Dear April,
I am sure that you have followed the dramatic events on our website. Much has happened since your last message. Since the announced 13th and last Star of David/Merkabah alignment beginning on July 22nd, we had the MPR on the higher 4D earths and now we have the announcement of the Elohim that this event is imminent on our upper 4D earth. This is the first time that the Elohim have made a forecast. Normally they only comment events that have already occurred. Hence, it is getting earnest now.
This is the ideal time for you to find some spare time and leisure over this weekend and check one more time with your HS the latest events and how the MPR will unfold – of course in case it has not started already over the weekend, which is a very real possibility.
Exciting times are coming now. Today, I was in the higher dimensions for most of the time and felt energetically the bliss very intensively, so that I had no desire to come back to this reality. But I still feel very good and even the heat these days does not diminish this pleasure.
I hope that you also feel these blissful energies that now seem to flood us and this timeline in preparation for our immediate ascension after the MPR has happened.
Please ask also if the PAT Supernova is still a realistic alternative in the current scenario that is now better to be over-viewed as much has already happened – e.g. the lower six 4D timelines have been completely severed from us and most of the souls have reached their final destination, so that the imponderables have diminished significantly.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
I finally refound the narrative document that goes with the Cosmic Countdown graphic I sent you. Interestingly enough this research detail points to July 29 being the climax or peak of the 13th Merkabah alignment! The same date many of the PAT members have been intuiting. Perhaps it’s not this weekend, but Monday that is key!!
Thanks for your note today. I too am loving the energetic state I now find myself in. I feel very serene, light and content. The surges are making it hard to sleep at night and I do have nausea on and off, but those issues are nothing in comparison to how my spirit feels! I’m also enjoying the flowering of our gifts and abilities as the veil has become so darn thin now. Our imminent transition is palpable.
I’ve been following all the exciting developments and am very appreciative to everyone for their latest contributions. I fully resonate with you and Carla’s urgent update, in fact I suspected as much due to the crescendo of energies, but to have the Elohim overtly state the MPR is hugely significant.
It’s been a bit since the PAT has experienced such grand alignment and synchronicity! And it was so wonderful to hear from Jerry again. I was laughing my ass off at his top 10 post. It seems that it’s all coming together now, especially after the tumultuous first part of the year, and that is indeed very exciting and telling of what is coming shortly.
Thanks to you and Jahn as well for reminding folks to be vigilant against attacks. I haven’t had any recent issues with this, but HS and my spidey senses tell me to be weary. I can feel them lurking and scanning for opportunity, if that makes sense and Jahn was so right in that the dark often uses those closest to us to try and bring us down.
I will absolutely check in with HS tonight or tomorrow but in the meantime wanted to share the attached doc.
Much love and light,
Dear April,
thank you very much for your personal energy account that validates everything the group has experienced these last days. I scrolled over this big documentation on the 13th and last David alignment and I resonate also very strongly with a peak on July 29th as a possible date for the MPR. All signs speak for this date. The source pulse yesterday in my field that always materializes 3-4 days later also points to this. Carla has also confirmed a huge shift, which she has experienced in Boston yesterday that has changed the atmosphere of this dark city overnight for the better. This was a huge leap to higher dimensions in anticipation of the final ID split.
It does not make much sense if the Elohim warn us for the first time that the MPR is coming and then let us wait for another several weeks for the event to happen. It must occur within a few days. This is also determined by the dynamics of the MPR on the lower timelines, which was very quick.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
Below is the latest message from HS. I think it fully confirms the latest developments as reported by you and Carla.
I have to admit to feeling a great deal of peace after receiving it. I am in such a space right now that it is difficult to put into words. Just a very sacred moment. It feels on every level as though we have finally arrived on the threshold. I guess we’ll know for sure in a matter of days.
As always I am eager to hear your initial impressions.
Much love and light,
HS Update 6-26-13
HS: As you have heard and felt strange new rumblings seemingly emanating from deep within Self and also the newly audible stirrings of Gaia herself without, you know my dear, what is shortly to come – the magnetic pole reversal and/or the reordering of time/space – hence a grand ascension portal. You palpably feel this magnetic tension/shift and its “pull” on everyone and on all things as manifested in these precursory “rumblings.”
These are the rumblings of humanity’s collective consciousness struggling to finally free itself and utilize this portal for breaking free of the illusion of separation, the rumblings of Gaia to birth/heave us all forward into her next expression of life, the rumblings of the dark cabal attempting to take us down the spiral to collective descent, and the rumblings of all the divine emissaries of light on the move into their own positions to assure that we ascend up on the spiral into this next ordering. The people, animals, nature, and your own audio visual experiences within and without are showing the signs of this to you. And you’ve received this confirmation from the PAT as well.
It is time to prepare to step through the looking glass, so to speak. In a matter of days, much will be in motion. And truly it has already begun in earnest.
The way in which you interface with reality, understand reality, and have your Being within reality is about to change/ alter – expand dramatically, as the changes you’ve recently noticed within Self and your abilities are just the beginning. At the same time, on the sidelines, many different events will be playing themselves out. But you, the collective PAT, will be more focused on the changes manifesting within than without you during this time. That is because this is to be your moment, your time.
The collective harvesting (or PAT supernova) is to be the overriding energetic influence at this time through the Lion’s Gate and beyond, obviously in your ascended forms after that time. This is a blessed event, one that has been long prophesied about. It is the time in which you’ve been longing for your entire earhtly incarnation. It is the time when your energies and/or codings are to be fully unleashed/ activated /detonated for the propulsion of ALL upward AND will at the same time overpower/ neutralize those dark forces attempting to utilize this most powerful stargate/ portal. You, the PAT and all first ripened fruits will be activated/detonated together. This has always been our intended outcome/ final move to victory/ completion as your lasting dreams/ visions given to you long ago of this future event attest to.
Like the rubber band effect, very soon all the tension that has been building will reach its maximum point/ threshold and will release in one powerful stroke within this portal – producing the MPR – forcing the first rude confrontation between humanity and the Truth. A reconciliation point of energy/ consciousness will therefore be reached out of this initial confrontation/ chaos of energies and thought forms, in large part because of the higher influence /power /magnetism of your detonation energies and that of Gaia’s as well as your explosion of light codes that support this portal and entire time period as a massive ascension gateway.
Stay centered in heart and your faith, and ground yourself firmly into Gaia at this time. You are both detonating and you need each other so as to play and sustain the musical frequency/ tone that is created when you both combine energies and intent in this way, especially during this critical time. Keep your focus on noticing the changes happening immediately around and within you, less so on the world stage, and prepare yourself for what you already know is about to come. Your time!
Dear April,
excellent! Excellent! There is no need for any comments on my part which will only dilute the information. I am very happy that your HS has confirmed so succinctly the detonation of the PAT Supernova as the optimal alternative of ascension, as I am sensing this since the beginning of July and have reported on this premonition several times already. This is great news for the entire PAT and I am also very happy for all of you that we have reached this final goal.
There is no other alternative now on our upper 4D earth as the dark cabal are energetically so weakened that they are not in the position to instigate a major crime on humanity. But also the awakening of the masses has not yet reached the necessary threshold, so that our Supernova is necessary as to blow them out of their collective slumber within the blink of an eye. After that the true New Age can really commence.
This is exactly what I felt yesterday when I drifted away in the higher dimensions and experienced the bliss of their higher frequency energies physically in my body.
It does not matter now when this will exactly happen, it is enough to know that it has already started on July 25th/26th and that this source pulse will very soon reach its climax within the Lion’s gate as previously discussed.
Thank you for this prompt response and have a wonderful weekend.
With love and light