PAT’s Heroic Saga

Jerry James and Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, October 5, 2024

October 4, 2024


I want you to know how much I have related to your recent articles and conversations with Patrick and  others.

We have come a long way, haven’t we? Much longer than I would have anticipated or wanted.

I am 74 now and, despite all the energy downloads, I am in a good shape in a traditional sense at least. I went to a naturopath a few years ago to see if anything to help my body be able to weather these energy downloads better. Some of my blood test were wacky including nerve damage in my legs, high PSA blood test, and high triglycerides even though I eat a healthy diet, walk over a mile every day and maintain a healthy weight. My PSA was so high that it indicated possible cancer but a MRI detected nothing. Its been over five years and blood test remain same (no worse) despite nutritional supplement and other nature modalities.

I have had and recovered from Covid several years ago and had shingles this past year. I attribute all to a shot nervous system and overloaded liver dealing with all the downloads which still produce numerous debilitating symptoms which I will not go into because they have been discussed ad naseum.

I know many of the PAT, including yourself, are in my age group and it is a miracle that we have survived so long and remain somewhat functional. I was born in 1950 a very dark time right after WW2, a very dark time where hope of ascension of humanity was almost lost.  But we came and changed all that by working tireless, mostly unconsciously in the higher realms at night and in these lower realms in the daytime to support these energies a little at a time. Otherwise we would have long overloaded and exploded. We almost have anyway, all for the benefit of a sleeping and ignorant humanity.

After Anita passed, over a decade ago, I wanted to leave 3-d so badly. It is impossible for me to find another suitable mate with my high energy in this toxic environment. Just confiding with them about ascension not to mention my role scares the heck out of all but the most aware.  Anita visited me shortly after her passing as I wrote on this website in 2013 and she told me many things, many of which I have shared and she made it clear that I could not follow her yet. She was so happy laughing the whole time that I felt relieved.

After that I visited her many time in dreams, never in waking hours again, as it is very hard to meld ourselves fully in 5-d in waking hours. In the dreams she was very busy working with groups and barely had time for me. I searched and searched the cabins on site where those who dwelled there resided but my name was not available on any of them and I was frustrated. I was told to stay where I was. When can I fully ascend, I asked.  It’s the economy, was the reply. You have to stay until the economy fully collapses.  This made sense as I am an accountant and on an academic level have helped and still help many people with their finances.

I think you are right and have always been right. We are on the cusp of our ascension but we always have been. What is really 10 years or even 30 which is about the time I have been consciously aware. I don’t care. I know I am doing the work. I have and will continue to ascend as all of PAT. I am working with you and will someday work with you exclusively to build the new earth and occupy the cities of light. Will I succumb to physical death before then? I don’t think so, but what if I did?

What if ascension were delayed another 30 years? Believe when I say, it won’t, but even if it was, it wouldn’t change anything. I would still work to bring the new earth to the portion of humanity willing and able to hold the vibration of light. Even though I don’t write often believe me, George, when I say you and the warriors of the first and last hour are in my thoughts and I love you all for the mostly thankless work and service you have provided. You have done and continue to do the great work to move this planet forward and your efforts will be remembered for all eternity and sung of by future generations.


October 5, 2024

Dear Jerry,

I am so happy to hear from you after such a long time and to know that you are well under the well-known harsh energetic conditions under which we, the PAT, are subjugated all the time. I also thank you from the bottom of my heart for your appreciation of my light work and that of the PAT. We didn’t have any other choice in this last lifetime in a physical body but to succumb to the imperative of our souls and follow their instructions, whose imminent, and only, goal has always been the ascension of Gaia and a substantial portion of humanity at all costs.

It was never about us and our personal lives as we were already ascended masters before we incarnated on this earth and are here only to help humanity. You have experienced this more poignantly than most of us when you lost your beloved Anita 11 years ago, It seems as if it were yesterday, and this is a good thing as linear time now passes so quickly.

You are absolutely right – our Ascension has always been imminent, not only because linear time does not exist, we all know that, but also because we can only create in the Now. Without this mindset, we would not have achieved what we did now. If humanity is on the cusp of experiencing an awesome trans-dimensional planetary shift to a new upper 4D reality very soon, this is entirely the achievement of the PAT.

