Energy Update of the PAT – May 14, 2013

Letters to the Editor

Dear George,

Just writing in to tell Sarah that was a beautiful article!! I loved it and it was like she was speaking about my life. I, too, have had so many things pulled out from under me. It really fucked with my self esteem in the past because I knew I was smarter and more gifted than many people and yet, they seemed to be enjoying successes that I was not. And then to realize that we were all being protected, and saved for our most important role EVER! It’s so cool!!!

Now I completely surrender to the fact that I have no career and no major social life and no children, etc. I have my partner whom loves me and sees me for who I AM, even if he doesn’t always understand, he can FEEL me and he is amazed, as I am amazed by him, knowing he has chosen to ascend. In the past few months, he has let go of so many things, sold things, let go of friends, ideas, habits, etc. He doesn’t voice it consciously, but I know what his choice is. He wants to ascend. He’s a very old soul and he’s very tired yet young in body. He’s one of the only people I can stand to be around. His energy is a great source of comfort and so pure.

But, not to get off track! I just wanted to express that now I am so happy with all this free time I have and the fact that I do not have to be a part of so much of what society participates in. My funds are scheduled only to come in until end of August, but I know that it will all be different by then. I will never return to work in any official manner. So today I am going to the beach with my love and we may even have some champagne to celebrate all that indeed, needs celebrating! And this Wednesday, I am going skydiving!!! Hahahah, maybe I will ascend right there in the air. I always wanted to do this, but never could bring myself to, but now it is his 30th birthday and it’s all he wants to do and if I can do it with him and knowing the eternal beings that we are, well – it’s going to be one crazy, fun ride!!

I would like to encourage all the PAT members to take the bull by the horns this month and do things you always wanted to do before we find ourselves in an entirely different world. Of course, it will be much better, but why not squeeze the last bit of juice out of this one?

Cheers and Love,

Dear Kari,

thank you for this elated account on how you intend to spend your last days on the old earth. I will forward your message to Sarah.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

Thank you for all the wonderful posts of late, it has been a veritable feast!

I have just read the post about Jahn’s beautiful dream of the Fifth Dimension and the message interpreting it by Asana Mahatari.

I would like to confirm the presence of an energy Being, at my right side since late Friday, May 10th.

On that day I sensed the role of this Being was to provide protection. I attributed it’s arrival to an up-coming trip planned for May 21st through the first week of June.

This energy is different from those I’ve had accompany me in the past. It is ever-present, unwavering, formidable. It remains at my side.

I also sense there will be a lot happening over the next four weeks and then a subsiding and stabilizing as we move into the week of June 21st, the summer solstice (and my birthday).

Sending love and light to All,


I noticed shifts but over the last few years, and more specifically recently whenever I run into certain relatives it feels like a M class flare going off and giving me angst and other symptoms.

Is it possible that relatives can cause that much dross in such a short time? I thought we were done with this shit.


Dear Eric,

you are always unduly optimistic as far as our cleansing activity is concerned. You have barely commenced with it.


Hi Georgi,

Just to state how the energies are taking care of us, in the last two weeks I have changed jobs.

In my new job, I am moving around constantly without stopping. The only time I get to sit down is for lunch. I don’t have time to think of anything but what I’m doing.  And yet, I know that I am there to help calm them when the time arrives.

I enjoy working 4 days with 3 days of rest. And I am so happy to be out of the boring world of office work and corporate America, where I’ve spent the last 27 years of my life.

The people I work with are the very type described in one of the articles posted on your site: They are just good people, serving others and have no knowledge of the impending changes. All of our products are produced ethically and sustainably and there is little waste. We have no commercially produced items.

The owner is socially conscious and urges her clients to speak up on issues like fracing.

So then, if the moment happens on a day when I am at work, I will be in motion serving others.

I am so happy now. If one must work, this is a great job to have.

Much love, joy and peace to you and the PAT.

Dear Charlotte,

I am happy to hear that you have a new job that satisfies you more than the previous ones. This is a great and very positive sign.


Hi there George,

Are you still enduring painful source energies or are you dissolved so much already that you are attuned to the higher energies already?

Today I feel a pronounced headache in the frontal lobe and on top. By looking at humanity it needs these energy bombardments until the split. I could call in sick, but like the other times I try to bite through without any drug or whatsoever. I could call myself a masochist.

I hope I positively mingled my energy field with the family and friends of my wife, we got married end of April. They were very hospitable. The perestroika destroyed so much of their former life that they now share in abundance whenever they can. Be it homegrown vegetables/potatoes or home-made fruit wine… We even “trained” for 3 evenings to perform an opening Waltz during the party…and pulled it off. She chose a French song, it is quite beautiful:

The latest channelings by Jahn show quite interesting unveilings for the bulk of humanity in 4D. It is indeed necessary for the people to witness some mitigated form of disaster (Fukushima?) before they finally take action about it. Increasing the life span to 200 years is incredible. Lets see how it will unfold, can’t wait already!


