The Legacy of Anthony de Mello
by Daniela Lupo and Georgi Stankov
Dear Georgi,
a few days ago talking to Denise (another PAT member, note, George), we got to talk about Anthony de Mello, a Jesuit writer and psychotherapist who died in 1987, and how his message is still relevant and informative. For those who begin with their journey of awakening it is a way to get closer to the intensity of these matters in a lightly manner and perhaps be able to overcome the ego with a humor and common sense; for those, who are already for many years on that path it is a way to deepen their insights and laugh, laugh, laugh about themselves with compassion and love.
Anyway, out of curiosity, I went to see the videos with him on youtube (I really enjoyed listening to his thoughts) and then I did some research on the internet about him. I remembered that he had been excommunicated or something like that and I found two interesting articles: one of the Italian newspaper “La Republica” and one of the portal “Luogocomune”.
His first books were published by Pauline Editions that has never ceased to reprint them (has arrived at the 20th reprint only for the first book “The Song of the Bird”); his books have earned millions of euros for the publisher.
The subsequent books were published (always with respect to Italy) by other publishing houses. In the meantime (1998) pope Woijtila and his cardinal Ratzinger, who headed the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (formerly the Inquisition), put Anthony de Mello and his books on the index.
Excommunication is rather a notification regarding the books, but despite this notification Pauline Editions continues to print the books of de Mello putting a “notice of danger to read” at the bottom of each book, like saying, “we can not let go of the goose that lays golden eggs”. The question arises, “What the Vatican and its members would not do for the “vile” money?”
And then there’s someone named Francesco (see Bergoglio) that speaks of humility and peace and “no more poverty!” and this past winter he gave to the homeless in Rome each one an umbrella, so that they, instead of getting wet in the rain, can die of cold!?! Ridiculous indeed, very ridiculous. PUAH!
However, an article speaks about the death of de Mello being caused by a “sudden heart attack” (as a cause of death that means everything and nothing) at the age 56. Not to see always the rotten everywhere, but there is always a doubt when it has to do with certain elements; to conclude, de Mello was very uncomfortable to the Vatican. All this to emphasize the continuing hypocrisy that surrounds the church and all its minions.
I collected two articles that I send you attached, they are in Italian, but with google translate is not difficult to get a good English translation. Below the links where I found the information.
Mucho Amor
Daniela (Italy)
Caro Georgi,
qualche giorno fa parlando con Denise, siamo arrivate a parlare di Anthony de Mello, il gesuita scrittore e psicoterapeuta morto ormai nel 1987, e di come il suo messaggio sia sempre attuale e ricco di informazioni. Per chi inizia il suo percorso di risveglio è un modo per avvicinarsi all’intensità di questi argomenti con leggerezza e forse riuscire a baipassare l’ego con umorismo e buonsenso; per chi è già, da molti anni, su quel sentiero è un modo per approfondire la riflessione e ridere, ridere, ridere anche di sé stessi con compassione e amore.
Comunque spinta dalla curiosità sono andata a vedere i video su youtube (mi sono divertita molto ad ascoltare le sue riflessioni) e poi ho fatto un pò di ricerca in internet su di lui, mi ricordavo che era stato scomunicato o qualcosa del genere ed ho trovato 2 articoli interessanti: uno del quotidiano italiano “La Repubblica” ed uno del portale “Luogocomune”.
I suoi primi libri sono stati editi da edizioni Paoline che non ha mai smesso di ristampare (sono arrivati alla 20° ristampa, solo con il primo libro “Il canto degli uccelli”); i suoi libri hanno fruttato alla casa editrice milioni di euro.
I libri successivi sono stati editi (sempre per quanto riguarda l’Italia) anche da altre case editrici, nel frattempo (1998) papa Woijtila e l’allora card. Ratzinger a capo della Congregazione per la dottrina della Fede (ex Inquisizione) mettevano all’indice Anthony de Mello e i suoi libri.
La scomunica è per meglio dire una notificazione che riguarda i libri, ma nonostante la notifica Edizioni Paoline continua a stampare i libri di de Mello mettendo un “avviso di pericolosità alla lettura” in calce, come dire non si può lasciare la “gallina dalle uova d’oro”. Sorge spontanea una domanda “Cos’è che il Vaticano e soci non farebbero per il “vile” denaro?
