The Discussion – April 18, 2013

The Ongoing Ascension Scenario

Note: A remarkable serendipity! This article is No. 500 in the ascension category and No. 50 for this month of April. “5” as a symbol for the 5th dimension, where the PAT has already ascended.  (George).

Dear Dorie (Carla, Jerry, Daniel),

please read the latest message from April. I do not know what to make of it. Can you check it one more time with your HS.



Thanks for April’s latest update. I think this is an old claim that I have read similar from other channelers at other times, namely that we have actually ascended but don’t know it or somehow need to open our eyes and realize it. This theme was fairly popular after 12/21 and I began to question myself at times because I never felt it as I was in too much pain at the time. This is not the case now as my personal situation has improved somewhat.

As much as I have been through over the last years, I know that I am on the cusp of every energetic change. I  will be one of  the first to know when we ascend. No one will have to tell us that it has happened. We will know it on every level of our being. This is not to say that change has not occurred because it has.

After 03/31 I think the plan was changed slightly and as we have taken on more light with waves, since then our bodies are slowly rejuvenating, but mine anyway has not reached the point of “special abilities” and the masses have not changed their attitude towards me. They still avoid me, not by what I say, but are scared of the light. I respect April’s messages, but I think her feelings of the changes have been misinterpreted at least for me and other indigos.

This is how I am seeing the situation. Last night was a substantial wave once again. We are still clearing the event that HS showed me would occur on Monday and that was in my opinion the Boston situation. The HR are gauging the masses reaction to an event like this to see if it is time for our ascension and reappearance. The masses have to be ready before an ID split can happen and thus us ascend and appear back to them. They are not ready yet, but are much closer than they were. They are still into patriotism, depending on the government and media for protection, willing to believe lies told them etc.

The same old theme as after 09/11, but certainly not to that degree. What does this mean? We are here longer to clear more. I still see the waves coming in, but also sense that we will be able to more easily recover from them, at least until the next one hits.. After these cleansing waves have had their intended affect on the masses, other larger events will take place and the public reaction will again be gauged by ascension test runs. Possibly followed by more cleansing waves. This may not be a pretty picture to those like me who have suffered so long, but it should not so discouraging either. We are closer. Since our bodies are somewhat rejuvenating after each test run, the PAT supernova may not be as dramatic as it would have been last year, but I believe we will know it and it will be clearly distinguished from the brief respites we get now.


Dear Jerry,

thank you very much for your excellent and comprehensive response. I will forward it to Carla and Dorie and will attach below my answer to Dorie (see below) for your information, which is actually also my response to your email as I have nothing more to add at this moment.



I can certainly understand your response and feelings as it mirrors my own. During the worse of the trials with Anita’s illness and shortly after her transition I considered taking my own life, but came to the conclusion that I just could not. It just was not my style and did not suite me. Most people that I have known that do this seem to be self absorbed people and I just could not completely get into that mode, although I can understand how one could.

Now I wait to see what if anything is my purpose to even breathe the air, but I think a lot of people think that and most of them don’t even consciously know about ascension. Maybe we should try what your wife suggests. What was it – a good hedonistic life. Ask her how does one start. Would our ascension symptoms stop if we did? And would ascension be dead in the water or would we still be prisoners to it? I think the latter, but I am willing to try if she knows how as I am tired of being used for what I don’t even care about anymore.


Dear Jerry,

this is a good advise, but unfortunately our HS do no intend to release us from our cleansing duties. That is what make this life so unbearable in this reality. I know how to be hedonistic if I feel physically well and do not need to bother about my body and pains all the time, but simply enjoy life. I have done it and know how it works. But we can’t.

Even today I went with the dog in the fields for a walk and we have such a warm summer day, very pleasant indeed, and I started to enjoy nature when all of a sudden another energetic pressure came into my left brain portal and hit my stomach; the pains started again while walking. You cannot get rid of this energetic state as we no longer pertain vibrationally to this reality and our bodies are not created to cope with and harbour such huge energies, so that we will always feel the physical pains and discomfort, no matter how well we subjectively feel for a moment.

Hence there is no solution within this reality, but only ascension and this has been postponed all the time and we have been cheated all the time with false promises – the carrot dangling in front of us – to do the dirty job nobody else wants to do on this earth. And why should they want – they are not idiots like us.


Dear George,

Firstly my message is directed at the HR and not to April, who only receives the information and is not really responsible for it. If she reads this, it must be difficult to get all this criticism, but it is meant for the HR and not for April, so don’t take it personally.

