Georgi Stankov, January 29, 2016
Don’t be confused by the rigged stock markets this week. This dark reaction was expected and announced in advance by Brad and myself. It is the last futile effort of the dark cabal to oppose the inevitable – the total crash of the Orion matrix. Just keep in mind that the world economy is end of January in a worse shape than it was at the beginning of this year and it was already in shambles last year.
Here is a selected list of some articles from the MSM that confirm the abysmal financial and economic situation of the world economy. It is not only the USA, it is carnage everywhere and there is not a glimpse of hope whatsoever that it might get better. It is a death foretold with short pauses to increase the agony of the dying Ponzi-hydra:
The recovery today was triggered by the Bank of Japan that lowered the interest rates to almost negative, from 0.22 points to 0.11 points. Given the deflationary recession in which this country is for almost three decades, this last decision is the proverbial injection of the golden shot to the dying addict – the Japanese zombie economy.
This is how Brad sees the current financial situation in a letter to me today:
“Euro and UK banks crashing hard and Japan kamikaze NIRP. Barclays chart says it’s headed to zero now. I don’t think people will be able to take it much longer. I’m ready.
Also, did like to see Bill Holter finally say that this has to be intentional by the Fed.
Combined with the telescope article, that is all I need to paint the picture for people that dark energy is holding them hostage, not the game they thought they were playing. Helps to have concrete evidence now.
Getting so close.”
The USA stock markets had to be rigged twice in an appalling manner yesterday by even stopping the electronic trading as to prevent them from crashing. The today’s gains are thus surreal and will be reversed next week.
It is no wonder that the experts are cautioning:
Citi: “Be Prepared For All Sorts Of Insanity Today; Everyone I Talk To Wants To Fade This Move”
“Confused by today’s events? Don’t worry – so is everyone else. Here is a note from Citi FX’ Brent Donnelly noting that while on one hand “almost everyone I talk to wants to fade this move; it’s just a matter of how long to wait before going the other way” on the other “this smacks of confirmation bias when a market is so bearish.”
His words of caution: “Be prepared for all sorts of insanity today as the market tries to wrap its collective head around month end flows + what this BOJ action means.”
As I told you, the world economy is going from bad to worse and there is no power that can stop its crash course. The decisions in the End Time scenario are made now on a completely different level. To this I will say more tomorrow, but the coming perspectives are dazzling. February will be the worst month for the US and world economy, even worse than at end of 2008 and March may be the month when the whole Ponzi scheme will die for ever and this world will turn from darkness into light. However it is darkest before dawn.
Addendum: Brad’s comments, 16.00 pm Pacific time
Dear George,
I wish the Mother bounce didn’t get executed but there weren’t any real good signs of loss of control even despite the carnage in early January. Actually, there are more signs of problems in this uptrend than there were in that downtrend. The Euro and UK banks are a complete disaster and there are so many areas barely bouncing. Safety play after safety play like Amazon and Netflix are getting annihilated. Notice also how today is last trading day of the month again. I am pretty sure that this has gotten so bad that the Bank of Japan’s advertised decision today of NIRP was actually just the whole entire system trying to mark up the books for the month and try to save any confidence at all. All of Europe and Asia and the West. OK people. If I maintain being correct on this bounce, I don’t expect it to go past 1980-2000 on the S&P before rolling over into crash mode which would correlate well with a very ugly February for sure. It may not get that high.
They are losing control of gold which had a great month and didn’t get hit during options period like it always does and February is a delivery month, but for some reason, after all of this bs, it seems to me that they have to lose control of silver. Two huge developments in silver this week. The market broke once as the collusive bullion banks appeared to screw each other somewhere and the stocks are disappearing finally.
No surprise this happened after the crucifixion weekend.
That was a very nice comment from Aayas. We’re almost there.
With love and light,