by Dorie Bowlin, April Bender and Georgi Stankov
Dear Dorie,
what do you make of these energies? They are almost unbearable. On the one hand they heave me upwards, but on the other, they are so heavy to bear as if I am suffocating. I have inner cold shivering all the time, although I do not feel cold and my skin is burning under these invasive, highly penetrating energies like a torch and feels dry like parchment. My physical power is sucked out of my body as if somebody is extracting my heart and soul /Atma from my body with bare hands. I can’t really describe it how awful it feels and I am used to all kinds of intensive energies.
I feel so vulnerable as a physical being now, as if all protection layers have been removed from my body. I understand that this is the process of transformation now, but “my dear Charlie”, as my father-in-law used to say, can’t they make it a little bit easier for us at the end?
Are we now in the final phase or will there be another prolongation as some PAT members fear? And can we survive it, if it goes like this for another week? – I do not know. I feel the upward movement and know that it is unstoppable, but I have no idea how long this present extremely unpleasant state in the absolute void, as Daniel wrote, will last. I am not sure if we are given all the facts and details or are again deliberately mired as our minds cannot cope with this new expanding reality? It is worst than dying, as we now take full responsibility for this dying process.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
I woke up this morning feeling extremely dizzy again, also with a bad headache that has now subsided. I have been recalling each ascension test run that we have gone through, the physical pain and emotions beforehand, during, and afterwards, but I do not recall the intensity during any one of them that I am experiencing now, or the extreme UP energies one minute and the extreme DOWN energies the next. I do, however, remember feeling as if something wasn’t quite right, as if something was off, and I just DON’T get that feeling now. I can feel the fear building amongst the members of the PAT because we have been so disappointed time and time again, but no matter what reasoning I look at in my mind’s eye which would cause another delay, such as more cleansing work or preparation time for the masses, I am not seeing or feeling anything like that this time around. Could HS be blocking me from this? Possibly. But with my past experiences there was always that inkling that she was.
To be quite honest with you Georgi, I don’t see ANYTHING. I have given hundreds of psychic readings over the years, was VERY good at predicting the future, and for the last week or so I haven’t been able to see anything in the future, which is a little scary for a psychic! Of course I know what is in MY future, what the future holds for humanity, and I can still hear HS and she also gives me visions of the ascension process. But lately for me in regards to anything else, it has been like looking into a crystal ball and not seeing anything but a mist. If I had to do a future reading for someone now I couldn’t do it to save my life! This past week or so, it was like looking at a calendar and not seeing anything beyond the month of March!
I still can’t see anything beyond the next few days Georgi. I SINCERELY feel that this is the final process we are experiencing. I don’t know how to explain it any other way. Yes, there are a lot of “perhaps”. Perhaps my human mind can no longer deal with another delay, perhaps HS is hiding something again, perhaps we have been once again led into believing that everything was in order and the ascension candidates were ready. But I just don’t FEEL any of that, which really STRONGLY suggests to me that I have disconnected from this reality and I’m in the process of dematerializing from it. If I didn’t feel SUCH intensity during this whole process, I might question that, but what I am experiencing is letting me know, as you said, that I AM moving upwards and it is UNSTOPPABLE.
It really is like child birth. Having that experience as a woman you wonder IF you are going to die from all of the pain, and then you start analyzing how you got yourself into that whole mess in the first place! I was in labor with my first son for 25 hours and certainly thought I was going to die! I remember the nurses and even my husband telling me to focus on the beautiful baby that was on his way, that he was going to be born on my birthday and what a wonderful birthday present I would have!! I ALSO remember telling him to shut the hell up, that when he was able to squeeze a baby out of his body he could then tell me how wonderful it was!! That was MY rant in the moment! But it WAS wonderful afterwards as I held my son in my arms, and the pain was instantly forgotten, and so even though the labor pains are longer than we thought they would be, the process IS underway.
Anyway, that’s just my thoughts on all of this Georgi. I think I’m in the void now with Daniel, just going through the labor pains and waiting for the moment when we ALL see what we have birthed into our new realities!