I do not really feel the bliss we are supposed to feel on the shores of 5D. I don’t feel particularly bad either, but there is still a headache, and continuous harassment and emotional blackmail by all kinds of family members and other people, who tell me I must go to a college to learn about flawed human knowledge, or that I must get a job to be a slave in the Orion system, because otherwise I will not have food. Any attempt to explain they are wrong fails, I get accused of ego issues or they simply do not receive the information, or they tell me they are worried about me, implying that I must change my behavior, so their silly fears don’t bother them anymore.

My mother tells me I have a problem with authority because I tell her she is not the boss of me, and that the fact that she is my physical mother does not give her any authority over me whatsoever. This is worse with some family members than others, and they do make progress, but really this is a very annoying situation. But everyone wants my advice, only to disagree and not listen most of the time and figure out later that I was right. They then come back for further advice and the process starts again from the beginning.

For example, we are now moving to a different house and I said more than a year ago not to do this. They did it anyway and now expect me to help with this stupid move, which is plagued with a billion issues and problems from all directions, which they now ask me for advice, only to ignore it again.

But enough about my family situation. My point is, saying that there is bliss, does not make it so. I agree in a way with the split of the unity web from the bounds of 3D, because I really care very little about all these annoying 3D things and feel like they do not affect me.

Some days ago for example, I had a vision of a dark entity who tried to attack me. It walked up to me and tried to hit me, but hurt itself, while doing so and nothing happened to me. This was really pathetic and then I saw how the dark creature tried to reach me, but this was not possible because there was a kind of unbreakable glass wall between us. But still I must receive for example letters from the state, which I obviously throw away immediately without reading them or filling out the forms.

If I would be there, I would not need a message to tell me this. If the detonation and supernova happened, then why are we physically still here? All the time, the supernova/ detonation was presented by the HR as the moment of our physical ascension, when so much source energies are quickly added in our body until it dematerializes, ascending us to the source and delegating the lower 3 chakras to Gaia. If suddenly the detonation has occurred and is finished, then the HR have lied about what the detonation really is in the past, for many months, or they have conveniently redefined this word.

They say “Just perhaps not in the way you might have expected”. This bullshit of the highest level, definitely on par with the bullshit produced by Orion politics and their most politically correct politicians and political gurus. The correct way of saying it is “not in the way we always told you it would”. This is a much more honest explanation, instead of shifting the blame on us and our “wrong” expectations, which were intentionally created by the HR.

There is also the old excuse that it all happened energetically, and it has not materialized in 3d yet. This is a kind of meaningless statement because all events are of energetic nature, everything is energy, that includes 3d / the physical. And because of all the Source energies we’ve injected into Gaia and humanity, all the work we’ve done surely the “3d inertia” must be very small now, almost non-existent. Besides that, because we are directly connected to the Source, I do not think there is any such inertia if we speak only about the PAT. The HR are always quick to send all kinds of energies to help humanity and Gaia through this connection, and I am sure they could use it for our instant ascension in the same way.

“I realize this is not exactly the way ascension has been inferred or perhaps contextualized before, but it would have been very difficult and confusing to explain and disheartening to hear, if explained to you prior to this moment, prematurely.”

We always searched the truth about everything in life. This is why we are not dumbed down humans fully immersed in 3d and PTW lies. Refusal to give us the truth about our ascension is in extreme contrast with this attitude. We are not children who cannot cope with the truth, otherwise we wouldn’t be who we are, we wouldn’t be connected to the Source at all and we wouldn’t have had all this success. How can we symbolize the truth if we’re constantly given lies, and are told that it’s for our own good? This is exactly what the Orion politicians would say. “We lied, but it’s for your own good”. No, it really really isn’t. Disheartening things are lies and childish behavior of the HR, continually including all kinds of broken promises – not the truth.

We have every time the same pattern. The HR tell us we will ascend with the next few waves, the process drags on for a long time and a month later they tell us we have ascended, and our physical ascension is coming. Then we are told again we will ascend and a month later we are still here, having processed all kinds of waves in that time.

I am not saying that we will not ascend, but I am really fed up with this pattern and the constant deception. If we could almost do it at 21/12/12, then why do we now need the “current collective reproduction or reality stilled”? It is already 2 months ago that we would ascend in small groups and that we got rid of the savior complex. After this we suddenly needed to wait another month for no clear reason. We would supposedly ascend again at the end of last month, now almost another month later they say we have ascended, but we are still here?