In fact, we, the light warriors of the first and the last hour, will be the driving force behind this shift that will bring huge relief and freedom to many humans because when we ascend, we shall expand our fields into Infinity and will thus deliver the energy for this shift, first, to a new upper 4D reality and then individually to the new 5D earth. This is the actual mechanism of ascension, dubbed by us already in 2012 as the “PAT Supernova” and nothing has changed since then.

Hence, as you rightly point out, the ascension was a done deal the moment we came together in the summer of 2011 when I first opened this website, You, Jerry, was among the first to contact me, as you have been long waiting for this moment and that is why you embody perfectly the glorious saga of the PAT, about which humanity will learn very soon much more, when it awakens to the full truth and stops being distracted by trivial 3D activities.

As we have built our crystalline light bodies a long time ago and ascended at the latest when we opened the stargate 12.12.12, we have already reached immortality in a physical sense. Precisely because of this generally neglected fact, current fake human medicine no longer applies to our bodies and all its tests are invalid and irrelevant. Actually, this annihilating verdict applies to all human patients but this is a very big topic to discuss here, I have done this in many articles and books.

In this respect, I am sure that you were never sick of Covid, simply because there are no coronaviruses, just as there are no viruses at all in Nature.. This is all fake science as I have explained at great length in this comprehensive review of 12 publications, written in 2020 when the draconian lockdown due to the fake coronavirus epidemic was first imposed on humanity, thus leading to a worldwide genocide before it was further expanded by toxic, harmful vaccinations until now:

The Coronavirus Scamdemic

Present-day human medicine has been introduced by the dark cabal from its onset as a convenient means of mass extinction of the human race under the noble pretext of saving lives. When all humans realize one day this dreadful fact to the full extent, they will be shocked to their bone marrow and after that their world will no longer be the same. It is a pity that they missed this opportunity to educate themselves a long time ago, precisely after I published the General Theory of Biological Regulation in 1999, where I have proved unequivocally that more than 90% of all pharmacological drugs on the market are cell-inhibiting drugs and thus significantly increase mortality and morbidity when compared to no treatment (placebo).

Since the end of WW2, when modern pharmaceutical industry emerged and began to poison humanity on a broad scale, i.e., since the time we incarnated on this planet, the pharmaceutical industry, in cahoots with my colleagues, the medical doctors, have prematurely exterminated more than half a billion patients only by prescribing such deleterious drugs, other damaging therapies not considered.

While we know that we are in the End Time of this reality, when many incarnated human beings were planned to leave the earth through death experience before the ascension occurs as they are not ready for that, the magnitude of this crime on humanity and LIFE as the expression of the Source, cannot be diminished at all. And the best way to demonstrate these ongoing genocidal crimes of the dark ones on humanity is for us to ascend and, by demonstrating the immortality of the human being and its body, to eliminate in the first place current medicine and all bioscience, just as I have already abolished current agnostic fake physics, considered to be the most exact scientific discipline humankind has developed so far.

Volume II: The Universal Law. The General Theory of Physics and Cosmology (Full Version)

After that, we must end all wars on the earth as humanity can only ascend after it recognizes its indivisible unity and stops all fratricidal wars once and for all. I have already developed some very precise plans on how to stop the two major wars currently – in Ukraine and in Israel/the Middle East  – and I will be more than happy to have you by my side, helping me in this endeavour as an ascended master. You have stayed the course indomitably for so long, you deserve to be honoured by future humanity as one of those PAT members who ended all wars of humanity and thus enabled many people to achieve what we have already achieved as wayshowers and spearhead of the ascension process.

In this sense, I wish you calm days ahead when the inevitable will finally manifest – our glorious Ascension and appearance in front of humanity as the incumbent Logos Gods since we, the PAT, came together and successfully opened the stargate 11.11.11. and thus assured the Ascension of this most toxic and darkest planet in the entire multiverse. It is already celebrated as the greatest heroic act in the entire multiverse, and we, the PAT, are already legendary across all dimensions. If you haven’t seen yourself in the group of souls Anita is working with after she left this earth, it is because we are in a special A league only among ourselves – the most exquisite, unique and powerful souls in the entire universe.

With love and light



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