by Georgi Stankov
I am just announcing to all true PAT members and light warriors of the first and the last hours that we are in the middle of a massive ascension shift of Gaia and the new Galaxy today (18.00 PM, Pacific time). It is unlikely that the average humans are exempted from this incredibly intensive wave. Many people around us are already suffering from a severe “mutation flu” with fever, pharyngitis and muscle pains.
Only half an hour ago I was retrieved to the Mothership. I always visit the Mothership when a huge ascension test run is underway. When I came back, the intensity of my vibrations was such that my body was virtually disintegrating into a billion particles.
This wave was preceded by another wave from the Source this night when my body radiated like the second central sun. Apropos the sun, Allen Blount has just sent me this link with images of the sun, which are extraordinary:
I must admit that I have no explanation for it, but the observed splitting of the sun may well herald the splitting of the new galaxy from this old one. The whole process reminds me of cell mitosis and the huge object on top of the sun image may indeed be a new sun that is now being created or split from this sun.
Anyway, the roller coaster of ascension is now in full sway and everything that is happening on the ground seems to be insignificant compared to these incredible cosmic forces that now transform Gaia and me personally. I can imagine that many of you also sense the might of this huge energetic tsunami coming directly from the Source. It can’t be otherwise if you are the new Logos Gods and Guardians of the new Galaxy. You are the initial and major conduits of all these ascension energies here on the ground.
This energetic peak is in anticipation of the Leo New Moon Portal on July 26th, which is expected to be huge and where the first deep cracks in the facade of the Orion matrix will most probably become visible. We are in the middle of the final storm and from now on there will be no respite for us and the masses. The time of the big dramas is entering the historical stage.