Stable Light Portals

Asana Mahatari
channelled by Jahn J Kassl am 17.06.2013
first published in English on June 22, 2013 in

Translated by Georgi Stankov


Georgi Stankov

On the night of June 16, I had a pivotal dream, which I have immediately reported as “Urgent Energy Update” to the PAT. It was about the merging of the powerful energy fields of the new (PAT) and old Ascended Masters that night as part of the ongoing ascension of the upper 4D Earth and its people to the 5th dimension. This important process was then impressively confirmed by April’s Higher Self on the same day.

On this same day I wrote the following letter to Jahn, in which I presented my energetic experience in this night and explained it from my point of view. I am publishing the full letter below, as it contains important information for the PAT.

“Dear Jahn,

I dreamed last night of you when all the Ascended Masters came and established an energetic connection between me and thee. Then they began to increase the vibration and the voltage with a slider. I was made awake by them, so that I could measure the intensity of the vibrations directly. The intensity of the vibrations in my body was in fact a solitary peak, even by my standards and I’m used to this kind of stuff. I was sweating and  was all wet, so that I had to change my nightgown. Then I continued dreaming of you and this process, as not to forget it because of its importance.

Based on all my previous experiences with members of the PAT in the dream state in the past, I must assure you that this was not a dream, but a real energetic phenomenon and it must “go with the devil” (German saying) if you have not noticed it or have no memory of it.

The intensity was incredible. It was an energetic initiation, in which you as a soul essence (monad) was connected to the web of light of the PAT and have ascended on this night beyond the 5th dimension, most probably you have been connected to the source. But this does not mean that you cannot project a light body on the 5. dimension or you cannot dwell on this level.

I have had such experiences frequently in the past. On November 22, 2011, 11 days after the opening of the stargate 11:11:11, I experienced in the night how powerful energies flowed out of my heart chakra and how I transmitted these energies to each member of the PAT. I wrote about this the next day and many PAT members confirmed this initiation. This event is well documented on our website. That night all the members of the PAT ascended to the 5th dimension and since then are fully involved in the mission “Ascension of Gaia and Humanity.”

A very similar process took place after the failed attempt to ascend on December  21 2012, where I almost died. Until then, I was the only one who had a connection /Nexus  between his energy field and the source. All energies had to flow through myself, before they could be transferred to the group and from there to humanity and Gaia. I was the proverbial “bottleneck” in this matter. I complained vigorously to the higher realms and demanded that I should be relieved and this complaint was then accepted.

I started to connect the PAT members to the source. Throughout January 2013, I was engaged under the greatest energetic pressure in the night (and throughout the day) to raise the frequencies of my people and to connect them to the source. They were  informed before that and had given their consent. Then on January 26th, we were ready  and a similar procedure as this night with you took place. Again, this process was very real and has been confirmed by many members of PAT, including our channelling sources, and also carefully documented.

This morning (June 16th) I woke up with these tremendous vibrations and my whole body is still shaking. Since both my lungs are affected, I assume that we have accomplished this night a huge shift to the higher dimensions, where not only you, but also many other people have ascended. You should also check with your sources, what exactly has been achieved during this night. But the announcement of several sources that an ascension would take place on this weekend may well be partially correct. Although this was not the final ascension, but still a huge step up to this end.

That’s it for the time being, now I need to cool down under the shower and bring my body to the earth.

Greetings Georg”

The next day Jahn received the following message below that fully confirms my energetic experience on the night of June 16th and its interpretation. It is noteworthy, since this is the first time that Asama Mahatari or an external excarnated source outside the PAT group confirms the role and mission of the PAT and explains them in detail. The crucial new information is that the PAT has already created the 8th and 9th upper 4D earths, which are intended to be ascension portals and will be dissolved at the end of this process:

“These light portals of the eighth and ninth hologram of the 4D earths are the light bridges for the people on the way to the 5D. They will be held open by the PAT team and now also through the manifest force that is already anchored on many levels through the work of the “light world-teams”. 

The content of my dream on the night of June the 16th, which I have communicated to Jahn, is now confirmed and further commented in this message:

“This also explains, and now we come to another very important point, the intertwining of Jahn’s monad with the PAT. Here two independent light qualities of enormous thrust for ascension are at work. It is about the creation of the conditions for a stable transition of all human beings (to higher dimensions). This is now ensured.

The PAT team and the light world-project build a common axis of the light for this transition and are currently operating at the levels of the 8th and 9th 4D-holograms of Creation until ascension, which is now under way, is completed. The light world team is represented by a handful of light warriors and only Jahn’s MONAD is directly linked to the PAT. “

I personally think that this is a remarkable coalescence and confirmation of our mission. the way we have so far seen it, performed it and interpreted it here on the earth.


Jahn’s Message

Loved ones,

the next phase for the ascension of the world has commenced, powerful energies have been established and light gates were opened to 5D. In the course of this message there will be more to this. Jahn had a dream:


I see the following pictures: 3D earth and 30 lions, 4D-earths and 10 tigers, 5D-earths and 1 turtle. My brother Karl, who is the head of the light world publishing house, moves into an apartment in the 9th district (of Vienna) in the flat, where we lived together for over 20 years. I see how he rips the TV connection from the wall of his former apartment and I see in his new apartment a kind of pulley, a “paternoster” lift (open lift), such as being used in universities or in court buildings, lifts that are open to the outside, so you can get on and off, while the lift is in motion, and how with the help of this lift the post is brought into the new apartment of Karl (END of dream images).

