Psyche, Mind (Intellect) and Soul, and Their Energetic Interactions – Chapter III
Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, July 22, 2019
Translated from the German book “Neue Gnosis: Evolutionssprung der Menschheit“, 2001 into English by the author
III. Psyche, Mind (Intellect) and Soul, and Their Energetic Interactions
After we discussed the body as an energetic U-subset of the soul, we now turn to the other sub-systems of the species “man”. We begin with the psyche.
1. Psyche
The psyche, also called emotional body, includes all the feelings (emotions), such as fear (angst) and love. It is formed from low frequency components of the 7F-creationary levels and can also affect the electromagnetic spectrum. The psyche has thus a higher frequency range than the body and a lower frequency range than the mind. The psyche has many functions in the context of inter-personal relationships (e.g. karma). As part of the personality it shapes every incarnation fundamentally.
The basic structure of the psyche during incarnation is a careful choice of the soul between the incarnations and depends on the tasks that she has set herself to solve in this particular incarnation. A good introduction to the topic can be found in the book “Archetypes of the Soul” by V. Hasselmann and F. Schmolke.
According to it, a certain energy is assigned to each soul. There are seven types of soul energies in the 7F-creationary levels, which have a universal character. The seven roles (energies) of the soul are defined as follows:
1) Healer (Helper) 2) Artist 3) Warrior 4) Scholar 5) Sage 6) Priest and 7) King.
They are grouped as a sine curve around the center scholar (4) and show different energy patterns, which are found in the various incarnations over again. This taxonomy is a popular esoteric representation of specific energy spectra of the soul, which can also be represented more precisely in a mathematical way within wave theory.
The soul remains in her role during the entire incarnation cycle: It is therefore called essential role of the soul. Each essential soul role is assigned to an energetic principle of action:
1) Healers – Concept: Serving, 2) Artists – Design/Gestalt, 3) Warrior – Fighting, 4) Scholar – Learning / Teaching, 5) Sage – Communication, 6) Priest – Comforting, 7 ) King – Leading.
These principles largely determine the basic direction and goals of all incarnations of the soul on earth. All other characteristics of the personality can be changed from one incarnation to another. They also correspond to the seven primary energies of the soul realms according to the principle of self-similarity (hermetic principle).
Every child is born as a complete personality and has a clear plan of what it intends to achieve in its life. By “personality” I mean primarily the psyche, including the mind, insofar as it is inseparable from the psyche. Since the tasks of the soul differ most of the time from those of the earthly personality – this follows from the free will of the ego, which can make decisions against the plan of the soul – this inner tension very often creates a dynamic interplay between soul, mind and intellect, which leads to a variety of decisions that can also affect the body in a harmful way. More on this later.
The characteristics of the incarnated personality are determined by the soul in a priori manner, where each trait consists of seven types according to the seven basic energies of the 7F-creationary levels. They can be categorized as follows:
– Basic angst patterns. e.g., impatience, arrogance, etc., (seven types for each trait);
– Goal of the incarnation, e.g., deceleration, acceleration, acceptance, ruling, etc.;
– Mode of behavior, e.g., caution, perseverance, power, aggressiveness, etc.
– Mentality, e.g. stoic, cynic, realist, idealist, etc.
Furthermore, in every incarnation two of the seven energy centers (body chakras) are predominantly developed by the soul in a ratio of 70:30. This would say that the vital energies coming from the soul enter the physical vessel of the incarnated entity preferably through these two chakras. The seven body chakras also correspond to the seven basic energies of the soul realms. They affect not only the body, but also the psyche and the mind. The emphasis on certain chakras plays a central role in the implementation of the karma game on earth. I will discuss the effect of the chakras in detail later.
As it can be seen from this brief introduction to the soul structure of the psyche, the personality of the incarnated entity is largely predetermined before birth. In addition, she receives an imprint of the life experience, which is then evaluated by the soul between the incarnations. Since all the experiences of an incarnation are stored, all incarnations build a personality chain, which belongs to the soul. The soul is thus a multidimensional personality, but it is in reality much more. I will discuss later on this concept in depth.
The psyche is hence more than just feelings (emotions), it is also objectives, which are associated with the numerous manifestations of human emotions. This applies particularly to fear which I will discuss separately.
