Energy Update of the PAT – April 3, 2013

Letters to the Editor

Dear Georgi,

I wish to begin with expressing my gratitude to you for responding quickly and efficiently to the mental/emotional crisis situation which as confirmed by the HR was created by the surprisingly stubborn resistance of the cabal and it’s effect on the human collective. I have zero doubt that your telepathic message of encouragement and soothing prevented the PAT to get stuck in this quagmire of human dross, obviously a situation that caught us off-guard. I also wish to thank April, Dorie, and Carla for extracting information from the HR, which is vitally important to all of us in the midst of confusion in order not to spin out of control. The word that we use in Hungarian is “lélekjelenlét” (soul presence) which refers to the ability to act instantly and properly in a situation of crisis, preventing further escalation.

I only began to feel the energetic weight around 18:00 CET yesterday, with sensations of confusion, pessimism and restlessness. Fortunately I was not weakened physically, so I took a long walk in the rain, which helped to channel these sticky, low-vibrational energies to an extent. I experienced a second onslaught beginning around midnight, depriving me of sleep for quite a while. I had a rather restless nightsleep, proving we were still engaged in our heavy-duty transmutation.The only dreamtime memory I recollect is of an elderly woman dressed in black, her hands rigourously clutching a crucifix, crying in deep agony. I believe the image speaks more than a thousand words.

I feel a great deal stronger today, the fog is gradually clearing as I write these words, with a sense of returning to the NOW, and my level of optimism shooting towards the stars.

Fraternally yours,

Dear Zoltán,

thank you very much for your validation and appreciation of the precarious situation yesterday with the sudden and unexpected jerk /last mortal spasm of the dark cabal to prevent their inevitable dire faith.

What also came clear to my mind in this situation was that we cannot expect anything positive from the ruling cabal or that alleged portion of them who are supposedly star seeds or evolved souls as is suggested for Obama by numerous dark channeling sources of disinformation. The only favour this dark entities could do to humanity at this final stage is to disappear in their mouse holes as soon as we appear as ascended masters in case they have not done it yet.

In fact they are already shitting in their pants in total panic and know very well what their destiny would be. In case they have not disappeared yet, as is the case with the British Reptilian queen and are currently substituted by clones, they now try to present themselves from their best side, but their clumsy appearance and display of false benevolence cannot hide their insidious nature, which can no longer be hidden in the presence of the current powerful source energies, which the PAT has introduced on the earth.

To this topic I would like to recommend you to read two very cleverly written essays, channeled by Pleiadian sources who evaluate the situation on the ground very precisely and report about their findings regularly:


Both messages also elucidate very well our mission and what we have consciously experienced in the last three months and a half after we opened the stargates 12.12.12 and 21.12.12. I personally enjoyed this lecture hugely as it is highly insightful and rather intellectual without the usual esoteric fluff.

With love and light

Dear George,

Today there was a crazy amount of dream activity. Like I dreamt this night, for an entire month worth of dreams. Obviously we were very busy. The amount of dreams was so overwhelming that I have so much in my mind, that I can’t make much sense of it.

The void is definitely going away. I just had to get out of the house for a while, so went to stay with some friends for a few days, and am having a good time without extreme void.

I also am seeing the fog lift, and now have a very clear contact to HS and the HR again. There is however not much new information right now, but this can change in a few hours. I get that we move forward very quickly, but I don’t know the details.


Dear George,

Excellent news from you, April, Dorie and Carla. I can confirm feeling extremely dizzy and clumsy since last Thursday. I walked into my bedroom wall the other night instead of the bathroom door, which is at right angles to it.

Monday and Tuesday dreamtimes have felt like I was engaged in a battle and I have woken exhausted. However this afternoon (Tuesday) I suddenly felt cheerfull – an absent feeling lately. A headache has just started this evening.

On Sunday morning there was excessive chemtrailing over East Yorkshire. Do they never give up!

I woke last night at 3.21 (the countdown!) with a Bon Jovi song going through my mind – “Who Said You Can’t Go Home”. The messages are slapping us round our heads in case we miss them. Not that we are likely to. Ear noise is pretty deafening. Bodily vibrations increasing daily. It is time to go, no doubt in my mind and soul.

Love and light.
Lynn Walker

Dear Lynn,

thank you very much for your confirmation that we are fully in the ascension process and that it is getting more tense each moment prior to the detonation of the PAT supernova.

Please read the latest article by April and myself, where we reaffirm one more time your experiences in the last 24 hours.

