree
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- Is the PAT Responsible for the Ascension of Humanity?
- The Creative Power of Our Anger
- The Abyss of Ignorance and the Ladder of Knowledge
- End Time Thoughts
- April's latest Message From Her HS
- Dorie's Latest Message From Her HS
- Energy Update, September 1, 2012
August 2012
- Announcement August 23, 2012
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- The "Wake Up Call" will be the Magnetic Pole Reversal
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- Ascension "Test Runs" of the Masses Near Completion. Entire Portal System of the PAT Close to Being "FULLY Open" and "Operational." Congratulations!
- Discussion on the Role of the Imminent "Wake-Up Call"
- Jerry's Energy Update
- Dorie's Latest Message Confirms Our Imminent Ascension
- The Widening of Our Portals Prior to the ID Split
- A Family Diary from the Galactic Control Centre
- Announcement, August 18, 2012
- The Ancient Wisdom of the Four Elements of Nature
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- The First Ascension Wave May Have Already Commenced
- The Basic Question and Why Human Evolution Has Been Stagnant in the Past
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- A Major Shift in the End Time Scenario for Humanity due to the Last PAT Decree
- A Dialectical Interpretation of the Latest Events
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- Clarity for My Self
- Why the PAT Decree was Inevitable
- The PAT Decree as Pace Maker of Ascension. Further Admissions of my HS
- An Open Dialogue Between PAT Members
- The Crisis of Confidence with Our Higher Selves
- A Message from my Higher Self on the PAT Mission
- A Message from the White Brotherhood
- A Message of Truth from my Higher Self
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- The Ultimate Decree of the PAT, August 13, 2012
- An Open Discussion with Our Higher Selves
- An Open Rant with Our Higher Selves
- How to Put the Pieces Together
- Ascension Dreams and Visions
- The Change of Guardians
- The PAT as Sublime Creator Beings
- Final Update From My Higher Self, August 9, 2012
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- Welcome to the Now. A Message from my HS
- The PAT Connecting the Dots at the Lion's Gate 8.8
- PAT Ascension Schedule Explained From an Obstetric Point of View
- Marco's Latest Messages, August 8, 2012
- August 7, 2012 Update from my Higher Self
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- Humanity in the Maze. The New Axiomatics of the Universal Law is the Ariadne's Thread Leading to Salvation.
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- The Fifth and Last Message from the Elohim
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- The PAT as the True Atlas
- Channelings on the ID Split and PAT Ascension, No 2
- Channelings on the ID Split and PAT Ascension
- The ID Split of Gaia and the Merging of Galaxies
- On-Line Confirmation of Our Imminent Ascension and the ID Split, August 2, 2012
- On-Line Confirmation of Our Imminent Ascension, August 01, 2012. Article No. 333
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- The PAT Decree of Mastership Has Won the Last Decisive Battle Against the Dark Ones. Ascension is Secured. The Cosmic Party Can Commence.
July 2012
- On-Line Confirmation of Our Imminent Ascension, No 4, July 31, 2012
- On-Line Confirmation of Our Imminent Ascension, No 3, July 31, 2012
- On-Line Confirmation of Our Imminent Ascension, No 2, July 31, 2012
- The Decline of Cabalistic Britannia at the Olympic Games. Observations
- On-Line Confirmation of Our Imminent Ascension, July 31, 2012
- A Farewell to the PAT
- The Decline of Cabalistic Britannia at the Olympic Games. Observations
- The Last Accord of the PAT Symphony
- On-Line Confirmation of Our Imminent Ascension, No 3, July 30, 2012
- On-Line Confirmation of Our Imminent Ascension-No 2, July 30, 2012
- On-Line Confirmation of Our Imminent Ascension, July 30, 2012
- How to Accelerate Our Ascension: A New PAT Decree!