With much love and light
Dear Dorie,
thank you very much for your very eloquent plea on behalf of the “causa bella” that there is no reason to have any doubts this time that ascension will not come, as there are no signs or hindrances in sight this time. Nothing similar to detect indeed. This is exactly how I also feel and see it, but it is nonetheless a great consolation to hear it one more time from you.
I will attach below my correspondence with April, where we have just analysed the dynamics of the current waves, which may indicate that this night or tomorrow something may happen. I hope that these emails will give you some additional information to what you perceive yourself.
With love and light
Dear April,
just a short note: 24 hours after the energy surge from yesterday afternoon (17.00 pm GMT) I am now experiencing another powerful surge of purest source energy as a cc-wave with massive energy descent, but without a headache, only pressure on the left brain portal. The vibrations are such that they are able to dissolve all my body molecules and I wonder how my HS still keeps them assembled in this bio-form. I sense short blissful flashes /reminiscences from home (HR) accompanied by painful rebounds in the tense 3d reality.
Dear Georgi,
I can also confirm the addition and/or culmination of more source energy flowing in right now – yes, decidedly more heightened then yesterday. It is as you say, no headache but definitely some pressure. In fact, my teeth and jaw just started aching a little while ago, so I’m glad you wrote me with this quick update.
I feel so incredibly light, expansive and sort of sheer in a way that’s hard to explain. Meaning, I don’t even feel like I’m solid anymore, at all. So I completely resonate with your experience/sense of your body molecules dissolving. That’s probably the best way to describe this sensation right now. And trying to accomplish anything in 3D is like listening to fingernails rake across a chalkboard. We are losing completely the ability to resonate with 3D let alone function in it. Pretty quickly here I don’t think we’ll even be able to realign back with 3D, it just won’t be possible – the frequency gap is simply growing too wide to be stretched/covered by us and I sense this very strongly right now.
I think in fact, we just might be entering into the stabilization/ascension period later yet today/this evening, as the oscillation between dimensions is beginning to slow a bit today (different than our rotational velocities of course), or at least it seems/feels that way to me as the chasm between dimensions grows ever wider due to this progressive ID split.
It surely cannot be too much longer now. Are you hearing much from the other PAT members today?
Dear April,
this is a very precise observation. According to my sensation we have just entered (20.00 pm GMT) the plateau or the final phase of stabilisation at the 5th dimension as the energies are becoming more calm and the undulations of the vibrations/waves less pronounced. It feels now more like entering a bath full of champagne, although I must admit I have never tried it, but it sounds to me like the peak of decadence.
The same feeling I have now with my body which is in a state of decaying. Indeed there is no chance that we will return to the old 3d-way of life and the frequency gap can no longer be bridged. All protective systems have been eliminated now as we will no longer need them in the higher dimensions.
When this dynamics is considered, we have indeed a very short period of time before the final detonation will take place. There is only one way to go now and it is upwards and away from this reality. I do have a strong sense of departure accompanied by a kind of sadness without any particular reason. It feels like this time we are really on the cusp of ascension. I have never felt so strange and inhuman as this time.
Dear Georgi,
Thank you for sharing the latest energy update with me from April! I fully resonate with this information as well, and really don’t think I could add much to it, it’s so precise! However, my HS offers this short message today in regards to the dynamics of this newest wave we are experiencing!
With love and light,
HS Message – April 1, 2013
You are in the final throes of the ascension process. The filters are being removed now as you move from one reality to the next. This was the message behind the dream you had last night in which you saw yourself in a large classroom full of friends singing. At first you were struggling to see the words to the song written upon the chalkboard, but as you all continued to sing, a screen from a window was passed to you and you placed out of your way saying, “We don’t need these old screens anymore!” And as you placed each screen out of your way, the words upon the chalkboard became clearer and clearer, and the song became more joyful as each person could now clearly see the words that were written on the chalkboard, as well.
This is the energy you are experiencing now. You are removing the filters that have kept you from seeing the clear picture of what is awaiting you. Each quickening pulsation is taking you further and further away from 3D reality and into your new reality that you almost have clear sight of now. Don’t give up when you are just about there! Your physical ascension process IS unfolding!