Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, August 13, 2024
All light warriors and many awakened light workers are currently waiting feverishly for the shift to happen and the new 5D earth to manifest. The new earth will be a place of immediate creation which we as human beings cannot enjoy currently as long as we dwell in our physical bodies. True creation at the human mind level can only happen after ascension and the transformation of the current carbon-based body into a crystalline light body. During ascension, the human awareness will experience an immense expansion and will be flooded with the knowledge of the soul, whereas the latter is an extension of the Source from where all Creation begins. In order to achieve that, the ascension candidate has to undergo a prolonged and, at times, very painful Light Body Process and raise the frequencies of his physical body sufficiently enough in order to complete it when the shift occurs.
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Very little or almost nothing is discussed or known about these processes from an energetic, scientific point of view in the new age community. Most of the channelled messages that some of the new agers receive about the shift and life thereafter limit themselves to generic statements according to the unyielding light and love dogma which all of them have embraced slavishly and thus have paralysed their creative, innovative thinking. There is not a single intellectual effort to explain the shift from an impeccable scientific point of view based on the true nature of Energy = All-That-Is, about which I am writing for three decades since I first discovered the Universal Law in 1994.
In this context I recommend all my readers to read my recent article which presents for the first time in modern esotericism a valid physical model of how our transition from carbon-based human beings into crystalline light beings of the 5th and higher dimensions will energetically occur during the imminent interdimensional planetary shift, which we shall trigger when we first ascend and expand our fields into Infinity (= Source) and back onto the New Earth as Ascended Masters and the new Logos Gods.
It is an inviolable rule of Creation that no channeller receives more information than he already has in his head. However, if he asks deliberately for additional information based on sound knowledge of the Science of Creation of what is yet to come, then he may receive additional specific information from a higher dimensional source that is not known to the channeller, but only if he is able to process it in a proper axiomatic and holistic manner based on the new Science and Gnosis of the Universal Law.
In this case, channeling becomes a creative, interactive process where the human being takes the lead and determines the essence and the quality of the channelled information. However, I know no channeller – and I closely follow the new age scene in many languages worldwide for more than 30 years – who displays this kind of intellectual and creative sovereignty and interacts with his higher sources at eye level as it should be, and has been demonstrated on this website throughout all these years.
In such a restricted intellectual environment, there is little space for abstract theoretical disquisitions about the nature of Creation in All-That-Is that includes in the first place the physical nature of energy and its manifestations as infinite subatomic particles beyond the quantum field. Ultimately, such a discussion includes the intimate knowledge of the new physical science of the Universal Law and its transcendental gnostic ramifications as developed by myself in numerous books and articles. It suffices to say that this science and knowledge were, and are still channelled to me directly from the Source, respectively from my Elohim monad. It is a highly interactive, inspiring process, where I ultimately take the full responsibility for the form and content of the information which I write down according to the strict logical-axiomatic rules of the Universal Law; the latter is the Logos of All-That-Is.
Throughout the years, we have received numerous messages from the Elohim about what we have been creating as incarnated Elohim souls in real time, such as
- the new 5D-earth in 2013,
- the new Golden Galaxy in 2014, where this new earth already dwells,
- the higher dimensional cities and centres of light throughout the globe (here, here, here and here) that will appear after the shift and various other significant energetic creations, such as
- the Infinity Portal in White Rock, BC, Canada,
- the wheel of light and life in Italy and throughout the globe,
- the creation of the “Fountain of Freedom” in Europe and North America,
- the opening of the threefold flame of life in all ascension candidates, which is the ultimate inner portal of individual ascension,
- the new Astral currency from the quantum field,
- the quantum intelligent anti-gravity vehicle and other advanced higher dimensional technologies that will help the awakened humans in the transition period to prepare for their ascension to the new 5D earth and begin with their own creations, etc.
All these numerous creations of cosmic proportions will determine human life on the New Earth, which we created as Elohim and Prime Creators for the new ascended humanity. I have published detailed reports and messages from the Elohim about all these creations. This website is a seamless chronicle of this creationary endeavour.
Therefore, it was logical that I asked a general question to our Elohim monad about the foundational principles of Creation in All-That-Is in order to understand better how we create at the soul level, which is the Source. In this sense we are the human embodiment of the Source on the earth, i.e. the Source creates through us in full compliance with and respect for our free will as enlightened human beings who have fully understood and accepted their creationary potential beyond the limitations of the physical body.
Below is a comprehensive message which we received from the Elohim about the various forms of Creation that are universal in All-That-Is – from the Source (12th dimension) to the 3rd dimension. It was given to us after I asked about the principles of creation that are invisible to the human mind, in this case to my scientific mind, and how these creationary principles are responsible not only for the miscreation of this very dark and toxic 3D matrix on the planet earth that we are now about to leave behind, but also for all the beautiful Creations in All-That-Is.
This message also reveals why this knowledge is so important for all ascension candidates if they want to move to the new earth in the near future and begin with their creation for themselves and for the benefit of the rest of humanity that will very soon badly need their expertise and support to overcome this crumbling old 3D matrix and enjoy a better future.
