The End of Waiting – Initiation into the Now-Consciousness


channeled by Jahn J Kassl on November 22, 2014

translated by Franz


Georgi Stankov

I have been waiting for a very long time for this announcement. Punctually with the new moon portal on November 22, 2014, the prophet Elijah has come to Jahn to announce this divine present to the light warriors of the first and last hours – to You!

We have always understood ascension in the first place as inner expansion of our consciousness. This transfiguration to Logos Gods was expressed very eloquently by AA Gabriel in his latest message to Marlene Swetlishoff.

I personally sensed this wave this late afternoon, but my HS tells me not to expect too much in the next few days. It will be a gradual expansion of awareness and the beginning of being embedded into the Unity Consciousness of the Now. It will be an alchemical reaction that defies any verbal description. Or as Elijah puts it: “You will not be able to describe this to anyone, yet let it experience yourself. But this in itself is already very exciting and somehow deeply expected by all of us after the physical tortures during the long and massive Portal of Truth Nov 11 -21.

Addendum: I apologize for this mistake: Jahn has obviously channelled this message below on October 2. For me it was an actual message. The reason for this confusion lies in the fact that Carla and I are receiving since two days exactly the same information from the Elohim and our HS and also energetically experience the expansion of our consciousness, for instance, the simultaneous presence in many realities and the conscious awareness of this fact. However, Carla has not been able so far to get a complete message from the Elohim because she is still very ill, she is coughing all the time and cannot concentrate on receiving a long message. Obviously linear time has ceased to exist for us and this message from last month is actually becoming reality now, with the opening of the new moon portal on November 22, 2014. Hence it is of great actuality.


The Message

Who knows God? Who knows oneself? Who knows Life and the origin of all Life? It is the one, who has accepted Life and himself, who has followed the call from the Creator, who serves Heaven on earth in the knowledge of his origin.

Beloved Friends, fellow travelers of many times, 
lovers among lovers and creators of new worlds!

Today we arrive at the point in time, when this world frees itself from the firm bondage of this reality. In each instance the anyhow already transformed world changes and each moment from now on becomes an immediate remembrance, because the Now manifests and is anchored at the cellular level of the ascending ones. This process means for all those, who inherit Heaven, a relief long yearned for, because on account of the “anchoring of the Now-consciousness” on this level the waiting for “the event” ends.

Today, the great light warriors are familiarized with the next step of the universal knowledge and are initiated into it at the energetic as well as cellular level. It is a gift from the Creator, which I can now announce to you, me being the one, who had to bear the “waiting” and the “expectation” in several lives, like a heavy yoke and under mockery and ridicule. 

The ascending ones shall become increasingly lighter, shall discard any burden, shall look forward to the day of days in joy, yet never express displeasure anymore over the seemingly not to be forthcoming return of the prophets, or get lost and start to worship new gods. 

A unique time, a unique work is fostered with unique means and thereby all expectation attitudes and any impatience is removed from your souls, because a deep inner understanding and a recognition of space-time and the multiverses occurs. You will not be able to describe this to anyone, yet let it experience yourself.

Understanding on the level of the soul releases any ignorance and the understanding of all life, due to an awakened consciousness, brings insight and clarity, peace and happiness.

The ascending ones, who we are, fulfill their tasks for this world and are now fitted with initiations from Heaven, so that we master with bravery the last section of the pathway in this time and all challenges.

The initiation into the Now-consciousness occurs in each human Being in harmony with the soul’s intention. Nothing needs to be done, in order to summon this Grace, except to be ready for it with your whole heart, so that the mantle of the space-time illusion lifts. 

This World goes away in an act of Grace, And this moment in time unfolds its whole power and glory – in the omnipresent Now. 

I am next to you, I am with you. I am the friend and anchor of all those human beings, who are dedicated to Heaven and are devoted to God.

In Eternity!

I am

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