This approach is contrary to the conventional view of psychoanalysis, which divides the psychic structure of humans in subconscious (soul patterns), I-AM (mind, das Ich) and supra-consciousness (supra-ego, Über-Ich, based on beliefs grafted from outside). While Freudian psychoanalysis assigns the lowest rank to the subconscious and the highest rank – to the supra-consciousness as imposed by society, in reality, that is to say, from the perspective of the soul, which creates all incarnations, it is exactly the other way round. With each incarnation, the soul tries to liberate the actual personality from her supra-ego that has been shaped by the circumstances and the grafted opinions and beliefs of society peu à peu during the incarnation cycle, so that the I-AM, the mind, could open to the original soul dimension (the Subconscious). This process is trivially described as “surrender of the ego to the soul”. It is basic to the initiation of the LBP. In this way the evolution of the soul takes place during the cycle of reincarnation.
This view is, in my opinion, for the first time expressed in this clear manner and reveals the much vaunted Freudian psychoanalysis, which is the foundation of modern psychology – the science of the psyche – as a flagrantly wrong approach.
2. The Fear Structure of the Psyche
Fear (angst) plays a central role in humans. It shapes the character and the conduct. Like all emotions, fear is an energetic phenomenon that can be described as a destructive interference at the psychological level. Human fears are complex wave patterns. Anxiety is a state of mind which reduces the astral frequency of the psyche and thus establishes the energetic isolation of the earthly personality from the soul. Human angst is, so to speak, “the threshold guardian” at the individual portal of the incarnated entity to his higher self. This effect can be understood if one takes into account the interaction between psyche and Spirit or mind.
First, it is important to note that there are two types of fear: existential angst, which is essential for life and non-existential fears, which occur much more frequently and act preferably on the mind and its decisions.
Mind has a cognitive function. It perceives the reality and stores it as memory in a non-physical body that functions as a magnetic memory. The continued storage of sequential events, which man can retrieve as memories is a prerequisite for the development of the notion of sequential, forward-oriented linear time. To this end, forgetting plays a crucial role.
Due to the delayed uptake and processing of external stimuli and sensations at the neuronal synapses of the nervous system:
Human perception works only as memory.
A well known, but little-noticed fact is the delayed transmission of stimuli from the periphery, from the five senses to the central nervous system, CNS, where they are processed and perceived by human consciousness. The reason for this is the time delays of the action potentials (impulses) of the afferent neurons at the synapses (neuronal junctions) up to many milliseconds that add up and bring about a continuous delay of human perception compared to the actual occurrence of the event by up to one second.
In addition, certain stimuli, depending on the intensity, are perceived in reverse order, thus exposing the principle of causality, i.e., the principle of cause and effect as an absurdity. However, this principle plays a crucial role within the limited perception of the incarnated entities in building inter-personal relationships and in the karma game. Thus the principle of causality is merely a mirror image of the earthly incarnation cycle and not a universal law of nature, as is erroneously believed in science today.
From this it follows that our perception lags the simultaneous reality: What we call reality is already past, and is accessible to us only as memory. This memory is in addition modulated and altered by the ongoing process of forgetting. This neuro-physiological finding is discussed for the first time at this place with such clarity. It explains the mechanism that causes the limitation of human perception.
Contrary to popular opinion, human perception is anything but objective – rather, it is highly distorted. In this respect the psyche, more precisely, human fears play a key role.
Fear modulates the non-physical memory in such a fundamental way, so that it preferably stores distorted images of the reality. I refer to these images as “fear-laden” or “fear-driven reality.” Man knows no other reality. Hence I use the term “reality” for the distorted, limited human perception of life. This gnostic knowledge is not known to scientists. But without it, one could not understand the behavior of the species “man” as a psychological and social being. For this reason, such social sciences as psychology and sociology prove to be fundamentally wrong agnostic teachings.
This “design flaw” (constructional failure) of human memory and perception is willed by the soul: it is a body organ for the soul to grow. The human memory is part of the mental body and forms the database of all human senses, with which the incarnated entity recognizes himself and the outside world. The distorted images in the memory present a constant challenge to the human mind (Spirit). Due to its higher frequency, it is able to unravel the distorted images of reality through fears and put them into perspective. These distorted images of reality are energetic phenomena caused by relative destructive interference.
One can describe human anxiety (angst) figuratively as an astral lens or a prism that refracts the light and allows only very limited and distorted images of the energetic reality. The mind uses such unfavorable energetic conditions to evolve. He masters these fear-driven distortions of human reality by building all the time constructive interference and correcting the wrong images. This ability of the mind has been referred to as “Logos” since Antiquity. It is in the core of the new Axiomatics of the Universal Law, with the help of which the entire human science can be unified in a consistent manner.
Since the processes of distortion in human memory are iterative and run semi-automatically at the subconscious level, the human mind is not aware of this fact.
