by Georgi Stankov, July 31, 2013
The PAT member Anthony Kane, a cousin of Dr. Martin Luther King, and a political emigre to Canada, Vancouver has been arrested by the Canadian immigration authorities last Friday and kept in solitary confinement in hand and ankle cuffs until today. Due to my coordination and the intervention of our PAT member Carla Thompson, who had just returned from Boston, he was released today, but will be extradited from Canada in the next two weeks.
He cannot return to Washington state, where he has last lived, because he had to flee from there to Canada when the dark US secret services wanted to kill him as a powerful starseed, then took his pass away illegally and threatened him with murder in order to leave the USA immediately. Since then he has neither US nor any other citizenship anymore and is stranded between the states as currently Snowden, but for more than seven years. He has lived in Canada more or less incognito as he was afraid of being murdered by killer squads of the US secret services as the ones, which Obama now is sending throughout the USA to kill whistleblowers and critics of his oppressive regime.
For more information on the destiny of Anthony Kane, listen please to his interview with Alfred Webre on Examiner. This is how I first learnt about Anthony, who is a soul mate of mine, and established contact with him in 2010:
(There are some more links about Anthony Kane, which you can find under the key words “Anthony Kane, Alfred Webre, exopolitics”)
Below is my recent correspondence with Carla and with another lady Barbara, who first informed me about his imprisonment, where you can read about the details of this emergency action.
Anthony has now decided to go to San Diego, but he has absolutely no money. Carla has promised the immigration authorities of Canada to buy a one-way ticket for him to San Diego, so that he could be released from prison today. Otherwise he would have stayed in solitary confinement in hand and ankle cuffs for a much longer time. These North American countries are anything else, but civilized. The NWO is already a reality there, before they will be swept away by our PAT supernova.
Although it is my conviction that Anthony is in safety now and may not even need to be deported to the USA, we must consider all eventualities and help him immediately. He has had a terrible life in the last seven years.
Hence I would very much appreciate if you make a donation on behalf of Anthony on our website which is the easiest and quickest way. I will transfer the money to Carla as Anthony, himself, has no bank account and she will give it to Anthony before his departure to San Diego.
I thank you very much for your understanding and support for Anthony Kane in advance.
July 30, 2013
Hello George, or is it Georgi, sorry I am not sure.
A mutual friend Anthony in Vancouver asked me to contact “George” at universal press to get information to Carla that he Anthony has been detained in jail by Immigration in Vancouver – that Carla would be able to help – as without help there is danger of deportation. I can be reached at my email address as given above or by calling
Thank you!!
Dear Barbara,
thank you for this information. I have forwarded your email to Carla. She must have just arrived in Vancouver from Boston.
Dear Carla,
I have just received this email about Anthony below. I do not know what you could do and if you have the power to undertake something to help him.
Attachment : Letter from Barbara (see above)
Oh My God!
Dear Barbara,
I have just returned home after being away for two weeks and received an email from Georgi regarding Anthony.
I have a few questions that I would like answered, please, so that I may have full understanding of the situation.
What is your connection to Anthony?
Where is Anthony right now and what are the reasons for his detention?
Who has detained him and under what authority?
Any information you can provide to me would be greatly appreciated, Barbara.
Hello Friends Ken, Carla and Reinhard–
He’s downtown Vcr Immigration at 300 West Georgia, 7tn floor at phone number
604-666-8769 – possibly that’s reception, but at least we have a number.
He’s due in court at 1 pm Vancouver time for decision on what to do with him and where to send him. He will not go to WA State because he knows for a fact they will arrest him there.
Carla, Anthony says what will help is Immigration knowing there is someone out there who can buy him a ticket. He has your cell number now, which you emailed me this morning.
The man James he worked for is a con man, Anthony says it’s uncertain what he will return when asked, but he’s asking that someone PLEASE just go to where James is, his house exactly right at SE corner 63rd Avenue and Adera – 1 street east of Granville. James has keys to Anthony’s house 7871 Hudson (landlady Ellen) where A’s computer is and it’s unknown right now whether James is sitting on Anthony’s duffel bag, lunch box, keys etc, or has already let himself into Hudson… who knows..
I’m thanking you, Reinhard and Carla, if one or both of you together can visit James as friends of Anthony and do the best you can to retrieve Anthony’s things HOPEFULLY also some of the money James owes him. There is supposed to be $… in the duffel bag, PLUS an additional $… owed. However, the sense is, we are really running out of time, Immigration looks as if they want to get rid of Anthony asap, so whatEVER can be got from James, well, we’ll get what we get and hope for the best.