E poi c’è qualcuno che si chiama Francesco (vedi Bergoglio) che parla di umiltà e di pace e di “mai più povertà!” e questo inverno passato ai senzatetto di Roma ha regalato un ombrello ciascuno, caso mai invece di bagnarsi per la pioggia morissero di freddo? Ridicolo anzi ridicolissimo. PUAH!
Comunque un articolo cita la morte di de Mello come ” improvviso attacco cardiaco” (che come causa della morte significa tutto e niente) all’età di 56 anni. Non è per vedere sempre il marcio ovunque, ma sorge un dubbio quando si ha che fare con certi elementi, per concludere de Mello era un uomo molto scomodo per il Vaticano. Tutto ciò per mettere l’accento sulla continua ipocrisia che circonda la chiesa e tutti i suoi tirapiedi.
Ho raccolto due articoli che ti mando in allegato, sono in italiano , ma con google translate non sarà difficile ottenere una buona traduzione in inglese. Sotto i link dove ho trovato le informazioni.
Mucho Amor
Daniela (Italy)
Dear Daniela,
I am very happy that you made me aware of Anthony de Mello as I must admit that I had not heard of him so far. Now I could fill in this gap in my knowledge.
I read all the information you send me and then watched some of the videos with his lectures, which are indeed very witty and full of simple wisdom.
No wonder his books were put on the index by Ratzinger as the chief Inquisitor of the Catholic Church. By the way, if you are a really spiritual man as Anthony de Mello was, you can only resort to humour in order to continue being a Christian. And this story written by himself puts it to the point:
“Un pubblico peccatore fu scomunicato e gli fu proibito di entrare in chiesa. Egli andò a lamentarsi con Dio. «Non mi fanno entrare, Signore, perché sono un peccatore». «Di che ti lamenti? – disse Dio – Non lasciano entrare neanche me!»”
A public sinner was excommunicated and forbidden an entry to the church. He went to complain to God. “They do not let me in, Lord, for I am a sinner.” “What are you complaining about? – God said – they do not even let me in! ‘”
At the same time Ratzinger put Anthony de Mello on the index, he was also prosecuting some more priests and monks in Germany, not as famous as de Mello, who, according to his opinion, deviated from the Catholic doctrine. Essentially, all these people preached the direct contact to God, understand, our souls, without the need of the official religious teachings, which can only serve as a possible instruction but not as the ultimate truth.
These cases, which were discussed at that time broadly in the German press, inspired me to write the following satiric story about the young non-spiritual soul of Ratzinger:
Especially these lectures (videos in English) of Anthony de Mello on
are extremely actual for the current End Times. When one comes to the bottom of all human perils and sufferings, it is all about not being awakened and living your life like a zombie. This is what we observe now for the vast majority of humans. Our efforts on this website aim at awakening humanity for the truth by discussing issues and topics that elude their discernment so far. I do see some progress in the last days, but we must bear in mind that there is no possibility for humanity to evolve within this holographic model. It must be completely destroyed and start on a clean slate in the new 4D worlds. But in order for the ID shift to come, we must first reach the necessary threshold of awakening among the people as to make this shift. This is essentially our duty these days and the elucidation of such stories as the excommunication of Anthony de Mello by the Catholic inquisition, while still being published by a catholic editing house for the big money, is the pinnacle of religious cynicism and worth the sarcasm of de Mello.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
I remember very well the satiric story on the young soul of Ratzinger; I liked it then and today. I appreciate again the finesse with which you describe the torments, the aspirations and disappointments of this young soul who finds herself in the body of a jealous and vindictive human being.
The fear that drives him to hide the uncomfortable questions and to want order in the inner and outer world; and for this reason he becomes a vicious Inquisitor of anything that may upset his perfect order.
On the other hand there are people like Anthony de Mello and many others like him, whose teaching is still valid, actual and clean, and with a laugh and a bit of irony, slashing all the limits imposed by society.
As you say, it is necessary in these days to bring up any story like that of de Mello as to trigger the ID shift to come, at last.
While I do all my best, hug you and Carla.
With all my Love
Addendum: Anthony de Mello’s books in pdf: