Energy Update – July 21, 2013

by Carla Thompson and Georgi Stankov

Dear Carla,

I hope you have access to Internet. I have just received the information that the catastrophic scenario from the lower 4D earths has now reached the three higher frequency 4D earths. Which means that this event may very soon manifest also on our upper 4D earth..Can you learn something more from the Elohim on this subject?

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I have just got a connection to the Internet.

I awoke suddenly this morning at 6 a.m. (MST) July 19th with instant and severe nausea as though something of a shock had hit my physical body.  Perhaps this is related to the impact of the catastrophes from the lower 4D levels now reaching the upper levels, although I have no other information at this time.

I will check in with the Elohim in a couple of hours as I first have some things I must attend to.

What information can you share with me about the lower 4D catastrophe now moving up to the upper 4D levels?

With love and light,

Dear Carla,

I have no more information to this event. A German lady wrote to me today (July 19th) and made this suggestion according to her visions and she seems to be a good psychic. She asked me to check this information with other sources for verification. I did it as I think that this is the next key question to solve.

I had yesterday (July 18) the classical cc-wave the whole day long with a headache and this is a sure sign that there was another ascension leap of the upper 4D earth with a concomitant downfall of the lower timelines. Also my back aches are back since several days as when we had the most tense cleansing last year, but not that much bad. Otherwise I feel good and it is very hot here in Bavaria. For more than 10 days now we have a blue sky and Mediterranean hot summer.

How is the weather in Canada?

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I have been unbelievably sick today (July 18th), in the second and third chakras.  It was so bad I could not drive and thought I would faint. Cole and I then stopped to eat something because I felt as though my blood sugar was extremely low, and sure enough, I felt much better within 30 minutes of eating.

As you know, this seems to happen when there is energetic bleed-through from other timelines, so this is another confirmation for me that something may have happened.  I will see if the Elohim have some information for us.

The weather in Calgary has been lovely, at 24 degrees, but there is a thunderstorm coming right now from the south-east, where my son’s friend is reporting snowfall in southern Saskatchewan. It’s been generally very hot across the whole of Canada with flooding in numerous locations.

I will connect with the Elohim when I feel better, in a couple of hours. I am not sure if I will get a good connection as it usually is not possible with others around.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I do not have a clear connection to the Elohim tonight for various reasons, but will have an hour in the morning to pursue this question further.

Here is what I have felt:

1. I experienced sudden and severe shock-like vibrations to my physical body early this morning that woke me up at 0600 MDT (July 18th). I have been getting MPR, but it doesn’t have the apocalyptic scenes that accompanied that experience on June 8th (and maybe it doesn’t have to?).

2. I have been shown that 3 levels have been affected by this, and I am interpreting this as the 3 upper 4D levels as this is what I am getting intuitively.

3. I had a rough day, similar to the experience following the June 8th MPR, not with heavy sweating/body heat, but through central core chakras 1, 2 and 3, with 2 and 3 being hit severely.

4.  Emotionally, I am feeling strong this evening, unlike this morning where for several hours I felt like I had been hit by a sonic wave. I am not sure why I am using this word, “sonic”, HS wants me to use it.

5.  It is early, 9 pm and we are going to retire now as we are both just fried.

6.  Words were coming through this afternoon from the Elohim like: Disconnection, Release, Whiplash effect, and also these two statements:

a) Enlargement of the circle  and

b) The circle of creation is complete.

I know that something MAJOR took place and I am sharing this small bit of information to you in case anything resembles a piece to the puzzle that you already may have.


Dear Carla,

I somehow missed your two subsequent emails and only read them today (July 20)- that is why I did not answer them in more detail. I think that this information is very important and I wonder why I am exempted from this process. Yesterday and today I felt rather good as if I am no longer part of the energetic effort on this earth, which I, of course, highly welcome. Only my back aches due to the waves and there is a pronounced anaesthesia of my peripheral skin nerves, but not as pronounced as last year at the height of the cleansing. But this disconnection makes it somewhat difficult for me to gauge the coming waves and energetic processes and make conclusions.

Anyway, thank you very much for this information.

With love and light

Dear Carla,

since several days I have acquired spontaneously a very complacent mood of natural well-being, which I have not relished for at least 15-17 years. Before that I had often this feeling and felt rather good for a long period of time. It is a very natural emotional state coming directly from my soul and I do not need to make any effort to achieve it, precisely this spontaneity is the most outstanding characteristics of this mood.

I have longed for this mood for years, but with all this cleansing work and the LBP, it was impossible. Probably my diet and the better physical condition also contribute to this, but I suspect that it is the other way round. My HS allowed me to lose weight because he knew that I will not be put under so much pressure and stress in the next few weeks as to begin with the diet. Without the support of my HS, I cannot begin with such a diet.

Even yesterday (July 18th) when I had a huge headache and a cc-wave, this mood persisted underneath, which is a very good sign. OK, I was very agitated and pissed off at the beginning of this week for no apparent reason, but this I attribute to the huge catastrophe on the lower 4d earths, which I felt emotionally very strongly.

All in all, this is the kind of mood I have always expected for the absolute last days before ascension, which indicates that ascension is really very near now. I am sharing this feel with you, so that you can check it with yourself, as I assume that we, the PAT, are now switched onto the same energetic field and make more or less the same inner experiences.

This is actually what I wanted to share with you as to gauge my inner watch.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I also have had this same feeling coming from deep inside where I am very calm, centred, at peace and strongly connected to all light beings around me.  While I have had many challenges with the requirements of the 3D, I have taken to heart the recommendations of the Elohim to minimize 3D responsibilities as much as possible, in order to stay connected to the upper dimensions.

So what I have done is to actually change my mindset and see everything as a perfect unfolding and having its own purpose in the face of my own evolution. I cherish all of my experiences and I stay positive in the face of issues that once left me reeling.

It is a new level of connectedness with All-That-Is. I agree that this feeling is a necessary achievement for anyone who expects to ascend in the coming days. I do feel that the time is very close.

I am very happy that you have been able to lose this extra weight. You must have sorted your diet out to eliminate some rich foods which aren’t really good for the body anyway. I am eating what the Elohim have told me to eat, natural organic fruit and local vegetables, minimal meats, a lot of pure clean water that I add energetics to my water that my HS recommends;  no sugar and no chocolate, only foods as close to the tree as possible.

With love and light

Dear Carla,

this is great news that you also feel this new state of inner contentment and emotional equilibrium.

This is the most reliable sign that we are short before ascension and that nothing can happen to us anymore.

As far as my diet is concerned, my tactics is not to change anything I have eaten before but to reduce the quantity to half by skipping at least one mealtime a day and eating less during the others. I also try not to eat in the evening and a little bit more in the morning.

That being said, I am contributing to my ascension actively at the physical level by throwing away weight.

My energies and vibrations are such every night that I wonder each morning that I am still in my bed.

With love and light

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