I also hear for two nights incessantly the song of Magdalene from the musical “Jesus Christ Superstar”:

Everything’s Alright.
Mary Magdalene:

Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to
Problems that upset you oh don’t you know
Everything’s alright, yes everything’s fine

And I think I shall sleep well tonight
Let the world turn without me tonight.

Mary Magdalene:
Close your eyes close your eyes
And forget all about us tonight.

With love and light

Hi Georgi,

It must be quite spectacular to see these last battles. Indeed they fight until the end, when they literally can not fight no more. They seem to be so afraid that the majority of humanity will find out about their schemes. If some could come forward and confess, and try to build a new eden, I would welcome that. Their karma’s would be instantly balanced.

For the whole weekend up to and including some half hour ago, I felt quite some pressure and pain. sometimes I think I was sniffing a cactus…

So I think we can expect some more dross cleaning and possibly in increasing tempo?


Dear Dennis,

it is obvious that humanity should not expect anything anymore from the dark elite on power except to disappear in their mouse holes as quickly and as uneventfully as possible.

All other expectations that are now cherished by the stupid Beckow and New Age Co about the good cabal are most dangerous and only hamper the process of awakening of the masses.


Dear George,

I did not get much sleep last night, but I will get what I can done today.

BTW, I read your posting about “the dark cabal” disappearing at higher densities.
Do you expect us presently stuck in 3rd density to enjoy this same experience soon?


Dear Bob,

I have never said this. What I expect and have extensively written is that with the detonation of the PAT supernova and the ID split that portion/majority of humanity that will ascend to the balanced 4d-earth A/B will experience a new lightness and clarity of consciousness that will allow the rapid introduction of new 4d-technologies, which will make life on this Gaia version seem a Golden Age compared to now.

Then there will be that portion of humanity (probably 1/3) who will ascend at the latest in September to the new 5d-earth, which will be a real paradise and where direct creation by thoughts and imagination will soon be the norm.

Our plans about translation of my books refer to the balanced earth A/B, to which this present earth will quickly evolve after our ascension and then will continue to evolve slower after mass ascension in September.

None of our current efforts will have any great practical application on the new 5d-earth, but only the pure ideas, which constitute this theory.

I hope that I have answered your question with respect to the immediate consequences that we should expect in the coming days and weeks.


Dear Georgi,

I’d like to add my own experiences over the last weeks and thus confirm what you ( along with April, Dorie and Carla ) have written in your today’s updates. As you know I was suffering from skin problems constantly from last October. Even though these were improving after half of February the progress was only small and emotionally nearly unnoticeable.

But this has changed dramatically starting this Saturday when my skin started to heal itself with every hour. With surprise I’ve also noticed that the ever-present physical pain that was accompanying me from last October ever minute of the day is gone. From this weekend I’m in constant wonderment how good it feels to be healthy, and with every move that I’m doing I’m still in an alert to stop the current move in a case that a physical pain occurs … but nothing is occuring ( smile ).

Last Tuesday when I was in work I got nearly nausea when I realized that I should be present in the office until the end of week. I immediately took holiday, so from Wednesday until yesterday I was at home. I believe that this spontaneous decision greatly helped me with the above.

Also my bio-rhythm has changed noticeably. Until last week I was allowed to sleep only one-two hours daily. From last Wednesday my “sleeping habit” has changed from “no-sleep” to “more-than-10-hours-sleep” and from “sleep-in-the-night” to “sleep-in-the-day”. I simply can’t fall asleep before 5-6 AM but after that I sleep well over 10 hours without an interruption ( however, also without any dream, which I miss quite a lot, smile ).

Today morning, when driving to work, I immediately noticed that my car is driving the road almost weightlessly (even with the full tank). I was feeling as if I’m floating with my car above the road. Also my emotions were so high, and stayed such even until now, that I don’t remember when I was feeling this way from last October.

And finally, what I find absolutely fantastic is that we’re no longer bound to a night, but we can ascend / dematerialize at any second, all beloved PAT at the same second.

Starting this weekend I feel that the detonation is not NEAR, but HERE – only a few hours are separating us from the explosion.


Dear Marek,

these are excellent news and I am very happy to hear that you are now healthy and in best physical and psychological conditions. What better proof that we are on the cusp of ascension.

With love and light

Hi George,

I’m sorry to hear how you are feeling. After reading April 1st update, I understand you wonder how others are doing. Although I’m becoming more practised staying with this current of joy, I am plain and simply weary. Sunday I did little and still needed to rest the entire evening until bedtime. Today, the weariness started this morning and as I write this, it’s still going on.