I think the truth is very simple. If the HR really wanted to ascend us physically, then it could happen right now, at this exact moment as I write down these words. I just know it, can be done right now. You would not receive my message because we would be physically gone before I can finish it and send it. Instead you probably will receive it, because they want us to stay here and help humanity more. Maybe it is coming to an end and we need only a few days or moments, maybe.

But most humans have not even heard of ascension. They are starting to resist the PTW but that does not fully pull them out of 3d. They will never ascend this year if they do not see some ascended masters quickly in their light bodies. Many people still go to their old jobs, drive around in their cars and do other stupid things. There must be a complete change in the way of life with a complete destruction of the matrix everywhere.

People speaking out against the old way of life, most of the time on all kinds of Internet forums and news websites, or in private with friends, colleagues and family is not enough. It must really happen for once. Not “people are starting to see/resist… bla bla bla”. What we need is a boom. Matrix gone. No money. No jobs. No politicians. Only then can we get real action.

It is time for the HR to change words into actions. No more “you have ascended, but you have not (fully) ascended yet”. If they feel the need to tell us we are there and we’ve done it, then according to my definition we are not yet there. If we would be, then we’d know and we would not be in a physical body anymore, and there would be no need to tell us that, it would be irrevocably true. So show me that we are indeed there, not with subtle changes and events, but with our immediate physical ascension. I expect the HR to take responsibility for their atrocious information and management “policy” as well as they possibly can and also as soon as they can.

I will try to get that from HS later if we do not ascend soon. And I also promise them, that if they do not do this I will force them to once ascended. Our return to the HR is assured and the longer it will take, the more action I will take to make sure these mistakes will be learned from and corrected, because it is simply not acceptable. The ball is in the HR’s court now, not in ours.

Love & Light,

Dear Daniel,

I fully concur with you, but this still does not explain why the HR continue lying us although we have declared so many times that we do not want to be lied. Is it April ‘s HS the only false source or are we all in the same chain of lies?

This is what troubles me at this moment as I have no confidence in my HS anymore apart from the usual waves and recoveries. It may last very long before we ascend and what should we do next? I must make a decision and my reluctance to edit this website is growing by the hour. I do not see any sense anymore.

Below you will find my correspondence with Dorie:


Dear Georgi,

Thank you for sharing this message with me.

I have to say that it seems to fit with what I have been intuiting myself, but I am also unsure of my impressions of the current situation within my own mind. I am more than happy to check with the Elohim.

I will do my best to get an answer for us this morning.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I simply do not know what to make of this either! Georgi, something just does not feel right to me! I am not picking up on the same thing that April is, and I am concerned that other members within the PAT will question if perhaps they missed the boat to 5D because they may not be feeling OR seeing the bliss that is being described!

I had a huge wave of energy knock me down today and slept for HOURS. I experienced another bad headache along with feelings of depression, uncertainty, frustration, and despair. I can feel this energy coming from the masses as they are awakening now to the programs that have kept them asleep. The waves are coming in closer and closer together without much respite in between, so I can’t say that I’m feeling that we’ve made it to the shores of 5D yet. But perhaps this is what April’s message is trying to address.

The other thing that concerns me about this message is I have had several ascension test runs over the last 2 years. While I have actually gotten very used to experiencing them, and have even experienced them again with during these last few waves, I have never actually reached the ultimate energetic level within those experiences that finally ‘released’ me from this reality. There is always a crescendo in energy as the wave hits me, causing me to think that “this” time is it, and then as soon as I think I’m free, that I’m finally on my way, I can feel the decrescendo of the wave and know that I am very much still remaining in 3d reality, that it was merely a test run.

As I’m writing this Georgi, I can hear HS saying

this is exactly what you will experience during the moment of detonation and physical ascension, a “continuing crescendo” of energy that catapults you out of this illusion. At the moment of your physical ascension, the Source Pulse energies move into your physical bodies to FULLY ignite you, and as this takes place, you will continue to spiral upwards into an explosion of energy AWARENESS, that is, you are AWARE of the process as it is unfolding as all blinders are completely removed allowing you to experience this movement upwards into the higher energies unhindered any longer by any illusions. You are instantaneously set free and KNOW that you have experienced your release from 3D reality. There is no waiting, or guessing, dust settling, or delay in the process of you being fully aware that your physical ascension has taken place. There is only the tactile, sensory, EXPERIENCE of it in all levels of your being.”

That’s all I’m getting for now Georgi. There is much, much more to this message to tap into, but need to get some sleep. I should have a chance to connect again in the morning!