- On-Line Confirmation of Our Imminent Ascension, No 2, July 29, 2012
- A Dialogue With My HS on the Date of PAT Ascension: “You Are “One Click” Away from Ascension”
- On-Line Confirmation of Our Imminent Ascension, July 29, 2012
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- If Not Ready Then Get Ready! A Pledge for Immediate Ascension
- A Dialogue With My HS on the Date of PAT Ascension: "You Are "One Click" Away from Ascension"
- Urgent Energy Update, July 27, 2012
- Further Messages on the Imminent PAT Ascension, July 27, 2012
- The Real Heroes. An Elegy for the PAT
- Amy's Vision of the PAT Ascension: The Sign of the Sparrows
- Why I Consider Benjamin Fulford an Agent Provocateur of the Dark Cabal
- PAT Comments of Latest Post
- Relationships Between Soul Fragments and Soul Families
- The Difference Between a PAT Member and a Doubtful Thomas
- Conversation with my HS on Ascension Date and Semantic Serendipity
- Personal Judgment Versus External Sources
- The Role of Nibiru in the Ascension Scenario
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- Traversing the Threshold
- My Ascension Dream
- The Sarcasm of Our Souls
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- Clarification on Ascension
- Take Your Destiny in Your Hands and Ascend. Or How to Push the Button of Detonation
- Say No to Heaven and Ascend!
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- My Latest Dream: How the Linear Time will be Abolished by the ID Split
- Ascension Timing Is and Always Has Been in Our Hands
- Connect Heart to Higher Self. Connect Emotional Body to Physical Body. Release and Express Emotions
- Dorie's Third Message From her HS on PAT Ascension
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- PAT Mission as Ascended Creator Gods
- Criminal Mossad Agents Kill Israeli Tourists In Bulgaria to Start War Against Iran. Further Crimes are Planned with High Speed by the Dark Cabal Prior to Our Ascension
- Important Information on the Date of Our Ascension
- The Birth of the New Transgalactic Human Mind
- PAT Contemplations on the Optimal Date of Ascension
- Imminent Message: Ascension Test Run, July 18, 2012
- PAT Comments to the Latest Post
- Basic Existential Needs, Obsolete Thought Patterns and Ascension
- Second Message from My HS on PAT Ascension
- The Dark Soul of Obama Fully Exposed
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- Martina's "Nature-Heart" for the PAT
- The Quest for Immortality
- Energy Update of the PAT Members, July 11, 2012
- Social Evolution Versus Revolution in the End Times
- A Chat with Marco on the Current Situation
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- On the Didactic Approach in the New Theory of the Universal Law
- Detachment From 3d-Reality and the Responsibility to Preserve the Purity of Thinking
- A Creation Experiment of Ascension
- When Did the Seduction of Humanity Begin?
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- On the Purity of Human Thinking
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- Free Photon Energy. First Official Revelations on Fox News and Sky News
- On Karen Danrich's Channelings. Electricity, Magnetism, Radioactivity and Human Karma in the Process of Ascension. A Discussion with Daemon
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- The Fraud with the Higgs-Boson. A Scientific Explanation
- New Important Information on Ascension
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
June 2012
- A Time Traveller in Suspense
- Rules for the PAT while Waiting for Ascension in the Void
- PAT's Comments on the Latest Post
- Message from my HS on PAT's Ascension
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- The Know and Know-Not in the Current New Age Movement
- PAT Critics on the Content of New Age Websites
- PAT Comments on the Last Post
- Great Sensation!!! The Orion Mass Media have begun with their Revelations. BBC Shows its First Documentary On Nibiru and Admits the Pole Shift
- How Humanity Has Been Enslaved by the Use of Shape-Shifters Instead of Elected Human Politicians
- Robert's Report from Mt. Shasta on Summer Solstice
- LBP Symptoms and Individual Level of Spiritual Evolution
- PAT Comments on the Latest Post
- Cosmic Humour is Our Only Salvation
- The religious Crisis and Hatred of a Former PAT Member
- A Creative Envisioning to Send Gaia Fully Forward and Activate Our Ascension
- Energy Update for June 22, 2012
- How to Survive the LBP
- State-of-Ascension-Report-111: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- PAT's Visions and Dreams on the Date of First Ascension
- A Massage to the PAT
- On Age, Intelligence, Human Cowardice and Courage
- Dark Cyber Attacks on the PAT Website Prior to Our Ascension
- Sun's Eruption on June 16, 2012
- Ascension is the Answer to the Limitations of Human Thinking and Behaviour
- The Void Prior To Ascension
- On Mother Nature, Human Ignorance and Emotions
- Amy's Sum Up
- The Faulty Energetic Structure of Human Memory
- Jorge's Reply to the PAT
- State-of-Ascension-Report-110: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- Conversation with Boyd on the End Time Scenario
- A Response to Jorge
- Announcement: To All Italian Readers!