James’ company name is Arbore Outdoor Services–see map, address, phone etc at link:
Arbor Outdoor Services
1604 W63rd Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6P 2H8
Neighbourhood: Marpole
(604) 788-6355
Anthony said yes, it was James who reported him. He also suggested they might just dump him on the border, but we wait for some concrete next information.
THANK YOU EVERYONE. Anthony will call me again after the hearing.
Hello George/Georgi!
Yes I have heard from Carla – thank you much much – and she and I plus two other persons are on the “Anthony case” right now. If you pray sometimes, we could sure use some!
Thank you again,
Dear Barbara,
Carla informs me ongoing on Anthony’s case.
I have a better solution than a simple prayer – you can use the “lightsaber prayer” as recommended by AA Michael in my publication as of today, which has already rendered some immediate miracles here in Germany:
With love and light
Dear George!
Love it!
I often call on Germain too – violet fire transmuting all opposing energy. I’m a Michael energy myself, so I can relate. Germany! Haven’t been there since 1963 when visiting.
I said to Carla thank you for YOU. Now I say the same to you George! Thanks to universe and Michael for YOU.
Dear Barbara,
I had just a conversation with my HS and he told me that Anthony is fully protected and nothing bad will happen to him. Can you please forward this message to him. As far as I gather it, he may not even need to travel back to San Diego, in the USA, as in the meantime some major miracles will happen that will offset his deportation. The least one will be for the immigration authorities in Canada to simply forget /lose his case and leave him in peace in Vancouver till ascension and the MPR will come, which are now imminent events. There are also other viable alternatives at heaven’s disposal.
I will also send this email to Carla
With love and light
Hello Georgi, what news!
Yes to sending same to Carla of course, she can tell Anthony in person. Please, bear with a trivial question. What is MPR? I could guess, but don’t want to get it wrong.
We know we’re fast approaching zero–null zone–and there is at least one valid prediction that the month could be January 2014 when it is said the planet herself will transform in a twinkling to crystalline — also earth is rising in sound frequency and at one point when all energies converge, will emit a sudden cosmic tone enabling a quantum collective consciousness awakening. Putting dates on things can disempower one, so even if we disregard a date, we know these events are irreversible, inevitable and timed perfectly
to coincide with final dimensional change of this ending cycle. Bigger than Star Trek, yes?
Blessings to you Georgi, may your evening be one of peace and joy,
Dear Barbara,
MPR = Magnetic pole reversal /shift. When it will come, there will be a huge deluge and many people will leave this upper 4D timeline. The others will ascend and will not be touched by this catastrophic event. However, their number will not be very high. It’s all on our website – we are chewing these topics for a long time.
With love and light
Thanks Georgi, time for me to get into chewing up your site. I suspect it shall be a good experience, no indigestion!
Dear All
For your information, Canada Immigration now has my cellphone number and therefore all discussions will now be monitored by all interested parties in this case.
Wow Carla–thank goodness for YOU!
DO keep me posted, also if you have any feelings about the James thing – seems like a dicey person, but destiny could take a turn for the better and he might just suddenly become wonderful and cooperative. All things possible (with higher help). San Diego is great for obvious reasons.
Looking forward to the next positive email and safe travels, Carla!
Love, Barbara
Hi All,
I have just heard from Anthony and an immigration officer. They are letting him out this afternoon and I will pick him up. They asked me if I am prepared to get him a ticket to the USA and I said, yes.
He wants to return to San Diego and immigration wants him there fairly quickly, within 2 weeks, although the officer was a bit hesitant when she gave me this time frame. It may be a shorter time frame. He does not want to go to Washington State as I had thought for reasons that I am not privy to.
I am now waiting to hear back from Anthony, he said he will call later.
Dear Carla
What will he be doing in San Diego? Is there anybody to help him there?
Dear Georgi,
I have spoken to Anthony and Immigration Canada. I have told them I will help Anthony return to the USA. We had talked for several months about me buying him a ticket out of Canada.
So now he has a hearing in half an hour downtown Vancouver to decide his fate. He may have to leave very quickly, within 48 hours.
Dear Carla,
I do not understand – why this urgency after him living for so many years in Canada. Besides they have taken his passport away in the USA and he will run into troubles when he is deported back to the USA.
This does not make any sense to me.
Can you explain me the situation in some depth if you have the time.
Dear Georgi,
I finally spoke with Anthony a short time ago when he was alone and could speak freely. He is at home finally and has recovered his personal belongings.
I have had absolutely no knowledge of his situation until today other than he let his US passport expire at one point.