Hope I was of some help!


Dear Dorie,

first of all let me confirm that yesterday (April 17) I had a 24-hour cc-wave with an extreme headache starting in the night and continuing throughout the whole day.This night was the first one since a week that my sleep was comparatively calm . A 24-hour cc-wave on top of four days of similar waves is unusually even for me and marked a solitary peak of energy intensity this year. It is only comparable to the ascension test runs on Dec 18 and Dec 23.

The last several days were classical ascensions test runs (series of test runs) and from what I get from April’s message is that they will continue unabated in the indefinite future, no matter what she tells us where we dwell now. She has offset with these message  all her previous statements by blatantly telling us that she has deliberately lied and, as if nothing bad has happened, we are also told that we are actually too stupid to be told the truth. Read her message one more time very carefully.

But I am sensing that something is not correct since March 21. The cc-wave yesterday was so bad that I really wanted to leave earth immediately and for ever and I am now sincerely considering this option as I can no longer dwell in this schizophrenic reality any more with these perennial tortures.

You see, I asked my HS last year after the failed ascensions that if I stay on the ground I should at least be allowed to propagate the new theory of the Universal law as to see any meaning in my existence on this earth. Then I was urged to do so, and I wrote to more than 200 physicists in 12 universities in the USA and the UK and made them an offer end of last year. Until then I have not received a single response. It is obvious that this path is still closed by heaven as in all the years in the past.

There is absolutely nothing for me to do here on the ground under these circumstances anymore and my interest in social change has reached its trough value. I no longer care how humanity will awaken – with an enema in the asshole or if they shit on their own.

Now the description of your ascension by your HS is exactly as I have experienced and see it. But while this presentation is correct, we still have no idea when will this happen. This is the crucial point. I told you that my wife is a very good psychic and all she sees in my or other people’s coffee comes true. Recently she saw in my coffee that heaven is still closed for us and I did not believe her as I hoped that we will ascend this month . But now I am inclined to believe her as she has always been right in the past.

If you can get any feasible information as to how long should we stay on the ground, it would be excellent. It is a matter of fact though that until now we have been cheated all the time in this respect.

With love and light

Dear April,

I have started a huge dialogue based on your latest message with Carla, Dorie, Jerry and Daniel that has extended now beyond your message and we have not made our final conclusions yet. For this reason I cannot comment now on it as our decision-making analysis is still ongoing.


Well, I have to confess that it feels strange to be shut out, but I do understand the need to not influence anything unduly. So when you all finish your examination and analysis, by all means please do let me know your conclusion.


Dear April,

you are not shut down from our discussions and I will supply you if you wish with all the contributions, which go beyond your message but deal with our current situation. I can tell you though that the overall impression is confusion about the current situation and that we all have the feeling of being cheated again in the same manner as in the past. The situation is even worse than that before the issuing of my decree on March 4, as this time there is nothing we can do.

Now you should not take this personally as you are just a victim of this perennial cheating on the part of our HS as we all are and that nothing of what we have discussed is personal.

But our discussion has evolved of course beyond your message in the search for explanation of our deplorable situation and we still are not out of the woods. But you can contribute to this discussion if you simply address your HS one more time and tell her about our frustration and our feeling that we have been cheated one more time with optimistic deadlines and that nothing of her promises has been accomplished so far. That we have not reached the 5th dimension and the her talk about bliss is bullshit as all of us evaluate it, but that we all are hit all the time even yesterday by the same waves of cleansing as in the past and are very distressed and depressed and that we are fed up of being considered stupid or unable to comprehend the truth as your HS tells us and thus be an easy prey of this perennial cheating.

I mean there is an ongoing credibility problem and each one of us has to address it in his own way, I with my HS, Dorie, Jerry, Carla and Daniel with theirs.

You understand  that I cannot publish any of these discussions at this point in time as they will only confuse the PAT members even more, just as your latest message has confused all of us. This is a real crisis, make no mistake about it and we all have no solution. But you should probably let your HS know that we are fed up with this kind of bullshit and that we can no longer believe her a single word. I am sorry but this is the general tone of the comments and I will forward them to you later in the day if you wish.

With love and light


I’m going to give you my straight up opinion of what I have been getting an inkling of these last few days, and I’ve just been sick to my stomach in feeling that its true. I very much feel that we went back to the OLD SCENARIO of PAT detonation which will occur shortly prior to, or at the moment of magnetic pole shift. My HS hinted at this during our recent analysis.

