by Carla Thompson and Georgi Stankov, November 13, 2013
The time for our ascension has arrived – together with the impending MPR that will transform this timeline. This is what we have been awaiting all the time, but now we have the official confirmation from the Elohim.
This is a sensational message by all means.
Yesterday, while Carla and I talked on the skype on the ascension scenario, the Elohim came all of a sudden and made this urgent message. We had to interrupt our conversation, so that Carla could write down this most important message for all of us and for the entire humanity.
The Elohim then confirmed what we were just discussing, namely that the MPR and most probably our ascension will come in two weeks after the opening of the final 11.11. Megaportal of Ascension. This means that this upper 4D earth will be hit by the MPR around November 23-25, depending on when one sets the opening of this final Megaportal of Ascension. For me it happened on November 9th, but this opening still runs under the official cosmic portal 11.11, when the earth aligned one more time with the great central sun as it did two years ago, when we, the PAT, opened the stargate 11.11.11, as this has been extensively discussed and documented on our website.
Only yesterday I wrote that this is what my HS is telling me and Carla confirmed my intuitive perception (see below). Then, we discussed the physical mechanism of the magnetic pole reversal (MPR), which is much more that the occurrence of huge natural catastrophes, such as a global deluge and massive terraforming of the continents. Below I will summarize the quintessence of our discussion from a scientific point of view as it was the key precursor for the Elohim to come up with their message.
The latest Elohim information, of course, does not exclude the possibility that we may ascend even before this Event happens. I myself asked the Elohim about this during our conversation, but they only laughed about my question and did not give us any definite answer. My guess is though that we shall stay till we see the onset of these transforming events, which will be definitely the most exciting time of our whole incarnation and mission on the earth and will only then move to the 5th and higher dimensions together with Gaia, as she will also finally ascend during this triad of events: MPR, ID split and ascension of Gaia with the first wave of ascended masters, such as the PAT.
But it is almost certain that this all will happen this month and the big transforming events will then continue into December for those who will stay on this upper 4D timeline.
This is the first time that the Elohim have given us a forecast. Until now they have only commented on energetic events that had already occurred and were registered by myself and other PAT members and have been announced on our website. Insofar, this fact alone is highly significant and heralds the finality of our mission on this planet as I have recently wrote.
Today I have for the first time the deep feeling of profound satisfaction after a well done job and also a notable relaxation of the inner tension, which was enormous in the last 3-4 weeks in preparation for the opening of this Megaportal of Ascension.
Now I will proceed with my popular scientific explanation of the Elohim’s message as its physical background is much more profound and complex than this short message superficially relays to the reader. This disquisition includes the discussion I had with Carla yesterday evening in Germany and early morning in Vancouver for Carla.
The Physical Background of the Magnetic Pole Reversal (MPR)
Let me be clear on one issue from the very beginning: Magnetism alone does not exist, it is always part of electricity, hence the term “electromagnetism” in science since Maxwell derived his famous four equations of electromagnetism about 150 years ago (see volume II on physics). Before that the two phenomena, electricity and magnetism, were erroneously considered to be distinct entities. This blunder is a fallout of the profound compartmentalisation of the scienists’ minds in the current Orion matrix.
Electromagnetism exists as photon space-time and as matter. It displays the same properties and behaviour in both levels of space-time. Hence it is not possible to separate /distinguish the electromagnetism of matter from that of photon space-time, which in present-day, failed physics is erroneously regarded as empty space or vacuum.
When we speak of the MPR, we actually mean a complete transfiguration of the quantum atomic structure of matter and also of photon space-time. The latter also has a distinct structure, which is currently neglected, respectively not at all understood by all physicists. I was the first scientist who established this fact by deriving an important local law as an application of the Universal Law for the invisible structure of photon space-time (electromagnetism). It is called “Stankov’s law of photon thermodynamics” and proves irrevocably that each thermo-gradient that is abolished in matter e.g. in a metal rod that is heated on one end, is not being lost as the false second thermodynamic law of entropy now erroneously claims, in total contradiction to the first thermodynamic law of conservation of energy, but is transformed without any loss of energy into a thermodynamic gradient of the surrounding photon space-time. This is how the structure of photon-space time is affected by matter and vice versa.
This breakthrough alone is sufficient to revolutionize physics and science as it abolishes the law of entropy as a complete wrong idea, deliberately introduced in science by the former Orion masters of humanity to mire all scientists and to prevent them from grasping the simple idea that free photon energy is available everywhere. Instead humanity was forced to use fossil energy and to destroy its environment, while at the same time the Orion-Reptilian masters used these shortages of energy sources to wage numerous geopolitical wars and to enslave humanity on the principle of scarcity. This is a huge topic on human enslavement by the Orion empire that very few enlightened people have really comprehended in its totality from a scientific and theosophical point of view.
