By Nic Dee, Montreal and Georgi Stankov, Vancouver, October 20, 2015
Since I have arrived in Canada, I am cleansing tirelessly this nation and second biggest in territory country in the world. Last year the situation seemed to become rather desperate when most of the soul fragments were retrieved from the citizens of this country in the course of the numerous MPR on lower timelines and I felt very lonely among so many empty soulless shells. Since then a massive descent of old souls as walk-ins has taken place and the soul essence in Canada has reached remarkable heights, of course considered in relation to the overall very toxic and dense atmosphere on this planet and in particular south of the Canadian border. We, the light bearers in human body, are the wayshowers and helpers for these old souls to be able to incarnate on this uppermost mother planet in this auspicious End Time and to help us raise the frequencies of Gaia and humanity prior to the final ID shift.
Especially in the last weeks I was switched one more in a very powerful telepathic inter-counseling to cleanse all the Canadian soul fragments day and night at the level of their higher selves. As you will read below, Nic has been doing a similar light work for his countrymen. The result is overwhelming and sweeping.
The liberal party that was third in the last election has more than doubled its seats (150% increase), while the ruling conservative party has been halved and the once promising new democratic party was also reduced to quantite negligible after their leader silenced the most sincere and outspoken representatives of this once proud party who had the “audacity” to condemn Israel and its crimes against Palestine and to dismiss them from the party. Thus the best candidate under the current circumstances won the election – the liberal Trudeau – in an unprecedented sweeping victory in the history of Canada.
Behind this 3D election charade, the actual winner of the elections is the PAT, with its Canadian members such as Nic, Carla and myself, to name some of them. We have consciously worked to promote a real change in this country for a long time. If you go back and read my sporadic articles on Canada, they have been absolutely annihilating with respect to the heinous, inhuman and divisive policy of the dark clone Harper and his criminal regime. Tonight this same opinion was clearly expressed by the winner Trudeau in his speech.
And do not tell me this is another coincidence as this term does not exist in All-That-Is. We, the light warriors of the first and the last hour, are the rainmakers on this planet and that is why it was not a coincidence that I had to come to North America to cleanse this dark continent vastly populated by young and unripe souls, after I had cleansed the Augean stables of the Old Continent and in particular the very dark country of Germany.
Hi Georgi,
Nic from Montreal here.
I just want to confirm what you wrote in the latest update.
You wrote:
‘‘Last night we whirled up some dark entities and archons in the astral plane while separating the timelines and it may be that some of you have experienced dark attacks.”
Well last night I had an encounter with the dark entity behind the Canadian prime minister Harper. Memories of it are mostly blur but what I know is that it was a fierce fight, that entity was desperate, but I fought back.
As you know today is election day in Canada and Harper’s 8 year reign of total destruction of Canada might come to an end. It is clear that he is a puppet working to implement the agenda of the dark ones, (and also lick their dark butts…)
I’ve been envisioning the total annihilation of Harper and his Conservative party for this election day. I had this in mind especially yesterday since the election was close, hence the attack, I guess, of the dark entity last night.
2 days ago I had a similar nightly encounter but it was with fear, I was fighting to eliminate a pocket of fear or an entity of fear.
I never really had such dreams before, of fighting entities, so yep, things seems to be moving on a new level now.
May ”the Shift” occur ASAP.
Numerous luminous regards,
Dear Nic,
This is an excellent confirmation of our final battles with the dark ones and Harper is surely a prominent devil among them.
Three days ago Carla was approached on the phone from Ottawa from the headquarters of Harper’s conservative party and asked if she would vote for Harper. They told her that the conversation is being recorded. Carla resolutely answered: “I will never vote for him as he supports the illegal war in Ukraine”. In this moment she saw with her third eye how huge waves of the seven sacred flames of the source and in particular the violet flame flooded Ottawa and all places in Canada and influenced the vote in a positive way.
There is no doubt that Harper will be voted out of office, but there is no viable alternative to him. The liberals with this brag that only profits from the name of his insidious father and the insincere new democrats that forbid any open discussion and dismiss honest members from the party are no alternative at all. Hence I pledge for a political stalemate and a crash of the political establishment and system as the best solution for Canada. Viva the anarchy!
Let us hope that this will happen today. We will now it in several hours.
With love and light
I second the idea of a political stalemate (without ”Darth Harper”) followed by a total crash of the system, be it political, state institutions, monetary system, the whole nine yards!
As for envisioning the annihilation of ”Darth Harper” and his petty acolytes, I’ve been waving my Light Sabre all across Canada so you might have seen it pass by in Vancouver! This, combined with Carla’s ”Sacred Flames Ottawa clean-up” might just do the job of getting rid of the political vermin wearing suit and ties over there…
As for ”Darth Harper”, once he’ll be booted out later on tonight, he can always resort to wear a Darth Vader mask (that would definitely show Harper’s true colors…) and show-up with it at the next election (should there ever be elections again…), just like this Ukrainian politician does:
I agree that once Harper is booted out, the options for a replacement are not that great, I very much share that feeling too. To me, Trudeau feels such as an empty shell, and Mulcair, who on the surface seems to be a decent guy, might be just serving the dark ones too, or eventually might be forced to serve them…
Nice template though to exercise our creative potential!
4-D style entertainment !!!
Light ”Sabred” regards,
Done deal !!!
Bye bye ”Darth Harper” and his Conservative minions !!!
An interesting fact about the election, the Liberals, that were ranked 3rd before the election, are now a large majority government. This is an absolute premiere in Canadian history, never before a party went from being ranked 3rd before the election, to, in one fell swoop, a majority government.
Thanks to the Sacred Flames and the Light Saber.
The question now is, will ”Darth Harper” resign as chief of the Conservative party, and move to Ukraine to wear the black mask, probably!
So what can we create next, a full-blown collapse? !!!
Let’s get busy.
Numerous luminous regards,
(and collapses…)
Dear Nic,
I just finished watching TV, which I have never done before since I am in Canada as I am tired of the lies of the Canadian MSM. But this time I do sense a feeling of triumph seeing how this political clone was halved in his party’s support by the Canadians and then to say in his farewell speech that Canada has never been more united as now. Indeed in their rejection of Harper clone and his impressive eviction from office, they were quite united. If he does not resign as a leader of his party and even as an MP, then he has no consciousness and no sense of shame.
By the way, I just watched Trudeau for the first time and he deserves his victory. The NDP candidate was very phony and deserves his defeat just as Harper. This will be the man we, the new ascended masters, will work with to implement the real change Trudeau is talking about as a new elected prime minister.
I just came upstairs from the living room to check on my website how many critical articles I have written on this notorious liar Harper to quote them tomorrow in my requiem for the conservative party as a clear evidence for our incredible light work as light bearers that made this sweeping change possible in Canada.
And I do agree with you that a more balanced result where the new democrats would have won more MPs would have been rather dangerous as this might have kept the dark conservatives in power in a vicious coalition. Under these circumstances Canada has made the optimal choice as Carla has been invoking now for weeks, which as a clean new slate and then let us see what this new guy Trudeau will do in the next days.
I hope that he will be flexible and far-sighted enough to recognize the winds of change which will come with our ascension and appearance as ascended masters. The change is huge in Canada thanks to the few devoted PAT members in this big country and it will reverberate south of the border in the collapsing Empire of Evil with great force. The Washington stooge is gone and the future is very uncertain for the dark elite on the North American continent as it should be in this auspicious End Time.
With love and light
Read more:
Harper’s Many Skeletons in the Closet Are Haunting Him
Canada – A Country Founded on Crime
The Elections in Alberta – A Landslide Victory for the Light