by April Bender, April 19, 2013
Dear Georgi,
Finally!! Below is the latest from HS, for better or for worse. Now I think I understand why I was having difficulty connecting clearly, aside from all the noise/interference. This message is very different, a departure from some of the impressions/information we’ve been given before. On the one hand, I want to be very excited about it and on the other, I’m just not sure. It IS different.
I will be eager to hear your initial impressions/thoughts. If it’s confusing or just seems wrong or off, then maybe I’m just in a HS funk right now.
Hope you’re still feeling well. I had another cc: wave headache late this morning, that again dissipated by early afternoon. It never did get unbearable, like in the past. Aside from that temporary physical discomfort and a little fatigue, I still feel wonderful in terms of lightness and expansion.
Much love and light,
HS Update 4-17-13
HS: Can you feel it? Yes indeed, the bliss, the expansiveness, the lightness, you have arrived on the shores of 5D. The unity web has been fully severed/SPLIT from the bounds of 3D. As a result, ALL of the ascending masses have lifted tremendously, and are now sorted or are oscillating/resonating/
Please keep in mind that all of this has happened energetically, as you can so aptly feel/ sense/ experience. And as has been stated before, the very last action to commence is the full “physical” manifestation of that which came energetically before. Therefore, it may not look as if you are residing in 5D and/or above right now, your bodies may not be reflecting your true ascended form, but you ARE inhabiting it FULLY never the less. You can feel this, can you not? Just as others can feel this of you, and are drawn to you in compounding circumstance.
And while looking around, it may look like the same old Earth/Gaia, but in truth, no, it is the New Earth. In your third eye you see this, the beautiful new shores that you’ve finally arrived upon. The sparkling new energies, INCLUDING YOURSELVES, flooding and nourishing all. YOU ARE HERE! You simply await the current 3D facade to crumble, as has begun in earnest now without energetic support, REVEILING/UNVEILING of all that NOW TRULY exists, thanks to all vibrations in service of the Divine Plan.
Now, I know you’re saying, “Oh please, you’re so full of it! Do you truly expect me to believe this? We’ve been making fun of other channelers for saying such things.” And I say, ABSOLUTELY YES! BELIEVE! Let me explain. The PAT detonation and supernova DID very much happen. Just perhaps not in the way you might have expected. And as a result of this, and the entire rollercoaster ride of that process, you created the lift/SPLIT of the timelines, severing the moorings of the unity web from 3D. Freeing/opening the way for mass ascension. Now it is up to them to decide how far up the ascension ladder that they will climb, and how fast they will climb it. Their only obstacle at this point is themselves.
Your physical dematerialization/disclosure, will happen along with the GRAND UNVEILING as the illusion of 3D, from the view of the current collective reproduction of it, is stilled/decreased significantly. And the firm foundations of the new/remembered TRUE REALITY are allowed to fully emerge/manifest within the consciousness of each timeline/dimensional frequency and subsequent ascender/evolver. You must understand that YOU need the current collective reproduction of reality stilled as well in order to view your OWN ascended form and be able to register/fully REALIZE your own glorious and magnificent ascended form. For you incarnated as a human, within the collective family/mind, with a particular contract of service.
This is everyone of the PAT fulfilling those contracts by leading the ascending masses, through the eye of the needle/storm of this GRAND ascension portal/window, while simultaneously clearing the way through the detonation process, and taking on all that comes with that. Your destiny and that of humanity, due to your contracts and the needs of mass ascension/Divine Plan, as you can understand are intertwined.
So again I say, the time is upon ALL when the 3D facade is no longer supported at except for those aspiring to timeline B. The unity web of light has been completely severed/split from it, hence the term ID split, which will now induce a very rapid and heightened intensity in decline/ruin of the “current 3D order of things.”
Each wave that you may experience now, are simply to further lift/refine and fill ALL, through you, with expanding light energy spectra/codes, while further fueling the rapid “physical” decay of the old and the shifting/deepening into the new…
Again, this ENTIRE final affair has been done in gradations/increments as was deemed necessary and explained countless times. But now the terms “gradations” and “increments” are already on their way out and the new descriptive words entering are“extremely rapid snow-balling transformation of experience.” As the physical rapidly catches up with the energetic shifts/movements.
I realize this is not exactly the way ascension has been inferred or perhaps contextualized before, but it would have been very difficult and confusing to explain and disheartening to hear, if explained to you prior to this moment, prematurely.
But you have arrived! And you are encouraged to take a few moments to turn around and look back at just how far, how vast that distance was that you crossed in this lifetime, in all lifetimes. For look/sense around you, the entire PAT HAS MADE IT!
In the short meantime, try out your new abilities/gifts. They are beginning to come online for you now. They won’t be fully available to you until the moment you are able to SEE YOURSELF, but this also allows you a small amount of time to begin remastering them. For remember, when you are fully physically ascended, you manifest in the blink of an eye. These are awesome gifts indeed. And also in the brief interim, you might also want to get used to the idea of a rise in visibility, if you haven’t had to already. Because you know what comes next…when the decay/crumbling happens and your physical ascension/ disclosure begins, the full shift/ID split and new Earth/Gaia will be made visible/physical/unveiled. Be ready.