Dear Dennis,

first of all, let me congratulate you to your marriage. This is a great and important decision to make in these turbulent times, but surely the right one for you. Will your wife now move to Holland?

I can confirm that the energies were very negative and I had to make a lot of cleansing again since May 9, although I thought I have finished with this job now. But as GaiaPortal says these “mists of emergence” had to be cleansed and this afforded a lot of effort on our part. Everyone was thrown in this last battle. Today another cc-wave is coming, but not with a headache for me yet.

The whole earth’s atmosphere is overheated now in preparation for the occurring of the triad of events – PAT Supernova, ID split and MPR.


Dear Georgi,

Thank you very much for your wishes.

Indeed it was a major decision, especially because for all my life before I did not like to marry, and I do not accept the Orion religious or Civil marriage rules. But in the end it was all fine and dandy, and now in hindsight I am a happy man with that respect. My wife and I seem to be intertwined to solve life’s issues together, and be a combined guide for others to follow us.

The Sunday, 21st April, a week before we married, I was nervous. But it was way to deep and wide to relate that to marriage. It had something to do with choices about the pole shift I reckon.

With the bureaucracy I had to be present 4 days before to answer questions and to fill in forms, and in the mean time, while she was at work, I read Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts, and keep the house rat busy. Quite interesting what Seth mentions. One could deliberately and creatively create other time lines by concocting up different decisions with thoughts and later “read” them to know what timelines not to choose. Well it isn’t quite that easy, but the possibilities are there indeed. But of course you know this already.

We will start asking for her first temporary visa to Holland, and at that time she has that visa, it will be soon September or October, if it is going that fast. Of course we will see what the ID split will do to the countries and the politicians. Our honeymoon is since beginning this year planned for south Switzerland (Fiesch), Lago d’Orta Italy and Levanto Italy. Again we will see what happens with the ID split: our vacation is the first 2 weeks of June.


Excellent. Then I wish you all the best for your honeymoon early June. No matter what may happen during this time, you will be safe in Switzerland.


Hi George,

I don’t know anything! And I don’t care where I’m going. Planet anywhere is good for me.
If I’m going to planet B, fine!

All the best to you!

Dear Steen,

you are a happy fellow.



Your articles lately have been incredible. Thank you for continuing to maintain your site. It is one of the few things that makes sense and keeps me going. Don’t feel like I have much left, but I have complete faith.

Thanks again.
Brad Barber

Dear George,

The world seems to be an entirely different place. It is more tranquil, there is no sensation of time though my usual activities continue unabated; potential conflicts disappear as soon as they appear. This is a lovely experience, which I have no sense that it will end and the only fear I have felt is the fear of hurting others. I know I am not delusional, as my faculties have never felt stronger and my sense of purpose clearer.

Can you tell whether I have ascended to 4D earth or am I simply sustaining a much higher level of consciousness?

With love and light,

Dear Bob,

of course you have ascended to the 4th dimension with those who will further ascend to the 5th dimension. But I expect some nasty events from the dark cabal very soon nonetheless, or precisely because so many people leave their 3d-reality now.


Dear George,

This is telling also:

Of course, we the PAT know that this was coming but again, evidenced-based honest communication/ assessment/ discussion/ sharing is the only way to go at this time.

A whole tree fell in the yard today. Thankfully no dog deaths.

I have fully released expectations of when this will unfold as again, it is unfolding right now and the situation does remain fluid. Stress everywhere means breaking point eventually as we all know.

Thank you for your continued strength. I almost think I won’t make it through so many times. Still here though.

Love Liz


Not that it matters but is it possible that our physical bodies will be able to survive these continuing huge waves, while the rest of the world continues basically as before for two more weeks. My intuition still tells me something must break soon, but no sign so far. Guess we will continue until we don’t.


Dear Jerry,

this is also the question I am asking myself. But my past experience has taught me that no matter how unbearable the waves and the energy intensity are, life is always continuing somehow. And precisely this fact worries me most.


Dear Georgi,

I greatly enjoyed reading all articles of the past days, especially the enlightening channelled material, with introduction and comments from your part, describing and explaining the necessity of the 3-earth-scenario one more time. I trust that the logical assessment, and the deep insight to the bigger picture presented to the readers will sweep away all doubts, regarding the necessity of natural catastrophes to hit planet B, and serve as an eye opener to everyone hoping naively for a miracle to sweep away all negativity from the earth at a stroke.

Looking back on the energetic experience of the past days, I’m amazed again what a versatile display of experiences are offered to the incarnated soul in the End Times. I’ve been sensing the transmission of HD energies non-stop, and assume that Friday, May 10, must have been an important threshold, I felt a great deal of dross building up, and processing it took me huge effort and “soul presence”. The absence of severe physical symptoms may really indicate that more and more lightworkers have joined in, and with greater numbers, the burden is less pronounced for the individual.