It’s depressing and disabling. I am becoming disinterested in life except for nature. The outdoors have become enchanting with rolling hills as far as I can see that are so green, the sky is crisp and clear, the winds smell incredible with wildflowers and grass from the hills. After the rain this weekend, I saw a twin bow with deep colors, so beautiful.  I saw this rainbow immediately after I successfully diffused a situation between family members. It was a sign from the HR that PAT is successfully letting go.

Let me know how you and your family are progressing.

In Light & Love,

Dear Marilyn,

you are lucky with nature. We still have a hard winter below zero C temperatures and a cold eastern wind. Everything is frozen. I do not remember such a cold spring in my life. But this is true for the rest of Europe and even the USA.

Today I /we have reached the plateau /final stabilisation phase before ascension according to the HS. it started last night for me and throughout the night the vibrations were immense by comfortable. Today I feel for the first time a joyful anticipation and my mood is optimistic. This is a significant positive change after the depression during the last days (this was written shortly before the dark surge hit us on April 2).

As I have said, from now on we can ascend any moment. This will be the apotheosis of our lives and that of humankind and such an event does not come with a fixed itinerary like a bus or a train. And even they come with a delay most of the time.

With love and light


The news of your joy gives such happiness. I have not read your site this morning. I can report this morning that although I went to bed depressed, my last morning dream became a real event. I watched cells of green light downloading into me. The joy it contained was so strong I felt physically weak with this joy and did not want it to end.

It is remaining throughout the morning. I am dizzy but full of joy. All I care to do now is cultivate this beautiful state. Yes, our final phase with ascension at any moment and cultivate this incredible state. What else is there but this.

In Love & Light,

Dear Marilyn

I just read that  green light is healing light and that it has started pouring over humanity after March 31, mainly to heal the Reptilian DNA codes of the masses. It is not about us but we transmit this green light. It has to do with our ascension.


More good news. So I caught our PAT transmission of this healing light in action?  I love it.  Last night I had a one hour meditation with others and felt no joy. As I was leaving, a man approached me. He said he believed humanity was still on track for ascension. I replied that the fear programming was being deleted from as greater group preparing to go. So I am happy to have witnessed this healing in action this morning as I awoke.


I only found your site a month ago. Very interesting posts & conversations. Thank you for posting the messages. I do not understand all that you say, but it resonates with me at some level. I feel that I need to read it (like the way I need to read the Gaia Portal

Thank you,

Dear Julia,

you are welcome. The reason why you may have difficulties to understand everything we are writing is that we are doing this for two years now and we have collected also a vast archive of more than 1000 publications on human gnosis upon which our discussions and experiences are based and further evolve.

Besides, the group called PAT is the first and only group with developed unity consciousness on the earth and most of our communication occurs telepathically, so that it is becoming increasingly difficult for other members to follow our conversation. This is unfortunate, but inevitable.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I pray we will see our final transformation in hours (or days!), if nothing else to relief you of your inhuman tortures. I myself have not experienced any great health issues in the last few days, but was profoundly depressed and feeling mentally wretched over the weekend, while everyone around me has been ill with various nasty long standing viruses. I feel quite well and positive today hence my concern if anything is happening or delayed again. Hope to see you on the other side soon.

Love & Blessings Ishvar

Dear Ishvar,

the last several days were full of depression for most of us and today (April 2) there was another powerful surge which may be the final detonation of the PAT supernova. I am waiting now for more information before I publish my energy update of today.


Hallo George,

I will keep it short as I am using other people’s computer’s etc. I am currently in Namibia visiting my family there. This past weekend I just experienced much fatigue and headaches as part of the final cleansing wave. Last night (April 2) I was involved in astral battles. The people here are very much stuck to the old matrix program except for the young ones. I was wondering if we are experiencing Deja vu again, I hope not. Will keep an eye on the website.

in love and light,

Dear Joe,

as long as we have not ascended and destroyed this matrix, we will experience ongoing deja vus.

If you mean deja vu with respect to our past ascension delays, I hope not and what I experience until now tells me that it is different this time.

As I have said, from now on we can ascend any moment. This will be the apotheosis of our lives and that of humankind and such an event does not come with a fixed itinerary like a bus or a train. And even they come with a delay most of the time.

With love and light

Hallo George,

OK, I now read all the past days messages. So it looks like we are on the brink. I was referring to a deja vu of the Ascension delay, however it was explained by the HR’s and all seems on track. We must always keep in mind the problems with linear time prediction by the HR, who seem to be having a hard time with that.