- State-of-Ascension-Report-109: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- On Current Human Folly
- State-of-Ascension-Report-108: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- A Word of Clarification
- Nibiru's Effect on the Sun's Trajectory Due to the Earth's Wobbling
- The End Time Scenario as a Logical Inevitability. A Response to a Crystalline Teenager
- State-of-Ascension-Report-107: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-106: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- The Effect of the Full Moon Portal, June 4-6
- Let Go Of...
- State-of-Ascension-Report-105: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
May 2012
- State-of-Ascension-Report-104: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-103: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-102: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- A Message From the Elohim to the PAT
- State-of-Ascension-Report-101: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- The Language of Silence
- State-of-Ascension-Report-100: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- What Lies Ahead in May?
- Monica's Stupendous Cosmic Symphony of Ascension
- Wes Annac and the Pervasive Ego, Waiting to be Transmuted and Healed
- The Way I See it at the End: My Hands are Now Off of Humanity
- State-of-Ascension-Report-99: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-98: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-97: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- Eyes Wide Shut
- State-of-Ascension-Report-96: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-95: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- How Mankind will Evolve After the First Ascension Wave
- Open Letter to Hollywood, Music and Television Celebrities, Politicians, Doctors, Professors, Church Leaders, Bankers…
- State-of-Ascension-Report-94: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- Open Letter to Desmond Tutu
- State-of-Ascension-Report-93: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-92: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- Open Letter to Bill Gates
April 2012
- The Extraordinary and Exclusive Interview of our PAT-Member Gwen Olsen on the Alex Jones Show Exposing the Pharmaceutical and FDA Crimes on American Children and Patients
- State-of-Ascension-Report-91: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- A Revised Version of the Declaration of Independence; An Accusation of the US Government
- State-of-Ascension-Report-90: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- Technical Information on the Nystatin-Project
- Breaking News!!! Obama's Genocide on the American Nation in the End Times. FDA bans in April 2012 in a Secret Coup All Effective Drugs From the Market as to Cull the American Citizens
- The Tortures and Inhuman Brutal Acts by the Orion Psychiatry. A Short analysis
- How To Achieve Personal Abundance and Establish the PAT-Foundation. A Special Proposal to All PAT-Members
- How To Achieve Personal Abundance and Establish the PAT-Foundation. A Special Proposal to All PAT-Members
- State-of-Ascension-Report-89: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- How To Achieve Personal Abundance and Establish the PAT-Foundation. A Special Proposal to All PAT-Members
- State-of-Ascension-Report-88: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-87: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- The Cosmic Dimension of the PAT
- State-of-Ascension-Report-86: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- The Power of Creation
- State-of-Ascension-Report-85: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-84: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- Mankind at the Crossroad
- The Christian Fraud; Message from Apollonius of Tyana
- The Historical Mission of the PAT and the End of Christianity
- State-of-Ascension-Report-83: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- Symptoms and Prodromes of the Inter-Dimensional Split
- State-of-Ascension-Report-82: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
March 2012
- 2012 - The Year of “Diversion and Conquer”
- My Personal Ascension Scenario as a Crystalline Child
- State-of-Ascension-Report-81: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-80: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- More on the Three-Earth-Scenario
- An Open Word
- State-of-Ascension-Report-79: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-78: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- Cosmic Awareness Explains the New Balanced Earth A/B. A Conversation With the PAT Member, Valeri Djukov on March 13, 2012
- New Information on the Three-Earth-Scenario. Cosmic Awareness speaks with the PAT member, Valeri Djukov on March 13, 2012
- State-of-Ascension-Report-77: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-76: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- Technical Announcement! To All Readers!
