by Georgi Stankov, January 25, 2015
Do you feel the fresh breeze of truth that is now sweeping across the globe? Forget the facts for a moment and attune to the new vibrations of truth that come directly from the Source as the seven sacred flames and eliminate all barriers of past human lies. Those put in circulation by the Zionist bullhorns of the AAA (Anglo-American Assholes), who are now losing their last hope to establish the NWO and are being rapidly exposed.
With each nuclear explosion, with each revealed lie of the dark ones, this uppermost mother planet is swiftly ascending to the new Golden Galaxy, while the escalation through confrontation and resolution with the help of Mother Nature – the tsunami of the MPR – are happening on numerous parallel timelines. Also today when another major ascension leap took place this afternoon (Pacific time), just as powerful as the ascension leap last evening. The ascension leaps are now happening on a daily basis and the next two days will be very promising from what I get.
Later on I shall report in more detail what I now perceive to be happening at the multidimensional level, but I can tell you that much – it is huge, it is dramatic and the repercussions will be felt here on the ground very soon.
By the way, can you confirm that today after the last ascension leap this uppermost mother planet felt rather empty (void), as if many souls were retrieved from this timeline? Did you notice unusually empty streets, shopping malls and other public places?
Below the next powerful revelation among numerous more that now inundate the Internet and the alternative mass media:
Lunatics Run the Washington Asylum
Stephen Lendman, January 25, 2015
Never in world history has one nation threatened humanity’s survival like America. Wars without end rage.
Against invented enemies. New ones follow with disturbing regularity. Peace is pure fantasy.
Obama wants congressional authorization for unconstrained war. Ignoring international law. Claiming it’s to fight IS. One of his many Big Lies.
A companion article suggests Pentagon officials now direct Kiev’s war on Donbass. Besides supplying its military with heavy weapons and munitions covertly.
So-called joint US/Ukrainian training operations may be prelude to direct American intervention.
With Pentagon forces on the front lines. Waging war close to Russia’s border. One major false flag away from potential US/Russian conflict.
Scores more US special forces are heading to train so-called anti-Assad moderate rebels. Elements aiming to topple governments by brute force aren’t moderates.
IS and other Takfiri extremists comprise Obama’s proxy anti-Syrian army. CIA operatives and US special forces train them in the fine art of killing. Including lopping off heads.
US special forces operate in up to 150 countries worldwide. Not as good will ambassadors. Nor CIA elements.
Operating everywhere out of US embassies and consulates, as well as through front organizations.
According to Tom Dispatch’s Nick Turse, US special forces operated in 133 countries during the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014.
Citing US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) Lt. Col. Robert Bockholt as his source. Over the past three years, US special forces operated in over 150 countries, said Turse.
Missions “rang(e) from kill/capture night raids to training exercises.” The vast majority of Americans know nothing about Washington’s covert global war.
“(H)idden from external oversight or press scrutiny,” said Turse. Highly trained killers operate with their counterparts in scores of countries worldwide.
Maintain close ties to Washington’s intelligence establishment. Their counterparts abroad. Their mission is to advance America’s imperium.
Destabilize independent governments. Ones targeted for regime change. By coups, targeted assassinations or wars.
Washington’s public face belies its pure evil. At home and abroad. Ruthlessly pursuing policies likely to make lesser despots blush.
America alone wages war on humanity. Using weapons of mass destruction. Including chemical, biological and radiological ones.
Other banned weapons. New ones tested in real time. Regardless of the horrors they cause.
US domestic and foreign policy is polar opposite what’s acceptable in free societies. Bipartisan criminals run things. Lunatics.
Media scoundrels support their worst policies. Proliferating managed news misinformation. Suppressing hard truths.
Ignoring irresponsible US officials bashing legitimate news, information and analysis sources like RT International.
Including John Kerry last April disgracefully calling it a “propaganda bullhorn…(D)eployed to promote President Putin’s fantasy about what is playing out on the ground.”
Kerry’s bluster and Big Lies wore thin long ago. Newly-appointed US Broadcasting Board of Governor’s (BBG) head Andrew Lack is RT’s latest antagonist.
In charge of Washington’s global propaganda machine. Including Voice of America. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.
Radio Free Asia. Radio and TV Marti aimed at Cuba. Middle East Broadcasting Networks. Spending hundreds of millions of dollars proliferating Big Lies.