I feel that we will be left on the ground until then, or that we have been purposely kept on the ground until the pole shift and that’s why we have been given all our Ascended Master codes in 3D to prepare us for this event…. we will immediately be put to work after the shift. As April’s HS hinted, we are already ascended masters, we have graduated, we have all the codes that we would have received UPON our detonation, HOWEVER we are NOT in 5D. THAT is a complete line of bullshit from HS.

If this is the case, we will not be preparing the masses as planned during a 3 month interim. The interim period has been shortened due mainly to the fact that the PAT are no longer physically or mentally capable of remaining on the ground in this state, and so this old scenario has been implemented again to get us all out of here – we will go shortly prior to when the Polar ‘shift’ hits the fan. I feel that this event is very close on the horizon, but something tells me it will not be until the middle of May.

I felt the rumblings of Gaia in my energies yesterday, as if she was speaking to me personally telling me that she’s all fueled up and ready to go, but as in ‘polar shift’ fashion. We are literally ‘running out of time’ and I feel as if I cannot get a clear message on the exact scenario because it is still being decided upon.

These are just my feelings and thoughts Georgi, although something tells me it is the exact truth of the situation. April is an EXCELLENT channel, however she is also very sensitive and fearful of disappointing, even more so than I am, and its this worry that is creating the block to HS. She does not want to disappoint anyone again and I COMPLETELY understand this, however its time to bite the bullet and get the real scoop on things.

I look forward to your feedback on this before I connect with HS and confirm.


Dear Dorie,

I will answer in the text as to comment precisely the passages. Below I am also sending you the comments from Daniel for your information.



I’m going to give you my straight up opinion of what I have been getting an inkling of these last few days, and I’ve just been sick to my stomach in feeling that its true. I very much feel that we went back to the OLD SCENARIO of PAT detonation which will occur shortly prior to, or at the moment of pole shift.

This is an interesting new development that I have not considered so far, but fits well into the unpreparedness of the masses for change and ascension, so that they need this huge push now and not a cosy development.

My HS hinted at this during our recent analysis. I feel that we will be left on the ground until then, or that we have been purposely kept on the ground until the pole shift and that’s why we have been given all our Ascended Master codes in 3D to prepare us for this event….we will immediately be put to work after the shift.

OK, this also makes sense to me and this is indeed the old scenario.

As April’s HS hinted, we are already ascended masters, we have graduated, we have all the codes that we would have received UPON our detonation, HOWEVER we are NOT in 5D. THAT is a complete line of bullshit from HS.

I agree with you on this.

If this is the case, we will not be preparing the masses as planned during a 3 month interim.

It was hinted that the interim period could also be 6 months till September when  mass ascension to the 5th dimension was supposed to take place and the magnetic pole reversal also.

The interim period has been shortened due mainly to the fact that the PAT are no longer physically or mentally capable of remaining on the ground in this state, and so this old scenario has been implemented again to get us all out of here– we will go shortly prior to when the Polar ‘shift’ hits the fan.

This does not make any sense to me, If we have ascended before the magnetic pole reversal, we would have been immortal and omnipotent and we could stay as long as we wish or necessary on the 3d-earth. Our present physical state is irrelevant as to how we will feel after ascension. In fact due to the implementation of this old scenario we now have to stay longer on the ground in physical vessels and suffer more. This line of argumentation is flawed and you have to think it over one more time.

I feel that this event is very close on the horizon, but something tells me it will not be until the middle of May.

I cannot comment on it as do not get any information from my HS on how far we are since March 21 and this is a very bad sign. It is the same situation as after Dec 21 for me – a full silence in this respect. OK, I did get the information that I have delivered the codes for the detonation of the PAT supernova, but since then I feel that there is another major delay.

I felt the rumblings of Gaia in my energies yesterday, as if she was speaking to me personally telling me that she’s all fueled up and ready to go, but as in ‘polar shift’ fashion. We are literally ‘running out of time’ and I feel as if I cannot get a clear message on the exact scenario because it is still being decided upon.

It could be that the last series of cc-waves this whole week may have prepared Gaia for  the magnetic pole reversal as they were extremely potent and unexpected in their intensity. But why are we running out of time?

These are just my feelings and thoughts Georgi, although something tells me it is the exact truth of the situation. April is an EXCELLENT channel, however she is also very sensitive and fearful of disappointing, even more so than I am, and its this worry that is creating the block to HS. She does not want to disappoint anyone again and I COMPLETELY understand this, however its time to bite the bullet and get the real scoop on things.

