by April Bender and Georgi Stankov, May 20, 2013
Dear April,
can you please ask your HS to comment on this latest announcement that ascension has already commenced on May 18, 2013.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
I’m so sorry it took me this long to respond. I was out and very much enjoying (since Saturday), the new/altered state I found myself in. What amazing energy! I also felt the need arise to spend these last moments wisely, doing those things that are unique to a 3D experience before we say goodbye to them for good.
Below is the latest from HS. I tried to keep the message to just the facts with less descriptive detail in order to get this out to you sooner. As a result it doesn’t feel as warm as usual but the message itself does seem to very much confirm your and Jahn’s recent updates. Should you have follow-up questions, please let me know. As always I’ll be eager to hear your initial impressions.
I am now VERY excited to see how these following days unfold.
Much love and light,
HS Update 05-20-13
HS: As promised, the weekend’s energetic movements have brought ascension to your doors/portals. You personally felt this very acutely on Saturday, May 18 and it has only continued to deepen for you since. This also explains your sense of entering a new “altered state” as experienced since Saturday. You are indeed moving through the final pegs of the ascension process and the ethers of earth are now saturated with these wonderful energies, which will continue to act as the lubricant for the actual birthing/ ascension process.
This is also why you felt compelled this weekend to live life to its fullest, knowing that these were indeed your last days/chance to experience the world as you’ve known it, before moving on. A bittersweet farewell, as you so aptly described.
As announced by others, the ascension waves have begun and since Saturday, we’ve seen many a sporadic soul transition on. These souls include some of the elderly and infirm as well as souls who resided in soon to be “high impact” earth change areas versus them transitioning through the death experience. These waves are and will continue with a natural ebb and flow rhythm. And worry not, for very soon, it will be made known to you that members of the PAT, your ascension group, have indeed completed their final ascents/transitions. I tell you this so you are fully secure in the knowledge that your turn IS right around the corner, so to speak.
Please understand that in our last conversation I pointed you to the onset of the shift/MPR beginning with a highly visible multi-day event to start this final process of unfoldment, leading to the full ID split/MPR. I also mentioned that your physical ascension would take place fairly close to this onset event. As you’ve now surmised, the choice was made (as it was not yet entirely made at the time of that last message/ conversation) that ascension should begin first, followed by the onset event. This onset event is now scheduled to take place any time from the present NOW through the next 8 days, with the continuation of “first wave” ascension waves ebbing/flowing throughout this time.
You will therefore continue to experience a deepening of this new “altered state” you find yourself in until that point in which your physical transition must/will occur. It is at this time that the Creator will call your name. In fact some of you, the PAT, may already be beginning to hear that distant call now as your time of transitions are literally that close at hand. Be at Peace knowing that you are indeed arriving and all that is left is to bear witness to the unfoldment of the Divine Plan in its full Glory and Majesty. Allow yourself to fully relax and deepen into this, your physical ascension and return to Oneness.
Welcome Home!!!
Dear April,
I have just woken up from a midday nap that pulled me away in the higher dimensions, so that I could barely get up, of course with another cc-wave, but with only a modest headache. The energy flow is incredible and carries me still away. I then read your message, once, twice… till I realized that it contains a huge surprise – but a positive one this time for a change.
After your HS confirms that first ascension wave has commenced on May 18th as announced by in Jahn’s messages:
“As announced by others, the ascension waves have begun and since Saturday, we’ve seen many a sporadic soul transition on. These souls include some of the elderly and infirm as well as souls who resided in soon to be “high impact” earth change areas versus them transitioning through the death experience. These waves are and will continue with a natural ebb and flow rhythm….”
She tells us that obviously the ascension process has been accelerated at the expense of the multi-day catastrophic event that was announced in your previous message and which was intended to herald the big triad of transformation – ID split, MPR and detonation of the PAT:
“Please understand that in our last conversation I pointed you to the onset of the shift/ MPR beginning with a highly visible multi-day event to start this final process of unfoldment, leading to the full ID split/MPR. I also mentioned that your physical ascension would take place fairly close to this onset event. As you’ve now surmised, the choice was made (as it was not yet entirely made at the time of that last message/ conversation) that ascension should begin first, followed by the onset event. This onset event is now scheduled to take place any time from the present NOW through the next 8 days, with the continuation of “first wave” ascension waves ebbing/flowing throughout this time.”
Please bear with me if I have interpreted wrongly this message as my head is still very much dizzy from the ongoing ascension wave and I am unable to collect my marbles. From what I gather, your HS informs us this time that some members of the PAT will ascend first now and only then shall we trigger the PAT Supernova as has been discussed on numerous occasions in the past:
“And worry not, for very soon, it will be made known to you that members of the PAT, your ascension group, have indeed completed their final ascents/transitions. I tell you this, so you are fully secure in the knowledge that your turn IS right around the corner, so to speak.”
This is a huge and very surprising turn in the ascension scenario from past premises, but, as I said above, for the first time a positive one for the PAT.
Can you please elaborate one more time this aspect and make sure that I have understood it correctly, namely that some of us will ascend 24-48 hours earlier, before the whole group of the PAT and may appear to some members of the PAT, or even to the whole humanity, before the detonation of the PAT Supernova will take place? If this is the case, this is a sensation – a breaking news par excellence!
I thank you very much for this excellent and very uplifting information.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
Yes, all PAT members will ascend VERY close to each other but yet far enough apart to get word out (either via the web or via telepathy/visibility, not sure of the method) when the first of the PAT go. So yes, within 24-48-72 hours of each other. HS tells me this has something to do with the “various destinations of each soul” along with keeping a handful of us in the anchoring position on this side of the bridge for a day or two while the majority of the group completes. And this seems in-line with the ebb and flow ascension wave propagation as also described by Jahn. There appears to be a structured ordering to all of this. Very interesting and exciting indeed!!
Much love and light,