The Elohim Confirm the Completion of the Energetic Infrastructure for Massive Conscious Bilocations and Interdimensional Travels on Gaia 5
Georgi Stankov, May 3, 2015
The Elohim have interrupted their prolonged radio silence and announced in elated mood and with great joy yesterday evening that we have completed the energetic infrastructure of etheric corridors and portals, which will allow massive conscious bilocations and ID travels within the confines of multidimensional Gaia 5 and later on intergalactically.
The conscious bilocation of young Jennifer on May 1st was a pivotal test run to evaluate the final coupling of this uppermost mother planet to the new 4D worlds and numerous 5D timelines through this network for bilocation and ID travels. The ID trip about which Jenny reported yesterday is of great significance and the HR are in great joy about this enormous breakthrough. From now on the number of such conscious bilocations will increase exponentially and we all shall participate in them.
The energetic coupling of this timeline with the new 4D and 5D worlds of Gaia 5 has been successfully completed. We have been working arduously on this project for months and this also explains why in the last several weeks the Elohim were silent. They were holding their breath during the final most vulnerable phase of this major project, in which we all participated.
Jennifer represents the evolved portion of humanity that will ascend to the new 4D worlds and to numerous 5D timelines and her conscious bilocation on May 1st to the new 4D worlds was a most important test for the energetic capability of all these advanced human beings to move to higher dimensions when the final ID shift will occur very soon.
The energetic infrastructure for bilocation and ID travels encompasses a complex network of etheric corridors, connections and junctions and much of this structure runs through the astral planes, where also the dark ones dwell. That is why they had to be flashed out from their dark recesses and are now swirling around in total chaos as they cannot bear the source light as already reported by myself today. This final step was accomplished with the opening of the full moon portal yesterday, May 2nd, which actually began much earlier.
You may remember that I mentioned about two weeks ago that we observed how huge blocks of higher-dimensional light were descending upon this reality. These were the building blocks for the bilocation infrastructure, which is now completed and ready to function.
We have been bilocating ourselves from one timeline to another more or less consciously since many months, but now we shall do it in full daily consciousness. The Elohim also confirm that all PAT dreams as reported on this website are true and valid as they reflect the tremendous work we are doing simultaneously on many timelines, some of them lower and many more belonging to the new 4D and 5D worlds.
According to the Elohim, this latest achievement is a quantum leap on our way to final Ascension, which will now occur in a very individual manner, in form of conscious bilocations and ID travels until this new way of life becomes fully embedded into the collective structure and consciousness of humanity. How this will unfold in detail is impossible to predict now, but I urge all of you to rejoice at this good news as Carla and I did yesterday evening when we learned what we have achieved from the Elohim. I will publish their message tomorrow.
And send your heartfelt congratulations to young Jennifer. She was able to perform this important bilocation test run in order to confirm the full functionality of the system and the coupling of this uppermost mother planet to the higher expressions of Gaia only because she has established a full harmony between her body, mind and emotions without being fully involved in the LBP with its for the physical body devastating cleansing functions. She represents that portion of humanity who will very soon move in an ID shift to the new already existing 4D worlds and from there to 5D and higher. You remember how she complained at the beginning of her travel about stomach pains and how she mitigated these pains through meditation. They came from the maximal activation of her 3rd chakra which is responsible for bilocation and ID travels. There are no coincidences in these events.
The small group of ascended masters and Logos Gods, the light warriors of the first and the last hour, are not only the architects of the new infrastructure for bilocation and ID travels, but are already masters in such travels and bilocation. But from now on we shall begin to bilocate in a conscious manner at the mind level. Exciting times are ahead of us, brethren.