The impending MPR is thus a very complex energetic process that goes beyond current physics and even I can only speculate what exactly happens now with the atomic lattice of matter and with all elementary particles. What I get from my HS is that the whole atomic structure is currently profoundly reshaped at the most fundamental quantum level and at the subatomic quantum level, before the elementary particles appear in this 3D and 4D holographic reality.
At present these changes occur in the higher dimensions, just as our LBP takes place in these higher frequency levels and cannot be observed by any material instruments, hence the failure of medicine to recognize this fundamental process of ascension, with which you all have been confronted in a deplorable manner in your life. It is important to observe that these higher dimensions and levels contain our 3D holographic model in themselves as a smaller U-set. Hence all the real changes that affect our reality take place beyond the electromagnetic spectrum which scientists can only measure, so that these changes cannot be detected currently with the usual material instruments. This is very important to stress as to understand why conventional scientists have not the faintest idea what is currently happening on a grand cosmic scale with Gaia.
At present the tension of the impending electromagnetic transfiguration of matter, known as MPR, is rapidly growing, until it reaches a threshold when it will trigger the final phase transition of the current electromagnetism of matter into a new 5D reality and structure. Please observe that the Elohim use in their message the correct physical term “phase transition”, which I have introduced to you long time ago and very often use to explain the mechanism of the MPR and our ascension.
At this place, it is very important to stress that the MPR, we are talking about here, is a much bigger event / process than the MPR that took place on the 12 lower 4D earths since June 8th and on the three upper 4D holograms this month. The reason for this is that now also Gaia will undergo for the first time a complete transfiguration and will firmly ascend to the 5th and higher dimensions as an energetic entity. This was not the case when the MPR occurred on the lower 4D timelines, as they did not ascend, but rather descend.
The phase transition of current electromagnetic matter and photon space-time that build the visible forms and structures of this 3D reality can be assimilated and partially explained by some known electromagnetic quantum effects. One of them is how semiconductors function at the quantum level. These are material conductors that are resistant to the flow of electricity under certain conditions due to creating an energetic barrier in their atomic structure, which the electric current cannot overcome. However, this resistance blockage can be modulated under the influence of electromagnetic fields and can flip-flop all of sudden and become conductive for the electric current. This is the energetic foundation of all current electronics.
There is another physical phenomenon that is not so well understood by current physicists and scientists – superconductivity. I, myself, have made a great contribution to this very exciting field in volume II, which you can read as a secondary literature. Basically, superconductivity can be defined as a particular energetic condition, under which a conductor loses its whole intrinsic resistivity and can transmit electromagnetic energy without any loss of thermal energy, so that the current can flow infinitely. Superconductors alone could revolutionize human life as they will automatically solve the energy problem of mankind for ever.
From a broader point of view, as I have been shown by my HS,supercondutors are an example how the energy will flow in the 5D and higher dimensions. The occurrence of thermal heat during the flow of electric current in current common metal conductors is at the same time the basic mechanism how this closed 3D reality is created as a holographic model, and matter can exist. This is a great philosophical and theoretical question and hence I do not intend to delve into it now. But I must make you aware of this principal theoretical dimension, as it affects all human energetic existence. Please do not forget that I have shown in volume III on bio-sciences and medicine that all cells and the human organism are purely electromagnetic systems and operate as spherical capacitors.
What I want to relate with this disquisition is that the MPR is a much more complex and profound energetic process than the simple terraforming of the earth’s crust, which all humans will directly experience as to be put into a state of total healing shock. After that they will change their weltanschauung for ever and will realize that they are immortal multi-dimensional beings.
In the first place, this phase transition has the objective to alter in a fundamental manner the atomic, quantum structure of matter and photon-space time, also defined as electromagnetism. Now with respect as to how this will occur at the micro- and macroscopic level, let me introduce you some basic axioms and new derivations of the Universal Law in my new physical theory, which assess this phase transition in earth’s electromagnetism, which may not be cogent to you.
The basic feature of energy, its very nature, is to be elastic. You can, for instance, substitute the word “energy” with “elasticity” and you can establish the same theory of the Universal Law as I have done based on the word “energy” without changing anything. This all has to do with human semantics and language and how transcendental ideas are transformed into human language. where the operational mechanism of phase transition of formless ideas of the spirit into the form of sequential language is intrinsically based on the elasticity as the basic property of 3D matter and space-time.