Let us now address these important images and Jahn begins with the interpretation: 30 lions means that on the “3D planet of the dogs,” where the dogs act as wake-up calls for  the people, everything is subordinated to the force and energy power of the lions. At this level, the male principle dominates and it is the “Sun God” that is the Lord of the world. Everything goes its usual track. That’s the One World Order. Here the great power of the lions, expressed by the ruler of this world, has become a reality, until this power is applied in a responsible way.

30 lions means: The “3”, as the Trinity of God, out of which this world emerges and the zero “0” as the circle, pointing out to God that strengthens the divine connection. This scene shows that the ancient rulers execute their power in an unlimited way on this earth, after it has been destroyed, and this has already happened to a large extent (after the MPR on May 28th), until the true meaning of the lion energy emerges, which is: responsibility, wisdom and dignity.

In summary, this means: 3D earth is in the hands of the lion energy, which, if it acts for the good of the people, will herald a new era.

10 tigers on 4D means that the people on the 4D-earths live their hologram, in which they have now arrived, very intensively and exclusively without any impediment. The holograms were created in such a way, that each person finds his ideal conditions for his evolution and involution, and these limits must be defended now. This happens with the determination, with which a tiger defends his territory. The tiger indicates that it is necessary to think first and then act – a lesson that is necessary, especially for the people on the lower 4D earths, and the tiger also indicates the necessity to overcome your own limits when the time is ripe for this  –  this mainly applies to the upper 4D earths. The “10” refers to the number of divine order and perfection – which means that the plan of God is  fulfilled at these levels. The “1”, as the indivisible One and zero “0” as the All-Unity itself.

Turtle on 5D means that all the people who will ascend in the coming days to 5D should be well grounded. The “1” indicates the ONE, who you are, the one, who will ascends. Everybody is addressed, who has chosen ascension to 5D and more lighter heights and now accomplishes this. The turtle makes in her wisdom all new Ascended Masters aware of the fact that everything is subordinate to the cosmic order and that everything happens at the right time. It reminds you of your spiritual roots, to which you are now returning.

The turtle suggests that all light warriors who ascend now, must remain true to themselves, to achieve ascension Now  – away from (linear) time, which is now only perceived as an illusion. And lastly, the turtle (her carapace) suggests that you enjoy absolute protection in this ascension process, that this protection is completely at your disposal and that there is nothing that can prevent it – The one turtle that is YOU.

Furthermore, I, who am ASANA MAHATARI, continue and determine to the visions of Karl’s move in the 9th district:

1) The move means that the energy of the light world project has taken an expanded position in Being. The 9 (9th district) points out to the 9th hologram. It is a newly created light portal for the transition of 4D-ascending souls into the light of the 5th dimension.

As already known, seven 4D earths were created – and this dream reveals that beyond this an eighth 4D hologram and a ninth 4D hologram were breathed into reality. These are used only as light portals for the now beginning ascension of a portion of mankind. They are in a certain way transitional portals in a double sense:

a) As a transition of the people to 5D and
b) As a transition, because they were created only for this event and will be dissolved afterwards.

These light portals of the eighth and ninth hologram of the 4D earths are the light bridges for the people on the way to the 5D. They will be held open by the PAT team and now also through the manifest force that is already anchored on many levels through the work of the “light world-teams“.

This also explains, and now we come to another very important point, the intertwining of Jahn’s monad with the PATHere two independent light qualities of enormous thrust for ascension are at work. It is about the creation of the conditions for a stable transition of all human beings (to higher dimensions). This is now ensured.

The PAT team and the light world-project build a common axis of the light for this transition and are currently operating at the levels of the 8th and 9th 4D-holograms of Creation until ascension, which is now under way, is completed. The light world team is represented by a handful of light warriors and only Jahn’s MONAD is directly linked to the PAT.

It is essential to understand that through the light world portal other people will see the light than those going through the PAT-portal and it is necessary to pick up the people where they now stay ready for ascension. This connection is a guarantee that the energy of ascension can be kept stable.

For Jahn himself, this means that he will continue to notice little of these processes  beyond the veil in his human daily life, except for some exhaustion symptoms or minor physical impediments (this was his condition to consent to this connection and to this process in this way!), and also his orders at this time provide for this approach.

The removal of the TV connection by Karl is self-explanatory, since all resonance fields  to the old levels of 4D are removed. The small former joint apartment of Karl and Jahn, where Karl moves in the dream, points out essentially to the light world portal.

The old-fashioned lift in Karl’s new apartment points out that the people will be brought one by one into the light. Each one individually, so to say, until the great wave of ascension can begin, after the way has been prepared by such individual wayshowers.

For all those who serve in this ascension process on the light bridges 8th and 9th, this means that they will ascend far above the 5Dand are truly free to choose whether to return to the primal source of all being, or whether they will participate in a new game from the diversity of God and creation.

The events of the last 48 hours show that, after the 3D earths have been separated long time ago (on May 24/25), now the 4D earths are being established and show that ascension has reached a new dimension. The events will accelerate again on this timeline of your everyday life and will become denser (this is what happens now).

Which means that you will observe some “dark play” from the (catastrophic) 4D holograms, however you will remain unaffected by them. This is only possible for you who operate from the “Bridge of the light portals”, otherwise is each world completely closed in itself and thus a distinct “planet”, so that all these experiences can be made and lived as quickly as possible. The mutual influences will decrease, and if you still perceive chemtrails in the sky today, then you must be certain in this  – you have gained glimpses into another world that no longer has any meaning for you.

With these explanations from Jahn and me, I assure you of my presence. For it is me who performs service on the “Bridge of Light”  since the beginning of this process, with my siblings, the Ascended Masters. I know what is the issue here, for verily: Who is between the worlds, he must be at one with himself and remain so under all circumstances in order to accomplish and finish with this service.

I am who I am

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