This process occurs both at the individual level throughout an incarnation as well as at the collective level as historically recorded, constantly reinforcing patterns of behavior in the astral atmosphere of the earth. The history of mankind, including all current events, can be understood much better from this perspective.
The psyche, with its negative component, the fear, renders as individual and collective phenomenon perennially working stuff for mind and soul, upon which they can grow. The degree of distortion is subjective and depends only on the amount of the individual angst of the incarnated entity, as well as on the collective fears of the population.
Fear-driven people and nations, such as the Germans who have their modern history fresh in their memory and care lovingly about their collective neuroses, perceive the reality much more distorted than individuals who have mastered their fears and know how to deal with them. I speak here only of non-existential fears that occur much more frequently than the vital existential angst and influence human thinking and behavior profoundly.
As we shall see later, fear (angst) decreases with the soul age. Young, immature incarnated souls exhibit pronounced fear patterns and develop a strong tendency to produce incessantly distorted images of reality. Since such images materialize at the societal level, they develop social forms and norms, which are far away from the actual reality of the soul and reflect only the distorted fear-driven perceptions of the young, immature souls, who represent the majority in the current human population.
As these social structures have repercussions on the human psyche and behavior, they exert a potentiating effect on the fear structure of the individual. He swims, so to say, in a sea of collective fear. I will discuss this point in connection with the Light Body Process in detail.
This fundamental aspect of human cognition has not been fully identified in its psycho-social significance so far, although some hints on this topic can be traced in several channeled books.
The realization that man and his mind (psyche and memory) are purposefully “falsely” designed by the soul, so that she can gain maximal experience under difficult energetic conditions, may be painful for the human ego, who fancies himself a lot. The realization that man can disentangle with the help of Spirit (divine mind) from this confusion, like solving a puzzle, should serve as an incentive for everyone throughout his painful incarnation cycle.
In this case, one has to identify more with the soul and less with the body, his earthly personality, and the present social forms and norms. This is a major goal of the Light Body Process that also sheds light on the eschatology of human existence as an ongoing incarnation process.
In this context fear, being the main source of destructive interference in human consciousness, takes over the function of an indicator for the soul maturity and her ability to love. During the incarnation cycle, the intensity of fear constantly decreases and the capacity for love (constructive interference) of the incarnated personality steadily grows. The capacity for unconditional love is the energetic counterpart to fear and angst when we regard human psyche in terms of an astral spectrum. Love dissolves fear:
Love is the condition of constructive interference.
It opens and transcends the human personality and puts it in alliance with the soul and All-That-Is. It eliminates energetic barriers. In a broader sense we may say that the universe operates according to the love principle. Thus we mean that the universe is constructive interference. Love is the psychic and physical (somatic) perception of this harmony. As a human feeling, it shows that body, psyche, mind and soul vibrate in total harmony.
In a state of love, the mind operates without distortion and connects with cosmic Spirit that reveals to him the ultimate truth. The biological regulation of the body is running smoothly, and there are no diseases. All the above-described phenomena are of energetic nature and can also be expressed in a more mechanical (scientific) manner.
The realization that all psychic and mental phenomena are based on constructive and destructive interference and are purposefully created by the soul so that human consciousness can grow as an external reference point of Spirit eliminates in a fundamental way the whole moral, religious and pseudo-esoteric duality of good and evil that haunts as an idea the minds of men, and shows the phenomena as they are – as pure energy. This sober approach to the structure of human fear as pure energetic phenomenon dissolves alone more anxiety than any conceivable psychiatric treatments put together.
The Cycle of Incarnation can be broken down, as human life, into soul ages. A common structure would be:
1) Baby soul, 2) Child soul, 3) Young soul, 4) Mature soul, and 5) Old soul.
The age soul will be discussed later in detail. With advancing soul age, the fear of the incarnated personality decreases. This is the result of the growing experience of the soul, who learns from one incarnation to another to hold more courage and to be willing to face greater challenges.
The biggest challenge for the incarnated entity is his willingness to totally detach from the material world and his courage to go fully into the care of the soul. One speaks in the Christian religion in this context of the “Lamb of God.” This total abandonment of the ego, as we shall see later, is an indispensable prerequisite for the successful completion of the Light Body Process. The reasons are entirely energetic in nature and have not been previously dealt with by any esoteric source in a correct and complete manner.
Love is the most effective transformational force that also allows the releasing of this world because it opens an access to the soul that is pure love. This was primarily Jesus’ message. This elaboration evokes the question of the role of emotions as energetic phenomena. It is closely connected with the role of pure reason (pure mind).