- State-of-Ascension-Report-75: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-74: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-73: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-72: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-71: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- Sensation!!!! Change in End Time Scenario. New Third Earth A/B will be Created
- State-of-Ascension-Report-70: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-69: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- The BIG EVENTS will begin with Full Moon on March 8, 2012; Remarkable Reliability in the Visions and Predictions of the PAT Members
- Technical Advise for a Better Access to This Website
- State-of-Ascension-Report-68: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
February 2012
- State-of-Ascension-Report-67: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-66: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- Energy Update - March 2012
- State-of-Ascension-Report-65: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- Life After Ascension. Response to Medwyn's Questions
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind – Serial 14
- State-of-Ascension-Report-64: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-63: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-62: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind – Serial 13
- State-of-Ascension-Report-61: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- The Prophecy of the Two Arcturian Polar Bears. A Vision.
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind – Serial 12
- State-of-Ascension-Report-60: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind - Serial 11
- Economic Collapse 2012 - February Update
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind - Serial 10
- State-of-Ascension-Report-59: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-58: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-57: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
January 2012
- State-of-Ascension-Report-56: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- Important Announcement! To all Readers of this website!
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind - Serial 9
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind - Serial 8
- State-of-Ascension-Report-55: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind - Serial 7
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind - Serial 6
- State-of-Ascension-Report-54: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind - Serial 5
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind - Serial 4
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind - Serial 3
- State-of-Ascension-Report-53: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind - Serial 2
- New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind - Serial 1
- State-of-Ascension-Report-52: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-51: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-50: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-49: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-48: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-47: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-46: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
December 2011
- State-of-Ascension-Report-45: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- New Year's Contemplations of a Star Seed on LBP, Life and Sex
- State-of-Ascension-Report-44: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- Update on The Energies of the LBP
- State-of-Ascension-Report-43: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- The Winds of Change
- State-of-Ascension-Report-42: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-41: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- The Dark Machinations of The American Secret Services Against Star Seeds
- State-of-Ascension-Report-40: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-39: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-38: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-37: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- The Universal Teaching of Unconditional Love. LOVE versus Fear
- State-of-Ascension-Report-36: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
November 2011
- State-of-Ascension-Report-35: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- How The Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization Determines the Time of Our Ascension?
- State-of-Ascension-Report-34: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-33: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-32: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Still Opened.
- State-of-Ascension-Report-31: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Still Opened.
- State-of-Ascension-Report-30: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Still Opened.
- State-of-Ascension-Report-29: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Still Opened.
- State-of-Ascension-Report-28: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Still Opened.
- State-of-Ascension-Report-27: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Still Opened.
- State-of-Ascension-Report-26: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Still Opened.
- State-of-Ascension-Report-25: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Opened.
- Last Energetic Update November 9, 2011, 18.00 pm GMT
- Bye Bye, My Dear Friends, See You Soon Behind The Veil. Auf Wiedersehen! Au Revoir! Ciao, Ci Vediamo! Dovizdane! Dosvidanja!
- State-of-Ascension-Report-24: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Opened.
- State-of-Ascension-Report-23: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Opened.
- State-of-Ascension-Report-22: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Opened.
- State-of-Ascension-Report-21: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Opened.
