Energy Report of the PAT – March 11/12, 2015, Part II

On the Elohim Message: The Divine Badge of Courage

Carla and Georgi,

I have read and reread the Elohim’s message tonight. Sigh……..

I HAVE shared my truth with friends, family, coworkers and the web. They may listen but they do not comprehend the words. They shake their head but nothing sinks in. It’s like the lights are on in the house but no one is at home.

I don’t think any of the PAT suffer from a lack of courage. Is it courageous to keep repeating the same truths when no one is listening? I am not afraid of speaking my truth but when their ears and hearts are closed  – am I to continue repeating the same information? To be honest I am tired of it falling on deaf ears. I’m tired of trying to live and still find a glimmer joy in this dying dimension. It’s free will – how do we force another to recognize something they aren’t yet equipped to understand? It’s like feeding steak to a baby. Is there something I am missing here?

Are the Elohim saying they are opening minds?


Dear Sheryl,

the Elohim do not urge us to proselytize but to be ready to defend our truth when the occasion arises. I know how difficult it is to reach the deaf and the blind people as I try this since I can think. But now it is a completely different situation and all the Elohim want from us is to express this truth independently of whether the people listen to us, believe us, or prefer to live in a total denial. This is their decision and this will not stop the stream of revelations that is now sweeping over this planet. And we are the carriers of these revelations, no matter how the people respond.

With love and light


That I can and will continue to do.


FBI — Adolf Hitler

FBI quietly declassifies files showing they knew Hitler escaped to Argentina. I guess it wasn’t a conspiracy theory after all! Talk about living in the time of Revelations!

Charlotte Smith

Dear Charlotte,

This is very interesting information indeed. Thank you very much for sending it. Is there an article on this classified data file that summarizes the content, as it is very difficult for me to read it as my eyes are very poor?


FBI Quietly Declassified Secret Files Attesting Hitler Fled to Argentina in 1945


Very, very interesting indeed  – I knew that Hitler did not die in Berlin, but there were so many rumours where he went. Some say he lived in New Schwaben in the Antarctica and used UFOs.


The revelations are coming fast and furious. Very interesting indeed.


I have been reading your website on and off since 2011 and have found it to always be very helpful when I am feeling too fed up with this world. I am excited for these new changes and hope I am myself headed on the right track.

I identify as an anarchist/anarcho-communist and your theory here in some ways has helped to reaffirm and broaden my conception of resistance to these systems of death and destruction.

So I mostly just wanted to say “hi” and thank you.

Jada Boyd

Dear Jada,

thank you for your appreciation and I have recently referred to anarchism as a valid rejection of the national state with all its structures being the primary cause of all wars, oppression and destruction.

With love and light

Dear Doc,

I didn’t slept last night, and this severe gastric pain is very deep today, I would like to ask you if to “treat” this condition I can use hemp oil, now they sell under the brand of Cannazall, and it’s legal to buy it online because doesn’t have THC.

Do you think can work on us?

Thanks Doc for your time

Dear Martin,

the best treatment is to lay your hand on your stomach where the pain is and then to breathe deeply and quickly, forcefully and delegate the breath, the air of respiration into the stomach region. This will mitigate your pain immediately. Do it as often as you can and you will see how well it works. This is the only treatment I use as I also have a lot of gastric pain, especially yesterday as you.

With love and light

World’s Oldest Mummies Are Turning Into ‘Black Ooze.’ Is Climate Change To Blame?

Could this be tied to molecular changes due to increase in photon energy hitting earth?


Dear Charlotte,

I wrote a long time ago that many mummies, especially in Egypt are possessed by dark entities which use them to keep the vibrations low on this planet. Their release / expulsion is part of the cleansing process of Gaia and humanity. Now the energies are such that all these dark entities have to leave this planet and the mummies begin to decay. This is my explanation which fits very well into what I know and have published so far.


We Demand: President Putin Release Documents Vital to World Peace | Veterans Today



I don’t think he will do this. But it is a good trick of VT to begin with this kind of revelations.


Dear George,

Yesterday, I wanted to send a message because I had a problem but did not send it because I received a strong telepathic sense that I did not need to, then I read the message PULSER, because I had not come to your site say a couple of days, and I knew that was what I should do to fix my concern.