I want to share one of my astral experiences from last night: I was in a different place/ dimension, it was very beautiful there, however there was also a presence of negative “infiltrations” symbolized by a stream of dark flying insects, of which I caught some in bag and squashed them, however these were only a small portion of the total that arrived on earth/particular planet. Then a rather ugly fat white being arrived next to me, showed me its powers by lifting a peanut butter glass up with its mind and then thrashing it on the ground, kind of threatening/ impressing me. I shone my strong white light and field of love (love as being the predominant energy of the higher realms) and engulfed that somewhat “negative” being, took its hand, and spoke the following words: “the love energy is the most powerful there is.” This “dream” was so lucid that I woke up in that instant, and spoke the rest of that message aloud as I was awakening “and I will teach you about love, if you are prepared to listen.”

I can only figure that this has to do with our work post Ascension on one of the alternate earth’s.

Keeping my ears on the ground and my eyes in the sky,

Dear Joe,

this is a beautiful and powerful dream indeed.


Dear Georgi,

Just to inform you that for 3 days in a row right now, I suffer from these unbearable headaches, which are incoming from the left brain portal, and descending from my head to my face, my chest, arms and lower back. I can strongly feel the intense energies.  They are pushed upon me, and squeezing me out like a lemon.

Also the ringing tone in the ears changed from frequency once again yesterday and is very high now.

During night, I can’t sleep from the energies surrounding me, but when asking HS how it will further evolve / unfold, I get no reaction.  I just feel that from the other side all as according plan and that the process is ongoing.

Today I’m at work but feel very fragile, still bearing the awful headaches and think I may faint any minute now. Concentrating on 3D stuff is indeed impossible now and I gained an adversity with all my surroundings and with everything and everybody that makes any kind of noise or disturbance.

What my daily life concerns, It feels that I’m done with everything, no plans for the future anymore, minimum social contacts, nothing to be dealt with anymore…. (which feels very strange). If I would not know for the better, I would start to panic !

Analyzing everything on a global scale, we HAVE to ascend… There is no other option for humanity and Gaia. I has to happen, the sooner the better !!

Warm feelings,
Sandra from Belgium

Dear Sandra,

thank you for your energy update and your confirmation that we can only ascend from now on. Here is my urgent energy update:

Ar 11.00 a.m. GMT I was virtually blasted away by an extremely negative, purging wave all of a sudden. What I got was that the whole worldwide conspiracy network of the 13 ruling Reptilian blood families, their major stooges, the Zionists and all other dark forces that are responsible for most crimes in the last 100 years were literally blown away by a most powerful explosion.

We have been told by the HS that these negative, dark, low frequency patterns we cleanse all the time are the fuel for the detonation of the PAT supernova. As I assume that we must have finished now with the purging of dark remnants, after we have entered the final consolidation phase prior to our ascension, this sudden explosion of negativity could only mean, to my interpretation, that the PAT supernova must have been ignited around this time.

There was another serendipity. Before that I thought very intensively when will this happen and looked automatically at the clock on my  table. Normally I never care about time. When I was compelled to look at the clock, it showed exactly 11.11 local time (CET) and 10.11 GMT. My HS told me that this time is very important, but I did not know why and referred it initially to this same portal and energies. Shortly thereafter came this thrust / tsunami wave of negativity over me. Now after I have realized what has happened at the conscious level, it is beginning to reside, but this was the most extreme, nasty and abominable wave of emotional negativity that swept over me and put my skin in flames for a while.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

Speaking of serendipities, last night, whilst lying awake, I could see with my 3rd eye all kind of sorts of reptilian scum, but they came through very weak, and now this has been clarified by your email. It was obvious that they were losing their power.

I just laughed at them and told them that they were pitiful creatures, ready to face the loving light, where after they seemed to fade away without much protest.

I hope they really will leave this beautiful planet after or during our detonation. With our power and our never-ending love for all-that-is, they will hurry up to flee away from this universe as I see no other alternative for them.

I hope we will shortly will be set free from our cleansing activities, so we can strengthen a bit before we really rock the boat.


Thanks for the energy update of 4.1.2013. It is now 3pm CA time and I have been at library since 10 waiting all day for news. This day, experience too is hell for me, sure hope it is the end and heaven is the otherside.

Tim Murrin

Dear Tim,

We all hope that this is the end. We have now fully reached the final plateau /stabilisation phase prior to explosion of the PAT supernova according to the messages of the HS.


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