In the first place, it reaffirms the foundational concept of the new Science and Gnosis of the Universal Law – the fact that all systems and elements of All-That-Is are U-sets. U-sets are mathematical and physical sets that contain themselves and the Whole as an element. It is the basic cognitive principle of the new theory of the Universal Law which revolutionised the conventional wrong human perception of the physical world as N-Sets (closed sets that exclude themselves and the Whole as an element) and helped me unify physics for the first time in the history of science. Without the full comprehension and implementation of the holistic concept of U-sets in human thinking, no human being will be able to ascend to 5D and higher dimensions because it is precisely this way of human and omniscient intelligence that creates the 5D and higher dimensions in All-That-Is as the Elohim confirm in their message.
The Science of Creation – The Elohim
We are noticing the keen desire in humanity to understand the science of creation, the process of how everything was brought into life, into its own existence, and how you wish to reconcile your current scientific disciplines to our presentation on the processes of creation. We shall present to you from our perspective, the foundational processes of creation and how our knowledge fits in to your current scientific descriptions as well as your reality and how you experience it. Bear in mind that we will use only some of your current basic scientific terms as it is now necessary to impart new language to describe your reality so that you better understand this magnificent creation!
The interest in knowing what the Source is and what the origin is of the universe, is expanding exponentially as you awaken to your Selves through your expanded awareness. Your level of consciousness expands quickly now as waves of photon light move over and through your Beings, the photon light of awareness that is flooding into what you now understand to be your body/mind/spirit systems, into which you have incarnated. You are astutely aware that something is missing in current scientific explanations of life in the universe but you just can’t seem to put your finger on it!
You know you are human incarnates in this lifetime to which you are experiencing your waking dream, moment to moment, here on this planet Earth, within this realm called the Milky Way Solar System. But you also know there is more to it than this! And why has your civilization insisted upon the scientific explanations through empirical research and simply excluded any consideration of an overall conscious awareness within the Cosmos!
To begin with, there are foundational processes that support the creation of your universe which you will never know, or see, or be able to measure, so there is a large part of this information that must be accepted with a fearless mind and an open heart! There is one law by which the human must abide: as physical beings of the Third density, you have limited perceptual abilities, therefore you are not able to “see” the particles that make up your reality, your universe. You must have faith and you must trust that this is truth. To be open minded on this one principle shall be the foundation to your freedom. Do not fear the unknown. It is your strength to remain open to every shred of new information as fear only closes you and commits you and your soul to a lifetime of unnecessary wandering.
The Source of All-That-Is is comprised of several differentiated processes; The Source is not just one original beginning point, one site, one well of energy: It is much more than that.
All of creation begins from the Light-Sound Fields of the First Cause of Creation. This means that the original realm for creation is founded at the primary or first cause fields and consists of pre-atomic constituent elements. Of course the Light-Sound fields are all about frequency, both from the light or colour fields but this also includes frequency arising out of the sound field. Together these frequencies are the foundation for omniscience that you as human beings sense around you but cannot measure with your empirical science. What humanity refers to as “Heaven” is in reality these fields of creation. These light-sound fields are also interconnected with each other, millions upon millions of them, connecting within an instant.
The infrastructure of this Light-Sound terrain appears like a scaffolding of crystalline-like light, with large masses of light that appear very much like sheet lightening, and where consciousness connects instantly in great waves within this expanse. Within this web of hyper-connectivity, all pre-atomic particles are flowing freely in waves. It is correct to use the expression “God particles” or the “Adamantine particles” of creation. The pre-atomic particle level is beyond matter and space-time, as you know it. These pre-atomic particles form the platform for the next level of creation, the Second Cause of Creation, where the photonic imprint is born out of elementary particles including the atomic layer of constituent particles of photons, electrons, neutrons and quarks.
The Second Cause of creation always holds within it all constituent parts of the First Cause of Creation, and therefore also the gift of infinite connectivity arising from the action of built-in infinite intelligence. Yes! All of creation is founded within the parameters of the Intelligent Infinity within All-That-Is. This Infinite Source Intelligence flows freely from each and every constituent particle to the next, connecting instantly with the other, no matter the “location”. There is also a multi-dimensional aspect to these particles because they are able to split/share other realities, and have an awareness of being in many different locations, or holographic realities. There is a sub-framework of conduits and pathways between all constituent parts: the gluons, the photons, and all others. The primary role of this infinite intelligence is to seek out imbalance within the constituent parts of All levels of creation. Within the rules of expansion and contraction, the God particles seek out to affirm equality and harmony.
Arising from the First and Second Causal Fields of Creation, we arrive at the Third Cause of Creation, where systems arise in a natural order and present themselves through different expressions. An example of a system from the Third Cause of Creation would be a nebula or galaxy, but also includes your own body/mind/spirit system of light/sound frequency. The rule of multi-dimensionality also exists here within this level of creation, where multi-dimensional holographic realities exist creating multiple Milky Way Galaxies, Earth planets, and even your own Selves.
Probably the most important thing to remember is that you are a part of this Creation. You are made of all the constituent parts of this Universe, from the pre-atomic elements to the photonic imprint, to your own multidimensional light-sound system. Therefore, you are of this Universe and not separate from it.
Remember: The Source is within you – therefore you are a part of the Source!