Lack telling The New York Times:
“We are facing a number of challenges from entities like Russia Today which is out there pushing a point of view, the Islamic State in the Middle East and groups like Boko Haram.”
“But I firmly believe that this agency has a role to play in facing those challenges.”
In other words, countering truth and full disclosure with Big Lies. The Times let his accusation pass without challenge. Effectively endorsing it.
Quoting BBG chairman/NBC Universal head Jeffrey Shell calling Lack “the perfect person to head its operations given his background as a journalist who has run several major media organizations.”
He’s a former CBS news producer. NBC and NBC News president. Sony Music Entertainment chairman. Bloomberg Media Group chairman.
The Times saying he “takes over an agency (at a time) rival broadcasters financed by China and Russia have grown.”
“Russia Today has a significant American presence.” Available 24-hours a day on popular cable channels and online.
Reporting real news and information everyone has a right to know. Opposite of how The Times operates. And other MSM TV and print scoundrels.
In lockstep with Washington. Monied interests controlling things. Suppressing hard truths.
Featuring disinformation. Big Lies. Supporting wealth, power and privilege. Betraying their readers and viewers.
Instead of challenging Lack’s RT bashing, The Times ignored it. Changed topics. Said “(o)ne of his firsts tasks will be improving staff morale.”
Federal Office of Personnel Management survey data rank BBG at or near the bottom of best places to work in government.
Maybe because it wants journalists to lie more egregiously than major media scoundrels. Why they don’t leave they’ll have to explain.
RT justifiably expressed outrage about Lack considering it a threat like IS and Boko Haram.
Its editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan issued a statement saying “(w)e are extremely outraged that the head of the BNG mentions RT in the same breath as the world’s number one terrorist army.”
“We see this as an international scandal and demand an explanation.”
It wants one from BBG, the State Department and US embassy in Russia.
Last August, BBG chairman Jeffrey Shell said “(l)et’s put together a plan of how much that would cost and how to do something that we could compete with Russia Today (RT), and then let’s go to the Hill and then let’s go to the White House and tell them what it’s going to cost to compete, and let’s see if we can do it.”
In other words, create a more extensive propaganda campaign countering effective hard truths.
Lunatics running things in Washington think this way. Obama for sure. Waging war on humanity from day one in office.
Serving monied interests exclusively. Spurning popular ones. Institutionalizing police state practices beyond what George Bush established.
Eroding freedoms en route to eliminating them altogether. Targeting all independent governments for regime change.
Advancing America’s imperium toward achieving unchallenged global dominance. Risking nuclear war with Russia. Making the unthinkable possible.
Neocons infest Washington. Lunatics and then some. Deploring peace. Urging escalated war on Syria. Stepped up efforts to oust Assad.
Wanting Russia confronted more aggressively. Iran bombed preemptively. Replacing so-called Shia Crescent influence with radicalized Sunni hardliners.
Netanyahu’s solution is military. He circumvented protocol by arranging through his US ambassador an invitation to address a joint congressional session.
An unprecedented affront. Typical Netanyahu. Making more enemies than friends. Including among allies.
On March 3, two weeks ahead of Israeli general elections, he’ll address Congress. Linked to AIPAC’s annual conference.
Intending to lobby against diplomacy with Iran. Urge increased pressure with more sanctions.
Ideally confront Tehran militarily. Risk destabilizing the entire region. Netanyahu lies calling Iran an existential threat.
Washington hardliners want regime change. By coup or direct confrontation. In mid-January, Republican Senator Tom Cotton called P5+1 talks a “sham.”
“The goal of our policy must be clear – regime change in Iran,” he said. “We cannot and will not be safe as long as Islamist despots rule in Iran.”
“The credible threat of force only strengthens our other tools of national power – diplomatic, economic, financial.”
“(T)he surest way to preserve the peace (is prepare) to do whatever is necessary to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear capabilities.”
Cotton urged possible US military action. So do crazies like him.
When lunatics run the asylum, anything is possible. The worst of all possible outcomes may follow.
Former Congressman Ron Paul noted the “total failure” of US Middle East policy.
If Washington hadn’t waged war on regional countries, “would the world not have been a lot better off,” he stressed.
Imagine the worst of outcomes if Washington confronts Russia and/or Iran militarily. All bets are off if lunatics influencing policy get their way.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”