by Shirley Garmon, July 6, 2015
Hello Dr. Stankov & Carla:
I wanted to share a vision that I had last night. After I turned in around 11:30 p.m., I closed my eyes, (and it is as if watching a movie on television) I began to see a city, very clearly, and it looked like New York, Manhattan. It was being destroyed by some unknown power. The city began to sink into the surrounding river(s) which New York is surrounded by. Not sure if it was the Hudson or the New York Harbor, but it was a huge river. I could see buildings that seemed to be imploding and pieces flying into the surrounding river before they totally sank. I saw the United States Flag, Red, White and Blue sink underneath the water. Then I witnessed the Statue of Liberty sinking until all I could see was the torch, in Liberty’s hand, going down, slowly. I saw something flying overhead and looked up to see Pegasus flying over all of this as if he was surveying the damage being done. He was out of my vision and then he flew by again, and I saw Pegasus a second time doing a “fly by” as if viewing the damage.
At this point, I start to question myself. Am I somehow creating this vision and making this happen? When my thoughts became focused on whether I was making this happen, the vision faded, and I quickly opened my eyes. Maybe by questioning its (vision) validity, the vision faded. Then I closed my eyes immediately again, and the vision resumes (as if watching a movie on television) and by this time, I’m flying through the air headed over sea and water very quickly, headed toward (what I believe to be) Europe. In this vision, I had the strong impression that Europe was next to fall. I was flying so fast that I could see many people in my view on land now, and at this point, this vision was so crystal clear, (I could feel the speed with which I’m flying) that it looked as though I was about to crash, directly into these people, (was kind of scary) until, I, again, shook myself, out of this vision and opened my eyes.
When I closed my eyes again, the vision did not resume anymore. I suppose that I had witnessed enough destruction! Anyway, I wrote about in my journal because I felt it was worthy of being notated. Also, I wanted to share this vision with you. I’m not sure what this vision means, other than what was actually happening, and that was plain and utter destruction! This vision kind of coincides with the vision I had on June 18, 2015 (See below) that I mentioned, especially, in re, the United States Flag disintegrating. Also, if you remember I told you and Carla about a dream that I had June 26, 2015 about a bomb in the Chicago Metro tunnel and about me chasing after Pegasus (Read here).
Anyway, I wanted to share this vision and maybe you can shed some light on it. I’m not sure why this vision played out in front of me except, perhaps, the Creator, wants me to know what is, possibly coming for America and Europe!
Love & Light to you and Carla & PAT
Vision June 18, 2015:
I go to bed, and had barely closed my eyes, when immediately, a large United States Flag appear, the old Red, White and Blue, blowing in the Heavens, more like the Universe, for about 5 seconds. Then, it disintegrates/dissipates and one side of the Heavens, stars and all is Blue, while the other side of the Heavens, stars and all is Red. Both sides slowly merge together and become one Heaven again in mixed colors of purplish and pinkish or violet color. I open my eyes and the vision has ended. I know that pinkish, purplish colors and violet colors are very powerful, and according to the Dream Dictionary mean: Purple is indicative of devotion, healing abilities, loving, kindness, and compassion. It is also the color of royalty, high rank, justice, wealth and dignity. The definition of “High Rank” may imply that we’ve gone as high as we can go on earth; now it is time to move on to the next level. Also, it seems that the other dreams that I’ve had over the last month or so, would coincide with, “High Rank” and moving to the next level.
Dream: 6-26-15 (read here)
Dear Shirley,
this is an incredibly powerful and precise vision of what will come very soon when the final ID shift and the separation of the timelines of this uppermost mother planet will take place. This destruction can be interpreted concretely and symbolically. As most visions we have, it is both. New York with Wall Street symbolizes the centre of financial power of the dark elite and now their power is coming to an end which was shown to you as the crumbling of the skyscrapers in the near-by river. At the same time it is quite probable that this city will be also physically destroyed when the MPR will happen, or another big natural catastrophe will be triggered to prevent the impending global nuclear war, which the dark US cabal in Washington is now hastily preparing.
The fact that the second part of your vision dealt with the destruction of Europe, in your case coming from the USA, of West Europe indicates that the West, represented by the NATO and the predatory neo-liberal capitalism that are based on the banksters’ Ponzi-scheme of a huge financial black hole, is about to crumble any moment.
What impresses me most is the intensity and the compelling force of your vision, as well as its crystal-clear message. Such visions always come from the Source, respectively from our monad and are meant to give us a unique and unequivocal message that we cannot fail to grasp. My feeling is that this vision-message was given to you in this clarity as to share it with the rest of the PAT and inform them about the inevitability of the coming financial crash and collapse of the Orion matrix. We have always expected that this will be flanked by some major, precise natural catastrophes that will destroy the infrastructure of the USA and other major western countries who are run by the dark Orion/Reptilian cabal and follow their goal to establish the NWO, come what may. Before they start with their war of devastation, they will be wiped out from this timeline by virtue of Mother Earth.
In this context your latest dream is in full coalescence with your previous dream when the US flag goes under, which is the most condense and powerful symbol for the downfall of the Empire of Evil.
What struck me most is that you visited in your vision also Europe, which is then destroyed after New York and the USA.
In my recent vision, the new theory of the Universal Law will first have its breakthrough in Europe and then will expand in North America, where many PAT members will help with its propagation, most probably after their ascension and appearance as ascended masters. But in order for this revolutionary theory to be accepted, first the rug must be pulled away from under the feet of the American people. Total despair is the best emotional means to open the people for transcendental knowledge and expand their awareness. There is no way to trigger a paradigm shift in the collective mindset, unless all old belief systems and prejudices, which keep the current illusion alive, are not fully crashed and no long serve the people.
Hence, we must first have a destruction and then the building of the new enlightened human society based on the new theory of the Universal Law. This is dialectics in its purest form as Mephisto explains in Goethe’s Faust: “Ich bin ein Teil von jener Kraft, die stets das Böse will und stets das Gute schafft” (I am a part of the force, that always wants the evil and always creates the good).
Humans are habitual animals in their life strategy. They will change and expand their world view only after the illusory reality on which they have founded their current lives is taken away and they see the dreadful abyss. Only then will they realize that their only support and life-line is their connection to the soul and the Source and that when this is comprehended, then all humans will realize that they are immortal beings and have nothing to fear. Before the fear can be overcome though, it must reach its peak in order to be molten into the blissful benevolence and abundance of the soul. We are now on the verge of this insight at the global level. It may take a couple of more weeks, but we have entered the final phase of ultimate revelations, and the Greek translation of the latter word is Apocalypses.
Thank you very much for sharing this prophetic vision with me and the PAT.
With love and light
PS: I forgot to comment on the colours of heaven you saw in your vision on June 18th. When you saw that the heaven parted and one side became blue and the other red and then they merged in purple colour, this is a very clear vision of the ID shift and merging of this uppermost mother planet with the higher dimensions. Blue is the flame of divine God’s will and it is also my flame and that of all ascended masters. Red is associated with the third chakra and is responsible for the vital energies that drive the incarnated personality and the whole humanity in this incarnation experiment. When they merge, they became purple and this is the flame of resurrection, which is the ascension of humanity from the current dense 3D reality.