He told me that they detained him because they believe he entered Canada 7 years ago (to the day!) illegally. He had shown his drivers licence and birth certificate at that time, but there is no record of his entry into the country. This is why they have deemed him to be an illegal alien.
Further to this, he has never applied for citizenship which complicates the situation. A visitor is only allowed to remain in Canada for up to 6 months, then must exit. There are special and fairly easy procedures which have to be followed for then becoming a Canadian citizen, none of which Anthony ever undertook.
The judge has ordered him to return to the US within a time period of 2 to 3 weeks, allowing him this extra time to visit all his close friends for the last time, as he does not wish to return. He is grateful for this extra time here. His passage will be facilitated by Canadian Immigration with a special letter allowing him to travel to his preferred destination which seems to be San Diego, California, where he has a friend, who will help him with the necessary applications to apply for his US documentation.
I have told Immigration that I am willing to purchase a one-way ticket for him, which is what he and I had already discussed many, many months ago anyway. So this is my undertaking to the Canadian government and to Anthony, for which he is actually very grateful.
Anthony says he is very relieved to be returning to the USA and having this issue dealt with once and for all. He said he was ready for this decision after being in handcuffs, ankle cuffs and solitary confinement since past Friday.
This is all I know about the situation for now.
I have told him I can meet him tomorrow if he wishes, after he rests from his ordeal.
With love,
Dear Carla,
I knew about Anthony’s unsettled passport situation in Canada and have wondered why he did not solve it years ago. But this is irrelevant now. If he wishes to go San Diego, this may be a good solution for him. His detention in solitary confinement with hand- and ankle cuffs was, according to my mind, an excessive and unnecessary measure on the part of the Canadian immigration authorities, but fortunately the problem has been solved relatively quickly.
As I told you, I had a conversation with my soul yesterday and she told me that nothing bad will happen to Anthony anymore as he is now fully protected by the angels, especially after my very emphatic lightsaber prayer yesterday for him. But what I also get from my HS is that he may not necessarily travel to San Diego because before that the MPR and the detonation of the PAT supernova will take place, at least there will be some miracles before that, which will make all these (il)legal interventions of the Canadian state obsolete.
Hence he should now wait relaxed what will come next. Should I write about Anthony’s case on my website and ask for some donations for him?
Dear Georgi,
I agree of course that miracles will come, including the MPR and our supernova, in which case all this will be dealt with in divine fashion.
I think you make an excellent suggestion to publish this and ask for donations as he only has 2 weeks, in which to earn money to live on when he gets there.
He doesn’t get very much work from the landscaping company ( he no longer works for the moving company as it was just too physically difficult for him), so I know he needs to have help with this. I am already helping with his airline ticket and just can’t afford any extra.
What a very tiring day. I had an allergic reaction on my upper eyelids with redness and swelling and dry patches which when I pick off, they bleed and burn like heck…and I had a bleeding nose…just too much excitement I guess.
Dear Carla,
OK I will prepare a dossier and publish it today with a request for donations for Anthony. I will send the money then to your bank account as Anthony does not have one.
I am sorry to hear that you have problems with your eyelids.
My latest information is that the MPR and the detonation of the PAT supernova will occur between August 5th – 12th at the latest.
Hi Georgi
I heard about your posting (AA Michael, almighty lightsaber) although I can not find it on the site. Thanks for everything, Georgi, and just for being there. You have always been a good friend and a brother to me and it is so greatly appreciated.
I had to go through that as it was a clearing from the torture and the subsequent imprisonment after that. I learned so many things and I was able to be reasonably at peace with it, even though it was truly a challenge.
I am leaving in 2-3 weeks to go to San Diego, where I will be for a short time before going on to wherever it is I am to go. Somewhere in the tropics is my choice and yet I am open and available to what the universe has to offer. Time is short now on the Planet and the darkness is getting nastier by the minute, so I am happy this will soon be over.
Thanks Georgi…much love always;
Dear Anthony,
I have just woke up and have read the email from Carla, informing me that you have been released from prison. I am happy that this unpleasant situation has been settled relatively quickly. I will forward below my emails to Carla and to Barbara and will also send you my latest article with the lightsaber prayer. You may not have access to my latest articles on the website because you must have the latest version of Google Chrome as browser and define it as your first browser. That’s all.
You will find all the information regarding your destiny below. I had a very intensive discussion with my HS yesterday and he told me that from now on you are fully protected and nothing bad will happen to you anymore. You are out of the earthly drama after I asked heaven for this favour – hence you can enjoy your short time on this planet. I am not so sure if you will go to San Diego as the MPR may come earlier, but this is irrelevant now.
Just keep relaxed and be in good spirits. Everything will be perfect very soon.
With love and light