My mother has been going through a time of extreme existential fear, as she had to realize how little her work and commitment is appreciated by the present Orion health care and political system. This has been an ongoing lesson for her, which has reached a peak in the past 2-3 weeks, during which the rug has been pulled from under her feet. Now she is spending her holiday, ironically in Brussels, visiting my sister. I’ve been trying to support her energetically, since she’s been trapped in such fear, that no logical argument could penetrate her mind. I hope that the worst is behind her, her voice seemed much calmer during our phone call on Friday.

Thank you for your attention, Georgi, and I wish you a pleasant Sunday!


Dear Zoltan,

thank you for your energy update as of late. I can confirm that since May 10 there is a huge and very massive cleansing of collective survival fears and I was even caught somewhat by surprise, as I thought I have finished with this kind of dirty job by now. But obviously heaven needed my service one more time and this indicates that this one last huge bout must have eradicated most of the rest dross on the earth A/B as GaiaPortal actually announced in its last message of May 9. This also heralds some tangible events next week.


Carissimo Dott. Stankov,

è passato veramente  tanto tempo dall’ultima volta che ci siamo scritti. Questo però non significa che non l’abbia seguita. Ho continuato a farlo sempre, discretamente, senza disturbarla, dato  il momento così delicato e decisivo per tutti.

Un momento tanto desiderato e così lungamente preparato (mi riferisco all’ascensione) da procurare una  incontenibile ansia in tutti noi, oltre ad  un acuto desiderio di concentrazione e di ascolto interiore. Almeno è questo l’effetto  che ha su di me l’attesa dell’Ascensione. So che per lei è diverso. Lei ha una visione più ampia delle cose che l’aiuta a governare in modo molto speciale le sue emozioni e i suoi sentimenti.

È anche  per questa ragione che è riconosciuto come guida da tutti quelli che l’hanno incontrata, oltre che per la forza del suo pensiero e per  la capacità del suo robusto ragionamento . Sappia che io continuo ad avere grande fede nella prospettiva sia fisica sia spirituale di cui abbiamo tanto parlato in tutto questo tempo trascorso insieme.

Mi fa tanto piacere sentirle dire che sta bene, che si sente in forma. Mi sento bene anch’io. Questa prolungata attesa dell’ascensione in qualche modo mi ha maturata. Mi ha plasmata, forgiata. Mi fa quasi piacere che non sia ancora arrivato il giorno dell’abbandono della materia perché quando sarà avrò occhi più tranquilli e potrò riflettere con calma su ogni istante di quel viaggio che ci dovrà condurre in una nuova terra.

Se ha bisogno di qualcosa mi faccia sapere senza alcun problema. Non potrà che farmi piacere di poter fare qualcosa per lei.

Un grande abbraccio

Dear Dr. Stankov,

really a long time has gone since I’ve written. This does not mean that I have not followed. I continued to do so ever, discreetly, without disturbing, given the time is so delicate and decisive for all.

A moment so desired and so long prepared (I am referring to the ascension) to procure an irrepressible anxiety in all of us, as well as a keen desire of concentration and inner listening. At least this is the effect it has on myself waiting for Ascension. I know that you are different. You have a broader vision of the things that helps you to govern in a very special way your emotions and feelings.

It is for this reason that you are recognized as a guide to all those who have met you, as well as the strength of your thought and the ability of your robust reasoning. You should  know that I still have great faith in both, the physical and spiritual perspective that we have talked so much about all this time spent together.

I’m delighted to hear you say that you feel fit. I feel good about myself. This prolonged waiting for ascension somehow has made me wiser. It has molded and forged me. It almost makes me glad that it has not yet arrived – the day of the abandonment of matter – because then my eyes will be more relaxed and I can calmly think about every moment of that journey that will lead us in a new land.

If you need anything let me know without any problem. It can not make me happy to be able to do something for you.

A big hug

Dear Dolores,

I am happy to hear from you again and that you feel good. The anxiety you are feeling is coming from the masses, which know at a higher level subconsciously what will come very soon. We are simply the cleanser of these fears and now that the veil of forgetfulness has been removed, we are directly confronted with such collective emotions. I feel this collective anxiety also very strongly in my field and sometimes have to use strong inner arguments to calm down this feeling, which can overwhelm you at some point. I am also doing this cleansing very intensively during the dreamtime for the masses.

Of course there is also a kind of sadness to leave this reality, to which we have been accustomed for so long time, but this is quite natural. The problem is that we do not know exactly what we shall expect from life after ascension, even if we have some pretty good ideas. It is a jump in the abyss with closed eyes and even if we open them, they will not serve us anymore as we will then need new eyes for the new multi-dimensional reality. This transition is not easy and one must accept it as it comes.

Let us hope that this time there will be no further delay, but all events point now to the final countdown this and next month.

With love and light

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