The Hard Questions Which the West Does Not Dare to Pose

The State of Political Affairs Worldwide. A New Political Series on the End Time Scenario Prior to Ascension

by Georgi Stankov, August 27, 2013

If there is one depressing truth about the current schizophrenic situation on this planet before it ascends with the detonation of the PAT Supernova and goes into light, this is the total collective imbecility of the Western population – its mental inability to pose the most simple, obvious and common sense questions in the wake of the most disastrous war, which this earth and its population have ever experienced.

Here are some questions on the Syrian Crisis that any decent journalist in the West should pose to his government, be it in Washington, London or Paris, before he qualifies morally and intellectually to be a competent and sincere reporter:

Question 1: Why has the West been supporting Syrian terrorist forces for two years?

Question 2: Do you not entertain the notion that to solve the Syrian issue, it would suffice for the West to cease arming, financing and aiding the Syrian terrorist forces fighting President Assad?

Question 3: Are you, or are you not, aware that in supporting forces hostile to President Assad, you are also supporting sources loyal to al-Qaeda?

Question 4: Do you now admit that your respective authorities lied regarding the issue of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq?

Question 5: Regarding the previous attacks with chemical and biological weapons (CBW) in Syria, by the rebels you support, and confirmed by the UNO’s Carla del Ponte, what are your comments?

Question 6: Under international law it is illegal to take sides in an internal conflict. How do you justify your actions in a. Libya and b. Syria in this context?

Question 7: Under what authority does British Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary William Hague and US foreign secretary Kerry insinuate that the Government of President Assad was responsible for the recent chemical attack in rural Damascus, without an iota of evidence?

Question 8: Why were the videos of the so-called “chemical attack” uploaded to the Internet before the so-called “chemical attack” took place?

Question 9: Did you or your services know that the said “chemical attack” was going to take place beforehand? If negative, then how would you respond to the following evidence?

Question 10: What is your response to evidence that such weaponry was fired from rebel-held areas using improvised missile technology?

Question 11: Do you deny that your special forces are involved in the field in Syria and if the answer is negative, how would you respond to images providing evidence that such persons had been captured? Would you also deny that such personnel would have been able to provide to the terrorists the possibility of delivering such weaponry?

Question 12: Why did your leadership commit a mission creep in Libya which breached the terms of the UNSC Resolutions 1970 and 1973 (2011)?

Question 13: Are you aware that due to the American, French and British governments’ successive lies in the last two decades, due to your continued war crimes and crimes against humanity, due to your illegal and unethical foreign policy, NATO in general and the FUKUS Axis (France-UK-US) in particular, have lost any moral high ground they once claimed?

Question 14: Why do you not explain to your citizens that President Assad has the support of the vast majority of the population of his country and would you please draw up a list of the popularity ratings of the 30-odd terrorist/opposition groups fighting against the State, which you support?

Question 15: If groups of armed terrorists took up weapons against the authorities in your countries, what would you do? Remember what Cameron said after the August 2011 riots in London? “WHEN IT COMES TO RIOTS, HUMAN RIGHTS GO OUT OF THE WINDOW.” Imagine what he would do with thousands of armed terrorists running amok, slicing the heads off children and the breasts off women and eating like cannibals the hearts of their enemies in front of a camera.

Question 16: What do you have to say about the murder of several thousand Syrian police officers and army personnel by the terrorists you support? Do you therefore agree that your own security personnel are legitimate targets?

Question 17: Back to Syria and the claims that the Government of President Assad was responsible for the “chemical attacks” what do you have to say in response to the following article?

Question 18: Given the previous attacks with chemical weapons by the terrorist forces you support, do you honestly believe that anyone is going to believe your allegations that President Assad, a doctor, is going to deploy such weaponry on the outskirts of his capital city the same day the UN weapons inspectors arrive to ascertain the facts about previous attacks (by your terrorists)? Do you seriously think he is that stupid?

Question 19: Has anyone in a position of authority in your countries issued the courtesy of an apology for the murder of the Gaddafi grandchildren in 2011 and the lynching of Libya’s sovereign leader at the hands of NATO backed terrorists?

Question 20: There are allegations that SOF teams are already on the ground in Syria on reconnaissance missions and programmes to train terrorists to attack the Syrian authorities. What is your comment?

Question 21: Do you deny that senior military and political personnel in the United States of America and the United Kingdom are aware of the active campaign by NATO forces in Syria to commit assassination attacks, to break the back of the Alawite forces and to carry out terrorist activity?

Question 22: What is your answer to this evidence that the USA and the UK were indeed behind the recent chemical attack in Syria?

Question 23: At Nuremberg, the United States and Britain pressed the prosecution of Nazi leaders for planning and initiating aggressive war. Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson, the head of the American prosecution staff, asserted “that launching a war of aggression is a crime and that no political or economic situation can justify it.” He also declared that “if certain acts in violation of treaties are crimes, they are crimes whether the United States does them or whether Germany does them, and we are not prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others which we would not be willing to have invoked against us.” What is your response?

Question 24: On the issue of chemical weapons, why did the forces you integrated deploy Depleted Uranium (DU) in several theatres of war (former Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan) and this being the case, does this not render you guilty of using chemical weaponry against civilians? In case you are considering stating that DU is not a chemical weapon then how would you reply to this excerpt from Page 101 of the June 1995 paper June 1995 “Health and Environmental Consequences of Depleted Uranium Use in the US Army“, (US) Army Environmental Policy Unit:

If DU enters the body it has the potential to generate significant medical consequences. The risks associated with DU are both chemical and radiological.” ?

Question 25: Remember this? “We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” – General Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star U.S. Army general, Supreme Allied Commander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia.

Question 26: Is it true that Israel has granted GENIE ENERGY exploration rights for shale gas inside Syrian territory, major shareholders of this company being Rupert Murdoch and Lord Jacob Rothschild?





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