I fully coalesce with your estimation of April’s attitude in this respect and there is nothing bad about this as long as one knows it and considers it.

Love, George


I’ve thought about it a little bit.

There was just an auspicious sign from HS that I often see. Every time I get extremely fed up with this whole scenario and depressed, I somehow end up looking out of my window and see people kissing right in front of it. This is the 3rd time it happened, at least. I was sitting next to the window and thinking about this situation. Every time this happens, I can find answers much more easily.

I have thought about this message from April’s HS a bit more, and my conclusion is, it is so full of shit, that the HS must have known we would never accept this. We see this pattern every time, the HS message really functions as a hidden message, and every time it grows stronger. Every time they try more to make us think against what the message says. It reminds me of a scenario in which someone is kidnapped and the kidnappers tell this person to record a message to family, saying they are OK, and some other stuff like the demands of the kidnappers. The victim then tries to hide information, hidden clues in a very cryptic way.

I am not saying this is the case, but I feel there is some kind of comparable scenario, I do not think our HS really want to lie, but somehow they have no choice. And all the time they try to tell us this, every time more obvious. And we interpreted this too lightly in the past. I think we can find out the truth, but we cannot rely on HS for this. This is not limited to April’s HS, but it is all of them.

I see very clearly now how all previous ascension attempts could have been successful, but every time there was the exact same reason of failure. And it is not “humanity is not ready”. Every time they said we were ready, we were. There were many successes. But it is like all that work was only to create a successful condition, and every time we were there and making a real attempt would succeed with 100% certainty, somehow everything was dropped and we had to move on to a different kind of scenario requiring a lot more work to get it to that 100% certainty state. All HS dishonesty followed directly after we were able to ascend for sure, but didn’t.

It is kind of like we play a game of chess all the time and put the opponent in a checkmate position. Then we start a completely new game and do the same thing. But we never made the final move to hit the king, although every time were able to. Just like how in chess instead of hitting the king, the game ends and starts anew.

The big question is why. What stops us? At this point it can’t be that we want a bigger victory. If we cannot rely on HS, we must figure it out ourselves. But this must be difficult to do in 3d, maybe this is the reason for the recent upgrades of our brain.

We can try to quit this world, but I don’t know how that will work out, maybe it won’t accomplish what we want it to accomplish. I understand your reluctance to edit the site. Announcing ascension all the time is frustrating when it does not happen. Maybe the central topic should be moved to the question “Why have we not yet ascended, and how do we ascend as soon as possible?”.

In one way I just feel like jumping off a tall building, but in another I feel like there is something I can do to find the answer or to move forward. It’s very close, like I already have it and should stop trying to find it. But if I have it, then where is it?

Also I see Dorie’s HS really tried to dodge the topic there by describing one more time how ascension will work, as if we don’t know this. Something is hidden and I intend to find it.


Dear Daniel,

it is good that you try to find it out. I for myself think that we are simply hostages to our HS and humanity and will stay as long as necessary on the ground until humanity is ready for ascension. And it may take a very long time… And it is absolute irrelevant what we think.


Dear George,

Perhaps you are right, but I have trouble accepting this idea that there is nothing we can do, but wait infinitely. I just cannot do nothing and live this life, it is too pointless. If humanity is not ready yet after all this, they deserve to be on earth B and nothing more.


Dear Georgi and Daniel,

I fully concur with your comments and insights, especially the insights in your last email Daniel! It’s true, our HS put us into all kinds roles as the cheerleader, or even the liar, and they use these roles to create certain emotional reactions within us all to get us from point A to point B. We ARE like pawns playing out a game of chess, each one of us with different emotional strengths, or even weaknesses, and they use these to their advantage in order to carry out their mission.

That’s why discussions like this are so important, because then we can discern how we are being used. However, that discernment then becomes like a double edged sword – we are aware, but we are also now mistrusting, and I think the HR know this, know that we are onto them, and it is the very thing that is keeping us from receiving what we ‘clearly’ need the most… the truth.

So, Georgi’s question still remains unanswered. Why are they continuing to lie to us, and what is in it for them if they are continuing to do so? The only information we can truly trust is what we are experiencing in our physical bodies, and as Georgi states, that could go on indefinitely until people are ready to ascend.

We have to admit though, these energies this last month have been very different than before, much more intense and frequent, and we clearly feel that we have moved into an even higher frequency of energy. And even though there has been a ton of bullshit information given to us from HS along the way, there has also been VERY valuable information that has been given to us that no other sources of channeling have even come close to. We ARE dreaming this dream together! This is what makes the difference, what makes US different than other LWs. But the question still remains, if we are at the mercy of our HS, what do we do about it, or is there anything we CAN do about it?