3. Mind (Human Spirit)
The mind (pure reason, according to Kant) is the energetic part of the human personality that was the latest to be developed and is thus the weakest of all human systems. One can regard the human mind as an external reference point to Spirit of All-That-Is. Although it is supported by Spirit of the soul all the time, it apparently evolved as an independent authority under the influence of the environment, which is actually created by the soul.
Spirit has the highest frequency spectrum. It is very adaptable, and can swing between the frequencies of the body, mind and soul. In a broader sense, there is only Spirit. The soul is a specific form of energy that is, just as the human being, created and operated by Spirit. Spirit is a force of order and enlightenment at the same time.
We have already said that all parts of All-That-Is, of Spirit, are energetic U-subsets of logical-mathematical nature. For this reason, Spirit is in its perfection pure logic. For the same reason, the ancient philosophers had understood the manifestation of Spirit as Logos. Thus Logos is both the Universal Law of all space-time phenomena, as well as the epitome of logic, with which one can grasp mentally the Nous, All-That-Is.
The human mind is certainly not yet sufficiently developed as to be able to grasp the Nous – it preferably operates in an illogical manner. The distortions of the psyche, especially those of fear, play a decisive role in this respect. Human mind is still not able to overcome these distortions, to put them in order and thus to establish connection to the achievements of cosmic Spirit, of the divine mind. This must and will change soon.
Of course, the perfection of the mind does not play the same role during the cycle of reincarnation on earth as developing the capacity to love does. In other modes of incarnation that might be different on other planets, it could be the other way round – we do not know it yet. Nevertheless, the formation of a logical mind is indeed the most difficult, but at the same time, the most effective way to boost the Light Body Process and to establish unrestricted connection to the soul.
The mind has the highest frequency and can eliminate the fear with rational arguments effectively. The feelings or emotions are automated, from the soul predetermined, energetic group phenomena, which exhibit lower frequency ranges than that of Spirit (pure mind or divine mind). If they stand in the foreground, emotions can significantly affect the mind and may reduce its frequency and induce anxiety or increase its frequency and inspire love. Man is then preferably led more so by feelings and less so by the logic of pure reason.
Now it is so, that the feelings are automated energetic composite phenomena that allow for an easier connection to the soul, even if they are of lower frequency than the mind itself, because they have a higher intensity (anger, righteous wrath, for example, has the highest intensity and can effectively change many things in life). In contrast, the intensity of the human mind is comparatively weak to achieve this effect.
The reason for this is that feelings are “prefabricated” energetic phenomena that occur more readily in resonance with the 7F-creationary levels than the human mind, which is weakened by fear-laden arguments and sends contradictory signals to cosmic Spirit. Whenever the human mind is inspired by the loving rationality of cosmic Spirit – and I mean essentially the energies of the causal worlds which reveal themselves as inspirations – it is able to perform miracles, which no feeling per se can reach.
Thus the evolution of the incarnated soul includes the removal of the fear structure – for example, old souls have the least fear. The reduction of anxiety may be due to an increase of love, that is, within the psychic structure of the incarnated entity.
This process can be effectively supported and accelerated by the mind, just as it can be slowed down by the ego. Mind cannot cope without love and vice versa. Ideally, in a state of perfect bliss, which is referred to as “Eros” by Plato, psyche and mind swing in full harmony with the loving frequencies of the soul and All-That-Is. Although it is rare enough to find true love on this planet, it is still more common than finding a true logical mind – a human expression of the divine mind. Hence the emphasis on logical thinking in this book.
Fear is also an energetic mechanism that promotes the separation of the souls both in the incarnated as well as in the disembodied state. Fear is, however, not a universal phenomenon. In very attenuated form, fear also exists in the astral worlds: it is an aspect of the fragmentation of the soul from All-That-is. In contrast, there is no fear at all in the casual worlds (beyond the 5th dimension), since the fragmentation is offset in the monad (united soul family), and the soul family now acts as an entity, which interacts openly with other entities in the causal worlds.
For a general understanding it should be mentioned that there are worlds of the soul and spirit worlds beyond the soul. The soul is therefore only a particular form of organization of Spirit. Since we are soul essence, we can only perceive the worlds of the soul to some extent. The organizational form of non-soul worlds is beyond our human comprehension, which itself is bound to a soul structure.
Therefore, when I speak of Spirit and All-That-Is, I mean only the worlds of the soul – the souls in the astral worlds, who are in the cycle of reincarnation, and the parent causal worlds, which are inhabited by the soul families after their incarnation cycle is finished. This should be enough for the moment.