- State-of-Ascension-Report-20: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Opened.
- Only Interested In Moving Forward
October 2011
- State-of-Ascension-Report-19: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Opened.
- The Last Battle With The Darkness. The Name of Darkness Is "Mimicry"
- We Are The Change
- State-of-Ascension-Report-18: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Opened.
- The Most Amazing Story in The Current End Times!!! First Ascension Wave on October 27 as Announced in Report-16 Confirmed in Helsinki.
- State-of-Ascension-Report-17: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Opened.
- State-of-Ascension-Report-16: "I have built my Personal Portal"
- State-of-Ascension-Report-15: "I have built my Personal Portal"
- State-of-Ascension-Report-14: "I have built my Personal Portal"
- Official Disclosure of the US-Government of Your Ascension at the Stargate 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-13: "I have built my Personal Portal"
- State-of-Ascension-Report-12: "I have built my Personal Portal"
- State-of-Ascension-Report-11: "I have built my Personal Portal"
- You Are Already Ascended Masters. My Comments on The Last Arcturian Message.
- State-of-Ascension-Report-10: "I have built my Personal Portal"
- The PAT Mission Is Already a Full Success
- Your Hilarious Future Is Knocking on the Door
- State-of-Ascension-Report-9: "I have built my Personal Portal"
- State-of-Ascension-Report-8: "I have built my Personal Portal"
- The Separation of Worlds
- Open Letter to Steve Beckow
- A Very Important Message !!! - OPENING THE PORTAL -
- State-of-Ascension-Report-7: "I have built my Personal Portal"
- On Human Ego, Arrogance, Spiritual Self-Esteem and Other Myths in the End Times
- The Plight of the New Age Veterans Prior to Ascension
- State-of-Ascension-Report-6: "I have built my Personal Portal"
- State-of-Ascension-Report-Exclusive!!! Urgent News!!! Sue's Brand-New Message From the Arcturians: The Dark Ones Are Defeated. Ascension Next Month. Inner Earth Comes on the Surface!!!
- The Ultimate Scientific Proof For the Accuracy of the Ascension-Date at the Stargate 11.11.11
- State-of-Ascension-Report-5: How You Create the New Reality of Mankind in the "Now". "I have built my Personal Portal"
- State-of-Ascension-Report-4: Open Message to All Members of the PAT and Ascension Candidates
- State-of-Ascension-Report-3: "I have built my Personal Portal."
- State-of-Ascension-Report-2: "I have built my Personal Portal."
- State-of-Ascension-Report-1: "I have built my Personal Portal."
- The Most Important Message For Humanity!
- Why America no Longer Needs New Age Charlatans, But a True Revolution
- On Steve Beckow's and Other Light Workers` Confusion
- A Spiritual Dispute between Ute Posegga-Rudel and Georgi Stankov on the teachings of the Spiritual Adept Adi Da Samraj
- What is the Role of the Planetary Ascension Team (PAT) at the Stargate 11.11.11?
September 2011
- On Light Workers' Confusion in the End Times Prior to Ascension
- How to Interpret Correctly the Clinical Symptoms of Your Light Body Process
- A Special Interview with the Arcturians: The Countdown has Begun!
- The Magnetic Pole Shift is coming in this Fall as Part of Earth's Ascension
- Comet Elenin is a Mother-Ship of the Galactic Federation
August 2011
- The Multidimensional Character of Human History
- The Function of Left and Right Brain in the Light Body Process
- The 1999-Forecast of the Collapse of the World Economic Order in the End Times
July 2011
- The Appropriate Use of DMT, Psilocin, Mescaline, Ecstasy in the Preparation for Ascension
- The End of Economic Enslavement of Mankind. Free Photon Energy is Available for Everybody Now!
- Open Letter to Light Workers - July 8, 2011
February 2011
- Ascension 2012 - The Ongoing Scenario
- Why the Many Delays in the Ascension-Scenario?