I so much want to agree with you Daniel, that we cannot just sit back and do nothing. Every fiber in my being wants to do SOMETHING. But when do we say enough is enough? Just like Georgi, I’m certainly not getting any clear answers from my HS one way or another, and now I’m beginning to wonder if perhaps this final act of letting go of needing to know is exactly what we need to do.

With much love and light to you both!

I was fully knocked down for hours just after writing my last mail and only now I really got out of bed. After sending the previous mail, I was extremely exhausted and fell asleep. Had all kinds of false awakenings, dreams of sleeping or being in bed, any time I tried to get up it happened in a dream. There is still a huge pressure on my head like it is not small enough for the brain and the brain is touching the skull, causing pressure. So I need some time to recover before I can think clearly again and reply to this.


Dear Dorie,

I went with the dog walking in the fields this evening and got the information from my HS that GaiaPortal has a new message today, although it had two messages the day before yesterday and it was not sure if there will be something new to report today. Now this new message is indeed significant and I did expected something of this kind. By the way I have become very telepathic these days:

Monitors of Gaia report that energetics of the Gaia planetary body are staged for stepping to the next level… Energetically, on Individual and Collective basis, as well as “Galactic-ally”.

Hue-manity has embraced that which resonates with this process. “humanity” (small h) has consented to the possibility of a “next level”, and thus procedures for “up steps” of “humanity” (small h) have been analyzed, approved, and set in motion.

As these are Higher-than-3-4D, many have sensed the results of the up steps already, and have secured the “humanity to Hue-manity” transformation in the current time line.

Those walking “alternative to the “up step” time lines will find themselves directed back onto the “up step” time line. All currently residing upon (and within) Gaia have agreed to this re-direction, challenging as it may be for some of the “humanity” (small h) group. ”

Somehow I got the information this afternoon that an important decision was made today (April 18) and that this decision may indeed be that there will be a magnetic pole reversal together with the detonation of the PAT supernova.

I felt very depressed this morning when I read April’s message, but somehow I felt that this message was not the reason for this, but that it came from humanity for me to process. Then by all means, April’s message could not have dragged me down that much as since March 21 I knew that her forecasts had been flawed one more time. This could not have been the reason for my depression.

I think that a decision was made today to carry forward with the magnetic pole reversal and to take a lot of people by death experience away from this earth as they only hamper the progress of the others. Those that will stay on earth B have been selected long time ago. The ones that will move along timeline A/B have been recruited during the last additional days since March 31 and now seem to be fully decoupled from the timeline B. The last GaiaPortal statement is the most important one:

“Those walking “alternative to the “up step” time lines will find themselves directed back onto the “up step” time line. Gaia have agreed to this re-direction, challenging as it may be for some of the “humanity” (small h) group.”

This means more deaths very soon. My interpretation of my depressive mood this morning was due to the making of this decision which, while overall positive, has sealed the destiny of at least one billion people who will now die due to natural catastrophes before the social changes will really unfold.

There has always been only two alternatives to follow in the current ascension scenario:

1) first come the social/economic changes if humanity is ready for them and then the natural catastrophes will follow to do their cleansing effect or

2) first come the natural catastrophes if humanity is not ready for social/economic  changes and revelations yet and then the social changes follow much more quickly.

The Boston terror act was a test case to assess the reaction of the people and, although it was a breakthrough for the alternative press and the truth, the masses did not score very well altogether. It was shown one more time that they need more calamities to awaken.

The key fact to this conclusion were the series of cc-waves in five days in a row for me and, as far as gather also for you, which were full-fledged ascension test runs to gauge whether the masses are eligible for ascension or not. Obviously the result was not optimal and it was decided today, after the absolute peak of source energy descent for me and many other PAT members yesterday (April 17), to proceed with the second alternative. Thus your information about the magnetic pole reversal is correct and I can now also validate this new decision, which was fallen later in the afternoon local time for me (April 18), when all of a sudden my spirits were uplifted for no apparent reason.

From this point of view, I now interpret the message from April not so negatively as at the beginning, as it may well include another deliberate inkling from our HS as was the case prior to my decree on March 4, to feel depressed about another prolongation of our sojourn on the earth as implied in this message. Then our desperation was also gauged and decided by the HR to go forward with the magnetic pole reversal and make a clean cut as we can no longer bear this reality and the stress.