When I first started to discover the Universal Law, I had already realized the existence of the principle of elasticity as an ubiquitous property of energy = space-time in a very deep and profound cognitive manner. It was the primordial idea from which I departed to discover the Universal Law and establish the new theory of science. Hence, I introduced at the beginning of my research a working title for the Universal Law and called it the “The Principle of Elasticity“. It is notable to mention that I developed the idea of this principle more than ten years before I founded it in physics and implemented it first in economics and social sciences, but also in literature as a fundamental principle of human psychology. This is just a glimpse into how convoluted, but still in a very rational manner, human mind operates when it is intrinsically connected to the soul and the Source. Because ultimately all ideas have the same origin in the primary term of our consciousness which is energy = space-time = Source = universe = Al-That-Is, etc.
Now, the elasticity of energy is a property that can only be observed in 3D and 4D holographic models, where space exists as an illusory dimension of the human senses. Only within these realities, do we perceive as sentient beings the movement of energy as expansion and contraction, which are the visible manifestations of the intrinsic property of space-time as elasticity. There are many laws in classical mechanics that describe this property as distinct laws, such as Hook’s law.
I was able to unify all these distinct, heterogeneous descriptions of the physical world that cause much more confusion in the human mind than help our physical understanding, by being the first modern scientist to have discovered the fundamental property of elasticity of the only two dimensions, which space-time = 3D energy has – space and time. I am talking about the reciprocity of space and time of the current 3D and 4D holographic models:
Axiom of reciprocity: Space-time (energy) is proportional to time and inversely proportional to space. Time is inversely proportional to space and vice versa.
This basic axiomatic conclusion is confirmed by all physical phenomena: the greatest energy is found in the smallest space of the atoms (e.g. strong forces of hadrons and quarks, black holes, etc.) and the smallest energy is found in the greatest volume (e.g. in gravitational objects). There is no exception to this rule. This is also a fundamental proof that physics can be axiomatized from a single term.
Both dimensions, space and time, are thus “canonically conjugated“, that is to say, they cannot be separated and always behave reciprocally / antagonistically. This fundamental property of space-time can be summarized in only three basic axioms of application in the new theory of the Universal Law, with which one can derive all known physical laws that are now erroneously considered to be distinct natural laws. I will draw your attention to the 3. axiom, as it is relevant for our discussion here:
3. Axiom of Application: The reciprocal behaviour of contiguous Long Range Correlations, LRC ( = energetic gradients) of a system:
According to the second axiom of reducibility, any system can be regarded as consisting of two levels (U-subsets). The space-time of these levels can be expressed as LRC = gradients. In this case, the two LRCs of the system manifest the reciprocity of space and time. When the LRC of the first level increases, the LRC of the second level decreases and vice versa. This follows from the reciprocity of space and time. The reason for this reciprocal behaviour of contiguous gradients is that the space-time of the system is constant – it is a U-subset of the constant and closed space-time. This approach is very useful in describing the dynamic behaviour of real systems.
Precisely this axiom has been used by the Elohim in their message below when they describe the mechanism of the MPR and how it will unfold. They use the visual example of an arrow in a bow, which is static and immovable as long the bowstring is drawn taut. When one releases the bowstring and the arrow with a single move, then the arrow flies and we see this movement as manifested energy. The Elohim knew that Carla is very good at shooting with bow and arrow and gave her this example. There are infinite such examples that ultimately illustrate the elasticity of energy, respectively the reciprocity of space and time.
This visual describes the phase transition of´potential energy which is static, into kinetic energy, which manifests as a movement e.g. a stone that is lifted high and has a maximal potential energy at this point; when it is dropped, it reaches the maximal kinetic energy at the moment when it hits the ground. This all follows from the law of conservation of energy (1. law of thermodynamics) as already discussed above.
Hence the MPR obeys the reciprocity of space and time, the principle of elasticity of energy, which is actually the Universal Law in operation. It is as simple as that.
Now there are some technical aspects that I would like to elucidate here. The magnetic field of the earth is largely created in its nucleus, which is believed currently to be of fluid iron, but this is not correct. However, for our consideration it does not matter of what stuff the earth’s core is. It is important to know that now this nucleus is steadily building its electromagnetic gradient, which will lead to the visible MPR. During this time, the accumulation of energy is not visible and we perceive this period as static. I described it yesterday as an energetic plateau.
When the threshold is reached, this gradient, LRC, will undergo a phase transition and will flip-flop within the blink of an eye. Into what? – Into a new 5D reality. The whole matter of Gaia will be transfigured into a new 5D structure of higher dimensional energy, which is completely different to that of current 3D matter. It will then obtain the property of superconductivity and will lose its electromagnetic resistance for ever. That is why I gave you these examples with superconductors and semiconductors above.
However this very short moment of phase transition will not immediately affect the more dense layers of the earth and the earth’s crust. The propagation of this transfiguration in the earth’s core will need some linear time of probably several days, as the Elohim told us, due to the inertia of these dense layers of earth’s matter. Hence we must reckon with the actual occurrence of the MPR in the earth’s core before the actual terraforming events begin to manifest on the earth’s surface. I am fairly confident that we will sense this phase transition in our fields and bodies, just as we felt the opening of each cosmic portal or MPR in the past, before they actually manifested on a lower 4D timeline.