I found a city in this country where the feeling of connection with the source was very low, almost imperceptible, this place in Colombia (Medellin) is where my family lives, plus I realized that in my family, whom I had not visited for 10 years, was strongly influenced by this, truly dark, dark energy, and this is not something allegorical, I could see these shadows, including manipulating the little ones, something horrible, my own younger half-brother (18), influenced by this darkness, was physically manipulated to leave me locked in the garden of my parents’ house, at 3 am, and raining, but Master, I want to tell you, and insist on that boy was like a puppet, and this evil entity that I could see, was black, like in the movies. Those shadows, ever faced in other planes, were behind my dear little brother.That made me very sad, and angry at the same time.

While I was in that garden, obviously with my lightsabre that protects me from all the attacks of darkness, and even doing the old meditation invoking the hierarchy and light protection, and trying to reconnect with the source, because what I said before about this city, I could hear as the mud seemed to boil, I only just had to point my sword, and kept quiet that mud, like at 5 am, I could see as inside the house through a glass door, from an ornamental plant, a big shadow was pointing me to leave the house, I only pointed my sword, without using it,and saying that I’m going to eradicate this dark from this house…

When I could get out of this garden, at 6 am, I spent some time recovering from the cold that affected me a little, but I had a strange feeling inside my bones, unlike the cold. I lay down on a couch, still confused about the situation and thinking about what happened, my father came down and asked me what had happened, I told him that my brother had left me in the yard all morning, but reacted very calm, then my aunt and stepmother, the same, and also started making fun of the event that had happened to me. That was the last straw, I took my bags and left very angry, that place. But here comes the next event.

Synchronization; my parents live in a kind of rural suburbs, and is very difficult to get a transport, because you must have your own car, but when I got angry, walking, and leaving that place with a suitcase, the doorman would not let me out, but the dog puppy in my family and the guard ran out of the place and left behind the door open. So I could go directly to the outside, where, TA DAA, a taxi, to my disbelief, stand, a man who lives in a nearby village, passing by to go to work in the city, all I can say is that I was out of the town, traveling to my hometown Bogotá in less than 10 minutes. The city where I live is 8 hour bus ride away. The city Medellin which I had visited has 2 million inhabitants. On the way back home, the pain in my bones, in my joints, tendons, possibly due to hypothermia, or well I do not know exactly the symptoms of hypothermia, but I can assure you it was a severe pain, increased in the bus, with the use of air conditioning. Fortunately on the way back we had to drive through a very warm region, which relaxed my cold, but I could not shake off the thought of my brother and that shadow behind him, and then when I came home, and after much thought, I decided that I can not let it go as a master, so I did something I had never done before, I used fully my skills, I am authorized to use, then called upon all beings of light to find a solution to this aberration.

I used the PULSER, which was posted on the site at about the same time that the attacks had occurred and started looking for the origin of the dark, with the help of the beings of light that passed me information, telling me how dangerous it was…

Yesterday, March 10, 2015, at 3:55 PM an earthquake of 6.6, more than 100 km deep happened. It was felt throughout the whole country, as it happened, if ever, with a pinpoint accuracy as there were no injuries.

Now from the land of the brotherhood of the rainbow, you can feel the energy flowing, which I was missing at my parents’ place. Hence I told my brother that I have to go and see my little chicken because it is thanks to him that they must be suffering. Synchronization, when I was heading to the place where I feel comfortable, to make my connection with the brotherhood of the rainbow, yesterday in the bus, I asked that my chicken be protected, and the radio put an ad “we care about your chicken, as no one in the market” or something similar.

(continuation of the email)

May I request, your time again Master. Because I  experienced an encounter with the dark ones, and it is a long story…

As I wrote, I was visiting my father and stepmother last week who live in another city in Colombia, I live in Bogotá, and they live in Medellin, and I had not visited them for 10 years. From the first moment I stepped in that city, I felt disconnected from the network of light, it was very difficult to try to connect and feel the flow of light, the only feeling was arrogance and fear.

I think that this part of Colombia is a territory of darkness, is that possible? Is it possible that a large portion of this land is disconnected, or almost disconnected from the source. Everyone tries to be physically beautiful and economically rich, it is a culture like the gringos, but you must know, with an extremely deep flavour of violence and blood money.

The point is, that my family is being attacked by a dark entity,


Dear Jomab,

thank you for sharing this very thrilling story with me. Indeed I read about the earthquake in Colombia yesterday and thought about it while reading your email.

Medellin has been known to be the centre of the cocaine mafia and I have associated this place with extreme violence. Hence you are right in your assessment. If your  family is attacked by a dark entity, then you should use your lightsabre and stuck it right in the heart of this entity several times and repeat this procedure on several days. You have the right as this dark entity has attacked you personally. Ask for help from AA Michael and all the other angels and forces of light.