Please consider that this is my interpretation from this evening and it may change one more time tomorrow. But this time I have a good feeling. Before that my HS was absolutely mute and this is the most reliable sign that we were in the middle of this important decision between alternatives 1) and 2). Now that the decision was fallen, my HS began to signal again.

Probably you should ask your HS now one more time along this line what has happened in the last 24 hours and what the new perspective is.

With love and light

Dear Carla,

before checking with the Elohim, please consider our email exchange with Dorie on this same issue (see above). I should only add that this blissful state I reported on was very short lived and lasted only several hours in the evening (April 16) before I was hit in the night by another powerful cc-wave.


Dear Georgi,

Thank you for the input from both Dorie and Jerry. This will aide me when I connect with the Elohim.

Energetically I’m very very tired and believe these waves are constantly draining me, although I am sometimes coming back very strongly. I feel myself not to be at the lift-off level that I had in December.

With love and light

Dear Carla,

there is however one significant fact. Today is the first day since two months that I do not receive any emails from Internet trolls. This may means that they have been separated from us already or it may mean that they have stopped exactly two months after they first started harassing me on Feb 18th as they were paid for two months.


How many emails do you get from them every day normally? – Carla

Dear Carla,

between 15-20 per day, a little bit less in the last few days, but still enough and about this time of the day there was a peak.

Read also this email from Daniel, very insightful:


Dear Georgi,

Thank you for Daniel’s reflection, Georgi. I’ve been seeing it exactly the same way… as a chess match without the checkmate.

I have re-scheduled my day and will connect with the Elohim in just over an hour. If you think of anything else just let me know.

With love,

Dear Carla,

I have just received a second email from Dorie with some new insights on the magnetic pole reversal (see above), which I will attach below for your information.


Dear Georgi,

I was hit by a large cc-wave about 2 hours ago and am only operating on half thrust  since that time. I have managed to receive some information, but I am not wholly satisfied and headaches always interfere with the signal.

I can send you what I have received so far or i can take a break and resume after a sleep and some water.

What would you like?

Love and Light

Dear Carla,

I would suggest that you just relax now and recover from this last cc-wave, as it is absolutely irrelevant what we think now as our thinking has no influence on the events. You can try it tomorrow one more time in a better shape.


Dear Georgi,

I will type up what I have received up to now then I will continue later this evening or tomorrow morning (see the published Elohim message). I hope you are well.


Dear Carla,

this is a very good summary of what we have experienced and felt to have happened in the last few days (concerning the Elohim message). It will be great if you can ask more specific as how this scenario will unfold. Dorie and I have shared some ideas last evening (see above) that I will forward to you separately to consider.


Dear Georgi,

I will ask them tonight. I am feeling better as I have slept almost the entire time since my last email to you, can you believe it?

With love,

Dear Georgi,

Thank you for forwarding this discussion (with Dorie on the magnetic pole reversal)) as there are many important aspects considered here.

First off I would like to say that for some time now (and I can’t for the life of me tell you how long that is because I am not able to track time backwards beyond a few days anymore) I have first felt as though there was going to be a pole reversal and for some time I have known that there “was” a pole reversal. I don’t know how else to express this thought to you other than in these terms.

I was actually going to bring it up one day last week when I had a free afternoon, but got from my HS that it was not time yet. In fact April has brought us this gift now, as the time is “right”.

Today I felt a heaviness weighing the world down and I believe that perhaps it was this decision  whether to follow through with the pole shift that was made today (April 18). I slept for hours and finally I have recovered completely from these odd energies, and like you I feel a sense of relief.

I don’t like asking the Elohim questions about things that I have a predetermined point of view on because I feel that this compromises the objectivity. However I shall ask them tonight if a pole shift is indeed a possibility. I agree that something big has to happen to get these sleeping beings out of bed.

With much love,

Dear Carla,

thank you for this confirmation of your intuitive perception of the coming magnetic pole reversal. This has always been my idea since our preparation for the opening of the stargate 11.11.11. Only recently I was surprised to read for the first time some warnings in channelled messages that many people will say farewell to this earth and that the remaining people should not be upset too much as their soul contracts provide for this resolution.

In this case it is normal to keep silence on this event that will only trigger the fears of the people high at a time when the are least needed.

I am curious to hear what the Elohim will have to say, but I suspect that they will not give us much information on this event.


Dear Georgi,

The Elohim will not likely speak to a “future” event on our timeline for your very insightful reason, so as not to incite fear in the people.

With love,

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