What remains uncertain yet is the one billion question – when shall we ascend? Shall we depart with the flip-flop event in the earth’s nucleus when the magnetic structure of this 4D holographic model will be profoundly transformed into a 5D and higher energetic structure of superconductivity and immense expansion within the blink of an eye, or shall we first witness the onset of the MPR on the earth’s surface and then ascend?
I am neutral on this issue. It could go both ways and my HS tells me that the final decision has not been made yet. But we can as well reckon to ascend even earlier than the actual flip-flop event of the MPR in the earth’s nucleus and actually trigger this event with our ascension by delegating our three lower chakras and huge amounts of our field energies into Gaia’s core. In fact, the more I think about this alternative, the more I like it and the more probable it seems to me. Anyway, I will check this one more time with Carla and the Elohim.
Bottom line is: We have made it and now we no longer need to do anything, but simply enjoy this cosmic drama that will unfold in front of our eye as enlightened observers – and the PAT is the only group of humans on this planet that deserves this privilege – because this spectacle is unique in the whole universe and will not be repeated soon. As we are the architects and the actual builders of this Event, it will be a pity to leave the spectacle before it fully erupts. just as one does not leave a thriller, before one knows the final resolution of the plot.
Dear Georgi,
I have read your recent energy update and I also feel that the 2 week pattern has been a reliable indicator. I myself am getting November 23rd as being of substantial import, about which I will soon be told no doubt, as we get closer to this date…
Dear Georgi,
Here is the message from the Elohim, that they came with during our call a few minutes ago. The first statement really reflected a deep appreciation for YOUR dedication, specifically. They were very eager that you get this message.
The Message
” Greetings, we are the Elohim!
We come in this moment to once again express our deepest gratitude for your uncompromised dedication to the evolution of all Life within this beautiful expression of All-That-Is! [ a message for you and all awakened lightworkers on the planet at this time].
As confirmation to your inquiries, it is true that the magnetic fields upon, within, around and through the body of Gaia and every other expression of Life, now begin their phase transition from one nuclear representation into another, the other, being the full engagement into a complete structural enhancement for instant realisation of fifth dimensional energetics.
This event commenced with the opening of this recent MegaPortal [November 11] and once begun, shall now continue until its completion, that is, until full fruition of the electro-magnetic superposition [super-impression] requisite of the fifth dimension and higher.
All parameters are flowing with ease, all adjustments perfect and joyfully embraced.
Gaia is breathing more easily already, as these adjustments to the core of Earth, begin in earnest and are building with great speed. It is a chain reaction like no other!
It is like the arrow in the bow. The arrow is neutral, until it is placed into position and the bowstring is drawn taut. As the bowstring is drawn, the energy builds, until it reaches the maximal energetic point, where the only move is to release the arrow. The energy held within the bowstring builds until it must eventually, and inevitably release.
The energies now build following the nuclear re-ordering and soon the magnetic energy must instantly peak.
This process should take a fortnight, following which a ripple effect through Gaia’s physical body shall impressively manifest.
This spectacular event is the final culmination of a very long process of energetic re-encodement, then re-alignment, followed by re-expression.
This is a magnificent ascension as All moves with Divine timing and Divine Grace within the Creators Universe!
Enjoy these times! They shall never come again!
With infinite love to All, we are The Elohim.”
Dear Carla,
thank you for this clarification. After I read the message I became immensely tired as if my soul was retrieved from my body. Then I received one more time a confirmation from my HS that the Elohim message is absolutely valid and how the process of ascension and the MPR will unfold in the next two weeks.
To stay by the rubber-band visual, the inner tension that I carry all the time with me in the last 3-4 weeks, actually in the last years seemed to have vanished all of a sudden and then I really collapsed. But it was a nice feeling of a well done job and that we have made it now. This is what I am sensing for some time, but the opening of this last Megaportal was a huge compression for me and I must have done a great job, transmitting all these energies and that is why the Elohim now have appreciated this final achievement.
Dear Georgi,
Tonight, about 5 hours ago (Midnight in Vancouver), I suddenly got a clear affirmation that our ascension will take place very shortly. I will be honest and say that I have never ever felt this, with such certainty as tonight.
I too felt a great sense of relief, disguised as exhaustion following this revelation, this instant knowing. As you say, it’s as though the rubber band has let go and all the years of holding that stress and tension within, are now over. I am flying high on these energies tonight, and I hope to get clarity on a few issues.
Well, my dear, I wish you a lovely day. I intend on a night of focused prayer for our ascension, Now.
With love,