I knew a Colombian family, it happened to be the ambassador in Paris in the 70s and the daughter was a schoolmate of my wife. They were such a dark family and they treated their personnel like slaves. I was horrified to see this and left the embassy building immediately as they had invited us after their daughter visited us in Germany. It was like at the time of slavery. And the family which was of Spanish origin was very arrogant and even more so ignorant. This left a very negative impression on me and fits very well into what you now describe.

With love and light

Lieber Georg,

ich habe Deinen Rat befolgt und bin Jahn in den letzten „Wochen“ treu geblieben und vor allem in der Hoffnung, dass es auch bei ihm zur Einsicht kommt. In dieser Zeit konnte ich mich selbst in der „Unterscheidungskraft“ üben. Nach der gestrigen Veröffentlichung seines Gespräches mit Gott habe ich aber beschlossen, mich zu distanzieren und seine Seite nicht mehr zu besuchen. Er scheint sich immer weiter vom Licht zu entfernen. Schon die „Art“ seiner Wortwahl hat sich so stark zum Negativen verändert. Diese letzte Botschaft ist alles andere als lichtvoll. Ich habe sie sogar abstoßend empfunden. Und es ist für mich unbegreiflich, dass Jahn seine eigenen Worte nicht versteht. Und das man auf der Stufe, wo er stand, mit Deiner Hilfe im Rücken, vom Weg abkommen konnte. Jeden Tag muss ich die totale Blindheit der Menschen neu erkennen und das ist langsam echt schmerzhaft. Sie sind nicht zu erreichen, mir ist, als spreche ich eine Fremdsprache, die keiner versteht. Und dann muss ich immer an Dich denken und wie schwer es für Dich ist, diese blinde, uneinsichtige und beratungsresistente Menschheit immer aufs neue ertragen zu müssen und wie unendlich schwer das für Euch sein muss.

Dein Evolutionssprung ist so wunderbar, schlüssig, spannend, das Wissen an sich. Jede Minute nutze ich zur Zeit, deine Bücher zu lesen. Und ich danke Dir, dass du uns an Deinem Weg und Wissen teilhaben lässt. Also, lieber Georg, ganz umsonst war es nicht und ich, wie auch viele andere, sind sehr glücklich, dich als Leuchtturm an unserer Seite zu haben.

Und, lieber Georg, ich habe meine „Nadel im Heuhaufen“ gefunden. Michael Naumann wohnt und arbeitet nur 45 min mit dem Auto von mir entfernt.  Kannst Du Dir das vorstellen??? (Mich hat sozusagen der Schlag getroffen, als ich seine, in seinem letzten Artikel angefügte Internetadresse eingeben habe.) Wir haben kurz telefoniert und nächste Woche Freitag hat er mich zu sich eingeladen. Bin sehr gespannt auf das Treffen und freue mich riesig. Siehst Du, selbst aus Kanada hilfst Du mir aus meiner Einsamkeit.  Ich schreibe Dir mal, wie’s gewesen ist.

Deine Seite ist von unschätzbarem Wert für alle “Gleichgesinnten” und der Austausch und die Kontakte, die dadurch entstehen können, schweißt zusammen. Jahn weiss gar nicht, was ihm entgeht, in jederlei Hinsicht.

Bin jeden Tag in Gedanken bei Euch.

Licht und Liebe für Dich und Carla.

Eure Annett

Liebe Annett,

dies sind großartige Neuigkeiten. Allerdings Carla meint, es hat sehr lange gedauert, bis sich das materialisiert hat. Sie hat seit einigen Wochen für dich Invokationen gemacht, dass du jemanden findest, mit dem du dich austauschen kannst, da sie, wie ich, wusste wie einsam du auf deinem Bauernhof bist. Nun hat es ein wenig länger gedauert, aber wie die Deutschen sagen: ” Gute Dinge brauchen eine Weile”.

Also grüße Michael von mir und sage ihm, dass ich mich sehr freue, dass ihr Kontakt aufgenommen habt.

Ich stimme voll mit deiner Einschätzung zu Jahn überein und es tut mir weh am Herzen zu sehen, wie er sich vom Pfad des Lichts abgewandt hat, nachdem ich ihn so lange unterstützt habe. Ich habe viel weniger für dich getan und du bist viel weiter gekommen, weil der Wunsch da war.

Also wendet sich alles zum Besseren am Ende und das freut mich ungemein.

Liebe Grüße
von Georg und Carla

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