Carla Thompson, June 6, 2015
Yesterday, on June 4th, I was graced with a strong connection to representatives of the grand Hyperborean civilization.
I have never channeled this group before (except for contacting us once in a telepathic manner in 2014) and their energy signature is quite different from that of the others, the Elohim, the Agarthans, the Telosians, the Archangels, and so on. My human brain could not capture the true essence of their language, so I have more or less written this message as I captured it in the visuals. Their matter-of-fact yet gentle and poised nature was striking in contrast to others I have connected with, but I was nonetheless so pleased to have confirmation of what we had dreamt about and experienced the night before. Perhaps this message will trigger dream memories for some of you as well.
With love,
The Message
We are the Hyperboreans of the Seventh Realm and we greet you to confirm your participation, with us, in the creation of an energetic platform that shall receive the ascending humanity (I had confirmation they were speaking of the Lightwarriors of the First and Last Hour, note Carla).
This platform or ‘energetic way-station’ has been created between the upper fourth dimensional level where you reside, and the first level of the fifth dimension. If the civilization named ‘Telos’ were considered to be at level 6 of 12 levels of the Fifth dimension, then you would be correct in sensing this new energetic way-station is at the first level of the Fifth Dimension.
However, we emphasize here that we do not generally describe energetic expressions numerically, in a linear sequential fashion, as this is not correct at all. We are only referring to a specific frequency numerically to aide you in your categorization and qualification of these expressions.
This new energetic creation does hold promise of creation within form, similar to the form described in the many Telos books you have enjoyed, although this new expression shall be created by the new light warriors that are now ascending, and YOUR creation does not need to look like Telos. The Telos of the Inner Earth was created by the ancient Lemurians and THIS expression, your NEW LEMURIA, shall be created solely by your Selves, and it can therefore hold a magnificent new way of expression, a certain refinement of your highly refined and preferred values you are holding now, following this unique incarnation cycle on your Gaia.
We ask you: What do you wish to experience more of? What do you fully and truly enjoy? What supports you? What fulfills you? What en-joys you?
Further, this creation does not necessarily need to be made of things to DO; this new creation here simply needs to be made of what you FEEL.
Up to this point you have been the co-creators together with us, since this ‘energetic platform’ is a compilation of your energetic blueprints merged with ours. Once the final ends are completed, the creation shall be solely yours to enjoy. In the end it is a pristine, quarantined world, and it shall be yours to hold and to share, for as long as you desire.
The ascension of the human mind-body-spirit system is a complexity that challenges creation to its core. This platform creates the necessary conversion point as a gentle introduction into the overall fifth dimensional expression where each of your 18 bodies shall be acclimated one at a time; beginning with the causal body and continuing on through the ethereal, emotional, mental and finally the physical body. This is the general progression although an individualized one. It is also necessarily a gradual process because the density from third to fourth to fifth does not allow for a full, sudden shift into what you sense as the Fifth dimension, unless a major portion of that transition is done gently, carefully, and in an individualized progression. Matter must be re-worked energetically, in order to accommodate this highly refined space, the New Lemuria.
We wish you great peace now, as this is your greatest reward!